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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Oct 1965, p. 12

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'and unwanted THE PRESIDENT of the Oshawa Lions' Club, Mr. Kenneth Loverock, installed the new executive of the Oshawa Lionettes at a re- Oshawa Lionett Installed At Dinner Meeting The new 1965-66 executive of the Oshawa Lionettes Club was installed at a dinner meeting held recently in the Spruce Villa, Whitby. The president of the Oshawa Lions' Club, Mr. Kenneth Love- rock installed the following: president, Mrs. Jack Anderson; secretary, Mrs. Peter Andrey; treasurer, Mrs. Gerald Hudson; penalty officer, Mrs. Edwin Wellman. Special guests present for the occasion were: Lion John Kent; Mrs. Harold Phillips, Mrs. There's Work To Do For Willing Hands The secretary reported on an) '0o™ By ROBERTA ROESCH There's work for everyone in this world on a paying or non- paying basis, and some of the most important is sharing the talents and skills you have with people less fortunate than you. This is the case in jobs and careers as well as in volunteer work. And often you find it by opening your eyes to the things right your nose. In fact, this is just what hap- pened to Katherine Anderson Fricke, a Broadway and TV actress, who started out as 4): gly drama instructor be 4 desire.to build a school in which she could teach crea- tive arts, as well as beauty and love, to underprivileged chil' dren. Today she is teaching all of those , and still dreaming of building her school, as she gives her time and her talents to the Blue Curtain Youth Foundation. This is a centre in New York City for the deprived children who lack any real opportunity to 'study dancing, music, drama, ing behind are the penalty officer, Mrs. Edwin Well- man and the treasurer, Mrs. Gerald Hudson. --Oshawa Times Photo cent dinner meeting, In the front row from the left are: Mrs. Peter Andrey, secre- tary; and the president, Mrs Jack Anderson. Stand- | es' Executive 'Marilee Parker / 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday; October 8, 1965 |Many Showers, Parties Ei ' ss : i (0) _|Honor Miss Sharon Dale 3 | riage to Mr. Lawrence Perkins|top-hat and Miss Marilyn Mar- ' takes place tomorrow in First . f : s Baptist Chureh, has been honor- kle dressed as a bride. The Miss Sharon Dale, whose mar-ja bridegroom in tails and a ed at a number of showers, |make - believe couple escorted Miss Japhia Terlecki, maid of tl Bape aig bat Phar per honor, assisted by her mother,|(Nait» Wrere 8 kitchen items and groceries. Recently returned from the International Convention in Dallas, Texas, Mrs. Lorna Mc- Gill Hancock, Ottawa, Gover- nor of District 17, Pilot Inter- national, paid her annual visit to the Pilot Club of Oshawa. In her report of the Dallas Convention, Mrs. Hancock told of her visit to the headquarters of "Meals For Millions," in Mexico. This is a new modern plant, which collects, prepares and packages food to be dis- tributed to needy people the world over, is sponsored by four or five major service organiza- |tions of which Pilot Internation- lal is one of the largest spon- sors. High on the list of projects undertaken by Pilot Inter- national were its scholarships to bring foreign students to North American Universities, to prepare them for service in their own countries. District 17 has decided on its own centennial project, to Pro! renovated to become the head-| recently vide a full education for a Cana-| Feted At Showers Charles Ibey, and Mrs. John} aries! Maviles Park 'h Zaporozan. A.gift was presented|_ Miss Martiee -- arker, habia to Mr. Loverock by Lionette| Marriage takes place tomorrow cake was cut by Lionette Mrs./anq presentations. Wolfe Miller. 