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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Sep 1965, p. 15

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THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK The Building Editer, Othawa Times, Oshawa, Ontarie. LE ae , No- 445 1067~ sorr cyan 1 LIVING re Ai -- (] Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled Mail reouests 10¢ "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" extra, (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). seeereeeoeeeeeeeece Address Cee eeeeeeeeeenene PO) SOOO O RODE HMO rere ReEeeeteneeeee FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE BLISTERED WALLPAPER QUESTION: Wo recently pur- chased a "used" home and are planning to do the repapering| of the hedrooms oursieves. 1/ have mready done one room,) but the wallpaper has many) safely soften them and the ad- hesive. PROTECTION FOR MARBLE QUESTION: We received a gift of a white, low marble table for the living room, Is al 10k, CARPORT 14-0. 16-9 blisters in it. I want to avo this happening again, What do you suggest ANSWER: Blisters, or air jdjthere any treatment we can | apply to protect it against | stains ANSWER: Dissolve white beeswax in turpentine, It will bubbles, sometimes are caused by working too quickly and ap- ying the paper to the wall be- pd the paste is properly ab- sorbed, Slow down a bit! In- dissolve faster if shaved' into shreds, Paint a thin coat of this solution on the marble. This will not only help protect against stains from spilled liquids, but HOME DESIGN No. 445 While quite modern in concept, it is a very prac- tical and convenient house, and incidentally an easy one to build. Note the en- trance from the cerport which gives direct access to all areas of the house. Kitchen has pullman break- fast corner with pedestal table, and padded bench, Glass block and vent fan back of the range are practical items, High place- ment of awning type wine dows in bedrooms allows for easy furniture arrange- ment, House could be built on a 50-foot lot but a larger one is recommend- ed. Construction is brick veneer with stone facing, but instructions are includ- ed' showing how to build in solid brick or frame if so desired, 1,067 Sq. Ft. Stan- ROUND THE GLOBE IN A GLANCE PORT HURON, Mich, (AP)-- An international specialist on city planning predicts 'the Great Lakes area, including Toronto, will outpopulate the eastern United States in the beginning of the 21st century, The forecast was made by Dr, Constantinos Doxiadis of Athens, Greece, who reported Thursday on the progress of a five-year program to determine future growth patierns in De- troit and southeastern Michi- an. . Doxiadis said the Great Lake area is the United States fastest growing region. If present trends continue, he said, it should overtake the eastern U.S., which is hemmed in by mountains and doesn't have the room to expand that the Great Lakes area has. Population growth studies of the expanding Great Lakes area show that Detroit may be the "eentre of gravity" of a 600- mile-long area encompassing Milwaukee, Toronto, Pitte- burgh, Buffalo and Chicago, Doxiadis reported, He is doing an in-depth study | on urban renewal and the fu- ture of the American city, fi- nanced by the Ford Foundation. HEADS POSTAL ASS'N TORONTO (CP)--The Cana- dian Postal Employees Associa- tion Friday chose William Kay, one of the outspoken leaders of the recent postal strike, as) president. Mr. Kay was presi- dent of the Vancouver branch. More Living Along Lakes ? Than In All Of US : Expert erous driving charge against; Earl MacDonald of Dutton, Ont., laid following a highway collision April 24 in which three sersons were killed, was dis- missed in magistrate's court Friday, He was driver of a truck which collided in the nearby Talbotville area with a car driven by Charles Winter, 68, of Iona Station, Ont., whose two grandsons died with him in the car. GETS HIGHEST FINE LONDON (Reuters) -- A driver was fined £3,000 ($9,000) Friday for causing the deaths of two women. It was believed to be the highest fine ever im- posed on a motorist by a British court, APPLAUD BALLET GLASGOW (CP) -- Thunder- ous applause and four curtain calls greeted the Royal Winni- peg Ballet at the first of two performances here, part of a four-city United Kingdom tour in connection with the current Commonwealth Arts Festival BLAZE KILLS FIREMAN MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP) Fire roared through a seven- storey potato chip plant Friday, killing one fireman and destroy- ing the 75-year-old building on the fringe of the city housing the Old Dutch Foods Company. Reached tin Winnipeg, Old The postal clerks rejected a re- election bid by Les Hod who urged the membership to re-| turn to work during the strike.