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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Oct 1965, p. 13

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is u PIN HOPES ON GRANT Twins Hurler Is Ailing MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- Min-|has split two series decisions nesota Twins' hopes of extend-|with the Twins. ing the World Series into a) Osteen, who defeated the seventh game with Los Angeles|Twins five times without a loss Dodgers rested today with ajas an American Leaguer before tired pitcher who has a head-jhe came to the Dodgers, said che, a nagging cold and pro-jhe planned no change in his testing cw . pitching strategy despite the "My head feels like a balloon, difference in parks, my cold's no better and my; "I'll just try to keep the ball knees are bothering me," saidjlow," he said. "That's the way Jim Grant, manager Sam/I got them out in Los Angeles. Mele's desperation starter, who} Grant said he didn't think lasted. five innings in a losing|pitching with just two full days effort against the Dodgers justjrest would tire him, He recalled three days ago. . "Otherwise, added the strong-armed right-| Won. hander, set to make his third) The 29-year-old hurler lare his knees, which have been last Wednesday. Wade a t some trouble for the Claude Osteen, Grant's mound) giving him rival for the sixth game, hasn't)last month, = ' pitched since Saturday when he! "'It's tendonitis, Grant said. fee 4 7 h \ shut out the Twins 5-0. That got/"I intend to have a thoroug hit the ball on the ground," he|probably .would see no action} the Dodgers off to a three-gamejexamination of the knees once sweep at Chavez Ravine which'the series is over. It happens boosted the National Leaguelevery year, late in the season. champions to a 3-2 edge in the The knees get awfully tired. I series, lusually get a rest when this Should the Twins bounce backjhappens but I couldn't afford and defeat their left-handed one this year." nemesis, southpaw Jim Kaat) Grant, who has beaten and will pitch the seventh and final/been Beaten by the Dodgers, game for Minnesota Thursday.|said he doesn't think they are Dodger manager Walter Alston|as tough to pitch to as some probably will start Don Drys-\clubs in the American League. dale, his right-handed ace, who| "But they're tough once they WILL KEEP BALL LOW Osteen Plans No Change In Today's Sixth Game By BOB MYERS LOS ANGELES (AP)--Lefty Claude Osteen, who blanked Minnesota here in game No. 3 of the World Series, plans no change in his pitching strategy when Los Angeles Dodgers re- sume play today at Minneapo- lis. Osteen and the Dodgers worked out Tuesday in Dodger stadium before taking off in their private plane for Minnea- polis. "I don't plan to. pitch any different," Osteen said. "Just keep the ball low. That's: been my objective all season." Osteen now holds six wins over the Twins, the first five in 1963-64 when he was with Wash- ington Senators. Manager Walt Alston re- peated that he will make no de- cision about his pitcher for a possible seventh game until the|febvre, who shared batting hon- sixth game has been played. jors with Ron Fairly in the first CLAUDE OSTEEN ~ "We've got Sandy . . . Don|two games in the Twin Cities,|hands, . » Podres . . . We'll/is still favoring a badly bruised) just wait and see,"' Alston said,|right heel, which he injured Sa-| vate and Billy Harris, all for-/into the third. Terry Crisp and Drysdale . referring to Sandy Koufax, |turday, Johnny Podres as well as Drys-| Alston stressed that the Dod- dale. gers lose nothing defensively Podres, who has an ailing el-| with Dick Tracewski at second bow has not seen service in the|"but the other kid hits a little series. jbetter."" Second baseman Jummy Le-| Lefebvre got three hits for a 'al Mad zt nd bi games All-Star Team |s2" 224.1 ronbed ot an'ex Is Bolstered a run