~~ House of Windsor Chapter sister Kathy, stole the show and) -- ea hit Fashion| were applauded loudly. Henry Street High School under ag ase reg ai ing a igen Fa combine blouse) a lsweaters and matching knee) "ee boa i me a ded) stockings in various colors, also} Neue eines aie Sean Were Some very attractive sports- nicely decorated with fall leaves| Weal : a0 | and blue grapes, done pby| During intermission many Walker store, Oshawa shopping Prizes were drawn by Viscount centre, who also supplied all Greenwood Chapter IODE Re- gent Mrs. R, G. Langford, also garments. | House of Windsor Regent, Mrs.|homemade candy was sold. John Davies introduced the|Money raised from this social | commentator for the evening, jevent will be utilized for student! Mrs. Murray Detlor. Soft ap-| bursaries, school libraries and) propriate piano se lections were other worthwhile projects. played by Mrs. Douglas Wil-| The ladies performing as liams. models were all House of Wind- The show started with thejsor Chapter IODE members. lvery young, all children of the|They displayed dressing gowns, Chapter's members, they were/daytime dresses, costumes and lthe first to face the runway,|warm winter coats. lspotlights and anticipating audi-| Models were: Mrs. John Har-} jence, The teen-age models paraded show- IODE's Fashion Show' Draws 400 At School evening --4*!Following the very young,/' only male model,|vie, Mrs. Clarence Freek, Dr.|piano selections played by Mrs. | \Jimmy Harvie, with his twin|Dwaine Clements, Mrs. Graham|Fred Hatch. y Lawson, Mrs. John Wall, Mrs. Victor_Ryland, Mrs. Walter] Weir, Mrs. Jack~Morgan, 'Mrs: Stuart Roblin, Mrs. Glenn Saw-| yer. Teen models: Miss Pauline) Howe, Miss Becky Ryland, Miss) Nancy Lawson, Miss Pamela) Detlor. Children models; Susan! Davies, Karen Lawson, Allison Weir, Janice Beadle, Kathy) Harvie, Adrienne Clements,| WHITBY BOWLING | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 15, 1965 § REPRESENT CANADA MONTREAL (CP) -- Four jcyclists, three from Montreal (Wednesday) | Triples 620 and Over: Geo. Childs 771 aad one Sem, Coley Se (31-31-20); Les Reed 716 (254239-223);|Tepresent Canada in the Tour is 714 (271-254); Bill Henderson i - i Ai (ES) Richard tensors Soe OOS ee ee 224); Cam Savvin asi (270-223); Harry|Mexico City. Pierre Dandre, stavern 271}; Gord Platt } ini 1756-746); Bob wes AW (997); ote pominico Mio and, Mareal Moore 625 (244); Ciarance Moore 625|=*°* -of-Montreal_-and-Gary---De= (224); Bill Phillips 635. jJont of Calgary will make up Don 'Lintner. 2737 Kian Acciem sey Bi; Canada's amateur team that Ken Hutchinson 250; €a|Will cover the 1,812-mile tour, Roy Vallant 237; j -- -- al WHITBY AND DISTRICT N'S LEAGU Sibeon 259; Edwards 254; Chas; ---- Snelgrove 234-221; Andy Vanderende 231;| joe Coppolino 231; Bill Vesters 228; Jim|9 Bathurst 8 Drew's 8: J. B. Mullan ci in 227; Bill Gough 224-221. Real Estate 8; Whitby Police Assoc, 7; sane Standings: Whitby Hotel 13;|Joe's Barber Shop 7; Whitby Barber Shop _ ers 10; Sam's Barber Shop 10;|6; Mitton Machinery 5; Spruce Villa ers 10; A and T Motors 10; Andrew's|Hotel 4; Lewis Custom Tailors 2. Jimmy Harvie, Dale Vickery, Karen Freek and Kathy Hicks.| Make-up was done by Mrs.| Herb Wright, assisted by Mrs.| Robert Attersley and Mrs. G.| Hooker, hair style compliments | of Mrs. Hughes of Beauty Clinic. | Regent Mrs. John Davies,| Henry st., entertained at ber) residence all participating when dainty. refreshments -- were) served, Pouring tea were Mrs.| R. G. Langford and Mrs, Clar-| ence Freek. All present enjoyed Sinclair Home-School Starts Fall Season | POLICE AND FIREMEN ASSIST RETARDED CHILDREN'S FUND The Whitby Police De- The funds, obtained through photo are principals in- me local association; Det. joi - volved in the cheque pres- Sgt. Garry Robinson, Whit! ' ; partment and Volunteer joint department BpOneOr cntatlell left to ar B. Police Deparment: 3 bread | Sinclair Home and School As-| Mrs. Reginald Green received Fire Department teamed ship of a benefit hockey eaux president . of th tin, Whitby Fire Depart. |Sociation held its first meeting| word from the school board that up Oct. 5 in a cheque pres- night, will be used in the local association: W. G. saehi: Cpl. E. C. Sheppard- lof the fall season at the school|the school will receive 50 chairs entation to the Ajax- construction of a Young Berensen, Ontario Associa- son, Whitby Police Depart- auditorium Oct. 12. Mrs. G. W./for the auditorium. : Bryant welcomed all present. Kindergarten Grade 1 parents tion for Mentally Retarded; ment. Adult Workshop on Charles P. Robertson, treasurer for Pickering - Whitby Associa- st., Whitby. In the above tion for Retarded Children. The objects of Home andjwere asked to introduce