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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Sep 1965, p. 6

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men go to be "dried out" has been that if they do not have the necessary will power after- ward to abstain, wien they know they must, then they don't bother to take the antabuse that is required." Whitby Duplicate Bridge Scores WHITBY (Staff) -- Results of the Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club's weekly meeting are as follows: North and South: Mrs. Mc- Cutcheon and Mrs. Pirie, 84; Mrs. Bowman and Mrs. Irwin, 83%; Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Spratt, 7744 and Mr. and Mrs. Wells, 75. East and West, Mrs. Stiner and Mrs. Welsh, 85%; Miss Wilson and Mrs. Crosman, 8144; Mr. and Mrs. DesRosiers, 794; Mrs. Chubb and Mrs. Maun- drell, 78. BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Admits | Hit-and-Run Driver Assessed $200 BOWMANVILLE -- A King- ston man pleaded guilty to a hit-and-run charge in magis- trate's court here Tuesday. Magistrate Crawford Guest fined him $200 and costs or 30 days. John Henry Coyle returned voluntarily to the local OPP de- tachment office two days after striking a car driven by Gordon Best, RR 3, Bowmanville and in- flicting $300 damage. He admit- ted panicking and leaving the scene of the accident on High- way 2 at Trull's rd. He said that damage to his own car was be- tween $300 and $400. "It was a callous thing to do to leave another motorist at the side of the road with $300 dam- age," commented His Worship. "The automatic pension will Ernest LaTrobe, and at the close of the meeting refresh ments were served by Mrs. R. Blaker and Mrs. Peter Bird. The next meeting will be held Oct. 25 at the home of Mrs. Gordon Kyle. . THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 30, 1963 os 6 | Auction Proceeds : = onl os DUy VLNOI wowns WHITBY -- The September meeting of the Ruth WA of St. John's Anglican Church was held at the home Mrs. R. Blaker, Pickering. presi- dent, Mrs. Gordon Kyle, opened the meeting with the WA prayer. Plans were made for the an- nual bazaar to be held Nov. 24. The Ruth WA will serve tea and have a novelty table. Thanks were received from the church wardens for the pro- ceeds of the very successful auction sale in June. The pro- ceeds were sufficient to under- write the cost of new robes for the choir. The Ruth WA agreed to donate the cost of stuffing a Wolf Head for the newly formed St. John's Cub Pack. Bible study was led by Mrs. THE WHITBY & AJAX Baptism For 3 Children KEDRON (TC) -- Rev. Winni- fred Bridges administered the rite of infant baptism to three children at the Sunday service. They were: Laura Jane, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robin- son; Janet Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Werry, and Sandra Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith. Fourteen Scouts from the 21st Oshawa Troop spent the week- end at Wellesley Island State Park in the Thousand Islands. AUDLEY (TC) -- The Hi-C Club is planning a tour of Casa Loma Sunday afternoon. Three Grade 8 classes are operating at Brock rd. School. G. Kollaard has 34 pupils in the senior room, of whom 17 Grade 7 pupils travel by bus. Mrs. R. Quinton has 26 juniors, The Baggotsville children are at- tending classes at Sinclair DRUNK NEARS LIMIT HUDDERSFIELD, England (AP)--Rockabilly kept just be- low the 30 m.p.h. speed limit so his rider, Aaron Lee, 35, was charged only with being drunk and not with Pere | Police timed them at 28 m.p.h. "Why, that's some going for a 15-year- old horse," Lee said, after pay- ing his £2 fine. : had been in a car with two aoet who had gone off and left em. A Campbellcroft man pleaded guilty to impaired driving. The fine was $150 and costs with an alternative of 10 days in jail. There was an automatic sus- pension of licence. Patrick Vincent Mahoney, RR 1, was granted two weeks to pay his fine. The officer, who laid the; charge, said his attention was first attracted to the eastbound car because it was travelling at about 25 miles an hour on High- way 401. In the next mile it was observed crossing the centre line four times and forcing two west- bound cars off on to the north hould When checked, the WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL Personal courteous service Fuly leensed ond insured. Dial 668-6176 4. A, OSTERHOUT Owner nay igeaer" MOR « A six-room addition to the Burcher Rd. Public School "im Ajax is expected to be gompleted by the end of No- AJAX SCHOOL ADDITION READY SOON of