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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Oct 1965, p. 1

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ee en, Seen ipa US AMET ASS SP eepeatR RUE BES RAST: ily RRR As Gn aes cae enna | 9 ae <3 --t . is NS AE ES eR: AI A & * Weather Report . Cloudy, windy, wet today. ~ "Saturday cooler but contin- uing windy. Low tonight, Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bow- «manville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in On- tario and Durham Counties, VOL. 94 -- NO. 235 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1965 Second Coats Ralh Set Sites Pevertrnent 48. High tomorrow, 58. 'TWENTY-TWO PAGES TORONTO (CP) -- George and Viola MacMillan, the hus- band and wife charged with fraud for their dealings last year in shares of Windfall Oils and Mines Ltd. will sur- render iv authorities here in eight or nine days, Sedgwick said Thursday. Avner sevnnaanatsngun saints Russ Moon- Shot Fails Once More Sea A Mr. Sedgwick, royal commission shares on the T Exchange, said lawyer -- charges their arrest. sented the MacMillans at a the rise and-fall of Windfall phoned the couple in Nevada and told them of the fraud and warrants for rane ren mn tt tet "They were shocked and disturbed by the news,' he said. "They have the feeling that they have done nothing wrong and that a combination of events was responsible for what ahppened. Mr. Sedgwick who repre- enquiry into ito Stock had tele- said they MACMILLANS 'WILL SURRENDER would return sooner were it not for the fact that he has to be in New York and they wanted to have him present when they surrender. "The Crown has been told hen they will be back and is qyite satisfied," said Mr. qyites OTTAWA (CP)--Justice Min- ister Cardin said Thursday night in a statement that the Montreal police have no infor- mation indicating any member of Parliament has committed, directly or indirectly, any of- fence in connection with any of "the bankruptcy cases being in- HANDS ACROSS THE OTTAWA RIVER in a private huddle Thurs- day at the afternoon session of the Ontario-Quebec News- Premier Jean Lesage of Quebec (left) and Premier John Robarts of Ontario sit paper Editors' Toronto. (See story, page 2. } (CP. Seminar in From Reuters-AP MOSCOW (CP) -- The Rus- sian space probe Luna 7 reached the moon today but ap- parently failed to make a soft landing. Tass, the Soviet news agency, said: 'Some operations were not carried out in accordance with the program and need ad- ditional development." The Russians for the first 'time admitted that the shot was an attempt at a soft landing on the moon's surface which Of. Underworld Purge == perashed, or been buried in the !dust which some:scientists think The justice department in| Mr: Wagner said Chandonnet may blanket the moon's sur- A squad of ae bore Police] Quebec City identified the body| Played an active role in an ar- fa LS 8 te gipap at SHERBROOKE, Que. (cP)-- would have meant that instru- necessary for a soft landing were fulfilled during the ap- proach to the moon." The agency did not theorize Luna 7 may. have _|was on schedule, Another Victim Found *2232:" lmanned moon rocket had de- |stroyed itself on hitting the ful Russian attempt at soft landing--all within six months. Sir Bernard Lovell, director of Britain's big Jodrell Bank radio telescope, said all evid- ence indicated that the un- moon. LANDS ON SCHEDULE Tass said the scientific instru- ment package landed on the moon in the area of the Ocean of the Storms, west of Kepler Crater, at 1:08 a.m. (6:08 p.m. EDT Thursday). The landing Despite the failure to make the soft landing the flight ap- peared to be a partial success. Luna 7 was able to correct its course in flight, something Luna 6 had failed to do. Luna 6 missed the moon by . 100,000 miles June 11. Tass said. considerable' prac: tical material for further work was accumulated in the flight found' a fourth body Thursday son and false bankruptcy ring in their continuing geo for| * Sart SF wor UbEnCOUNEL,, He, and was to have been a witness ce. This was the third unsuccess-jof Luna 7. victims of an underworld|@ner of a Sherbrooke snack) in cases that are currently be- purge. » bar. Justice Minister Claude) fore the courts. The body, covered in quick-| Wagner said Thursday night) t, an interview Thursday lime, was ina thickly wooded|QPP investigators are certain night, Mrs. Chandonnet, a mo- area near the village of Ham that Chandonnet was killed) ther of three children, said her Sud, Que., 30 miles northeast of| Sept. 27, two days after he dis-|tather died 'last week. 