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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Sep 1965, p. 20

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MICKEY MOUSE WASN'T THAT FUN? EVERY DAY T PLAY 'RUNNIN'= MOTHINY YOU CAN DO JI AIM "TO BUST ouT/ GOLLY, KIDG, DIDN'T I GET THE LEMONADE SWEET ENOUGH ? RIGHT WITHIN LIMITS... MISS JONES --~ HOW MUCH DO 'YOU LOVE PAUL GUARDIAN 2 | | YOU THINK IT OVER WHILE lg I TELL YOU HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM, I'D DIE FOR BUT BUBBA |S TAKING THE "PORTABLE" FEATURE A LITTLE TOO LITERALLY! | year-old. daughter ta lotion 'to use several times a 'GNORING THE DANGER OF ENGULFED IN THE - BILLY BISHOP CLOSES IN ON A ERMAN BALLOON, THE LONE RANGER EY Cover HIM, TONTO! ILL HANDLE THe OTHER MAN WHEN HE COMES OUT/ ; | iid: = IANA UNH SECRET AGENT X9 DONALD DUCK Channe' a | 5 3--Barrie H--OHA Jr. rea 9--Hollywood 7--Butfale ica 8--Rochester A 9--Torento 4--Gilligan's Channel Hamilton | #0 emer $--Its Your Tuursoay ave. |? Laredo 6:00 Pte. --Family Theetre | 0 9--Five O'clock Movie Branded Superman 6--This Land | 4--Movie 3--African Patrol | 2--Quarter &--Lloyd Thaxten 0 | 0 Pm S--Loeave if Te Beever é--Music Hop 8--Maverick oe Pm | 7-2---News | 6--McHales Navy 4--News, Sporte with Chuck Healy 1)--News 10:30 | +: PM Jazz | 1--Family Theatre No, 2 | 0-+3--News; Weether | 8--Huntley-Brinkiey News 7--Maverick é--Across Canede 1:00 PM. | &Viewpoint | Candid Camere en' 9--The Munsters @--Littlest Hobe +News, Weether nee 7--Bewltched |$3~! Dream Of Jeannie 11:00 PL and Qports N94-7-4-43-2---News, Sports 18 Po 9--Metro Final TELEVISION LOG Pm. | 4--Captein Kangeres A. Hockey | 00 AM Palace ee: 'opper ' $3--The Seaway ge pg With Uncle | y sraiae | 7--~Dhaling for Dotter ved | Girl Talk Move | 4--Mike's Carnival 2~Mickey: Mouse Clive 9:38 AM. P.M. \11~Ed Allen | 4--Gypsy Rose Lee 2--Dobie Gilils 10:08 A.M. Back Club |1)--Nurses | @2--Truth or Ma Consequences 7--Okay Crackerby 4---My Three Sons %--Let's Sing Out Cx : }-2-----Mona McCluskey wea ria taasd 7--Peyton Place 10:30 A.M. $-3--Telescope | 19:06 Pia. |11--The Merv Griffin Show| 4--The McCoys 9-8-2--Dean Martin Show 7--Long Hot Summer | 6---A Man Called Shenandoah 6:20PM. * 3---Man From UNCLE |8-2---What's This Seng? 7--Donna Reed 9--Bingo 11:00 A.M ll--Bonnle Prudden 9--Mr. And Mrs. |t-2--Concentration PM | 7--The Young Set on | 4-Andy of Mayberry 0 AM | 6--Commonweaith \}}--Albert J. Steed | 9---Abracadabra +1--Jeopardy 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 12:08 NOON | %--Toronto Today } @2--Call My Bluff | 7~Money Movie | 4-News and Weether Pm, 3 J----4e---Late Show 4--Night Metre PM, Sports jll--The Saint | @-Forest Rangers | Movie 3--Wendy and Me | 11:40 | 2--Huntley-Brinkley } Report 1 PM, 1210 | 11--Jamboree | 9--Hollywood Palace 12:30 #-2--Daniei Boone | 7--Shinding | 6--Hogan's Heroes | 4--The Munsters 3--The Adams Family. | !1--Schnitzel 9%--Late Show - Weather - PM, 6--Gunsmoke %--Pierre Berton .. | 4--Search for Tomerrew A.M. | B-Noonday Repert A.M. 12:45 PLM. |N--Racing Forum 4--@uiding Light 1:00 P.M. Theatre House 9--James Beard Show 'YOUR HEALTH | | | For Eczema | Dear Dr. Molner: My threé has had eczema since she was seven months old. Doctors prescribed day, but she still has the dis- ease. It is on her arms and neck, and sometimes on her ears ™ Should I have her take tests to see whether there's a good al lergy? Could her being fat have anything to do with the prob lem, She weighs 37 pounds. My husband is in the army, so the family doesn't always have the same: doctor.