22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, October 21, 1965 ROUND THE GLOBE IN A GLANCE Never Had Any Intention Of Sending Men-Martin WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--"Can- ada has no intention nor has there ever been any intention to send troops to Viet Nam," External Affairs Minister Paul Martin said Wednesday. "We are doing everything we can in contert with other coun- tries to try to bring about peace," he said in an interview. Mr. Martin was commenting on a statement made Tuesday by Finance Minister Gordon at a press conference in Ottawa that President Johnson had asked Canada for military sup- port in the Vf¥namese war. Mr. Gordon said this was his| interpretation of a letter from | the president to Prime Minister} Pearson dated July 26. Mr. Martin said sending troops to Viet Nam would be "inconsistent" with role as member of the neutral internationa] truce supervisory| commission based in Viet Nam, Laos and Cambodia, "Every soldier in Canada's armed forces now is working for peace," Mr. Martin said Earlier this summer, Mr Martin said the president's let ter contained a request or an |will rise by more. than $40,000,- | '000 increase in Canadian civil aid to South Viet Nam. PASS BRAIN BILL | WASHINGTON' (AP )-- The} Senate passed and sent to the White House Wednesday night a $2,300,00,000 three-year pro-| gram of support for higher edu- | cation. The: far-ranging legisla tion will provide federal schol- arships for needy college stu-| dents, help pay interest on col- lege loans, build laboratories | and equip them and strengthen} college libraries and teacher | education. It would also estab- lish a corps of specially trained teachers that would be avail- able to local school districts | ------ eral U Thant disclosed Wed- nesday that Sudan had pledged a voluntary contribution of $100,000 and Malta a volun- tary contribution of $9,000 to help the United Nations pay off its peacekeeping deficit. They were the first to respond to Thant's renewed appeal before the General Assembly's 117- nation budgetary committee Oct. 12. In all, 17 countries havt pledged $20,114,324. PLANE CRASHES MANILA (AP)--A_ domestic airliner carrying 38 persons crashed Wednesday, killing one Trade Minister Sharp predicted in Toronto Wednesday, ANNOUNCE RESULTS United Buffadison Mines Lid. says it has completed five drill holes at its molybdenite pros- pect in the Endako area of Brit- ish Columbia, but no ore-grade sections have been found. PRICES UP House - building material prices rose last month to a rec- ord but non-residential building material prices held steady at their early summer mark, the bureau of statistics reported Wednesday. passenger and injuring all oth-| ers aboard plus five persons on ithe ground. Philippine Airlines, | which owned the twin-engined DC-3, said five Philippine Air| \Force personnel in a nearby) steel fragments from the plane Another airman was injured while helping in ations, PREDICTS INCREASE The amount spent by foreign tourists in Canada in 1965 likely over last year's figure, | rescue oper-| | MORE OIL Another oil well has gone into \production in the well-estab- lished Mitsue oil field, on the south shore of Lesser Slave Canada's |harracks were hit by flying|Lake about 150 miles northwest fof Edmonton. NEED A NEW '| FURNACE? j | |] No Down Payment--First Payment December--Call PERRY Day or Night. . . 723-3443 CLEANING In Your Home. . 94 BRUCE STREET Li . or Our Plant ¢ PHONE 725-9961 AW, in LANERS RUG & UPHOLSTERY -- DIVISION OF OSHAWA CLEANING CONTRACTORS for use in. over - burdened elementary and secondary schools in low-income areas. FLUORIDES HARMLESS SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP) -- The president of the. Canadian Dental Association said Wed- nesday there has been no evi- dence of any ill effects to per sons who have taken part in fluoridation programs. Fluoride has helped reduce brittleness of the bones and teeth of elderly persons, Dr. Phillip S Christie of Halifax told a New Brunswick Dental Association meeting here. KILLED 18,0007 STUTTGART, West Germany (Reuters)---A former Gestapo captain was accused Wednes- day of sending more than 18,-| 000 Polish Jews to their deaths between 1942 and 1943. The de-| fendant, man Hermann Mueller, is on trial with nine other former SS (Nazi elite corps) men for murder and complicy in the murder of at least 30,000 Jews. EXECUTION STAYED QUEBEC (CP) . --Guy. Bert- rand, lawyer for Leopold Dion, | 44, who is under sentence of death for the murder of a 13- year-old boy, said Wednesday that federal Justice Minister | Lucien Cardin has granted) Dion a stay of execution to Dec. 3. Dion was to have been hanged Oct. 29 for the sex- slaying of Pierre Marquis of Quebec City. Mr. Bertrand has submitted a written plea on be- half of his client to Mr. Cardin and it is to allow time for study of this document that the stay of execution was granted, the lawyer said. BOLSTER FUND | UNITED NATIONS (CP) -- United Nations _Secretary- -Gen- Student Convicted In Officer Kidnap MONT LAURIER, Que. (CP)| Daniel Relec, 21-year-old Mont-| real medical student, was con- victed here Wednesday on} charges of seizing and holding a provincial police constable Jast July 15. He is to be sentenced Navy. 8 Of six other s@paratist youths arrested near La Macaza, 100 miles north of Montreal, three await sentence and