'Now Sherbrooke. jappeared from his home. |they've found my_husband| | murdered." Her father's death Indonesian Communist HQ "sss scsert « a Torched By Moslem Mobs Kill! ciate of Moise Darabaner, 3, has the courts under charges arson, fraud, and conspiracy Ito commit arson and fraud, Kill imme- Some 50 policemen took part|Sult of JAKARTA (AP) -- Several|shout "Kill! thousand young Indonesian| diately!") Moslems burned the headquar-| After burning the PKI head-| ters of the Indonesian Commu-! quarters, the demonstiators pa- nist party, the PKI, to the) raded through the streets shout- ground. today. ing "To hell with PKI." Indonesian Army. troops. who, -"Truckloads--of--demonstrators them was a man manacled to| Mr. site. Other QPP squads earlier found three victims, also coy- ered in quicklime, in swamp- land near St. Gilles, Que., 30|Public. said today wildcat walkouts in the province are a direct re- "subversive" in the search for his body. With|#mong the striking truckers. Donaldson linked the ac- one of the policemen. Report-|tivity with the Communist ers were not permitted near the;party. He said the Canadian Tribune, a Communist weekly, had published a set of wildcat strikers' demands 24 hours be- fore they were officially made "Wildcatters,' Reds Linked! By Truck-Firm Negotiator TORONTO (CP)--J. A. Don-|walked out of the bec City, was a business asso-|aldson, chief management ne- gotiator in an Ontario dispute a businessman who is presently with the Teamsters union Mr. Roach said. The five locals trucking firms represent 10,000 truckers. Three *|more trucking firms in Windsor joined the wildcat strike and pickets appeared in front of a activity|firm in London, Ont. Police in London said tires on five cars owned by employees of Husband Transport Termi- nal were slashed Thursday night soon after it was an- nounced that._negotiations _be- tween the Teamsters and the PRESIDENT AND Mrs. Johnson hold a private con- versation tonight before the Chief Executive's planned trip to the Bethesda Naval Hospital for a gall bladder meeting,"| operation. The President of the union WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sur- geons removed President John- son's -gall~-bladder---today--in--a had become|two-hour 15-minute operation. stalemated in Toronto. | The surgery was pronounced "a Nine firms in the Windsor complete success." and the First Lady chatted in the White House Oval Room where they greeted entertainers for a planned reception and dinner at the Executive Mansion. (AP) LBJ's Operation Success; Kidney Stone Found, Too No mention. of 'the possibility of a kidney stone had been made-in-previous-discussions.of the president's current illness. But the president has a history of kidney stones, having had vestigated in Quebec, He said: "I have been in touch with the deputy director of the Montreal police and he informs me that, contrary to certain press reports, the Mont- real police have no information that indicates that any member of Parliament of any party has committed, directly or indi- rectly, any offence in connec- tion with any of the bank- ruptcy cases they have inves- tigated." Mr. Cardin saitl there is noth- ing in bankruptcy documents in his department's files to in- dicate "that any offences ur ir- regularities have been com- mitted by any member of Par- liameat or other public serv- ant." Mr. Cardin said he was re- plying to statements made by Opposition Leader Diefenbaker and Erik Nielsen, Conservative Parliament. RELATE TO COMPANIES He said two of the three de- partmental files | {tine financial reports, They do not contain any information re- lated to any allegation of fraud or to any other -- of the naar of Bank- Mr. Cardin 'said 'three files listed by Mr. Nielsen are copies of files of the Montreal Su- perior Court. "This is a report to the court. The constitutional responsibility for deciding whether any legal action should be taken, on the basis of such a report, lies with the court and the attorney-gen- eral of the province." Mr. Cardin invited Mr. Dief- enbaker or any former justice minister designated by the Con- servative leader to examine the files in the department. MOOSE JAW (CP) -- Prime Minister Pearson's denial of the existence of a bankruptcy investigation report is 'not in accordance with the facts," Erik Nielsen said Thursday. "T know it exists and I have provided the press with the file numbers," Mr. Nielsen, Pro- MP for the Yukon in the last i MPS IN NO WAY INVOLVE IN BANKRUPTCIES: CARDIN Justice Minister Denies Sefkind Bankruptcy File gressive Conservative member of the last Parliament for the Yukon, said in an interview. Asked to explain the prime minister's denial in Winnipeg Wednesday of such a report, Mr. Nielsen said: "There are two possible rea- sons. Either divs minis- ter's reg rig, Had or else he has not negro A and adequately informed by his officials--which is not inconcel- vable, as we know." ELECTION REPORT Diefenbaker -- P, 3 Pearson -- P, 2, 3 Thompson -- P. 2, 3 At a party luncheon earlier, Mr. Nielsen told about 120 per- sons that Liberal government policies are leading Canada nto '"de-confederation on the instalment plan." "The first instalment. was the flag issue, which did r Canadian theory. .. .the concept that two political states -can exist in this nation, "Then come the constitu ABBOTSFORD, B.C. (CP)-- T. C, Douglas demanded Thyra- day night the appointment of @ Quebec Supreme Court judge to investigate. reports that some members of Parliament were involved in Quebec bankrupt+ cies now under investigation. The national leader of the New. Democratic Party said the investigation should. be cone fined to the "narrow field" of reports of complicity and that a report on the matter should be made public at least one week before the Nov. 8 federal election. . Mr. Douglas, speaking to a public meeting in this Fraser Valley town, prefaced his re- marks by reading from Thurs day's Toronto Globe and Mail, miles south of Quebec City.