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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Oct 1965, p. 8

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a As enna Mayor Lyman Giff brd visited the Oshawa Generals' dressing room, prior to the OHA Junior "A" 1965-66 schedle opening game here ' NEWCOMER TO GENERALS GETS CIVIC TOUCH of Civic Aditorim on Sat- urday night. He assured all the boys that the City of Oshawa was behind them and hoping for their success but Bill Heindl, the Winni- peg-born. recruit with the Generals \ this season, he got special civic treatment --a towel rub. TAKE LEAGUE LEAD Vikings Beat Petes In Thrilling Finish Oshawa Vikings jumped into first place in the Ontario Inter- mediate Rugger League stand- ings on Saturday afternoon, when they defeated their arch rivals from Peterborough, by a score of 8 to 3. With the score tied at three points each and only three minutes to go, Rex Williams, the winger of the Vikings, in- tercepted a pass and ran forty yards for a brilliant touchdown. This proved to be the winner, *in a hard-fought game, in which both sides excelled at times in providing exciting rugby. The teams had traded pen- alty kicks by Terry Kelly of the Oshawa team and Dave Field of Peterborough, borough by one "point in the standings. The Oshawa team. is only points lost by the before CONTROL DIFFICULT The game Saturday had difficulty controlling From Brooklin Concretes Last Thanksgiving weekend,| and then with one out, Glen Till in Brooklin, the Brooklin "Con-|doubled, but cretes" captured the Ontario/his shutout by fanning Garnet . Amateur Softball Association In-) Warriner and getting Vern Fer- places Were Adeduately filled championship,| guson to pop up to the infield,|PY George Sainsbury and Len Doug Scott started for Brook-| lin and although tagged for sin-|VeTY Well... gles, in cn a the first two|¥ere defeated by Toronto Irish son, in fact, had been Inter.| frames, he held Capreol off the," Sunday, at Toronto, but Bob "C" champions for five of the|scoresheet until the fourth in-| Muir, |ning, when Norm Giroux opened Stockwell, Dave Tutton,;- Ross This Thanksgiving weekend,/with a single. Tony 'Bevilacqua Close, Dave Thompson, Bryan up in Capreol, the Northern/grounded out but Doug White|Hall, Ron. Aiken Ontario representatives again! singled and so did Stu Thomas.|Sheperd all played well, At this point, coach '"Dib'| MANAGER HOPEFUL room, blanking Brooklin "Con-|Little replaced Scott, bringing cretes" 3-0 on Saturday after-|in noon and 4-0 on Sunday after-/mate noon, to sweep the 1965 Inter. | fanned Aurel Lavolee, "C" All-Ontario finals, in two-|second out but Garth White con-| onto its lead, at the head of the nected for a home-run blow, a|Intermediate League. . team|three-run production, outhit the-homesters in the first|plete Capreol's four-run termediate "C" dethroning the Capreol Mazziic- co's, who had previously held » the crown in the previous sea- previous seven years, moved back into the throne straight games. Coach "Dib" Little's | Bruce game, on Saturday afternoon,|the inning. collecting five Mits off veteran| They never scored again as Ezio Bevilacqua while Ronnie| Jones gave up only two hits in| they expect to be back in action | Jones gave Capreol only three|the last five frames, but the this Saturday against Saracens. safeties. Glen Till had two of| damage had been done and the The Brooklin's five hits, singles in|"Concretes" could get' a Tally |crossed only once this fall, a the fourth and ninth frames,| going themselves, so it ended|tribute to the defensive work of while Elmo Gibson, John Hill! 4-0. and Vern Ferguson, shared the other three hits, all singles. CAPREOL -- DelPala, 3b; M.