"- QB TE GINAWA TIM, weancedey, September EY, TVED "Low Cost Times Action Want Ads Solve Many Of Your Problems" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles For Sale 15--Employment Wanted. |17--Female Help Wanted | SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By RJ. SCOTT winey St ONLY, LOCAL Cleaning. conirel: Telephone: 789260 T 0 y S - BABYSITTI per Nour, day or week B U S | N ES . S E RV G E D | R E Ci RY : ers FUEL ond STOVE OL entre ery fr: Coa 1 . WW ALGERIA, ; e WOOD @ COAL Byron St. $., Whitby 668-3866 F U N to 4AE CYNES fo ZARK ' @ BUILDING SUPPLIES YOUNG ENGLISHMAN of 21, smar! ap- CALL 668-3524 pearance, good education, seeks reguiar ? SAWDONS' _[ oan' bur ann? ne ti. omar ¢e8 , el e fore noon 4 Accountants Barri Instruction Rug-Upholstery Service (Whitby) Limited WILL DO laundry « ra ironing Tome. . 3 244 Brock St. South Call 728-8221 after 5 aaa Ladies earn extra Christmas 808 CLANCY'S Accounting service. |JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Bar- r M Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond|rister and Sollcttor and Notary Public, Oshawa OSHAWA : : SEVERAL WOOL sng better dresses,\aone SS MENT Aaya rol, 'yeing! money. We'will train you to Street West, 725-0397. Res 723- The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Drivi School CLEANERS MOR . skirts, splouses, etc., sizes. 10-1l.lrate, confidential, Plekup and delivery.| d@Monstrate a full line of toys ALBERT HOSMAR, ee ceed aera... Greece. Cheat: Parkine -avelt riving schoo 4 fo Ger | for high school girl. Also brides-lReasonable rates, All work guaranteed.| and gifts. Commission, Car Shh, 47 Prince Street; Suite 4: Oshews, a OSePH - TANGA Beane 10. years teaching | driving Rug and Upholstery Cleon- Ho 1 Poh 24 ening ttinionef size §'10/| Telephone Whitby 668-2496, oacaitieal™ No investment. i , 4 jor. j i y br = aT Ontario, Telephone 723-122 roney 10 Ioan. Office, ide King sireei| Qutomatic and standard cars. ing. At our plant or in your . dress: 'anid 'Rendbenti;' deep pink: tor gic] 000 DAY CARE in my home. Phone ALL NOW Pe oy Langille a M YALE, SRraDLANDER AND CO. East, Oshawa, 728-8232. Professional instructors. home. ] ten + twelve years old. Tel eve- Sean yg Mere vangay egg ed pili Buildi -0091 CALL 725-9961 af nings 723-2798. ct lal Me creer on a ee 8. 360 North, Oshawa, 728-7371. uilding Trades ANYWHERE -- ANYTIME 94 BRUCE STREET if : 9--Market Basket Telephone 728-1719. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char- PRIVATE =. Fy R er ag wan ee 'ecou! tutoring high school students i i TOMATOES, $1.25 bushel, Pick your own,|BOOKKEEPER -- Fully experienced in 18--Me * Inoe 18) King 'Street East AMisellgy SPECIAL In English - Latin - French. J. €. Luck, Sales and Service bring Miaietlidly P ehonene 78- pits rag aldo rece ea berg spekl- ale Help | Help Wante Skin 10% Discount 6583866. en Te er geen anee Lenin ie 20 @ringer P } ORDER. for freezer roating chicken, ear either at wysiness * iy on home IS THIS Beadle, CA; E, Lukow, CA. a ' bi washers and ranges. Free estimates. Cal! x / r nds, $1.35; three inds $1.15. i EXAMINATION correspondence _pro-| 728-1742. four pounds, pou Telephone 728-4231 Delivery on order of ten or more. Tele-| « Accountants, 36' King Street East, a "awa, 725-6539; David G, Perkin, CA; King ¥ * fi il- Write for free 100 page brochure. Cana-| jeline, 728-199: x Halt' Bcomme CA. aslo-oy de pened Remodelling, carpentry, o dian Institute of Science and T: " eA Ss ba -- a own. We pull carrots, $1. per bushel.jdress replies to Box No. 613, Oshawa vce Berane ne Abt ing, painting, plumbing, elec- |Suite 83, 263 Adelaide Street West, To-|¢, ; 4 EUDAY Bring containers, W Eymann, 's-mile| Times. GORDON R. DAY, Certified General! trical work, roofing, eaves- |ronto, eptic Service sono nt 30D east ot Roy Nicholl's Garage, Courtice. - ee Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop- ; ' a8 AGES ' J © north to first corner. ping Centre, 725-9953, rosot0g; Postale, exment 1) S SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv-| as Reverse. | WERE HARD ARIBESMEN Wi POTATOES, $1.45. utheli sito," fresh 17--Female Help Wanted I want to hire @ man to work = ---- a rma work of al! kinds, Aluminum \Je anitor ervice Ice or calls. Walter Wart 204 Chestnut : 7 cet UARALIA MEAS Stine e $1.65: bushel; also". fresh | ------------_-- -- Wl JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Account- sind d Fee | Street West, Whitby 668-2563 OF FUE S155 oF RAL A b) vegetables, Free delivery for Oshawa| with me as a salesman. Tre- 17 Bond Street} doors and windows, siding. |ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco- G . FLAG THE | Tity Count PUf | Ropes WH RED CLAY AND PRESS BIRD [and Bowmanville area. 728-1306. | mendous possibilities for o ant. Licnesed Trustee, oy ek» Blctae RED CROSS | HEIR BOYS THROUGK | Down mifo4HE MIX(URE 49 BEL NO. 1 WINTER POTATO; 751b, Mc- SECRETARY man with ability and ambi- ee k position in adult family. Have KIN AND CO., Chartered pre |e . "he yeles of bon 'seeks "ponersl 9) WALL, PERKIN '¢ 1 < s On All Orders grams prepare students for engineering,|CANVAS awnings, curtains, canopies. / Goe-g s / phone 728-5291. WOMAN 50 years of age seeks general Feet erage ae ete ee pee aes: (Complete service. Free. estimates. Mel ki SPANISH ONIONS, 5c each. Pick your|slight knowledge of cooking. Please ad F OR YOU ? +. Telephone 723-4833. 