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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Oct 1965, p. 21

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| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, October 20, 1968 27 THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Despite good Venus aspects now governing personal rela-~ tionships, some restrictions are imposed by other planetary in- fl : Notabiy, a need iviiy care in all correspondence and e oe communications generally; also ---- in finances, Neither is this a iD good period for launching new enterprises. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, while. you can make good job headway during. the next 12 months, it would be advisable to concentrate on reasonable goals ns Mira to strive _ : the impossible. two months, / : you will enter an excellent pe- } It's more fun to shop when you riod "along these lines --one know the odds favor your finding tgp tend g Doge ag mg / 7 ; exactly what you have in mind -- brief period during the last two ; Vilas, Kroehler, Sklar, Braemore, pee Se ae aa at - Knechtel, Gibbard, Malcolm, etc. Fixe. i when you sail Calte Ve -- a vast choice of famous, nation- Aug. 1, when you will enter your 8 ; wy, ally advertised brands in the most Fisecond really good cycle for en Oe popular styles, colors and finishes. Erg Where finances are concerned, : { / 1 : ? aed the aforementioned mid-Decem- : You'll love our selection of name TOPS IN LUXURY ber-mid-February weeks should ' brand electronics and appliances. 4 : We have on display some of the also prove profitable, with fur- ' P : inchi ther advances indicated in June, most valued names in Canada -- Luxutious chinchilla com- lance. From the chinchilla | . ; : bines with the finest of vel- heatipiece flows a shirred [August bron! pe yy Mel ee ' Electrohome, Westinghouse, Admir- vet in this sophisticated -- velvet snood that complete- onthe. srnsvenoasaeaiiy in| * Ee al, Moffat, McClary-Easy, Findlay, 'fen shat eget ty 1 "cover te "ack af te Rovner andthe Ht thre } : et names thet have stood fo pre gl 'igpenese eo gueaidics weeks of December, F iB § quality for generations, many at draw many an admiring --By TRACY ADRIAN | Along. personal lines: Best special 30th Anniversary Sale --_-- ---- -- __________--|cycles for romance: Late De- d Prices! ANN LANDERS ar Pl. pabion pees! ; § : . When you shop Cherney's Furniture World --- Peterborough, April, May and August. The) é t § na Oshawa, Cobourg, Belleville, a whole new adventure begins. balance of 1965 does not prom-| irr If you plan on decorating a room. , . several rooms... a home ise much in the way of travel, | . seg or an apartment, shop Cherney's where the choice is yours but you can look Aor Pa: ee, and they let you make up your own mind, A staff of courteous, Sine tik & satin Feorwitt? , ny -- know-their-business salesmen invite you to browse to your and during the weeks between! : ee heart's content and stand ready to help you when you say the a® E : May 15 and Sept. 10 of next ? . word. Daintier arrings 2 year. If careful to avoid friction ae | ; in close circles during early | : _ : Cherney's realize that unusual floor plans, color schemes, etc. March and early June your dv- eee sometimes require an out-of-the-ordinary request. Cherney's , huge inventory combined with an experienced staff, thorough- mestic and social life should prove most harmonious. ly schooled in. up-to-the-minute decorating techniques, will by something that is bugging A child born on this day will mn , 5 » f did . 4 * jots of teh aches! girls. You| Dear Ann Landers: Fifteen|ve endowed with remarkable i tas : / sind cowie ibd sd toh mica Ia aoa Mn aero age" it angio, fends fa =. 