the addition, which in- cludes an auditorium, is ex- pected to total $225,000. --Oshawa Times Photo ing built with plans of a further six - room addition when the Ajax school popu- lation warrants it. The cost yember. The addition is be- Shooting Ban Bylaw Debated Pro And Con BROUGHAM -- The pros and cohs of the bylaw banning shooting in the gravel pit area, arbund Valley Farm rd., were heard at a meeting of the Pi¢kering Township Council Bylaw Committee this week. A devision on the controversial by- law will be made at a later council meeting. Allan Dawson, a resident of the area, said the bylaw penal- ized the serious outdoorsman and that indiscriminate shooting was done by people the out- doorsmen wanted to stop. He suggested the bylaw be made so tough for trigger-happy people they would cease coming to the aréa. John Grosart, a resident of the Valley Farm rd. who com- mutes to Toronto, said he did not think he should be obliged careful, and courteous, Others those who disobey hunting laws. | OFFICIAL SPEAKS | ers, in recent years, who do!officers.' owners had been subjected wentinot recognize the rights of on every day of the year. F.|others. We have no other block Hibbert complained about shots|set out like this in our whole which whizzed about his Grand|Lake Simcoe district," said S. Valley Park. Dorland of the Department of Members of rod and gun|Lands and Forests. og ag residents who had used the area for target prac-| tice spoke against the protests, | pecome a game sanctuary saying their mbers were|Which would bring trouble to rb t courteous. Others|land owners. He "said he did spoke against the ban on shoot- not think the department would ing but urged strong control for|!ike to see the area closed to j}hunting. "If it is hunters who| }are causing trouble, we want to know it. If it's target shooters, | "We have an element of hunt-/it is the concern of your peace! Championship Shows Held School. BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Mr. and Mrs. David Hudson, who were recently married, were guests of honor Saturday 'night at a social evening in the recre- ation centre. They were present- ed with a swivel rocker, coffee table, pole lamp, mirror and other gifts. The Dorcas secretary told members of St. John's WA two quilts had been made and sold. Members were reminded of the fall bale. WI's Travel. He contended the area could| To Niagara BROUGHAM (TC) -- Mem- bers of the Women's Institute, accompanied by members from Altona and Kinsale, had an en- joyable bus trip to the, Niagara peninsula. Mrs. R. Harden and Mrs. G. Gray were conveners. The party visited the Royal Botanical Gardens at Hamilton and later toured the E. D. Smith factory at Winona and the gov- ernment experimental farm at Grimsby. Sister E. Leola Beer has ac- cepted the office of vice grand of Joy Rebekah Lodge. A crossing guard has been named to assist school children cross the corner of the Brock driver smaelled of alchol, his need for contributions to the) apply. In fixing the fine I am taking into consideration the fact that you returned on your own and admitted your' guilt." Three Oshawa youths were let. given suspended sentence for} one year following conviction them to report once each month | theft of food from a cottage at to the probation officer and to|Cedarcrest Beach. hp separate and apart for that) Ronald Grainger Smalley, 22 ime. Stealing a bike from Abraham intandi speech was slurred, he stagger- ed when he walked and was un- able to locate his permit which |the officer could see in his wal- An Agincourt man elected for theft of four bicycles. Mag-|trial by magistrate and pleaded listrate Crawford Guest ordered |guilty to breaking, entry and |163 Marle ave., blamed all his DODD & SOUTER Terence Gordon Fudge, 17, 167 trouble on alcohol and asked to |Eastdale st. and Rheal Leger,|be sent for the cure. His record 18, 270 Jarvis st., each admitted|of theft and conviction dated | back to 1961. His counsel stated BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY ry ® DRAPES * BROADLOOM * PAINTS * WALLPAPER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. S., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 CONSULT A LICENSED REALTOR FOR EXPERT ADVICE OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 668-5853 515 Brock St. S$. Whitby HARRY'S JANITOR SERVICE 668-8873 © INDUSTRIAL © COMMERCIAL © COMPLETE JANITORIAL SERVICE 668-8873 609 HARRIET WHITBY Sol, RR 3, Bowmanville, |that his client was Michael Lajoie, 20, 280 Brown-|marry and start a new life. ing st. and Michael Saunders, | Clingham, Nash