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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Oct 1965, p. 7

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DIEF CAMPAIGNS morning in Saskatoon prior Conservative Leader John to his departure. by special Diefenbaker chats with rail- AT BREAKFAST Conservative leader made whistle stops at several iti before arriv- way workers early Mopday railway car to Regi The ing at Regina where he transferred to a car for a trip to Moose Jaw. Remove Ancient Temple From Path Of Reservoir trine of the present collective even though relations with America have gone downhill due to the Viet Nam affair. The economic troubles from which the Soviet Union suffered under Khrushchev continue. Food production is not keeping Work is proceeding apace on removal of ancient tem- ples from path of new Nike resrvoir. The AP world spotlight reports. It also takes a look at Russia a year after Nikita Khrush- chev's removal from power, tells of the efforts of the new Algerian rulers to walk a political tight-rope, and reminds that elections are just around the corner in Portugal where alcoholism also is reported on the rise. barely half the number of trac- tors, grain combines and trucks on Russian farms in 1970 that are found already on North American farms that have less than two-thirds the Russian acreage. CAIRO (AP) -- One of the most delicate stages in the up with the increasing popula-) tion. The new five-year program) of the present leaders calls for the Paris Communist paper L'Humanite denounced Boumed- ienne as a fascist dictator. Algerian officials tend to shrug off these attacks as mean- ingless propaganda and point out that Moscow has shown no Indiana Paper Ends Publication INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- The Indianapolis Times, a Scripps- Howard evening daily and Sun- day newspaper, suspended pub- lication Sunday because, man- aging editor Irving Liebowitz said, "economic factors do not permit our continuing to pub- lish a newspaper of the kind In- dianapolis should have." The Indiana capital, with a population of nearly 500,000, signs of slowing down its mili- tary or economic aid to Al- geria. Algerian officials say the re- gime is not against Commu-} nism--only against ' 'Communist| interference in our 'domestic af-| fairs." There is a new Western con-| fidence in Algeria. For the first \time since French rule ended project to save the ancient tem- ples of Abu Simbel from Nike waters backed up by the Aswan High Dam has been completed. International officials working on the project report removal of the ceiling of the great tem- 4g sanctuary was carried out in September without a hitch. The ceiling weighs 60 tons and {ts removal to a spot high above the area which will be flooded) when the dam is in use long was regarded as one of the! most difficult phases of the sal- vage work. Now workmen and engineers are beginning to cut away the four great sree. of Ramses II on the facade of the temple. Each statue weighs 1,000 tons. The work schedule calls for the' entire Abu Simbel temple area to be cleared by Aug. 1, 1966. Then work will begin on rebuilding the temple and its ancient art treasures on a pro- montory overlooking Lake Nas- ser Reservoir, to be formed by the water halted -by the dam. Asked if there was any dan- ger that the Nile flood would rise faster than the temple could be removed, engineers said a 40-foot-high cofferdam between the water and the tem- ple work site was completed in July. Since then there have been no worries about flooding, the engineers said. Workmen are reaching the halfway point in cutting away the mountain which has impris- oned the great Abu Simbel tem- ple for more than 3,000 years. MOSCOW (AP)--It has been @-year-since~ Nikita Khrushchev was expelled from the Kremlin. Much has changed -- perhaps more than is known, for secrecy has been increased. The place he filled until last Oct. 14 is occupied by an al- Yscheduled to open here Nov. 5./subject is not subject to discus- However, the new industrialjin 1962, private interests-- program is aimed at removing|mostly French--are timidly in- bureaucratic restraints from/)vesting in Algerian industry. Soviet industry, mainly accu-|. However, in the nearly four mulated under Khrushchev, so/months since Ahmed Ben Bella) as to unleash the managerial/was ousted from the presidency, capacity of factory directors--jlittle has been done to end the with more pay promised them |mismanagement that provided a and workers too. jmain pretext for Ben Bella's jremoval. ALGIERS (AP)--The Algerian jregime of Col. Houari Boumedi-| LISBON (AP)--Candidates in jenne has taken a sharp anti- Portugal' s election campaign) Communist