Rr oo ane ane cam or? ag ape ig. oe Maa yp THE OSHAWA TiMéS, Mondey, October 18, 1968 3 s Retired Farmer, 84. Runs In Paul Martin's Riding WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Frank| Three persons turned up to Maguife, who has never before|the 84-year-old retired larenet"s Bn Be io z ry M run for public office, spent Sun-|nomination meeting Saturday |MFuULLY LICENSED see : day seeking support for --his|night at Maidstone Township, DINING ROOM By BEN WARD crowd estimated at between] Mr. Pearson snapped: iwinisation as an indopendent!12 miles east of Windsor. Ve ee CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) --|1,500 and2,000 persons turned|:alk to you, but not if you want|candidate in the Nov. 8 federall Mr. Maguire plans' to run HOTEL LANGASTER Prime Minister Pearson madeljup at Mr. Pearson's informal]to dig scandal!" Then he turnedjelection for the riding of Essexjagainst Paul Martin, external 27 Ki w. a fast-paced campaign swing|reception at the new Fathers offs back and walked off, obvi-|Hast. affairs minister, and NDP, Con- ing St, W., Oshawa through the Maritimes Satur- Confederation Memorial Build-jously angry. sie = day, pledging continued federalling. Some had to be turned] In his speech Mr. Pearson -- laid. to the region's economiclaway. thanked the students "for the development and taking a rare PRIME MINISTER PEARSON ALLEGES; "DIEF'" Is Deceiving On Pension Pledge [peeve and Communist can- didates: GOOD FOOD BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH corny au Eaaecaeaenpenell os sion promises. He told a jam-packed rece On the pension issue, he said swat at John Diefenbaker over/mr, Diefenbaker's promise to the Conservative leader's pen-|hoost the universal old age pen- sion to $100 monthly from $75 p-iwould cost the treasury $850,- stimulation of your opposition"' and the heckling died out. Later, outside the building, he spent about 10 minutes shaking PUBLIC. NOTICE CITIZENS COMMITTEE ON YOUTH tion here Saturday night that|000,000 a year. Mr. Diefenbaker is deceiving the voters when he talks of rais- ing old age pensions to $100 a month by using funds from the Canada Pension Plan. The prime minister said the money that wage-earners and employers pay into the contrib- utory plan. could not be used for other purposes and it was "deceiving" to suggest that it could. At Fredericton earlier in the The Liberals planned to deal with the problem "in a more responsible way," boosting pen- sions for those elderly persons in actual need, possibly to $125 or even higher if necessary. But he would not "trade promises" with Mr. Diefenbaker on this issue. A group of 50 students from the University of New Bruns- wick heckled Mr. Pearson on his arrival at Fredericton air- hands with students and signing} autographs. } INVITES THE PEOPLE OF OSHAWA PUBLIC MEETING of the ONTARIO LEGISLATURE'S SELECT COMMITTEE ON YOUTH MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15th COUNCIL CHAMBER 5th FLOOR CITY HALL, OSHAWA EXTRACT: LEGISLATURE OF ONTARIO, MAY 18, 1964 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ONTARIO -- waving -signs and chant- day, Mr. Pearson said Ottawa|port, "We want our vote." is prepared to pump fresh funds|ing: into the Atlantic Development | Board when the agency's or--SUGGESTS TALK a iginal $100,000,000 allotment is; Mr. Pearson strolled over and | exhausted--"as it soon will be." invited one of them to "come | | and have a cup of coffee and ADDRESSES LIBERALS talk it over." | He spoke to 1,500 delegates Instead of replying, the stu-| : (a gathered there for a one-day|dent unrolled a cardboard sign) \ convention of the New Bruns-|lettered: 'Tell us about Rivard, |wick Liberal Association. Stonehill, Denis, Dupuis and | Here in Charlottetown, a! Rouleau." feet | Fulton Accords PC Leader s Ringing Endorsation In B C On motion by Hon. Mr. Roborts, seconded by Hon. Mr. Allan, ordered that ¢ select owe committee of this House, be appointed to conduct a comprehensive Inquiry into and By STEWART MacLEOD {longer of the creeping variety. | report upon the special needs of youth, with particular reference to educotional, cultural, PENTICTON (CP) -- Con-| While the cost of living goes recreational, and employment opportunities, as well as the health, welfore and sports servative Leader John Diefen-|to record heights, the value of focilities now available to youth, end the steps to be token which in the opinion of baker received a ringing en-|the Canadian dollar keeps drop- the committee would ensure @ wider participation by youth in the life of the Diefenbaker Concludes 9-day Western Swing dorsement from E. Davie Ful-|pi Sol a farmer Constivatixe cab-| Speakiig to a eualivdly: qilet community. By STEWART MacLEOD |way whistle stops, delivered 1l[in Mr. Diefenbaker's campaign|inet minister who left Ottawalaudience, Mr. Diefenbaker