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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Oct 1965, p. 20

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an THE nav aeteiod TIMES, Friday, October 15, 1968 "Low Cost Times Action Want Ads Solve Many Of Your Problems" ~ Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. CE DIRECTORY | SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK | Accountants sos CLANCY'S Accounting _ service. ) ORYNAN, MURDO! CREIGH VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, ind Notaries. Gardening and Supplies Sales and Service '~$0D, now cutting, choiceiGUARANTEED repairs to Free es! pats RY quality Kentucky Blue. Let us give you ajwashers and ranges. By R J SCOTT 725-0397. we Ty 1 eas ff ee Bank of Commerce Siilciog. 5 haga estimate on your lawns, boulevards | 728-1742 ig : South, . c Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446 sjetc, Telephone 668-4965 after 6 p.m. oe peda encore RNG Festive gonoan k, OAY, er "Shop eg A Tae ah 'aSiak DANGEROUS ane te frimimed of | Fe. Septic Service ae Ecos, oe egiae ping Centre, 725-9953. QC, 72346) J. ©, Victor, SOBTIIS.|\ ves DY callable party, All ret SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prom | SHEEP PIOKABALK 40 (WE, HH GUTMANN, Chartered Account-|Morigages arranged. Service, 725-4171 - jice or calls. Walter Ward, icnesed Trustes. 17 Bond Street Bast. Telephone 723-48: Building Trades | Street West, Whitby 668-2563. 'ompt serv: 204 Chestnut ALOERT ey charg Account- ant, 47 Prince ° 4, Oshawa, Ontario. Telephone 722-122 ema SPECIAL ~|Surveyors Canada Driving School | DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario, ABBEY OX LAKE OcolRiDA, Scrars. :13--Articles For Rent \ 17--Female fielp Wanted | For Wale we ond RENTALS | evectric motor | OF ALL KINDS | Repair and. Exchange OSHAWA APPLIANCE 186 Simcoe S. 728-7535 HONDA SHOP REDUCING EQUIPMENT --- massaging belts, rowing ma- chines, bike exercises --~ all $6. per month, PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- "Oshawa's largest motorcycle pods, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- | deoler'. Buy - sell - trade. Re- ters, pipe threading dies, . | pair all makes. Free. esti- toilet auger, mates. Access: -- helmets, PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- | windshields, corriers, jackets, stepladders, ladder jacks, | fires, etc. Winter storage. steel scaffolding, compressors, spray guns, wallpaper steam- New. Hondas only $295. No ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, down payment, SUPERVISOR REQUIRED FOR LOCAL TEXTILE PLANT Applicant should be en ex- periericed sewing machine op- erator, able to give instruc- tion to operators, and be fam- ilior with*quality control, Write giving full perticulars te Box 243 Oshawa Times : lLand Surveyor, Commercial blue prints, F rs ee ge YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO, 60., 10% Discount i oy rporhoedl ey Pati 111 Ontario Street, 725-5632 | save -- = | 199 King W 728-4242 propane torches. Chartered, ccotaers, . Coorese Alias Dea, ort y +e (HFLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Lana| oR IN A LAMP. 115 Sfowe ceEREMONAL |GAR COATS, boy's, size 64x, $3, each| BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- Experienced North Oshawa, 728-7371 On All Orders pepariment OF anspor Surveyors, 112 Elgin Street East. Phone| LAMP FOUND IX ALASKA, HAS A MUMAM |Two-plece snow sult, boy's size 6X, $g,| cement mixers, finishing tro- pi North, 0: 728-7371. " Cars supplied for Government | 725-6881. | FIGURE IN AM ATTITUDE OF | | Telephone 728-1088 wels, wheel barrows, electric HOPKINS, DLE AND CO. Char-/ Remodelling, carpentry, tile | Tests @ Hom ick ser oe - -------| FUL brsfeed 4 7 countants, Financial Trade Bulld-| get) A ests Pee | ; | PRAYER CARVED IM FULL. ~ | | RANGE, electric four-burner) also maple) vibrator, air compressor, jack fered, Account vet ost omewe, Or| iM, painting, plumbing, elec- |TV--Radio Repairs [RELIEF In THE. WHEN Sunspom | [fOUT-Poster bed and dresser. Telephone] hammers, hand trowels, water $a, S05 38087 $. 1. Hopkins, CA; H trical work, roofing, eaves- 728-4811 --e | ' MARK ME GURFAL bcd Srtable Masters 1! CA. ; . | E SURFACE pumps, portable heoters, stee' Beadie, CA; E. Lukow, troughing, plastering, cement ie Biti OF THE SUN DO | TWO 4.30 x 13 SNOW TIRES end rims) Scaffoldin electric generator, ; HALL, PERKIN AND CO., Chartered| work of all kinds. Aluminum TV ICREASED DOSES |3,000 miles en: tires, $45, complete. 