| Representatives of five Onta-|area now are idle with 300 driv- The bodies recovered were/rio Teamster union locals andjers oyt of work, About 4,500 those of Redempteur. Faucher|the Motor Transport Bureau,|qriyers have walked off their two of them removed over the years--one by surgery and an- Press secretary Bill D. Mo- yers said Johnson entered the City, . and Ste. Marie DE Beauce, Que. City Wednesday, with Darabaner, Oliva Boulet, 52, said he saw Faucher shot at "point-blank range' with ajthe demands. Wagher has broke the back of the attempted! passed the American Embassy coup last week cordoned off shouting "Long live America.' streets leading to the PKI head- --- quarters and did not interfere The one-storey building was Sextuplets Die reduced to ashes. Three fire trucks played water on them. | H Bi th The demonstrating youths) ormone Ir solve PKI." D. N. Aidit is the|Swedish woman who received first secretary of the PKI. He| hormone treatment for sterility has been out of sight since the gave birth to sextuplets Sunday coup failed last weekend. but all the babies died a few heard in Kula Lumpur said'at Uppsala Academic Hospital 500,000 persons held an anti-|said today. body with a caustic substance, Communist rally in Jakarta's The two boys and four girls/he said. main stadium today. The broad-'were born at the hospital in| Mr. in very tense atmosphere" and gynecologist, Professor Car l- got somewhat out of hand when'Axel Gemzel, developed the some of the "crowd began | to! treatment. derworld tries to get rid of em- --barrassing witnesses: jand Paul Brie, both of Quebec|representing 88 provincial Alberic Bilodeau of|trucking firms, brought talks to Don Roach, International spokesman for| Kitchener, "The bureau, in & display jof--complete dis appointment, the bureau. | gotiations St. Catharines, Brotherhood | Preston, jobs. progressively since Mon- iday to protest what they said an end Thursday when the bu- jwas a lack of progress a ne- In court testimony in Quebee}Teau walked out of the meet-| an accused|ing after the union issued its| Yards in Hamilton, Oshawa, Niagara Falls,|@ Waterloo, Hespeler and Brant- revolver. The killer covered the|of Teamsters (Ind.), said the|ford have been affected. : union presented a proposal ask- ing for an immediate reduction) said thej/in work hours to 40 from 48 ala provincial strike of the en- number of dead could rise to|week with no pay cut from the/tire membership or attempt to} gallstone. The ureter is a tube more than a dozen as the un-|present $2 an hour. end the existing walkouts and|leading from the kidney for the schedule new negotiations with operating room at 7 a.m. and the surgery was completed at 15, He said the gall bladder was removed and found to contain stone. Another stone was found in the ureter. and also was removed. Moyers's_ statement Guelph, that a A Teamsters spokesman said/stone was also located in the the union now can either call ureter means a kidney stone also was found in addition to a of the body. other one by manipulation at a different time. NOT RELATED While both kidney stones and gall stones are formed from materials precipitated out of body. fluids, doctors say that or- dinarily they don't consider the two kinds of stones related. First word that the surgery had actually been carried out had come earlier from Joseph Laitin, assistant press secre- passage of urine ta the outside} tary, who made his announce- lment at 7:52 a.m. with the demonstrators. shouted "Kill Aidit" and "'Dil-| STOCKHOLM (Reuters) -- Aj (A Jakarta radio broadcast hours after birth, a spokesman cast said "the raily was held) which a 54 - year - old Swedish THE PURPORTED INSIDE STUFF. Pickersgill, Hellyer Mulled Q criminal charges By JOHN LeBLANC TORONTO: (CP)--A new book loaded with purported inside stuff on the federal cabinet's dealings with recent scandals-- -- and with potential election cam- paign explosives--is due to hit the stands Oct. 15. 4----major--_claim--in--Richard Gwyn"s book is that two senior cabinet ministers came close to resigning last fall over Prime Minister Pearson's fong delay in making known that he origin- ally misinformed Parliament about when he first heard of the bribery offer allegation against executive assistant Raymond Denis Mr. Gwyn, a member of Time magazine's Ottawa bureau, writes that- Transport Minister Pickersgill and Defence Minis- ter Hellyer considered quitting because the prime minister's public silence for more than a fortnight was allowing the repu- tation of then justice minister _ Favreau to be "torn to shreds."