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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Oct 1965, p. 23

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eee ssaaehonmeoee MICKEY MOUSE ina ilptibina Ma in Yt war Lidad MINUTES, BUT AUNT 15.A SHAMBL + howe. WR Wate oreey © Lhe -- THEY THIN PLL IVE IN TOTHE To KICK 'EM if Fa. OTT GM PUR Cae go Ve Tie ny, o LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY a I CAN, MR. TONE ~ ANP IT Pr WiLL = YOUR SILLY PLY 2 MEANS ¢-~ NOTHING TO ENT- wi ~A_ hy \C Ea) roReioneR: of on IN ARTHUR MBIGHEN'S ADVICE OBERT BORDEN FOR THE FIRST TIME_IN CANADIAN HISTORY, USES OSURE T Se BORDEN GETS THE HEN ON AUGUST 4, 19/4, MUSTER CANADIAN ' UNDER MINISTER OF MILITIAp SAM HUGHES » 6 THE OSHAWA TIMSS, Tuesday, October 12, 1 THE EVER THe A TO CROSO TLANTIC p SA, FOR THAN THIS~YOU HAVE / IT IN. FOR ME, ANP / THATS I ASK 7 WHY F NOW, THER 16 AN INTELLIGENT~ LOOKING FACE / Y66,\NOBED/ YOU ARB A HANDSOME GENTLEMAN/ eRe' Pam MUAY 1 Gora Be TueRess wore ror Teegh Ed £.627 YOU KIN COME AGIN IF you LIKE ~. 1TS A MITE THE LONE RANGER reach the | SECRET AGENT X9 Fick driver pulls away before Are YOU \ sorry! TRAPFIC'S il can PILING UP/ I. WANT To CACTUS FAMILY (CACTACEAB) ER-WHATS THIS, UNCLE SCROOGE? Saat DONALD DUCK SURE... PAY TH OFF ONCE EVERY FIVE YEARS / TO CHALLENGE My CREOIT! i | BRIDGE -- By 8, JAY BECKER . (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Championship Pley) FAMOUS HANDS North dealer, ; Both sides vuinerabie, Opening lead = three of spades. | Edwin Kantar, of Los An- ||geles, in addition to being a star of the first magnitude, also does a lot of writing for various bridge magazines and other Publications. In the past few years he has also established himself as one of the best and most prolific composers of bid- ding and playing problems. Here is a hand in which he was himself concerned and which he reported for the Cali- fornia Bridge Digest (not out of business, alas), The deal Li |was played in the masters. team of four.champlonship for the Spingold Trophy in 1962. Here is how he described what oc- curred; "I understand very well that my last bid of four hearts is open to question. The question is; 'Was I completely out of my mind to bid four hearts, or just partially?' In any event, John Crawford, palying the hand at the other table, bid four hearts and made it, I made three. spades captured dummy"s nine and a spade was played back and lost to the queen. We both played a diamond to the ace, and here is where the play. di- verged, "Crawford led a heart to' the king and then began to cross- ruff, I started to crossruff im- mediately and in the end game I was uppercut by East when West finally got the lead with the ace of hearts, He played a club, and when East ruffed with the nine, I had to go down one, "Crawford avoided this trap by playing hearts first. How- ever, I should say as a matter of self-defence that if the ace of hearts had been with East, he surely would have gone down also, I will leave it to the ana- lysts to tell me who played it | aeons BREAKIN' O "TO BE ME UT! BREAK, 'mM GRANDMA IS A SPACE 6HE KNOWS ABOUT MISGILES, ROCKETS rt AND GTUFF/ YEAH ?...DID SHE LEARN IT FROM BOOKS SHE'S awe ? © King Features Sputtentn, na. 1865. Wold fits sommrmel, | Hernia Patient Ignores Surgery By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD |fuses to have an operation. He and he knew there is only one says that when it bothers him, | direction in which a hernia can he may consider surgery. He is; go, It can never get better; it 54. | worry about him, as he|can only get worse. He was works in the yard a great deal./older than your husband. What shall I do---MRS, R. F,!, Now of course some people As you may have guessed, I limp along. with an ornery don't try to write this columnihernia for the rest of their OF THE EARTH IF T REALLY LOVED YOU? on the basis of my own, lone-|lives. Some have a lot of mis- some, unsupported judgment, Ijery, some have moderate mis- have one doctor in particularjery, and some have the hernia and a whole lot of others in| become strangulated and if they general__who