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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Oct 1965, p. 10

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tie th ih st os oe See ee oad we eat i shal ete ) 299, 246, 287) Stan' om" ers 9, 7) Betty cy Bees yer 632 (265); Jets MeDoni 10, Mel MecKinnen me Nel-;544 (221), Joan Walker S38 (211), Betty os THE OSHAWA TIMES, Sider, | ley, Getohar 15, 1948. : 1 eer ay econ ge ge ARE eva ag ar eB rll rig Kone Bere eee lee Wilton 10s and Eo Roberts 205- Guscott'538,-Earline Keeler $33, Barbara 10. Be, 26, tN der (28, 206)1 G: Merl A, Cardinal 206, 202; Fred Watts 200/-Bob/ MacPherson 498 (302), ©. Pastarache 682) Team standings are now -- fowls 6,| Minaret 324 (224), Jean Ward 518, Peuiines [28 tah Eli arabe ast aa "Peve Larch (2) ove rang Mgcbona gy Gy Gos Lua tke Mle. Sian ane avery weais So] WHEN BUYING OR SELLING PROPERTY . 277); E. Lahay| 220 (305), Me Coscareile 731. (2891; As Meldl Gass ond Balle 2 bacon Bale 3 7a Van Ove (206, 277); E Laney 77) emon League -- Rita Watzenboeck 86; 254); Bali Highs 5, H. Ballen 653 (246); Hi|Doughheads 2 (and still pulling). (ne _ LOOK TO - i rowind, 206); D. Crandell 658 (228, 257); R. Piper | Mary Giles 91; Jean Leipine 88 and Gail | Balls 10, E. Patterson 670 ay BUr-| We sitll have quite ® few "lemoie" won Singles -- Diane Roach 235. 652 (211, 235, 206); E. Blair 680 (287); |Cover 71, rill 664 (228), P. Skidmore w bot we are still giving them @ chance emon League -- Carol McLean 98, 88, High Averages -- D. Bishop 20, ~ marl White 95 and Gall MacDonald 92. . G. Brown 646 (203, 225, 218); A, Cardina' 1 through, Hope we keep up the 900d | MOTOR CITY WED. AFTERNOON |Batlem 236 and A. Reid 7233. Team Standings -- Mustangs 15, Fal- my Reseed Soa) D. Marshall 626 (272); LADIES High Singles -- G. Taylor 398, G. Tay- ehenaaer and have fun. s 13, Wildcats 9, Stingrays 9, Val- [ iathews 624 (203, 253); G. Fehren-| : But Wild' Boom Is Over bach 619, (220, 212); M. Dragomatz 613| Over s0o--Ev. State 436 (386 229, 22111 te Pha ae Seiad ac F Bamerecne | TOWN AND COUNTRY |lants 8 and Corvettes 6. ; g a Cooper 605 (221, 205); the! Tonkin 603 (196, 1 226); an e "4 Ss eer) . * os a . GE Lat oa and C. Pinsent lflosr. 608° (18b, 206, 209). ats pie wn. Tayler O81,. 8 Bis-| LADIES' LEAGUE ® Residential @ Commercial @ Industrial ! " dded. a, es Fa 22, M. Davie: 217, rane' Peebles Sear 900, Mharliyn Beckell| pes VWepourn ast (246, 200), GN),' Drain alt foods well. esnecial-| _._. .. nen Anes uaree oe : ; 200, i' 200), SATE, AY wane CHICAGO (AP)--The ,Ameri-|thing about bowling," he adde Gt a Sue Ce Creamer 2c a. Korak|sa4," Eleanor, Veilancourt 228, Pauiine| NEIGHBORHOOD LADIES' LEAGUE [Audrey ee, Elisabet Hutcheson S77 ly the greens, so that the dress- PARKING Mn wAGee prpte ls S aan ie bowing bubble didn't burst) The ABC, an oe ake Renney 287: Ap and. 1. Bown marr, $2, Fal Mareraee ey oe ee tiie 7 i it | (209), Mary dePratio S68 (223), Edna Mc-\ing will cling and distribute|at f Building ot _--'Yst and 2nd, Arranged 9 AM. til 9 PM "| ers 204. man 226, June Young 218, Mary King trying for Ghee 565 (213), Dorothy Bral is year. But it did deflate ajwhich supervises bow ne Be eee pints --- Buicks 4, Oldsmobiles 0; Cor-\218, Millie Branton 218 Marion Thomas| won out by two pins, with @ 670 (253, 231)-\Dena Pascoe 558 (201), Karen Sruwood/more evenly. 