said KAMLOOPS, B.C. (CP)--Almajor speeches--all more, than|speeches, which have tended tli, 1963 after reported differ-|the present government is nine-day western swing hasjan hour long--and attended re-|jell into a formula since he took ences with Mr. Diefenbaker. |'bungling." } : brought Conservative Leader|ceptions and mainstreeted at ajto the hustings. | Mr. Fulton, who returned to| He said the Liberals are ask-| To keep insured, you Diefenbaker past the half-way|murderous pace. |OUTLINES PLATFORM iB.C. to lead the provincial Con-|ing him where he will get the| must take out indi- mark in his election campaign " P UP | He o tlines 'the party's plat-\Servative party, is a candidate|money to carry out his election vidual membership --in which his own confidence ay used in ay Tt was de ion a epic dive Den-(in Kamloops in the Nov. 8 fed-|promises, while the govern- within 30 days. Get lly i A et Be repit," he tells his audiences. |sions, tax relief for home-own- |ment now is spending $100,000,-/ your application form jeral election. 4 ic : ats poe Ranh iia observers Now they can't keep up withlers, more federal aid to educa-| Appearing on a platform Sat-/000 per year more than the) a+ 4 bank, a hospital, jtion and other programs an- or from the Commis- hinglB@-" \paker 9 bacon Mr. bagel ge apt ath ry ol "T'ye never seen anything) <: A '| ; s\baker, Mr. Fulton said "'the| He said he was surprised tha : like it,'"" he often says, "it's 1957 Ferrey a oe his. bust-(pounced garrett i acts Conservative party is united in|the Liberals, who are distribut- sion. and '58 all over again." for a morning press conference, |heart of the matter, as he jabs|the national interest and behind|ing rinks around the country, Many observers, who trav-/)°) Suc his plane again for althe air with his finger, and pro-\the leadership of John Diefen-|would ask such a question. elled through fhe West with Mr. lone hour fli it to Kalcwaa air-|claims: a baker." On the issue of integrity in Diefenbaker in the earlier cam-| nan dsnve on miles to Vernon| "tT, di & contenien we Mr. Fulton said there's a new|government, Mr. Diefenbaker paigns, say that changed cir-|Py a Goon apeeeh: back (am lili step os tie ake?" jmovement in the Conservative|said there have never been so cumstances make comparisons) 44-55 miles to Kelowna |party, and "I am proud to/many events "in so many virtually impossible. be Saivaet festival. then enothier! His issue of honesty-in-gov-| share the platform tonight with /places, by so many people in The issues are not the same,i39 miles for an evening rally pensriven: -- sp tapeypetce my national leader, who has|high places." : and neither are the crowd pat-jin Penticton, topped off by Pm Piri au - ce this movement possible."| In voting for the Liberals, he terns. While organizers were|49 - minute flight jlaunches the subj ike '| "I am anxious to serve again|said '"'you go ahead and say "It was on a night like this--|in Ottawa under John Diefen-|cover up, and conceal--are you through a} delighted with the 3,500 people! yicj ; | r4 people' vicious windstorm to Kamloops. | lgoing to have an open season ldeclared for crime?" wie. tereed out wie ie Inspired by demonstrations of warm--that Rivard asked el oe ee a said it was the Eegent ote ic eaaeen sD cree ante cink for the hose to water) wp. piefenbaker spoke in' 'That's all you have to de- party rally in the city's history| pear atbet tha 'ne y i nic aoe : '|Penticton after spending the cide." --they were equally dis-|p¢ atten iw oP hg go Fos get te Menge wa ay visiting the Okanagan ve ---- i t e " ey A al : \ley, including a noon speech in |i Good Names To Remember oS at oo mea inconte "ac: a. ha dig = Rivard--'"that destroyer of the)vernon and attending a harvest When Buying or Selling aie vob ts bias vided, and that's w Ny Mr. Pear-|souls of men'--the bankruptcy/festival at Kelowna REAL ESTATE i gras son called the election. Look aticases, Dr. Marcoux's book, and) He told more than 1,500 peo- Reg. Aker--President 'During his nine days in thejus now." \Mr. Pearson's "selective mem-|ple here that Canada is in the Bill McFeeters--Vice Pres West, Mr. Diefenbaker met so Basically, there are fewiory," [edst of an inflation' that has Schofield-Aker Lid. era] thousand people at 44 rail-ichanges made from day to day The new flag often gets a|major possibilities pot lbrief mention--"we have no| He said the inflation is no No Thought For Socreds ote ears oe Why Pay More... SAVE!! C as ON PREMIUM QUALITY gal. FUEL OIL wy: of 4 jerals with whittling away at "Dief" Emphatic On Point Phone 668-3341 \Canada's ties with such British By STEWART MacLEOD linstitutions as the monarchy EDMONTON (CP) -- Con- Serving Oshawa -- Whitby & Ajax Districts THIRD PIPEMAJOR FOR 48th. -- SINCE 1913 Pipe Major Ross Stewart Sunday in which he became