them- -- _|School were read. A letter of|selves and give the names .of bie _ |resignation from the President,|their children. mitted to expand in area. This mrs/ Archie Campbell was read) Mrs. Bryant introduced the action can assure the develop-|by 'Secretary, Mrs. William)guest speaker for the evening, meni-of a dense, compact, effi-|Grylls. The resignation was ac-|Mrs. Carl Creamer, President of j/cepted with regrets. |Oshawa Home and School Coun-; * Field day report was read by/cil, who gave a very interesting) ? Mrs. Reginald Green, Members/and enlightening talk on "Why)| will or jof the executive were introduced|should parents attend Home and! --Horton Studio SURVEY OF WHITBY Central Business Area, cient and, convenient centra commercial area. In turn, the 'frame' School Meetings?"'. She was thanked by Mrs: Ronald Greer. | A notice of motion was given| by the President that the price of membership will be raised at the. Nov. 9 meeting. A guest speaker has been invited for this meeting. The topic will be 'Fire Prevention". A number of men will be attending and will show fire equipment. Future meetings will be held in November, January, Febru- ary, and the annual meeting in April. The door prize for lady was won by Mrs. Saunders and for man by R. Pardon. At the close of the meeting parents made a tour of the school. Lunch was served by executive members. should, be allowed to expand|by newly-elected President Mrs.|5 jboth east and south when nec- gq, w, Bryant. They are as fol- essary but definitely not before|jows: the 'core' area is established. Recording secretary, Mrs, Wil- In ending this article, number jliam Grylls; corresponding sec-| chase. The students recommend 14, let us make one more strong/retary, Mrs. Reginald Green; Development Seen Vital the)of facilities and choices of pur-| Development of the Cen- jthe re-development of | tral Business District of the (central business district. Whitby Community Arena town was discussed in the ; : : F previous article, delving One important point brought|considerable expansion of both|POint, advised by the students/treasurer, Mrs. Henry Oster- into the problem in some |forward by the recent study has facilities and functions with ie ag study of the town.|pag; social convener, Mrs. Jack detail, Without a definite been quite obvious to almost\heavy emphasis on. the avail- dus ria land uses should be Hoar; finance, Mrs. Murray aaley bevaeer, tee quection levery think' ; 2h ; excluded from the central busi-|Brown; Bulletin, Mrs. Charles PU BLIC SK i IN thant he examined in: the every thinking person in the/ability of merchandise for pur-jness district fer obvious rea-\Love; publicity and _member- we town for some time, The des-\chases. This area of question, Sons. Recreatinnal uses which |ship, Mrs. Ronald Greer. proper perspective: here ' | ' Si ak : F then: ts perate need of off-street park-|i¢ vered properly, can lead contain small open area re-| Room count was won by Wil- a general policy |: "hi ; arK-|if answered properly, can lea : pe : ; s ing. This must be given first) quirements should be permitted liam Haynes, teacher of Grades or eens that students of the Univer- | ariori fetri to increased busi F i é A 4 : Tad sity of Toronto recommend. priority and must be distributed) maar id usiness and will only, bearing in mind the true|7 and 8 class. It was gratifying so as to be readily accessible Undoubtedly attract customers position of the central business|to see so many fathers in at-| WHITBY (Staff) -- Redevelop-\from the main traffic streets, {70m rn vn rd a re district within the community |tendance. ment of Whitby's central busi-/!t must also be within easy|* Aon. aa tte Part o ' structure. New Principal Haynes intro- ness district is vitally important, walking distance of the shops) et lity sh : pear dems In the next article in this|\duced his teaching staff and he, this cannot be denied. Certain|in the central business district. eticarne| aa edaitio rte the series, article number 15, welsaid in his remarks that he is) principles bp which a general) Another very important fac- ir jae tie . a He the deal primarily with the deter-|receiving excellent co-operation policy can be adopted, are nec-/or is the circulation of both Hk rea sg ais : "hat mination of area requirements.|from them, but that he does not essary. Seven basic categories|Vehicles and pedestrians in an) eo eee ne S: Savine a!/This includes commercial, re-|know the pupils well enough to efficient and separated manner.