72% o. s id required by Accountants, 36'2 King Street Bast, Osh- i idi Oshawa y ramset, power rollers, electric ccounta doors and windows, siding. sna OF RADI ATION KEACH -- A 'awa, 725-6539; David G. Perkin, CA? King 20. skilled A isi ce NE EARN SHOSTERFTELE "fwo chairs, $90.7 work| hammers, masonry saw,' build- Street, Newcastle, 987-4240; Wililam C. skilled men ready to Driving School ECONOMY, AND Z ; : 7 bench with vise, skl boots, 9414, lawn) ing jacks, morter. mixers Dodds & Donald Hall, B.Comm., C serve you. 10 Pog » DELUXE 6 pal UNDERWATER CROP OF AWE U.S. 15 4HE a \chairs. Telephone 723-4589. | iearer Besar Rain Nedieg years teacning riving } "Y + FOr EEN MILLION BUSHELS BEOWG ES. ce | » One. , B. q . ' = e : 1 * i orrist Barristers NELLIS' HOME automatic and standard cars Priced to suit your budget. THE ANNUAL MELD: i a ee Ae Nae be aie: te te) ch saw; ungated pane. tar risters and Solicitors i Professional instructors. ag r parts cheap. 7 = pee eee GSter, powar |. | 69 Ki @REER AND KELLY, Barristers, sollc-| |[AAPROVEMENTS . TERMS ARRANGED Car parts cheap. 723-4589, | illati King St. & Taatiate, Resia ie eee Pe one Oshawa -- 728-206! 728-0091 pk A oR ad fenders, disc sanders, belt Osh lence Phones: J. M. ' grey check t jacket, size 14. Tele- " QC, 725: , Terence V Kelly, oie ty Peterborough -- 745-2184 ANYWHERE -- ANYTIME OSHAWA TV 5--Trailers 8--Articles For Sale phone 725-8219 Pee ee sanders, floor sanders, acty- | awe 778-5832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, ' nap ag ae es 4 sear Tea j ler Idi fi 200 | ee A S ' essa. sh silo BEST QUALITY aluminum windows ene welding outfits, Teleph 7 725-2662 DAY and Evening Classe for aduits and SUPPLY LIMITED vl windows : elephone 723-2201 Hee A . neil an nae doors, awning rallin tee lov amp elect Iders -- HUMPHREYS, NOYCRYN, ang WILL THE pa ache, Sere ea' "ae TAUNTON RD. E COOK'S wires OuLy ica: See mean or el One ei wre Street East, Osnowe, RD. vi ab R, H. CABINET CO. |st's."whinoy, dovanse, YO OY") Just East Of Ritson _ TEXACO DEALER GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired STAN'S | WAITRESSES REQUIRED ec 6 3 Terme bh tik. Ofiet 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY (Janitor Serv a rs TRAILER SALES e FUEL and STOVE OIL at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, | | Full ond part-time, iJ, Vv. a , - H j 725-1177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby, 668-6911 ------ 728- 8180 ¥ wood COAL WING CHAIR, springs good, needs 233 King St, W., Oshawa | 7to4p.m.--4 toll pm, 668-2761; 728-4326; 725-5132. NHA and) / : ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco-| SIMCOE ST. NORTH @ BUILDING SUPPLIES covering. Telephone 723-4008 after 6 Reg Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. A doape p.m, othe pas, Svallee. | Kitchen cdpinets, Vonities, [neaiicel calling: wall cleening, done: by! Penmaes CALL 668-3524 DOLL HOUSE, child's table and chairs|§ PHONE 723- "3224 ng BS attire Viren Notes eet Colne: Quaranteed. 126.779 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED Clearance Sale SAWDONS' rocking chair, doll pram, toy, pianos alll Apply MR. CAMPBELL citors. . pmaaoasd pei tiaatbh eh a Oe Raa tae e new. Book case, other items. Tele- qi th, ( 2 | Hevise, "cheries, cMeciosen, "ac'| OCTOBER SPECIAL Money To Loan TV TOWERS FREE winter storage, no in- le ee daa 14--Bu __Genosha Hotel Edger F. Bastedo, QC; Grant H. shade S 15% | terest rates, low-down poy- © | __ £2". Brock of. south VACUUM and floor polisher, both $35.) iLapy enema een oe i ; hone 7 strong. ave up to © during |) witt LOAN you up fo $5,000 at a rea ARE THE BEST! i . ment on.all models. { {Phone 728-3187 fo = y Peg! children | (pre JOSEPH P, MANGAN, QC Solicitor., October on Rec. Rooms, Cup- psig a ly gaa sbi th | > JANSSEN"S' POWER REFRIGERATOR and bed for sale, Ap-| | Good rome with orunertton Telephone Money to loan, Office, 144 King Street! boards, Tiles and gil generol (eorcse providing. you sre steadily. em WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! Open evenings 'til 9:30'p.m. EQUIPMENT CENTRE ply 68 McMillan Drive (back door) 728-13 East, Oshawa. 