paysite pb eeaelags acre err AT LAN 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, October 16, 1965 000 hourly-rated workers on the; pay, The second and further DISCUSS BOXING committee mee opened to- UND inn GLOBE ¢ CE iret day of any illness. days of any absence due to lll HoUSTON (AP) -- A World day with dleouse of. the aot oe weeeenl tees At Keasent & neavailinegeate a ake a8 06 = Prime Minister Pearson asking| motovee who misses one day|ness are paid up to a set maxi-/Boxing As peri Bola gc ahs »mployee. who misses one day ng sociation executive ; Hes Seeks Better for an amendment to preyail hrough illness. loses a day's|mum, 2 |divisions. CFTO Offers $5000 Prize |sickteave Plan at! can ta a For T 1d Sear DONT FORGET | CTARE nAnp a . a seuetes ae iTS Pay cane == r7 wes faa Lad J = its prevailing employees gre TORONTO (CP)--A prize of/men from leaving their sta- SALES ROCKET se gp agli age 728-0192 @he Ki Koom tet f Vb ww $5,000 for cng ye i a Canadian department store) eave, EPI'S who can produce an hour-lon Ting\sales were nearly seven perl The 33,000-member associa- LOUNGE AND SENTENCED FOR BEATING) ont higher two weeks ago than|tion made public a letter it sent Continental French Buffet drama script of good calibre was announced Friday by John| TORONTO (CP) -- Se@aniin the corresponding week 0 ' Bassett, president of gtation|Thomas Noonan, 21, of sub-ljos¢ year, the bureau of statis- Os 4096.9 ' ; e R Ce Baisett, publisher of Theltenced Friday io one year Inlixg 'wo em Higher i Ontario! GEORGE MEEK PRODUCTIONS ee ee ee LOUNGE . Bassett, publisher of Thejtence: 15.6 per cent higher in Ontario, G ENOSHA HOTEL Telegram, told a press confer-|prison for beating his infant ence that entries must be writ-|son so severely that the child LOANS INCREASE PRESENTS ot the can ent aan Pmt tl) oan an invrinns, hon Tu Eaten ITBY T sree ena | iNuEsr ser tomes: Bask at. | 6 Franklyn Sheppard WHITBY HOTE A LLL LEEDS AIL LOL TIES ROLLE SE OLE EEE NGE AND prizes. QUEBEC (CP)--An inquest|amounted to $256,145,306, _u He described dis-|into the deaths of four men be- i 4 é 7 appointing the dearth of good|lieved slain by the underworld Sardis business to obtain fi- The A-Go-Go's PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT 207 Dundas St. W., Whitb Canadian scripts. It was im-|in connection with arson cases naneitig which is not available bins dis thaws & acon TWO D AYS ONLY OCT. 27 & 28 Gourd bide ik '° 7" y Ge: Ge : HMTLY ENTERTAINMENT possible to find good original|will open at the. court house from other sources. WITH TWO PERFORMANCES EACH DAY drama. Monday, the Quebec justice de- POLICE WILL EAT partment announced Friday. PHASE OUT PLANES . be TORONTO (CP) -- Enough WILL HOLD TALKS A spokesman for Canadian canned honey, cheese, bread) OTTAWA (CP)--The minister|pacific Airlines said in Mont- : N ACT UAL PERFORMANCE! and -- to oo aig eo of ye and housing for are real Friday the company will j . A, - men for two wee! w ejdad and Tobago, Mrs. Isabel|/phase its fleet of jet-prop Bris- Fi ' poppet by bod Lebrotalad booed apogee og arrive here Sun- fol Britannias out of service at He, = Through breathtaking new techniques in easures Orga ion \here/day for talks with Health