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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Sep 1965, p. 24

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NEW YORK (AP) -- Tele- sion has always liked the words "specials," "gpectaculars" and "instant news shows." This season two more phrases have come along -- 'sequel Serial By Another Name Still Smacks Of S ubplots this season of 'sequel for drunken driving. It is still ajThat, in pretty thin excuse for that rip-|dramas," is a big plus. snorting laugh track. c's Combat is still in CBS will have Bishop Fulton France 'after more than three|J. Sheen as its special narra- years of fighting an enemy tor during coverage of Pope Doctors Appeal TORONTO (CP) -- The On- tario Medical Association ap- pealed to the provincial govern- ment today to use every means possible to demonstrate to youth the hazards of smoking. "Much more effort is re quired before the young people will be Convinced: that the use| To Elucidate Smoking-Hazard HELD OVER strived to associate the produes with beauty and cleanliness whichisimply were not true. ette taste. The OMA offictal said cigar- ette advertisements To Province aa - 2nd WEEK! arettes are the most dangerous of all tobacco products, he said. There was no evidence that cigarette manufacturers had found any effective means of reducing the noxious substances in cigarettes. For if manufac- turers filtered them out, they would also filter out the cigar- LAST! t ; : eT ana drama" and "continuing called "'Hrauts." It is a work-|Paul's one-day visit to New i | drama." However, both of these manlike if noisy war series. York next Monday. . eg sob A pes ry 8 are just other ways of saying| But Combat carries a self-| Bishop Sheen once was & POP-\in a brief to the legislature's that the show is a serial. 'And|contained story each week.'ular television lecturer. select committee on youth. OSHAWA Ratatat top WS GAMS GIVEN GATE ee AS AD FOR U.K. AIRLINE vision soap opera. Nobody, for ) 2 lic h is show committee, said smoking is re- some reason, wants hi ig lated not only to cancer but to NOW PLAYING BONN (Reuters)--The West German publicity office of a tagged as soap. heart and other diseases. Cig- British airline said no Tues- ere ate a few "sequel day to an advertisement fea- dramas" on nighttime televi- turing the world-famous legs To The sion, including NBC's Dr. Kil- of Berlin - born Marlene STROLLERS dare which now is involved in) Dietrich. This many plots, and subplots. "We've tried the picture out FRI. OCT. Ist Dedicated Dr. Jim has a num- on 75 potential mail-order cus- 8 to 12 P.M. movie? YOU BET IT IS... War, when she made films in | the United States and sang for | allied troops. Miss Dietrich had left Germany for Holly- | wood before Hitler came to power. Some of the hostility to Miss Dietrich in Germany has also been traced by observers (0 the fact that, in a largely con- servative country, it is re garded unseemly for a grand- mother to display her legs in public and appear on stage in form-fitting gowns. (In London, a BOAC official said Tuesday night: "The idea of Miss Dietrich's legs becom- ing an international incident is ridiculous. They are above politics. | Reems) Marion Brando David Niven I./ame> Shirley Jones tangy RARE per of student doctors under his wing, Tuesday night it was ev- ident that one, a young woman, is revolted by the more unpleas- ant aspects of illness and also is being discriminated against be- 4 cause she's a woman. Another tomers," said Paul Breur, young medical student has wife| German _ publicity chief for troubles. Still another is a beat- British Overseas Airways ik sort mixed up in protests Corp... "and found that the against the bomb, capital pun- majority associated Marlene ishment and Viet