and was robbed of an ex- MONTREAL (CP) -- Eleven tra base hit and at least one run driven in by left fielder Bob players have been added to the| all-star team for its game here) Allison's: sensational catch in against Montreal Canadiens! the second game. ry May Recognize next Wednesday. i ied . The 11, aan from five Na- L-w Champion tional Hockey League teams by all-star coach Billy Reay, will eae join nine of the stars picked af-| MILWAUKEE, (AP) -- Joey ter last season's play. The Sangor, vice-president of the other three all-stars are Mont-|World Boxing Association, sug- real Canadiens and will play gested Tuesday the group rec- with their own club. ognize the Nov. 22 heavyweight The additional players are; bout between Cassius Clay and Chicago Black Hawks--Goal-\Floyd Patterson if it is: billed tender Glenn Hall and right-|@5 an elimination fight with the winger Eric Nesterenko; jwinner meeting the WBA Detroit Red Wings -- Centre|champion. oe Alex Delvecchio; Sangor, who recently joined Toronto Maple Leafs -- De- in a resolution calling for im- that once during the season he I'm all right,'|pitched with two days' rest and has series start in eight days. He|been bothered by a lingering defeated the Dodgers 8-1 in the|cold but what worries him most 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Weanessey, Octoder 13,1709 13 "J had a meeting with the players Tuesday and I told them I knew we were a better club than we looked in Los An- geles. We played poorly over there and they know it. That bothers them berause they have a great deal of pride. They're keyed up. They don't like being embarrassed." Mele said he would employ the same lineups he has been using against left-handed pitch: ing throughout the séries. That| meant Joe Nossek would be in| centre field and Bob Allison in) left. Alston has gone with the) same lineup throughout, with! ofie exception. He has been| playing Dick Tracewski at sec-| ond since Jim Lefebvre's in-| jury. | Alston said Lefebvre was still favoring his right heel, badly bruised in the third game, and| 4 JIM GRAN' Starts Today admitted. 'You -can't afford tothe remainder of the series. make any mistakes or take time 'I think we can win if we con- out to relax," tinue the same style of play as j Flat 760 Mele said he picked Grant|we showed in Los Angeles," he Suggested retail price $1498 over rookie Jim Merritt be-|said. | f.0.b, Montreal and Toronto, cause: "'He's been my best) "In the first two games here jpitcher all year." we tended to overswing because "I told him to throw as hard|the fences looked so inviting. as he' could and go as far-as|Our strength is 'the running he could and that I had plenty|/game, but we tried for the long] of relief pitchers available if ball. | and when he needed help,"' the) "I don't think the boys will manager added. Imake that mistake again," | 'Habitant Bubble Bursts, 'Maple Leafs Blank Aces and hopeenstywaxponstve & anor # vou lust wanta Ce tet ste wee By THE CANADIAN PRESS falling out since Dutt goes and goes, that costs so very little, that starts wherever you feel it should Montreal Canadiens tattened|2™%, Bathgate never played to-| (winter or summer), that doesn't object to taking four adults along--then ap ole aes Peco gia Mge Lents. They] : try the 750 FIAT. It's nothing more than a useful, sensible, economical, Lh bee = = trade between Toronto and New| brightly coloured bug. And it's fun to drive, 3 ine} y |York Rangers two years ago.| While you are looking at the 750i dealer's shov it migh around to playing a National) Tp, vere 26 i . y * 9 in your dealer s showroom, it might Hockey League team in a pre-igame, Including « 10° rinec! be a good idea to examine the other FIATs as well. If you must have several season exhibition game and lost.