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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Oct 1965, p. 6

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Johnson conferring for. 45 min- utes with Vice-President Hu- bert Humphrey and for an hour more with State Secretary Dean IN MID-SHOW i LB] Keeps ae se A 50-ton U.S. Army tank, driven by 17-year-old Army reservist Kenneth Parker, of Reading, P.A., went out ¥ ARMY TANK BELTS CAR, TRUCK of control Sunday morning and crushed a car and a pick-up truck and damaged another car before stopping. No one- was injured as the three vehicles were un- occupied at the time. The ' SURVEY OF WHITBY Business District Progress Essential | Revitalization and expan- sion of the town's Central Business District is essential if the local merchants are to survive, University of To- ronto students suggested fol- lowing a survey and study of the community, They said co- ordination of public and pri- vate efforts will be necessary to establish a definite link be- tween the businessman and the public. In this article, No. 13 in the series, some of the points of consideration are discussed. WHITBY (Staff) -- The Cen-| tral Business District must be) revitalized and, in addition, con-| sideration must also be given to development of commercial facilities in neighzorhood areas within the town. On the other hand, ribbon highway develop- ment should be discouraged. Taking a long look at the cen- tral businese district, it is noted, there are definite areas of mis- use and low development. 'The commercial function as such, is) concentrated along two main arteries, Brock and Dundas sts The students suggest that little or no development is ap- parent in these sections and advise, a blight area lies within the 'core' district of the busi-! ness area and outer frame. The! district presently is neither at-| tracitve nor convenient for the shoppers. It may be noted however, that since this report and study has been made, the Whitby Cham- ber of Commerce has instigated a program of revitalization.) The Chamber is currently spon-| soring the re-painting of puild-| lions of words could be written on the advantages of off-street parking but, if something isn't done soon the central business district is in actuality, doomed. Off-street parking is a. defi- nite 'must', it could easily be described as the life blood of the local businessmen. Without this convenience for the motor- ing public, the pendulum of public support and patronage will swing more and more away from the downtown area. |AIMS, OBJECTIVES The aims and objectives of a redevelopment program are almost self-explanatory: --To revitalize the existing central business district mak- ing it a focal point for social, --Economical viability of the central business district; --Improving the central busi- ness' district from a more at- tractive and convenient stand- point, drawing both the local and ever increasing tourist traf- fic. At the moment, the tourist traffic coming off the Mac- donald-Cartier Freeway for in- stance, passes through the heart of town without pause. Revolu- tionary changes in the layout of the CBD, could quite possibly hold much of the tourist traffic which is invariably heading through town to northern points of interest. In the next article, No. 14, suggestions and recommenda- tions for a general policy of re- | cultural and business life of the community; development of the central busi- ness district will be made. 'Count Only Three, Four French Africa Countries UNITED. NATIONS (AP)-- Only three or four of the dozen or so French African countries seem likely to vote with France to seat Communist China in the United Nations this year. That as much as anything is expected to prevent a majority in the General Assembly in fa- vor of replacing the Chinese Nationalists with the Chinese Communists on UN bodies. The assembly will vote on the issue in late October or early November. Delegates who have studied the outlook carefully figure that the margin against jseating Communist China. may |say Chinese Communist tactics That aroused speculation that most of the French African countries would switch, too, and give the Chinese Commu- nists a majority. But some students of voting probabilities now believe that only the Central African Repub- lic, The Congo (Brazzaville), Mauretania and perhaps Sene- gal will make the switch. They have alarmed the others and made them firmly anti-Commu- nist. the gay, they also flocked in great numbers to a wide var- iety of outdoors events, partic-| ularly the full agenda offered the World Series on television, plate how the campaign bonus events. pated by teiephone hook-up in a teach-in Saturday and Sun- day, an international forum of; discussion of world events by distinguished speakers in Tor- down Monday except in New- accident happened at the Army Reserve centre. --AP Wirephoto Thanksgiving Is Observed In Open Air By THE CANADIAN PRESS Crisp, sunny autumn weather gave Canadians a reason to ob- serve Thanksgiving Day out- doors. And most of them took advantage of it. Motorists proved particularly vulnerable and by late Monday, which marked the end of the three-day Thanksgiving week- end, the nation's road toll at 81 had exceeded the 57 deaths pre- dicted by the Canadian High- way Safety Council, Highway congestion reached its peak Monday with people out for aft- Andy Williams Slips Off Stool NEW YORK (AP)--Andy Wil- liams slipped off his stool in mid-show. NBC's weekly Andy' Williams Show shown Monday night is taped, usually several weeks before we see it on our screens. It would have been fairly easy to have re-taped the sequence with guest Bob Hope in which Andy lost his balance and dropped momentarily out of sight. They did not choose to re-tape, however. We've been watching singers and guest stars cli b up on high stools at least once in each variety show ever since Dave Garroway started the whole thing in Chicago. A pair of high stools, set in stage centre, has come to mean that it is time for the star and his guest to engage in some in- formal, caréfully- written and well-rehearsed persiflage lead- ing up to a song. The Williams show, incident- ally remains one of the most handsome color programs, but after a couple of seasons that predictable format could do with a little revision. The first national ratings of the new television season, re- leased Monday by the A. C. Nielsen