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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Oct 1965, p. 3

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AY Nok | Votes In Vital For B. MICHAET. GIETAN TORONTO (CP) -- With the Noy. 8 election possibly hing- ing on how Ontario voters cag their ballots, the week - long swing through southwestern On- tario by Opposition Leader Diefenbaker was considered vi- tal to the Progressive Conserv- ative party's bid to regain power. Speaking, hand-shaking and chatting his way through 14- or 15-hour days, the opposition leader was trying to give a shot in the arm to local party officials to work hard in the month remaining to election y. In 1963 the Conservatives won only 27 of the province's 85 seats--52 going to the Liberals. Ridings that went. Conservative or Liberal by, only a few hun- dred votes last time have re- ceived most of Mr. Diefenba- ker's time. The opposition leader left for) Western Canada Thursday ex-| pressing satisfaction about the tour and exuberance about the party's recent show of unity. Ontario Tories won by fewer than 1,000 over' the Conservatives--747 in the to-! bacco-growing riding of Nor-| folk, 769 in Essex South and 949 in Wellington, j The opposition leader deliv- ered a major evening speech in only a few of the ridings "but main-streeting, tea parties and out-door barbecues helped him and the local candidate gain publicity in local newspapers and on broadcasting stations in the others. The two main themes domin- ated his speeches--his account of, recent scandal allegations coupled with a pledge to "clean up the mess" in Ottawa, and a promise to restore what he terms a national unity shattered by Prime Minister Pearson. DISCUSSES SCANDAL, He criticized the prime min- ister and the government about scandal allegations, accusing Mr. Pearson of failing to take a strong stand against wrong- doing. | His two recent trips into Que-) bec have disproved he is dis- liked there, he said. Rejecting The mammoth Toronto rally|a two-nation concept for Can-| last Friday, attended by three| ada, which he says is espoused) Conservative provincial pre-| by the prime minister, Mr. Die-| miers and most of the party's|fenbaker said the province's) big guns, allowed Mr. Diefen-| problems are mainly economic. baker to travel into southwest-| The Progressive Conserva- ern Ontario the next day talk-|tive party's platform planks on ing up the unity theme. He/federal aid to education, help) either visited or met candidates|for eastern' farmers, tax sav-| and workers from 17 ridings--|ings for homeowners and re- eight held by the Conserva-| peal of the 11-per-cent sales tax tives, eight by the Liberals and/on building materials and pro-| one by the NDP. iduction: machinery were) stressed but not at length. | PRIME MINISTER Pear- a message when he stopped engagement at Winkler, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 8, 1968 2 lIssue Of. Diefenbaker Meat: By STEMART Mec eon WINNIPEG (CP)--The Liber- als must be pitchforked out of office Nov. 8 in the interest of preserving Confederation and guaranteeing honesty in. gov- ernment, Conservative Leader Diefenbaker said Thursday night. Opening his western cam- paign, and after chewing lust- ily over the Rivard affair and bankruptcy racketeering reve- lations in Quebec, Mr. Diefen- baker said: "We were in office for more than six years and not once did the scourge of dishonesty strike at our vitals." On the other hand, he said, he wouldn't be surprised if Prime Minister Pearson came along one of these days with a new slogan for the Liberal party: "Throw the rascals in." For his Winnipeg rally, Mr, Diefenbaker's Progressive Con- servative party provided a Dix- ieland band, bagpipers and a Honesty naign at least, to enter the fed- eral field, : Mr. Diefenbaker noted that "your premier and I have spoken on various platforms to- Sener. 6 sua" "But you' couldn't -convince him," said someone with a me- gaphone. Mr. Diefenbaker, ignor- ing some of the interruptions, got his own sallies in when he replied 'to the barbs. On national unity, the time had come for action that would federation for the next 100 years, Canada, under the Lib- erals, was a country in which province had been set against province, race against race, On the morality issue, there was a mess that could only be cleaned up by a change of gov- ernment, The "cobwebs of the |Mafia'" would disappear under a Conservative administration, Driver Dies In 'preserve and reserve': Con-| | Ukrainian singing group. GALLERYITES. HECKLE ST. THOMAS (CP -- Lavis A college-age corps of heck-| ei] Murray, 40, of Port Stan- lers provided the voice of OP-\jey was killed Thursday night position from the upper galle-| ion two cars collided head on ries of the Winnipeg Audito-lin dense fog on Highway 4 dium. ae jeight miles south of here. _The 5,000-seat auditorium was; jyaviq Mackie Douglas, 24, of filled and doorways were\c 'phomas, driver of the sec- packed with standing listeners.