| CABINET TO DECIDE TORONTO (CP) -- The pro-| vincial cabinet "will be making basic decisions': about the fu- ture of Metro Toronto "within, the next four to six weeks,"'| Mayor Philip Givens said Fri-| day. The mayor told city coun-/ cil it was too late to set up aj Goldenberg report which rec- ommended to the government that the Metropoli- tan area be divided into four) , | critic committee to study the H, Carl] provincial) Seizure Claims Producer Lowe NEW YORK. (AP) -- Televi- sion producer David Lowe died of a heart attack Friday at the Friar's Club. He was 51, Lowe was the husband Harriet Van Horne, and columnist for the New York World-Telegram and The Sun and the Scripps-How- ard newspaper chain, | Lowe produced the CBS Re- 'norts series, His last one, KKK j--The Invisible Empire, 'was |televised three days ago. KKK of television v Dutch President Vernon Aanen- son estimated the damage at $750,000, STOLE 85 CARS MONTREAL (CP) -- phonse Lefebvre, 40, pl guilty Friday to charges of stealing 85 cars worth more than $250,000, He was remanded) in custody until Monday. NEEDS ACTION KINGSTON, Jamaica (Reut- ers) -- Commonwealth finance ministers who met here are concerned at the lowered growth rate of developing coun- tries caused by the falling price of basic commodities, Early ac- tion is needed to fix stable and acceptable price levels, they said in a communique after a two-day conference behind closed doors, HEADS GOVERNMENT OSLO (Reuters)--Per Borten, 52, an agriculturalist, was chosen Friday night to head Norway's new non-socialist gov ernment. Borten, whose Centre |(Agrarian) party had a net igain of three seats in the gen- eral election which swept Labor from power carly last week, was chosen by the four non- socialist parties as their candi- ldate for the premiership. SUPPORTS NDP MONTREAL (CP)--Louis La- berge, president of the Quebec iFederation of Labor, said Fri- |day he has sent circulars to the ltederation's 600 affiliates ask- ing them to support the New Democratic Party in the Nov. lg federal elections. GET 10 YEARS | SALISBURY, Rhodesia (Reu- lters) -- Twenty-eight Negrocs a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September 25, 1965 75 © BUYER BEWILDERED Chrysler Ups Car-Prices,, JAMES | GM Cuts 'Em-Now What? 'O'MALLEY ] l Construction Ltd. i NEW YORK (AP)--Prospec- tive buyers received a scram- led: answer this week to the question of what will happen to' prices of 1966-model American automobiles. General Motors cut prices.) Chrysler raised them, Ford was yet to be heard from. It was difficult for the aper- age person to determine exactly what the moves would do to his pocketbook, Involved in the new prices were such things as the U.S. excise tax cut and new equip- ment made standard this year but which cost extra last year. General Motors said prices on its new lines were cut an aver- age of $72 and as much as $136. Most of Chrysler's price ad- justments were upward, Of 59 rices listed in the Chrysler- lymouth line, 47 showed in- creases ranging to $55 and eight were as much as $152 lower. U.S. Commerce Secretary John 7, Connor commended Chrysler for what he termed "responsible" action in fixing its prices and said most of the) increases would cover the costs| of new safety features, | DENOUNCES ACTION Walter Ruether, president of the United Auto Workers, de- nounced Chrysler's action and urged a congressional investiga- tion if other automakers boosted prices, The new safety features this year include rear seat belts, a padded instrument panel, back- up lights, an outside left-hand rear view mirror, dual speed Steel production continued tolf : 2 3 > , 2 2 * drop in the wake of the indus- @ Homes @ Additions ' try's labor settlement which ob- viated continued stockpil- @ Offices @ Remodeling, ing that had been under way all year. Output for the week to- talled 2,843,000 tons against|f 2,390,000 the previous week. CHOOSING A LOT (cont'd) * Look for a lot with good sound trees and consider how they may be pro- tected during construction, If they cen