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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Oct 1965, p. 14

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OO BE AOE Gm pl 5s yer TOS agmine: your advice, which iejfight, She didn't theow-e Mt or] SHIP TRIALS START --_, ships the Defoe Ce. OK for light reading but tee hag me, she just let me run out} BAY CITY, Mich. (AP) --|is building for the Royal Aus: can't live by it. my string. Now everyone isiBuilders of the Australian|tratian Navy, is to be commis- After 18 years of martiage Ijhappy and no one was hurt.| guided-missle destroyer Hobart|sioned in December. The Perth was bored with my wife, the|So you see, I do have a point./began the ship's sea trials} was comes earlier and the kids, my in-laws and our Tues-|D0n't I--Buster Thursday on Lake Huron, The/Brisbane is to be tad early day night bridge game, I met|. Dear Buster: Yes, you've got|Hobart, second of three sister|next year. a young woman who made me|® Point but if you comb your ~ feel like I had some red blood hair over to tne side it May Tot FIRST TO . oe . in my veins, We managed to/*how. get together four nights a week,|, OK. So your wife didn't slash YOUNG AGES then... For quality, selection and value , . . featuring all the loteer styles for boys 3 rg ay bs ree fo size 14. eae We took some nice little trips.|Het wrists. That doesn't mean yi SEE ANN' LANDERS | Dad Shocks Family With 'Dizzy Doris' \THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORRO W The Oncoming full moon brings its usual warning against over - emotionalism, moodiness and displays of iemperament. Natives of some signs are more gravely afflicted in this regard than others so, to be on the safe side, make it a point " be tactful with all! FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, Dear Ann Landers: My fa-,agers to come to the front of the = gain has been a widower|church and swear before God|wife. She made it plain she/@te lucky to have a woman who ince 1955. We hoped he would|that they would not drink liquor|W@sn't going to break up our ge ale os at Km -- your horoscope indicates that,/marry one of the fine women/before they reached their 2ist a ha ype oer off rod than you deserve. : where job and monetary prog-jhe has been taking out be-|birthday. le e sald she hoped I HOUSEHOLD HINT f m b ress is concerned, the next tW0-| cause soon he will be 60 years|- I do not drink and I don't plan tse eet Ah pr yy pret te and-a-half months may prove of age. to--even after I am 21--but Iling on. After a few months the) When youngsters leave fruit rather negative. Do not become! Last night he brought over a/didn't feel like going up there/fire was out. When I told my|juice or cocoa in glass or cu discouraged -however. knock-kiced blonde who wore/|in front of all those people. ~ wife her only comment ete the toavieae = a mnt Late December will bring/white linstick, no eyebrows, and| Last night four kids who took It's about time." ipaper cup, insert a popsickle some pleasant surprises along|a red dress cut down to her na-|the oath bought a bottle of] {1 know now I'll never step out|stick and freeze, They'll eat it these lines, and the good period| val. His first words were: | Some big mouth told 'my|She didn't agonize plenty. You aoe ein SHOPPIN tod "THE POSTMAN'S POUCH RICHARD KORET, one of the winners of the Leather Industries of America awards, created this glamor- ized version of the post- man's pouch. The large tote you will enter on the 2ist of that month will last until mid- February. Next good financial cycles: The entire months of June, August and September of next year. Do avoid extrava- gance and-or-speculation be- jtween now and Dec. 20, how- ever--especially in November. Your best periods for occupa- tional advancement 'will mostly parallel the aforementioned good monetary cycles, but you will have additional stellar bles- jsing along this line during the last two weeks in April, when you may receive tratifying rec- ognition for some outstanding accomplishment. Those in busi- ness can successfully conclude} important transactions in late December and mid-May. is made of the softest calf- skin in a rich brown shade and features a top closing and a shoulder strap of heavy gold chains. --By TRACY ADRIAN DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. PMA CLUB The Pleasant Monday After- noon Club held it weekly meet- ing at the Legion Hall with the president,, Mrs. George V. Lee, presiding. Favorite hymns were sung and readings given by Mrs. George V. Lee, Mrs. Thel- ma Edgar and Mrs. William Reed It was decided to have an outing to Yorkdale Shopping Centre on Wednesday, October 97, and a bus will be chartered to leave the Legion Hall at 2 p.m. Names are now. being taken for those wishing to go. Mrs. Jack Jakes was report- ed ill at her home, Refresh ments were served and a social time enjoyed. As next, Monday is. Thanksgiving there 'will be no meeting until October 18. LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 43, held