|liams brothers, | Bevilacqua, 2b; M. Giroux, ¢;|and Aiken. Capreol scored a run in the/T. Bevilacqua, cf; D. White, If; : first inning. Phil DelPapa open-|Thomas, rf; Auger Mitchell, Lavolee, ed with a single and was forced) White, lb; Auger, p. BROOKLIN -- for the second out of the inning, by Norm Giroux but Tony Bev-|Hill, ss; ilacqua doubled, following a sto-| Warriner, If; V. Ferguson, 3b; | Ien base, to score Giroux. with for four the first dlacqua, apiece, seven but in the 8th, with one out, Mike Bevilacqua drew a walk and. Phil DelPapa connected for a homer, to put the game be- yond reach. ' SECOND GAME Capreol made it. two-straight on Sunday-afternoon-and-in-this one, they established their su- periority in clear-cut fashion, outhitting Brooklin by nine hits to only a pair. Harvey Auger, a graduate from the Capreol-Junior ranks, struck out an even dozen bat- ters on Sunday afternoon and is-' sued three walks and hit one batter. John Hill got a single, second batter in the first inning and then Brooklin had to wait until the 9th inning, before they got another safe hit. Hill was hit by a pitched ball to open the inning |D, Ferguson, Ib; Simpson, c;| | Ron Jones matched Ezio Bey-| Scott, p; Jones, p in 4th; Mit-| strikeouts chell, ¢ in 4th. | | Umpires -- Sade Widmeyer lead, copper, zine and nickel is | frames, to hold the score at 1-0|and Wilda Widmeyer, of Fer- about 55 per cent greater now gus. Gibson, cf; : J Cornish, 2b; Till, cg oat of the United Nations, | protected| "the Williams and Ron Aiken had try" by Williams. By virtue of|fine runs for the Vikings. the result, Vikings lead Peter- un-| Vikings, as he 'completely con- |beaten in five games, while the|'rolled play.in:-the loose and Petes|Was backed up: by the perfor- have been to Oshawa. These|Mances of Pete Sheperd, Gar- same teams meet in the final/ney Gunn, Harry Boyd, George game of the schedule at Peter-|Sainsbury, Bob Meldurm, Tom borough, in a game that could/Olinyk and Len Bobbie. decide everything. was onto Saracencens this Saturday played in intermitten rain and|afternoon, at Victoria Square, the halfback lines of both teams the ball, though Reg Wasilyk, Dave Nicholishen, Bryan Hall, Keith Capreol Regains Inter. e Ron Jones: and his batter-|Krause, manager of the Osh- Jones|awa team, was all smiles and for the! hopeful that his team would hold) However, the forwards domi- inated the play and Gary Bruce |proved to be the star of the The Oshawa team has now 'completed half of its 1965 |schedule and will meet the Tor- |North of Toronto. The Vikings, if they hope to win the cham- BY FRANK RATCLIFFE One thing is certain following Oshawa Generals' 1965 debut at Oshawa Civic Auditorium Sat- urday night -- they intend to make full use of the 60 min- utes alloted for eveny game. They did just that against Kitchener Rangers, Barry Wil- kins scoring with just one sec- ond remaining in the contest to Salvage a 5-5 tie. It was the first game of the schedule for each club, The tally came on a deflec- tion of a Bobby Orr shot from the left point. Danny 9'Shea also drew an assist. With just 15 seconds remain- ing, Oshawa finally managed to get goaltender Ian Young off the ice in favour of a sixth at- tacker, Kitchener had a nian in the penalty box when the goal was scored. TIMING DISPUTED A heated argument followed the goal, with Kitchener officials and players claiming the period was over. The sides of the audi- torium clock showed 19:59, but the other indicated 20:06. After a lengthy discussion with *the timekeeper, referee Bill Breth- auer allowed