be saved they will enhance the value of your property. Check the location of telephone or hydro posts near your property and make sure they are nét in inconven- ient locations. Some municipalities or utility companies might be amenable / to moving awkwardly placed posts, others might not, | * Oshawa BUILDERS' ASSOCIATION 795 REGENT DRIVE OSHAWA windshield wipers and washer and padded sun visor. The outlook for the U.S, auto- mobile industry continued rosy. |were today each sentenced to 10 lyears imprisonment with hard labor after being found guilty in the high court of undergoing sabotage vwraining in Ghana, /The men, who had all pleaded not guilty, were alleged by ithe prosecution to have been itrained at two military camps lin Ghana by Chinese Commu- a | WALK HIGH ano DRY «x SIDEWALK SLABS Stands for the white-suprema- dard Blueprints for this Dee |" cities. | structions for proper hanging of wallpaper are usually avail- able from your wallpaper deal- er. These should be carefully followed. WALL AND BATHTUB QUESTION: Where the wall and bathtub meet, an open crack is developing and we have hesitated to use the show- er for fear water would bet into will also help reduce yellowing or other discoloration CUTTING BRICKS QUESTION; What is the best way to cut house bricks? I am strictly an amateur, with no prepious experience in handling bricks and have only the usual household tools, Is it advisable to buy any special tools? the joint. What can we use to fill this crack | ANSWER; Several good puity- iike preparations, for just this purpose, are widely available at hardware, housewares, paint and variety stores, These differ from putty in that they never actually dry out and always maintain a tight seal, They are} easy to apply because they are usually sold in tubes and you eimply maintain a gentle pres- gure while running the tube nugzzle along the crack. COLD WEATHER SHOCKS QUESTION: We get shocks in our house when we touch metal furniture or switch plates dur- ing cold weater, when the heat: ing season is here. During the rest of the year we don't have this problem, What causes this and how can it be corrected ANSWER: Apparently . the house air during the heating season is very dry, This atmos- pheric condition often causes static electricity. The best solu- tion is to add more moisture to the air of the house. Install- ing an automatic humidifier would help greatly. LONG-BANDLED QUESTION: You recently mentioned a long-handled brush for cleaning house exteriors. Where may I purchase one of these ; ANSWER: Some large hard- ware and housewares dealers carry these, as well as some ANSWER: You'll need a wide- blade cold chisel and hammer for cutting brick, together with a thick board to place under the brick while cutting. The chisel is held at the place the cut is to be made, and given sharp taps with the hammer. How to Build Walls, Walks, Patio Floors, published by Lane Pub- lishing Co., Menlo Park, Calif., is available for $1.50 at many variety stores carrying paper- backs (a Sunset book) or from the publisher and has a well- illustrated section on cutting and laying bricks, etc PAINT-STUCK RADIATOR VALVE QUESTION: We painted a bedroom during the fall, includ- ing the radiator to match the walls, We kept the radiator turned off to let the paint. dry thoroughly before turning on the heat. Now we can't turn the sign No, 445 cost $15.00 for the first set and $5.00 for additional sets. They are available in Canada by re- turn mail, (Ontario resi- dents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax.) Now available at this newspaper office (or from the address be- low) is our new Design Book entitled 'Suburban and Country Homes design- ed for Canadians," price $1.00 tax free. This edition includes information on Cost of Building and Finan- cing in Canada, Heating, Insulation, Construction De- HOWE RETURNS QUEBEC (CP) -- The ice-| breaker C. D. Howe docked here Friday night after a 10,000- mile trip in the Canadian Arc- tic. The. ship left Quebec last June with a crew of 85 and medical personnel numbering cist Ku Klux Klan, | Previously, Lowe was execu- tive director of NBC's national educational project; director of |news, public affairs and special events for the Dumont televi- sion network, and program con- sultant for the Granada televi- sion network of Britain. 