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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Oct 1965, p. 1

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'Home Newspaper : , fh Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bow- manville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in On- tario and Durham Counties, ~ WOH 248 -- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1965 Oshawa Gunes Weather Report. Warmer spell for today, turn- ing cooler tonight. Low to- night, 45. High tomorrow, 590, é seme a Sema iecite Pee' TWENTY-TWO PAGES AGENA FAIL S TO ORBIT Press Hunt For 4 Lost | | TOMBERMORY, Ont. (CP)--jthey were going to film around! Rescye aircraft searched the the wreck. rough water among the islands) Their open boat, which had a north of this village on the tip|40-horsepower outboard motor, | of the Bruce peninsula today|was heavily laden with the four) for a four - man. underwater|men, their scuba gear and their) {filming crew missing since Sat-| filming equipment, | jurday. The weather was so rough | Police said winds of between|when they set out that com- 40 and 50 m.p.h, were raising|mercial fishermen were stay- waves of from seven to 12 feet, |ing. in port. making a water search impos-| There are 10 wooded islands sible. in the area, some of them with A fishing boat manned by alsummer cottages, Police said crew of police and volunteers is)the four men might be waiting \standing by in the harbor here out the rough weather on one of and will put out if a helicopter|the islands, but they were un- and an Albatross from thejable to land a search party on) |RCAF search and rescue sta-|the islands Sunday because of} tion at Trenton, Ont., find any/rough weather which threat- sign of the missing men ened to capsize search boats or | The four, all from Toronto/drive them onto shoals. land all described as experi-| The RCAF helicopter will try enced skin-divers, are Prof. Ro-|to land a search party on the ger Erie Deahe 66, of the geo-|islands. logy department at the Univer-| For years Prof, Deane had) sity of Toronto, Thomas C. Ni-|been working on a theory that) leholson 26, a draftsman, Ario during the Ice Ages the upper Gatti, 44 an artist and designer,;Great Lakes drained through and Peter Macfarlane, 38, 8 the Tobermory area. television producer. lt the theory was correct,| The team had been working|there would be a. "great, in the area all summer long.|trench" in the lake bottom 'During their research they|somewhere between here and . . For Evidence For Pearson found the sunken wreck of the'the southern tip of Manitoulin MONTREAL (CP) -- Claude|present inquiries, he should sub-|Newago, a 175-foot steamboat Island. an ae Nin. Wagner, Quebec justice minis-imit them forthwith," he said.'which sank in the area in 1903.; As well as filming, the party aro pic no naa ter, said Sunday night he would) "gyt 1 haven't heard from) A guide sald he understood) was taking echo soundings and Social since my letter of OO" coca seem ce 7 tracing the bottom in scuba-| scheduled blast-off into at Cape Kennedy today. space and a@ rendezvous with another space vehicle WALTER SCHIRRA, pilot of the Gemini 6, eats steak for breakfast before his Big-scale (AP Wirephoto) President Lyndon Johnson backs his speedboat out of dock as Mrs, Johnson waves at Lake Lyndon B, Johnson, ment, to come forward with evi- weeks 8g." of the theory. PRESIDENT ON THE MEND Loss Of Telemetry Noted On Entry Into The Orbit: CAPE KENNEDY, Fila. (AP)--The Gemini 6 mis- sion of astronauts Walter Schirra and Thomas Stal- ford was postponed indefin- itely today when the Agena spacecraft -- their rendez- vous and docking target-- failed to achieve orbit, At 11:55 am. EDT, mis- sion control at Houston an- {dramatic loss of telemetry" sig minutes, 20 seconds into the mission, at the time the Agena |was to have ignited its engine to drill itself into orbit. ! After that, all radio commun- lication was lost with the Agena, |Stations at Bermuda and Anti- | gua at first reported they |thought they were receiving isome brief signals from the nounced that Agena had jAgena, but these apparently plunged back to earth in the | were erroneous, Atlantic and the Gemini 6 | A station in the Canary Is- mission 'was scrubbed, lands said it was unable to CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) make the Agena respond to any The Agena satellite that the|commands at a time when it Gemini § astronauts were etn have been overhead, chase in space may have failed| When the Atlas lifted off, to achieve orbit today. If so, the|Sehirra and Stafford were in flight of astronauts Walter|their cramped spacecraft atop Schirra and Thomas Stafford|@ Titan 2 rocket on a pad 6,000 probably will be postponed in-\feet away. They watched the definitely. |blastoff of their intended tar- An Atlas rocket blasted off on|get satellite on a television schedule at 11 a.m, EDT to pro-|monitor mounted in front of pel the Agena toward an in-|their spacecraft window. tended orbit. The Atlas worked| The countdown on the Titan 3 beautifully during its ive. joonitinued as tracking stations minute burning time and thejattempted to determine what Agena separated as planned. happened to the Agena. Sched- However, mission controljuled liftoff for the astronauts jcentre reported there was "alwas 12:41 p.m. Charges Judge With Errors 'At Trial Of Former Minister | TORONTO (CP)--Russell .D.jlawyer for the: convicted, man, Horsburgh's lawyer argued be-|said the. case Mr. fore the Ontario Appeal Court|burgh was The president is recuperat- ing at his Texas ranch from a gall bladder operation. (AP Wirephoto) tered like Dr. Guy Marcoux, ihi E os 'vith a oP of ie Credit MP in the last Parlia- wos diving expeditions to find proof] . 