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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Oct 1965, p. 22

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RT Aye OM LOE T Ti Tia ll i = < MICKEY; MOUSE >-+ss 7¢r3+ fANBARDEN | a l= a ' JULIET JONES... ... LFPTLE ANNIE ROONEY ~~. I DON'T THE NEIGHBORHOOD GOING INTO OTHER PEOPLE'S BATHROOMS WHEN THEY'RE TAKING SS pe ee pri GRE we ey HING TIMBERS, FALLING WALLS...SCREAMS...PANIC, King Feaveres % ndicate, lnc, 1965. World rights reserved. IN AUG.5, 1918, BILLY BISHOP 16 PPOINTED TO HEAD THE NEWLY-- IMED CANADIAN AIR FORCE (NOT AS AIR CALLED "* ROYAL'? UNTIL 1923)000 -- eee BUT THE WAR BErOR! THE BRANCH CAN S8E ACTION, COURSE I KIN WINTER THEY' <IN TELL ITLL BEA COLD '6 ALL KINDS OF SIGNS " ; Peay THE BLACK AN' BROWN BANDS ) "ROUND 'EM, THATS HOW-YOU KIN TELL 'CAUSE EITHER THE BLACK OR THE BROWN BAND WILL BE WIDER OR \ iN . TOTHER-- WHICH WAY-- THE BROWN OR HUH? OH--ITS THE- ER-AH-- KEEP QUIET AN' LEMME THINK! MSClure -4 A PENNY HERE AND A APTER ALL... YOU SAVE Y j YOU HAVE TWO CENTS / PENNY THERE, THE NEXT THING YOU KNOW «ee aa ¥, S { "A 4 © King Feamares Spacious, lan, 1965, World rights reserved, ' i ) + Ow Y DARRELL | GOLD /T/S,NOW, AND THIS TIME, A BIG STRIKE! AND YOU ARE MY WITNESSES | 17 WAS THE OPLE WHO L&D ME HERE, WASN'T /T? THE LONE RANGER WALKING HER SECRET AGENT X9 © Kine Poateves Srmttonss, as, YOOS. Werkd vichis remervad. Vase po yj Wi A, 4 HEY, THE ONE MAKING ALL THAT NOISE DOESN'T GET ANY CAKE/ PLISTEN, THAT CAT ISNT ABOUT TO ABANDON US AFTER SIX YEARS... / H-M/KINDALOST. * Til BET YOU A DIME, RIGHT NOW, THAT SHES BACK BY MORNING... } [You THINK I TOLD JULIE RIGHT? YOUR VOICES ALL OFA \ SUDDEN, DIDN'T YOU P CAN YOU PUT UP FOR ik Ser cd I'VE GOT THE SMARTEST FATHER IN THE WORLD -- "THATS FOR SURE DONALD DUCK B-B-BUT D-DON'A ET EXCITED/OLD B-BI)Y, WE'LL FIND HER, He quirs THe Force, sur 19, BACK WHT TE RCA IN WORLD WAR IL, D/RECTING = AIR FORCE RECRUITING -- Billy Bishop LLY BISHOP, CANADA"S GREATEST FIGHTING ACH, DIES IN 1966446 CANADA'S FLYING HERITAGE %, FRANK ELLIS UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 3 Byrn LONGMANS CANADA " BUT NOT EVEN TIME SHALL ERASE THE DARING DEEDG HE ETCHED WITH MACHINE ~ 'BUN FIRE IN THE BATTLE SKIES OF EUROPE? aa VOKE IN THE WAR I ATTRA ETAT MIN TRUE, BNAT 1D NEVER BE ALIVE 70 BB ENJOYING ITIEIT WERENT JX ft FOR 71 GLORIOUS HELP OF DAN'S UNCLE-- THE LONE wil RANGER! )) THAT GUY BEHIND SHE) B42! / IT COULD Be A TRAP!) Gin Wak Disney Productions Rights Reserved @ ACROSS . 8.E. Asia native . Tropical fruits . Friend: Sp. . Bay window . Collier 3. Sun god . Japanese drama 5. High: Mus. . Latin epic poem by Virgil 43. Exclamation . Rogues . American ae Y author f, . Hewing 9 " tool . Instigators . Printers' measures . Sloths . Predict . Father 32; Paiestine plain 33. Asserted 5. Assault . Epoch . Pronoun . Ahead . Smallest liquid measure . Rock . Seed coatings 5. Tool house . Raised platform , Climbing evergreen 19. shrub 20, Clues frained Grow old 24, Slate Conjunction 25, Greek Prevent Cupid Asian 7. Froths country . Begin- Soldier in nings ww . Wing of Elder house Beetle . Dangers Veinlike US. deposits president 16. Beverage . Demons poetry Arrived Re- Yesterday's Answer 36, First-rate 40, Insane 41, Irish rebels: abbr, Ow SF am oo be ~ "| Here's Lowdown | Calcium