Min-|the end of the year. The Britan- ie: , H and stored in ce Atations| ister Judy LaMarsh. The two cis ae only eed on one route ; 4 film making and highest fidelity sound. throughout Metropolitan Tor-|women health ministers will] qonolulu - Fiji-Auckland-Syd- onto. The food will be used if}meet Monday. ney. an emergency prevents police-/- MORE | NO AGREEMENT BP aS we e Air Canada announced Friday) ; "2 Die en er Defends U S that it will not be introducing! elves ja service to Guadeloupe of the} CLUB ESCAPE West Indies in the foréseeable| LJ future as so far no agreement On Its Effort In Viet Nam has been worked out on an ex- WHITBY ARENA change of route privileges with the French authorities. TONIGHT By STEWART MacLEOD | Mr. Diefenbaker said th oF VICTORIA (CP) -- Shouting|shipbuilding industry had tess BIG BAND. A-G0-G0 presenting Puccini's immortal against the ng etm detrimentally affected by the TURDAYS by a peace group, Conservative|Liberal government's action in ss EGRET RAN SOIER er Leader ee orga said Fri-|suspending the 35-per-cent fed- SATUR oy i age SST 3 Ed clade ch da tetediedilied Dede Ndi denids J day night that if Americanjeral subsidy. e troops withdraw from Viet Nam| conc. JERRY REIDT Follow us.....) and find the answer to the "'Goutheast Asia will fall tol tia remtore it, ded camare ond hie, orchestra comedy question of the year/ Co iy ot vnha tte West Const Had A's] JERI JAE JORDAN Se Ania Sane oe soe Ny aie ger (canadian shpbuldng induety./ ™, 6 Go crmis | TECHNICOLOR'from WARNER BROS eo ye - ores leader A Conservative government | hh aya 2 ae Le wack eg ea : ie te cklers they|/would also ensure that changes| e 'ny hy ickets now on sale at box-office were taking the easy stand)... made in the retirement! | he ll we \ alee g the com /atiowances for civil servants| J U B LEE PAVILIO up oo mi EVENINGS 6:30 P.M. $2.00 ELLIS McLINTOCK QUARTET What they suggest, he said, ee eee. Ora elias i pe ge ep | under the direction of BILLY KAY \ not be the solution for 3 ; ee Ty pie solving the problem for them Peter Sellers Peter O'Toole 5,0: Ti 135.) Music and Comedy in the years ahead." Cc AR "de Ga CA LA Several bog in at vast | RENT-A- | Romy Schneider pode -- = 7:25 - 9:30 at its Best ! armouries Mr. Diefenbaker was) :20, drowned out by the chanting of DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH | epucine Cou NTRY STYLE Commencing Monday, Oct, 18th hecklers, who identified them- $5.00 PER D AY PLUS LOW | Paula Prentiss 9 Y, A H selves as members of the Vic- ° "" MILEAGE CHARGE | 'and least but not last e Ent t t Ni hil 9 P M a based Peace Action| 725-6553 | Woody Allen : erlainmen gaily al os | The spokesman for the group/ U ei H E F @) R D if H | Matinee -- Seturday 3 p.m. te 5 p.m. was Robert Jensen, who said R se R S h former RCAF pilot} coe dedithted rien | CAR AND TRUCK REN TALS 'RESTORE SUBSIDIES' | 14 ALBERT ST. About 2,000 nersons were {n! 725-6553 . pw sos the armorie sar Mr. Di enbaker expand his previous); announced party platform by ¥ oo AN) saying that shipbuilding sub- ™ A a hae sidies would be restored and tw; ANE LPS THIS the means test eliminated for s Yi disability and blind allowances. eal / : Ja i ee SATURDAY Sy ' , \KA 4 4 Ny and guest siar Ursula Andress ' : | Thay're all together again! (for the first time!) Reassed tvs UNITED ARTISTS y [ OTH E CROS SWINDS" a i mwa BtlmonACTBave Ete aaat : pt Third Saturday TECHNICOLOR® {4 of Each Month JAMES MAHER -- MANAGER Seeeeeeeoeeeeeseeees eteeeeeseeeeseseseese He also said that firms would be given tax relief for = at the . 