the goal. Ranger coach Wayne Kullman said after the game he would SCHEDULE OPENER... ing opportunities early--~by Billy Little and Wilkins. Wayne Cash- man finally batted in a rebound from Wilkins at the 2:48 mark, Orr was also credited with an assist on the power-play goal. Rangers left the ice with a 1-1 tie, Bruce Reier scoring from a.scramble in front of the net. Jim Krulicki and Ken Gat- ton 'assisted. Shots in the first frame were 11-11, but several of the visitors' efforts were were from far out. YOUNG SAVES SITUATION Ian Young, who turned in a steady. performance in Oshawa's cage, shone midway through the second with Generals playing two men short. He robbed Clare Alexander, Tom Smola_ and Jack MeCreary -- all. within the space of 30 seconds -- with Bob Black and Bobby Orr in the penalty box. Orr 'stepped on the ice at 10:44, took a pass from Danny O'Shea and went in ajone to give the homesters a 2-1 Ytead. Krulicki tied it from John Barber at 11:23 but Black gave Oshawa a 3-2 lead five minutes later, Black banged in the re- bound, after Hainsworth had made a save on Paul Cadieux,. Billy Heindl also assisted. Osh- awa had a 14-9 edge in shots in the period, protest to the OHA, but ap- RANGERS GO AHEAD parently no protest was filed. Kitchener moved ahead 4-3 Oshawa controlled play in the with a pair of goals in the first early stages of the game. Kit- 12 minutes of the third. Krulicki chener goalie David Hainsworth scored his second on a picture foiled two great Generals' scor- pass play frem Walter Pkaczuk A 1-0 MASTERPIECE | Genosha Aces Cla Softball Association's 1965 sea | son. came to a dramatic clos-| ing on Sunday afternoon at| Alexandra Park, with what was without contradiction, the most exciting game and "the best-jrun in the third, when played game of the season in/Parkinson singled, with two out/the 8th, Burke ope City and District competition. {and then on John Mosier s! safe bunt -but was Genosha Aces concluded theirjing drive to right-centre, Burke|pinch-hitter John great comeback from the brink) made a hard run, to his left and|Leaming then slash of elimination to win a sensa-|topped it off with a diving, one-|Ron Cullen at tional 1-0 decision over Jay Cees, in the fifth and deciding game of the "City Juvenile Championship" finals. play in centre-field. He had five putouts and three of them were of 'the In the 7th, Ewart 'rob Jim Spiers and then in the}fanned Terry Mc' put up by the two young teams/and two out, he again left his/lead. was merely thrilling, would be/feet for a diving catch -- thi the understatment of the year.jone out in front, to rob Gen-/flourish! Brack sing The game was won with a clean-|oshas of two runs. out and then Clapp cut homer, by Henry Kaleta,| The other Jay Cee outficlders|Cullen, who tagged with two out, in the top half of}both contributed some timely|ran past and the second inning, That was the| only run of the game. Both pitchers turned in grand| run, while the infield also played} performances, expecially win-|sparkling ball, Ken Brack' ing by both teams, expecially|stop, being another highlight. |stration. Then 'the the losers, was much more than; But it wasn't all one-sided,\all shook hands --a sensational in spots. And there|this business of leaving runners'ing finish to a grea was only one error in the en-|stranded. Genoshas had seven|which was certainly pionship, cannot afford to lose} any games. | | |. VIKINGS NOTES: Gary} |Bruce, the great wing forward of the Vikings, who came from Vancouver to the Oshawa team, played in the Ontario trial game this weekend and seems almost a certainty to play for Ontario, jthis fall against Quebec. . .The Oshawa team was missing} Bill Lockwood and Erick -Niel-| sen on Saturday but their Bobbie, both of whom played -The Vikings 'B's fection best "in the clutch."