company put CBS' Lucy Show in sixth place. Thus it ap- It was all broad comedy-- Lucy with her heel caught, Lucy putting a banana cream pie in a washing machine with the laundry, Lucy in a too-tight dress trying to hide under a table. She is still the best come- dienne in the television busi- ness but the shows seemed to move faster and smoother when she was surrounded by her old playmates, Or maybe it was just an off night, Those Nielsen ratings, cover- ing the two-week period ending Sept. 26, has the three most popular programs of last sea- son still on the top of the list-- NBC's Bonanza .ABC's Be. witched and CBS' Gomer Pyle. Four new programs made the top 10--CBS' Hogan's Heroes and Green Acres and ABC's Man Called Shenandoah and F Troop. The top 10, incident- ally, consisted of eight come- dies and two westerns. BACK ACHE? IT COULD BE IRRITATED BLADDER N eb cy KIDNEY & ADDER PILLS DEWITTS.. pears that the popul ished with the departure of Lucille Ball's long-time co-star, Vivian Vance. Monday night's episode, de- spite a neat scene in a super- market, was not the happiest romp in which Lucy has been involved. By now the new -pre- mise of the show has been thor- oughly established. Lucy has moved to an apartment in Cali-| ; fornia and the children have been sent away to school. But Lucy seemed pretty much alone in a half hour in which she was trying to persuade a bachelor neighbor to take her to a party. ernoon drives, returning from visits to relatives, or from) boarding-up summer cottages! for the winter. Sunday, 'Canadians paused to give thanks for the bounties of a fall harvest. In worship serv- ices across the land, they ob- served the solemnity of Thanks- giving. But, mixing the solemn with foundland, which doesn't ob- serve the holiday. Sports events on the Prairies and British Columbia were well- patronized. Temperatures in B.C. hovered in the low 60s' under sunny skies. In the Maritimes, showers put a damper on outdoor ac- tivites in the morning but the | in sport. | Apart from that, there was and the opportunity to contem- is shaping up for the Nov. 8 fed-) eral election. | BONUS EVENTS There were some weekend Thirteen universities partici- onto. Business and industry closed sun broke through by noon. And at Guelph Sunday, the 7ist running: of that city's Thanksgiving road races over city streets drew thousands of spectators. JUST. ARRIVED ! New Fall Tailored TO MEASURE SAMPLES @ House of Hobberlin @ Tip Top Tailors --ct-- USS EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. S., Whitby PHONE 668-2091 Oil Workers | rity of the comedy series has not dimin- MOR-POWER SUPER SERVICE "ae soenes 11,95 eee 14,96 12-Valt INSTALLATION 80¢ Dry-Charge from Visitors To Minimum WASHINGTON (AP) -- The hospital chart showed no offi- cial appointments for President Johnson today and for the time being he was heeding doctors' orders to hold his schedule and visitors to a minimum, Monday started off that way. too. But then it wound up with Rusk. These sessions were spaced out, with a nap in between. Even so they followed John- son's worst night since his op-} eration Friday for removal of 4h welt Btn Adan an - ls ee Wit Bau MayuTr ane Rid stone, And they followed word from the doctors that the president should have plenty of rest. According to plan, the presi- dent received no sedative Sun- day night and the result was restlessness, sleeplessness 'and discomfort. eo mungy large number of foreign 3 ii iary said he Johnsan up to date on ber of matters--talks il EF ters at the United Nations, ael Stewart, Rhodesia independence and the \* ASSOCIATE STORE 115 Simcoe St. South fused picture in In ings on both sides of Brock st. 8. r . ENCOURAGE ACTIVITY the issue, in October, 1963. Extend Pickets Increased activity in the cens| That time the difference was deal business. district in. inevit- 16 votes--41 in favor of the; VANCOUVER (CP) -- Strik- able, the students suggest, and Communist Chinese and 57\ing oil workers extended their should be encouraged. This ob- - Twelve countries ab-| picket lines to five homes dur- servation is made in the face of| ing the weekend, claiming the are|occupants were scabbing by a gradual trend on the part of Aer 3 retailers to move into veipherall driving British American Oil {be only half what it was the |last time the assembly voted on NOTICE DOR-MAR BEAUTY SALON Would jike te ennounce to you thet thelr helrdressing retes OSHAWA PH, vas-sa72 'a SCR Re time, indications thatthe difference may he only| shopping centres. The future success, expansion eight votes, with 48 in favor, |5 against and 13 abstaining. | In 1963, France and 10 of her \Co. Ltd. trucks. Fred Geddes, president of the Vancouver local of the Oil, "and prosperity of the centrall african allies voted against the|Chemical and Atomic Workers business district will depend Jargely on decisions that must be made immediately. One such decision involves off-street park- ing. Countless chapters and mil- Chinese Communists. Later, Paris established dip- lomatic relations with Peking and made known that |French vote next time would 'be in Peking's favor the | Union (CLC), said Monday the |five men are employed by BA | as salesmen, and the union took the action "to inform the neigh- borhood that the men are con- sidered strike breakers." will remain unchanged. 10% DISCOUNT 2 WEEK SPECIAL OCT. 12-23 ON ALL PERMS 105 Byron St. S. Whitby -- Ph. 668-3992 GD PAINT SALE FRESH INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WHITE AND HUNDREDS OF COLORS NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR SPECIAL MIXING. 95 GALLON ONE LOW PRICE a - 9 UART, DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY -- PHONE 668-5862 FREE DELIVERY WHY BUY SNOW TIRES WHEN YOU CAN... RENT THEM For as lowas '6-0 No motorist should be w tire per ithout snow tires! They are an inexpensive form of driving insurance. A protection ag inst costly accid + eee time consuming delays. However, why pay full price for tires you'll use only a few months of the year? RENT A PAIR OF SNOW TIRES FROM PAY FOR THE MILES Y DUNLOP AND JUST OU DRIVE! And they are replaced free in the event of failure. See us for details. A Season! ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE LID. Available At B OSHAWA 227 Toronte Ave. Phone 728-9432 oth Locations WHITBY 401 Dundas St. E., Phone 668-3356

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