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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Oct 1965, p. 13

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Puck Prizes Are Awarded ; By AL MeNEIL MONTREAL (CP)--The Na- Saaheeeddcumaieaemmmcimesstartnenrcnetstc.tee annual all-star dinner here Tuesday night on the eve of the game, and if the contest moves as quickly it should prove a huge success. Clarence Campbell, NHL president, said the board of governors had accepted sug- gestions and come up with a new format in an endeavor to curtail the lengthy speeches that had bogged down previous affairs. j To do this, they had Danny Gallivan and Rene Lecavalier --the English-and French com- NHL OK'S TWO M ae ORE CITIES By AL McNEIL MONTREAL (CP) -- The Na- tional Hockey League has now selected four of the six cities necessary for its expansion to a 12-team, two-division loop by the 1967-68 season. The board of governors, at its semi-annual meeting here Tues- day, approved Vancouver and San Francisco-Oakland as com- munities meeting prescribed standards of gels Earlier this year Des Angeles and St. Louis were found satis- mentators on' Montreal Cana- diens games--act as co-mas- ters of ceremonies. As a result the multi-pronged| presentations were accomp- lished in record time with minimum of speech-making. Roger Crozier, Wings' rookie netminder, re- ceived the Calder Trophy as the outstanding newcomer of, the 1964-65 season from Mont- real Canadiens' all - star de-| fenceman, Jacques Laperriere. RECEIVES 2 AWARDS | Bobby Hull, Hawks' left wing star, received \cisco Seals factory. The selection of San Fran- cisco-Oakland is contingent on the completion of the new Oak- land Alameda arena, to be com- pleted early in 1967 with a seat- Detroit Red|ing capacity of 13,000 plus. An alternate home for the U.S. west coast entry. could be a modernized Cow Palace--the ancouver arena in the Pacific National Exhibition grounds at Vancou- ver is the league's stipulation to that city. NEED FACILITIES Baltimore, Minneapolis - St. Paul, Philadelphia and Pitts- burgh remain in contention for the final two positions, although Philadelphia will require a new rink and the other three need extensive modifications to exist- ing arena facilities. Clarence Campbell, NHL pres- ident, said following Tuesday's THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, October 20, 1965 J | Is Approved both cases the applications will work together for the establish- ment of a single franchise. He said that in the event the groups concerned can not reach agreement, the league will then be forced to choose one or the other in each city. CANUCKS BID The two Vancouver applica- tions were received from the current owners of the Canucks of. the Western League and a group headed by Cy McLean and Frank McMahon of West announcement that he did not jthink any further applications will be received to establish fur- ther league franchises. However a report carried in a Buffalo newspaper Tuesday night indicated a group of busi- nessmen from that city intend to apply. Campbell said that the two Coast Transmission. The San Francisco bidders lare the Seals and a_ group lheaded by Barry Van Gerbig. | Campbell said the situation |will be discussed further at a February meeting of the board jof governors. He said it is |hoped by. that time the dual fac- tions in each city will have) current home of the San Fran-|west coast cities selected Tues-|reached agreement. of the Western |League. Completion of a proposed new \day both have applications in from two separate groups, He 'said the league hopes that in The NHL president confirmed that each bidder for a franchise had put up $10,000 in "good faith Chicago Black! two awards--the Hart and the Lady Byng trophies. Hull received the Hart award for the player judged most val-| uable to his team, from Jean Beliveau, Canadiens' team cap-| money" on a non-returnable ba- SIS. In addition, a sum of $2,000,- 000 to cover the cost of pur- chase of 20 players is required from each applicant. To provide the players needed for such an expansion program, 20 professional players will be drafted from the six existing NHL clubs, Toronto, Montreal, Chicago, Detroit, New York and! Boston, Westerners Delighted Over Choice VANCOUVER (CP) -- Van-/ couver is delighted the National Hockey League has decided to open shop here. Civic leaders and potential franchise owners gave a verbal' round of applause to Tuesday's announcement that Vancouver} |would be granted an NHL fran-| jchise as soon as '"'a combined | japplication