7. SHOP CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD months ago and seemed like ajleft me a growing busipess, I Me good egg. Your opinion would yomed for him before 1 mar-|¢a! ability. aS \ count at home. ried and enjoyed it.I persuaded) ------SsSs--s--'--S~*~™CSS I am dying to get my ears|my husband, Tom, to take overjof our children and the feeling "sf WHERE FASHION NEEDN'T COST A FORTUNE... ee ee oe alae aad raise tur four petal se peg AND GOOD TASTE ISN'T MEASURED mother is against it, She says it)"0! aise our four young| Jn the past year these friends i cheapens a girl's appearance. | -- have wei siving our children ' . BY WHAT YOU SPEND. " say it depends on the girl and) Tom did well with the busi-jreligious medals and objects) the earrings. ness. He expanded and remod-jwhich are symbolic of their Some of the girls have let/eled the building and updated|faith. We've said nothing but we their friends pierce their ears,|the 'equipment. He also kept|feel this is a slap at our beliefs. which horrifies my mother, ]]bringing in his relatives--first a|We would never give people of would have a doctor do it, The brother, then a nephew, then ala different faith our religious way my mother talks no fe-|brother-in-law. Whenever I ob-|literature or anything pertaining spectable girl would have her|jected it ended in a big fight,|to it. The friendship of this cou- ears pierced. Do you agree with/50 I kept quiet. lple is important to us, but so her? (P.S. Someone who met) Our youngest child is in high|are our own convictions. Please you in person 'said your ears |school now and I want to go|give us some level-headed ad- are pierced, True or False?(--|back in the business. When I|vice.--A Touchy Subject Burtiagton Vermont Miss told my husband he said:| Dear Touchy: These friends Dear Miss: True. And I\"There is no room for you now.|are paying your children a high haven't lost a pair of earrings It would only cause trouble." |compliment by giving them ob- since I had it done. thank you.) Last night I made my last|jects which have great meaning Pierced ears are "in." I would/stand. Either I go back in the|to them. OK it for 16 - year - olds (no/busimess or I sell it. Well, I was! The medals need not be worn younger) provided the girl/callecl everything in the book and the religious objects need wears small button-type pearlsinot omly by my husband but my/not be displayed. Accept the or gold or silver balls. Enor-|sons.. Nobody is speaking to me gifts in the proper spirit--and mous gypsy hoops or chandelier|today. I telephoned my pastor|then put them away. hardware does cheapen a girl's|and he said: "Leave things as| besten ihe appearance, so that's "out." ae 4 gail I want your opinion. P.S. Ear-piercing should be/--The Outsider. done by a physician and not by) Dear Outsider: Your pastor IN NEED of a eee ar ------ |pastor gave you excellent ad- . lvice and I hope you take it, HOMEMAKER? Hamilton Area | Many things have changed in e the last 15 years. If you insist Dear Ann Landers: I am ayjany friend who happens to own 16-year-old girl who is troubledj/an ice-pick or a darning needle. ; D, REID M, BOWMAN J. REVIE M, EVEREST K. KNOTT D. HOUSE é ; | ; i H OFFICE/CREDIT MANAGER SWITCHBOARD/ CARPET/DRAPERY nstitute on shooting your way into the SALESMAN . SALESMAN STORE MANAGER Women's all... 7¥4 years with Cherney's, Does Formerly of London, Ont. 1Y%% RECEPTIONIST MANAGER Tyee Wh Cotes "ial 13 years with Cherney's, Is on pastel work and oil painting. i 8 months with Cherney's, Col- years with Cherney's. Enjoys ects recipes and enjoys cook- 11 years with Cherney's. Hob- trout fishing and outdoor life, Elects Officers rs gy Be der ively al RED CROSS active bowler, golfer, and en- Interested in historical arti- : | } : : wall nae keen. culat ana ated joys music. Is @ good host, and facts, history, dressmaking and boating, dancing, travelling, _ing.. Interested along with her bies ore photography, golf, Interests ore golf and ice hock- SIMCOE (CP)--New officers me Pq Stay enjoys sociel ond home life, mathematics, Collects dolls of Likes gordening and family husband in free-lance motor- ie, ond enjoys family life ey, coin collecting. Member ef were elected Monday at the an- . Homemaker Service all nations. life, eycle racing and travelling. oh pana * "Chamber of Commerce. nual convention of the Hamil-} : ton-area Women's Institute. Fg ear awe gp Mig -- at 723-7073 Some 425 delegates from Lin-|rerent fait gf ih Seat ag post cola, Welland, 'Norfolk, Went-/crent faith. They are very fond worth and Brant counties at-) 39" TWiN-BED SIZE tended the convention. Pea, as : primed were mee ares eT It's Knitting Time. Again | | CONTINENTALS business you'll create real trou- yi shin, Welland,| SF cant in Wer SEE THE NEW FALL DISPLAYS OF first vice-president; Mrs. man Davis, RR 1, Mount Pleas- ant, second vice-president; Mrs. C. §S. Morningstar, Niagara e.