20 skilled men ready to |nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done by Eas og} Y modern machine. Free estimates. Work| SUFVEYOrS FLAG. KKIGHTHOoD. VBRRGLY MEARS wtp. (Intastiapbles, $2.78: busnel. | Rise chomm| . . ee ns * i" br e@ O Barristers NELLIS' HOME ee ee DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario -- weds ; delivery. Call evenings 655-4983. | As ihihenen ; Nae Ge usenet ibe og Land Surveyor. Commercial blive prints. ee Sete benaceoad n international organization t In pres position. ; ney To Loan H d APPLES, Cortland, Macintosh, Delicious, SA THONY, SOWARD Solcnon Ys IMPROVEMENTS Mer Laat Aided ae WW Ontario Street, 7255632, --_ Os - Sweets and Snows. Glenosha Farms,, as an attractive opening for | will teach the right man all 4 H, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Town Line Road, lialf-mile south of Taun a secretary with a good busi- | know about my business. | Centre Street. Office hours: 9 a.m.-5.30 p.m. Evening appointments. Dial) Oshawa -- 728-2061 Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone : ri ton, Telephone 728-0908. niet Meekkaiaindd ot wt lasik will oy" BA ee ee 725-6881. agers ray - San 66 | Peterborough ----- 745-2184 * o ' zg . |CARROTS. Suitable for storage or treez two years. She must have iscoworth 46 es Bilis 7 i . stort and exact- Meo : fers, . : 18%eFT, Weymouth cabin ing. $1. per bushel. Pumpkins and toma- | A MaBInBOW AND SAFTEDD, Sie TV--Radio Repairs HP" Johnston rhotor. Telephone 'Alex : |toes also available. Walter Huron Farm,| Shorthand ond typing and be ly what he is worth after Trust Bullding, 32 Simcoe street South, QUALITY CARPENTRY --- ---- 942-5056, Aa eae g Tite in |half mile west of Oshawa on 40) north) willing to act as switchboard thot. | expect no capital in- 728-7336; id INSIDE STORAGE 'or boats. Reserve service road. relief, vestment but only honest, 3 Charles €.. McGibbon, QC; an Baoer F. Besteds, Gey Grant H. Arn GENERAL REPAIRS TV T early. For information call Whitby 668 a= t oo Re Ry Roofing, Painting, Siding 589) HOUSES 10--Farmer's "Column Starting salary and company oe Ab We don't ae ag Tree " i b & riled silicic a banat . work o forty-hour week, but CREIGHTON, DR : ; Floor and Ceiling Tiles. Rec. 80 HP MERCURY motor and boai. Very FRESH CORN ensilage, delivered, reason-| Paid benefits are attractive. we Ie nunih elobhe wikak: i a Sararce pullaieg." Ny iw Rooms, General home remod- ECONOMY, AND good condition. $1,200. Phone 723-1809. ot able price, contact Ed Steinfield at 723 Please contact Mrs. Bett Keip, if "Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K.| el-ing. All work guaranteed, | DELUXE 1960 18 HP Evinrude motor. Like new. : 4376 or 468-3500. ________| Staff Personnel Department. you ore at least a High Creighton, QC; or residences: G. K. H. McKOY 725-8576 Call Ajax 942-5446. Park Rd. and King DEAD and crippled farm stock picked School groduate, 25 - 45 QC, 778-8554; G. L. Murdoch, ; HATS OFF Priced to suit your budget. AGATE is eR aS if up promptly, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. years old, established local 8, DUNLOP J.C. Vietor, 985-7115. TERMS ARRANGED 7--Swap and Barte and Rpernece cause! Harpten. 2602731, Lk resident with @ sense of re- pela een ae ae THE TO SCOTIA PLAN ! BATHROOM kitchen and shower cabinets, Burk bil AND KELLY, Barristers, Soli : urk Street 30 GRADE calle, Holstein, Tharol sponsibility, you may be the tors, etc., 114 King Street 'Eat, Ba R. H. CABINET CO. THE LOW-COST, ithe ieee OSHAWA TV Dutra cutee wonton, wiatelasa ied! | geese, docks, pega. 688-2067, 79 CANA DA LTD. man I'm looking for, so write "724-2778. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer,| ¥ sinks, basins, fittings, p\zing, boats, mo-| All types of used building |gResHcy BALED mixed cofbination in confidence, giving full QC, 725:3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, ore 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY WAY TO CET A LOAN! SUPPLY LIMITED tors, trailers, H. Chinn, 723-7088, moterials for sale, Salesman jhay and straw. Excellent catile feed WHITBY particulars to; i 4 : 728-5832; Th H, Jt , BA, LLB, " c : Seibert! nu. ca o Agee TAUNTON RD. --|g---Articles for Sale| om bb @ 18. i, es es On| 668.336) BOK ui HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL-| Kitchen cabinets, Vonities, Y es ' Saanha' WHITE eT Ooi ah at pole: 0 ll igo siete Custom built cabinets. UCM ZPLAN Just East OF Ritzon phone 725-4 171 anytime {Give ben; also New Tdea Model a 3 Local 318 Osh a @C; G. $. Boychyn @.C. W. A. Hillman,|ROOFING, concrete floors, flat roofing, LORN 7? TENTS ten = Hype corn picker, both In excellent con- __._ Oshawa Times LLB; J. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office:/our specialty, New work and repairs. ine GOOD. USED a hee seat a : 725-1177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby,|Large and small jobs. L. and H. Roofing a 668-2761; 728-4326; 725-5132. NHA andjand Construction, RR 3, 725-6937. THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA wenger Heavy waterproofed drill, SPRUCE LUMBER ether first mortgage funds availabe. ALi TYPES building, roofing repairs| | HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED | sewn-in floor, rear window oa 11--Pets and Livestock and remodelling; chimneys, new and re-| ® . with storm flap, dutch door Dry floor and roof joists. |eeagtes -- registered, seven weeks SECRETARY MECHANIC 10-12 ft. long. 100 pieces 'loid. Telephone 728-5262 or 725-7041 after paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs. ; r . : h ow Classified Rates Whitby 668-2774, Gord May. |) WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at a rea- TV TOWERS me ee 2" x B', 30 pieces 2' x 10', = |6 p.m. REQUIRED Ajax manufocturer ef elee- CARPENTRY work, new and repairs,|sonable rate of interest to consolidate! = =ARE THE BESTS From $39.95. Up 25 pieces 2" x 6', plus ran- |HORSES boarded al Newtonville for win. <|your bills or for any other worthwhile , WORD ADS also cement work, free estimates. Tele- DOrpone providing yOO°ere- atepelly. ern doms 6-8 ft: 14 'price at ter. $25 monthly plus feed. Telephone tronic components requires 1 4 1.08 [Phone 728-7680. 2 po il ge ot hy Ale Bagh ond EXPERT PAVING, 22 cenls square Too!|'2;4en, "ve 904 credit. Telephone; = WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! $60: MM, Lok price "S50. As He capable man to set up moin- includes grading and {lll, two-year guran- "tan 7 R | O Whitby 668-4274 anytime (eer oestan: Sees Le par we For Law Office toin ond (repoir. pioduclion each, : Paving. 723-5841. - SUE EE . . : secutive Insertions ef 24 words $4.32, YOUR coeeL aniwaey ~ |Mortgeges . » te . | Standard feotures, 'include 5 stered. Call 723-6475. : equipment. Must be exper- additional words \8¢ each. | Nagel Bee or Tigi paNaaeeT oa | chain cusrd; Pern: Cooler JANSSEN'S POWER BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for} Legal experience necessary. ae neys built and repaired; gas finin TELEVISION } chain guard, y te : ; ienced, Permanent ition Cher; 0) cent additional |installed; roofs repaired. Free estimates. MOR GAGI brakes ond. silver brazed EQUIPMENT CENTRE training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. T.| Good salary, All replies con- : i pos! <Gherge. if not paid within 8. days, |723-297. } us e. Corner 728-5143 Division Frarnes, ond: fork Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- {Broad 114 Elgin East. =» | fidential, with usual company benefits, Method of ti -- Less than 2 PLA and ¢ i "shaneal 7 PONIES, iding (two) with saddle. Best Words counts as 24 words; each word, |NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco} INVESTORS sainaneSk nie " From $34.95 Up Ae gh hed te offer. Call' Pickering 942-1924 nieve APPLY Please ¢all for eppointment, initial, figure or abbreviation counts apt re-mogeiting, ie Sense Free! | ] Be xk omit needs Besta foe RO estimates, A. €. Woods, 728-34 er! Units of participation avail- BAST TV. SERVICE | pall L fied eokante on GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, registered, 942-1540 ti as "se ea phone number counts | 799.4717, | able in first and second mort- | LAWN MOWERS duty (eo eee rae for ths old, BOX 912 .. Se i I 2 j Ww | alle eer arlene Dentistry | gage funds, rvice Call only $2:50 843 King West 728-9429 | GeRMaN Short-raired pointer, two yeers CEN T RALAB BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- : Diversif as ; ee SOCIAL NOTICES CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Denfal) 0" ak yield sa DOMINION Light, dependable and power- |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture] old. For information cali 723-2991 OSHAWA TIMES | iS " d appliances, One focation only. Pretty' o c : $2.00 per Insertion with 28 cents ad- |Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa jan COZY-J-RANCH KENNELS. $ ditional charges if not. paid. within g|For appointment, 728-5171. | ital appreciation TELEVISION Holy riag Ti oe {Furniture, 444\ Simcoe South, 723-3271. |Cow con white mare. three' yeares Gor oe : -| CANADA LTD. 4 iniae he ka tl ee , ' - |CANADJAN N OPEDIA -- man Shepherds, istered ; pit Ty Mois' Stradl Ne omen ee CENTRAL | 728- 5154 9a.m. to9 p.m. ed handle. Soro 'eat gh pec genie Wag boarding, Ashburn, 65466 IN MEMORIAMS appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-8441, | -All_ work _guoranteed. From $39.95 Up Cost 5149-90 Wi gall 55, Call TOP | SEAUTINUL white & puppies for $2.00 for the first 95 words and Sc - ONTARIO --~ ---- OIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits, |the discriminating buyer. Females, regis- @ach thereafter, plus \2c per line of Dressmaking | figure work, custom picture framing.