Nam. Then Dietrich with hatred of Ger- » who is furious many." Er tas wilt ; Therefore, we told the head office in London the picture will not attract German cus- tomers to fly with BOAC and we don't propose to use it. London agreed." about hospital politics. With all this in progress, there wasn't much time for| drama in the half hour, but} presumably that will come! ate ™<- advertisment, designed to show that the airline's planes provided more leg room for passengers, shows the actress seated in an air- liner chair with her cele- A SILLY SHOW NBC's My Mother the Car brated legs comfortably ex- nded. Miss Dietrich's name seemed to be such a silly little show when it started a couple does not appear in the adver- tisémeni. of weeks ago that its high rat- Hostility to her in Germany ings, reported by audience re- dates from the Second World At The- POLISH HALL | | oe pee OPENS 7.00 P.M. | i yf 168 Banting FIRST SHOW AT DUSK tau latin % ' wayne (Lire [/ stay --_'-- | Bie 4 esi wr i ten. eit iin gg sc meant for the German mar- ket. It was meant to demon- strate the comfort of tourist- class seats to potential Amer- ican tourists, The fact that it es appeared in the continental aritions of American maga- TIMES -- 1.34 . 3.35 - 5.35- 7.35 - 9:40 LAST SHOW 9.15 zines (Time and Life) was & 7] & " pure conincidence."') eer a = =FRIDAY== ees aa OCTOBER ist search services, were puzzling. This viewer watched it again) Tuesday night -- and is more puzzled' by the ratings than ever. The 1928 touring car, the re- James Dean Cult Dimmed By Time #232 ict The son of the dead mother : gives the automobile a quart of HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Ayjtion. Bogart left a legacy of 75 anti-freeze, Mother gets tipsy, onieteaiemmneianiia DON'T FORGET gereech of car wheels, a crush|films; James Dean made only) ae i | : Yithe little car wobbles over the of metal, and the short, strange| three. Two of them, Bast Of une 4 cp KR h B eee toy Rabel Withee! Alene hero gets arreste if noint life of James Dean was snuffed } |Cause, have been played and) Continental French Buffet out on Highway 41. replayed on television. The Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m. -- 5 to 8 p.m. It was 10 years ago Friday GENOSHA HOTEL ee er ere WILL VALUE COINS CALGARY (CP) --Mel Mc- Keen, 23, an apprentice barber, inherited from his grandfather) that the brooding, brilliant ac-| other, Giant, is seen only in an tor met his death near Pasojoccasional re-release ih thea- Robles, Calif., creating the tres. greatest post - mortem idolatry) James Dean, 24 when his ca-|an old, grubby sugar sack ae? in the film world since Rudolph'... ended, was well-suited to| taining 300 coins. They are © Valentino's passing in 1925. ; , jall shapes and sizes, some as A year after Dean's death, be idol of an undisciplined gen-| 914 as Julius Caesar. The col- Warner Brothers sill was re-|eretion. His few close friends) jection being appraised. ceiving 8,000 letters each month declared that he could be Rakes i ' 8 5 with requests for photographs] thoughtful and profound in pri-\of them. 'He would likely show sy acaba : ae adie aa +). and information about the ac-| vate. But most of his fellow | up for a party on his motorcy-| { ¥ TODAY! tor. Movie magazines, which| workers found him unkempt)cle with a filthy shirt, grease-| featured Dean seldom in his and boorish. istrained blue jeans and un- lifetime, poured forth stories) "He seemed to care nothing|combed hair. That is, if he! about him. James Dean memo-|for his appearance," said one|showed up at all." an an A-GO-GO Yes, Oshawa Really Does Have A Steak House rial fan clubs were organized) AT Oshawa Children's Arena The customer demand and accept- } i nas: THE GARIDEN CITY... AGO GO DANCERS PLUS