728-8232. Home Remodelling, ployed and have good credit. Telephone | Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- \COMBINATION DOOR for sale. Good ous "WOMAN sreauired 'as housekeep- eer eee oie OR acy fubiie. . All tale penaieiens Aaa de geet ERE OSES R. | O Closed on Sunday Ferguson Riding Tractors. ita bs ahora . 728-0540 ROOM Tetphane "leskard une ¥ ust phone for my prices = J © 3 . Serv {| ve % SOLID OAK dinette suite, comprised of the Commercial Bullding, 286 King West, Mort ages Phone 723-9534 EVIE Sm) ON BOWS! OAMin beautiful china cabinet, buffet, extension \WANTED -- a a ce ' P lon | -- Sin Oshawa, Ontario, Cilent parking avail-- HH McKoy 725-8576 gag . Add seeps -- Licensed mechanic on abe and 'ieather-covered chairs, excel page see _ can train at ite ie tees a Stenog- '. ee rner Bond en ivision 6 iu lent condition. 725-4694, usiness, equi . Rent on rapher ia ten weeks. Free lesson, Write BAL ect, Ad ly a Mtonon, 7: A specialty. New" work. and. repairs | MORTGAGE oe _728- 5143 e oe e Equipment 843, King West 728-9429 VOLKSWAGEN PARTS, excellent shepe.| $70. a be in ane heoted, Sea-te07, Caeser Syetumae 008 heeth Centre Sirs ice gra ama) Lar Coatrocion, RA Teen, INVESTORS ee as s | FALL CRUISER _ \WALNUT BOUMLE" DRMMIER Wiki | Pt $3,500. with" terms. | Street, Whitby, Ont. ON, Faia. : NEW PLASTERING and repairs, yee Units of participation ovail | TELEVISION - RADIO [arate sot enenehe All i pcos conael| 9--Market "Basket | seh Oe peyton or dey wee ly. Wuamane re-mode!!ing, rec-rooms. Free ; phe | 24 HOUR SERVICE I] R bia: Talaphone Paneens. | Ser UPR | JACK APPLEBY | 723-3538, : stimates, A. C. Woods, 728-3420 or} able in first and second mort- | | ton. Reasonable. Telephone 60) |CARROTS $1 per bushel. Pumpkins, 25 renin ac bikbubicii Classified Rates | 728-4717 : goge funds CLEARANCE PIANO -- Upright, reconditioned, 51"'\cents each, Walter Huron Farm, half BABYSITTER required, five days week ET is Eee Teac Uh Divataitiention pases s ' high. $195 delivered. Telephone 942-5547, mile west of Oshawa on 40? North Service) 728-5123 --- 723-3398 |!y- Cedardele area. One school-age child, RD ADS types of cement work. Frank MoCenn Fee ich viel ie Of Georgian Steel and-Chris- | Brougham. after 6 p.m Road Jone pre-schooler. Telephone 723-5567. hedge 1 2 18 | one oe ereennn Seer! fa BE A aca ag aa craft factory . demonstrator REFRIGERATOR? wo ment NO. 1 WINTER POTATO; 75-ib. Me- |LADY required fo assist mother of smail Cash--} Insertion ot A words s ti sR dic a = 3! appreciatior i ee 38 srge ised eral Electric ating | Intost pies 1 r home B O L A lH O O D family with genera! housework, $60. per ies wearin or wees $288 |and remodelling; chitieg new ane ee CENTRAL ELECTRONICS ala inn ot enuieerk a ' satisfactorily. Priced 10 sell" Call 623-2482. 'delivery. Ca |month, plus board and furnished base tdditional words '2c each, 6 con |paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs heesaetietighe W ' TWO Jd-gallon boilers with covers and|SPANISH ONIONS, field $2 per B R O11 H E R S Brent ae nner Uaeeene reer 'ecutive Insertions of 24 words $422, Whitby 668-2774, Gord May wait uae : i bud hbeg ; " vei a heating elements; also chemical closet, (bushel. Br fg containers ymann, WOMAN In good health to care for elder- adit! words 8c each r 7 O O pr v rade with five years tc nearly new. Apply evenings Mary 'halt mile east' (pa Garage ly man In exchange for room and board additional - eek actors Ne biatbagi ita NTARI eat Telephone evenings Street turn-north to first co LIMITED in beautiful respectable home. For Infor- Seeree a not pel aiitin "8 deve, /fee. Terrano Paving, 723-8841 TRUST and SAVINGS Whitb 668 5679 4852 LARGE BABY CRIB -- good condition, (WINTER cabbage; Spanish end cooking jmation telephone 723-907 oe fa less thon hi [AA CARPENTRY, bic and cement AIT OY! _ }$15.; modern. sofa' and chair, good con-/onions. Wm. Sack, Thornton Rd. S$, First! {GIRL for: evening work. nt post: Biren as on 3h wortar eoch word, |work. New or remodelling, Special tal CORPORATION Perens Bord Mari struction (chesterfield needs recovering), farm south, Hydro sub-station (west side.) | YOUR OWN \tlon, Apply in person to Scott's chicken i as 1 south. initial, figure or counts |prices. Call Tony 725-4953, OSHAWA 723-5221 FALL SEASON SOON order arine |$15. Telephone 728-7626. |ROASTING 'chickens, orders taken for! BUSINESS | ile Ze SNCe RO as ome words phone number counts | BOWMANVILLE 623-2527 . . | RANGE, GE, 24", large oven, purchased|freezer, 4 Ibs, $1.35; 3 