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Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Oct 1965, p. 3

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ees LABORBEAT By GORDON MITCHELL Oshawa Times Labor Reporter Canadian National Railways will be faced by the "Big Ten' demands from the Ca- nadian Brotherhood of Rail- way, Transport and General Workers Union when negotia- tions get 'underway in a few weeks, The mammoth _ transport union will demand contract improvements ranging from wage increases to additional holidays for CN employees covered by CBRTGWU agreements. Top o fthe list for the rail road boys is a 90 cents per hour general wage increase which would go into effect over a two-year contract per- jod. Job security is also asked for with guaranteed employ- ment after two years' service. Besides a vacation sched- ule, starting with two weeks after a year's service and ranging to six weeks after 25 years, the union will ask for 12 days sick leave a year which could be accumulated to a maximum of 200 days. A 10 cents hourly shift dif- ferential for employees who work after 6 p.m. and a shift differential of 15 cents for "those working between mid- night and 8 a.m. will also be on the list. Other economic issues in- clude the payment of the full cost of health and welfare plans by the CNR, An addi- tional general holiday, St. Jean Baptiste Day in Quebec and another appropriate day in the other 10 provinces is sought. Another demand is; No em- ployee to be forced to cross the picket lines of other unions. CNR truckdrivers who re- fuse to cross picket lines with snmneyremenegtteintieennet deliveries have been given demerit points by the com- pany. The accumulation of 60 'points could lead to a board of review which has power to suspend the employee. In June of this year in a telegram to Prime Minister Lester Pearson, the CBRT- GWU protested the misuse of the demierit system by CNR management. Demand number nine asks for three days bereavement pay each year. Number 10 is another safeguard of job se- curity. It asks that no work ordinarily performed by CBR- TGWU members be contract- ed out to private firms. Beside the "Big Ten" the union will also ask for amend- ments to other CNR - union greements, r The wildcat strike by mem: bers of Local 983, Internation- al Brotherhood of Teamsters, comes almost four years af- ter Oshawa auto carriers were tied up by a Teamster strike. Violence on picket lines, car bashing and tire slashing marked the four week lon strike by members~of 880, Teamsters, against Hast- ern Ontario and Quebec car- hauling companies. The dispute hinged around the question of control of wel- fare funds by Teamsters alone or joint-control with the truck- ing companies. During the strike union lead- ers charged that Communists were smashing up cars in an effort to bring the union into dispute. The Red ruse seems to be working for a while. Ontario Department of La- bor officials finally got both sides together and worked out a solution to the dispute. Tm cn French Founders Too, Says Lesage |, said Wednesday lawyers should! joined in prayer for his wel- Tories Take! A New Line On C'Wealth LONDON (CP) -- Britain's Conservative party says growth in future Commonwealth co-op- eration should be confined mainly to such non - political fields as education, law and \health. Co-operation in military and political spheres was bound to be limited. In a new policy statement ts- sued today, the party says also the richer Commonwealth coun- tries should help relieve Britain of some of the burden of de- fence and economic aid for the developing member countries. Under Edward Heath's lead- ership, the party, now the par- liamentary , still is committed se full mem- bership in the European Com- mon Market. Its statement of aims {s the result of studies by more than 20 party policy committees: es- tablished and co-ordinated last January by Heath who took over the party leadership two months ago. Heath told a press conference Wednesday he regards the statement as a "genuine, seri- ous and courageous attempt to jface up to the problems of the 'ountry."" | One of his greatest regrets about the 13 years of Tory ad- ministration which preceded the current Labor government was that it "did not succeed) enough in. changing the funda: mental mood and attitudes of the country," pushing it toward| greater productivity and vigor.) The document, issued six days before the Tories meet} under their new leader in an-| nual conference, stresses the} need for "economic strength} and efficiency," modernization} and opportunity -- virtually an echo of the gospel of progress and reform preached by Prime jment. ent 'Lawyer, Heal | Thyself': Bick | TORONTO (CP)--C, 0. Bick, police jon Ort With Pontiff :-: bere Ontario Premier John Ro- barts and New York Gover- nor Nelson Rockefeller cut ribbon Wednesday official- Monday HANDS ACROSS THE NIAGARA RIVER ly opening 520-foot Skylon at Niagara Falls, Ont, Look- ing on is Charles Hoffman, eh pon ego pon ae ain _THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, October 7, 1968 J |MORE FOR CANADIANS = | CBC Walkout Staved Off And Stage Lights Go Up TORONTO (CP)--CBC radiojsaid he does not wish to use it, = ae soem, bree when negotiations resume. since Oct. 1 by a union em- bargo on performances and re-| The strike threat was used to» | |hearsals, will light up again to-/back union demands for all. day following a major offer|scriptwriters employed by the. Wednesday by the corporation.