360° King St. West end purchased SAT. Till 5 P.M, | Bi. |10, 752 a te ae Ht COM|vairs 4, Cadillacs 0; Chevrolets 3, GMC's|217, Bea. mcKenzie 217, Nettie Pullen EV was cope Savio with 668 (279, 220)| ahah soa y ; 216, Ellzabeth Bate- going, r "© The American Bowling Con-| |tified list for the SeaSON.|1; Pontiacs 2, Maple Leafs 2. 217, Elinore Hanna 216, j High average leaders -- K. Smith 241 man 210, Pru. Whittick 210, saat tg wd Other 200 scores were -~- Laura Col- | ss estimates the new season (That covers, it said, about 99), 01) *Cindell 233 Mille. 207, Emma Malo 208, Ev |\ins 245, Lydia Lajole 242, Norma Scott 'Bowlers Journal, prdicts thelson. Thus there was a decline of| Standings -- Buicks 17, Pontiacs 13, Ookpiks 16, All-Sorts 12, Moron" 3, Collins 17, Vickers 3, Scotts 1. OSHAWA Maple Leafs 12, Corvairs 9, Oldsmobiles|Traveliers 13, Guess What's 4, Kandy) 'business will have a sensible|131 in two years. 9 Ehevrolets 8, GMC's 7 ond Cadillacs &. |Kenes 9, Sparklers 10, The Dillies 14,| , oral Points -- Pearses 12, Hubbelis 11, bring out.as many bowlers|per cent of all alleys.) High Ladies- =Mary Mothersil! $42, Mar- path 206, Marj, Vaughn 202 and Nan es 224, Darlene Armstrong ite Eleanor ALUMINUM | and jair e' } Anderson 204 and Dariene son | '--but in fewer establishments. | The high point in history was High triple leaders -- G. Fehrenbach| Points -- Whistlers .12, Sprites @, tl ine 'aksh wrk -- Deane & ter © And Mort Luby, editor of the|10,883 alleys in the 1962-63 Se@-ls9, ang H. Brown #41. and Kittens 10, Daffodils 6, Team § 2-\,4'0°1/" Campbells. 3, Burrus' 1; Hubbels wth in the future, but no} Lanes numbered 159,079. They a ae Team 14 12, Bee Hives § and Gooly ed Pia pee ag Beh of Beet FREE PARKING. j " tP. s j 'ore of what he called a "wild" jhave continued to increase a bos2o ads nels oho files aie Sion bine GUM HIMUT fold plants were enlarged or new MOTOR CITY MEN'S MAJOR oe heel y aru Te Pe ole --- J. Rukaruck 312.|. Group 1 -- Lucky Strikes 10, J. Rostich LEAGUE j ALUMINUM Bowling one of the oldest in-/ones were constructe Soe aie ioe vs 768 (289), J. Cardinal 76) (285), J, Cas-| The second night of bowling saw a WNI M Men's high triple -- B. Meinichuck 767. | rd. e AWNINGS Goor sports, spurted swiftly in| ABC counted 130,669 leagues) [60 sng "over: N. Melnichuk 613 (194,|Sells 759 (321); Dutchies 3, F. Hill 744 great improvement in the scores. | One 'The middle '50s, when auitomaticiand 1,268,048 teams last season,|200, 219), T. Gow 645 (235, .175, 235), $. |(269); Ozarks 7, O. Keeler 818 (291), A. lady hit the 700 mark. She was Doreen i, k-| Stovin 732 (251), J. Boyd 729 (298); Hick-| Kelemen, who hit 723 with three games ete began to supplant pinjand figures on about the same|Lawience 4% (28%, 20%, 217) and J. Buk Joc] "a. Perry 693 (341), 0. Reid 726\of 256, 226, and. 241 re PORCH s and opened up the possi-/number in the current season.) 200 and over -- G. Maclean 208, R. Hal Les Sabres 7, C. Mowers 766 (312),, In the 600 mark, were Bill Smith 666 ENCLOSURES | Ny " Phillips 205, F. Stansbury 271, J, Mont Swariz 730 (285); Team 7 6, D. Rey-|(232, 237); Steve Roznick 632 (208, 245); i y lity of 24-hour-a-day operation, ABC estimate : rr betlt 28D. Rukaruck 212, P. Taylor Molds, 759° GBIL-E, Jordan. 726 (25501|Gary Perry 618 (213 2241 Ted Smith ay , je y 1 c 7, (2 if 613 (217, 222); + "I am of the personal opinion| league bowers aed linen?" kerma ana, A' Cogan 7s! hy Wid Macs MeKengon 1 Cat, 24), Mae McDonald | STORM-SCREEN | BALA DRIVE -- RECREATION ROOM--Very attractive 5 hat too many places have been|men a J |p. Montpetit 208 R. Hardy 743 (303). 