| a Home Newspaper ' ; Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bow- manville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in On- tario and Durham Counties, By VOL. 94 -- NO. 245 800 Per' Weskt Home 'Deiiveres ; OSHAWA. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1965 | i coe dae fea a shawn Cimes (ies deh ania, as cline lk a Weather Report ; Sunny and cooler Fridays Cloud dispersing this ater- noon. Low tonight, 50. High tomorrow, 57, ; Sugnectans cep Second Clone: thet Cost Othee Devers' Postoge in Ottewa and for payment of TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES 'FIFTH' GETS A WORKOUT Klan Keeps Lips Sealed WASHINGTON (AP) -- Con- gressional investigators push ahead today with their effort to portray the Ku Klux Klan as a shadowy business with vanish- WILSON GOING IN ANSWER TO SMITH'S PLEA ing funds, The House of Representatives committee on un-American ac- tivities has produced bank rec- ords, canceled cheques and in- voices in an attempt to prove the money is disappearing up the satin sleeves of Klan Wiz- ards and Dragons. Chairman Edwin E. Willis (Dem. La.) hinted broadly Wed- nesday that the internal reve- nue service may become a greater bugaboo to the Klan than the civil rights movement. Willis dropped the remark while questioning North Caro- _MONICKER HERS SAYS AD-FIRM Who Named Man In Plan? -- Judy? TORONTO (CP)--Health Min-a pensions adviser to the On- jister Judy LaMarsh was nameditario government, and David jtoday as having personally se-|Kilgour of Winnipeg, president lected the name of a character |of Great West Life Assurance lina's Grand Dragon, James 4 Robert Jones. . in a Canadian Pension Plan ad-|Co. Jones declined to tell the vertisement which happens to} "I have to assume," Mr, Sin- be a close approximation of the/clair said today, "that the simi- jcorbined surnames of two chief|larity is simply a remarkable ; leri i \eoinct i is tin robes at $15 apiece or even) Imperial Wizard Shelton was|" peaslaent "Gocees Sinclair LE ome eso bole Mstngledg to.gire: He, Methplece. the first Klan leader to cite)Mactaren, Advertising Co.,la very high school kind of Willis warned Jones, as he|constitutional protections of in-|which is handling the pension|joke."' had warned Imperial Wizardjdividual rights in refusing tOlaccount for Miss LaMarsh's de-| "If someone has a corny Robert M. Shelton a couple ofjanswer the committee's queS-\nartment and also has a big ac-|sense of humor, it doesn't raise hours before, that he faced a'tions jcount with the company headed|my blood pressure," Mr. Kil- possible contempt of Congress) Ajthough the committee gave|hy one of the two critics, said|gour, in Toronto, said Wednes- citation for refusing to turn/nim a tongue lashing, threat-|he was informed the fictitious/day night. over subpoenaed records. ened him with contempt of con-/name was a "'personal deci-. Dr. Clark, a UBC economics But, added Willis, '1 think)gress and told him to comejsion" of the minister. |professor, was quoted in The you may be in worse trouble/back for more questioning Nov.| The character in the ad--to|/Globe and Mail as saying in a than a mere citation for con-|15, Shelton said he was stick-|appear next weekend as the|telephone interview from Van- tempt." jing around to give his views on|last of a series selling the pen-|couver: the Klan probe. ision plan--is an engineer named "That is politics. If you criti- Asked by reporters if the|Clark Kilgore. \cize politicians, you can expect Klan resorted to murder, Shel-. The pension plan critics are|them to fight back. But I will ton said "If that is the case, Dr. Robert M. Clark of the Uni-|be amused by the advertisement they already have a law." |versity of British Columbia, also!rather than angry." Whenever cameramen got! near during breaks inside val in we hearing room, Shelton would raat heey sramnie'sr' Bad Advice, Ability Lack button with the single word ; Felled FAME, Says Judge fused but later he told report- ers: TORONTO (CP)--Bad advice;which the co-operative was cre- "Tt means never to the Com-jand a "bankruptcy of business/ated be carried out, munist conspiracy. It meansjability' on the part of its) It suggests this might best be "never" on it. Asked by the committee to} never to the misfits of society|farmer-leaders led to