Ibs. $1.15. Free DOES A "BEAUTY COUNSELOR" cail we words. [YOUR LOCAL CHiMNaY Nae Bhim é TV CHECK-UP NOW | Distributors Ltd. fast April, condition brand new. Tele-|delivery on 10 or more. 728-5291. | jon, you? We may need someone in your Be ceva [Installed roofs repaired. Free estimates. | MORTGAGE 7 qualified servicemen CHIPPEWA, ONTARIO tsalad i badaoads ' |APPLES FOR SALE -- Mac's, Court-| Small investment, oge no |2ree_of call for products, 723-9349 m= |773-299 'Gh Wenrean Canin ha le RANGE "Moffat", 30-inch electric, $85;/ lands, Snows, Spys, Secors, $2. per bushel| barrier, full training and RELIABLE middle-aged lady to care for SOCIAL NOTIC! alle AL sibines hl 7 R | 12 cu. ft. refrigerator, $65. Good condi- and up. MayBelle Orchards, 2 miles ' |two children, five-day week, Wilson-Ade- 2.00 per insertion with 25 cents ad (bulit, repaired as, pd LOANS ' <1 ' HE orem eter: Telephone Alek tion, Coll. rea7eas north of Whitby on No. 12 Highway, know-how provided by parent - |iaide area. Telephone 728-9070 after 4 ditional charges if not paid within 8) Workmanship guar} Leh E.R. French,, Money for first mortgages TELEVISION WEDDING DRESS, size 12, white, rhine- | company, exclusive distribu- | P.m._ seve. 723-6991. Open Mortgages 728-5143 Box A aii 4 Ae ee at Lip dtl oo stone headplece, both full length. Origin 10--Farmer's Column tion area. Write for further ly -Male Help Wantec ean, . - bd al price $135; selling $50. Telephone 773 f t t { 8-- ted {N MEMORIAMS iD . % Interest at 7% Telephone 942 206 6190 aft HAVE STALLS for approximately seven INFOrmation to bala se entistry 0 etter 6 head of catti TT di Bes $2.00 for the first 35 words and webs! ASV No Bonus SHOTGUN, 16 gauge, single shot. $10. 397" KE {rene of CAttiay Wilting. to Go- eNotes, feed : _ a NMORE range, five years old.|not supplied. Rossland Road, Telephi Sass tps samiiioat eharae' © rat pe cI "I feng 4 Kang shoe eat" oat!) No Charge for Valuations FAST T.V. SERVICE Telephone 728- Between 1 and 5.30, telephone 725-7206. | 668-2194 ¥ ies MR. COLSON YOUNG MAN within ¢ days. |For appointment, 728-5171 '| Mortgages and Agreements Service Call only $2.50 CABIN CRUISER Tae nete Ae Evin: | CRYSTAL ~~ chandelier, "two cutglass|30 GRADE calfie, Holstein, some Charole suite 3 "WANTED CARDS OF THANKS |SIALEK, © DR. &. P. Dental Surgeon, Patchy des DOMINION | ville 623-7222 | Eronet: coatee Mabe carristts 1 sierials,| geese, ducks, police pups. 668-2067, 7 - % 34 BERWICIC AVE | i 4 : } ey for Second Mortgages : $2.00 for the fret 35 words and. | appointment, 78S or Ren. Ta¥Ad. a fant hervies, ay TELEVISION | Wt UTROARE TSTOR Mare Vis Mee | eee lara gm Soc ta Hore was in approximate age group 21 g | Cur' " rownle outfit, size small, winter ford heifer calf (6 mos,). 655-4662 we| J cherge If not pald within 8 deys. Dressmaking M. F SWARTZ 1728.5154 9, 9 19) 00d condition. Reasonable. Telephone | clothing; boy's dress sports jacket, size|nings, weekends. to 30 to handle various cleri- COMING EVENTS 26% King St. East " 'a.m. to? p.m, | 725-7437, }12, Cub shorts, 'all in excellent condition. | Gaye STALLS tor -aporaaincatayyeren |RASTAURANT Goch Geeta al cal duties within our Soles DRESSMAKING -- Ali kinds of ladies'| /2 ing St as! rae us Spi ---------ew=| Apply 664 Shakespeare _Avenue. » @ining- 32.0. per Inch (display) $1.90 for the |wear. High quality work. Call Agnes'! Oshawa, Ontario All_work guaranteed 7--Swap and Barter head of cattle, willing to do chores, feed|/room and counter, with equipment, seven Department, Must have good rat 20 words and Sc each thereafter. |Dressmaking, 68-0463 5 A PIANO, | upright white enamel wood supplied. Rossiand Road. Telephone 668-/rooms upstairs, can be used for two| educational qualifications, ap- (Word Ade) |DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, _723-4697. ar AERIALS T/SOLGRED BATH sets, mree-piece, $75.:| machine. Phone fusasra' net ewinG 2194 japartments or boarders. Telephone. 728-/ pearance and the ability te alterations, slip cove: 4 Fitti os 1 ie bar kitchen. sinks; medicine, shower, and -- nc rec DEAD and crippied farm stock picked | work ickl nd tel AUCTION SALES is flog i Bk sa ce Ing. a fe) RON S TY Ojkitchen cabinets; pressure systems RESTAUR EQUIPMENT -- cash|up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone.| RESTAURANT well established on busy en, Se ee (2.10 PER INCH INSERTION (AE Ei ut Bua tdi dlnd Llane SUMMERLAND : ; sump pumps; laundry tubs, $15.95; pip-|register, meat slicer, pop cooler, fryer, Telephone Collect' Hampton, 263-2721. highway, Oshawa area, living quarters,| Sa/ary, usual fringe benefits SONAL STYLING -- for SECURITIES W_ 12 Years' Experience Wing. _fitt ngs; automatic washers and/stools, booths, etc. Nestietan 986-4200 Licence 389-C gift counter. $15,000 down. For particulars} and good possibilities for ad- DEADLINES a women! Dress aking, alteration 1125 ee haa All Work Guaranteed dryers; boilers, rad ators H..Chinn, Hill: USED furniture, appliances, sporting earene Seamed |write Box 917 Oshawa Times. vancement. Write giving full WORD Abs np © specialty. 728-1823 for appoint Pe Sots E 723 7521 E|side and Perk South, 729-7088. goods. Bought, sold. Best prices! Valley 11---Pets and Livestock Empl t Wonted details of your experience i p.m. DAY PREVIOUS shawa, Ontario - - ~ ~|Creek, 16 Bond. West, 728-4401. ---- 15--Em men ; 4 . . -- Have your children's dolls, R Ron BRIGHTLING R|8--Articles for Sale Sa BOTT SA RAT GE ee pas either jee Ta dad ach _ which we will hold strictly 3 A Pde Soom. aay of puoleation srnned for, Chceman Aer aud Mortgage Money > 9 AM. --9 P.M Tree ee SAYINGS, You Dave. ine Civile SADDLE HORESS raaraio|enlid er. bast a Beivate home, hens pape eee es said : treats A ib ROR ANGE Bact rading Post Store, 334 Simcoe Street " phone calls please. BIRTHS AND DEATHS Tieaioa. it aun eee tg hie wen iy oe TENTS tyeuwarren lpalaing very. reescnobe, fri ac |" ard : a peice S aay ot publication Aiterations, In own heme. Mrs. Alise Ven mw. Hibanest TV SERVICE TYPEWRITERS, "adding "machines and e432 foe salidran ve oy rane} ot Keliogten, nd time clocks, new and rebuilt. One year 4 'CLASSIFIED DISP MARY MAXIM sweaters knit to order Member Ontorio DAY OR EVENING Heavy waterproofed = drill, guarantee. Outstanding good buys. Jen oe eeAnORD ges "Bar-L_ Ranch, |her home, After 5 p.m. 723-9004, THE PEDLAR PEOPLE LIMITED 1 column -- 4 p.m. di y arava 2). also punchwork cushions or smocked Mortgage Brokers Assoéciatior sewn-in floor, rear window (kins Business Machine Sales and Ser-\Garrard Road North. Modern Cae DAY. CARE for pre-school children. Baby; Oshawa, Ontario. umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous PRIVATE AND CORPORATE , 728-5286 with storm flap, dutch door - |Vice-_72-7783, Open evenings, alt Baal heal Psess & me ers tg |welcome. Telephone 723-5904, -------- nee smumnstetap monies for sped 1 " Gi 4 rr CANCELLATIONS AND end 'Su fi aif--mortgages: Mortgages and --agree- with-ewning. TYPEWRITER standard, ~ $35; portable, | 725. 4394 : aoe s ae | WOMAN wishes Gay work, eS or sen CORRECTIONS PP ments of sale purchased. Creighton OSHAWA oP $39.95 U $20; "adding machine, $257 einétric tyEe|s+-- BERNARD pups, re re iy creaning, central. Telephone 728-9267. 74 ni re ( of 7 3 nr . $ AM. DAY OF PUBLICATION Ss |Drynan, Murdoch and Victor (See "Bar om : p jyiriter, 3 weenie cash register. Item-| ced. Telephone -66e-235 [sxBySIrTING. par howe aay poe BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- 9 3 : - FIRST AND SECOND 'morigege. Sale ELECTRONICS STUDENT'S TYPEWRITERS, new and/1OY Seto blige veh eld males | view. Mrs. Luck 668-3866, FOR _Sale dceuquciiiaientindiniaciimeiacs ed) cash reg dd hi . While every endeavor will pe made BULB TIME ae reanice' bartiatein, St king 'tireat city 'TV, TOWHRS, anterinas, also re BICYCLES $35. up. "Machines. guarahieed.< ex pert | 728-9867. _ | WOMAN to pring enidren ta Jouehone L | B ildi 01 d repiles to box numbers to pea 7 " airs. All work guaran ga 1) Dean service, Oshawa Business Machines, Oe BELGIAN Shepherd 2. ree the advertiers. as soon as possible TULIPS TOP SIZE pet edi Avenue Telephone. 725- Standacd: tantarek. inetude : aca. tees Shepherd pups and a grown | Rants RS ssi ee . ing we "accept, no OH ity or yy S Musical 5 : h rd. Perry Coast eee ,. | Part-Spaniels, $10. Selling out, 668-2067. WILL GIVE day care te child in my i loss or damage es to arise usical services em engin. guord, rerry Soaster --|4 ! ypewriters, cash- - u irm Patich ote rilre eh asay inter | HYACINTHS cada Well Drilling- Digging brakes and silver" brazed" |{ers;~ duplicators,--chequewlters,-¢14-e4,| BEAUTIFUL baby budgles, ready for ishane Wh toy cers ene eee Or] Pply See cies cr choos. | DAFF Ss IANO tuning and repairing anywhere WELL DIGGING By machine speclaTaing| frames. ond. fork desks, chairs, We buy, sell, rent, service training, talking strain, Apply Mrs, T. ss : i gether. by negligence or otherwise AAFFODILS 1 Ontario. All work guaranteed. 