Deposits | By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD | Dear Dr. Molner; [| have al-jor at any rate, more than we ways understood that milkineed, the body simply builds strong bones, but now Iicharges the excess, just as it have heard that too much of it}does not accumulate as calcium leaves calcium deposits:--!deposits. . E.G. | . ' weer all these centuries, it MENDS INJURIES doesn't seem to me that. milk} Rather, calcium deposits are should need any defence, but so\created only in response to many letters like this one con-|some damage--injury, or infec- tinue to' come in, perhaps we'd|tion, When you cut a finger, better try to set such ideas atjscar tissue forms giving _ it rest. |strength, If you break a leg, the It is true that milk provides break heals, or "'knits'" by an calcium, and calcium is a vital accumulation of calcium at the ingredient of strong bones jf|break. What it really amounts you don't get enough calcium to is a "scar" that 48 made of from milk, you have to get it bone instead of soft tissues, and from some other source or the that is why a broken bone will hones "will sulfet. show in an x-ray film long aft- Milk. however, is the easiest(¢'ward. There's a thickening of and surest means of getting it ithe bone. , This is a problem that nature) The same sort of process oc- neatly worked out, Animals Curs with lesser injuries. Your from ass to zebra suckle theirjheel may be hurt but not young on milk. Calcium, natur-|br¢ken, and a calcium "spur" ally, isn't all that milk contains,}devetops at the point of injury but al] milk is rich in it. All these calcium deposits are But there is a whopping dif-|"scars" of one sort or another, ference between' calcium: "'de-jand are part of the natural posits" and calcium which nor-thealing process mally make up our bones, milk' will not alter or prevent teeth and some other'tissues. |jthem. Too much milk doky, not If we get too much calcium, cause them, ais ae ee Restricting} __I--Meire TELI:VISION LOG SATURDAY SVE, =| 8--Fellx The Cat 4--Congress Harm 2 | Scsitence lesen M--Flipper 4 9--Voyage To The Botl.om j -| | t--Awara Theatre 190 Pm gig Syed --Let's Talk With billed Father Meehan 11-4--News -- Weather &--My Hero 6--International Cinema 6--Tennessee Tuxedo 11:40 PM. 4--Living Word | Herald of Truth Family Pisynewee 1:00 P.M. 1)--Continenta! Minature AFL Football Meet The Press Ted Mack 6--This Land Sir Francis Drake 3--Movie | 1:8 PLM. 4--Lioyd : Thaxton 11--Spotlight &--My Little Margie 7--Sunday Playhouse 6-3--Country Calendar 2:00 PLM. Mickie-A-Go-Go Of The Sea 7--World of Spots 6--Countrytime 4--Wrestling 3--Shindig 2--Checkmate 1l--This Space Age 9--Douglas Fisher MONDAY EVENING 5:00 PLA. | U--Famity Theatre 9--Five O'clock Movie 8--Supermanr e 11--Donna Reed 7--Shindig 6-U.N. Review | 3--Musical Showcase | | 6:46. P.M. , 7-6-4-3---News; Weather Sports 1:00 PLM. f 11--Mickie-A-Go-Go { 9--Jackie Gleason 7--Big Show of the WA >k 63--Beverly Hillbillies 4--UB Round. Cable Pag etl} Have Gun Will Trae'e) 8:2--AFL . Football 6-3--NFL Football mm Pm - Los Angeles at $-2--Fllpper e 3 Chicago 6--frials of O'Brien j, | 3:00 PLM. 4--Jackie Gleason i | 11--Ciub 1) Dance Party 3---McHaie's Navy &--Movie 6:00PM: TABC Scope Vi--Club 1) Dance Party 2--AFL Football | | | 4--Zane Grey Theatre 6--Music Hop 3--Gunsmoke 4:00 PM. 7-2--News 6--Reach For The Top 4--News, Sports with Chuck Healy 6:20 P.M. 1--News om PLM. 