|CRC to belong to the union, pur- The CBC proposed increased|chase a $50 work permit from work opportunities. for Cana-|it or have their scripts cleared dians in the 1966-67 programjby ACTRA. : The CBC's offer was made ago g grey her a de- mand by the Association of Ca- nadian Television and Radio| ® statement to Mr. Comor by Guy Coderre, CBC. vice- president of administration, Artists and ending for the mo- ment a threatened country-wide strike, The stage now has been set for resumption of negotiations --possibly Tuesday -- between the two parties, although a con- tinuing strike vote across' the country still looms offstage. Henry Comor, ACTRA presi- dent, said more than 10 per cent of; ACTRA members had mailed their ballots by Tues- day. He said he expected "there will be an authorization." The threat of a strike vote is 'still a useful thing to have', Comor said, although he HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Centre development, con- tains observation level and revolving dining room. (CP) managing director of Ni- agara International Centre. Skylon, part of $12,000,000 | Eastern Rite Teamster Talks Faltering | Prelate Met Strike Action Threatened -- TORONTO (CP) -- Negotia- Wednesday employees may | attempted tions between five teamsters'|have to be laid off if the strike! locals and 85 Ontario ltrucking companies stalled| i ' vern.| . NEW YORK (AP)--A drama-| Wednesday night and the union |Minister Wilson's Labor govern: |; private meeting took place| Planned to take steps to ge | between Pope} strike action if there is no pro-| Paul and the leading Hastern|stess by 3 p.m. today. Orthodox . prelate Archbishop learned Wednesday. They held a 15-minute talk/(Ind.) and chairman of a representing members of five locals, said in|more vacation pay in a new la statement the union. would|contract, They now receive $2\facturer is marketing a new apply to the Ontario labor rela-|an hour and work a 48-hour) range of paints for children who ltions board to waive concilia-| week. Their four-year contract) pyy kits of 'monsters, wierdies the arch, current hodoxy's Athenagoras | commissioner,|stantinople (Istanbul), and) in America, | lakovos, it difficulties committee ecumenical of| patri-| of Con Kenneth McDou gall, presi- was'dent of local 938, International |Brotherhood of Teamsters|hour wage joint} 9,000| Storage Draw Ist PRIZE Natural Mink Stole MRS, JEAN DIAZ 287 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit, Ont 2nd PRIZE White Arctic Fox Stole MRS. JUNE GILLESPIE to drive into the yard past 50 pickets. continues another week. | Const, Nicholls said he no- a |ticed a rifle and boxes of am- | AGREE ON WAGES munition in the car when he | Negotiators were reported) to|waved it to a halt, As he) have reached agreement on a reached into the vehicle to take | wage increase but were dead-| the driver's licence, the car, locked on other items, sped away. The constable held | The union is seeking a $1-an-| 0" but was pushed off about 50 | increase over a two-| feet down the road. year period, a 40-hour week,|;~ ae premiums for shift work and| TINTS MATCH TASTES LONDON (CP)--A toy manu- "tidy up their own profession" | fare. | There have been reports. re- ltion. services if there is no pro-|.with Ontario firms expired Sep.| and ghoulies." On the list are! before criticizing police. | | 30. of Turkish: restrictive | gress today. Lae: ; Devil Red, Slimy_ Green,| The application, if granted, Const. Gary Nicholls of the | Ghastly Yellow and Vampire |would permit a legal strike| Metropolitan Toronto polic e| Purple | TORONTO (CP) -- Quebec|was his first debate with uni-) 57 Chadburn St. Oshawa, Ont Premier Jean Lesage fired all|versity students since starting} ' : his bilingual guns at 350 Uni-jout three weeks ago on a} He was commenting in an in-| cently ' versity of Toronto students\speaking tour that took him to terview on a charge made|measures against the patri é Wednesday night, and they ap-|the western provinces. He par- Tuesday night by Lawyer Rob-! arch. |within seven days, which would force was injured Wednesday | plauded him for it. iticipates today. in a newspaper |ert _ ee ing ng The patriarch is the spiritual) 1 ae eg MR So meee amas or megan tive Good Nomyyen Boring, Sell i seminar wit .|the truth when they testify in {to Ottawa, Mr. McDougall said. 4 § g r carrying \ five en Buying ing He got his longest standing a ith Ontario and Que leader of about 200,000,000 aici than 4006 unidn wenn 8% Wio barred a nomstriking REAL ESTATE ovation in the university's jam-|bec publishers and editors be-\court. |Fastern Christians, similar to| | heli i packed Hart House debating/fore returning home in the. Mr. Carter told a public af-|the Pope's position as leader of|bers are already engaged in Skate? Pe ee nit "Ratectere Vice Pras hall when he declared, his face evening. fairs forum many policemen} 550,000,000 Roman Catholics, _ | wildcat strike at trucking yards) Sihed: With: eenoton: ti his main aueech. Me Le es Ae tendency | to add i inal when and wadtaontte Toronto, Hamilton, Oshawa, Bitgel et te Schofield-Aker Ltd. something that is incriminating | pranches of Christendom split St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, shreatenad iis Ancet whan Se 723-2265 "We are as much 2 foundingisage bluntly asked: 'Can ped / t * | and bend the truth" in their ea-|in 1954, but friendlier relations Windsor, Kitchener, Waterloo, oup of Canada as the English'someone here tell me what) oc. to get convictions | gerness g onvictions. \have developed since Pope Guelph, Preston and Bspeller @ rum- 'anadians." |English - Canada wants?" "We Gominissioner Bick caid the They applauded again when|don't know,' said one heckler. charge is "completely erron| pau! and the patriarch met, The strike has affected indus- he vigorously rejected the Idea! To applause, Mr. Lesage de- wut ' }and embraced in a histori¢ en-|tries in the Kitchener area and that, perhaps, Quebec. should'clared: "Is it a unitarian state OCs gers at General Motors in Oshawa, present the English majority|they want where there is one g d c " where company officials said ince's search for equality un-|risk ro wr g that on one of der the Canadian constitution.|the founding groups of Can- . "You: will never have. unity? a? But Price Up on that basis because you will) The words 'Canadian Unity" participating in an organized|/You cannot have unity without/of its 1966 cars, but basic pri- debate on foreign. grounds, [t,equality of opportunity. Wejces will be higher because of _ ------_------ -- jean reach unity through diver-\standardization of previously H It C ll d |sity and we can have a strong|optional equipment. lalism are not a reason for dis-|Daytona two-door' sports sedan junity but "for enrichment andjand holding the line on other for strength." models a Toronto art gallery owner, charged with exnasing ohscene pictures, when the Crown con- tended too many expert de objected that the defence had not applied for permission to call more than five expert wit- A * nesses at the trial of Dorothy sored Belly bie ted ig pom. == B10 & pm. 5 G a h a C S *Guaranteed Investment Certificates with a written list of demands|language, one culture? Is Eng- epi never have. equality," he said. are the two most '"'empty-words| SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP)-- |Canada because of our diver-| 'The firm said it is cutting the In Art Trial DON'T FORGET fence witnesses were being Cameron ling, although the premier was)They are meaningless words.|price cuts. Wednesday on two | Bilingualism and multicultur-|station wagon and- $55 on_ its called Wednesday in the trial of Crown lawyer' Peter Rickaby | Continental French Buffet posing seven obscene pictures at her mid-town gallery last May. The ness, liam Quennell, Tuesday that he saw two women in the shadowy, ab- stract -- Lovers VII -- engaged in sexual activity prosecution's main Detective-Sergeant had testified wit- Wil- anchor :pertaining to Gold Anchor Rum, blended for the discriminating Canadian, :the time it takes to age this light rum to its rich flavour. am@hORice :ordinary ice used to chill Gold Anchor Rum... ice doesn't dilute the true rum flavour. drop anchor: term used when friends drop in 'because your rum drinks are so-o-o zesty, anchor-ess :a hostess who uses Gold Anchor in any rum drink imaginable, anchor-mani: a person who enjoys the way this light zesty rum. has been blended....from selected imported and domestic rums. p> anchor :same meaning as "bottoms up'only per- taining to drinks made with Gold Anchor. anchor bolt :when. someone runs away. with your last bottle of Gold Anchor Rum. GOLD ANCHOR :a light rum produced by the Wood Rum Company Ltd.,..identified by the gold anchor attached to all 12, and 95 oz.bottles.,.. the rum appreciated by more and more Canadians, The Diplomat DIPLOMAT is a remarkable woo! gabordine that tailors into o fine outercoat -- equally at home in your city or any capital city of the world. WHO LOST KANGAROO THAKEHAM, England (CP) Farmer Michael Wilcock . still insists it really was a kangaroo he saw grazing on his Sussex farm. He gave chase in a truck, but the animal jumped over a stréam and disappeared. No z00 or private collection has re- ported losing a kangaroo. é , ; SHH HH HHHHHHHHE ct. © te tT ek ee ne eee bP ee EF EE Ff DIPLOMAT is tightly woven to give warmth~- without weight . . . silicone processed to turn awoy showers. The DIPLOMAT outercont is luxurious to the touch, comfortable to weor, pleasing to the eve. Offered in o variety of rich, subtle colors by fine men's shons in oll principal cities and quaranteed by the rk of Pure Virgin Wool a in the French - speaking prov-|!ish-Canada r@ady to take the There was almost no heck-\! know,"' the premier said./Studebaker Corp announced |sity."" |price $52 on its 1966 Wagonaire TORONTO (CP)--A halt was The Kih Room called. Miss Cameron has pleaded not guilty to a charge of ex- Interest Calculated and Paid Quarterly » by SAVINGS HOURS WARREN K, COOK MONDAY -- THURS. 9 TO 6 SATURDAY 9 TO S FRIDAY 9 TO 9 e "DOORWAY TO A MAN'S WORLD" HEAD OFFICE 19 Simeoe St. N. Oshewe Tel. 723-5221 23 King St. W, Bowmenville City-Wide Delivery Tel. 623-2527 MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 , ings Till > P.M POUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 231 Simeve St., 5. Bowmanville Office Closed on Wednesdeys EE | ee

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