17 inch With aor Ett nem ONS Torn, and trade, with budget terms. New and|Broad, 114 Elgin East t home: gt evePhone for for! @ Must 'be experienced The Times will not be responsible tor NARCISSUS few. Brougham after 6 P.M. street West, Whilby. Gsb2ses or see nes From $34.95 Up used. Low, low prices, Bill Hamilton. BOODLE PUPPIES, small miniature ee ese ke a beta CROCUS VERSATILE four-piece combo available 1--Women' s Column oi Bananas -- Landscapes, portraits, liven tresding. how auailty, $90. and Up up. loose and enies asi oclod ae © Full employee benefits REGULATIONS SNOWDROPS tor weddings, dances, banquets, et im LAWN M figure work, custom picture framing.|Telephone 725-6473 | phone 723-1034 | Apply stati la The Oshewa..Times wilt net ve re elephone 7 PERMANENTS: A special. (P Haire! Clark Studio, evenings and weekends, | go5y sei TT eee mao | pply stating age, salary ex- sponsible for errors in advertise IRIS a Te EOSTING, 296 ine avenue noe " of : 668-4497, 325 Brock 'North, Whitby. pelh pidge ane ae He's wave |17_--Femele Help Wented __ pected, experience, education ments submitted otherwise than In| GRAPE HYACINTHS Optometrist Westmount. Telephone 725.5363 Cight, dependable and power- |SKATE EXCHANGE -- New and used|man Shepherds, registered; cupples;| | end full particulers to writing not for more than one inser- F. RICHARD BLACK, OD. 1% S$ y ful, Adjustable cutting height | skates. Sold, exchanged. Expert sharpen-jboarding. Ashburn 655-4662 evenings. yond. the 'price charge tor a. ingle BIRD FEEDERS Street North, Sulfe 6, Oshawa, Telepnone|2--Personal from 1" to 3". Chrome plat- _|lnd- Cycle Centre, 204 Bond East, 725-644. Gip-veaR-oLD Samoyed. Wonderfil| $60 A WEEK i " t hich eceur: 723-4191 " { d ACCORDION for sale. Fully equ! pped. | pet for children. Teleph 72- 4952, ere is WILD BIRD MIX - reasoner -- Raindial et Mussel h ed handle |For details and demonstration, telephoni ¢ ive AWAY s 5 pane ---- | FOR 15 HOURS | BOX 545 bi Rie ag avert mo ace rat c's | SUNFLOWER SEED P g and Decorating Marie Murduft will be gu From $39.95 Up fee pal cell daveitcel latte South for farm. Also two Rig three | 2 Ladies with cars to service | OSHAWA TIMES to classi advertising according racer : : U eae ae ipecie ths ol } lebl j bac Its proper classification. ° PAINTING AND Oshawa Oct. 18th, 19th, and TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 4 1 jmonths old. Box trained. Telephone 72+! -- existing Fuller Brush routes in| ? ae carne | SHAW AINTING ANO | 20 "bron 'Senate! DOMINION Ee een pee rar sa Rar a| Sewer ene! | NED Th, "Timea wis Hod fi held respon. e INTERIOR and EXTERIOR on des dates for appoint-. plete, installed, tax included, guarenteed Phone 623-22 ioral rast sal 31 25 at pace *h ni RIOR rien | ae isl ota occusies, The bub. - : V : : one year, $50. See all towers at TRIO' ADORABLE part-Spaniel "puppies | for sale + 4 ishérs eadeaver to reproduce ai) 66 ooper- mit oO. Broadloom, Custom Draperies ELECTROLYSIS Television, corner Bond snd Division,/$10 each. Belgian and German Shepherd; in 20 hours! If you do not ' vertising matter correctly, but assume 16 CELINA ST FREE ESTIMATES 723-464) sangts? CLOVE ery ry Pag oie tae sone aitehe| believe it give it a:try on For pick-up no fiabillty" of advertisement if oS , . us a if YER, bunk our nse! For i i | naccuracies in any form are cont 723-1139 723-2312 DODD & SOUTER AUTOS DELIVERED anywhere, Canada 145 King St. beds with mattresses, wainut china cabi- Kuladal voged SHEPHERD dog, black and = aa cabled olgiliacae } id d li therein Serene -= 668-5862 Florida, California, Bonded drivers. To- Telephone 725-6511 notte, Please call after $ o'clock. 72-| an, Six, months old. Also two white rab- | call an elivery , prtmentersemcnttemenetneeroronee 'onto Drive-Away Service, 5385 Yonge 2 x RR ts. Call after 4, 725-7489. } Any advertisement cancelled _ betore FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS CROSS TOWN" Painting 800, 'decorating. | Street, 225-7754 [PLASTIC seat covers, $5; outside clothes |22" HEAVY DUTY range, fourburner, POODLE, brown female, charming | pet Fuller Brush © Must be fomilier with eity datas will be charged one day's toad. Fras sailnaien, Biel 7am 9098 |CADY would like ride Whitby to Oshawe fine, $5; lady's woo! plaid jacket and! good working order, $40" reltetone 723-' Reasonable Whitby 668-6105, , ; S @) D PAINTING AND DECORATING. Exterior or{lvin9, at approximately 8.30 a.m. Tele- Pigg beat pe hgh gBaciy grey| area = HORSES BOARDED -- Box in, $20, ergy * Guerentesd salery with irs SASY TO PLACE A Se Rarer ates Nn. een e ernie phone Whitby -G4ra203, ater $30 p.m. . 