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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Sep 1965, p. 11

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does. Instead they like to be free to weave in and out of the job world as it fits the current THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 28, 1965 ]} ANN LANDERS Price For Vocational Equality os r job, man, ever, will QUEEN 18 BLONDE y . needs of their life. die Seta) j 4 usually go where the opportuni- a Vas Chast © me! Ts Too High For Most Women "third, womeninzenerat dont fis areer tae hin, |, VANCOUVER. (CP) -- Lene a ei By KOBERTA ROESCH As you read the reasens yve|assume a lot of hard work and} AS we said a@t the siari of ke Petr gun chosen Miss , y ' list a" though, remember they|'esPonsibility. Rather, they pre-jitis isting, these things dont : Despite the voastens! prog: oe at 'cnt 40 thoge dit to work a set number Oflapply to all women, But they\@cific National Exhibition for ; i i wome' | ie "gl pls . prog still|whose success is clearly in pro-|hours a day and leave the jobldo apply in general and give a|196. ; behind them as soon as it's 1 vi "and th b- i ho do thel|portion to the extent in which general view, ie pro ms get sie they apply themselves to their Be af g0 reins : reson aga mee or it) 'te' fe. ' -| Fourth, women-in-general are|can' solved by a single so- Dear Ann Landers; I was}home when she goes to town.) This is a complaint I hear work. Instead these causes con 'ou amused by the letter from thc|If she came foe a larger cityjoften, Actually, I hear it sojcern women employees in gen- re" oil Pg Idee bey lution to fit ns cases. * young man who wanted your|she knows it and doesn't give|much that today is a good time eral. sorty. teeny. te ui tale eo] Pod can ore individ- opinion of males who shavcja darn, so keep quiet. to examine some of the reasons LIST COMPLAINTS th ry ! nee © comee ts ae ually by every working woman their chests in the interest 0| Dear Ann Landers: You de-|why this is so true. And, FE lovers" Hist. these "Go|; e fon Poa c Me bed who wants vocational equality comfort, coolness and cleanli|serve six lashes with a wet|frankly, this is the unhappy ae loy te ssy, fussy, sensitive |so much she's willing to pay ness. hash-mark for your advice toltruth, even in these days, when|P"n'®: EE 0H ye y. : the price. iciiidoa It reminded me of a situation|ihe army wife whose children|women have more opportunities First of a Fes a yen ed Fifth, Be oy emi a ---- which produced a variety of re-jiave no respect for their dad.|than they've ever had before. |¢rs, women-in-s not as flexible and as free to Science Reports Speci 1 Tablet actions from the men anc] Some children can cope with| 'But many women don't wantjhave the same feeling about vO-lmoye around as men, since a i pe Relieves "Hot Flashes", P at : : ee : bition as men. They|woman's life follows a pattern women who work in my: hus:|ihe everlasting uprooting and/jequality in careers with men cational amt w band's office. I was never able|:he absent father but most|when the price is old-fashioned|don't necessarily want SucCeSS/and that may be dictated by es eye e Irritability From Change-of -Life For Most Women Tested! to figure out the real story.jarmy brats suffer terribly and|hard work,' employers tell me. if a sacrifice is involved. her hope of maintaining a home Maybe you can help. develop all sorts of complexes.|And they are not reluctant to) Second, women-in-general sel-jor--as it so often the case to- A friendly, attractive young|Our children, ages 10 and 12,/point out varied causes forjdom want to give as much to day--currently running a house- junior executive used the warm|learned from the cradle that|women's vocational inequality. |their working life as a man hold along with holding down Coburg, Ontario, (Special) --Sci- ence offers new evidence that women can have effective relief from much of the miseries of weather as an excuse to re-|their daddy belongs first to his move his necktie and unbutton|country and second to us. Nat- Sluggish Kidne S FOR THE FINEST na ss y Custom and May Bring change-of-life! Yes. . . excellent relief from "hot flashes", tensi his shirt, It wasn't just the topjurally, we. are disappointed Ready Made Restless Nights other functionally-caused distress button, it was three buttons--so|when our personal plans are to a remarkable tablet If vou "fight the pillow", toss and the hair on his chest would|spoiled by unexpected military show. He kept this up even/orders but this does not lessen thanks in the latest Shades ond developed es ly to relieve Fabrics... 