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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Oct 1965, p. 19

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SS Shows Need Of More Volunteers To Assist At White Cross Centre Member os the Women's Aux- iliary No. 27, UAW enjoyed a talk by Miss Beryl Bassingth- waight of the Meniai teaith Clinic recently at one of their regular meeings. Miss Bas- singthwaight thanked them for the donation and said part of 7 all monies donated went toward setting up workshops for the rehabilitation of mental health patients. They also support a series of marital counselling of- fices. She described some of the activities of the White Cross Centre--trip to the exhibition, corn roasts, card and chess games, lunches and entertain- ment. "The Centre is open for some time every day except Christ- mas Day and always need vol- unteers. Some of these volun- teers, a group of high school boys, have cleaned up the back- yard of the Centre, planted grass and 'built a patio, and they hope to build a barbecue! for the users of the Centre." When asked recently if there! were a real need for the White Cross Centre, Miss Bassingth- MISS BERYL BASSINGTHWAIGHT | Moodey, Mrs. Roy McHugh and Mrs, Grove Sutton. The Canadian representative, Mrs. Consumers' Melville Summary of reports of MITCHELL'S CORNERS H-5S Mitchell's Corners Home and School Association held its first meeting with Mrs. John Adair presiding. Mrs. Nicholls introduced Mrs. Mrs. Margaret Snowden, Grade 1 teacher, who gave a talk on children beginning school and explained the system now used in reading, phonics, arithmetic, numbers and social _ studies. Mrs. Snowden also expressed how parents could help their children, by seeing they had plenty of sleep and completed the school work they had to do. BETA SIGMA PHI XI Alpha Sigma Chapter) XI Alpha Sigma was held re- cently at the home of Mrs. John Beaupre, Florell drive. Joyce Powers presided. Mem- bers were asked to be prepared to decide on a service project for the year at the next meeting. After the adjournment of the businessmeeting Mrs. Kenneth Young introduced the speaker, waight answered by saying that/Goolidge, gave her report, She|Miss Louis Shaw. Covering the there were people attending who! advised that it was now law\program "Down Under", Miss had been in hospital 5, 10 and/in.+ sausages must contain 30/Shaw showed,the members col- 15 years, and when released, were frightened and needed a place to go to. associate with other people and overcome their fear. Some had had brain sur-} gery and after all kinds surgery there was a_ certain numbness, much more so in brain surgery. The patients had lapses of memory because of this numbness and with rehabili- tation, this was overcome much more quickly. She said that doctors and) psychiatrists could never begin! to find a general cure for men- tal illness as each individual was different and treated ac- cordingly. She mentioned that the straight-jacket was not used) in Canada any more but the tranquilizer rugs were used ex- tensively and enable some patients to work. They mostly lived in boarding houses and their board and some clothing was paid for by the govern- ment. They had a desperate need of love and quite often their fami-| lies would not bother with them. | She said the Centre did not ask questions or ask for a_ back history although patients quite) often spoke of their past, giving | an understanding of their break- down. Miss Bassingthwaight closed her talk by extending an in- vitation to all present to visit t Centre at any time. Mrs. Clif-| ford Pilkey who was presiding at the meeting, thanked Miss Bassingthwaight and __ invited invited her to speak to the Auxiliary bers again. Three new members were| welcomed -- Mrs. Gordon) percent meat in them and all fruit drinks must contain 30 percent fruit juice. She also mentioned the recent telephone soliciting of magazines regard- ing the so-called savings if pur- chase for a _ period of five years. Instead of saving money, the purchaser lost $9:40 on the special offer, she said. She also advised that the new "'invisible"' thread, made of could be ironed only with warm iron; a hot iron dis- integrated it. The four volunteers for Hills- dale Manor Tuck Shop were Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Mrs. Jan Mazurek, Mrs. man and Mrs. Jack McMullan. The vice-president, Mrs. El- wood Bradley, represented the ored slides 0! tralia. Miss Powers thanked Miss Shaw on behalf of the membership. THE LEND-A-HAND CLUB The Lend-a-Hand Club, Past |Noble Grands of Rebekah Lode No. 3 was entertained at a potluck supper at the home of|St. George's Catholic Women's) Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bunker |Pinegcrest avenue. Guests were also husbands of the members. A short business session was held with Lucellie Gibbs, presi- dent, officiating, ;Lena_ Harper, |served for the late Mrs. Evelyn Fickes. Several sisters were reported | held at the parish hall, Novem-| DISTAFF DIARY meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. keep in mind Wednesday, Octo- ber 27, 'to drape the charter of Rebekah Lodge No. 3 iii meij- ory of Mrs. Fickes, A social time was spent followed by tea and