the failurejdone through some_ sort of who have surrounded them-jlast year of Farmers' Allied/amalgamation with First Co- committee anything about his} JAMES R. JONES bank account or the sale of sa explain the button, Shelton re- appointed. by Premier Robarts as a one-man commission last March 10 at the request of the directors of FAME and other Ontario farm groups. The re- quests came after FAME had failed to meet payment on a promissory note that was part The failure cost FAME al- most all its assets and the $2,500,000 some 13,000 Ontario farmers had invested in the pro- posal for a chain of seven co- operative packing and slaugh- tering plants. And the commissioner, Mr. Justice Campbell Grant of the Ontario Supreme Court, be- lieves there is little hope that fired|any substantial amount of the It means never to the destruc- tion of our liberties." ROBERT SHELDON Washington's Man In Klan Takes Stand In Hayneville HAYNEVILLE, Ala, (AP)--A; $3,000,000 purchase of F. W. Fearman Co. Ltd., a Burling- Rowe testified Wilkins ton packing plant. of the down payment in the) selves here in Washington|Meat Enterprises Co-operatives|operation Packers Ltd. of Bar- y around LBJ (President John-|Ltd., says the report of a royaljrie, pen ae " areies son). It means never to LBJ.|commission made public today.| Mr. Justice Campbell was Leader Diefenbaker at..Coh- den, Ont., Wednesday are POLITICS CAN FASCINATE ALL AGES three-year-old Harry Ben- nett of Forester Falls, Ont., and 73-year-old Tom Acton of Eganville, Ont. Cobden ts about 60 miles northwest of Ottawa. (CP) LONDON (CP)--Prime Min- ister Wilson told Prime Minis- ter Ian Smith of Rhodesia to- day that he and Commonwealth Secretary Arthur Bottomley) plan to fly to Salisbury "in the! next day or two." In a letter answering Smith's lith-hour plea to grant Rhode- sia independence, Wil- son asked: "Need we go on bandying arguments at arm's length when the future of so many or- dinary people of all races is in suspense?" Wilson's proposed trip to Rho- desia less than two weeks after Smith's abortive week - long talks in London was believed to have been the reason for the prime minister's surprise visit to Queen Elizabeth at Bucking- ham Palace Wednesday night. INTERIM REPLY Wilson sent Smith a quick in- terim reply Wednesday to message from Smith earlier in the day, The. Associated Press re- ported that officials of Wilson's government believed Smith's latest communication to Wilson indicated the Rhodesian gov- ernment is ready to talk some more about independence rather than proclaim it imme- diately. Smith proposed that Britain grant the Central African col- ony independence under the 1961 constitution. He appealed for trust that the white Rho- desians would "abide by the principles" of the constitution and offer to conclude "a sol- emn treaty to guarantee our undertaking." Smith said his cabinet had reached a decision on "what our next step should be." With- paid informer who says he wa Mrs, Viola Liuzzo was bama road, testifies today a the state's key witness in th murder trial of Klansman_Col- lie Leroy Wilkins, Jr., befor an all-white male jury. Gary Thomas Rowe, 35, member of the Ku Klux Klan Ajahama in the.pay.of the justice depart-| state ealled ment, was the main witness i Siwith a pistol and then bragged,| in the assassin's car the night|"Baby-brother, I don't miss.") $hot while driving on a lonely Ala-|Richmond Alabama Attorney - General Flowers said he S|would wrap up the state's case e|today. In- Wednesday's. proceedings-- © started after a 36-hour delay while Flowers appealed for a 8 ruling. on juror selection to the Supreme Court--the six. -witnesses.--in- N cluding a 20-year-old Negro } | money can be recovered. The report offers little sup- government to step in with fi- nancial support for FAME; but proposals that the purposes for down port for those farm group sj{only three months before, and which had asked the provincialjthe plant itself. Other expenses incurred by the directors, termed "grossly excessive' by it does look with sympathy on/the commissioner, ate up most of FAME's remaining assets. The default cost FAME the payment it had made Car Plunges From Bridge; the first attempt to convict Wil-|riding with Mrs. Liuz shan'| kins, 21, a chubby-cheeked me- |che al Siillea -- chanic