one has been acquitted for lack of evi- dence. Two await trial In closing arguments, defence lawyer Henri Courtemanche| said there was no evidence to show the youths intended to at- tack the Bomarc missile base at La Macaza, nor that they/ weren't on a "survival expedi- tion" as they said they were City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 Open Evenings Till 9 P.M 56-year-old .business-|f BURNS JEWELLERS 20 Simcoe North Open to 9 p.m. Friday 'MaDe she'll cherish a lifetime Pay as little as 10% Down Your best watch investment fora lifetime BURNS JEWELLERS Pay as littie es 10% Down TORONTO (CP) < Allan Grossman, minister of reform institutions, said he has been blocked by the civil service commission from' hiring men whom he feels are qualified to fill department vacancies for rehabilitation officers. Mr. Grossman said he has had to turn away several appli- cants because they lacked Grade 13 education, Appearing before the legislature's select committee on youth with 12 of his departmental staff, he rec- ommended some relaxation in academic standards, ' CS Commission Blocks Attempt To Get Rehabilitation Officers porters he was speaking mainly of mature, level-headed men with a common-sense approach and who knew human relations --a quality that was exactly what was needed for rehabilita- tion officers, To dramatize his story, the minister' of reform institutions said he himself would not qual- ify as a rehabilitation officer because he had never had Grade 13 education. during the depression years, Mr, Grossman, 54, had to go to work and never had a chance Mr. Grossman later told re- of completing his education. We Guarantee to SAVE YOU $100.00 ON YOUR ANNUAL FOOD COST PHONE 723-1163 THE FOOD HAS PROVEN ITSELF Chamber FOOD CLUB 933 RITSON RD, 5, PLAN THAT i Like many others brought up) Malted Milk 'No Good' | Bordens Attempt A Recall TORONTO (CP)--The Borden Co, Ltd. is attempting to re- cover 468 14 - ounce jars of plain malted milk powder pro- cessed incorrectly, Vice-Presi- dent Mills Mars said Wednes- day, Mr, Mars said in a statement the malted milk could cause ill- ness to anyone who consumed cedure was interrupted. at the| company's Ingersoll, Ont., plant! and a limited amount of the) product, resulting from the ir-| reguiar processing procedure, was packaged," Mr, Mars said, The company traced the sus- pected product to Vancouver, Edmonton, Kitchener, Windsor and Rexdale, Ont., and Mont- real, ' "The regular processing pro- FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the ae Shedes ond Fobrics ; . . ia M&C DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 = OPEN 10 a.m, to 10 p.m, EVERY DAY (Except Sunday) A Division of the $. 5, Kresge pesonsee Linked « Capture the brilliance and beauty of Fall with a Polaroid Land Camera from K-Mart! In just 60-seconds, what might have faded away to a vague mem- ory becomes a sharp, clear Polaroid Land Camera can picture that you can enjoy for years to come, The be enjoyed by young and old alike for many reas- ons, from livening up a party to being a useful addition to any Business. So, capture your memories with a Polaroid Land Camera --- you won't regret it! POLAROID 104 Automatic Land Camera 9.88 This economical Polaroid model is equipped with automatic exposure for flash pictures which enables you to take first-quality pictures, without the aid of sunlight! Per- fect for indoor shots, A black and - > owhite -picture takes only 10 -see- » onds, color pictures 60 seconds Polaroid 103 Automatic Land Camera : 3.77 A superb, new Polareid camera mare of tough high impact plastic for durability, The some expensive lens and viewfinder found on the more expensive Polaroid cameros, are 'feotures of this low-priced model 103. In just 60 seconds, you hove excellent color reproduction and in only 10 seconds vou get the some excellent reproduction in black and white Beautiful portrait pictures con be token only 20 from the subject Let Miss POLAROID Show You How... Miss Polaroid will be at K-Mart features of the Polaroid Land Camera, Make a note of the demonstration times and drop into your K-Mart Cai land Camera in action! You may a FREE 5 x 7 enlargement photo ¢ DEMONSTRATION TIMES Saturday 1 p. ~ to demonstrote the many excellent mera Department to see the Polaroid be ore of the lucky people to recewe of yourself -- m, to 10 p.m. ON H IGHWAY No. 2 BETWEEN OSHAWA AND WHITBY HONEST CAL LTD. INVENTORY All Furniture and Appliances MUST BE SOLD To Make Room for New Lines ! ! BIG DISCOUNTS! SECOND STORE OPENING SOON! OVER 15,000 $Q, FT. IN ALL! Ordering Revised! Gibson Model 1105 Refrigerator with Big 50-lb, Freezer 177.90 NO TRADE NEEDED GIBSON Medel 3005 30" RANGE clock controlled 159.95 NO TRADE NEEDED NEW! ELECTRIC KETTLES 4.97 NEW! HAIR DRYER 4.97 5-PIECE CHROME SKLAR RFelINER CHAIRS Floor Models 9° Complete 30" BUNK BEDS with mattresses ladder, guerd rail, COMPLETE LIVING ROOM SUITES 2- PIECE cvesrenriewy sue 7.00 SKLAR 2-PIECE Chesterfield Suite 169.50 uality you'd expect to pay much more INVENTORY. SALE SPECIAL .. tor, INVENTORY SALE SPECIAL BE DROOM FURNITURE 3-PIECE QUALITY 99 .90 BEDROOM SUITE Double dresser, Bookcase bed and tg chest, INVENTORY SALE SHOP ON EASY BUDGET OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M, SPECIA LIMITED FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 424 KING ST..WEST Opposite Shopping Centre