}out and went to third on a wild/one safe hit. Dave Leaming gave up only six!pitch. He started with the. hit Greg Medinski, Geoff) and Pete After the win Saturday, Chris j -Vikings | to com-|were also missing Gerry Tym-| ~ 58; G. rally of/oshik and Tom. Chasczewskil jSaturday afternoon, both were| suffering Oshawa line has been! | Wasilyk, Nicholishen, the Wil-| Lockwood, Hall! PEOPLE ARE FEW | The Maldive Islands, the 117th has a population of less than 100,000. | . MINE MORE ORE The Canadian production of} 'than [5 years ago. ( ANADIAN WHISKY One of Canada's 3 Great Whiskies PRO POR COUNTRIES bo) herney's FURNITURE WORLD Best Way to Follow '65 World Series 19" Portable WITH INSTANT PICTURE AND SQUND TELESCOPIC ANTENNA LONG-LIFE TUBES OUT-FRONT SOUND 2-YEAR PICTURE GUARANTEE METAL CABINET AIR-COOLED CHASSIS PRE-SET FINE TUNING 23.TUBE FUNCTION PHILIPS City Juvenile Crown The Oshawa City and District) with brilliant support, with Bobjand Glendinning was an easy) Burke turning in a terrific dis-!force-out at the plate. | |WILSON GREAT IN CLUTCH "circus"|one out and Clapp doubled, after)". y variety. He saved at least one/two out, but Wilson fanned Mc.|Vorite, Tilted Hero. Paul} Gahey to get out of this hole. In | a tiv second, putting) handed back-hand catch, "a Jajrunners on 3rd and 2nd, with Allison." He speared another,|just one out. Ron Wilson had|$4.40 and $3.50 to his backers.| day. . a one-handed leaping catch, to/his best shots ready then and} To say that th eperformance|sth, with two runners on bases|Glendinning, to protect his 1-0 The game also ended with a] then catches also, Ron Willoughby) Doug Balson, at first base, for lgetting four, two on the dead-|a double-play, to end the season. The Genoshas then promptly sj mobbed Wilson and Cullen, be- ner Ron. Wilson, while the field-/leaping one-hand stab, at gle ee a heap of jubilant demon- tire game, that on a hurried in-/runners left, included bases/to lose. field throw to 3rd base, that;loaged in the 8th. , Henry Kaleta, with his game- went astray. | Jdy Cees had ° nine left on winning homer and a single and Jay Cees collected seven hits|base, including three in the/Paul Parkinson, with a pair of off Wilson but he also struck/fifth. That was their big chance.|singles, were the only players | out 11 batters and was at per-|C. Glendinning doubled with one|in the game to get more than hits and he claimed eight strike-;as Dennis Ewart flied out to! GpNosHA ACES: Parkinson. out victims. He wasn't charged|centre and when Glendinning), Mosier, 3b; Wilson, p; Cul- with a single walk and Wilson|had to return to the bag, QSiion 9b: < Bennett ote Kaleta, gave up only two. Dennis Bennett hauled -- in! i.' pryan -- ss: Spiers, If; Bal- BURKE "ROBS" RIVALS Ewart's drive, he fund tie baton ib This was a story of runners|aiready on its way, as Bennett ? : left stranded by brilliant defen-| uncorked a perfect throw to the; JAY CE McGahey, | 2b; sive play. Actually, Genoshasiplate. Then Brack and JimiBurke, c Willoughby, If; hit. Leaming much harder than|Clapp both drew walks off Wil-|Leaming, p; McQuade, rf; Glen- the 'six-hit total might indicate|son, to fill (ie bases but Warren dinning, 3b Ewart;-e:-~-K: but his mates were behind him|McGahey grounded to Mosier'Brack, ss; Clapp,, 1b. ... TIME CLOCK CONFUSING Oshawa Ladies and Billy Hway netted a power- play goal. Bobby Orr scored his second on an end-to-end rush at 14:42, but John Beechy goi the lead back for Kitchener