from Fairfield, Ala. | K The stocky, red-haired Rowe,| He was Leroy Moton, a tield worker for the Southern Chris- A Sealed Death For Eight HYDE, England (Reuters)-- Police digging on a_ lonely moor in central England today discovered a second body near where that of a 10-year-old girl was found four days ago. | Police announced the discov- jery after a man and a woman were charged with murdering Lesley Ann Downey, whose body was found Oct. 16 after a week-long search by hundreds of police. The two accused--stock clerk Ian Brady, 27, and Myra Hind- ley, 23--both denied Lesley's a former Birmingham _har- tender, described in Wilkins'|!a% Leadership Conference,! RaptuM JUNCTION; BC, first trial, last May, how Mrs.|Wh° said, "everything happened| (cp) _ Two British Columbia Liuzzo, 39, a Detroit mother of|*, ~ he ay not hear thelindian reserves mourned today five, was shot. The killing took ae the white civillfor eight persons who drowned| pead are Mr. and Mrs. Leon- place while she was shuttling "| ; : , |Wednesday' when trapped iniarq Stanley and their children Negro civil rights workers back Circuit Judge T. Werth Thag-|their car after it plunged from|Maria, 5, Marline, 4, Elizabeth, to Selma after the massive, 50-\ard said the trial is moving sO}|a wooden forestry bridge into; and Lanciath five mmonthe : mile march on the state capito]/smoothly that he now antici-|the Columbia River. : ' : ; in Montgomery. pates that the case will go to} The accident occurred two| The family and another man, In the earlier trial, which the jury sometime Friday. [miles from this centre located/Tony Fisher, were from the Co- ended in a deadlocked jury, The trial in this rural townlin the Rocky Mountains of|lumbia Lake reserve near Win- Rowe testified he was one of|in cattle-raising country 28/southeastern B.C. |dermere, B.C. The eighth vic- four Klan members in the car|miles southwest of Montgomery! Among the dead was a family|tim, Pascal, that followed Mrs. | along the darkstretch of U.S. \tinued earlier Wednesday whenjing home late at night from|Invermere. 80 before, he said, Wilkins fired Flowers appealed to the state/cutting Christmas trees for a} The Stanleys leave four the shot that killed her. Supreme Court for a ruling. |commercial distributor. 'other children. | dent. Josephine GRUESOME SHOOTIN' IN THE RASPUTIN DISPUTIN' How To Murder A Mad Russian Monk Dmitri, one of the four plot- "My wife is nobility, wealthy, beautiful, everything Rasputin desires among his NEW YORK (CP)--Russian The former member of the prince's palace and fell in the - the Mad Monk fell down and Prince Felix Youssoupoff tes- Russian' Romonov court said snow outside. appeared to be dying, the tified Wednesday in court how he shot Rasputin in the heart As Rasputin lay dying from prince said. He went' away he and three other men poi and liver, but the Mad Monk the poison and two bullet and then came back a little soned and shot Rasputin on had enough strength left to try wounds from the prince's pis- later to find Rasputin still a snowy, winter night in 1916 to strangle him. tol, another of the conspira- alive. but the Mad Monk still would The frail, 79 - year - old tors shot him again and this 'He jumped at me and not die. prince, answering questions killed him, the prince said. wanted to (the prince put his The 79-year-old prince is su- from his lawyer in halting Rasputin, considered by hands around his throat). . . ing the Columbia Broadcast- English and occasionally in members of the. Romonov he held me by the throat and ing System for $1,500,000, as- his more - familiar French, court to have supernatural wanted to kill me... I tried serting that a CBS film de- said Rasputin. confessed to -powers, was. invited to the to fight." ' picting the assassination was him that he was a spy for prince's palace on the night an invasion of privacy, shown Germany. he was assassinated in a plot FINALLY DIED in a "fictional way,' and that Before Rasputin was poi- -"to get rid of. him," he re- It was then that' Rasputin the 30-minute television play soned and shot, 'I tried to lated. ran out into the courtyard "was given a sexual.atmos- persuade him to leave St. In the cellar dining room, where he finally died. The prince said Rasputin's body was thrown into a river. He said 10 days later