turn at home while|can talk about almost any-| jtrying hard to build up friendly|thing--but not about the fight! relations with the Soviet bloc|Portugal is carrying on against! and the West. insurgents in its overseas terri- This political juggling act is|tories. seriously threatening the Afri-| The country is at war, an of- can - Asian summit conferencejficial source explained, and the sion. Portugal is devoting about 40 per cent of its budget to pro-! tecting its African areas, includ- ing Mozambique and Angola. It The Soviet Communist partyjhas 100,000 troops there to head newspaper Pravda thunderedioff terrorism and efforts to de- against the recent arrests and'clare the territories independent. Keen Freight By-A-Neck In Garden City Feature ST. CATHARINES (CP) --|the second race with Cecil Lo- |Keen Freight, owned by Ed Ar-|/ney in the sulky. jthur of Otterville, Ont., and Dr. G. K. Boyce of London, Ont.,| won the featured $1,500 invita- tion pace Monday night at Gar- den City Raceway. Keen Freight came from fourth position in the stretch to} win by a neck over Margie| Wick and combined for a $16.60 quinella, Hava Julep, owned by Wes Litt and Harold Wellwood, both Some 30 French Communists and an unknown number of Al- gerian leftists are in jail, ac- cused of plotting against the Boumedienne regime. LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Brother |Hy, with Earl Hyatt handling the reins, captured the ninth race, $1,100 preferred pace fea- ture at the Western Fair. Race- way Monday night. In winning his third of 13 trips this season, the nine-year- old gelding returned $10 and was clocked in at 2:08, fastest mile of the night. was left with one evening news- paper, the News, and'a morn- jing paper, the Star, both puh- |lished by Eugene C. Pulliam. The Times had a daily circu- lation of 89,374 and a Sunday| ~-- circulation of 101,000. Doesn't Enjoy Movie Kissing Wayne has kissed 300 beauties| in 35 years of movie stardom. | But Big Duke confesses he doesn't really like movie kisses. "IT keep thinking of all the people watching. on the set-- whether I'm squashing the girl's nose--the microphone overhead recording the sound, like a cow | pulling her foot out of the mud, land I don't enjoy it a bit." HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- John; THE OSHAWA TIMES, 7 Tuesday, October 12, 1965 Inter-Faith Chapel Plan Is Outlined WARREN, Pa. (AP)--A group of pioneering Protestants, Ro- man Catholics and Jews are working. to raise $600,000 to build a mission centre in a strange and dark country--the shadowland of the mentally ill. What they have in mind is an inter-faith chapel at Warren State Hospital in nearby North Warren, the first of its kind in the United States, Its function will be to serve the 2,500 mental patients of the hospital, who come from 13 western Pennsylvania counties. It will provide facilities for wor- ship, religious education and counselling for all three faiths, It also will bring closer to- gether two philosophies -- reli- gion and psychiatry. Besides a large central chapel, the centre will include offices and living quarters for resident chaplains, conference rooms, small chapels for each faith, cooking facilities and a large fellowship and recrea- tional hall. The hospital's patients range in age from six to over 90. Some 1,200 patients are ad- mitted each year and the rate of cure among new cases under 60 years of age is 93 per cent. The inter - faith centre; its backers feel, will help estab- lish a solid central point of de- parture for the mental patient in his first days and throughout | his treatment. One psychiatrist remarked: "A patient may feel he has been forsaken by family and friends because of his illness, but he need not also feel abandoned by God," "Merger Plan Is Proposed WASHINGTON (AP) -- Two railway giants asked the U.S. Interstate Commerce Commis- sion Monday to approve one of the biggest mergers in business history. The Norfolk and Western and the Chesapeake and Ohio asked the commission for authority to merge into a 26,400-mile carrier laimed at competing with the vast system that will be formed if the ICC approves the mer- ger of the New York Central oe i CHAMBER PREXY Maj.