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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Oct 1965, p. 19

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By C¥ FOX . TROIS-RIVIERES, Que. (CP): Leon Balcer has left federal politics but his political ghost still haunts this bustling city, giving high hopes to some pol- iticians and food for election- time thought to all. Mr, Balcer, former Conserva- tive transport minister and member of Parliament for Trois-Rivieres. for 16 years, polled 14,558 votes in his win- ning campaign two years ago. This time, even the city's 1965 choice. another lawyer, is making a big issue of bicuitur- alism in the predominantly French-speaking city. He also highlights Mr. Bal- cer's Sept. 15 retirement state- ment that "there is no place for a French-Canadian in the Dief- enbaker party." The Tories pooh-pooh statement's effects. They, say its sting was weakene. hen Mr. Balcer, soon after making it, took a post under the Liberal government of Quebec as direc- i * "itor of arrangements in the prov- nee lg i Ro ay pega 9 ince for the celebration of Con- of the current candidates eae -- pick up the ex-member's vote. " z Jean Methot, a ruddy-faced/SAY BALCER PARTISAN lawyer of 42, says that as Tory| This rules out any active par- candidate in the Nov, 8 generaljticipation in the federal cam- election he will harvest the Bal-/Paign and also--say the Tories cer poll because in past elec-\--leaves people thinking of him) tions it was rolled up primarily|and his farewell statement as| through the efforts of the party | flected with newly-acquired Lib-| orgacization. That organization, |¢?al partisanship. ee which he headed last time, is) Trois-Rivieres has a tradition) | still intact, says Mr. Methot, son|f sizzling politics. It was the; lof Conservative Senator Leon|base of the late Quebec premier) Methot. Maurice Duplessis. Its present| the CONGRATULATES FASTING STUDENTS IN OTTAWA Ghost Of Leon Balcer Haunts Trois-Riviers legislature is the controversial Was expelle Yves Gabias, wid from the Liberal-dominated as- sembly last year for three sés- sions for failing to prove bribery charges against a cabinet min- ister, Mr. Gabias isn't campaigning federally but some of his elec- toral workers also pitch in on Conservative campaigns, The creditiste candidate is a pharmacist, Philippe Daviault, 49, who, like his opponents, has never before sought electoral office. The fiery Mr. Daviault cites what he calls "popular weari- ness" with the two big parties. This, he says, means votes for him, In 1963, the Social Credit party ran up a third-place vote of 4,244, while the New Demo- cratic Party came fourth and last with 718, The NDP candidate for the Noy. 8 race is Joseph Rivard, an active participant in trade union affairs for three decades. Wednesday; Cape Breton South, But.from the Liberal camp of (tebresentative in the provincial| candidate Pierre Garceau| Prime Minister Pearson The studeats who fasted the need to fight world hun- Kent of Ottawa (right fore- (left) congratulates fasting throughout the Thanksgiving ger, The fast was organ- ground), | (CP Wirephoto) |comes the contention that sup- students in Ottawa Monday. weekend, hope to point up ized by 15-year-old Oliver lport for the handsome, articu- Lad Golfers e ars RRC E Weiek ~ late Mr. Balcer was essentially y sioner Andrew Skeen told aa matter of personality. of British members of ondon Monday USED TO BE LIBERAL Liberal spokesmen say Trois- group Parliament in I night that Rhodesia is not wor-|. *" ried about United Nations inter-|Rivieres, a paper-making com- B i D ti St ig, Dramatic Step | : : vention in the independence dis-|munity 80 miles northeast of © bd ute. . Montreal ong@the north shore of|jes won during the season were O esld i : l ea T A resoiution was brought be- ' |fore:the UN General Assembly) the St. Lawrence, was strongly|presented at the annual banquet Presented With Awards At Banquet PORT PERRY (TC) -- Troph-|Beare and Mrs. Herbert Brooks, with a period of 'silence, Mrs. Ralph Taylor, Mrs. Wil- in their camp before Mr, Bal-|of the ladies' section of the Sun- liam Williams and Mrs. Don |today calling on Britain Ol oaniams his 'te election tO/nybrae Golf Club at the Flam-|Cochrane were hostesses for the i i ke sary' arliament in 1949. ingo Restaurant. |Scout and Cub Mothers' Auxil- By ADAM KELLETT-LONG | ment in commerce and indus-|tions, a move which could shat-|"take all steps necessary" to} Soule ; Me ; ash bees Se ee ae ' ibliitg carcmerray (Reuters)--|tty to urge Smith to reconsider|ter the colony's economy. end what would amount to a! oe pap who rs i _ ect hari nu aes ay ae Plans were made SALISDY , lahat & poeta val aan ei ig rebellion by the Rhodesian gov-|casting Conservative bal-/Marie Snooks, . captain, } or a tour, Government officials here to-| what some businessmen believe} However, Smith, when asked b g lots here have no special party/Dyke, Elva Brain, Ey. Patte,| The members of the ladies THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 12, 1965 49 HOLLYWOOD (AP)--A hast- ily-scribbled note "to whom- ever discovers me after death" is Dorothy Dandridge's last will and testament, It was to be filed for' probate Monday in Superior Court, a tragic document of a tragic life that ended last Sept, 8 of rare but natural causes, William Spivak, her lawyer, calls the will one of the most unusual he has ever seen but perfectly legal. It reads: 'In case of my death--to whomever discovers it---don't remove anything I have on-- scarf, gown or other (crossed out) underwear, Cremate me right away--if I have anything money, furniture give to my mother Ruby Dandridge. She will know what to do. Dorothy! Dandridge." | The beautiful Negro actress- singer wrote the note last May 21 and turned it over to her longtime manager, Earl Mills, with these words: "You keep it Earl, because I know you will be the one who discovers mie." Mills was the one, day discounted any early, dra-| would be the disastrous conse-|in London whether he believed| ernment in the event of a uni- matic steps by Rhodesia on the/ quences. : economic sanctions would fol-| lateral declaration. critical issue of Rhodesian in-|_ The Rhodesian leader said be-|low an independence move, re-| Skeen said talk of British dependence. London he is con-|plied: "The answer is in the) force to block a breakaway was | "too ludicrous, No Briton would be expected to become bers of the 'floating vote.' }fore leavin, | | vinced it is impossible to bridge) negative." feelings and, left without their/Ruth Gibson and Pat Fulford./auxiliary to Branch 419, Royal favorite public figure, they can)' mem-| Ruby |Badour, Lhe second place winners were:|Canadian Legion, have decided Moore, captain; Emily|to hold a Christmas draw rather Ey. Jepson, Pollyjthan a bazaar in November, G.| Jones, Stella Myers and Vivian|Ballingall and C. Warren will! direct the project. The auxiliary, GLECOFF'S had mother, also an actress. "Dorothy was bankrupt," said Mills, hospital. Hastily-Scribbled Note -- Left By Dorothy Dandridge Mills couldn't carry out the immediate cremation she wanted. Circumstances of death demanded an autopsy. There it was found that fracture of @ tiny bone in her foot released particles of bone marrow into her bloodstream, embolism, causing an Miss Dandridge leave to her Tronically, little to BOXING FIGURE DIES NEW YOR K(AP) -- Dan Florio, manager - trainer of Floyd Patterson, former world heavyweight champion, and a prominent boxing figure for 45 years, died Monday night in He was 69. Florio's death, a week after he under- went surgery for an intestinal ailment, will not affect Patter- son's heavyweight title fight with champion Cassius Clay in Las Vegas Nov. 22, promoter Al Bolan said in Las Vegas. + SUPERMARKET DRESSES REDUCED See cies aecias| i gap between the British and) The British stand encom-/try it against us. We are not At least that's iow Mr. Gar-| sr Rhodesian i Lai ae sino this Rhodesian position on the inde-|passes refusal to grant inde-|in the least bit worried about C¢au, 32, appraises the situation ag coab an! Tevet. oF in Dae ae. : se independence| Pendence issue |pendence to the self-governing| what the United Nations or any- (Publicly. A similar appraisal] Miss Margaret E. Terrett, o week to declare independenc iy ian African colony without assu-/one else could do to us." comes from. the Creditiste Port Perry, is one of the 33 stu- psec AN " peri Bn ONLY WAY' lrances that the government will tora Caradon, Britain's chief P@"Y: dents who have been awarded tation mig e delayed 'for @| 'We have come to the con-| ; Ne.