with less than two minutes remaining. Orr kept Generals alive, lead- ing several rushes before the tying goal was scored. Oshawa outshot Kitchener 16-12 in the third, many of Oshawa's shots coming in the last minute. Next game for the Generals is Saturday night at Civic Audi- torium against Montreal Junior Canadiens, game time 7;15. GENERALLY SPEAKING: Bobby Orr passed up no scoring opportunities, firing no fewer than 12 shots on Kitchener's net, . Chris Hayes and Wayne Cashman aggravated old in- juries, Hayes a shoulder and Cashman an ankle. Both are skating, however, and officials are hoping they will be in the line-up next Saturday. Paul Cadieux was impressive for the Oshawans, particularly in the first period. In the opening frame he blocked almost as many shots as Jan Young, and he skates well with the puck. . . General Manager Wren Blair and coach Bep Guidolin were disatisfied with the play of Billy Little and Jim Booth, Blair faulted Little on Kitchener's last goal, On the other hand, they both praised Billy Heindl and Danny O'Shea. . .Blair plans to talk to Rod Zaine in about two im here Monday. aa' with a Quick Pitch, forced by ed one past | cap. Generals Salvage Tie In Last 'Second weeks, in an effort to get him back to the Motor City. Zaine played with Generals two years ago, but returned to school in Ottawa last year. OSHAWA GENERALS: lan Young (goal), Chris Roberts, Barry Wilkins, Brian Morenz, Bill Heindl, Chris Hayes, Bill Lite, Jim Whittaker, Jack Brewer, Bob Black, Wayne Cashman, Danny Sand- ford, Bobby Orr, Nick Beverley, Jim Booth, Paul Cadieux and Danny O'Shea, KITCHENER RANGERS: paie Hains- worth (goal), John Barber, Randy Legge, Gordon Kannageisser, Ken Johnson, Billy Hway, Bob Jones, Ken Gratton, Tom Smola, Don Luce, Walter Pkaczuk, John Beechy, Jack Mc Creary, Jim Krulicki and Bruce Reler. . First Period 1, Oshawa:. Cashman (Wilkins, Orr) 2:48 of tac Reier (Krulicki, Gratton) Clare Alexancer, Pens: (cross. 155, 2:02, Roberts (elbowing) 3:14, Orr (high Hayes (hooking) 55, Hway ) 355, A sticking) 3:20, Wilkins (charging) 5:3%, Pkactuk (hooking) 13:22 and Seechy (elbowing) 19:15. Second Period 2. Oshawa: Orr (O'Shea) -- 11:02 4, Kitchener; Krulick! (Rarber)<11:99 5. Oshawa: Black (Cadieux, Meindl) --~ 16:32 Pens Alexander (buttending) §:1%, Black (holding 8:24, Orr (slashing) & 44, Luce (holding) 11:44, HMway (boarding) 12:54 Beechy (crosechecking) 19:76, Beverley (buttending) 17:11, Cashman (ripping) 17:4 and Krulicki (tripping) 18: 56, Third Period Krulick| (Phactuk) 1:07 Hway (Alwxander, Sole) 6, Kitchener 7, Kilehener 12:05 8. Oshgwa: Orr (unassisted) 14:42 'Start Curling On November | A recent meeting, held at the home of the president, Mrs, eae attended by the full 16-mem| executive of the Ladies' section of the Oshawa Curling Club. Pre-season reports were given by the secretary, treasurer and 'tall committee conveners, in- dicating planned preparation for another pleasant and successful five months of curling during the winter of 1965-66. : Special events and their dates were announced as. follows: November 17th, Inter-club bon- spiel; November 24th, One-Day Open bonspiel; January 19, 1966, Oshawa Golf .Club vs Oshawa Curling Club Gay Trophy Play; February 2nd, Seven-Year Filly bonspiel; March Ist and 2nd, Anume Open G.M. Trophy bon- spiel. YOUR © SATISFACTION 1S OUR AIM All Core Corry Our GUARANTEE Kelly Disney (Doris) Jamieson, vom 9. Kitchener ezuk) Beechy (McCreary, Phe VBs14 TORONTO (CP) -- Burning Wuke, a colt owned by Mrs.) : Shirley Cerullo of Buffalo, N.Y,,| France s Michel Lamora in the @ won the $47,400 Cup-wnd Saucer| fifth round of their "rouse Hagging Stakes at Woodbine race track|!