by the two Vancou- jver factions" is submitted. | Oilman Frank McMahon, jhead of one city group that bid tain. He was presented with the| Byng Trophy, for the combina-| tion of sportsmanship and gen-| \for an NHL franchise, said he jwould "be glad to move back tlemanly conduct combined with a highstandard of play,| by teammate Kenny Wharram.) Detroit presented Chi- Norris, owner, Bruce Wings' Red! cago's Pierre Pilote with the) Norris Trophy, emblematic of top defenceman in the league. Gordie Howe of Detroit gave Chicago's Stan Mikita the Art Ross Trophy for winning the league scoring title and Charlie Hodge handed Frank Mahovy- lich the Vezina Trophy in the; absence of the joint winners-- netminders Johnny Bower and Terry Sawchuk of Toronto Maple Leafs. GETS SMYTHE TROPHY Beliveau received the Conn Smythe Trophy from Stafford Smythe of the Leafs for his top} performance in last season's playoffs. In a special ceremony,} Campbell, on behalf of league, gave Maurice (Rocket)| Richard a diamond tie clip with) the numerals 544 embossed on| it. The 544 represents the num- ber of goals Richard scored) during his 978 regular season games. Final agvard and tribute of the night was made to retired referee-in-chief Carl Voss. Sen-| ator Hartland Molson, president) of the Canadian Arena Comp-| any, said the silver tray from| the league was "a mark of gra-| titude and esteem' for Voss' 15, years of service to the NHL.! Ottawa Decides To Bid For Cup OTTAWA (CP) -- This city, will make a bid to have the 1967 Grey Cup football game played here, board of control decided Tuesday. | A special elected officials, businessmen} and sports personalities will be| formed to make plans and ap-) proach the Canadian Football| League for approval. The city is planning construc-| tion of a new $5,200,000 civic! centre, including a football sta-| dium, which is scheduled for| the} COACH FRANK CLAIR AND QUARTERBACK RUSS JACKSON PLAN Riders Bomb Lions After Shaky Start By BOB MacKENZIE OTTAWA (CP) -- Quarter his usual roll-out style to stay in the pocket and pass Ottawa Rough Riders to a 35-14 Cana- dian Football League interlock- ing victory over British Colum- committee of|bia Lions Tuesday night before hitting 18,537 fans. Jackson started the game with roll-out patterns, but was met by a good rush and failed to complete his first six passes. He started to drop. straight down strike and set up a three- yard scoring plunge by half- \back Russ Jackson abandoned|back Rick Black with a 40- yard toss to fullback Jim Dil:| lard. He capped his passing drive with another touchdown in the leacond play of the last period flanker Whit with a 10-yard toss. The Riders other touchdown, the first of the game, also came on a pass, but from B.C. quarterback Joe Kapp. Half- back Don Gilbert ran 78 yards Tucker Despite the scoring, the game statistics showed little differ- ence between the clubs. The Lions had 19 first downs to 15 for the Riders. B.C. had a total offence of 281 yards--98 rushing and 183 passing--while 'ithe Riders gained 294 yards--'for their 99 rushing and 195 passing. Jackson was good on eight of|son. 15 passes for 195 yards and had one intercepted. Bill Cline's only pass was intercepted. Kapp picked up. 121 yards back in the dying minutes of|for a touchdown on the first of|with 10 completions and three the first half and promptly completed two passes, one to three Ottawa interceptions. | Kapp had a rough night in completion by the summer of|haifhack Ronnie Stewart for 21|ther departments. Although he 1967, Canada's centennial year.| Seating capacity of the present! Lansdowne. Park. Stadium! yards and a touchdown. He stayed in the pocket in the managed to complete 10 of 21 passes before giving way to | Steve Shafer in the fourth quar- would be increased from 22,000\third quarter to hit end Tediter, several of his throws were to 28,000. a | Watkins with a 55-yard touch- Fullback George Reed dropped by teammates. |HAD 7-0 LEAD When they started the game, the Lions showed no ill effects from their 25-7 loss to Hamilton Tiger-Cats Sunday, and took a 7-0 lead in the first quarter on interceptions in 21 attempts. Shafer was good on five of 11 throws for 62 yards. Mikita Likely Absent From All-Star Contest | MONTREAL (CP)--Whether jor do anything else that's nec-| jessary." | A spokesman for a group) |headed by Fred Hume, present jholdur of the Western Hockey |\League franchise here, and B.C. Telephone Co. President Cyrus McLean, said the Hume- McLean group is delighted but} would not comment on the mer- ger condition. Capt. Harry