--Mrs. R. P. Eczema, like some other ail ments, is a general term that can mean different things. It is a skin disorder--but the prob-| lem is to pinpoint the cause. Except for transient skin irri- Need Pinpoint By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD jeczema. But ' Frequently a food allergy is the cause of eczema in children, so your suggestion of tests is quite intelligent However, a contact allergy may be involved--a reaction to something she touches. The fact that the trouble is confined mostly to her arms and neck could be a clue in this direction Wool, 'silk, or other fabrics are known to trigger such a skin sensilivily, as can something in the fabries, such as dye or siz ing or whatever Skin tests may give a definite clue as to either type of allergy ---food or contact. Consult an al- lergist 1 doubt if weight would have any important bearing on the when a. child shows a tendency to pack on pounds, the earlier you start --|starchy foods, 16. Short- coming 19. Weirder 20. Peruvian river: MIAICIL JE MESICIAINI T) PAIL ILIAN Me Oli C11] ee ERAINIT IL TE! E] T{AIB]T | Mm OMReIL [OLP) O}T [OINIE MT ETE INS} THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, September 30, BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Chempionship Play) North dealer, North-South vulnerable. The bidding: North East South West Pass INT Pass Opening lead--four of hearts. Let's say you have the West hand and lead a heart against three notrump. Partner takes the king with the ace and con- tinues with the queen on which South plays the eight and you the three. The play of the three is a sig- nal of sorts; it informs partner that you started with a five-card suit East continues with the jack, South following with the nine, and at this point, before playing to the trick, you have the 10-7-5 left. These cards are now of equal value, and it might there- fore look as though it did not matter which one you played, but, actually, the card you se- lect is of great importance to an observing eye. First, let's suppose you play the five, which is what most players would do. East, not be- ing a mind reader, would prob- ably return a club and, once he did this, South would romp home with nine tricks. Now let's suppose you played the ten of hearts on the jack, instead of the five. Then, as- suming you and East are familiar with the suit-preference convention, your partner would return a spade and you would take the ace and cash the 7-9 of hearts to defeat the contract a trick. According to the suit-prefer- ence convention, when you have a choice of which card to play from a group of equal cards, the one you select is indicative of the suit you would like part- ner to play next. A high card requests partner to play the high suit (making use of the rank of suits in bridge) and a low card requests partner to play the low suit. Thus, in the present case, where East has no heart to re- turn and a diamond return is out of the question, there are only two suits left -- spades and clubs -- for him to choose from, The play of the ten of hearts, a high card, commands East te lead the high suit, spades. BOWLING NEWS MOTOR CITY LADIES For the second week of bowl! we are doing very well. Keep it up, giris! 600 Gai 7 Lidster 234, Betty Pearce 228, B. Wee ster 228, S. Powers 225, F. Mitchell 203 poss. 24, Showery 25. ------- of the ball 26. Lath 27, Vend once more 30, World's highest mountain 33. Norse god. | may be suffi- cient. (What about sweets Pop, candy, cookies These aren't necessary for health, bué they account for a lot of over- weight.) Dear Dr. Molner: After her first week in college my diaugh- ter has come down with mono- nucleosis. What are the chances of a relapse--E. H. Very modest medical care plus nourishing diet and ade- quate rest until she is back to normal are sufficient insurance against a relapse Dear Dr. Molner: Can a chain smoker develop chronic ibron- chitis I have been treated four times in two months for the disease. Is there such a thing as bronchitis other than from chain smoking or asthma-- Mrs. D. G. So you're a chain smaker? Certainly you can develop bron- chitis, because the smoke