90,» these Gicelslorts, tor tests re- turn all through the night and don't really know why --- perhaps here's after air - conditioning was in-jour love or respect for him. stalled, which made me suspi-| Rethink this one, Ann, and} news and help for you! One cause of Mé such restlessness may be traced to cious. answer again. Will you?-- sluggish kidney action, Urinary irri. & DRAPFRIES tnd Tee Proves Nothing PIANO CLASSICAL ond POPULAR For further information PATRICIA TUCK 74 BURK ST. OSHAWA 725-4587 LIME - GRAPEFRUIT MOUSSE A Simple, Glamorous Supper That's Quick And Easy To Make tablespoons butter Y% cup finely-chopped onion tablespoon flour woman's sympathetio neryous system, it relieves tense fi and physical distress that have ght unhappiness to so women, Our clinical tests show | 8 ves oh theworld'slargest mane velo) y the world's ufacturer devoted omens: women's ailments, easy-to- contain blood-im| fron. If you are going through change-of-life, why let it rob those years of joy? Start ing Pinkham Tablets at home to- day. See how fast you can feel September brings a flurry of|2 things to be done before winter sets in children must be/1 was revolting. The younger girls) Dear Veteran: You missed thought it was sexy. My hus-ithe central point of my reply, made ready for school, summer} 4 teaspoon salt band said it was because the fel-|friend. That father was absent things all stored away for an-| % teaspoon pepper \iow was vain about his mascu-|even when he was present, The other season, cedar chests of|1 cups (1 large can) evapor-|linity. kids ignore him and refuse to clothes prepared for winter. ated milk. What do you say? -- UNRE-|take him seriously because he There's hardly time for the|2 cups (% pound) shredded |SOLVED has macaroni where his spine rt gratifying results using this e treatment! Irritability was calmed, Dizzi- ness was relieved. Suffocating "heat waves" subsided. A feel- The older women thought it}|A VETERAN tation and bladder discomfort may ing of "well-being" pg for follow. The result can be backache and restless nights, This is when Dodd's Kidney Pills can help bring relief. simple everyday tasks like pre- paring meals. You'll certainly need recipes that don't require extra hours in the kitchen but Canadian cheddar cheese \% cup mayonnaise Wash broccoli, small amount of boiling water Cook in a pression he is proud of his mas- Dear Unresolved: A man who) belongs. Had he been a plumber goes around displaying the hair) jt | on his chest may give the im-|sad story, so don't blame the! military. I didn't would have been the same) Dodd's stimulate kidney action, helps relieve the irritated condition that causes the backache. Take Dodd's, and 70 years. New large size saves money, | sce if you don't feel better, rest hetter. | Used successfully by millions for over | DRAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED 74 Celina Street after . Mos tested found striking relief! This formula is a unique com- bination of special m that acts directly on the cause of these troubles. Acting through a more like your happy self again!. also have Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, cines... e YOU PREFER A LIQUID all druggists still have a flavor of originality| ti] just tender. Drain. Mean-|Culinity, but 'psychiatrists will) . about them. Jiffy Scallop Bake hides ten- while melt butter in saucepan. Add onion; cook.over low heat der scallops beneath a creamy) inti) tender. Blend in flour, salt blanket of shrimp sauce topped and pepper. Very gradually stir with crunchy chips and cheddar|i, evaporated milk. Cook over cheese. The perfect accompani- medium heat, stirring constant- ment to crisp-cooked broccoli i8}1y until smoothly thickened. Add a zesty cheddar sauce. A never- fail sauce that gets its secret tang from the addition of mayon- naise. Lime-Grapefruit Mousse gives you a light, refreshing dessert as well as a glamorous ending to any meal. JIFFY SCALLOP BAKE (Makes 4 or 5 Servings) 1 (16-ounce) package frozen scallops 1 (10-ounce) can frozen cream of shrimp soup % cup evaporated milk 1 cup crushed potato chips 1 cup (% pound) shredded Canadian cheddar cheese Butter a shallow 1-quart cas- serole. Preheat oven to 400 de- grees F. Place scallops in the prepared casserole. Combine