rd. jand help himself. When the officer went to) check the reported theft he met|the work done at bikes. Their story was that they | to | Magistrate R. B, Baxter sen- 18, 108 Kingsdale dr. each ad-|tenced him to 45 days in jail and mitted stealing one from Melvin recommended that he join AA| "I do not wish to minimize Mimico," the four youths riding the stolen | stated His Worship, "but my ex- perience in other cases where| | ARNOLD'S 115 BROCK NORTH WHITBY DON'T MISS OUR ALL WEEK VALUES Red Wing Orchards ROADSIDE MARKET McIntosh Apples IN THE TIMES SAT. WEEKEND SHOWCASE Mercury Furniture and Appliances * Phillips * Clairtone * GE. FREE DELIVERY Harwood, Ajax 942-3711 Enjoy an i} it 171 Brock N. 668. were fo g. For As Little As $25.00 DOWN You Own A QUALITY CAR from NIGOLS MOTOR SALES LTD. 146 BROCK N, CONNELLY SCHOOL BEAVER LUMBER By County 4-H Clubs UXBRIDGE -- Thirty-six 4-H;ship show at the fair. with the dairy calves and 15 4-H beef|Oshawa Kiwanis, Port Perry, calves were shown when the | Scott and Brock clubs repre- Ontario County 4-H Champions sented. Show was held in conjunction} The winner of the Uxbridge with Scott Fair. Farmers' Co-op Trophy for the Jane Flett, of the Oshawa Ki-|best grain sample went to Jim wanis 4-H Dairy Calf Club won|Gerrow, of Port Perry, a brot- the Orvan Chambers Trophy for/er of the winner, was runner-up. 4-H champion H - in calf. e@ runner-up was Murray Hospital Fund Over $300,000 Stone of the Port Perry 4-H Dairy Calf Club. The Elmcroft Perpetual Oe tutes cater, ver ove ree Ho ¢ wi by the Port Perry 4H Club on| Min re eg yey the calves of Murray Stone, y General Hospital Wayne Bretthour and Ron| fund raising campaign is Thomson. | over the 'hump' and on the The champion showman and} down hill slide, it was re- = = i a Benger ported this week by Rex Port Ruesy, The ccc ec was King, campaign director. "The campaign is now over the $300,000 mark and then some," King stated. Response from local school teachers, both at the elemen- tary and secondary school Dor-Mar Beauty Where it's so easy to look e+ So nice. FOR APPOINTMENT 668-3992 to change his route for fear of being shot. He said at times there is so much shooting his wife has to run to the house for shelter and that, on one occa- sion shots passed so close to her she thought someone was shooting at her. CARTON OF CANS He displayed a picture of his mail box with a bullet hole in it and showed the committee a carton of beer cans and rubbish he picked up in the area. Father Fleming, of the Jesuit House of Retreat, complained indignities to which property Park Bench Presented AJAX (Staff) A. park! bench, commemorating the De-| fence Industries Limited, was) received by the Ajax Town Council from the DIL with thanks and will be placed at _ the north end of the parkland CO. LTD. "Home Improvement Headquarters" 668-5818 419 Dundes &. BUSINESS OF THE WEEK MERCURY FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES . Harwood Ave, N. Ajax Thot old-ehesterfield set just obout had it? Washer or T.V. be- yond repair? Need @ new corpet for your living room or @ bed- room suite for the spore room? Then you should visit Mercury Furniture and Appliance of Ajax. Ernie Rowlond, proprietor of Mer- cury Furniture and Appliances offers a complete line of furniture and appliances by such well-known companies os Sklar, Phillips, Clair- tone and G.E. He features free delivery anywhere in the oreo plus complete factory service. Born ond raised in Ajax, Mr. Rowland is assisted in his busin- ess by Mrs. Rowland. They have four children ond are supporters of minor sports in the area as well as being sports minded themselves. Mr. Rowland was employed in the furniture business prior to opening Mercury Furniture and Appliances. He knows his business and posses along his knowledge and experience to his customers. Remember it's Mercury Furniture and Appliances for Quelity Pro- ducts at lowest prices, Mercury Furniture and Appliances, Harwood Ave. N. in Ajax. jrd. and Highway 7. MAPLE GROVE (TC)--Scout- master Harold Welsh {is anxious to contact boys between the ages of 12 and 19 years who are interested in the Boy Scout pro- gram, Boys 12 to 14 "Will be members of the Scout oop, boys 15 and 16, members of the Senior Patrol and boys 16 to 19, members of the Rovers. The troop meets Wednesday night. The 4-H program "Being Well Dressed and Well Groomed" will commence Sept. 25 in the Christian Education Building. Girls-to be eligible must be 12 years or over on Sept. 1, 1965. of DANCING Dancing Instruction from 4 years of age. Classes "Fancy" and "Cee" Grades | FRESH DAILY } 2% Miles West of Whitby on Highway No. 2--At the "BIG RED APPLES" Open Thurs. & Fri. -- 1 p.m. to 8 p.m: Sot. & Sun. -- 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. for Ladies. ie Register NOW © for Fall term ~ 513 Mary E. 668-3219 Stafford it Whitby Bros. Led. Monuments in stone and marble 4 Generations ef Experience : AJAX CLEANERS © COLD STORAGE @ SHIRT SERVICE 942-0310 72 HARWOOD $., AJAX ARMSTRONG HOMES Proudly Presents Southwood Park Ajax and Rolling Hills Estates Olive & Grandview, Oshewe 942-2401 43 SHERWOOD £. PICKERING ie Tadao MEALS JUST OPENED I WHITBY MEAT MARKET 313 BROCK §. 