'l--Family Theatre Movie 9--Academy Performance 3:30 P.M, 9-4-3- 8-2--f Dream of Jeannie spelling d--Lets Sing Out 10 PM. 8-2--Get Smart 7--Lawrence Welk Show 6-3--Great Movies 4-Trials of O'Brien 9:00 Om | &-News; Weather 1--Great Musle \8 ae 164 nea ek ret i| ailenge e Gillis paeascdi | 6--News, Weather, Sperts 90 PL. 4:0 PM. 4--Littlest Hobo 4--The Loner cas ' 3--Honey West 7---Hollywood Palace | Salk Talent Time" | 9--Huntley-Brinkley 10:00 PLM. | 7--Wrestling 1: PM, 1--Polka Party 6-3--Sight and Cast 11--Combat . 9--Run For Your Life | 4--Fiim | 9--The Lucy Show 4--Gunsmoke 3-2--Hullabaloo 10:20 PLM. gga nee teatn 7-12, O'clock. High N--Bieckbuster fl leRamily: TNeatre: | $-3--Don Messer's Jubilee 6-3--Juliette pe, 2--Showcase 4--To Tell The Truth + &3--Nature of Things pula Sah adidas } 4--Gadabout Gaddis £00 PM. 4 2--GE College Bow! ' oe) PM '9--Peter Potamus A --Big Show of the Week 4 --Hymn Sing 45~Travel -Film wl } Weather {3-2--Movie Spor 7---Dialoque 8--Huntley-Brinkley 3:45 P.M. } News 6-3----World Series | 7--Cheyenne 6--Across Canada 1:00 P.M. |11.-My Three Sons 9--Bewitched 42--Jonn Sorsythe Show 3--The Fugitive 4--I've Got A Secret 6:20 PLM, 1--Loredo 9--Andy Griffith -2--Dr, Kildare 7--The Legend of : mM. N--Block Buster Con tinued Final é--Night Metre #-8--Saturaay Night at The Movies EO cla ee h 5 r Ne Pm, Coy Mae 7-49--Late Show | b-Twentleth Century 6--Sports & Meet The rress 2, 11:38 P.M, 6:30 FM. 3--Movie V1L.-Lost In Space a 1 vas will 14:40 PLM, 344 Flioper an called 9--Answering Service 4-tazel Shenandoah 6--Feature Showcase 2-tell Telephone Hour 43 Show ot the Week Py PM. 3 4--A it 9---BMease Don't. Eat The ney eats Jesse James 4--The Lucy Show + | 9:00 P.M | s--country Music Hall SUNDAY 9:00 A.M. \i--Cathedral Chimes 9--Tides and Trails 7--Shenanigans 2--B'wana Don 0) AM, N1--Italian" Journal : 9--Carioon Playhouse 7--Rocketship 7 i i 2--The Answer i Color 6-3. Flashback 10:00 A.M. 4--My Favorite Martian 11--Carasello | ou P,; Herald of Truth | 7~Ti ve FBI 6--Sunday School ae Sullivan 4-Lamp Unto My Feet | °*™ a Prat 3--Church Invitation 1 5 cial Movie 9--Ty. Kildare 7:30 PM Mona McClusky --Take A Chance 7--The Fo rmer's Gaughter 4--Star Pertormance 100 PLM. |1]--The Merv Griffin Show %--The Big Valley 3-2--Run For Your aisies 7--Aweyage To The Bottom |) Of The Sea i i | 6 B= Hank | 4 =L assie | | rm PM. li~4aiid West 9alamos. Burke 8-2. Disney's World of Life 7--Bén Casey 6-3--Political Telecasts 4--Steve Lawrence 10:30 P.M, | 6--Toronto File 3--Mona McCluskey | 11:08 P.M. | 11-9-8-2-6-4-3-2--News; | Show 10:38 AM TI--OHA Jr. A Hockey 6--Extension 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 2--This Is The Life 11:08 AM. 9--Meta 8--This Is The Lie 7--Bullwinkle . Show 6-4-3--Church Service 2--Frontiers Ot Faltth 1:38 AM 9--Flying_ Fisherman | 6--Sports -- Weather &--The chr 'stophers | \8-2--Tonight Show 7--Discovery '66 | me | 2--Third Man 1-Crh lege Football 1:40 PLM, pay Wy oath | %--Pierre Berton fe on | &<Slattory's Peosie f 12:30 P.M. 11--News; Weather; Soprts --News Cap Weather and Sports nos PM, 6--Viewpoin? 