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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Oct 1965, p. 32

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Se ad Bh ik DDS Sa a at a a Tae i al cea OGLE SEBEL OE ee WS ees 32 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 13, 1965 _---- -- .. BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER \(Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Pley) North dealer, North-South vulnerable. BUZ SAWYER WICE GUY!!- HE KNOWS IF OUR PIPPLE HAD KIGMIES BY 1715, BORDEN HAS ] 1$ GOING BADLY IW N 1917, AN UNPRECEDENTED EVENT. BUT BORDE ni] / JO KICK AROUND, THEY WOULDN'T NEED TO WORK t CONTRIBUTED 'wah ae ees Hays Rogge io 8, ng ee Fe" dean's Beta gncindlhggesk aera HRISTIAAN SmuTS OF THE a Ni iS TO CONFER SOUTH AFR OFF THEIR WICIOQUSNESS ON OUR BELOVED ae, S BUILDING BURNS DOWN ¥ WITH THE IMPERIAL WAR CABINET, | EVEN éeuaren oe THE RED CHINESE. "7 _ pS FOR THE FIRST TIME GIVING THEM | AUTONOMY .. - - % A VOICE IN THE WAR I INDEPENDENCE IN OUR OWN Opening lead -- six of hearts. A great many bids have a conventional meaning, that is, pe enpeomls attributes a ee : ; } Wp), y Vo icular meaning to a specific bi GEE, t euess yout WHO SAID HAD J MARTHY WAS MY : San ---- Bk ; * under certain 'circumstances, A WIFEE? 4 HOSS: : ; \ Thus, most players use the Blackwood four notrump con- vention as a means of investi- gating the number of aces (or kings) partner has, but some players prefer to use the Gerber four club convention as the Starting point for this inquiry. The Gerber convention is es- | pecially valuable in cases where |partner opens the bidding with jone (or two) notrump. A jump | response of four clubs requests | the opener to show the number 4 / of aces held by him as part of i \ gt oe bid. MINUS 252 HOW IN NPs 6 6c) ' -- ete , | ere is some confusion THE WORLD COULD YoU a. Ho Rope il il ii P ; ] r vomenT [acon Blackwood players about HAVE PONE THAT ? AN' MISSED DAN ALL. platé number KNOW e meaning of a raise of one ° M " " CHANGE (or two) notrump to four no- trump. Most authorities agree that this bid merely invites a ey (4g «(slam in notrump and has noth- LIMOUSINE, y Cee aie jing to do with Blackwood. How- PLATE Ci92Nn/ & : ever, many players think other- x wise and treat the jump to four notrump as a Blackwood bid asking for aces. With the Gerber convention, there is no such confusion. In the case before us, South can predict the number of tricks his side will make by learning how many aces North has. He there- fore jumps to four clubs. | North goes up the ladder in responding to four clubs. Four |diamonds would show no aces, | four hearts one ace, four spades itwo aces, and four notrump three aces. When South gets the four no- |trump response, he jumps te | six diamonds, knowing that pres - jcisely twelve tricks can. be made. He does not know which ace his side lacks,, but he does know that a slam in diamonds is almost certain to be made, Note that if North had only Be : e rs two aces, South would: be able BAPE saa Lt é id |to stop at five diamonds, but oi note also that-if South, playing Blackwood, responded to one no- TELEVISION LOG [ier ein sen North's five heart reply to show 9. Kind of ; Enel giefgt gi-foto tag oy Bm Here 11:00 A.M, two aces would lose the possi- beer r ge Ghana baste | pe apy v Mr And Mire bility of playing the hand at 20, Turkish SE eMAousi| | Stare sas )--resla ime vauna sm, (five diamonds. i fl M.E.TLA chools coin 5 TIAILIO Channel @--Rochester | 4--Dick Van Dyke erties of Maveaery 11. In a line 4 E Channel 9~Toronto 3 12. Anuprowr 8 ALT IMELODY | Channel V--Mamiton 1 yuqrd™ Rhino 1:08 AM. Starr Wants et ne cttinee i merece THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 ot DONALD DUCK in Breeze Y a2 LSM WRONBSOAY BYE. parted Kay Show | seyianeliae, All Th F, cts 16. Lana N-Bemily" Thentre | agent Burke Secret |i1_Albert J. steed e fa "measure p discord 9--Five O'clock Show | sk ok ieee | WINNIPEG (CP) -- Michael 17, Winding \ : 30, World- Superman | pag j_Aualcal interioda Starr, labor minister in the for- 6--This Land | 9% Sports Hot Seat ¢y 21. Help Bypt famous 3--Secret_ Squirrel | J-ABC Scope 4~Dick Van, Dyke Show |mer Progressive Conservative 22, At one . musicians , Chill 3--Lioyd Thaxton | 6-3--Generation | 19:00 MOON |government, said Monday the 'ammi ' | %--Toronto Tod: i 32, incites : oh Foneinbe PE Oe ~ Beaver onan es ae [Racal My Bit Pao peg gsden Pore 26, Projecting 36, Employ 6---Musie Hop Weather, Sports | &-Luncheon Date in the Canada- United States ends of 3--Hudson Bay 118 PAM. | 4-Noon News |auto agreement. x | Popeye and Pale coneshies, Par PO aad $--Mptro Final | Mr. Starr, speaking at a Calwmnal biedobe: | head ss press conference before ad- 4--News, Sports With 11:20 PLM, | 4-Spesker of The House dressing the Ukrainian Cana- | | Chuck Healy / | Bebate. how | 12:90 PM, dian Congress, said the only in- | i | Golf é--Night Metre | A i 6:20 PM: se i Has ' formation made available to Seva. cae data oman ovesd the public has been that the om PM. | ; 3 . ; - 'Snore | £4 Search For Tomorrow }asreement. will save Canadian ee ely Thee. loonie | 3--Noonday Report car manufacturers about $50,- -43--News; ; and Sports 11:40 PM. | 12:48 PM | 000,000, The "agree sweat #-Huniley-Brinkley plane Sarin jicRade Forum say precisely what effec 5 *7_Cheyenne | @--The Long Hot Summer | &4--Guiding Light | agreement would have on the : é--Across Canada 12:30 A.M. 1:00 PLM. 'auto industry in Canada. - 7:00 P.M, Baws, Waattrer? SPO) vissire | 'Personally, I'd like to see o ---- N--Gilligans sland never. | 9--James Beard Show the agreement work out but we : pa 2 oe, Rupee THURSDAY | &--Matinee haven't been able to get all the ss sh nes i d 3 | whit - { TT Never saw | [THEY HAVE FAVORITE "ice , Weather, 4:00 A.M. Leet |facts. We've been denied the | A FATHER AND TV PROGRAMS THEY p bl : ae os s /11-Schnitzel_ House 4--Mee! the Millers |facts in Ottawa." ON SO MUCH ee veree tine oe ors 7 a es ae ® 44. Seasonin Soin O'clock' High | ¢--ceptaln Kengares | 3--Summer, Carousel | The agreement provides for ALIKE AS ROY ie 4 Mi gine Show | * \ AND LITTLE : / ' é DOWN 2--Huntley-Brinkley 1:00 AM, a jremoval of tariffs on the indus- LEROYY ; le ; an ees . ve, ; wasigal 1--Topper con na try between Canada and the or, Sek: j y a 1. Shows ne PM. 9~---Playtime With Uncle, 9--Sergeant Bilko United States. agi we F, i)' ~ ae ian interest Vp Green Acres te eee vasaeat i iy dat ------ Gis v) iH 6 Pia Ge ¢ ee 2. Past: 'A | 9--Gidget ace H +N) : Ey Girl Talk 9--Kids is People archaic | $2-Virginian | tikes carahin B . C 3. Stitch | JeOurle, end Herriot |S Mickey moune Clu | ZNurses, | brewing Lompany | 4-Lost In. Space | 1:30 AM. | #-Moment of Trutm pe as Ba ie ae pee Stock Purchased 245 P.M. | | | | S-The Roy Retty Show | 1 Gupiy Rose Lee | 9Dear Charlotte | | { 8:00 PLM. 2--Ann Southern Show us om NEW YORK (AP)--Heublein, -- td MICKEY MOUSE |?-_Dialing For Dollars 2:00 PLM. | 11-~Soecial Mo Inc., reported Monday jt--~will . vie ' ' ing i TO:08 ALM 9--People in Conflict y YOUR HEALTH TaPatty Duke Show | )_Nurses ta ine Doctors |acquire the Theo. Hamm Bre : 63---Okay Crackerberry | g.a--Truth er I Ae Pe ing Co., St. Paul, Minn., in a Consequences 4--Linkletter's Party exchange of stock. | ; : 0:38 PLM, | a canieanl | | Ulcers Bleed - ae em Na ny, |, The announcement came oni Y Teacuer GAVE ME AN | » ( AND IVE GOT NEWS FOR You. )| | US aon aoe. Thenira 10:00 AM 58Worid: saree" |a few hours after the Rheingold "A" FOR. NEATNESS .] |s.) 7=\ IM GIVING YOU A "U" FOR : y Beverly Hilibitl 9--Bingc f y lew Yi 1 Re UNTIPINESS AT HOME! | : ' | 4-Beverly Hillbillies | Tete Thin Sone | 3:00 P.M. | Brewing Corp., New York, con- < ; a HOME.! | estions Asked pes vie eM | 7--Donna Reed | \]--Donna Reed |firmed it had offered $92,750,000 Ver \ A coxacllT | ae 7--The Big Valley 4_The McCoys _S--Fractured Phrases | for the privately-held Hamm