'it ? | Mrs. William Crosmas held a Be ben ggg bboy omy meet' personal shower at her home on 8 dent, Mrs,| carmen Court with Miss Dianne home of the president, Mrs./ Roulding as co-hostess, attended Jack Anderson, three new mem- by many close friends, bers were inducted by Lionette| : Mrs. Wolfe Miller, membership| The bridesmaids, Miss Elean- convener. Welcomed by the|0r Rose, and Miss Ann Flem- president were Mrs. Harold/ing, and the maid of honor, Miss Phillips, Mrs. Charles Ibey and|Barbara Parker, sister of the Mrs. John Zaporozan. \future bride, held a miscellan- Tt was decided to havea rum.|¢ous shower at Harman Park, mage sale in November and to| attended by neighbors, relatives, send @ donation to Simcoe Hall.|#"4 friends of the future bride- Mrs. William Markus, Mrs. Judith Carlson and Mrs. John | Wyatt, aunt of the bride-elect, held a party at Fernhill Park Club House for neighbors, rela- tives and friends of the bride-to- be. There they made a presen- executive _ meeting appointing] committees for the coming year. A past-president's pin was pre- sented to Mrs. Gerald Hudson. Refreshments were served by dian Indian and contributions) ; | : |have been coming in from Pilot| were being raised Teas Presentations lub members in the Unite djby a sale of cook U |States as well as from the dis-'is paid for, all funds raised will/® ' _.. |go to service work throughout of In making her annual visits the world, trict. |to Mr. William Rose in West-|Mrs. Hancock was asked what) ---- ae ~ ee! Syst birthd }mount United Church, has been| she looked for in the clubs she} . e fifteenth year birthday| entertained at showers, teas| visited. Her reply was that she| \looked beyond a club's formal jduties for the feeling and en- jthusiasm of its members. She noticed that there were many| | more women in business today jthan there were ten years ago jand that everyone seemed to be | busier. | Mrs. Hancock spoke briefly on the new home of Pilot Inter- national, which was bought and the bridal attendants, Miss El- jeanor Rose, showed the wed- ding gifts, Miss Barbara Par-) ker the personal attire and Miss Ann Fleming the shower roo Owen, junior bridesmaid. | Mrs, G. Ferguson and Mrs. William Ross, aunts of the fu- the execytive. tation of a vacuum cleaner and a large mixmaster. HOUSEHOLD HINT When you wash a lace table-\office of GMC where the future cloth, starch it lightly. and putlpride is employed held a shower it on a curtain stretcher to dry.|where many lovely gifts were It's perfectly shaped and N0\received, ironing's needed. | pale pink sheath dress and a corsage of deep pink carna- tions, The future bride wore a pink knitted dress and a pink and white corsage. The prospec- tive bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Alfred T. Rose, wore a black and white silk crepe dress and coat ensemble with a white cor- IN 3 sage. Grandmother of the bride, » i WIFE PRESERVER |Mss. Beatrice 'wrat, wore, 8 Make an inexpensive cornice|with a white and black feather- for children's rooms using twoled hat and a pink and white curtain rods and rod openings at|corsage. top and bottom of fabric cornice. |Those assisting in the kitchen r .,._|were Mrs. Wilfred Barnes and Co-workers in the Suggestion Mrs. Bernard Owen, very good _| Mrs, George Parker entertain-| ed at a trousseau tea in herjushers, Mr, Ray Pylypiw at Ox- daughter's honor. To receive|ford Park Towers on Glen street. her guests, Mrs. Parker wore aj ~~ = Assisting in the gift rooms, | ture bride-to-be, poured tea. jfriends of the bride's mother. | Following the rehearsal to- night, a party will be held by ithe parents of the future bride- groom at the home of one of the ""gailing, a combination of actuali-| voice, diction, art and other subjects that could help them develop as human beings and) show what is wholesome and) Formerly The Handy Andy Cor Wash good. NOBODY PAYS "Nobody pays and nobody is paid at the Blue Curtain," ex- "plains Katherine. "But we help 'over 100 children of all faiths who come to us from the poor- 'est districts to be taught by outstanding professionals. Ten years ago the Blue Cur-| tain began when Katherine,/ after finishing a stint as