|2!0ck, Dundas and Colbourne|tai), parking area and imple-|give a report on what has been EVERY FRI. NIGHT 8.30 to 10.30 P.M. Everyone Welcome | MAGIC © There is" Compound Interest The value of our guaranteed investments increases by over 31% when interest is com- 7 pounded half yearly for five years. INVEST RECEIVE $1,000.00 $1,311.67 3811.95 5,000.00 5,000.00 6,558.35 AND 308 Dundas St. W. Whitby make up this policy. It can be agreed there will be| 1 ouiq be closely. related to the|@tteries in the future develop- topics, adjacent, proposed, multi-family} units as disappear from this particular jarea. Another point is the fact ithat only a limited amount of '| | tional floor space is absolutely multi-family units be allowed to|Storey structures. Agreeing the} a definite increase in the popula- tion of the community. In order to best serve both the new citizens as well as the older ones, or natives as it were, addi-| necessary. business district are based on the anticipated urban growth BONE OF CONTENTION and expansion up to 1985. The city of Oshawa will undoubtedly | with many citizens is the lackiment before the 'frame' is per- develo bo Proposals for expansion of the raha Alatriit. jstreets will be the main traffic mentation of The central business district) arealaccomplished by the pupils this iar. parking ment of the community. In keep- ling with this, expansion of the central business district should take place through increased) \densities in the form of multi-| these will gradually 'frame' is less dense than the 'core' area, the latter should be allowed to grow into the 'frame.' This can be carried out Another bone of contention|through more intense develop- stores in the continue to influence the busi-| a a Genied or discarded cannot be denied or discarded as utter nonsense. There will however, still be a definite need| for good commercial activities within the town. Planning for the entire town will be for the betterment of both the population or citizens as well as the commercial and businessmen. In this respect, the expansion of existing -shop- ping centres, or the develop- ment of new ones, almost goes without saying. The point is however, such development need not deteriorate or lessen the function of the commercial establishments in the central business district. ASK BYLAWS Future development of this business district should be) phased with due regard given to the financing of adjacent ex- isting land uses and to the relationship between public and private enterprise. Encouragement can be given the businessmen by wise town| elders who could pass suitable! by-laws at appropriate times to assist the business and com- mercial people in better serving the general public. Through the implementation of proper by- laws, pedestrian oriented func- tions could form a 'core' within the business district. Vehicular } form' = oriented functions could the 'frame,' the entire plan being flexiable enough to ac- commodate any unpredictable circumstances. ' In further advising along the lines of re-development of the central business district the stu- dents make strong recommen- dations for encouraging proper changes. . The approved, but as yet unbuilt, shopping centre at the corner of Dundas and Frances streets should be restricted by) by-laws, from any further ex- pansion. Development beyond the level of a community shop- ping centre will adversely affect) One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wellpaper and Murals Custom Draperies Broadloom C.LL. Paints and Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paipts DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. S., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 @ Eniertainment Nightly at 9 P.M. @ STAGE DOOR LOUNGE AND DINING LOUNGE at the | | 207 Dundas St. W., Whitby WHITBY'S FINEST NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT To See The 12.50 25.00 ROWBOATS and CANOES .....°:. RUNABOUTS ON TRAILERS up to 16' . . OUTBOARD MOTORS FREE STORAGE WITH TUNE-UP Up to 72 H.P. 8.00 Plus Parts Upto 50H.P. 20.00 Plus P Upto 20H.P. ........ 12.00 Plus Parts Over 50 H.P, 25.00 Plus Auch Up to 40 H.P. 15.00 Plus Parts Lawn Mowers--Tillers 7.50 Plus Parts STORAGE (NO) TUNE-UP i Up to20H.P. .50¢ Month--Min. 5.00 Over 20 H.P. ~~ 1.00 Month--Min. 8.00 WE ALSO STORE LAWN MOWERS --- TILLERS - TENT TRAILERS -- CABIN TRAILERS -- ETC. PHONE FOR PRICES. wel THE CROSSWINDS | Everyone's "Blasting Off" to NORTHSIDE! 'HIT PARADERS '66' | Dodge | CHRYSLER | Valiant Coronet ! pouse NOW! ALL ON DISPLAY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY by 5-Yeor/50,000 Mile Power Train Warranty 6% BANK RATE TERMS if you Qualify TOPS in POPS @ APPEARING NIGHTLY @ a ¢y CHRYSLER CANADA LTD.. Don't Miss This Entertaining Group WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES Phone. 668-3226 1415 DUNDAS fs a WHITBY, ONT MATINEE SATURDAY 3 to 5 P.M. JAMES MAHER -- MANAGER 918 BRock »B v Wi NORTUSIDE CHRYSLER DODGE WHITBY ONT