|tered. Mother a champion, grandfather a ha tg ig charge 4 not paid pERIONAL BFVUNG ier haien. TRUST and SAVINGS |T AERIALS T DOMIN Clark Studio, evehings and weekends.|Canadian and American champion. Ne- with! b - r fashion-| ' ION 4497, fi jPachee Kennels, tel 60: wise women! Dressmaking, aiterations.| CORPORATION Oo RON S TV @) 7 aPeciAL "Tower |WANTED: Good hor Bed Tabby We have several COST CLERK antenna installed,| kitten (male). Phone 725-3016. a) CARDS OF THANKS re @ specialty. 728-1823 for appoint. | OSHAWA 723-5221 W_ 12 Yeors' Experience Ww Pag Ex chad 92.00 for the first 35 words and sc ad J 5-3016 each thereafter, with '2c additional dren's dos|_ BOWMANVILLE 623-2527. | All Work Guoranteed TIRE STORE $8), Oshawa TV Supply Limited. |Soq training "clagseiy Gpohee? Ie Oahawe PERMANENT CADIES -- have your - children's dolls | 1} RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT -- cash|Obedience Associati \ I ited ' Gri STAU! hos hee chip fh! positions available for exper- ode 13 preferred, charge If not paid within 8 days. dressed for Christmas. Teena " we ~ ------------ |E 'eenage dolls a) | 723-7521 register, meat slicer, pop cooler, fryer,|for classes commencing October 6, United specialty! 725-8592. R 145 K cla : ng St. ; i i COMING EVENTS tne [DRESSMAKING AIT Kinds of TedTey MORTGAGE | RON BRIGHTLING R ing WwW stools, booths, etc, Nestleton 986-4200. Beak 'assert Hall, Albert Street. Tele-| ienced secretaries with good Apply in person te: plat yd sie ble er oe dg wear. High quallty work. Call Agnes' LOANS = 1S 9 AM. --9 P.M. S Telephone 725-6511 USED furniture, appliances, sporting |P"° ede | shorthand, Excellent starting Wend Ach a es | = | aeonooin surtar = et aprina, aon ote Suge. Best rics! aller BLACK LABRADOR punt" from goed] . solaris, ond all benefits DRESSMAKING -- Sulla, costs, dresies,|. Money~bw first mortgages Tv SERVICE |dresser with mirror, vanity with bench,|cfeek:_16 Bond West._ ices Rhine PereMe ee ee Oshawa to Ajox area, Call AUCTION SALES alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a Open Mortgages |very good condition, $100; also two jack- lsave = $50 on new NSU scooters. The Medes 'i Bab ae: 2 $. if a |posts, used two months, $5 each. 723-9841. cycle Shop, 153 Simcoe Street South. GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, reasonable. Mrs. Hepburn. 2.10 PER INCH INSERTION jspeciaity, Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372 Interest at 7% : "Ble 8 Bihan im 4 i eee a a ae No Bonus DAY OR EVENING | TYPEWRITERS, 'adding machines and 725-46 takes Mac in 2325, ecu | 668 8 ] 8] ODYEAR SCRAP HARDWOOD -- one-foot lengt lengths,| GERMAN Shepherd Pups, very reason- m DEADLINE: Gardening and Supplies ra ltime clocks, new and rebuilt, One year | wor s oe ---- dil a ------ No Charge RSet 728-5286 guarantee, Outstanding good buys. Jen-|$7.75 single cord, Phone 723-2281 before/able. Telephone 728-9815 after 5 p.m Mortgages and Agreements kins Business Machine Sales and Service,|9.30 a.m. or evenings 5 CV eUPEe cS Two mele a Rehan he, | Tire and Rubber gale nmi aga "FALL SEEDING" purchased OSHAWA TeT7ES. Open "evenings. I HARQWODD!. beech: papers, quality stock, seven weeks old.| SALES LADIES J. S. Emmerson +ALOST AND FOUND Money for Second Mortgages TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ft./any length, single cord, so double "oe Phone 728-5089. 9 a.m,. day of publication IS BEST Fost Sica. gage ELECTRONICS structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" tower|delivered, Newtonville 786-2283, collect. rhe ae BIRTHS AND DEATHS i : se ws wey yee COMPANY included, single all-channel antenna com- 13--Arti les for Re " FLY KILLING system, completely auto- ticles for Rent IPERE é plete, Installed, tax included, guaranteed month-# 1y $3.50 5 a scapes NO. 1 FINE GRASS. MIX M. F. SWARTZ FALL SEASON SOON [art renr $80, See all towers at, TRIO (Cali cniichem Chemicals, Whitby 6200, | Part-time for-exclusive sports: | BOWMANVILLE, ONT. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY PARKLAWN GRASS. MIX 26\4 King St. East TV CHECK-UP NOW 1798-51434, |REDUCE WORK -- maintain a lovely RENTALS wear shop. Experience desir- | ac ihe Cie cic day, GRASS MIX Oshawa, Ontario. |BABY CARRIAGE, biege, $25.1 bassinel,|c#OmPlexion, eliminate the ugly bathtub able. Pleasing personality, vmns or larger -- 10 a.m, day previous | SUBURBAN 5 - 7 qualified servicemen. | ring, get whiter washes and also save KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS 723-4697 : : ' car bed, complete $8., nearly new. Apply | otey by having the world famous Culll- OF ALL KINDS good appearance, References | CANCELLATIONS AND | "4 7 ---------- 88 Wood Street or 728-6835 after 6 o'clock. J a panasonic inn gan Soft Water system put in your home. , f CORRECTIONS MERION KENTUCKY BLUE ] R | G); |VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses,| You can try it for one month for only essential. Salary in accord 9 AM. DAY OF PUBLICATION | SO-GREEN 7-7-7 | SUMMERLAND |brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213.