| 2 ' » br § che '€ : ,»,a Continuing Bursary by the) ;_| Pass into the control of the Ne-| delegate to the United Nations,| The Liberals polled 13,077/,mq Trucking Industry Educa- very long time," the source) clusion that we cannot negoti-| 5r9 majority within a \ |tional Foundation. Miss Terrett,| "reasOn-) began consultations in London|Votes in 1963 and their dapper added. jate independence and we be- " : Rhodesia is ruled by a white Jieve aependnnce is the only atin eee oh Be jtoday on the Rhodesian prob- who completed Grade 13 H minority government although) way we-can maintain Rhodes-| ODDS AGAINST GROW lem and other issues. He flew BELIVEAU SIGNS Negroes outnumber whites by|ian Christian and Western civil-| Smith's protracted stay in from New York Monday night. MONTREAL (CP) -- Centre sary by the same foundation. 18 to 1. ization," he said London--talks broke off for- An African nationalist leader) jean Beliveau of Montreal Ca-| The regional meeting of the|/nated to the hospital by the aux- Meanwhile, Prime Minister) Informed sources here said)/mally Friday--and his aceeety i een nosint' a, terror) nadiens and three other players|Oshawa Presbyterial will be Ian Smith neared home follow-|that the presidents of the key) ance of a British proposal Mon-| 8" 5 Rhodesia's have signed new one-year con-|held Oct. 28 in Port Perry Unit-| ing his departure Monday night| Rhodesian economic organiza-\day for a last-minute meeting, | Whites if they declare independ-| tracts to play for the Nationaljed Church. Miss Muriel Stavens:| from London, where he had|tions plan to meet in the near|revived speculation. here that/€nce. We expect a lot of Hockey League team. Beliveau,{a missionary in the Congo, will| | held last-ditch talks on inde-|future to discuss an approach'the odds are growing against deaths but we are sure we Will) captain of the Canadiens and: albe the speaker. | pendence with British cone bs the prime minister. ment officials. | The Rhodesian Herald said) pendence. bie: Most of the 220,000 white Rho-|Smith would be untrue to past) Rhodesian High Commis-|the African Peoples Union. | Trophy for being the most valu-/Bible Society. The group will . woe Reem ara aati: | lable player in the NHL play-/hold its bazaar in November and } desians seem to favor a uni-| promises if he plunged into de- - PLANT LIVES ON AIR Spanish moss, which is not ajtracts were right lateral declaration of independ-|cision making without giving moss but a seed plant, lives on|Claude Provost and Bob Rous-|October meeting, honored two Ozzie Always ence from Britain, but there| himself time to catch up on the was said to be a growing move-|state of feeling in Rhodesia accepted Oshawa auxiliary to social evening Oct. 19. A donation fo $25 was sent by the Auxiliary to the Retarded} Prices | | HAMBURG 3 lbs. for 1.00 Children's Foundation, last/of radios to be donated to Sunny- year, was awarded a $500 bur- brook Hospital will be obtained. A television set was recently do- iliary. | HAMPTON (TC) -- Mrs. T. who had 14 entries were Py : at Uxbridge Fair, won five firsts} an immediate seizure of inde-| inflict some ourselves," said) 14.vear veteran with the club,! The United Church Womenjand four seconds. Her exhibits James Chikerma, president of/jast year won the Conn Smythe|have made a donation to the|included weaving, rugs, place) M. Chant, mats, petitpoint and quilts. A number of Hampton women) loffs. Others who signed con-/a Thankoffering service Oct. 17./attended a bridal shower, given wingers|6Members of the UCW, at theirjby Mrs, Aubrey Smith and her daughter, Mrs. Donald Dodds, in water, light, dust and air only./seau and left-wing Dave Balon.iformer members, Mrs, Ryerson/honor of Miss Audrey Northeutt. an invitation from the attend a | TO CLEAR GLECOFF'S BUTTER uw. 99° ¢ GLECOFF'S 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH SUPERMARKET week. The opinion of the business }community here took into con- | sideration British threats to an- Feels Sleepy swer a unilateral declaration of HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Ever independence with trade sanc-|wonder how Ozzie Nelson gives --- ~~ | those relaxed performances? Looks Arent: 1: ow mi 6.US. Firms "=," ) Dety Threat WASHINGTON (AP)--Six big American. tobacco companies defied boycott threats by priv- ate organizations Monday and declared their determination to use Yugoslav tobacco as they fesses. Oz started out in show busi- ness as a bandleader and still a keeps musician's hours. | Everything "I can't get to sleep before} 2 a.m., and sometimes a.m., wish in manufacturing cigar-| and I have to be on the set at ettes. They won immediate sup-| TORONTO (CP)--Good Old 8 a.m. every day," Ossie yawns. pork from U.S. state, defence Mort, a three-year-old chestnut "I'm just night people." and jeom merce department/colt with an uninspiring name He uses those insomniac hours heads. jand an even less exciting ap-|for work, mostly writing. He is The state department made/pearance, ran one of the most,producer, writer, director andj - public a statement by the to-jexciting races of the Canadian|star of The Adventures of Ozzie bacco companies and a letter to|}season at Woodbine Saturday to and Harriet. | them which was signed by State! win the $28,150 Breeders Stakes When he has time off from the Secretary Dean Rusk, Defence} The Breeders Stakes, third) TV series, as he did last spring, Secretary Robert S. McNamarajand most demanding gem in| Ozzie wrote, produced and di- and Commerce Secretary John|Canada's triple crown series,|rected a movie at Universal T. Connor, lwas also one of the hardest| called Love and Kisses The companies said they have races for a thoroughbred this! "I had dtveasy," says Ozzie. been "threatened with boycott" season. The 1%4-mile endurance | "I let Rick be the star,"' The x's wife, unless--they--agree_not to use test. was made tougher by a|/movie also has Ric toba cco from Yugoslavia --\deep and soggy turf course Kris; atong with Jack -Kelly-and which is a Communist country.) With Paul Kallai riding Jerry Van Dyke in the cast. Yugoslav leaf imports to the|strongly throughout the long) Oz sees no end to his work. United States amount to about|distance, Good Old Mort chal-|Hs TV series is in ots 1 year, $7,000,000 a year. The tobacco lenged Victorian Era, usually|the record holder among situa- is used for cigarette flavoring) rated the best three-year-old in| tion comedies. Counting radio, and aroms, a state department|Canada, on the final turn then/it's in its 22nd year. spokesman said. -- battled him every inch of the; That means that a whole gen-; The six companies signing th ay through the long stretch.|eration has grown up with the Statement are the American To-!" At the wire, Good Old Mort,| Nelson family. bacco Co., Brown and William-|owned by Ed Seedhouse of Tor-, "Now with Rick and Dave son Tobacco Corp., Liggett and|onto, was one length in front|both parents," says the youth- Myers Tobacco Co., P. Lorril-!and $15,650 richer ful-looking Grandpa, "we may lard Co., Philip Morris Inc. and; Good Old Mort paid $6.90 to|come up with a series starring | R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. win the grandchildren." : 65 STYLES SHADES AND COLORS Price Includes © Frames @ Lenses © and Case U.S. Trade-Mark Registered OPTICIANS-- Over 3,000,000 Satisfied Customers BIFOCALS May we suggest a *17,95 Fi Fromes Lenses and Coses org es dupli- c . Frames repoired; frames repleeed nile you weit. Lowest prices, OCULISTS' PRESCRIPTIONS Also fille et same prices. Your preseription promptly filled 17 BOND STREET EAST, 2nd FLOOR Hours: 9 A.M. te 5 P.M.--Closed All Day Wednesday : PHONE: 728-1261 WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT THE SAME LOW PRICES. in many principal cities of Canade end US Bronches CANA '. Tih fad 6%. Save-for-the-Little-Things-you-might-otherwise-never-buy Account? N IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE {

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