contribyte their | are lucky, an emergency opera- knowledge and thinking jtion saves them from gangrene * I wish I'd keep count of the;and death : number of specialists who have|....., ' taken the time to read one of CAN'T PREDICT COURSE these columns, or, more often,) You can't predict what will to have read and studied a Jet.) happen, any more than you can ter from a reader, and then|predict just when a weak tire said, "Well, on the face of it|Will go flat, either with a slow this sounds simple, but don't for-| leak or with a devastating blow- get to consider the possibility! out that And so forth In any event, there's what my AOROSS DOWN 13, Craws (RIEIGIAIL MBB IOIL AIS} 1, Packing. L Insurance 15, Skin ARaae ae box term opening ae i alt TVmBUAY eva, 5. Macaws 2. Arabic 17, Fits Rae Age 1:00 PLM, 9. Of the sun letter together jLIA/YIE/RIS N--Family Theatre 10. Postpone 8. Chemical com= aan ui 9--Five O'clock Movie 12. Wicked salt pactly mamaria Superman 18, Alabama's 4, Teut, 19, Morsel [AIHA i ae Sune seaport war god 21, Ostrich- 0 ote f B--Llovd Thaxton 14. en a 5, Worship like bird hi . dit ue sire ol. ' ver pope's 6. rong 22, Sam éiusie Hop 15. One's , Measu: rere father ' opysenk 23. Soone mixer 1 oie i fou and Iceland machine 82, Pitcher 6--Generation mother 8. Seasoning pedal 33. Gypsy 4--News, 16, Land 9. Capitol 25, Steppedon 34, Muddy Chuck Healy whe fellow 27. Beverages 36, Animal's FER cost cy dF 11, Affirmas 29. Jack-pot foot Hetens pall ted tive reply items 38, Mother an PM 18, Small N--Family Theatre drums t fe 4 Y 6 17 18 Movie No. & 20.Remaining (7 Ls bagged 24. Pointed Caw iT 8--Huntley-Brinkley arch {4 7--Maverick 25. Chro- ie Y iy Across Canede nometer /; 7:00 PLM, 26, Network 14 Y - = Shindl 'ase ike 27. Stir up 4 gt poh 28, Claw 3 At yt, SNe Weather; 30.Tantalum: . Y, UGG Sports sy) ' 4--Car--i4,--Where Are | sym, 6 9 GY yee [es Ger } we again, Ly a 2-Olillgan's sland witha 2--Huntley- Brink! stick E Y Report" shi 34. Pole ne PLM, 35, Expects 4 1 l-Honey 1 West usical Showcase 36, -- OG Y GY | 2-My Mother The Car BLALLA f. 7--Combat 37. Beau ideal Ey ae ae LY 4--On The Scone New 4 cikee Heroes England V/ atate #00 PM, ' --Special Movi 89. --. y scene Lo } §-2--Please Don't Bat The #0. Sine Ze Daisies maker's $3--Red Skelton tools 10-t an PM 9%-F-Troop ee @-2--Dr. Kildare 7--McHale's Navy YOUR HEALTH ge ge £00 PLM, %-The Wackiest Ship in The Army | 02--Movie | $3--Front Page Challenge | TF Troop 9:0 PLM, t--Peyton Place +3---Dick Van Dyke Show 4--Petticoat Junction 10:00 P.M. lle-The Mery Griffin Show %--1 Spy b2---Mole 63-----News Magazine 7--The Fugitive 4--CBC Reports 10:30 P.M, 9--Country Music Hall 63--The Public Eye 4--Beyond All Barriers 1:00 PLM. 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2---News Weather and Sperte nls PM, Metro Final é--Viewpoint ie Pm, -4--Late Show 4--Night Metre Hide P, \l--The Saint $-2--Tonight Show 6--Sports Movie 11:40 PLM, | %-Plerre Berton | 6--Nightcap | 12: AM. [Loe Carlo at the Organ 6--New Cap WEDNESDAY 9:00 AM, H--Schnitzel House 4--Captain Kangares 9:00 A.M, 1}--Topper obby %--Dialing For Dollars With Girl Talk 4--Mike's Carnival 2--Mickey Mouse Clud 9:90 A.M, 8d Alien | 6--Extension 4--Gypsy Rose Lee 3--Ann Southern Show 10:00 A.M, Vi--Nurses @2---Truth or Consequence | 4-1 Love Lucy 10:38 A.M, %--Bingo 8-2---What's This Song T---Donna Read 4--The McCoys PP | %--Playtime With Uncle TELEVISION LOG 11:00 A.M, l}-Bonnie Prudden 9--Mr, And Mrs 6-2---Concentration | 7--The Young Set 6--M.E 14 Schools | 110 AM, |VeAlbert J, Steed 9---Abracadabre 8-2--Jeopardy 6--Musical interidve 12:00 NOON %--Toronto Today 62--Call My Bluff 7--Money Movie é--Luncheon Date 4--News end Weather 3--Popeye and Pals 12:18 PLM, 4--Bpeaker of the Mouse 12:90 PLM, li--News 9 | Love Lucy 0-2---I'll Bet ¢4----Searc For Tomorrow aNoonday Report 12:45 PLM, VieRacing Forum é-4--Gulding Light | 1:00 P.M, li--Theatre %--James Beard Show | = Moatines 7--Ben Casey é--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 3--Summer Carousel &Mike Douglas shew 130 PLM, 9--Sergeant Bilko 64---As The World Turns hee PLM, 9--~ Kids ts