keeps irritating the bronchial tubes. However, a non-smoker cam de velop. bronchitis from other causes -- plus some inherent sensitivity or weakness. If you have bronchitis and the doctor tells you to stop smok tations, a lotion isn't the answer, although it naturally) ; diagnosis is being sought. helps to relieve itching while a/ normalizing weight the better And the easier. Just reducing the amount of fat-in her diet, 'and cutting down ea bit on ing. don't be silly. Follow his advice Dear Dr. Molner; I am 30 and the mother of three. I have had trouble with my right knee for about five years but it never bothered me enough to see a doctor, until recently The doctor x-rayed it and said I had Osgood - Schliatter's dis- ease, and that it is common among teen-age athletes. He suggested a cast to give Me the knee complete rest for six to eight weeks, but I was up- set because of having to care for the children, Then he sug- gested a knee brace, which | am now using Do you think the disease could affect other bones in my legs?--~ Mrs. J. H. True, Osgood-Schiatier's dis ease is usually seen in younger folks, and is thought to be the result of.injury. Treatment con sists of protecting the bone, by cast or brace, from further pressure until new bone grows to replace the defective area This takes time. You and your family will have to work out the problem of providing the neces- sary iime for the bone to rest The outcome is usually good and there is no reason to think the ailment will spread To D.H.P.: Neither diet no calcium in your food has ans ing to do with bursitis, which inflammatory problem, 216 L. Worden 212, C, Misztak 208, J Ci 208. Lemon League -- C. Atwell 9, F Thurston 67, S. May 8b H. Meraw 73. 85, R. Trowsse @4, S. Lafrieniere 76, H. Hoogstein 73. Team Standing ---- Frippers 5 points, Lucky Six 4, Dippty Do's 2, The Ringos 3, The Shindigs 5, Happy Gang 4, The Mice $ and Dreamers 4. HARMAN PARK LEAGUE Ladies' high single -- Sallie Plume 242, Ladies high triple -- Sallie Plume 634. Men's high single -- Bill Meinichuk 238. Men's high triple -- Bill Meinichuk 672. Six hundred and over -- B. Meini chuk 672 (204, 230, 238) and $. Law- rence 625 (218, 193, 2:4) Two hundred and over -- J. Rukare uck 211, J. Gow Jr., 204, J. Montpetit 201, L. Plume 211; 205, D. Gow 216, P, Johnston 204, N. Meinichuk 241, V, Stans. bury' 233, D. Rukaruck 229, L. Kornle 213 and J. Montpetit 232. Lemons -- C. Hill, 8, Taylor, BD. Gow, M. Deneauit, A. Rose and M. Bosley, MOT CITY MEN'S MAJOR pains : Pied heh 1 oints: Lucky Strikes 3, Dutchies 6; Ozarks 3, Hickups 0; Les Sabres 1, Team 7, 2 and Sports 3, Mick Mac's 0. Standings: Lucky Strikes 5, Ozarks 4, Les Sabres 4, Team 7-3, Sports 3, Mick ion a Hickups 2 and Dutchies 1. i verages: H. Gillard 281, A. me and 'L. Scott 263. r ron igh Singles: P, Knight 378, 0. i 354, J. Cassells 338, &. Swartz a ef Van Dyke 320, J. Cardinal 309, R. Hickey 301, R. Hardie 300, C. Tayoir 298, L. Scott 296, E. Jordan 293, A, Perry 280, S, Himes 276, H. Gillard 274, E, Lugten- pure 274, A. Goguen 272 and J. Cassels High Triples: H. Gillard 920, a. Perr 862, D. Conboy 830, P. Knight a16, L- hg AA ae vag 806, J. Cardinal 797, J in Dyke 786, E. J: Blinn Ree ordan 773 and Hy, MOTOR CITY MEN'S MAJOR one " SROUP 2 'oints lowers 5, Cyclones 0; Luck Bers 1, Jets 2; Die Hearts grin Fulls y and Hi Balls 3, Bali Highs 0 beeen int: .pioners 5, Hi Balls 5, Die arts 4, Jets 3, Hope Fulls 2, Cyc 2, Lucky Bees 2 and Bali je he High Averages: D, Bishop : er 244 and 4. Ballem 234 igh Singles: G. T, z 5 Vayior 98, G. T 277, J. Gibbs 245, E. Bas}. Baliem 299 and E. Witeon ae igh Triples: G. Taylor 89]. D. Bi 838, D. Bis We and ve ein -- 808, N. Jones 798 and V, SALLY'S SALLIES Tm at the police station, dear. It's nothing much; just Something about driving. SS ees Sa <a

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