604 (239); Ray Brown 604 (245); Barb DOORS-WINDOWS | bungalow on a completely landscaped and hedged lot 50' 4 it, said James Kearns, ex-|tHat, in all, as many as | i ttigh Averages --_ A, Perry 272 P. Smith 602 (208, 202) and Rudy Roznick 119". Thin. desirable' home: tos 6 panwllad tec. tem aan tae ' y i d , : ecutive secretary of both the 000,000 Americans bow! at least) POST OFFICE eS 36) ane 3, CaN ON pail Ghee ake nad 9 obre ade We the. kitchen and: both 'with vonity 'heve new corlée' Heading ! ] Iilinois and Greater Chicagojoccasionally during a year. -- |. Team standing -- Robin toads 13 Ried 354 and P. Knight, 352. 200 were Bruce Simpsue 262, Peter PRIME WINDOWS and the living room is complete with broadioom, Monthly pays Proprietors' Associa-' During the deflation, suppliers; [Dinos 9 Bar Files 9, Climbers % Hot oat er eee x filers 920, A [Rines 252, Darlene Rines: 246, Muriel CMHC ACCEFTED | ments including taxes only $102.00: of bowling equipment, repos-|pogs 5 ok 231, 208, C ; s 220, wre q k, yl. ed : mony | Over 200» Nancy Schram 250; Janet (one ab Jo. OEE IY aden a oon Sikon aie Bony | We have, I are eb bow arc ih face|St2"® 202 Al Ash 21m, 239; Herb Butler y Pa aad " nie FLEXALUM ; { y before, but we ne 0 e major manufac-) 291; John Gibbs 202, Norma Edgar 224, H + aden Ug thin.' turers, the Brunswick Corp., ie Bal) See Se wis Newell ee pave SIDING End Screen and Ya 2th Ene wule -- Luby and Kearns, in separate|still operates some repossessed|.,' 91, 21; Ena Pearce 253, Lloyd : OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! pape naga! | interviews, agreed on one as-lalleys but declined to say how Schram 215 and Pat Kunkel 704, 217. EL sis chaniien See JALOUSIES forever i ¥ y 3 * aed en of the boom in recent/many. | 82 Joan Whitaker 71 and Donna Gibbs FU vice: and radio dispatched trucks al- ; 4 ips ee ane ae vi ays on the ready to serve you. Reglozing and re-screening "People not familiar with it\dry Co., another leading manu Ride tuagt org Paki Sica Gave ie w i Oil Badger tion cosilable: Manian door and F 'thought all you had to do was facturer of bowling equipment,| 672, Joyce Ash 608 and Al Ash 615, | nie Yau ig : t the outlook ] pen the doors and makelis optimistic abou agate uaaaue ' Money," Kearns said. bowling this year. via Ladiba fioh triple and high sindle TO CONVERT AND CALL j * Luby said some newcomers| More people are bowling now | was taken this week by Marg Rorabeck i n ) Were investors who turned man-|but not as often as five years " Men's high triple and high single went A HLIN rh agement oger to others. ago, a spokesman reported. to Harry Dickinson 'with 722 and 283 OWLING BUSINESS "We have a lot more competi-|, Points Taken -- Nite Hawks took four Showroom and Factory 3 BUSINES ® ain ta ee ints fi the S$ t Orbits t thr "4 Jot of people went intojtion for people's time than we polis 40 The Wonders! 