People 7--NUFSOS $-4~Password + OF Moment Trt 2:18 P.M, %--Dear Charlotte 2:30 PLM, People in Conflict #2--The Doctors 7A Time For Us é--Zane Grey Theatre 4--Linkletter's Party Movie 2:00 PLM, \A--Donna Reed | S=Fractured Phrases | &2--Another World | 7--General Hospital i+42--To Tell The. Truth time, will be appreci by professional col ated only everybody lea gues That's the week when nobody! In general, we have mumps) Tw wants to go to the hospital, ex-/only once, and it doesn't matter SALLY'S SALLIES cept for an emergency. For|whether the disezse is apparent elective surgery tha more empty beds. That's the whole worrying about it." t the story, He has a busy medical prac-)surely. It avoids the possible tice, so he arranged for other drastic emergency. The advice doctors to provide for the needs|we give is the advice we take jof his patients, and he took the ourselves. | Dear Dr. Molner: How seri-|ciate told me that he had ajChristmas - New Year's week ous is a hernia My husband hasjhernia that wasn't bothering/to go to the hospital and have }a small protruding one. He re- him but he knew it was there) this operation. That last item, the choice of Sides? My s can be on one side or both. We still postponed, nobody goes to the have hospital that week. So there are there are occasional instances, with this and other disease, in Ijwhich a second attack may oc- guess, except that since then he|cur. And there's also the chance, has said couple of times,/that one attack or the other "Well, I'm glad the hernia is|/wasn't really mumps, but some- out of the way and I can quit'thing else that caused the swell- disease! However ing and soreness. Mrs, R. F., I don't know what you should do about your prob- lem--or rather your dusband's,| Maybe if you leave today's col-|°ld girl, From there on it's up to him,|UP?--N. But T assure you that So what has that to do with associate said: "Looks to me as} @ hernia Here's the story. Win- though it was time for me to} ter before last my closest asso- follow our own advice." the smart Dear Dr. Molner: "went down" on a seven-year: will she be able to umn lying around, he'll see it,/bave yg when she grows The answer thing is to have a hernia re-|whether the depends disease affecte paired before it becomes too both ovaries or only one. If on serious Early repair can be was not damaged, she could still performed more simply and|have babies. If mumps on better, If it was Crawford, don't bother to tell me." Wall At Berlin Regularly Breached BERLIN (Reuters)--The nor- mally impregnable Berlin wall Sealing off East from West is being reglarly breached -- by men with fleas, West Berliners are avid tropi- cal fish fans and to satisfy the demand for fish food, pet shops in West Berlin have had to im- port water fleas from the United States, Britain and West Germany. But they could not get enough, Lakes in East Berlin abound in water fleas so by special per- mission of the East German government and on payment of certain fees, West Berlin "wa- ter flea catchers" are allowed through the wall with their buckets to return with them brimming with water flea fish food: Normally, West Berliners are not allowed into East Berlin. | Defends Cult Of Beatlemania : SYDNEY, N.S.W, (Reuters) Beatlemania does no harm to teenagers and may even do some good, says Dr, E. A, Dav- ies, senior lecturer in psychol- ogy in the University of New South Wales, He says that the Beatles sing about -what every girl wants-- to be worshipped. Listening to the Beatles' mu- sic, he explains, reduces sexual frustrationand adolescent ins hibitions. For girls, it is a substitute for a boy friend, Beatlemania, therefore, does some good to |teen-agers, says Davies. "The girls want to be put up Dear Dr. Molner: Can @ per-/on a pelestal son have mumps twice in both ped and worshipped on has it again, but tells me-.a_ person can have it only once.--W. M. M by thé males and they feel that they are achieving this when listening to the Beatles." George! Td like a highball and just a little less of her eyeballs." "At both tables the ace of-

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