or- | By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Be | ganization. | \sidered, But if some signs ofjtation, or is there some cardiac!" Hamm is the eighth largest Dear Dr. Molner: Two years| heals then the second doctor is| healing become apparent, then,|(heart) insufficiency? Is this alu S. brewer with plants in St. lof course, you are warranted in problem of a leaky valve, Or)Paul, Los Angeles, San Fran- jago my husband was hosptal-| right. : sa be lized with bleeding ulcers, but) | would. be most careful to/20ing ahead with ordinary treat-/have you had a serious heat'/ cisco and Houston. Its sales are ts "k? ino pain. Since then he has not have continued examinations to| ment rather than surgery. attack? mostly in the U.S, midwest and | |been bothered until last winter watch this ulcer. |. "There are .certain things in In short, without knowing y west. when he had severe pain but not | medical care which lend them-jabout your heart, as well a - -- bleeding Duodenal ulcers rarely are} elves to yes-or-no positive an-)your general health, I can't Po SALLY'S : malignant, Gastric (or stom-| vcore There are others which|sibly answer "your question. I SALLIES : ee nea X-rays showed a duodenal ul-| ach) ulcers have a much higher! nat van name any number of people cer plus a shallow gastric ulcer. | inc idence of cancer, so when an} t is most certainly wrong to|who have had heart attacks.| Our doctor wanted to operate, roe Be ea? aa rather think that all gastric ulcers be-|vyet have had pilots ot opera-| cere --ecceanaeomerter se _------- - -- |Saying this stomach or gastric n au » Mats the me! ome cancerous. They don't.|tions. 1 know others who never) [ rearTen prangerd Leer [Shes rast ) ; TM AWAKE, ulcer could become cancerous. |! play safe. But it is dangerdus to forget the have had a coronary occlusion | AT MY OFFICE IN. VA PAM. SiR | | MAN, AND- 359 Pee { Kae chee eres } My husband then went to.an| * aye taken periodically, to} possibility that some of them|(heart attack), yet their hearts THE MORNING. J AND IT he nS ie ron /| internist who said no, that be- See whether the ulcer is getting mav have been weakened in other CANT WAIT! J |- \ PAUL. 1| |cause of the location and smalljbigger or smaller, are an .im-) you've got to know when to Ways and they should not have) // i : ae 1! |size it would not become cancer.| portant Safeguard. (It's a Means|he on your guard. This is onejan operation unless the urgency| ; ous, and that he would not think|of seeing how each ulcer is be-|q¢~those times. of the surgery is such that the of operating. having.) | ___|risk must be taken. Now: We don't know what tol In addition, tests to detect} Dear Dr. Molner; I have a) If your doctor thinks you do. Can an'ulcer of this descrip-|2ne™2, if any, and to deter-|dropped uterus and should bs should have the operation, have Gon iin cancaeoast Can tt be| Mine the acid content of the|dergo surgery. If one osatagge it, and let him judge your con- cured? OL stomach are valuable. Finally,|trouble is it wise to have the/dition, Correcting a dropped |direct observation of the ulcer,|operation?--Mrs. G. 8. uterus doesn't involve a very If this ulcer becomes cancer-|by means of a gastroscope, can| For this, or any number of|serious operation. Reading he-| ous, or if it'doesn't but becomes} give clues as to the likelihondiother operations, the answer de-\tween the lines, I judge that) |. |. am. so troublesome that it has to be/of the stomach lesion becoming! pends on the seriousness of the your doctor knows the surgery! «oy good neighbor next door remoyed anyway, then the first| cancerous. heart trouble. And what kind is will help you and that your) yonts te borrow the tools he doctor is right | If this gastric ulcer doesn't|involved. heart trouble is not going to be Jeamed pou" Rut if it ealma down and! heal. then aursery dust he enn-| Da vou have eccasional palpi. invalved. -MUGGS AND SKEETER | JULIET JONES

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