cookies served by the hos- tess Mrs. Bunker. VICTORY LODGE The regular meeting of Vic- tory Lodge L.0.B.A. No. 583 was held recently in the Orange Temple. Lodge was opened by Worthy Mistress Betty Atkins assisted by acting Deputy Mistress Edith Selleck. Devotional exercises performed by acting chaplain The bi-monthly meeting of | Miss Olive Harrison. | The flags were presented by Junior, Duty, Reta Butt and Ju- ijnior Lecturer Florence Newn- lham.: "God save the Queen" was sung and the "Pledge. of Loyalty' was repeated by all. | Final arrangements were |made for the social bingo to be held tonight in the Orange Temple. The draw was donated by Edith Selleck and won by Louise Hockett, Olive Harrison CHILD GUIDANCE the one described in a letter by his mother: "T need help concerning my son eight. He loves to wear jewelry, or since I won't allow him ihat, he makes things from construction paper or finds lit- tle things to represent it. If I would let him he would dress in my clothes and carry a purse and that sort of thing. "He also likes to play house, when he always is the mother. He doesn't care t play with boys his age---prefers girls and will play with younger boys. "In the second grade he seems to be doing average work. He enjoys drawing. He hurries through other work at school to get to the art and drawing. ranging and tips on flower care. Mr. D. F. Chestnut with his as- sistant showed new housewares on tie market and was most amusing. | The speakers were introduced Special Help Is Needed ~ For The Effiminate Boy By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD |Therefore his papers are Suppose you had a boy like|messy. "He watches a ioi oi ieievi- sion--likes the comedies, car- toons and westerns. He is built big--looks tike a football player older brother, even the younger, brother, often have told this boy he is 2 sissy and have made fun of him or ignored him in des- peration. First of all. no one should indulge in such cruelty. This boy needs to grow more self-reliant and not to be pro- tected so much when he cries in fear of other boys. It is of no use to try to force him to fight in self-defense when he is sure the odds are against him. But THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 13,1965 19 hour or less a day, except when he watches masculine games of sports with his dad or brothers. Dad and big brother might go on hikes with him or fishing, taking one or more boys of his age along. Require him to be outdoors on 'ood days with other children is agc for rensonable ne- Oe Sas &, iods. With his interest in art, if he shows the slightest spunk when attacked by another boy his age, applaud his courage. but doesn't have the slightest interest in any sort of sport. He refuses to defend himself. He just stands there and cries or comes running.to me crying. He gives up when he can't do some- thing the first time or when he first tries. HAS DAD'S INTEREST "He has two brothers, 15 and six. The older brother and his daddy are very interested in all sports, so it seems they have no common interests, His daddy the park on Saturdays but he never wants to go. So it really leaves them doing nothing to- gether. He never seems to want to go to the home of his school friends to play." : My reply in part: I don't know when I have read of so tragic and difficult a prob- and Betty Atkins. Tasty refresh- by Mrs. Robert Aldsworth and|lem. One bright point in the pic- |ments were her trip to Aus-|Foote and Cora Gardener. It} was announced that the next regular meeting would be held, October 21. ST. GEORGE'S UKRAINIAN | CW ") (Junior Auxiliary) The regular meeting of the |League was opened with prayer by the Reverend J. C. Pereyma. synthetics, erg Wirshing and her husband,/The meeting continued by dis-) Luella Smith and her husband,|/cussing the masquerade Hal-| lowe'en dance to be held at the parish hall, October 30. Plans were made and tickets assisted by sold for the social bingo to be/ : vice-president.|held at the parish hall Novem: | Harold Chap-\Three minutes silence was ob:|ber 15. | It was announced that the next regular meeting would be president at the opening of thei) and Edith Evans was re-\per 1 new wing on Hillsdale Manor The Christmas Party for the members will be held Tuesday evening, December 21 starting with a turkey dinner at 6:3 Flowers were sent to George Thursby. IN NEED of a HOMEMAKER? ® Call css Homemaker Service at 723-1073 It was ported back in hospital wheel announced that several chairs and hospital beds were) available for anyone wishing the use of same by calling the Odd- The members were asked to IDEAS FOR THE HOME Recently, Unit 9 of St, An- |drew's United Church present- ed an evening of "Ideas for the | Mrs. |fejiow's hall, King Street West.