-Gen. R. H. Keefler of Montreal has been elect- ed-president of the Cana- dian Chamber of Commerce. He had been first. national vice-president. A native of Weston, Ont., te is presi- dent and board chairman of Northern Electric €p:,- itd: (CP) Sensible Way to Saturday, Ra. Ra Putney Relieve Diarrhea and Pennsylvania railroads. The C and O and the N and W told the commission they are willing to offer a cure to "sick"' smaller railways by taking into the proposed system the Erie Lackawanna, the Delaware and fi| Hudson, the Boston and Maine, the Reading, and the Central Railroad of New Jersey. The proposed N and WC and O system would combine two recently created entities with gross revenues totalling more ;\than $1,800,000,000 and total as- sets of $5,900,000,000. most - impersonal, government- of Stratford, won the opening rank. owned by Del Dugre of Three|many people hope a sudden attack of party collective, with the net result that Moscow is duller] On Saturday, Betsy Herbert both for Russians and for for-\took the $3,680 Joseph Brant eigners. Yet, as one Russian of-| Stakes for her fifth stakes vic- ficial phrased it somewhat/tory of the season. She defeated yearningly, in a private talk: |Danny Song A. and Sis Herbert "Perhaps it is just as well/ and returned $4.20 for the win. that we have 2 period of aes! | fer a change.' canara Khrushchev used to talk some-- BATAVIA, N.Y. times to the press, and more|tal Newport, owned by Jay D. often to resident diplomats. The Van Hall of Rochester, N.Y., new ones rarely do. captured the $1,700 trot at Ba-| Khrushchev put his personal|tavia Downs Monday night as touch on everything that hap-|she trotted the mile in 2:07.4, pened in the Soviet Union. jequalling her best time of the Now, collective leadership,|season. Rivers, Que., captured the fea- IDiarrhea will quickly subside. So they (CP)--Crys-| tured $1,500 invitation pacé. Jack Kopas drove the three-| year-old colt to a head victory} over Away Kid, with Ebony Grattan §. third. | MANIAGO SENT DOWN NE WYORK (AP) -- New | York Rangers sent goalie Ce- |sare Maniago to Baltimore Clip- do nothing. Others prefer to take a fast- acting, dependable remedy right at the \start, like Dr. Strawberry. Ityelleves nausea, cramps and diarrhea--gently restores intel balance. Family-proven for over 115 years. For those sudden attacks that can |strike at home, on trips or vacation, keep Dr. FOWLER'S Extract of Wild Strawberry on hand. 68-10 Fowler's Extract of Wild || Even If you've got a student's lamp from LIGHTING UNLIMITED OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE pers of the American Hockey League Sunday. Maniago was obtained from Montreal Cana- diens last June. The move leaves the National League with Premier Alexei Kosygin,| Willy Tass, owned by Gordon| Rangers with two goalies, Party Chief Leonid Brezhnev,! and President Anastas I. McMilland and Alex McDoug-) rookie Ed Giacomin and vet-| Mi- all, both of Blenheim, Ont., won|eran Don Simmons. koyan at the top, runs the coun- try. One Western writer - ona it: 'Collective leadership is based on the collective fear of the possibility of a return to a one-man dictatorship." | DROPPED OUT: OF SIGHT Khrushchev has simply) dropped out of sight. Most of the! time he lives in Adacha outside} Moscow, but he has\.a city apartment. Government and party leaders A renowned research institute has say few pleasant words about found a unique healing substance him. Mostly his work 1s de- with the ability to shrink hemor- nounced by the same party of-/rhoids painlessly. It relieves itch- ficials who once praised his pork and discomfort in minutes and leadership. Khrushchev started two im- we veel esa -- ee portant policies at the 1956 con-| One hemorrhoidal case history gress which the present govern- after-another reported "very strik- ment follows. ing improvement." Pain was He opened the. way for promptly and gently relieved . changes of government. that did actual reduction or retraction not call -_--~"y 4 all the | shrinking) took place. ition. ose who were) banned by him in 1957--Molotov,|a anes of tenmeronn eee Bulganin and others--were left tions. Relief even occurred in cases alive. So was Khrushchev 'in'of long standing, and: most im- 1964. portant of all, results were so He popularized in Russia the thorough that this improvement Healing Announce New Substance..; | 'Shrinks Piles, Checks Itch Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids... and repair damaged tissue. many months. This was accomplished with a new healing substance (Bio Dyne) )| which quickly helps heal injured | Cells and stimulates growth of new | png Bic-Dyns is offered in oint-| suppository form called Preparation H. : In addition to actually shrink- ALUMINUM OSHAWA FREE PARKING ALUMINUM AWNINGS PORCH ENCLOSURES STORM-SCREEN DOORS- WINDOWS PRIME WINDOWS CMHC ACCEPTED FLEXALUM SIDING JALOUSIES ALUMATOPS FOR PICK-UP TRUCKS paration * Ointment (with a special applicator). policy of peaceful coexistence|was maintai with the West, still a major goc-| er ee et refunded, Somme Satisfaction or your wees Aluminum Combination STORM-SCREEN DOORS "To Save Cash-- Showroom & Factory PHONE 728-1633 73 ATHOL ST. 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