|$5. Call Culligan today. Whitby 668-2200. | REDUCING EQUIPMENT ----- ance with ability to. sell, ' Required BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- S0¢ | prige ot ee ok SECURITIES Ook Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street./rEN USED Hondas, all nearly new, r@-| massaging belts, rowing ma- Apply. in. person. For Lacal Delivery While every endeavor will be made | C. oe EVERGREEN 6-9-6 112 Simcoe St._North 3 re BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture| Hie se Nee RL chines, .bike exercises -- all | Apply in Person . to forward replies to box numbers to lL SUPERFLOW 10.6.4 Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 city Tv TOWERS, antennas, also re-(and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215\aoupa MOTOR BIKES-> New and| 6; Per month. SEIGNEURS the advertisers as soon as possible pairs. All-work guaranteed, $11 Dean|Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481. __ |used, $299. No down payment. Open even- PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe HAYDEN ' | we pecery. fe Sobtlly | Picea BONEMEAL Mortgage Money Avenue. Telephone 725-0500 |NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re-|ings until 9 p.m. honda Shop, 199 King] cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- Sportswear Ltd. loss or damage aiieged to arise PEAT MOSS A through either failure or delay in for- | POTTING SOIL Available |Well Drilling \--Diggin ee Leet, A eee TRON et Oe ar ee pods, ibe Wiknehmk pine cit MACDONALD warding such replies, however caused Low Interest s 99 9 ----|WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni-} ters, pipe threading dies, Oshawa Shopping Centre j whether by negligence of otherwise. |WELL DIGGING. by machine specializing | GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, re redjture or anything you have, The City toilet auger wt fas 3 | 30 William St West The Times will not be responsible for COOPER in 30-inch file. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut 3! Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street: West, |Trading Post Store, 336 Simcoe Street ger. i CLERK-TYPIST. Steady position for good| ta : replies uncalled for in 2 days, - u Member Ontario Street West, Whitby, 668-252 or 668-2809. 778-973 South, 723-1671. PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- |typist with invoicing experience, Position ortgage Brokers Association | ---- -/RURNITURE = three rooms, new Line > yne year old, nev stepladders ladder acks Includes filing, telephone and general of- 5 | | - . qua Lis "gas ; drye one year old, new " | 7 REGULATIONS SMITH CO ASE l}----Women' s Column ty furniture, only £299., inc, complete | condition. Telephone 722-5916 or apply 158 steel scaffolding, compressors, Nee Tinie onic suony eo lon, anne MECHANIC The Oshawa Times will not be re * -----.- | bedroom, living room, kitchen ensembles.|Warren Avenue. r | me i 2 bdheal lt sponsible for errors in advertise 16 CELINA ST PRIVATE AND peels des tx|PERMANENTS on Special. Page Hair-|pay only $9. wkly. Unbeatable valve! |FULL-LENGTH WEDDING dress with epray Supe: Mwallboper steam: (44 tt Fercsel clad GENERAL: SERVICE ments submitted otherwise than in ' lortgag' lortgag 29ree-| dressing, 396 Pine Dane, corner of|/Barons' Home Furnisnings, 424 Simcoe! rs ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, ari writing not for more than one inser- Monts of sale purchased. Seelaninn: Westmount. Telephone 725-5363. South jaccessories. Cheap. Approximately 12-14. ves qareked |DOES A "BEAUTY COUNSELOR" call tion of any advertisement nor be _723- 1139 Poynen,. Murdgen. snd "Victor" { | cng | epenoni: 721986 Call Sears 2. pone jon you? We may need someone in your MECHANIC yond the price charge 'or single |----------________| "Barristers".) > Be scanal [BUYING OR SELLING furniture or @P-| Woman's brown squirrel tur coat, like) BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- area, or call for_products. 723-9349. Racuired insertion in which error occurs. _|FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale| jpllanees: Cale Elmer, Hampton 265-2294) new, reason for selling, owner deceased.