he was he was fed poisoned wine, tea and cakes, but he did not even look sick at first, the prince Petersburg (now Lenin- grad),"" the prince testified. "He told me he was a Ger- phere." The case is being heard be- fore a jury of nine men and Police have been unable to|murder and were ordered held explain what caused the acci-jin custody for a week for an- jother court appearance. | Lesley vanished from a fair- ground in Manchester the day after Christmas last year. | Children's clothing was un- learthed by searching police|-- idogs Wednesday three miles miles from the spot |Lesley's body was found. tavern about having buried a body or bodies. REOPEN FILES They reopened their files on at least 11 persons -- mostly aged under 15 -- who have dis- appeared from the area in the last three years. Brady was already charged with the murder of 17-year-old apprentice Edward Evans. Miss Hindley was charged with help- New Corpse In Moor, Man, Woman Accused ticed children and young girls to parties, got them drunk on wine, then murdered them they rejected perverted a vances, Police today appealed to the public to help identify 20 phot graphs of wild stretches moorland where they bodies may be buried. Eric Cunningham, head Britain's "north-west believe ing Brady, murdered Evans. ENTICED CHILDREN meu where 3 was! Police earlier said the search| = Liuzzo's was in danger of being discon-\of six. The victims were return-|from the Shuswap reserve near)--based on information they| = jtermed nauseating and horrify-|® ling--followed a tip that aman had been heard boasting in a | 'Rhtvtermvn isis escTNU NNN | Police believe the killer en- ut knowing he had crime squad, asked hikers and shepherds and anyone else who knows the moors to come for- ward to see the pictures, The pictures and some tape recordings were seized in po- qn vttttsernngvtrenaie tenant ELECTION REPORT Diefenbaker -- P. 7 Douglas -- P. 21 Peasron -- P. 7 Thompson -- P. 21 lice raids on a house near Man- chester and from a_ suitcase stored at a Manchester railway station. Some of the seized tapes, po- Ellice say, were recordings of the "|last tortured moments of his victims. UALR = The prince is expected to continue his testimony today. Earlier, the prince insisted that his sole motive for kill- ing Rasputin was his "dis- taste of Rasputin's debach- ery." Defence: counsel, former congressman Herbert Zel- enko, asked the prince: 'Did you express as a motive for killing Rasputin your distaste for his debaucheries? Answer: "Yes," Question: "Did you express any other motives other than the one we just spoke of for killing Rasputin?" three women with state Su- ° man agent and had to stay in said arrested by the chief of police Answer: "No."" preme Court Justice Wilfred St. Petersburg 'We decided to kill him with who first took him to a police The telecast, titled If I A. Waltemade presiding "| was astonished. I was re- a revolver . we decided station' but later to a home choyld Die was shown Jan Also in court Wednesday volted." that I was the one who was that was 'his property." 2. 1962 } : EDR was Princess Rina, whom the rhe prince, the sole witness going to use the pistol. Every He added that two months ~' prince married in 1914. The Wednesday said Rasputin fin- one was astonished that he did: later he left Russia perman- QUESTION ASKED Rasputin assassination took ally died after he ran from not die." ently and went with his wife The prince also was asked place twe years later, the cellar dining room of the After he had shot Rasputin, to live in Paris. whether he told Grand Duke ters: feminine followers." The prince said: "Never." Counsel for CBS has said the TV program was educa- tional, and also said the prince could not divorce him- self from the fame" connected with Raspu- tin's death. The defence also noted that the prince has written two books, published in 1927 and 1952, which described his role in 'ending the sway of Raspu- tin over the czar and czarina, The princess, 70s, is the daughter of Czar Nicholas II's eldest sister and is distantly related to the late King George V of England. The couple currently reside in "notoriety of now in her 'THE BODY' DEAD Actress Marie (The Body) McDonald was found dead early today in her home. Sheriff's deputies termed the death an ap- parent