|misconduct to Alex Delvecchio| hundred horsepower, FIAT cars are out, On the other hand if you can_use | 50,000 hp and you have an ocean liner to put them in, FIAT can help you. Here is'a car that just won't do if you have a family of sixteen; if you want a company limousine; if you employ a chauffeur; if you are eight feet tall ; if you hate small cars, Detroit Red Wings, led bylo¢ the Wings three former Toronto Maple| McKenney, B athgate and| Leafs, dumped the Canadiens 4-\Harris scored for Detroit and| 1 at Detroit. It marked the first|Harris set up the Wings' re- time Montreal has ever played) maining goal by Bruce Mac- another NHL club in pre-season | Gregor. Bobby Rousseau senal : activity. \for Montreal. The Leafs, meanwhile, took a) The Canadiens played without page from Montreal's book andjright-winger Yvan Cournover.| trimmed Quebec Aces of the|sidelined with an infected left American Hockey League 4-0 in|thigh, Quebec City. Bob Pulford sparked the Boston Bruins, playing the|Leafs with two goals while! jonly team they've been able to|George Armstrong and Red |beat so far, won 4-2 over Okla-|Kelly got the others. Johnny| homa City Blazers of the Cen-|/Bower, in the net for two pe-| tral Professional League in St.|riods, and rookie Garry Smith! (Thomas, Ont. The Bruins have|kicked out 39 shots between' | won just twice in exhibition|them for the shutout. | play and both victories are| Veteran Dean Prentiee| against their Oklahoma farm-|counted twice for the Bruins, who broke a 1-1 tie after the Don MtKenney, Andy Bath-|/irst period for a 3-2 lead going So come and have fun in a FIAT You can see them and have them serviced at: mer Leafs, had a hand in the|°™ Williams got the other Bos-| four Detroit goals. And just for|t0" goals. Oklahoma marksmen |good measure Bathgate took on|Were coach Harry Sinden ane arte we a ae ZOLTAN, NICK & DAN'S janother ex-Toronto player, Dick|Skip Krade. 160 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO (728-0051) Duff, in a fight that resulted in five-minute majors to both. COLTS BEAT LAKERS BROOKLIN, ONTARIO (655-3611) | But it wasn't a case of for-| SARNIA (CP)--University of | |Western Ontario Colts defeated| \Sarnia Lakers 19 - 9 Tuesday | NHL Expansion jis» ive ost game inte Will Include |Union schedule. The Lakers Vancouver? meet Brantford Bisons in alg sudden - death semi - final hare Saturday night with the winner jmeeting Windsor AKO in a| jhome - and - home, points - to count final. sir fenceman Bob Baun and right- winger Ron "lis; H New York Rangers--Defence- man Harry Howell, left-winger Vic Hadfield and right-winger Rod Gilbert; Boston Bruins -- Defenceman Ted Green, left - winger John Bucyk and centre Murray Oli- ver. The all - stars selected last spring are; First team -- Goal: Roger Crozier, Detroit; defence: Pi- erre Pilote, Chicago, Jacques Laperriere, Montreal; Centre: Norm Uliman, Detroit; right wing: Claude Provost, Mont- real; left wing: Bobby Hull, Chicago Second team--Goal: Charlie Hodge, Montreal; defence: Bill Gadsby, Detroit; Carl Brewer, Toronto; centre: Stan Mikita. Chicago: right wing: Gord Howe, Detroit; left wing: Frank Mahovlich, Toronto Reay. Chicago coach, earned the right to coach the all-stars because the Hawks gained a berth in the Stanley Cup final last spring. The Canadiens. beat Chicago four games to three in the best-of-seven series. It will be his first time as an all-star coach. No player will be allowed to play in the game for either} team unless he has signed a contract for this season. | me : | REMEMBER WHEN .. .