| Cement mixers, finishing tro- |KiTCHEN HELP for evenings, some ex- Scloiy' Bona ond ail FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS |asreements purchased and sold. Hennick! Removal of superfluous holr | : ______._|Coat can be seen at Mac's Tailor, 70/ wels, whee! barrows, electric [perience in making sandwiches, also to Yr The Oshawa Times reserves the right land Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street] ip § ne |ADDING MACHINES, iypewriters, cash-|Harwood, Aiax Shopping Centre. vibrator, air compressor; jack |WaSh dishes and other duties. No Sun company benefits. to classify advertising according to jEast. 723-7232 Marie Murduff will be in jiers, duplicators, chequewiters, files.) ip opver aisha: alco three J P a) days. Apply Lakas Coffee Shop, 53 King Apply its proper classification ------------| Oshowa Oct. 4th, Sth, and |desks, chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service| qi" 3.4 while conditioned also i hammers, bard i hind water Street East. (No phone calls, piease.) FIRESTONE and trade, with budget terms, New and ' lumps, portable heater: -- = --$--<--<-- jk ths cases ot Gieblay. adeletiarnerits |Nursing | Homes | 6th. Phone Genosha Hotel {is0y,""Low, "low prices, Bill Hamilton, (Sink. Phone /28-5343, seattelding pee ce bbe BABY SITTER 70. live in and care for The Times will not be held respon | 1 nid and Delivered also |PRIVATE -- beautiful quiet home, offers) On these dates for appoint- |Pagian VIKING 30" electric range, in good con- 1 9 yr, |two pre-school children. $15 week and STORE sible for more space 'han that vhich dor Hedges, Patios Laid Kind: efficient nursing care. $50 weekly.| ment. HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appii-|dition; 8 cu. ft. Frigidaire refrigerator; ramset, power rollers, electric [room and board, Telephone 723-5788 after the actual error occupies The pub | Cedor Hedges, Patios Laid |wWouia consider couples. Exclient meals | TAT Pig {24 bed and one double bed, springs. Tele-| hammers, masonry saw, build- en SPACE Nien ee OD 190 King Street East lishers endeavor to reoroduce all ad- ond Delivered | | ELECTROLYSIS jances. Big discounts w'thout sacrificing r , , - a s . % | L Write Box 248, Oshawa Times. t , Street West, Osh: phone Brooklin $55- 4623, in jacks t RELIABLE woman to do light housekeep- ; vertising matter correctly, but assume ey eee ied ad 723-4641 quality. 424 King Street West, Oshawa. Sines: sig By OCKS, MOMGE: IXCTS, is and: babysit che chiid. Live in, Rel- OSHAWA -- 725-6566 no liabillty~ot advertisement if any | CALL lOutometriet . a : |728-9191._ ee ne SPACE HEATER, 'eco, used one year,| mortar boxer, chain hoist, mance Peebtead. Taletiine Fie anse ao i LA eR Cs ih ira ead vinci the ase Dati "MAPLE LEAF' petiabintate sig pote 10 HUNIN He Gay Siler 6S LORS Shy oe etre mance: cc O18 drum with. pump. Teleonone ae | miter saw, electric plane, tar- TYPISTS for ovening or day shifts. Previ rein. | I , : : 9 or : : lf. > RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 "Simcoe | Please Phone 723-6170 after 5.30 p.m continued patterns, ail slashed in price pautins, sand blaster, power ous typing experience essential. Grade 11 TRUCK Landscaping o f 27c per foot. Wilson's Furniture, 20 ; , Thistle. Ver Any. sdveriiserient 'cancelled. betore ping ond aGrden Service |Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa Telephone} RIDE WANTED to Orillia Friday, "Ochs {from 2 Fe pli da $s Furniture, 2 Boe CARnIAGe: grey, T une vey post hole auger, oscillating education, minimum. Mus) be accurate. DRIVER 723-4191 publication will be charged one day's a ie leaving after 4 p.m. Telephone} ply dependable, Apply in person to D. A. insertion. 725-061 | = - --|718 6832 after 4.30 p.m |WEDDING DRESS, modern straight style Phone 723-2663, sanders, disc 'sanders, belt |iguiden, General. Printers, Limited, $7 . ~ Painting and Decorating ----|Wwith full train, peau de soie. Size 14. Tele |ONE USED television TCA Victor, 21-inch] sanders, floor sanders, acty- {Simcoe South, Oshawa. ins at vila Wout as BLUE SOD --|3--Sportsman' s Column aie aha cad LSPA SRCECER, flO oath Maat nda lene paiairy cue 200 |WOMAN to look a'ier two children, near 5 cs i | YPEWRITER standard, $35; portable,;CONTINENTAL BED 54-inch with white amp electric welders. Shopping Centre, jight housework. Abie <s Cail Ciassifiee Direct GRASS | PAINTING AND [DEER HUNTRRS warted for first andlinn, adding machine, $267. electric. typeloendag headboard alen chest of drawers p Trae ces Mee tone BEFORE 5 CALL ; DECORATING Second week. $70. per werk. Haliburton iwriter, $40; electric casn register. Item-| Telephone Whitby 668-5029. 728-1098. 