17 Noise Makers COAL & 723-3481 110 PHONE 728-1633 ; jusiness who didn't know any-jhad In 1960, " he said Paani gd ent eda hig AON soe gh KING ST. W. -- : arate Sorte ga| | 95 ATHOL ST. B., OSHAWA Marie Meinychuck 200; Marg Rorabeck | + OSHAWA BOWLING. NEWS | Sseurittet mara roonase 3 J INCOME PROPERTY--A good 212 storey brick home having 7 \y rooms and' two baths, presently rented as two aportments and * WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH (228. & ee ®. Smith 20 F - Ron Moore 730 (281, 267); | Bell 22 bmi rano 1 hy ae $00 eee one 221, 251); Allen| Rs Gendron 214, 211, C. Gendron 211, 202 | i 'Anderson 640 (254, 219); Mable Smith 632| F Lupel 208, J. Gannon 205, P. Clarke ed in very central location for renting. Don't wait but call early Plymouth is twice the tiger for '66! Ne f \ lor 612 (247, 222); Jack| 203 and L. Gorman 201 : : ' on this one ftcon eve Bay Keon Cobb 608 (251, 206) | Lemon League -- C. Hutchison 84, 7 Choose now from twe great new oD ge Dodge '66--a lot more car for your money. s i Harry Bennett 601 (210, 203). Barciay 83, J. Ruttan 82, R. Lupel 78 Plymouth lines -- the handsome new Dodge sits on a long 121-inch wheelbase. 4 ; : _ ' . d p ' %' 3 bringing in $155.00 monthly, Just listed ot $14,700 and locate i Over 200 -- Gord Holbrook 258, Henry| &- Simmett 65, 56 and A, Bulner 64 Veenhot 238, Bill Romanuk 228, John ; Black 226, Les Barany 220, 214, Ray Pope SHERIFF'S TAILORING LADIES 51, Joe Ward 206, Ada Tayior 203, Marg As we reached the half-way point of rie 200 and Jim 'Childerhose 200 the first section, the Humbugs have forg "Cellar Dwellers Ellen Anderson 99,\ed ahead with 13 points 'Gord Brown 97, Doris Sutton 95, 90, Max-| Team Standings: Humbugs 13, Smar tne Scott 93, Betty Smith 92, Harry Gray |ties 11, Cracker-Jacks 9, Kit-Kats 9, Loti 91, Jo Weeks 90, Anne Naish 87 and Ella pops 9 and Peppermints 9. MacPherson 82 No 600 totals to report this week girls, Points Taken -- The Larks, Ravens, 'Wot Happened?"... WRobins and Cranes 3, Doves and Wrens 2, 200 Scores trene Kehoe 260, Yvonne 'end the Eagles, Owls, Hawks and Crows Watson 257, Doreen McCartney 234, Ellen with 1 each. Gibson 227, Joan Smith 7213, Marg Dafoe * Team Standi The Wreris and | 209, Doreen Sheehey 208, Dianne Fisher together with 15 each;|203 and Helen Garason 203 rows next wit 14; Robins 12; Larks 10;| Lemon League -- Donna Burroughs 9% ; es and Hawks, 8 each;|E! Taylor 95, Joyce Duncan 94, 67; Es Owls 6 and Eagles 3. ther Hamilton, 83, 77, Mary Heron 75 and Jean Jackson, 58 y ath Fury, and, brand-new for '66, This extra length has room, ride, comfort, the hot new Plymouth Belvedere. pote ca i i looks. Fifteen models. Four series. Monaco, for your money Polara 880, Polara 440, Polara. ------------------------------ e 3 2 . FH 23 FRIDAY NIGHT INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE o stmount 3, Reynolds 3, Acadian 2 DOWNTOWN. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE 2 "Dairy Queens 2, Pic-O-Mat |, Motor City Here is the standing to date: Scott's 4, imperial 0 and Play Boys 0. Chicken Villa 19, 9919; George's. TV * High Triples W. Smith 874, D. WIl-| Towers 19, 9638; Motor City Bowling 15, tiams 75), J. Bell 722, R. Richard 694, W, | 8995; Oshawa Auto Trim 12, 9430; Cullen's imecke 650, V. Viaus 646, J. Hedger| Esso 11, 9371; McLaughlin Fuel 9, 9873 q 440, R. Smith 639, D. Solomon 611, D. Wot-|Ounn's Tallors 8, 8953; White Stars 6 i don 611 and P. Tompkins 607 9533; Brunswick Bowlers 4, 8642 and 4 @ High Singles -- W. Smith 344, 255, 275;|Woodcarvers 2, 9066. q D. Williams 305, 274; B. Gallant 291, 253; | 600 Triples -- A, Greene 688, Ed Wilson V. Claus 241, R. Richard 258 and R 683. L. Hyman 633, G. Moss 660, J. Osier Fury If -- 4-Door Hardtop Wheelbase 119.0" Smith 255. L. Schram 641, D. Stata 635, N Lemon League F. Goguen 95, § Okey 632, D. Smith 699, R. Brown 479. . Fe P * Weeks 9, Ro Reddick 67, &. Ritchie 83/M, Bell 613, G. Gwilllams 628, R. Davis I) Beantifnity styled, big and spacious. Fury offers a gnod selec- CENTRALLY LOCATED--$11, 500.00--6 room brick--2 storey home with garage. Comprised of living room, modern kitchen, dining room on main floor--3 bedrooms and 3 pe. bath 'up. Full basement---Oil Heat--very clean and neat both inside and out. Estate Sale--so don't leave it another minute. jand D. Jackson 88. 