soup and evaporated milk in saucepan; heat just to boiling point. Pour soup over scallops. Combine potato chips and cheese; sprinkle over top. Bake in pre-heated oven 25 minutes. ZESTY CHEDDAR SAUCE (Over Broccoli) (Makes 6 Servings) 2 pounds broccoli tell you that he really is plagued with doubts about his maleness. Dear Ann Landers: A few years ago my husband and I moved to this city and we do like it here very much. The | people made us feel welcome | from the first day cheese and stir until melted. Stir in mayonnaise, Pour over broccoli. LIME-GRAPEFRUIT MOUSSE (Makes 6 to 8 Servings) 1 (15-ounce) can grapefruit sections 1 (3-ounce) package lime jelly powder 1-3 cup sugar 2 teaspoons lime juice 1% cups (1 large can) evapor- ated milk Drain grapefruit well, reserv- ing syrup. Add sufficient water to syrup to bring measure up to 1% cups. Turn into saucepan and bring to the boil, Combine jelly powder and sugar; dissolve in hot liquid. Add lime juice and chill until softly set. Chill evap- orated milk in freezer tray until ice crystals begin to form around edge. Pour into a chilled bowl. Using an electric mixer or rotary beater, whip milk until it will form soft peaks. Fold into gelatine mixture. Add and fold in grapefruit sections. Chill thor- oughly. At serving time pile lightly into serving dish. One of my closest friends is a woman who is popular with jeveryone. Maggie has never jmet a stranger. All types, rang- jing from the fanciest people in town to the common, ordinary jones, are crazy about her. | Maggie works in the church and is an active part of every:| thing worthwhile that goes on.| Heaven knows where she gets the energy. She has a large| family and a big house and) yard and does all her own! work, | Maggie has only one fault and it bothers me a lot. She goes downtown barefoot and with her hair in curlers. Should I tell her or shouldn't I?-- JUST DON'T KNOW Dear Just: The postmark on your envelope was Bristow, Ok- lahoma. Cultural patterns vary from city to city but I can't believe that bare feet and hair curlers are acceptable in the business district of any town. If Maggie came from 'a city smaller than Bristow (like maybe a reservation) tell her CHILD GUIDANCE Bad Handwriting Blocks | A Child's School Future By GARRY C MYERS, PhD The child whose handwriting is very poor is handicapped at school. No matter how good the content of what he writes his written work will be graded relatively low. You may say that he could use a typewriter. So he could for his written homework. But he hardly will be able to} carry a typewriter with him to} his classes, even in high school} or college. His poor handwriting may also slow him up in note- taking and in short written work in the classroom In the middle or higher grades of most schools there is little OT!B's in all his subjects--except work help him with faint lines | no guided practice in handwrit- ing and most teachers and par- ents are inclined to accept slov- enly and illegible written work. When teachers do give remedial help in handwriting they gen- erally emphasize certain basic "THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Fine planetary influences still govern all your endeavors. Con- tinue to press toward worth- while objectives and you can't go wrong. Evening hours prom- ise to be exceptionally pleasant, and there is a possibility that you will hear some heartwarm- ing news. If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, for the next 12 weeks, it would not be advisable to make any long - term financial agree- ments. During late December, providing you have given them sufficient thought, business transactions could prove highly profitable. Good job headway is star promised in 1966 if you don't become discouraged in the face of minor obstacles your eyes on the ultimate goal Keep} exercises. While such exercises help some children they may do little good for others. Teachers and parents would be wiser as a rule to forget about formal handwriting exer- cises with the very poor hand- writer and put sole emphasis on neatness and legibility. In doing this they don't emphasize speed but slowness and carefulness. A mother from Ohio writes: gently that she ought to wear slioes and leave the curlers. at} put those wonderful thoughts on paper is a terrible chore for) him. Can you help us?" | My reply in part: It's wonderful your boy reads | so well. While poor handwriting | will handicap him, I don't think you