°@ Falls, secretary-treasurer. Abin. Mrs, Lowell Eller, RR 3 Fen- wick public relations; Mrs. | Ralph Watt, RR 3, Waterford, junior institute convener; Mrs oa oe R. C. Walker, RR 1 St. George. YARNS PATTERNS KNITTING HELPS curator of the area historical Call in and examine the large display of hand-knit garments record; Mrs. James Bailey, RR and novelties from these well-known Mary-Maxim Canadian 4, Dundas, assistant curator; yarns let Ward's knitting expert, Mrs. Sonderson, help Mrs. C. D. Hopkins, Hamilton, you with your selection of materials . , , knitting instructions resolutions. . . . or knitting problems, Chairman of standing com- mittees also elected included: NORTHLAND Mrs. Horace Lockman, RR 1, The world-famous 4-ply sport-weight wool that started the St. George, citizenship and ed present knitting boom .. . in stock in 17 plain and tweed ucation; Mrs, James Powell, colors to choose from. RR 1, if ag home econo- Approx. 4-oz, skeins, each | R . te : . -- mics and health; Mrs, Vincent : ECE me rae | . Smith, RR 3, Hagersville, agri- CLOUDSPUN Reiag. nays N t te YOUR CHOICE et aie wy Baya a A soft yet so durable 4-ply wool . . . use it for sweaters or Buy them singly or in pairs! You will ; . i eS ' § as p pets. Wied Waetel, Fee high-foshion coats . , . 15 colors to choose from, receive the cornplete outfit as shown -- yee *e ~a. r , sant historical research . Approx. 2-ox. skeins, each 85 H at the prices own -- with your choice : = 4 ANY HEADBOARD Changes were announc s ~ < a tad. of 3 different style headboards. the Federated Women's Insti- DOUBLE KNITTING (3 Styles, os shown) ae ert omnes 'he + A worsted wool with 10% nylon added for extra wosh ond ff " a : . f Ww wit be re- weor . . , grand for sweaters and mittens - ' N E t C t presented by Mrs. Charles 9 sh Rates '4 Ld § S oO Extra Gos B 3 ¥ By # 19 shades in'stock. Approx. 2-oz. skeins, each -orpeage a we bh ge with You get the complete outfit at one Low Price! Smooth-top mattress with 220-coil con- : > . &® Miss Jean Whilty. 3, St.-Ca- Struction, matching box spring on sturdy hardwood legs. Your choice of any of the three . - tharines, af alternate BRUSHED MOHAIR | Hacdbootds: shown : Choose from 3 popular styles. Mo- Mohair again is 'high' in the fashion world , . . brushed | dern bookcase, washable tufted or Mrs. J.-F Ide - m. polden, RR Sif" mohait ino fine blend of mohair with o quality of wool and SERTA 39" DIAMOND QUILT TOP continentar 79 88 : Gat tne Weekes cle Gree : - lend itself nicely to your present s decor, Or it may give you. an idea Brantford, will represent Subdi , sent s inh Gidded for beady strennt vision 19 with Mrs. Reg Hynd- Lovely Solid fab gd ia abil > rng i man, Paris, as alternate pi Approx. 1-oz, ball Taner ne We show this complete outfit with @ tufted padded headboard, You select the headboard that suits you best. It's for changing your present. rooms, i | priced complete with diamond quilt top (252-coil construction), matching box spring on sturdy hardwood legs, ; Multi- TOPS PRIZE POLL ro oe and your choice of headboard aa Sn A pn] Seon or detente 2H | SERTA 39" CONTINENTAL BED WITH MULTI-QUILT PANELS 99.88 500 prizes in competitions dur- stitch holders . . . sweater liners . . . zippers . . . woo! ing the last 30 years. Through shampoo .. . bobbins . . . bodkins . . . Ask for @ free slipper Different construction . . . different quality ticking brings you a luxury Hollywood Bed Ensemble at Special Anniversary Savings. This 'complete bed consists of 312-coil mattress pattern, with multi-quilt panels, matching box spring with jumbo-taped borders. Hardwood legs and the headboard of your choice, } a = eS ee "patience and perseverance" she has won an automobile household equipment, jewelry Ask about our 'Wool Lay-Away Plan" . . , it costs no more and more than 1,000 in cash. to purchase your wool this convenient way, Oshawa Diving Club COMFORTABLE 5-PIECE _|3-PCE. DROP LEAF stn and Seabees || WA AA PRD' § |] | sprine-riuten 9.88 STURDY METAL 9.88 '| ARBORITE-TOP 88 AT THE BOYS' CLUB | Fil. etenation OSHAWA'S DOWNTOWN WOOL STORE : ROLLAWAY BED BRIDGE SET DINETTE SUITE | | cane a ALEX MocDONALD 725-9704 BILL MITCHELL 623-7285 Simicoe St, S. at Athol Phone 725-1151

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