* (At Ottawa Thursday night, Mr. Pickersgill said "I never for a single second considered resigning." On the campaign trail at Dauphin, Man., the prime ministe®? said he hoped to read the book during the weekend--"and I hope you will ask me about it after I read it."" And in Quebee City, Mr. Hellyer denied he had thought xf. quitting, adding 'that the re- port was "'nofisense.") The book, The Shape of Scan- dal, is being brought out by Clarke - Irwin. Sub - titled A Study of a Government in Cri- sis, It deals mainly with the em- barrassments that reached a crescendo last fall and winter. The Lucien Rivard case with its political entanglements' and subsequent against Denis--former assistant to then immigration minister Tremblay -- occupies much of the book. The background to the Pick- ersgill-Hellyer report was this: The Commons learned Nov. 23; 1964, that Denis-was alleged to have offered a $20,000 bribe to prosecutor Pierre Lamon- tagne to pave the way for bail for Rivard, held at Montreal on narcotics charges for United States authorities. Next day, Mr. Pearson told the House he hadfirst heard of the affair Nov. 22. « rs There was an immediate out- ery for Mr. Favreau's scalp, partly because, as the minister responsible for the investiga- tion, he apparently hed not mentioned it to the prime min- ister. Actually, he had tipped off Mr. Pearson while flying from Charlottetown to Ottawa Sept. 2. But it had not been mentioned between them since and, as Mr, Pearson was to explain consid- erably later, the conversation of Sept. 2 had gone from his mind by the time he spoke Nov, 24, PLANNED CORRECTION When he got back to the Com- mons Nov. 30 after a western tour, Mr. Gwyn writes, he planned to correct that day the misinformation he had given the House. He entered the House with a prepared state- ment. but did not speak. 4 "As the days slipped by the statement was rewritten and re-edited,"' the book says. "It was never used, in any form, in the House of Commons, One minister has said privately: *We all knew that it had to be .ON CABINET SCANDAL-HANDLE done. Every day that the flag almost all uitting: Writer the crucial facts" debate lasted I went into the chamber at the start of the day expecting to hear the prime minister make it. And every day I left the chamber wonder- ing why it had not been done." "By failing-to act, the prime minister.transformed the crisis threatening his government from one that was potentially serious to one that was poten- tially fatal. He also succeeded in turning a single problem into two: The record still had to be corrected and it now became necessary to explain also the delay in making the correction. "Even those closest to Pear- son are uncertain why he hesi- tated..." Mr. Gwyn says there were strong arguments against Mr. Pearson breaking his silence, including that in the original talk Mr. Favreau had "'left out and that the minister had not kept a promise to follow up the tip with a full report. These were pressed by advisers. such as External Affairs Minister Martin, Finance Minister Gordon and Labor Minister MacEachen. WORE OUT WELCOME 'Powerful figures in the goy- ernment urged the prime min- ister to set the record straight immediately," the book cone tinues. "Almost. every day, Pol+ icy Secretary Tom Kent, Gor- don Robertson, clerk of the Privy Counci] and Transport Minister Jack Pickersgill begged him to make a state- ment, until, in the words of one of them, '"'we wore out our welcome.' SEE CLOSE Continued On Page 2 man said. No details were but the spokesman said U.S. contact" with the Viet Cong. TORONTO (CP) -- An the great conflict', tonight. It will be the large: held in North America, The newspaper Pravda. the Canada - United States say. They said pressure of NEWS HIGHLIGHTS U.S. Uses Tear Gas On Viet Cong SAIGON (AP) -- U.S, paratroopers launched @ big new operation on the fringe of the Viet Cong's D zone today and used non-lethal tear gas, a U.S. military spokes- available on the gas attack, troops had made "significant Varsity Teach-In Begins Tonight international teach-in, with speakers from five continents discussing "revolution and begins at the University of Toronto st international teach-in ever three-day event, to be heard via telephone hook-ups by university students across the continent, will feature speakers of such diverse views as a French Communist, representatives of the South Viet- namese government and a representative from the Soviet Auto-Bill Approval Next Week WASHINGTON (CP) -- Final congressional action 'on auto agreement now is ex- pected early next week, House of Representatives officials other business is responsible for the delay, rather than any snag in final approval. fe THE TIMES today... : Steelworkers Jam Hall To Vote On Offer--P, 11 ded $4,000 D. Woman A Twins Bomb Sandy; Take 2-0 Ann Landers-- 14 City News--11 Classified--18, Comies--17 Editorial--4 Financial--21 19, 20 Iecssxesaneennsninemensnyitenipinieamnicantanigaseenettisininiinisiiail Lead--P, 9 Obits--21 Sports--8, 9, 10 Theatre--16 Whitby News--5, 6 Woren's--12, 13, 14 Weather--2

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