its weekly meeting with the president, Mrs. Alyn Elliott, presiding. Deepest sympathy) was expressed for Mrs. Frank Grant in the, loss of her son, also to Mrs. H. Rogers whose husband passed away recently. A report of the rummage sale was given by Mrs. Matthew Bell and monies received will go into the Sports Fund. Mrs. Alfred Lavender gave the finan- cial report on recent catering. Mrs. Edward Bouckley, Zone Sports officer, outlined future) activities,.and a team from Oshawa will go to Preston for) the Dart Tournament, Mrs, Matthew Bell, sports con- vener, stated bowling has com- menced, on Wednesday morn- ings at 9.30 a.m. at the Motor City Lanes, Richmond street. Members on the Legion Christ-) minded of the meeting to be held October 13, at 7.00 p.m. Bazzar goods were brought, in and some fine donations of work received. The bazaar is on November 25. Mrs. Robert Williams, Zone Commander, gave her report on Provincial Executive meetings held recently at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. She stated an old and well loved member, Mrs. Mary Gower, for many years a Provincial officer, had passed away in May. Monies raised by Auxiliaries in 1964 totalled $810,000. Since 1950 435 bursaries and scholarships had been given to the amount of $164,000. A centennial fund is now 'be- ing discussed and monies will be needed. Without the partici- pation of all members, these projects cannot go through with any degree of success. The attendance of members of the Oshawa Auxiliary is not good in comparison to the num- ber on the books and much of the work was left on the shoul- ders of those who did attend week by week. Commencing next week a record of attend- ance is to be kept in a bonk for this purpose and will be check- ed over from time to time. Reported ill.in hospital in Osh- awa are Mrs. William Evans and Mrs, Roberta Maiel. WESTMINSTER UCW A cornucopia, fruit and vege- tables decorated the head table for the Thanksgiving meeting of the Westminster United Church Women. The president, Mrs- Leonard Carrington, welcomed al) the visitors and members. Mrs. Howard Allan, "Mrs Jack Westlake and Mrs. John Redko were in charge of the devotional period. Hymns were sung accompanied by Mrs, Jack Allan, Mrs. Redko, in keeping with the Thanksgiving theme, read a story entitled "Thanks a Million". Mrs. Allan read a story entitled, 'Thanksgiving Thoughts". Mrs. Carrington conducted a short business session reminding everyone of the annual turkey supper, November .6, in the church hall. A request for a rug in the church nursery was brought be fore the group and Mrs. George Lofthouse kjndly offered to do- nate one for this purpose, It was, Generous planetary influences will govern social and family in-| 8 terests during most of the year aheafl, but do try to avoid un- secon clashes in close cir: cles early March and early! June. A determination to curb the | Libran tendency to be over-) agreed to forward $200 at this;exacting with intimates will be the best preventative. Best pe- mee riods for romance: Late Decem- A plastic demonstration was), (an all-around good pe- put on by Mrs. Douglas Griffin. It was announced that the next) cust; for travel: Early Feb- monthly meeting would be No-jruary and the period between vember 1 in the church halliMay 15 and September of next with Mrs, Lofthouse, Mrs. Rich-| year. ard Schad and Mrs. Everett) 4 child born on this day will Coedy in charge of the devo- tional period. Refreshments be eenowed et 6 hee wet meetings and activities of charge. TOPS LOSIN' LASSIES | The Tops Losin' Lassies were lmade giving up one fattening back in full force after many ab-\food for one week and it was sences through the summer interesting to note that bread months, The regular meeting\was the magic item pledged. was opened by the leader, Paul- The results of this experiment ine Shaw, with trientbers sitging,| were Very rewarding -- 53 lbs.! "Tops aré"the Losin' Lassies') Were lost by 21 members. and an inspirational reading by Betty Alexander entitled '"Thejed by Joyce Fulling. Girl in the Glass". A new contest is in progress. Rita Grandy was queen for|-- 'Take it or leave it". the week with a 744 pound loss,| Congratulations were extended the runner up was Betty Alex-|to Betty McNair and Dorothy An- ander with a four-pound loss. |derson, sisters who served their Four new members, Evelyn|/KOPS during t h e summer) Foley, of Foley, Barbara}KIW successfully and became} ionated. hompsof and Rita Grandy/months. were welcomed into the club. Ethel Goodrich was welcomed| The victims of obsiety were|back after a three-month leave brought to trial to inform thelof absence. losing members of their weight} Joan Leipsig won the Alice| gain. All members participated in ajweight during July and August, | "Know Your Calorie Bee,"/15 Ibs. which caused concern regard- Gainers have had to take ing the calorie consistence ofjhome a visible image of a pig' 'foods. For example, "apple pie|to be viewed from their front and ice cream" -- 625 calories.