9--Metro Final --My wie et rry Mason 9:30 P.M, | 9--Pyvton Place 10:00 P.M. 8-2--W 'ackiest Ship in The Army 6-3--Ti nis Hour Has § even Days 4--Ca did Camere 11:20 P.M, 1-4--Late Show 4--Night Metre 1:30 PLM, j11--The Saint 12:01 NOOR 9italian Album TV 6--Jack-In-Box 11:00 PLM, 12:18 Pe, hiv 9-8-7. t-4-3-2--Newsy \t--Top Cat ver, Sperte ' ee | | 92 THE OSHAWA TIMES, | Saturday, October 9, 1963 peat onnccmtmesgrineonmomengnansed _ BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER ¢ (Top record-holder in' Individual Championship Play) =~ 'West dealer. Neither side vulnerable. @K52 WAKQIT4A2 o3 4Q7 The bidding: West North East South lh 16 2 49 Opening lead--king of clubs. Good defense is generally more difficult than good dummy play, the chief reason being that a defender does not see all the resources held by his side, while a declarer does, This is espe- cially true when the defense must foresee a danger that is not immediately apparent. In this hand, for example, the defense failed and South made 'four hearts. West led the king of clubs, continued with the ace,' and shifted to the nine of. dia- monds after the queen of clubs fell. Declarer covered with the |king, East taking the ace and continuing with the queen, De- clarer ruffed and then played ifive rounds of trumps to pra- duce this position: North @A98 FS) Bast Immaterial South @K52 @4 |@Q710 | When declarer.now played the last trump, West was squeezed jand South took the rest of the tricks to make four hearts. West would have defeated the \contract if he had led the jack of clubs at trick three, and East lcould also have defeated the contract if he had played a club at trick four. In either case, once the nine of clubs was re- moved from dummy, no squeeze could have taken place and South would have gone down one. West was primarjly at fault for having failed to recognize the importance of eliminating a potential threat card from dum- my. East was also at fault for not removing the nine of clubs at trick four. They could each have reasoned that any dia- mond losers declarer had coald not possibly get away. Jt is difficult enough for most declarers to recognize and exe- cute a squeeze, but for the de- clarer to anticipate and head off a potential squeeze is obviously much, much harder. TOUCH FOOTBALL Two close games were played in the Minor Touch Football League. In the opener Alouettes jsqueezed past Forty-Niners 31 'to 30. In the second game Blue Bombers defeated Tiger Cats by 53-to-42. Larry Devitt score fout jtouchdowns and Joe Vandeveer one for Alouettes. Jerome Bil- jlett was credited with a convert. |Greg Adams scored three tduch- S-Loave ) Te Reaver |downs for the losers while Doug |Hayes ran for two. Gerry Baker scored three touchdowns and Lee Lemon |three for Blue Bombers, Gerry |Baker also had three converts. This Saturday Blue Bombers play Forty-Niners and Tiger Cats play Alouettes. |. ATTEND JUDO MEET | TORONTO (CP)--Doug Rog- jers, silver medalist at the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo, heads a four - man Canadian team to the world judo champ- ionships in Rio de Janeiro, Bra- jzil, Oct, 14-17. 'SALLY'S SALLIES | Wy % Bs NE) AING / he jf | "Tt wasn't me that got | into this. It was the club," A, E. JOHNSON, 0.D. '| opToMETRIST | 14V2 King St. East 723-2721 | HEAT WITH OIL | DIXON'S OIL . 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 _ SERVING OSHAWA' OVER | : 50 YEARS

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