Terry, president of the Pacific National Exhbi-| tion, said Vancouver's 16,000- seat arena should be completed| by May of 1967, 'in plenty of time for the NHL's 1967-68 sea- | json."" He said the news is wonder- ful and the culmination of "ev- erything we've been working so hard to get." | Hornets Nip | Clippers 2-1 | By THE CANADIAN PRESS | An eight-player deal between) two National Hockey League clubs paid its first dividend four days before the NHL sea- son started. Gary Jarrett, a left-winger whom Detroit Red Wings picked. up from Toronto Maple | Leafs last: May, wasn't a princi- pal figure in the trade, which| saw the Leafs acquire Marcel Pronovost and Larry Jeffery in exchange for Billy Harris and Andy Bathgate. But Jarrett, farmed out by| {Wings to Pittsburgh Hornets, was one of the first of the traded players to sée action SSS SEAR SSSR SLERERARE SRLS. | DISCOUNT TABLERITE BEEF OUND U ROYAL GUEST SLICED RINDLESS IGA SIDE BACON 85¢ 1-LB. PKG. TABLERITE--CANADA'S FINEST RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF BEEF FRONTS us. 43¢ BEEF CHUCKS ur, 45¢ and provided an early payoff jTuesday night as the Hornets} jedged Baltimore Clippers 2-1 first victory of the} American Hockey League sea-! | Jarrett set up Bob Cunning-| 'ham for the first Pittsburgh goal and scored the second himself in the first period to open up a lead that stood up for' the remainder of the game. | Ray Cullen scored the only goal for the Clippers just before the) 'first intermission, Stanley Cup final series last ind Col 4 Yards Behind 0 eman Kapp's three - yard touchdown run that followed fumbles on REGINA (CP) -- An injured)jtotal of 1,356 yards on 227 car- consecutive plays. wrist has moved George Reed,'ries, an average of six yards; It started Saskatchewan Roughrider full), carrey \fumbled a punt back, out of first place in the! fe three-yard-line, and the Lions Western Football Conference Joe Kapp of B.C. continued to recovered. On the next play, rushing race. lead the league's quarterbacks fullback Bob Swift fumbled the According to statistics Te-lin most categories. handoff from Kapp, and while leased today by WFC statisti- everyone was hunting the ball cian Bill Hawrylak, Reed trails) He completed only 13 of 3!iin the pile-up, Kapp picked up Lovell Coleman of Calgary by passes for 172 yards against @ and scooted around left end. four yards. vicious Hamilton Tiger-Cat de-| The Lions other touchdown Coleman, the 1964 winner,|fence Oct. 17, but the perform-\came in-the third quarter when has gained a total of 1,360 yards|ance brought his total to 182. Kapp gambled on third down in 213 carries for an saverage/compietions in 338 attempts for and hit halfback Willie Fleming gain of 6.4 yards. Reed, who/2.508 yards, all tops inthe for a 27 - yard pass - and - run had led the race since Sept. 16, league. Kapp was second in play gained only 26 yards in Rough-|touchdown passes thrown, 12,| Peter Kempf converted both riders' game against Winnipegiand had the same number of B.C. touchdowns, but missed on Blue Bombers and now has a Passes intercepted. two field goal attempts, both in -- < Ron Lancaster, Roughriders'|the first half. . quarterback, had completed Moe Racine kicked five con- Brewer Will Play am ., verts for the Riders and missed 147 passes in 283 attempts for} he ; z ; : a howe jthree-points when he hit the Last Game Tonight 2,320 yards and was ahead inicross bar on a field goal at TORONTO (CP) eari touchdown passes with 13 but tempt from 41 yards out. Brewer will make his final ap-/had a league-leading 23 passes|nrayy, qycaTs pearance as a player in the Na- eee: The Riders now are just two tional Hockey League All-Star End TommyJoe Coffey of points behind Hamilton, leaders game in Montreal tonight Edmonton Eskimos and flanker|in the Eastern Conference, with PDiodagg Gb rag oe. he gereeen Hugh Campbell of Saskatche- ce A ge age "a caged er a a aes z : poe el > Lions are tied with Sas- ance with Toronto Maple Leafs -- ees "di play ea ch-!katchewan Roughriders for the last season, announced his' re-|as-catch-can with the defensive | third and last playoff berth in tirement from hockey Mondayjhalfbacks in the league. The|the West and must beat them but 2g ty Kon aa pair have taken turns in lead-|in Vancouver next Sunday to agree ae quest by sats Slay. in contention president Stafford Smythe that * ot he play in the game against Montreal Canadiens, the Stan- Coffey now leads with 68 re- ley Cup champions. céptions for 1,093 yards, an. av- IS ALWAYS THERE WITHYOUR HELP when Black on his own ing the league in pass