430, J. Kiapow 658, J. Hroncich 679 and tion of models and power -- to prove that nothing goes like Swinging Coronet by Dodge. Coronet ; ~ B. Marshall 648 q T op country cLus LEAcuE 700 Triples =~ R. Poole 777, J. Vasko Pury! swings. Coronet fs a new idea, a young i Pipoints Taken -- Celler Dweller 7, The) 747, Al Ferry 704 and G. G Buroees m7, idea for spirited people. Pick your body 4 riple 1. Rich ' eg eoretere t's Gore ° , High Singles -- Al. Rich 408, @. Burgess style. Coronet has it on a trim 117-imch 7 87, T 1 0 and Rolling St 7 Town Go | 8 ane Rolling Stone? | 413, R. Poole 303 and J. Kinpow 202 wheelbase: Sedans, Hardtop, Wagons, Convertibles. b High Triples -- Ernie Meliwralth (764) | "lemon League -- No visitors this week! page 266; Dave Duncan (646) 179, 221, Joe Finch (629) 170, 259, 200° and| ORANGE LEAGUE Walters (624) 244, 197, 163 Games 200 and over -- Bob Poole 203 , Over 200 -- Ron Brown 228, Ron Bow- Paul Herrington 200, Carol Wood 224 whan 204, Brenda Baron 209, Jean Carter George Strong 214, Bill Cox 215, Ray 204, Ai Baron 212, Jack Frost 213, Marg | Cooney 252, Herb Gill 244, Alf, Kern 282. Hel! 232, Alf Liles 221, Frank Linley 219/203, Joan Ellis 261, Kay Marshall 214, ohn Hall 218 end Keith Alderton 274. Garry Bickle 212, 210, Bob Ellis 280, E! Lemon League -- May Mecliwraith 95,/mer Marhsall 203, 257, George McBride Bi, Bob Fredricks 9%, Doris Walters 98,/201, Don Fisher 210, Heather Bickle 237, 5 George Day 70-76, Mildred Cooper 80, 88, 260, Elll Lamb 238, Bonnie Robbins 218, 2 end Art Coverly 79 Jack Goodman 266, 271, 271; Faith Young 201 'and Grace Phillips 317. mil AND HARNESS LEAGUE LEMON LEAGUERS Vera Strona Belvedere is the line of hot new performers -- - tandings Alley Cats 17, Hi Los 96, 60, Barney Robbins 78 Marg Coe powertyl and potent! Designed to fit a young 2 ae e ,;H! Balls 14, Head Pins 13, Gay Six 12.92, 97; Dorris De 98, Bill Stacey 83, Belvedere ae a f esiors 13, Lucky Strikes 11, lvers: 10, George MeBride 99, Earl Kehoe 95, Neil family's budget! Coronet 809: 3:Done Haritep Wheelvese $27.4" FRAME 114 STOREY WITH GARAGE--Situoted betwixt and Rag -~ lg polly J pe A ie eae t i between Oshawa and Oshawa Shopping Centre--this remarkable iver - son ( landings tley ats 4, low A Go Getters B and Pin Pickers 5 Daniel #8 and Chris Lamb 70 B. Keenan 680 (252, 234), B. Clarke 677| Hearts 13, Pin Pickers 13, Lucky Strikes home is ideal for a retiring couple looking for something 238, 235, 205), B. Lambert 666 (238, 220,|12, Spitfires 10, Try Hards 8, Strike-Outs affording a home as well os a small income. Call for particulars § ), M. Shorten 646 (283), B. Harding 6 and Flintstones 4 1 7 (27, BT, € Robinson: 461 Pld 3 : ; before you look any further a Hurren 654 (296, 229), T. McKinnon PARTS AND SERVICE LEAGUS . 7 a (245, 231), €. Dubdblestein 617 (233. A. Hircock 'was high man last week 222) and ©. Moreau 411 (215, 215) with 804 (350, 252, 202). Congratulations . 