Dewar (right) who joined (left) plays his bagpipes the 48th Highlanders' third the regiment in 1928. after ceremonies at Fort pipe major since 1913. He ; York Armories in Toronto succided Pipe Major Archie (CP Wirephoto) When you turn21 you're no longer cov- ered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. (Chairman: Syl Apps, M.L.A., P.C., Kingston) It is hoped that every Agency, Club, Ethnic Group, and interested individuals will make thelr views known to the Select C U of the Provi Briefs and submissions should be mailed to Committee Secretary, P.O. Box 321, before November 2nd. For More Information, Telephone 728-5121 me MEN'S WEAR OSHAWA'S FOREMOST FINE CLOTHIER panne te "oes matter before Parliament (Prime Minister The 'family' Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your 'group' without de- lay OR, if you both pay premiums direct, noti- fy the Commission. iThis was a central theme of) aS\his speech to 2,000 people in) Mackenzie) |t tradition-conscious city of servative Leader Diefenbaker hie - eadiion:conacious y Sunday denied knowledge of at- tempts that might have been King did in 1925." |Vietoria In 1925, Mr. King's Liberal |pEyIEWS STANDS made after the 1963 election to have members of the smaller party elected fewer members 3 "hes cont than..the Conservatives, but re-|., 5 oa a ---- aici an: parties in his cabinet as part mained in office for a year. dreams and achievements of a coalition government I am not saying what would/qared to stand,' he frequently Dr. Guy Marcoux, Social Credit member of the last Par- have been done," said Mr. Dief-! ays enbaker, "but there was the Mr. Diefenbaker's speeches in liament for Quebec-Montmor- precedent tha West varied tom 45 w 02 ency, has written a pamphlet) He said the six had made|minutes, with nearly all of them|~-- in which he said-there were re-itheir- declaration to support thelignger than 75 minutes ports of such coalition talks. (Liberals on the Thursday fol- Linstead Mr. Diefenbaker, talking to lowing the election 'and I am reporters aboard his campaign train, said he had never thought about having Social Credit members in his party When asked, he said "no, cat- egorically no." At the same time, the Con servative leader indicated that he would not have handed the not sure whether it was Friday afternoon or Saturday that I phoned Mr. Pearson and said I am. going to recommend to the Governor-General the course to be followed. It was immediately after . their declaration." . the six had made NEED A NEW FURNACE? No Down Payment--First Payment December--Call PERRY Dey or Night. . . 723-3443 F | PERSONAL LIABILITY UNMISTAKABLY government over to the Liber- als automatically at that time if six Social Credit members had not signed a declaration to support a Liberal government. SOCREDS HAD 24 In the election, the Liberals elected 129 members, the Con- servatives 95, Social Credit 24 and New Democratic Party 17 The Conservatives previously had formed a minority govern- ment "T am not going into a dis- cussion of what, might have been," said Mr. Diefenbaker, "but if they (the six) hadn't made themselves s0 clear as to the stand they were going to take, then I would have een in a position to place the whole Progress Brand pe ly rid fo The man w® wears a Progress Brand garment sets the pace 54% G.1.C "S «oven *Guaranteed Investment Certificates SAVINGS AY 270 xCCOUNTS Interest Calculated and Paid Quarterly for Fall. Progress Brand tailoring and NOW GET THREE POLICIES IN ONE .» AND SAVE MONEY! - reflected in the newly arrived Fall suits and coc To keep insured follow the instructions onthe Hospital Insurance Certificate of Payment 'Form 104' that your present employer is required to give you on leaving. these garments are built craftsme and skill by Progress Brand A modern personal package policy from the ROYAL/LONDON -& LANCASHIRE Insurance Companies can save you 10%. See our selection featuring the new Antique Jade ack, MEN'S WEAR LTD. colouring It's a flexible package idea! Your cot- tage, boats, jewellery and furs can be added --and you save even more. SAVINGS HOURS MONDAY -- THURS. ® TO 6 SATURDAY 9 TO 5 FRIDAY 9 TO 9 Your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE Plan Ontario Hospital Services Commission Toronto 7, Ontario ANY TIME IS A GOOD TIME TO REVIEW your insurance program. Why not call us to talk it over with you, either Now or before your present insurance expires. Bob Stroud LIMITED HEAD OFFICE 19 Simeoe St. N. Oshawa 723-5221 23 King St. W. Bowmanville Tel. 623-2527 City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 Open Evenings: Till 9 P.M Tel. 74 Simeoe North Insurances of All Classes OFFIC? 723-5251 NIGHT 723-3315 73 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA ONT. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Bowmanville Office Closed on Wednesdoys