tele-| *vision's Valiant Lady, found) herself thinking once again of | 'the school she hopes to build in 'the future. But while she was dreaming) 'of the financial ship that would) 'come in to give her smooth) -ties--a newspaper article about, unwanted children, Dr. Albert) Schweitzer's book Out of My Life and Thought and a view of "the horror and squalor she saw) in sections through which she) passed in New York--made her| realize suddenly that there was) '{mportant work she could be do-| ing in the present. | As a result, she started by| cone what we all can do when we have a new project under! our nose. | In Katherine's case, this, meant teaching Puerto Rican} .and Negro children dramatics| 'on Saturdays, taking them to} 'church and breakfast on Sunday and helping them improvise and ice a play in which they played heavenly characters. INSPIRED NAME The group adopted its pres-| ent name after a manufacturer 'gave 55 yards of blue silk to! make curtains for the perform-| ance. | From the gift of the curtains) to the present, there have been) many other donations of money, | talent, time and space that) have helped the group continue} and grow. | As Katherine recruits both) money and help she holds on to; her dream of a school. | But as she waits, she's doing) Unie Phone 7 « Bond St. West Washing Cleaning Polishing \| Service 8 AM. - 6 PLM. Deily Mon, - Set. ANNOUNCING Under New Proprietorship of MR. CEC REID ESTEND CAR WASH Complete Speedy CAR Ur) HAHAHAHA, 23-1881 : 452M "3S Just Follow The Arrow To Westend Carwash 520 t King West the thing that any person can do -- sharing the talents and skills we have with people less privileged than we. tevenson Rd. . ROAST ONTARIO TURKEY BAKED HONEY CURED HA District Governor Of Pilot Clubs we," etc dora win On Official Visit To Oshawa MRS. L, M. HANCOCK quarters, and stated that funds} to pay for it] pave an interesting talk on the books. Once it|origin of the rosary and urged ms.| . te Seay Biko he aE WELER o MAGIC Sotars ced thee oar of ene UNUSUAL DESIGNS in diamond jewelry are cre- ated through use of many diamond shapes pen- dant shown combines pear, marquise and round dia- monds with stunning effect. Ring adds sapphire for greater interest, while ear- rings are an intriguing blend of swirl and round diamonds in many shapes, sizes. Photo courtesy Jewelry Industry Council. | Take The Family Out For... -)jhanksowing Dinner v/s 2 j MOTOR HOTELS Hwy aay Her salad Bring the whole family and enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving Dinner at The Flying Dutchman this weekend. Served Sunday and: Monday 11:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Fred Terlecki held a mis- a Sas Pei, ele Get Beg a Water Spam se yiongnenrng Sairy aces: np alpen etieh eB a ' FASHION THAT Barbara Broadbent, dressed as cellaneous shower for friends of ing well, A buffet supper was served, Co-workers at the Dental Clin- ic, where the future bride was shower at the home of Mrs. Douglas Gibbs. The hostess was assisted: by Miss Beatrice Kos- \ter. jheld by the women of the Chris- ltian and Missionary Alliance Church, of which the bride-to- lhe is the pianist. The shower lwas arranged by Mrs. Sidney |Wade, assisted by Mrs. John Gaatch. A neighborhood shower was iheld by Mrs. Wilfred Hanley at lher home on Jarvis street. The jhostess was assisted by Mrs. \David St. Andrews and Mrs. F. jwas greeted at the door by Miss employed, held a miscellaneous} A miscellaneous shower was|? Later in the evening a presen- tation of crystal and an Italian Provincial - coffee ' table was made to Miss Dale, as well as @ bride's book, prepared by Mrs. Wilfred Hanley, assisted by her daughter-in-law, Mrs, Martin Hanley. Mrs, Robert Moon, grandmo- ther of the future bride poured rews, Miss Susan Kelly, Miss Margaret Rice and Miss Bette Wier. Mrs. Robert Tremble held a miscellaneous shower at her home in Taunton for relatives and friends of the bride-elect. Mrs, George Parker and Mr. Parker, who