| By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Russia's Vladimir Kuts set | the world record for 5,000 | metres eight years ago to- tay--in 1957--at Rome. His time of 13 minutes 35 sec- onds stood as the record un- | til this year, when Ron Clarke of Australia finished | in a staggering 13 minutes 25.8 seconds, | peachment of the group's presi- dent, James Deskin, for back- ing the Clay - Patterson fight, made his suggestion in a letter to Deskin. The proposal was viewed as a possible compromise in the feud touched off by the sched- uling of the fight for Las Vegas, the home town of Deskin who is an official of the Nevada Ath- letic Commission. The WBA recognizes Ernie Terrell, ra- ther than Clay, as world heavy- weight champion. Sangor said Clay and Patter- son should sign "an ironclad contract, with a substan- tial guarantee attached," For the victor to fight within six months against the winner of the Nov. 1 fight in Toronto between Terrell and Canadian champion George Chuvalo "I believe even if the above conditions are met, it would still be a violation of our con- vention position,"' Sangor wrote Deskin. "But at least we may be able to save a great deal of embarrassment to all of us and perhaps clean up the heavy- weight mess." YOUR SATISFACTION 1S OUR AIM All Cars Carry Our GUARANTEE Kelly Disney Used Cars Led, 1200 Dundas E. Whitby 668-5891 BUDGET TERMS DROP IN NEW YOR K(AP) -- Bilt) --_ -- nn -- mee nee en i -- -- -- -- = == ---- an ccs Gann Gane more, Vancouver, Minneapolis- |§ oe eae as gp ever gee CLIP 1965-66 THE OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION 1965-66 CLASSES 4 e vy } complete the projected six- ARE | team second division of the Na- ! tional Hockey 'League, Bill Jen- H THIS AD aa a OPER nings, one of the leadjag arch- FOR | itects of the circuit's expansion ' TO ANYONE program, said today, 74 NOT ATTENDING ""T envision that we will ap-|" | REFERENCE DAY SCHOOL | prove other cities and start is-) suing franchises next week," |said Jennings, who is also pres The Oshawa Board of Education is keenly interested in the educational needs of all of our citizens. To meet the requirements of those who are not in the | ident of New York Rangers and regular school programme,'a special night school or adult school has been carried on for a number of years for those interested in upgrading their edu- : ae Oe Nat # beard cation, acquiring new skills, or learning an art or craft. Detailed information may be obtained on registration nights at the schools listed. | think we'll know the makeup of i a by the end of O'NEILL C. & V. I. Night GRADE 13 COURSES kee oe McLAUGHLIN Cc. & Vv. I | ' 2 . ese classes are now in progress. For ful jer informe- . ie? eoyicuess ane ies oe ee ca Patgosinn Gentes) Aig a. tan eonault ta dbersoriete Gehacl, Seo: lett, TECHNICAL COURSES Night presiden arence Campbe pees . Bae rer akg i AUTO MECHANICS - BASIC ........ coeess Wel. i are scheduled to meet in Mont- Sroxiuubieg a ies = & Thu UNIVERSITY EXTENSION COURSES AUTO MECHANICS . INTERMEDIATE .,.... Tues. real next Tuesday. At their last BUSINESS MACHINES... ......) Tu, & Thu. FOR DEGREE CREDIT AT M.C.Y.1. AUTO MECHANICS - ADVANCED ......... Thurs. ! |meeting in June, they approv ed DRESSMAKING - ADVANCED ..._. ci ee The: Spanish 001(A) Introductory Spanish -- Saturday Morn- BLUEPRINT READING ........... ccocceee TUG, Los Angeles and St.. Louis and CENCN UASIO Rr, Tu, & Tho. ings 9:30 to 11:30 a.m, - fornightly - beginning Sept. 25 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ........ soeeees Tues, set alternate target dates -- of FRENCH - 13 as ag ta & The. Spanish 020(1) El y Spanish - Friday nights 7:30 DRAFTING -: ARCHITECTURAL ............ Tues. i October 1967 and 'October, 1968 GEOMETRY ("Old" Moth.) - 11-13.... Tu. & Thu. to 9:30 p.m. - fortnightly - beginning Sept. 24 ORACTIUG MBGHANICAL) » BASIC 5. «Oath for the start of the two-division INDUSTRIAL LEGISLATION (MeMaster Extension) Tu. Geography 020(4) Introductory Human Geography - DRAFTING (MECHANICAL) - ADVANCED ... Thurs, setup. OFSIGE PRACTICR © oe Tu. & Tho. Saturday Mornings 9:30 to 11:30 - fortnightly - begin- ELECTRICITY (INDUSTRIAL) ...... Mon, & Thurs. | "We'te aiming now for 1967," PHYSICAL EDUCATION...) tu, & The, ning Sept. 18 ELECTRONICS (RADIO & T.V.) - BASIC Mon. & Thurs. Jennings said. The NHL has re- PRACTICAL DRESS DESIGN ........... ae Sh Philosophy 610(2) Logic, Ethics, Theory or Knowledge - ELECTRONICS (RADIO & T.V.) - INTERMOOIATE . Tues, tained the same one-division RED CROSS HOME NURSING ..,....... Tw. Friday nights 7:30 to 9:30 - fortnightly - beginning LAWN MOWER & OUTBOARD SERVICING ... Tues. | setup since 1942 when Brooklyn SEWING ERR Pe ere oe Tu. & Thu, G Sept. 17 MACHINE SHOP - BASIC . Apes kb <hr eda. Tues. Americans were disbanded SHAKESPEARE Undecided Auditing is permitted in all Extension Courses MACHINE SHOP - ADVANCED i ... Wed. -------------------- STENOGRAPHY - Basic - Advanced .... Tu, & Thu. REGISTER WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION REFRIGERATION ~ BASIC & INTERMEDIATE |. Wed. | TYPING - Besie - Advanced ....... vee Tu. & Thu, QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY, KINGSTON, ONTARIO HEATING, VENTILATING & AIR CONDITIONING Tues. H U ® Tl N G biyter - pest feel erate wey ants Wed. : ING « ADVANOED | ooo. o sce Tues. j | CENTRAL C. I. Night OTHER COURSES ADVANCED TECHNICAL Evening C LICENCES Conversational FRENCH - Basie - Advanced M & W Other classes (including those in p ion with vening Courses ENGLISH for NEW CANADIANS the Whitby Board) will be offered if fifteen or more Theory courses, Yequiring Grade 12 or equivalent, now | Bosie - Intermediate - Advanced ...... Maw applications ere received in progress. For further information consult the school NOW ON ENGLISH - Prectical 6 ost). oss M&W ; ENGLISH - 12 - 13 _Mew GENERAL INTEREST COURSES Night SA L E | pli lili Mey i HOURS BASIC INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT SEWING - Basie - Advanced . we aw hcg normally held- between 7:00 p.m. end COMMERCIAL FOOD PREPARATION ai Wed. ; | s : op bie! GOURMET FOODS ..... vn bau nes eeu s OE ge ge gh aa | DONEVAN C. I. Night CREDIT CARDS- INTERIOR DECORATING (Fall Term)-........ Wed. ren Sh eee ane ALGEBRA ("'Old" Math) - 12 Maw Credit cords will be issued to students who meet the WeeeroThgg aaah 31 (EOE RINE ee aes Ebvo l Clock Your Gace | ART - 13 and GENERAL ART Maw : ined standard of proficiene lena ge rong OR OL ea Sait Then § Us F BIOLOGY - 13... ae MEW require bd P ¥ e PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (Winter Term). ..... Wed. mee Has Us Fer Buuaierky ik op avd iesiehs tec Mie Binadlens bod Vas VOICE IMPROVEMENT .......:....55.5 ve. Wed. | | jood Hunting | DRESSMAKING - Advonced . Maw F a Nursing: NO FEES. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: | Values GROURATHY 6 18 ois piscsuces baa ds Maw * All Others Except University Exten- RYERSON POLYTECHNICAL INSTITUTE | AUTHORIZED MIeTOR? «32.6 oe inveeveievas Sve easo Maw sion courses, $10 per course to be 4 ine ts Moni 7:00 . 9:30 ' ' PHYSICS = VT ccc e tees nese oneness Maw paid at time of enrolment. No refund ot end of term. Deveuntina " Wedh we dT 7:00 . 9:00 Remington, I RVPING « BAMG i665 hats Swi ccen' M&W Material fees will be charged in some subjects. " Ks ene | <> @ ROOTES - aed gy grecenstets O'NEILL COLLEGIATE AND VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE -- 301 Simcoe Street North Telephone 728-7531 DEALER | posto NE a Oil eesti cocoa! CENTRAL COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE --. 240 Simcoe Street South Telephone 723-4678 Pen 1808 re mae nasene nee me eecorne Closses 'Start Monday, October 18 DR. F. J. DONEVAN COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE -- Harmony Road South Telephone 728-7315 M I T H | 7:00 p.m, R, S. McLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE AND VOCATIONAL. INSTITUTE --570 Stevenson Rd. N. Telephone 728-9407 PORT |) BOARD OF EDUCATION, OSHAWA oo 5idctes chine uit SE ' a: J. R. BACKUS, Business Adminstrator t

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