should be too much dis- tressed over it. The main thing is to encourage him when he writes for his schoolwork to) make it neat and legible. That teacher was very kind) to help you work out practice for him, but I think you could get better results if you were to encourage him to write a few lines under a neat, clear) copy you write for him or get "Our Tom, nine-and-a-half, is a; wonderful, intelligent boy. He} is the youngest, with a brother and sister in college. His read- jing ability is at the sixth grade) \level and he does well (A's and! handwriting) | | "At his school, they use the 'Peterson System' of handwrit- ing, and the position used is to jme an awkward one. His |teacher spent one - half hour! with me teaching me how to hold the pencil so I might help Tom this summer. She sug:| jgested that he make circles and the like. He practices almost every day and lately I have had him write letters to relatives,| but the writing is so poor I al- most despair. "Tom is nearsighted, and will be re-examined to see if his glasses need changing. His teacher thought this might be the cause. fom's co-ordination is rather poor, and he does not do well in athietics--except that he is a good swimmer. "He has overcome asthma, but remains an easy-going, ma- ture little boy. He plays the piano very well and sings in jthe church choir. He is also a \Cub Scout. He does get along| well with others--children and} adults. | "On the other hand, Tom is a confirmed dawdler, and can-! not be hurried. His teacher said} jhe was always the last one in and work toward it, regardless| the room to hand in his paper setbacks the aforemen- of temporary Best periods along tioned lines: late December through mid February, the latter part of April, June, Au- gust and September Personal matters will be gov- erned by beneficial aspects for most of the year ahead so that, generally speaking, you should find great happiness in social, domestic and 'sentimental rela- tionships. Best periods for ro- mance: late December, April, May and August. For 'travel: early February, May, June and| August. If engaged in creative} pursuits, look for exceptional opportunities to achieve recog nition between early January and next June. |She attributes this to his hat- jing to write. He talks so very j}well, and can discuss any sub- somebody else to write. Encour- age him to. work slowly and carefully and to practice be-| neath a model line for short periods daily. When he does written home- | on his paper to observe good margins. In his numberwork, show him how to align the fig- | ures up and down and across | the page. One of my children when at 'om's age was a most miser- able writer. We helped him in-} ways I suggested to you. He} also hit on a kind of manuscript writing of his own, being inter- ested in neatness and legibility. Throughout all his later school life his handwriting was very legible. 5% Discount If You Bring This Ad. For All Your Bridal Shoes TINTED FREE CHOOSE DANCEY'S in DOWNTOWN. OSHAWA ----ew 1a oh lject you may mention--but to < CLEANING | 12 In Your Home. . RUG & UPHOLSTERY . or Our Plant PHONE 725-9961 OSHAW, | | mann LLEANERS | DIVISION OF OSHAWA CLEANING CONTRACTORS ZELLER'S SILICONE OVEN MITTS These silicone mitts are heavily quilted and of the best quality material and workmanship. Wash with @ damp cloth. Each pair 88> poly-bagged. Pair for oven SET OF THREE CAKE COOLER RACKS Electro-plated of finely Ideal for woven wire mesh, grilling as well, Set of 3 SHOWER MAT Durable rubber shower mat is has bottom suction cups to avoid skidding. Raised to pattern for sate Modern bathroom. shade pink, yellow, turquoise or white. Each bath-ands 14% 24": COCKTAIL SHAKER New, modern handsomely styled 43 ounce all plasti¢ cocktail shaker. Moulded in durable polystyrene, has re- movable top with narrow capped pouring. spout and strainer. Top locks securely with just.a twist of the wrist and provides effective 88c leak-proof seal. Each COLANDER STRAINER Of sturdy wire mesh .. . for straining squash, pumpkin; washing lettuce, spinach, 88« Each radishes, fruit rice, macaroni, TOILET BOWL BRUSH & HOLDER Bow! brush of and holder of polyethylene, Mod- ef shape, Size 1714" x 5%" x 54". Popular 88c Bothroom. shades. Each nylor BASTER & FOWL LACER Baster made of aluminum, Sturdy rubber bulb with non- slip ridges. Carded fowl lacer consists of 6 stainless steel pins with lacing cord, c Both for 88 DELUXE ONION CHOPPER Chopper with