2 a g ' i} Over 200 -- M. Rosseav 285, ©. Lyn-|to Jim McCutcheon, a recent retiree, with é 4 burner 249, B. Lynburner 242, §, Bell 241,/a good 693 (205, 215, 273) : : f 3 : q e . : f . e E. Weeks 238, $. Lovelock 231, B. Wilson 400 K. Smith: 772 (261, 29%, 216 g RENT-A-CAR 4 DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH 55.00 PER DAY - pittace chanct 725-655 | RUTHERFORD' S i | CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 1| . | ° 725-6553 on" f Hl ----$----S} Valiant A RT'S Nobody beats Valiant GUN REPAIR comfort, roominess, economy, low initial 18 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA 728-9731 cost make Valiant the Value Leader for '66. e BOUGHT © SOLD @ TRADED @ REPAIRED "Buying A New Gun This Season?" BEAU VALLEY--7 room split level bungalow nearing completion. Main floor features large living room, separate dining room, very modern kitchen and panelled family room with stone fire- place and sliding glass doors to outside, Also 2 pc. coloured | bath on main floor, Upstairs master bedroom with bath ensuite | is 17 x 12 with His & Her double closet. Other 2 bedrooms are a good size all with double closets; lovely 5 pc. bath with double medicine cabinets and large vanity with 2 sinks. Double attach- ed garage and grounds sodded back and front, Early possession, FIERY ze. But please hurry, as our custom built homes are nearly,all gone. FASTBACK | . ee Go for action -- go Barracnda! Sperts car power, handling and ride -- pins convenience, features and i," Signet Convertible -- Wheelbare 111.0" =f roominess no other sports car offers. 'CHRYSLER Move up to the beautifully dis- tinctive '66 Chrysler. You get NORTH-WEST--6% MORTGAGE--Attractive, bright centre Come in and talk GUNS with Art. We hove the best features like the Auto-pilot, re- teas prices on oll popular makes, and hove the largest clining seats with built-in hall plon bungalow with attached garage ond private drive-- ; inventory_of Used... New . . . Guns in South situated on a quiet court just one block from Rossland Rd. and hearirest. a great range of high- performing engines. See the brand-new Chrysler Sport 300, the new Town and Country station wagon series. Move up --- overlooking the Oshawa Golf Course.' 3 bedrooms, built-in vanity in bathroom, extra large kitchen with all the cupboards any_woman would desire AT YOUR SERVICE Central Ontario ALL GUNS GUARANTEED FOR 1 YEAR enjoy the Chrysier way of lifet { ee alt Rh ata 728-2233 of DRUMM 725-9348 i Sport 368 -- 2-Deor Hardtop Wheelbase 140° IRENE 725-3867 ARGARET LEE 723-2894 MARG. WALL 723-1358 GEORGE ROORNNEEP 723-2859 ALLAN THOMPSON 728-2870 DONALD HOW! 723- 2 728-520: ¥ outh, Yaliont, Chrysler at these Deo dge, Valiant, Chrysler at this Dealer. Pt erl gg aad pee toee ia AKER van ia See Plym Gy SHEVS'ER CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER-DODGE) come cm csce 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO (WHITBY) LIMITED, 916 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY, ONT. SCHOFIELD- AKER DISNEY MOTORS LIMITED "ter, Reet end church, 360 KING WEST 723-2265 Pickering, WHY NOT BUY IT ON TIME ? Shotguns... Rifles... Pistols, . . ete. Available for as little os $5.00 per month (See additional Listings Advertised Daily in Classified Section) f Hi at SR ei a 4 me THE CARS WITH THE 5-YEAR--50,000-MILE POWER-TRAIN WARRANTY eummems | oe

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