|window for one week. \It was a benefit for all as many Inspirational readings have girls made pledges to lose|\been given by Nancy Wiley, weight the followinng' week. Lois Stewart, Joyce Fulling, Bet- Carolynn MacLean won theity Alexander and Dorothy An- draw donated by Margaretiderson. Stuaffer, | A thought for the obese -- Highlights from other meet-|Less exercise and more calor- mas tree committee were re-|ings consisted of pledges being|ies equal fat". QVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! take advantage of it! 24 hour ser- vice; and radio dispatched trucks al- ways on the ready to serve you, Fuel Oi! Budget Plan available, FUEL oll TOCONVERT AND CALL McLAUGHLIN 723-3481 ikes:.w. COAL & SUPPLIES ... DELIVERED RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR M-m-m-delicious your choice of a hot Chicken or Turkey Dinner with oll the trimmings except beverage, this Sundey ond Monday, A_ full course-mea| for only $2.00 Children's Portion -- 12 Price PHONE 728-0231 PUT YOUR ORDER IN EARLY! WALTON'S SUPERTEST & SNACK BAR OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY. Specialists in Homa@Cooking and Car Service riod), next April, May and Au-} al array of tal-| were served by the committee in he i "will be directly opin- | Exercises. were demonstrat: | lLee award for losing the most) ms "Meet|whisky and got loaded after : again. My wife handled it justiand love it. the wife." My husband almost|ball game, I was disg wit passed out. Finally he said;|them. They will all be in church "Are you Dizzy Doris' She Sunday like nothing happened. giggled and answered: 'Yes,| This morning my mother said but you can call.me mother,"'|She was disappointed in me be- Ann,' my husband used to go|cause I didn't take the oath. to scnoo: with that girl. She is|She wants me, to do it tomor- two years\younger than he is.|row. I don't want to. What is He couldn' stand her then snd/your opinion? -- No Hypo- he doesn't want her in our|crite house now. I'm trying to keep| If you don't feel comfortable peace in the family, Please help| about taking the oath, don't do me.--Be-Fuddled it. From the tone of your let- Dear :B Since Doris is obvi-|ter I'd bet my bottom dollar on ously your father - in - law's}you--oath or no oath, choice, dizzy though she may| Dear Ann Landers: You won't jbe, you should both accept her,.|print my letter because it goes Keep the relationship on an jinvitation-only basis. Follow the et ee a et Of "ARTISTIC HAIRSTYLES" directions on the jar of salad Creative Styling dressing. 'Keep cool, but don't 73 King St. E. 725-7221 ba ¥ ESE A Bib ee freeze." GLECOFF'S supermarket girl i7, Last Sunday our preacher's sermon was on teen- drinking. He asked all teen-| Turkeys 5 to 10 Ib. lb. 39c All. Discontinuing DRESSES FANTASTICALLY REDUCED BELOW COST GLECOFF'S supermarket 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH What do you need to make your home completely warm & comfortable this winter ? A NEW FURNACE? Let Lander-Stark install a new, economical Lennox or Anthes oil furnace in your home for your everlasting comfort. Terms to suit your budget. QUALITY FUEL OIL? You're sure of quality with Lander-Stark fuel oil, Reliable, automatic deliveries with free Emergency Service all winter. Careful, courteous drivers, COMPETENT SERVICE? Fast, radio-controlled heating service by pur own staff of experienced technicians. Ask Expert, guaranteed workmanship about our Furnace Parts Replacement Plan. - «. what you do need ir cede miter, 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 725-3581 "Hwy. 2 -- 1 Mile Bast of Townline Oshews SA eR ee AN AT NMS cy "<cUHHHTID KON "INGLIS" AUTOMATIC CLOTHES DRYER A--(model D720) "Inglis Liberator" featuring infinite heat selection for all-fabric drying, super-fast drying with no hot spots, automatic cool down, easy-to-clean up-top lint screen. YOUR GAS COMPANY SPE- CIAL, 199.00. a wan i watt LTT u Dryers "THOR" AUTOMATIC CLOTHES DRYER B--(model DG'425) Natural Gas Dryer featuring 100% efficient heat flow to protect even delicate fabrics, long-life drum suspen- sion to eliminate wobble and wear, full washer-load capacity. YOUR GAS COMPANY SPE- CIAL, 199.00. "MOFFAT" AUTOMATIC CLOTHES DRYER C--(model DGF 1510) Large ca- pacity Natural Gas Dryer featur- ing easy-to-clean giant 252 square inch lint screen, exclusive 5-way venting, three heat selec- tions, timed regular cycle. YOUR GAS COMPANY SPECIAL, 199.00. NO DOWN PAYMENT « AS LITTLE AS $5.30 PER MONTH INSTALLED, TAX INCLUDED 'unit Sac THIS BEAUTIFUL Zui tM, Ma cs Tt ern ie 'ag "CHATHAM" BLANKET When You Buy Your Gas Dryer Now! A lovely 72" x 90" "Chatham Suntise'"' rayon-and-Acrylic blend blanket that is washable, moth-proof, won't shrink. This $8.95 Value is yours absolutely free with the purchase of any of these specially priced Natural Gas. Clothes Dryers, Your choice of pink, » blue, beige, gold and ) white. (offer ends December 15, 1965) (Gemammanalstn ae 29 CELINA -- OSHAW/ 728-7 36: LD \7 7

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