7 in widely-separated Hi 4 enting on an Ot-| idence of bribery in connection) He was commenting Pil ee Police said. Prof, Deane kad) m Montreal to Vanco a his allegations of @ Liberal-|tawa report that Dr. arcous 1€ * ; 5 "i's intended to be the climax|Social Credit 'deal' in 1963. -- the ye MP ysis cam ' Mr. Wagner said in an inter-jhad evidence of perjury Emb Ac meat Pian thet oo view that he wrote to Dr Mar-| bribery concerning a group of n race slow with small rallies and build|coux two weeks ago offering po-|formet Social Credit MPs, | up to a pre-election crescendo. |lice protection, | Dr. Mareoux earlier issued @}. PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- ' : . ; . 6 "In the last paragraph of myjpamphiet in which he alleged| Opposition Leader Diefenbaker R li { U t 1) pee ela ap Mar-|that representations were madejand George Hees, his former e 1e nl t with that of Con-jletter, I pointed out to Dr : : ja Fagg pe oo Diefen-|Coux that if he had an; infor-jto six members of Parliamentitrade minister, embraced on a ing|mation or documents which|then belonging to the Social|campaign platform at Camp-| N Go ] a da yf a NDE might be useful to us in our'Credit party. [belifora Saturday. | ears a Leader T. C. Douglas also) (aaa mies emsyaciie se "| Mr, Diefenbaker said it was mounted a vigares early cam-| : oe egg igh eee vd namese relief force drew near|tee announced today paign for the Nov. 8 vote. a C S half of r. Hees, Conservative the besieged Plei Me cam -| The ar é ade by J First of the mass Liberal ral @ar I Oux e | | camp to The award was made by the lies had a crowd of 7,000 in the| |water rock formations and ship jwrecks in 'the area. \Children's Emergency Fun umberland who resigned from Cong , 3 y | ambush, _ Stor the cabinet in 1963 in a policy \Norwegian Storting About 250 guerrillas SAIGON (AP)--A South Viet-|(UNICEF), the Nobel commit-| today that the judge who con-| exclusive): the testimony Se tad rtd ea nas MR ipeen coming. here periodically UNICEF Wi N b 1P . to juvenile' delinquen : |bee quency madejunder the Juvenile Delinquency for 18 years to study under- ins 0. e rize "completely fundamental er-|Act for the same actions im- rors" at his trial. puted to the accused man, F Aid T Th Child A... appeal court under Chief He said that all were juvenile or Aid To The Children juts: iris, et,tseimeons tod sie 9 on r. Horsburgh, sentenced to a year had admitted criminal acts, OSLO (AP)--The Nobel peace/UNICEF and specified thejin prison on five charges, be-|They exhibited no sexual mo lprize has been awarded to the)amount of the prize money. |United Nations International] The prize will be presented to|crowd. fore a standing - room - only|rality and were of "loose char- jacter." \a representative of UNICEF in| Mr. Horsburgh was convicted | a ceremony in Oslo University|at Chatham and sentenced Nov.| Dec. 10 116, 1964, after 14 teen-agers tes- Hays Scheduled candidate in Liberal-held North-|qay after beatin , are . » ie pro.itified hi d th t be g off a Viet five-member committee of the) The cash for the prize is pro-jtified he encourage: em to) . Corlia-|vided Stay In Hospital f ajqueathed by the 1895 will of Dr. from investments be-jhave sexual intercourse in Park) Halifax Forum Friday night. It) H * * were) Th r ronsists 0} | st of the} B b t \split with Mr. Diefenbaker and |j : jment). The prize consists : : Dr./§treet United Church where he} CALGARY (CP) -- Agricul was by far the biggest of the) as Tl er ' er u a a tbe sr ceteeta Caaanans, killed in the abortive ambush|gold medal and a cash award of| Alfred Nobel, the Swedish che-|was minister. He has since re-|ture Minister Harry Pn ge Liberal campaign. at Plei Ya Dran, a U.S. mili-!9g2,000 Swedish kroner (about Liberal organizers now are : "The crepe hangers in the/tary adviser said, Government! $55,000) pointing to the second, set. for) OTTAWA (CP)--Acting Jus: | have been informed bY), jheral party have their answer\casualties were reported light cig : the mall in the Yorkdale shop-|tice Minister Pennell said Sun- Deputy Commissioner Lindsay,\once and for 'all,' Mr. Diefen-| The Viet Cong kept up otk: ping plaza in the Toronto sub-|day_night that Dr, Guy Mar-|RCMP, that he and other Offi-\;axer said after a ringing intro-|dic mortar fire against the US urbs. coux, Social Credit MP in thej|cers of the force met this .after- duction. from. Mr. Hees before| special loka: Cay at Next on the list is a Fridayjlast Parliament, told the RCMP/noon at RCMP | ' night affair at the Queen