7 ais and "ternational bnb|? Royal Canadian Legion Hall FRIDAY Corot Joe tions. is wo encourage entre St., awe 14 mon canadian exDorts, Ded Music by the DODSWORTH ORCHESTRA ' TOBER 22nd e \ at 4 SATURDAY, OCF. 18. Tie Noni OSHAWA RECREATION | Central Hotel 9 PM. to 12 P.M, 2.00 PER COUPLE a C H A 4 M A I N E S "u CENTRE KING ST. W., OSHAWA MT f OLD RUSH "Joie de Vivre". is 55 | LIVE MUSIC nif CRUISES | i iy ' 3 y REFRESHMENTS SERVED LOUNGE and DINING LOUNGE 1965-66 | . : 1.25 Per Person j ePRASCE § THIS WEEK - AS USUAL * a 7 Ee ee eT ee Featuring: Frona and Eari Brown -- P] me occ. 71 Aveen cue "THE MORTICIANS | ; Another Affiliated Activity of Your Recreation Dept, 725-1111 from Le Havre and Southamptons. 14 days, 4 ports, From $488 (U.S), $S0c Members @ 75¢ Non-Members | i JAN, 13 Caribbean Cruise DRESS: -- Shirt and Tie : -- -- from N.Y. 12Ve days, 5 ports, From $486 (U.S.). JAN. 28 Caribbean Cruise sccsienemeoaassaecas : STARTS SUNDAY from N.Y. 1442 days, 7 ports. From $875 (U.S.). FEB. 14 Caribbean Cruise from N.Y. 16% days, 8 ports. From $623 (U.S.). 4 MARCH 5 Special Spring Crossing from N. Y. to Cannes via / Gibraltar and Naples. ' First Class from $492.50 (U.$.). Tourist Class from $280 (U.S.). Me ek ties A UNIVERSAL SCARS Inc. Production : UNVEGAL| msnannen PRANCIOSA | 7 ; Z | ' SSN from Cannes**, 16 days, 5 ports. AL B | ; = ar : oy aw rreence | BIL TODAY! «2 : | THE CHEERY-O'S an Block East of 4 Cannes-Le Havre 3 days. | canny. canna ns meer he : | wow Liverpool Road STATS AT tweti CA . ] Direct from @ tour of Los Vegas and Atlanta, Georgia. Ph: 668-2692 Connection vie 8.8. UNITES STATES BOB HOPE in "I'LL TAKE SWEDEN" (Aduit) yg Og sll Ha alc TONIGHT Added Feeture "LIFE IN DANGER" Winer SoS b+ et nite, STARTS SUNDAY! | Now... RICK NELSON in wom ON ey MEN p oe | ' : a.) 3 TOPS IN COMEDY" French fin e H| THe YEAR's GREATEST HORROR PILES UPON LOVE and KISSES « re SUSPENSE AS EVIL AL bh y -@ APPEARING NIGHTLY @ LG aS 4 ad oa SHOCKER! PLUNGES HIM INTO... 1] 2nd HIT. . . BY REQUEST SPR _ Don't Miss This Entertaining Group Pereate 1, Ont, Meat "BLOOD "THE "OPERATION PETTICOAT" 7 i pa BLACK BLACK CARY GRANT @ TONY CURTIS @ Entertainment Nighily at 9 P.M. @ BOTH IN COLOR " a ¢ MATINEE -- SATURDAY FOUR SEASONS | ue | | LACE TORMENT" | Open Nitely at 7:00 P.M. (Inc. Sundays) q Roo ; j 4 P.M, to 6 P.M. TRAVEL co n, COLOR. with In COLOR with OS COCOOOOOOCOZOCLELEE 57 King St. ©. 728-6201) CAMERON MITCHELL JOHN TURNER ics lin bs Gaia niga Toisas | EP eg COMING NEXT WEEK a ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Cortified fer your \ < "THE CROSSWINDS" T MEADOWS TRAVEL , Priel : SERVICE poors BILTMORE x9 "ruins r ELECTRICAL ADULT ENTERTAINMENT , OPEN AT THE ODEON DRIVE-INS |= aston wo ee ee > Soa rm ar seen 25 King St. E. & SUNDAY HEATERS » Oshowe Phone 723-7001 6:30 P.M PHONE 725-5833. : "THE oROU 4 : i a 1:30 PM. te crn at gry -- 2 en