668-6941 WHITBY GOOLD'S FURNITURE SPECIAL... New -- Unpainted Furniture and Chrome Kitchen Sets 215 DUNDAS ST. £. . 668-5481 LEHN'S BAKERY * Specialising @ Cakes © Pastries 318 Dundes £. ABNER'S ESSO featuri THE GREAT NEW RAMBLER on 668-3552 IS YOUR DRINK, THEN WOOD'S OLD NAVY | | tees i ™ ra 8 IS YOUR RUM aon Make no mistake about It: Wood's Old Navy Is every bit a man's rum, It's dark and mellow, rugged and robust, a blend of the world's finest rums (many as old as 9 years). Next time get all the real, full-bodied flavour you expect and deserve from a rum. Next time try Wood's Old Navy. Secretarial Overload Service & SECRETARIES * TYPISTS * EXTRA STAFF * MAILING & DUPLICATING SERVICES 101 Dundes W. 668-8181 If you dress TRIM AND TAPERED you should be wearing BROUGHTON MOTORS % Licensed Mechanics * General Repairs .. * Quelity Fina Products 1101 Broek S. 668-8211 HORTON'S STUDIO | | Wy) @ INDUSTRIAL | e CHILD STUDIES @ PORTRAITS @ WEDDINGS 942-1110 is Open 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Tues., Sat., Sun. 12 - 9 p.m. 668-8111 114 Lupin Drive Jan Hoskins of the Brougham Club. Bruce Wilson, of Port Perry, showed the red ribbon junior Ayrshire calf was shown by Irene Smith, of Port Perry and| pat Seiden : the best junior Guernsey calf| level was escribe as a on Queen st. in the town. | by Murray Crawford of the Osh-| little short of being terrfic. Pata -- a a eee club. Ron Crosier, of Port; Payroll deduction programs fighters, received thanks for| Petty, showed the champion introduced in local firms. and : rie, of the Oshawa club, show-| running at a fast pace. ye hogy be Fae Mn aby geooe the champion Guernsey calf "We are very pleased with Gad the Ayatiehions said they| Kg Ontario County 4-H Grain} the results that are coming hoped' that the people of Ajax| Us also held their champion-| in, Mr. King said. would turn out to see the parade HIGH SCHOOL ACCESS | Council at its Monday meet- ing ruled that a one-foot strip of land, at the west end of Ambassador st., be rezoned to a public highway to allow ac- high school addition land. Coun-} eil also suggested that more) suitable access to the property be found from Harwood ave. | Council decided that any ne-| cessary regulations regarding! built, between the Lake Vista and Southwood _ subdivisions, would be included in the subdivi- sion agreement. Council approv- ed a draft plan for the sub- division prepared by the Ajax PROTECTIVE SERVICES Protective Services Chairman) William LeGross informed coun-| cil that his committee had been) discussing a number of. items) including subdivisions, cross- the Kingscourt Apartment, aux- P 4 i iliary police and town lighting. | } : 7 : ra we cry Trenching is Our yy, S Specialty 2 0 FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE 668-3566 Guaranteed Investments 3, 4 or 5 Year Term DX OIL Now is the time to to arrange for your FUEL OIL from DX, 668-3341 No. 2 Hwy. SHORTY'S | CIGAR STORE * Brigham Briar Pipes * Guns *& Ammunition * Cameras * Films HOURS 8 A.M, -- 10 P.M. DAILY 121 Brock N. 668-8361 , Holstein calf. The best junior | the hospitality the town's people|A¥7shire calf and Harold Guth-) others in Oshawa are also and games. | cess into the recently acquired | the 153-home subdivision to be Planning Board. 37 STATION PLAZA, AJAX walks, the parking problem at} 411 Fairview Dr. Whitby Whitby cone ren IsURENG 108 Brock'N. "Whitey ment the smooth, trim look of modern clothing. The pictured shoe is an up-tempo oxford tie with the look of reptile in the upper. You'll like the style and the price... 80 come by soon and check it out along with all our other great Pedwins, Why? Because Pedwine ere designed to comple igs = HFA : --h- | This Space Available For Your Advertising Message The Oshawe Times Call 723-3474 Advertising Dept. COLLINS SHOES Open Fri, Night Till 9 P.M, 119 Brock St. S., Whitby Ph, 668-3476

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