723-1159 723-3492 Check the quality in the field. | - jArea. Call Wayne Roberts. Telephonelirer, $100, 723-4434, Be Need S aT A N 4 Ech - "A. G VE Niaers Sell INTERIOR and EXTERIOR 1723-1386. | ! =" iar nega |SIx- PIECE dining room suite, light |COMPETENT _ housekee) A Green lursery So Doe een SEVEN - GALLON AQUARIUM, eauip-|wood, Telephone 725-7769 pas Jadult cauple, five in, » , Evenings 723-7388 Growers, Townline North Broadioom, Custom Draperies Iment and fish included, also motor for! 233 King St. W., Oshawo approximately 10 miles from Oshawa. All : 95 uF , - - , r t ¢ ¢ 5--Trailers |DINING ROOM suite, chesterfield, tabies, f PP. y ee INDEX TO Ya-mile N. of Tounton Village |* FREE ESTIMATES + HEB Svcs OS EMOTE SOP ane ae A breeding (rep, $28. Phone| aos kitchen equlonment Sharpening & Rentals Ltd, [modern conveniences, Telephone 942-173 : ' 5 after § om | g * 7 . " 2 St DODD. & SOUTER 8 cea ORIG ae dishes, pictures, etc. Apply EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show \ anada's CLASSIFICATIONS hia aha 668-5862 COOK! S UNLINED pale pink drapes with tight | Street East vetween 69 p.m., Wednes __ PHONE 723- 3224 finest line of Christmas Cards, wraps, SALESMAN -5j grey vertical stripes. Wil, cover 32' of|day, Sept. 29 eer errennnenerent --------|novelties, etc. Over 300 items, For free, WANTED 1--Women's Column GUARANTEED CEDAR TREES window from floor to ceiling. $75 or best) riage -certEg with two matching : ' x beautifully illustrated. catalogue, samples yok ere ta Ht '0 «matching Ta e 2--Personai : GREEN AND BUSHY FOR |OUR RATES ar much cheaper Our work TRAILER SALES offer. Telephone Whitby 668-4839 after 6./2NTIGUE ae rocker, Phone atter a} Lables, Chairs, Linens, Dish: jon approval and the fastest. service 2--Sportsman's Column HEDGES ETC FREE ES fa "Guarahted. Our tWiormation lb tres ACCORDION FOR SALE. Fully equip-|p.m., 723.5715, es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee j|Jeandron Greeting Card Co, 1253 King] Excellent starting salory plus 5--Trailers N ' Ail cchh AMA >- |Our service is 24 hours. Our phone num-| IMAC | ped. For details and demonstration, tele Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal |Street. East, Hamilton, Ontario bonus. Apply é~Marine Equipment TIMATES, QUANTITY OF [ber is 723-2317 } SIMCOE $T. NORTH Phone 728-6113 or. apply 392. Oshawa|GREEN CHESTERFIELD, custom built, Waar: Men's F is. Whit ExPMMIENCEO Wale dcr Gvoniocs J--Swap and Barter POSTS D POLES Bivd cath after 3 180 long, excellent condition; Viking elec- , Mens Formals, tte ey waitress «tor a ¢ Hi 8~--Articies for Sale C Abc apie so Abt) CROSS TOWN "painting and decorating Clearance Sale v o a wea [tric floor polisher, (three brush); trilignt Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, ralchon ak Smith's Coffee Bar.) HEINTZMAN CO, LTD. ¢--Market Basket SMITH'S TR | 1 workmanship guaran ue STUDENT'S TYPEWRITERS, new and|fioor lamp and cocktail table. Telephone wich rad ae . 10--Farmer's Column | Newtonville -- Call Collect , mates. Dial 728-9098, : used: cash registers, adding rrachines;|725. 0896. SARGEANT'S RENTALS {RELIABLE woman to do light housekeep 165 Simcoe South, Oshowo _ }--Pets and Livestock | 786 2283 FREE winter storage, no in- $35. up. Machines guaranteed, Expert = ing and care for one preschooler and} or ay : PRE AN SOFA, vict tyle, gold, ecAnticies tor, Rent any --. |Plumbing and Heating terest rates, low down pay- 3664 or 59748. Business Machines, 728+ arene tee Por RM __463 Ritson Rd, S:_725-3338 gh sae 2 td le es all BUTC |NURS! fi ~-- an -- -- on all mo ; eo i ern gr re ih ea da HER 14--Business Opportunities or ie ield sod. Prompt de ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup-| Ment on all models. -- Soi, |FREEZER, Admiral, 17 cv. ft. one year|CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church eve vi and fre est eu y e mates. Telephone 35 NS. -- new and used, bought, sold. H aisie runners. Cleve F Rental: 12}RELIABLE WOMAN to care for two 1$=Employment Wanted 723-9910, evenings 728-0875 plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark : Ammunition, ticences,. hunting supplies.|0'4. Good condition, $160. Best offer.) 2! fe Fox. Rentals, 412 ; ' y i~Agents Wanted Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering,| Open evenings 'til 9:30 p.m, : Phone Hampton 263-2194 Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414. children, ages 22 and 3¥2. Live in pre-|] FOR INDUSTRIAL CAFETERIA W---Female Help Wanted |TOP SOIL with or without manure) also|225 $ Street South ! Best prices! Valley Creek, 16 Bond inte oun a | - ----__.._. ferred, $20, weekly, 'References, Call ipoMale Help. Cwanted jmanure for sale. Wm. - Kuzik, ures aia) isa scnate Ucn Closed Sind Street West GILSON Snowbird 30' range; Westing- Be ne = ers ae hundred! 78.3876. 5 doy week, excellent : ALL TYPES of reps dr iii osed on Sunday, tetera 'ator; -|People? Oshawa Tennis Club for bar c 5 AB--Male or lremale Help Wanted [Telephone 688-906 or 668-381 ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, ' ¥ FREE? Have your furnace cleaned and aoa seers fare pipes, 200. gailon|Wels, parties, weddings, anniversaries, |SALESLADY for drug store. Full time Company Oats Berens Bat ese oe | ARMSTRONG | $OD AND LOAM. Nursery|rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley Phone 723-9534 Bi ainter Gejen: purchase 'he best in| tank, $85; 20-foot ladcer plus. step-ladder, Beret bar kitchens parking. Reason: Dept dury and Lovell; Whithy Plaza Phone 725-7311] -sa--s sod, gravel, stone and top soll. Telephone | ; H 4 $10; 40-Ib,, Webster spray gun with com-|@ble rates. 