|/qnq car, was in satisfactory An 800-seat adjoining audito-| .ongition in hospital here with Fog Collision rium was nearly filled. a WHEN BUYING OR SELLING PROPERTY _ .., LOOK TO Be SCHOFIELD-AKER -- © Residential © Commercial © Industrial FREE, SAFE, EASY MORTGAGES -» HOURS -- et rear of ot Ist and 2nd, Arranged 9 AM, til ® PM © 360 King St. West ond purchased ') SAT, TiS PM, COLLEGE HILL AREA--Comp 4 room b low comprised of living room, kitchen and 2 bedrooms, Full bosement, off heated, Dandy lot 40 x 125, Low toxeés, low meintenance ond +" low heating costs. Ask about this home real soon. Af 4 OF fractured leg. WERE CLOSE RACES | The heckling was the heay-|__ i ons: i 70, Mr. Diefenbaker sets} Man, i Pesta Pash Six went Conservative by; Now r iest Mr, Diefenbaker has run| ° How fo relieve at the community Thurs- day en route to a speaking son seems to be giving these St. Norbert, Man., children (CP) ALBERT ST, INCOME PROPERTY--Large seven two storey home, comprised of living room, dining room ond tichun on main floor, Three room apartment upstairs ¢onsisting of kitchen, living room and one bedroom--rents for $85.00 per month, Extra bedroom en 2nd floor used by present owner, Room for expansion on 3rd floor. Whole home in excellent condition and listed for only $13,900.00, and in all cases the runner-up|leaving reporters far behind) i leven when out for a first-of-the-| At one point a scuffle threat- was a Liberal. }even when ened before a heckler was) Pils Sor ger : rom e Kent where M. T.-McCutcheon| He talks about sensing the at- h relie' osphere of 1958 when his party One gallery jibe came when held the seat by 24 votes. Kent) mospher Pi us bakes uae ee you feel better -- | ACHE rest better, Dee inist se it! é ' ' ° | who has declined, | sex West by 927 and Elgin by/first prime minister, made | t 947. ' |back to power and remained| S one ron ries See ) systemic condi- i . iv | ord 208 seats. And he j remained Conservative by 202) won a rec wicaiteha Peedtes Dune Rolie pend on Dede, In three ridings the Liberals' until his death. *Guaranteed Investment Certificates 80 Per Cent In Opposition SAVINGS --|There should be more singing|port hangar, where the large Prime Minister Pearson Thurs-|'count your blessings.'" lcrowd appeared to occupy 'day night accused his oppon-| Mr. Pearson did not namejabout one-third of the floor ents in the Nov, 8 federal elec-\Conservative Leader Diefen-jarea. Benches seated about 300 tion of trying to make Cana-|baker as the target for his re-|in one corner; the rest - stood, \dians believe that nearly every-jmarks. He implied that's who|making estimates of numbers thing has gone wrong in thejhe had in mind in saying that impossible. country. : : ' \the gloom-talkers increased at) pe spoke about 20 minutes, I get kind of impatient withjelection time, esecially if} words echoing over the \them," he said at a Liberaljthey are in opposition and try-|is \ jrally here. ing to get in office." chattering of crowd conversa- DAUPHIN, Man. (CP) i id c i e, often| fewer than 1,000 votes in 1963/a torrid campaign pace, olten| into so far in his campaign. Use Dodd's Kidney i ' ing walk, Closest race was in Lambton-) morning wa PM Is 'Ki j Of I tie t' ejected from the rear gallery.| BACK * p backache, Soom Waterloo North by 641, Middle-|John A. Macdonald, Canada's} who has declined, for this cam- icare, Says Socred To Medicare, Says Socre Mr. Thompson concentrated SPRINGFIELD, Man. (CP)| on medical care in a speech Social Credit Leader Robert Thompson said Thursday night that 80 to 85 per cent of Cana- dians "do not need and do not want" a compulsory medical care insurance plan. But it appears they will be forced into one because the lib- eral government, without al- lowing the proposal to be dis- cuss: in Tegislatures or in Parlfament, has announced such a scheme will be imple- mented. that was interrupted by a 15-| minute CBC television program ing 'rescue the perishing!"ernous hall, formerly an air-lof his address. --via two portable TV sets--| during which he and Alberta Premier Manning criticized the compulsory aspect of the fed- eral program. The Social Credit leader spoke to an audience which fell short of filling a small school! jauditorium. Provincial Liberal Leader Remanded On 4 Charges PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- Andrew Thompson, leader of the Ontario Liberal party, was re- manded Thursday to Oct. 21 on 'George Ben, Liberal member of \the legislature for Toronto Bra- \condale. Thompson was driving here to| meet Mr. Ben for a planned four charges arising out Of @/tour of the Ontario reformatory two-car collision here Wednes- at Millbrook today. day in which four persons were injured. Police said the Liberal leader, who was driving alone, was A spokesman said Thompson jintended to continue the tour, but was advised by doctors to rest Ponce "Too many people are sing- The tally was held in a cav-|tion which went on during most Per Informazione, chiamate Ross Bonomo 145 KING ST. WEST PHONE 723-6651 ONESTA E SERVIZIO paired and careless driving and failure to yield one-half