1eie pon, Jue Si OR mas Bey | eRe nOUSE retrigerator, $35. "Tele-| monthly, Phone 263-2303 PHONE 728-4922 Incentive Bonus TIMES ACTION WANT AD d Delivered 623-2583 TRAVELLING ALONE? Join one of OUrlmERRIGERATORS, S0495) beday S17, eee eto Pm Whitby 668-2338 HOUND PUPS -- eight weeks old, from ¥ L nd iver aise _-- ps 5 tours. Hower . ; 1 $12; . Call Classifiee Direct te Hide heli ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, |Bureeu Lid ales, gunesoo Travel new smooth top mattresses, $24.95; cribs, BABY CARRIAGE, Gendron, powder| purebred Biuetick and black and tan, OR WRITE epply in person 7 92 Ceda ledges, Patios Laid inew end used maverials. Reasonable ureau x r }$10.95; new crib mattresses, $9.95; stoves, blue? also car seat, in, good condition, /$10, and $15.; Bluetick females, hunted ey La 23-34 and Delivered rates. Estimates tree, 722-1191, |. Foley RIDE WANTED to Toronto, vicinity Dan-$24.95; televisions, $49.95; space savers, ee $25, Telephone 455-4556, ore years on siete fen 393 King FULLER BRUSH sib CALL ae orth and Victoria Park, arriving 8.30 to|$54.95; dressers, chrome sets, radios and|FLOOR COVERING CLEARANCE of dis Street East. Call 728-6 "MAP F piles. shea sae Be pg stark 9 a.m. Call 725-9335 after 5 p.rr jguns, new and used. Valley Creek, 16/continued patterns, ail slashed in price|GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, four left, ~ Oe OW A. 96 GLEN st _ INDEX TO LE LEA Lids Plumbina: Healing end eroinberine F - {Bond Street Wes a from 27¢ per foot. Wilson's Furniture, 20/ three males and one female, seven weeks! { Land 9 and eGrden Service 23 Simcoe Street Sout! '3--Sportsman's Column VACUUM repairs, all__makes, hoses, Church Street, Oshawa old, purebreds, no papers, 'i Stenographer CLASSIFICATIONS Q vice DEER HUNTING pee a ag brushes, etc Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213.\0AK OFFICE DESK, nearly new, 60" x 4920 or Newcastle 987-4992 after 4. g p CLEANERS 725-06) a CITY-WIDE COVERAGE sng at 08 sect guise. ammunition Bes rine |Eieming . Vacuum Service, Main Street,|34", Price $75.. Telephone. 722-2064 - e Required for wormen's Column eset Metis hae Te Led Bd "Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West Tisxerine Hane |HOCKEY equipment, one complete sei, 13--Articles for Rent LAW OFFICE | Oshawa Shopping Centre --Personal rah nh By ' FURNITURE -- three rcoms, new qual -- ! 'Ssorroman's Column GUARANTEED CEDAR TR with a courted DEER aoe wanted November ® toiity furniture, only. #209... inc. complateltwice, Also twe pele er waxing glen Tob! L Dish Short-hand and $--Trallers AY ; 4 ' bag 'Ne |bedroom, living room, kitchen ensembles. 668-6186 after 5 p.m. 3 bles, Chairs, Linens, Dish- Marine Equipment ND O Rug-Upholstery Service 668-3226 Day only $3. wkly. | Urbeat uel : ; Cutler . C j J--Swap and Barter 2 ETC ES ec y DEER HUNTERS WANTED Pater-(Barons' "Home 'Furnieningss 424. Simcoe|NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re fs) "Ulery Slo ee Cotten dictating machine HORSE RANCH &--Articies for Sale TIMATES, QUANTITY borough 'district, heated cabins, meals {Sout pairs to all makes. New hoses. Phone) Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal transcription essential PORT PERRY AREA _-- t - at nr ¢ red r t d t » 728-1 'er > it Ff ocearmerk Cone POSTS AND POLES OSHAWA a aA ecg rot a second week GIRLS brown Orion pile coat, size ® etna Bot yen, OG Fornatt bohiedte Good wages. Replies held in 5 cae and Uivantoek SMITH S rae feta CLEANERS y ome for, reseryerion |Reasonable. Telephone 725-3491 pis bola eg ne ised furniture Fox. Furs. Mink Stole confidence. Write to | Married Couple a Nasieens : DEER HUNTER WANTED, wit nds, | . 