1 nists and Ghanaians. Join @ beginner's | Heve Fun This Winter! SQUARE DANCE CLUB} |] Every Thursdey 8 ~ 10:30 p.m. if at Bowmenville Memoria! Pork | Club House, St, S. | 725-2744 or 623-7244 21, It travelled to most of .the northern ports and more than 3,000 Eskimo were given med- ical examinations and received) dental treatment on board. | 1 DISMISSES CHARGE ST. THOMAS (CP)--A dan- tails, etc., plus many out- standing new designs Ranch one and half storey, split-level, two-storey colon- jal, and duplex homes. Also included in this book are full details on how to order Blueprints, PIANO CLASSICAL ond POPULAR For further information PATRICIA TUCK 74 BURK SY. OSHAWA 725-4587 RENT-A-CAR | DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH *5.00 PER DAY - PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa Brookin Concrete Products bn % CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. ONTARIO valve to turn the heat on, How can we loosen the paint that is making the valve stick? ANSWER: Use paint remov- er, available at paint and hard- ware store, following label directions, Be sure to protect any painted surfaces below and around the valve so that none of the remover can touch these | THE HOME | i| mail order houses. Or dealers || in window or janitorial brushes. DYE CARPETING QUESTION: We have gray carpeting fastened to the floor of our living.room, This is soil- ad and stained to the point that thorough cleaning is no longer successful. Is it possible to either have this carpeting dyed or dye it ourselves without re- moving it from the floor ANSWER: This can be dyed A sturdy bench made to stand the stress and strain of all types of woodworking is a worthwhile this bench i bill of materials, dimensions and directions, is 50 cents. This pattern also is one of four jthese designs made from odds fand ends project. The top of} is Of 2 x 3-inch stock) for a strong working surface.) The heavy base i: firmly bolt-| ed, Pattern 338, which gives) jages bloom with extra light -- jall with Pattern 364 which is /50 cents. This pattern also is in| WORKSHOP The right lamp is yours with of wood. Place a favorite figurine on a well-light base. Make a lamp with con- trasting footed base, a tall) lamp with brass-banded neck, or a planter lamp that encour- OY extra rooms are easy to heat electrically! Don't let a heating problem stop you from adding a room or finishing a recreation room or attic. Heat that space electrically. trees 4 'ECSTCOVAVC EA AEH Ets FOTN ESS ' while stil] on the floor by pro i, the Woodworkers' ayers. "the cy os war|N Sé--all for $1.75, Postage|ings Packet No. 10 for $1.75.| ga carpeting On the floor, amps Ret, acceptable, Home|Postage stamps net acceptable.| we '|Workshop Editor, The Oshawa/Home Workshop Editor, The that I know of are made bY times, Oshawa, Ont, Packet|the Small Household Furnish- Supplementary Electric heating is simple and inexpensive to install. And you have no worries about extending piping or duct-work, no strain on your present heating system. Ask a The Chair-Loc Company, Lake- 'Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. hurst, N.J., for either wool or cotton rugs. i INSULATING GARAGE WALLS) QUESTION: We are remodel- ing and converting our garage] into a st room, The garage) ig attached and has poured con- crete walls. How should the; walls be insulated | ANSWER: Fur out the walls) for a distance of about two! inches. Then install blanket in- INTERIOR DECORATOR sulating material between the furring strips. Finish the walls with panels of plywood, plaster- board, or. lath and plaster, se- cured to the furring strips. TILE CORNERS CURL QUESTION: We put down an asphalt tile floor in the base- ment several weeks ago. The corners of about a half dozen tiles have curled up. What is the best way to fatteh these down again ANSWER: . fron, set for mediu flatten the tiles. The Use an electric m heat, to heat will FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES CO MMISSION qualified electric heating contractor about the many easy ways you can heat extra rooms electrically. Or call us. LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 -- In-Co-operation With -- AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION ......... PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. ...... ? your hydro SEPEE TUMOR ETE ETTORE eee eee Ce ee ereseeseeeses ed eereeeet TELEPHONE 668-5878 TELEPHONE 942-0500 TELEPHONE 942-2930 Sevesgevrts l

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