|Home". Mr. Henry Reed gave) an intersting talk on flower ar- Two jwere flower by arrangements won Mrs. served by Anne|thanked by Mrs. Ross Mackie. |ture is his flair for art work and ldrawing. Around this interest Mervin/other desirable ones might be;could know some men tries to get him. to go along to PREFER GIRLS younger boys to those of his own age because he feels more secure with. them. Just to for- \bid his playing with girls an jyounger boys hardly will work, \though it might be possible to limit his time 'with them and to set the stage so he will min- gle with normal playmates. Right in the home with one or more boys of his age there, you might be able to direct their play at normal fun for boys. You might be able to find a skillful young man to take him with a small group of boys at regular intervals to a igymnasium or to a play centre. It would be wonderful if he became an active Cub and at- tended a camp for boys of his age where he would be required He prefers girls to boys and| Dad might guide him in making jthings with tools, gradually at- tracting other boys his age iw join in this activity. I think you should ask your physician to recommend to you a psychiatrist whom you might consult. or advise children in angry tones? it does more harm than gooa He doesn't care to play with and cause the child to hate us Today, evidence from extensive | clinical tests shows that Lydia E. Pinkham Tablets brought to most young women very real relief from awful monthly cramps, backaches and jitters. During "change-of-life," wom- an after woman felt eased of distressing hot flashes, moodi- ness and nervousness. Yes, ina clinical report covering hun- to participate in desirable ac- tivities. It would be fine if he rtists so Cairns and Mrs. Roy McHugh.|built, but at best, it will be alhe might learn that aftists are Many other prizes tributed. were dis- | | 4 | CENTRE STREET GUEST MINISTER SUNDAY, OCTOBER YOU ARE INVITED to the 134th Annwersary (The oldest Protestont Church in Oshowa) Corner King & Centre Streets --- Oshawe REV, WARREN G, DICKSON of Shelbourne The Friendly Family Church at the Centre of the City. UNITED CHURCH 17th-1-1a.m. to 7 p.m. KK KKK KK WHEN YOU BUY YOU BUY THE BEST MOFrFAT Largest f° capacity dryer--just * fight.for any size family Now you can cut drying time in half... do all your wash in one complete load. Extra large capacity is designed to give free- floating tumblin uniform wrinkle-free drying. e Canada's cylinder largest\capacity dryer @ Three heat selections @ Easy to clean lint screen @ Huge door opening for easier toading and unloa @ Exclusive And *159. 74 ELECTRIC STARR Your Exclusive Dealer For Moffat Dryers Kaa KKK Kk kk KK! ding 5-way venting many other features PRICED FROM TERMS AVAILABLE ' action of clothes for STARR BLANKET WHEN YOU PURCHASE AN ELECTRIC DRYER AT FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 491 Ritson South Open to 9 p.m. Fridays -- 723-3343 cs: | MOFFAT... Before You Buy! Give Starr A Try! A 29.95 VALUE , BONELESS ROLLED SAVE ON QUALITY BREAD. . COMPARE 4 FOR 49c--HEINZ COMPARE 37¢ -- FANCY - Compare 49c Sacco Reconstitute ORANGE JUICE Compare 29c Pop Up 400's Compare 38 Post Cereal SUGAR CRISP Red Brand. The ideal Pot Roast Shoulder Roast . Cut from Red Brand Beef -- Ideal for Méat Loaves or Burgers 4 Minced Ground Chuck 59% sovocua THINGS GO BETTER TO SPROULES!! KLEENEX TISSUE long uphill pull. I can imagine the father and jnot all feminine. ° | Limit his TV viewing to an dreds of cases, Lydia E. Pink- ham Tablets gave blessed, marked help to woman after woman! So if you're a sufferer, think what this gentle medi FOR HOT FLASHES OF MID-LIFE... CRAMPS OF YOUNGER WOMEN... special tablet brings grand relief! Tests at Women's Clinic show way to new help for many who now suffer change-of-life distress; help to ease cramps and jitters in younger years! tion may do for you! It's espe- cially compounded to relieve feminine functional eom- plaints! Pinkham Tablets alse contain blood-building iron--es- pecially helpful to older women who may suffer simple iron de- ficiency anemia. So look ahead to help at times that can be difficult for a wom- an! Remember how so many others have found relief. Get Lydia E. Pinkham Tablets to- day! At drug stores. 1F YOU PREFER A LIQUID druggists have Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. STEA For testy treat. Olmsteads COOKE! u. 59° Haddock Fillets OPEN TO-NIGHT WEDNESDAY NIGHT, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK @ AMPLE OFF STREET PARKING © Pe A RS GA NL RY ROR = has --_--- nae and SPROU the BIC ONES D BREADED . 22¢ LOAF d Compore 87¢ Fleecy 64 oz per Save "gr 39° FABRIC SOFTENER 7% TEA BAGS 10s 798 cial Value. . . Supreme Reward ron 79° FRUIT CAKE sock 97° DOG FOOD 5 'tins 49¢ Compare 2 for 29¢ Garden Patch Absorbent Litter 3 ror 1.00 CHOICE PEAS 2 "uN 29° KITTE TISSUE tag 59° SUPER SAVE BREAD STRAINED FOODS --~ LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE COMPARE 79c---MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND | Geena POTATOES SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE Sproule's Beef is Red Brand Beef -- Canada's Finest Grade to assure Quality-Flayour and Natural Tenderness, RED BRAND SHORT RIB ROAST RED BRAND Always Tender Red Brand. For that Bolled Dinner LEAN CHUCK STYLE . 69° Rib Stewinn Beef .,. 39° expertly cut and carefully prepared 49 79 MAPLE LEAF BRAND -- by the piece When You CHANGE 3 uss 1.00 8 4% oz. sans 89 48-0z. TIN DYc 32-0z. san 59c 25 Ib. Bag corner of KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA 99° Q. Can we afford to exhort " A. We certainly cannot, for ees arene acces! yee

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