the road. The second car was driven by Dora Sandercock, 52. She and| Mrs, David Nixon were re- ported in satisfactory condition) in hospital here. Mrs. Nixon's husband was not injured. Another passenger, Irene Mur-| ney, was treated and released. Mrs. Ida O'Connell, 90, is in serious condition in a Toronto Hospital. She suffered head in- juries and hospital officials said they were listing her condition as serious because of her age. All occupants of the Sander- cock car are from Harwood, Ont. Thompson was treated for & bump on the head after being knocked unconscious in the crash, on Highway 28 just inside the western boundary of the city. He was arrested and later re- leased on $100 bail posted by GRANDFATHER, AND A PM, TOO WINKLER, Man. (CP) -- The Nov. 8 election is the "Grandaddy election." Prime Minister Pearson virtually dibbed it that in tell- ing an election rally crowd of about 600 here Thursday a story about his five-year-old grandson, Michael. He said the boy's father asked Michael what the elec- tion was all about. Michael told his father: '"'It is to see who's going to be granddaddy."" "So after charged with dangerous, ml Nov. 8," Mr Pearson said, "I'm going to be granddaddy and I hope I'm going to be prime minis- ter as well." Mr. Pearson toured south- ern Manitoba throughout the | morning. At three points on the route here from Winnipeg he was mobbed by enthusias- tic crowds of school children waving maple leaf flags. at 11 ONTARIO STREET A'2% ACCOUNTS Interest Calculated and Paid Quarterly SAVINGS HOURS MONDAY --- THURS. 9 TO 6 SATURDAY 9 TO 5 FRIDAY 9 TO 9 HEAD OFFICE 19 Simeoe St. N. Oshowe Tel. 723-5221 23 King &. W. Bowmenville Tel. 623-2527 CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Bowmanville Office Closed on Wednesdoys OSHAWA GIRL GUIDES Girl Guiding provides opportunities for girls to have fun and adventure; to prepare thernselves to lead happy, useful lives; to become good homemakers and capable citizens. The Promise and Law develop spiritual values, a desire to be of service to others and a strong sense of integrity. The Patrol System is the plan.of the Founder. whereby older and younger girls learn to work and play together. It encourages them to accept respon- sibility, to develop self- discipline and thoughtfulness for others Tests and proficiency badges foster creativeness and an interest in many useful crafts and skills. Camping and outdoor activities provide healthy, adventurous recreation and develop initiative, self reliance and resourcefulness. International Contacts are encouraged and developed, through correspone - dence and the exchange of visits with Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in other countries, as a contribution to peace and understanding throughout the world. Enrolment in the Girl Guides of Canada leads to many friendships at home. and abroad. Membership in the Movement is voluntary, It is open to all girls who accept the Brownie or Guide Promise and Law. In-Oshawa there are thirty-four Brownie Packs, thirty-two Guide Companies and two Ranger groups, with a membership of over two thousand. The Girl Guide Association in Oshawa are very grateful to the citizens of the city for their support through the Greater Oshawa Community Chest. Horold E. Pierson, Pres. PHONE 728-0203 GREATER OSHAWA'COMMUNITY CHEST Robert J. Branch, Executive Secretary NORTH-WEST--6% MORTGAGE--Attroctive, bri centre hall plon bungalow situated on quiet court just Pao Rossland Road and overlooking the Oshawa Golf Course, Three bedrooms, built-in vanity In bathroom, extra large kitchen with ° all bi ong any woman would desire, Attached garage, private drive. TOP END---ROSSLAND MANOR--A stylish, custom bullt 2 year 4 old bungalow located in @ quiet area of paved streets and. beautifully kept homes, This 1129 sq. ft, 3 bedroom home features quality oak floors -- tastefully decorated -- stippled ceilings--expensive light. fixtures etc. Located close to Public, High and Separate Schools and Shopping Centre, Be sure to see this weekend, or you will be too late. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION--BEAU VALLEY--$5625.00 down will buy you this Kassinger built 1235 sq. ft; 3 bedroom home in Oshawa's Top North End Location, Electrically heated--large © 4 pc, tiled bath with wall to wall vanity upstairs and 2 pe. bath roughed in basement. Lot size 70 x 125 completely sodded, Move in and start living in Sunny Beau Valley, OFF RITSON ROAD SOUTH--$2,000.00 down--8 room brick home with good cement block garage. Home divided into twe 4 room apartments with a total rental of $155.00 per month, Home is in good eondition, aluminum storms and screens, sion 2 months, : AT YOUR SERVICE BOUDREAU 728-2233 ED. DRUMM ROWN .... 725-3867 87 06: MAIBLE B 723- N 728-: IRWIN CRUIKSHANKS 728. BILL . 728: EG A ve een 725-020 BILL MeFEETERS ... 725-172 "Over @ Quarter Century of Service" SCHOFIELD-AKER | 360 KING WEST 723-2268 (See additional Listings Advertised Daily in Classified Section)

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