728-6315. FULL T cler| r ral 7i--Farms for Sale i y, fuel oil from Western Oil Company. Dial) $!04 o pray gun with cor - ___|FOLL TIME clerk for interior decora ---Lots for Sale 5-5864 |Rug- Upholstery Service TENT TRAILER bought this year, opens cal I ene: pressor, $20; table saw with motor, $15;|WHEEL CHAIRS, hospitsl beds, waikers,|ing Store. 40-hour, five-day week. Some LOCAL 2363 | "93-Real Estate Wented TREE TO TRIM? Cali Sim. OF 141 il o $0 a x ' ae ncludes heater and air i - 4g - |70-ib. Develbis spray gun, $20; oil paint-lreducing machines, sick room supplies.|{yPing and an aptituce to please the pub: nemnnre Stores, Offices and Storage them down. Free estimates, 725-5118 or|RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts, Estabiisn.| mattress: elephone 728-7657 Ps WRITING DESK -- 32" « 48", five draw-|ing easel (6 teet hign), $6; fluorescentlaig Rentals, 105 Beatr 725-1644, ic is essential. Appiy Box 103 Oshawa CLERK "tor retail "hardware ainra: full %$--Houses for Rent 178-0610. ed 17 years. Complete range of materials,|1965 TRAILER, {3 ff, used once. Costjers. Also china capinet, both new, $25)8-foot, two-lamp fixture, $20. Apply 131] say Times, giving experience, if any anditime employment, experienced preferr- %--Apariments for Rent | Workmanship guaranteed five years, Free|$1,450. Will sell for Gest offer. Whitby|each. Telephone 7232164, ___.__jAlbert Street. Call 728-4061. dT GOS oe, Ghousanas op intoreatea| "rerences: Sah ee ee J--Rooms tor Rent Instruction estimates. Credit terms. Matiresses re-|668-5152 __ |ROCKING HORSE, $10.) play pen with|BICYCLE, man' ris) 3-speed, gener- : day, Take advantage a (HAIRORESSER required, experienced,|Cemme, ae Room and Board | wiittay pRiviNe Sen ___|bvilt. Furnifure re-tinished. Oshawa Up-lcAMPER TRAILER) 5 x 7, mahogany,|Pad, $5.; baby swing, $5., In excellent|ator lighting. Like new, $28. Boy's bi-|Prospects every day, Take advantage oflfor part-time, Apply Avhens Hak. Styling, [APPLE PICKERS required, Mus be ex 2--Wanted to Ren SCHOOL, new dual holstering Company, 287 Dean Avenue, condition; treadle sewing machine, $10.|cycle, good condition, $10; washing ma-|the vast audience by telephoning 723-3492/304 Stevenson Road North or telephonelperienced and over 1. Ful fl +%--Autormobiles for Sale controlled cars, Personal, courte 725-0311 minus tere, solid angleiren: treme, : aire hi i . . F stk ah lay tures cas tir ten lice: uly Meaoad aad torent 'nse | le {most new, $225. cash, Phone evenings,| Telephone 725-7274, chine, good condition, $20. Call 728land piace your ad before them. now. | 728-4286 Telepone 725-0394 $a--Trucks for ele | piaiee ABEoR _|CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs. Fen 723 5875. REFRIGERATOR 9 cupic inch Gibson, |°*55: oma --=|EXPERIENCED WOMAN required for|/YOUNG MAN for maiiing division of 33~Automobiies Wanted Rental ; DION - -- Private or class.| covered like new. Gat the best for less Pr a as nN OL Frigidaire stove, 30 inch size. Chestertield|BOY'S fali coat, size 2 (two-piece) $F; 14 --Business ; 0; jortunities restaurant work fom 7 9 p.m. Gord|iocal plant. Grade 1! education or better. ytomobile Repair et ttl gol nae Bhai and Lee Lid yar Moderr n Upho sterer ? Simcoe Street with matching chair All good condi-[three-piece winter ouifit (size 3) 47; pp _.... }wages. No Sundays or holidays. Apply; Mechanical ability essential. Alternate 35--Lost and Found oat war" South, Call 728-645) "Free estimates. a Want- pi Don' t Ition. Reasonable. 723-4089 ait Souvere to car seat, $5; good con- RESTAURANT. in North Oshawa, dining Carmichael's Bar-B 9, Wark Road South day and night shift Apply in person 'o %--Lega! |D4Y an Evening, Cinsses for adulls and| CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoisiered and re CHESTERFIELD and chair, coffee ti MON. .72 ~----_____..|Foom and counter, with equipment, seven|BABY SITTER required, five-day week,|O, A. Houlden, Genera? Printers, Limit. 37---Auctions jhig' joo! students' in Engih, Latin andistyled. Free estimate. See our material and end table, lamp, sultable for apart-| HALLICRAFTER Citizen Band tadio and|rooms upstairs, can be used for twolhours & to 5, for five children, three pre.|°d:_57 Simcoe South, Oshawa ing Events [Erench, by J E PICKERS wanted ar 28--Coming fy 'why, Goastia! B, A, 513 Byronifor recovering, Dalton Upholstering, 75) Cost-They Pa ment or recreation room. Telephone 228-jextra crystals. Te:phone 728-4977 atter|/apartments or boarders. Telephone 728-|schoolers, in Whitby east end. Telephone|APPLE PICKERS wanted at Omar 9--Notices Charles Street, 723-7212. 0705. p.m. 6485, Whifby 668-6227, Farms. Ashburn ---------------------------- For cleaning Establishment