polypropylene cover and stainless steel blades. Can be used for chopping onions, apples, cel- ery, carrots, etc, Chip-proof, dishwasher-proof, boiling water-proof. Each ALL PURPOSE ROASTING PAN Useful suitable for roasting fish with handles for easy moni- Size 16" Each pan, meat, fowl pulation, CANS POLY. FREEZE CONTAINERS Handy for storing left perishables! Of. strc silient with cc tight-fitting plastic lids, Set of 4 poly IRONING BOARD COVER FASTENER Five cadmium-plated. springs with clips . . , to prevent cover sagging. Fit all boards, attach easily, holds cover tight for fast and 88c easier ironing. Each STOCK UP AND SAVE ON THESE HOUSEHOLD ITEMS! THREE COPPER MOLDS Made of pure aluminum, in assorted sizes. Delight your family and guests with your favourite desert -- fruit, jello, salad molds etc. c 3 Pce, Set for 88 SUPERMARKET HANDY ADDER This quick adder is a real boon for the home shopper, Shows running total and will add up to twenty dollars, Seporate keys for dollars, dimes and pennies. Never buy more than what you can pay for, Each 88e BROILER PAN WITH RACK For baking, roasting, broil ing defrosting. Easy to clean, Grease won't spatter, WY" x 7%" x 134", Each VEGETABLE BINS Made of strong _ plastic; stacking type, Keep all your vegetables separately in vegetable' bins. x WA" x 6%"; opular colours. -- pop € r 88c Eoch SET OF 10 DISH CLOTHS Dish cloths of durable cotton 'and good absorbent quality, Approx, 10" x 13", ¢ Set of 10 Seas 88 FRENCH FRY CUTTER Rust-proof stainless steel blades, This useful and time- saving device will cut 36 chips in one stroke. Chrome- plated with coloured 88c wooden handies, Eech CHEESE AND CUTTING BOARD Made of fine dried kiln hard- wood. Use plain side for handling cheese, bread, fruit etc; to be used os wall ornaments. Approx. 7" x 9Ve". Boch .. 88c SEE-THROUGH BAKE AND CARRY PAN Metal pan approx. 13" x 94" x 2" with see-through styrene cover und handle, Ideal for cakes and ice-box desserts as well as for. carry- ing to picnics, parties or anywhere, Each .. 88 2 PCE, DISH PAN AND WASH BASIN SET Made of unbreakable poly. with feet for surer handling and hang-up hooks for easy storing. Large 15' dish pan, plus. 12" wash basin, 8 Both for sin. Be TURKEY FEATHER DUSTER Make your dusting fun with this smart feather duster. Bouquet of dark-coloured turkey feathers to whisk away ouat Plastic handle, A housewife's delight. Each 88 DIAL-TYPE MEAT THERMOMETER The perfect_ item for the busy cook. This all-purpose thermometer takes all the quess-work out of your bak- ing and cooking chores. Good up to 200°; ideal for bar- a de as well, 88> BROOM HOLDER Bright, rust-resistont metal holder has four clips with very strong springs, 8" bracket screws on the c wall. Each 88 ANGEL CAKE PAN Here is the most useful pan for your baking needs, Pol- ished aluminum outside with natural finish inside. Large: 9%" x 344" size -- in 1 piece construction, 3 PCE. DECORATED BOWL SETS Set consists of three 36-oz. snack bowls, 61" diameter with tight-fitting poly, lids, In attractive popular colours with floral motif in con- trasting colours, 3 Pee. Set for ...... 88c 10-QT. POURING PAIL WITH 8 SPONGES Made of durable polyethy- lene with sturdy metal han- die, | Non-corrosive, light- weight, indented bottom for easier pouring with conven- jent pouring spout, Plus package of 8 sponges. in assorted colours. C Set for NON-STICK SPOON & SPATULA SET Recommended for no-fat cooking, made of chemically treated non-scratch _ wood, this set is used with Teflon, ename! and porcelain coated cookware, Spatula and spoon both tapered at end for easy handling of soup, hamburg- er, e995, -- fish, THREE-WAY | EXTENSION CORD 15 foot extension cord, with three-way outlet, Handy in any room, eny home, CAST IRON FRYING PAN Sturdy cast iron 6V2" frying pon, Complete instructions on label for proper use, Eech 88 FOOD PAK SETS Eight 20-oz, styrene contain- ers suitable for deep free: ing fruits and vegetables, and storing all kinds of foods, Covers air-tight. Easily stacked, Set of 8 88 BASKETS 10-qt. capacity in oval shape; of lithographed me- tal. Choice of designs for any room in the house. 3 J 114" high. Each 88 ... JUST SAY "CHARGE-IT" -- 3 CONVENIENT CREDIT PLANS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ZELLER'S DOWNTOWN STORE | SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Bora i ian MOM eM ere 2s celta een tae Ae ee Se

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