arrived in Oshawa Monday, from London, Eng- land, to attend the wedding to- morrow. Assisting the hostess was Mrs. William Markus. The bridal party will be en- tea, assisted by Miss Lynda St.) Andrews, Miss Leslie St. An-) Sharing in the evening's honor! was an aunt of the bride-to-be, _|Our Lady. Father Borg then | |St. Paul's introduced two new| ICED SHRIMP COCKTAIL CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP CONSOMME MADRILENE CHILLED JUICES, TOMATO, APPLE, GRAPEFRUIT tertained following the rehearsal | Executive Installed (tris evening at the home of Mr. land Mrs. William Lyons, aunt ' land uncle of the future bride. | At St. Paul's CPTA 2 Se ee | | | The first meeting of the sea- : son of St. Paul's CPTA was held The Reverend Joseph Borg] 24 hours listening on your home station zz ll present to avail themselves| this devotion during the| month of October, the month of} swore in the new executive: | president, Mrs, Joseph Gangem) vice + president Mrs. Gerald) Kausubeck; treasurer, Mrs. Mi-| chael. Gallas; secretary, Mrs.| Arthur VanLeeuven. I Mrs. Gangemi announced that school uniforms would be intro-| duced, Mr. J. Hogan new principal at teachers on the staff, Miss Mof-| fatt, kindergarten, and Miss) Rowden, Grade 1. In a short| talk he stressed the need for co-| operation between parent and teacher in the education of the ichildren. A film on driver education TERRY MANN SHOW Daily Monday to Friday 2 to 5 p.m. terest to all present. | The social hour wes held un- der the direction of Mrs. Wil- liam Everitt assisted by Mrs. E.} Crosby. Mrs. Everitt was also} the winner of the 50-50 draw. Starring Program Director TERRY MANN | ro HOUSEHOLD HINT 'Powder diapers liberally as you fold them so that, come) changing-time you can just pat the baby lightly with the diaper} -- he's powdered -- adjust and! pin it on, 1350 RADIO ASSORTED RELISH TIDBITS @ SELECTIONS ®@ SAVOURY STUFFING CRANBERRY SAUCE CHAMPAGNE SAUCE | ROAST PRIME RIBS of BEEF ,,..::.10 | ; 0 HORSERADISH Grilled GEORGIAN BAY TROUT 'i... SAUCE BAKED POTATO IN TIN FOIL WHIPPED POTATOES, CANDIED YAMS GREEN BEANS --- GLAZED CARROTS TOSSED GREEN-SALAD CHOICE OF DRESSING ASSORTED ROLLS AND BREADS FOR @ Desserts . @ FOR oo PLUM PUDDING BRANDY SAUCE ~~ 'APPLE, RESERVATIONS PUMPKIN, HOT MINCE PIE -- STRAWBERRY . Phone PARFAIT -- OL{ FASHIONED RICE PUDDING Phone JELLO -- CHOCOLATE CAKE A LA MODE -- = CHILLED CANTALOUPE -- CANADIAN Bowmanville CHEDDAR CHEESE AND CRACKERS -- 3-3373 TEA COFFEE ~~ MILK 623-3373 AFTER DINNER MINTS > UNDER "FASHION Look, feel and be exquisite In foundations | by e NEW X-POSE BRA: An artful blend of Lyora® and nylon Ban-Lon® lace, This is a froth of a bra, but don't let its i pearance deceive you. It's heavenly comfort to bot ip gives control for firm, round curves. 8 --_ low into a criss-cross for gentle, but per- suasive, uplift and separation ... then sweep around to its low cut back. In misty white. A, B, C cups; 32-40.... $5 KODEL?.LINED X-POSE BRA: (not Mustrated) This bra has all the features of the above plus a resilient Kodel® lining .. . for the woman whose bosom is slightly mint A,B etipe; 82-96.....0000aseosseseress Oa LONG LEG PANTY GIRDLE: This Lycra® power net girdle by "Exquisite Form" is quite firm about slimming, 'yet is so lightwel; hardly know it's there. Split hep : ype geo ni design firms and molds hips anfl thighs for a' slender unbroken line, Slant waistband conforms comfortably to your contour (everyone's different), to stay in place. Take ten minutes to try on this remarkable girdle and discover wine difference it makes in the way you look and feel. eee | ee Matching Girdle: S, My Levesssesee PD © Reg'd. T.M. Risin SHOPPING 18 CONVENIENT ON A WALKER'S PLAN ACCOUNT vB Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Your Money Refunded OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Daily OPEN TO 9 P.M. | THURSDAY & FRIDAY | |

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