-Tound boxing bout Monday Jockey John Leblanc, 24, of singled with| Sosersville, N.B., was aboard) Broecker of Toronto captured the colt which defeated the fa-|the. OK dinghy Great Lakes championship Sunday Ww wins in seven races| sn ! e-year-old| during the two-day competition gelding, won the co - featured/in Toronto harbor. Broecker, of Hyrcanuk.| $18,410 Jockey Club Cup handi-|the Toronto Sailing and Canoe ; |C So oe M single-handed | sailin e with 60 ° Burning Luke returned $17,40,| There were nine 'wae 10, Oshawa: Wilkins (O'Shea, Orr) 19:9 Pens Barber (interteerence) 3:64, Reler (hooking) 6:59, Black (tripping) 10:30, Wilkins (interference) 13177, Kan nageisser (holding) 14:05 and Legge (ine terference) 19:01 SAVES; tan Young wo s9397 david Hainsworth 1012 14 --~ Curello Colt Cops, SPORT BRIEFS _ 'Cup And Saucer CHAMP WINS kin, |weight champion, night. TORONTO (CP) -- sailing with six lub, won the LONDON (AP) -- Alan Rud- British Empire bantam- stopped WINS SAILING CROWN Peter Whitby 668-5891 BUDGET TERMS DROP IN backache! le used to be bothered by and tired feeling. When he that irritation of the bli an urinary tract ean result in backache d tired feeling, he took Dodd's Kidney Pills. Smart man. Dodd's Pills stimulate the kidneys to help relieve the condition eausing the and tired pve, | Soon he felt better --rested better, 1? you are bothered by backache, Dodd's Kidney Pills may help you, too, You ean depend on Dodd' New large size saves money. Quade and) led with one grounded to Brack as he threw to keen rivals great sport- { game--one no disgrace ODEL 760 P Choice of the champions in the International Running Deer Matches, world's toughest 4 GREAT GAME GETTERS 'o REMINGTON Every one shoots as good as it looks--with the accuracy, fire power and reliability that gets the game. All with new '"'RKW" Wood Finish. big game target shoot. In 5 powerful calibres, including the hard-hitting, versatile 30-06 cartridge, Ve , samssgmamnenageenl MODEL 742 Fast, stay-on-target fire power with exclusive "Powermatic" gas operating system that lets you get off 5 aimed shots in 5 seconds, In 4 hot calibres, including 6mm Remington '7 MODEL 700 BOLT ACTION The most copied bolt action rifle in the world. Strength, reliability and accuracy are everything you'd expect in the finest rifle Remington ever made, 13 popular calibres including 7mm Remington Mag, "MODEL 600 BOLT ACTION CARBINE Now you can carry a 5% pound rifle without sacrificing power or accuracy. Packs more power pound for pound than any rifle in its class with 222 Rem., 308 Win. or 35 Rem. 3714" overall. AUTOMATIC YOU COULD WIN A *200.00 VALUE _ REMINGTON POWERLITE PL-4 CHAIN SAW -- heavyweight bite, 12 Ib. light -- for buying any Remington Centre Fire Rifle or Shotgun now! Weekly winners. Ask your Remington Dealer for Contest detalls, Sold only by Authorized Remington Dealers who offer sales and s@vices across Canada, Remington, Wi REMINGTON ARMS OF CANADA LIMITED 36 Queen Elizabeth Bivd., Toronto 18, Ontario ~ 728-9731 -~ ART'S GUN REPAIR 18 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA, ONTARIO 723-2711 BOLAHOOD'S SPORTSHAVEN 61 KING ST. E., OSHAWA, ONTARIO If you can't go to the game, take the game with you! This handsome vinyl teatherette covered portable will deliver a big bright clear picture in any home, store, or office. $139 95 KING ST. W. 623-5211 McGREGOR HARDWARE Lid. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. OTHER PHILIPS PORTABLES AS LOW AS . 159.95 - | 1353 KING ST. W. SMITH SPORTS. 728-7341 ' QSHAWA, ONT. -

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