suicide, Sheriff's offi- cers said they received a call shortly before 5.30 a.m. to the actress' home in sub- urban Hidden Hills. Offi- cers said they were called by Miss McDonald's hus- band, Donald F. Taylor, who found the body. Taylor, an independent 'film pro- ducer, was the 42-year-old actress" fifth husband. out saying what the decision was, he said its implementation TO RHODESIA 'Need We Go On Bandying Wtih Future In Suspense?' granting Rhodesia statehood, including guarantees (1) of un- impeded progress toward ma- jority rule, (2) against regres- sive amendments to the consti- tution, (3) to improve the polit- ical status of the Negroes now, (4) of repeal of all racially dis- criminatory laws, and (5) to ene sure that an independence set- tlement is acceptable to the Rhodesian people as a whole, Smith in his message to Wil- son contehded that the constitu. tion "covers your five princi- ples if only you will admit it. They are enshrined there for all to see." Australian Prime Minister Sir Robert Menzies told his house of representatives in Canberra that his government would not give diplomatic recognition to the Rhodesian government if it seized independence, 'However, even at this late hour, we hope wiser counsels will prevail, or at least there will be some delaying process," he said. Resolutions calling for mill tary, economic and _ political declared independence topped the agenda of the Organization of African Unity conference opening today in Accra, Ghana. UN Secretary - General U Thant in a message to the OAU, attacked the racial policies of ruling white minorities in parts of Africa and said he hopes white leaders could be dissu+ aded from "desperate gamts bles," D He made no mention of spe- cific territories, but it was ob- vious he meant Rhodesia, South Africa and the Portuguese Af- rican territories. 7 "and the consequences which flow from it now depend en- tirely on your response to this appeal I now make at this 11th hour." Independence talks broke down last week over Britain's insistence that provision be made for the self-governing col- ony's 4,000,000 Negroes to take over the government ultimately if}from the 250,000 whites. d-| Wilson has maintained that the 1961 constitution does not contain satisfactory guarantees for ultimate majority rule. He spelled out five conditions for 0- of Cuba Refugee Flow Resumes KEY WEST, Fla. (AP)--The flow of Cuban refugees ac! the Florida Straits resum day with two small boats" mak- ing landings in the florida Keys, At least 16 more Were on the way. One vessel landed on a publie beach at Key West and border patrol bri hurried to the scene. Yhe second craft docked at Marathon in the middle of the keys with 15 refugees. ST. LOUIS, Mo. (AP) -- quake could have been disas in a city. PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- He is free on $100 bail. Beer Flowing Once return to work. out of work. sqemmrnnemmraintnamnetn In THE TIMES Valley Route Meeting--P. 13 400 At Lodge Bazeor--P. 5 © Crushmen Win 4-2--P. 8 Ann Landers--16 City News--13 Classified --24, 25, 26 = Comics--23 = Editorial--4 = Finonelal--27 Obits--27 Sports--8, 9, 10, 11 Theatre--20 Whitby News--5, 6 Women's--14, 15, 16, 17 Weather--2 | "!.¢' NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Moderate Quake Hits U.S. Midwest A moderately strong earth- quake rumbled across the middle Western United States Wednesday night, shaking at least eight states. No injuries -- or serious damage were reported, but a scientist said the trous if it had been centred Andy Thompson Remanded On Charges Andrew Thompson, Ontario, Liberal party leader, was remanded in court here today until Oct. 28 on four charges laid following a two-car collision here Oct. 6 in which four persons were injured, He is charged with dangerous driving, impaired driving, careless driving and failure to yield one-half of the road. More In B.C. VANCOUVER (CP) -- Striking brewery workers in Brit+ ish Columbia agreed in a vote here Wednesday night to The affirmative vote means an end to a strike that began Aug. 23 and all but dried up beer supplies in the province, throwing several thousand beer parlor waiters eM Now in its seventh day the Greater Oshawa Com- muaity Chest Campaign has feleed $87,491 of the $306,- @reet. LN reprisals against Rhodesia if it °