FRANKLIN SHEPPARD AND THE A GO GOES Admission $2.00 The Dean legend appears to} have suffered from malnutri-' TRY the BIG "M" BURGER at the BIG-M DRIVE-IN! | Home of Country Style FRIED CHICKEN And Tasty Flaky English Style FISH 'n CHIPS 3rd SMASH WEEK! Appearing Nightly in the BLUE HORSE |"Bancing 9 p.m. till 1 Len agers everrmmert| = - WINIGSIDE PARK in rebellion against his parents | THE BI 0 B G TOWN BOYS" NoW IT'S BOGART | - flew generation appears more | Dress: casual. Admission: 1.50 per person Door Prize -- Refreshments -- 9 P.M. mendous steak meals which the Friday end Seturdey Nights as Steck | | STEAK NIGHTS ti throughout the world. | with the young man whose film roles portrayed him as a youth! D A N C E Saturday, October 2 FEATURING a9 other symbols of author- | ity. ' . Kinsmen Community Centre on their lost conde eye plus the ia bs d direct from New York... the "A -GO"' A decade later, the Dean R 2 1965 DANCERS. ¢raze has all but vanished. Al SATURDAY, OCTOBE nd, Continuous: dencing from 8 to 12 (don't miss out) intrigued with the "cool" of the Charlie Cochrane & His 10-Pe. Orchestra late Humphrey Bogart. ance has been so great for the tre- Oshowe Stesk House serves, thet the manogement are having Thurs., Nights in Oshawe at the Oshawe Steak House. iJ LOUNGE Thurs,, Fri, and Sat, Every Week | FULL COURSE STEAK DINNER: Wing Steak, | DON STEELE TRIO French Fries, Chef's Salad and Beverage | for Only $1.95 per person. The Oshawa Steak House 1626 Simcoe St. N. 725-9111 These entertainers are former stars with the Village Stompers of New York; Epic recording stars and have appeared in Washington Square and on the Mike Douglas and Jimmie Dean television shows. TREMENDOUS ENTERTAINMENT -- YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS -- MUSIC, COMEDY AND VARIETY HOTEL LANCASTER OSHAWA, ONT. rey SIE UMeREN J aos DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT SIMCOE ST. NORTH AT TAUNTON RD. If it's the Big "M" Comeas You Are... Eatin Your Car | MARLON BRANDD | YULBRYNNER A daring master spy...a case-hardened Nazi captain «A gitl who despised them both, Phone: 128-2291 Drive-in of Course it's MeMurray's. a PEN RE I $300 AMONTH FORLIFE | nog AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL | 'e FROM AGE 65 y woreeeees Stars =: FRANKIE AVALON Here is @ plen to provide for your family If you should die, or for your retirement years you survive . . . YOu make regulor poyments to the Sun Life of Canada, then ot age 65, you stort receiving $300 a month for life, or if vou prefer, $44,150 In cash, Both of these emounts con be increosed by leaving your dividends on deposit, Should you* not survive to age 65, « minimum ot $30,000 will be paid immediately to your family. ADf£)ED COLOR FEATURE !! 1 PON ARTS COMPA Vinee DETAR SEILERS Pau Pet ss ANGELS ONSBURY PARAVISION? COLON by DELUNE WaTED MTISTS Always Two Color Cartoons By completing the enquiry form below, you can obtain details suitoble to your personal situotion. Plons, can be arranged te provide various amounts maturing ot age 60 or 65. ro | ] SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Oshewe Shopping Centre ROGER WOLFE Home 723-2883 PATHECOLOR... PANAVISION JAMES BROWN ano st samous siames © LESLEY GORE + unt SHA 4 rar CHANDLER & marr vet « GENE CORMAN ALAN RAFFON- ROBERT RACE PLUS -- A Living Nightmare Born Before Time Begon Unit Manager Business 725-4563 cn 3ST INTEREST PeroRMANce m vane ade sins whe Won uN Pretuced by ARCOLA-COLONY PRODUCTIONS, INC. AOULT ENTERTAINMENT = hs With Vincent Price, Tab Hunter, Suson Hert Flim 8 Exect Date Of Birth ... eeeeeeseeneeereee YOU ARE ASGURED A WARM WELCOME ADDRESS ... AT THE €EON DRIVE-INS ww PEATURE AT: 2:10 -- 4:25 6:40 -- 8:55 OCCUPATION

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