's Furniture, 215 | ame Sere ewtonvilie Collec ee UNTER WANTED Wt BOE AUWM REDE, ret. map, wan wg lta PA Hn tl SARGEANT'S. RENTALS OX 7.44 WANTED [4--Business Opportunities 786 2283 Rug ar fone ating. Algonquin Park. area. Telephone! wit Fomnplete. Good condl-/ MOVING TO APARTMENT! bed-chester < 598 HA | Iscemmployment Wanted a AG ict . : 1-48 tlor easonable. Telephone 725-3806 fleld, In good condition; walnut nine 463 Ritson Rd. 725-3338 MAN----C ie--Agents. Wanted hi 1 -YOUC sige MUTE Che eC $2557 one @ E|AIR COMPRESSOR with 2 HP motor, |plece dining room suite, excellent condi-| WHEEL CHAIRS, hospinal bed walkers SRST Rana na Nea ~Care of horses, gener- BLUE SOD $8 ADBW B50 Owen Avan Single 'cytinder 39'gaiton-tank.-Bowman-|tidn; chrome kitchen set__and _chairs!redycing machines, sick room' supplies DINING LOUNGE al farm repairs, no heavy f GRA CALL 725 996 ariager mesg card : (like 'new); Moffat range, Three | Aid Rentals, 105--Sestrice, 725-1444 farming, car necessary ia Sstete for, $0 Te Che 8 = 94 BRUCE ET vee i econd. week 'hunting $0. ie Hat Taieetooe Tas, bah aa sik anh lites rue ral bichon Serhan F i. to-one-hundred Woit R ? WIFE---General housekeep- da--Summer 4 e quart aliburt area 1 Wayne " : ' ca ts Viki cloth almost (Pe t Oshawa Tenr b for bi ts, aitresses Kequiré ng. Room and board, Excel- " All Gree Nurser "SO binge ee ee . c 386 BOY'S THREE-PIECE wool tweed win TANGA araalioe' Ween 2 aS fers a rs Geilvarsariaas "Pooh lent salary with nen og won aiaie we srowers, T ne r ries. © tian ter coat set, color bive, size 3 $6. Baby | 4514 t Kitchen, parking. Reasonable APPLY . | ' t -- ea) Estate Wanied ile N ny J re a Bunting suit ve ny convertible to ates, 728-631 none collect everrings, To 4-Stores, Offices and Storage site HR ech ' e ered 4 snow sult, fits 0 yaars, $1.50. Good TY TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower! - MR. WIEDER atts 447 149 7 cmMouses for Rer OSHAWA 725-9674 Up-|FOR SALE -- 4 HP cury, electric, condition. Apply 350 Baldwin Street Structure all-channel antennae instailed,'CHAIRS, card and banquet tabi onto -1494, Days 757 ie--Apartments tor TREE TO TRIM Si Bin Orca ue, 'generat ont Asking $250.|4wo CONTINENTAL beds, with "mal he $50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited ales runneis. ee Féx Rer GENOSHA - HOTEL 3291, Mrs. Metcalfe. Week- than: Gown: Sree estimate ite oe Telephone 725-1526 ing: WeaMUbbedE. While Une ey |BUY ANO SELL -- Good used furniture! oe Street North. Cal RHLIABLE arc * ends Port Perry 985-2200 17-0610. CHESTERFIELDS and r@-/17-FOOT GOLDEN F re hast of Yoh and appliances. One locatinn only. Prett LE person to care for two chil Seibert Disa Sereno oe z [cover the raw Got hi OT GOLDEN FALCON trailer, seit |goubie chest of draw cet fiateee i lng Roge ill AR Va dren, one school-age; &30 to 4.15°. five-| 30--Automoblies for Sale NURSERY and field sod. Promp! de at Modern Upholsier - ais ras. Telephone 725-1035) Tetenhone 668-6735 afte ae ' : oe ; day week. Oshawa Boulevard - Evlalie/ C| "aH 3}--Compact Cars tor Sale very and free estimates. Telephone| South' Call preaany ton € SKI-00 SNOWMOBILE -- Saies and peg ogy Sg AD Taree Wore RESULTS area, After 4.30, call 728-9384. -!ass e » @venings 728-0875 AL -- house * x " United Rent-A 352. W n | O10~ ty . p.m. R ern gy ger" anes el sade ~.. CHESTERFIELDS re-up al cote '| Wlison' Road South tat Olive). r2---sene" (at. 203 Albert St Use BABYSITTER required for" three "pre. | MEC HANIC GcAutornebite tepalr ' RE, wel otted, $4. per yard; top styled ox WASHING MACHINE, S$i5.; chesterfield, SUEDE COAT a rare ~ ¢ choolers? afternodéns to 5; Shopping Soll, $2.25 per yar fh Fe ) ry «length, size IMES Centre area; $10 weekly. Trar " perp ys oo per yard. Delivery charge on for' rec : sla coh Nab y.. Transporta Absly sa Bans At pel two-yard order's of top soll. . 725-0697 Charies e 2 : amp. Te e lephone 728-9525 14s slao, carme tu tm wool coat, siz@) Claccitied ; tlon provided. Telephone 728-4136, morn- PPly in Person 37---Auctions ARMSTRONG $0D AND LOAM. Nursery CANVAS awnings, " er" . ee ni atti re Mena al ' il al Sve 8 is . 3--Coming Events sed, Gravel, Stone and too soll Telmione corsa ee canopies. 'TENT TRAILER sleeps four; o discounts t sacrificing |FREE! Frunaces cleaned, adjusted free} ACTION ADS EXPERIENCED waitress P| 988 King St., East -Netces 5 725-5as4, ate | Mattresse pare whee nor «@ 4 King Street Oshawa.' Guaranteed trouble free all winter if you » r) Rotunda Restaurant, 16 si hig treat Jelinek, 728-1993 anyt [Telephone Brookiin 455-2889 purchase from Western Oj} Co. 725-1212 | 723-3492 East.¢Oshawa. g MEADE' S SUNOCO | combatant enero hoot: ne ' Pret se

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