receiy- ing since the season opened. The 26-year-old defencemanierage gain of 16 yards a pass said Smythe agreed that Brew-|Campbell held his lead in yards er's appearance in no way obli-jgained--66 receptions for a rec- gates him to play for the Leafsjord 1,227 yards and a league- this season and that the Leafsileading average of 18.6 yards agreed to pay him an amount The statistics did not include equal to his 1964-65 salary plus|Tuesday's game veen the $2,000 if he is seriously injured|Lions and Ottawa Rough Rid in the game. ers. | bet he comes to contract terms/spring. with Chicago Black Hawks or| The Hawks lost to Canadiens not, centre Stan Mikita prob-|in the seven-game series. ably will be absent from the} Canadiens coach Toe Blake spot reserved for him on the|will go with almost the same National Hockey League All-|lineup that won the cup. Star team. Three Canadiens -- defence- The all-stars are scheduled to\man Jacques Laperriere, right- take on Montreal Canadiens to-| winger Claude Provost and net- night in the Stanley Cup cham-| minder Charlie Hodge--will line pions' home rink, the Forum. up with their own club, al- Mikita is last season's NHI, though the three were selected iscoring leader. As a Chicagojas all-stars. hold-out, he has the company)\~ - of all-star Bobby Hull Tommy Ivan, Chicago general manager, said Tuesday Mikita) is still hampered by a groin| jinjury he suffered in an exhibi-| tion, game against =e Saturday night. : | CONTINUE TALKS j Kelly Disney Used Cars The Chicago general mana-| ger said contract negotiations Led. with Hull are continuing and) that Hull was scheduled to 1200 Dundas E. meet with Chicago management, Whitby 668-5891 later in the day. ie BUDGET TERMS The all-stars are coached this DROP IN year by Chicago's Billy Reay, who earned the right because} his club gained a berth in the} left-winger, YOUR SATISFACTION {$ OUR AIM All Cars Corry Our GUARANTEE OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! toke advantage of it! 24 hour ser- vice; and radio dispatched trucks al- ways on the ready to serve you, Fuel Oil Budget Plan available, FUEL oIL NOW IS THE TIME McLAUGHLIN 723-3481 ives. COAL & SUPPLIES 'Shortening IGA FANCY SLICES, TIBITS, CHUNKS PINEAPPLE GREEN GIANT 20-02. (Cut and Wrapped to Your Specifications) ms 1,00 3 NIBLET CORN 'ms OOS 2 TINS CLARKS 1.00 TOMATO SOUP 5 ee "2 95° TINS philly 3-OZ, COFFEE MATE CARNATION 9-OZ. 69° IGA INSTANT COFFEE PKGS, CARNATION FROZEN FRENCH FRIES CHEESE FESTIVAL FEATURES ROYAL GOLD -- REGULAR OR NIPPY IGA CHEESE SLICES 2 KRAFT VELVEETA CHEESE BLACK DIAMOND WHITE OR COLOURED OLD CHEESE STIX KRAFT 4 8-02. PKGS. 55¢ 63° xe, 45° CHEEZ WHIZ ve 119 4 VARIETIES ae 79° KRAFT SLICES ype PKGS. "A HEARTY ENERGY FOOD" PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND--CANADA NO, 1 GRADE POTATOES «49: RUBY RED SEEDLESS ® SIZE 39¢ FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 5 $7! 25¢ 1-18. PKG. PRODUCE OF U.S.A.--CANADA NO, 1 GRADE CRISP LETTUCE JUMBO SIZE 24's CANADA NO. 1 GRADE BRUSSEL SPROUTS vox 29¢ TOPPING MIX Dream Whip MODERNE FACIAL 57¢ TISSUE 4 55¢ BUBBLE CLUB Bubble Bath PKG. 59¢ BETTY CROCKER -- REG. PKG. Casserole Mix 39¢ JELLO REG. SIZE--PUDDING & Pie Filler 4 xcs. 49° FLUFFO--3c OFF 36° LOWNY'S COOKIES 2 c¢%; 59¢ Bridge Mix 45¢ DAVID'S 3 VARIETIES 95¢ s . KGS. Biscuits 3 yr 4-02. PKG. PKGS, OF 200 1-LB, PKG, HOSPITALITY JUMBO 13-07, PKG, © Convenient for TY mmack dinners DYL'S IGA BECKSTEAD Courtice, Ontario STANDING RIB ROAST === BLADE ROAST «1x rnone BONELESS BLADE ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST CROSS CUT RIB ROAST CROSS CUT RIB ROAST »=<2' BONELESS SHOULDER ROAST PLATE BEEF BONE IN ROLLED PLATE BONELESS BONELESS BRISKET POINT TENDER RIB STEAKS BONELESS STEWING BEEF GROUND CHUCH sxe sccm BRAISING RIBS BEEF STEAKETTES | SLICED BEEF LIVER BEEF KIDNEYS BEEF HEART BEEF TONGUES IPE Tk 93 654 15 13 1% 89: 29: Ag 85: $48 ON YOUR FAVORITE FRONT QUARTER CUTS BEEF SALE 69: 49: 55% 55%. 59 67: 54: yy i my Ag 264% 577s 18 54% 11528 11348 17525 15|44 125372 2% Ue 6 20 18 20 22 18 T 12: 49 WITH A MEAT PURCHASE DURING THE FIRST WEEK OF OUR TABLERITE BEEF ROUND UP - A TABLERITE COWBOY HAT BILSKY IGA 120 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa LANSDOWNE IGA 166 Adelaide St. E., Oshawa Lansdowne Shopping Centre COLLEGE HILL Cubert St., Oshawa MOTOR CITY IGA Ritson Rd, S., Oshawa BRAEMOR IGA Prices Effective October 20, 21, 22, 23 We Reserve The Right Te Limit Quantities. Stevenson Rd. N. at Annopolis Ave., Oshawa 4

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