Eliza learlier in the day that he had|Ottawa, with Dr beth Theatre in Vancouver jevidence of perjury and bribery) the latter's request 3 »omes thé fourth of thelin connection with the actions of. sac 3 : arte x F bine is the Civielcertain. former Social Credit CLAIMS EVIDENCE Rg hye ae baleen Auditorium the following Mon-;members . the ng Marcoux!s day Mr. Pennell said in a state stated he had evidence of per Mr. Pearson does it again the}ment that Dr. Marcoux, mem-|jury and bribery having been very next day at the Palais du/ber for Quebec-Montmorency injcommitted in the province of Commerce in Montreal. the last House, was told the|/Quebec in relation to some for His itinerary beyond that hasjmatter came within the juris-)mer Creditiste members of Par- not been made public, but it is diction of the province of Que-jliament, When he was informed understood he'll wind up with albec. The acting justice minister|that investigation and prosecu- outstanding persons are chosen rally in Hamilton. Choice of|said Dr. Marcoux planned to get/tion of these Criminal Code of-|but that one difficulty in Can- Hamilton is in keeping with thelin touch 'with Justice Minister|fences would be a matter for ada is that racial and regional! high-priority label the Liberals|Claude Wagner of Quebec your department he declined to/considerations in selection of have placed on southwestern) None of the members alleged produce documents he indicated) cabinet ministers ofien preclude Ontario lto be involved was named injhe had in his possession al-some men being appointed The prime 'minister makes his},jp Pennell's statement, In a though Lindsay offered to have DIEF 'VERY HAPPY' second foray into the region!telegram to Mr. Wagner, Mr, |them eae for trans-|"sckeq previously whether all|for an ambush. Tuesday, appearing in London) pepnell said that Dr. Marcoux aie ea i difficulties with Mr. Hees had The flanking manoeuvre; plus and Wallaceburg, before mOV-| when told the allegations would 'Marcoux stated he would be/heen patched up, Mr. Diefen- heavy ing to Toronto for the mMajoripe g matter for the Quebec jus-|getting in. touch with you upon|baker said he is "very happy' |and strafing by U.S Fay. reap sarts out tholeegccharement,"delined, nis return to Quebec City today,|tha ME Hees has ceturned tojeonned 9 thtam week with a return visit to his had in his possession." iUnder the circumstances you]? He had bean yeee. havny th gu . home riding of Algoma East to- Dr. Marcoux earlier issued a | Will no doubt wish to take im-| join with Mr. Hees and make Gay whore sea ba ---- pamphlet in which he alleged|mediate steps to inquire into|clear that party unity had been Aignaline. bay pred eek that representations were made|these allegations and study any -- everywhere in Can J 3 "si1\to Six Social Credit members of _ wwitey eye _, ada Ontario riding, Mr. ape gee Pa dininkat following the 1963 documentary or other evidence Mr. Diefenbaker spoke to an ne ere F Hot) veneral election to have them _ arena crowd of some 3,000 here support the Liberal party P turday night. There was some ® |boding, soon drownec yap the prime minister has devel-/jgsuES: STATEMENT Russia Eases |plause, when apy hei Sh oped the idea that he needs & wr. Pennell's statement said:| as. "Canada's Sir Winston SALISBURY (CP)--A hessyi acres' Sunday for waving parliamentary majority to pro-| "As acting minister of justice Curbs On Jews lChurehill" and "the greatest|Pelice guard stood by for Brit-janti-zovernment banners, Since the prize was first headquarters, | fy!) auditorium crowd of some/Me, 210 miles northeast of lel |stitutions. Marcoux at go gon and about 17 miles from asked|camp's 300 Montagnard tribes-|Nations General Assembly Dec Hees would be of-/men and 10 to 12 U.S, advisers|!1, 1946. fered a ce post-if the Con-|have heen unde? attack since) Originally servatives form the next gov-jlast Tuesday ernment The . relief column spear- Mr. Diefenbaker said cabinets|headed by armor, was appar-) ; aren't selected before elections. ently well prepared for the am-/°P® and Asia Then he added that the most bush before the government/UN assembly force left Pleiku, 25 miles north|should concentrate on of the camp USE AIRLIFT Advance elements of South Vietnamese Rangers were air lifted Saturday to take up a po-|® perme sition flanking an aces 600 guerrillas believed massing|{he United Nations Fund was founded The Norwegian Winnineg Dec. 1, countries Oct. 1, 1953 Nobel com- jet planes,jfor the peace Today's back the) announcement iprize had been awarded ON ARRIVAL IN RHODESIA prize Marcoux may have." ke. Inclading the Halifax rally, ELECTION REPORT Marcoux -- P, 3 Scandals -- P. 3 Dupiue -- P.3 Nominations --P. 3 group identity spirit vide a strong central govert-i7 was informed this evening by living Canadian of the decade." ish Prime Minister Wilson's ar-| 'The British leader left London WASHINGTON (AP) -- The i on \ | rs ' AMAT a The | Conservative national develop-|mission to prevent the self-ito deter Rhodesian Prime Min- omy rolling and allow long-term)inem in Ottawa and informed _ilast 10 months, but a major a ° bec, Ontario and Manitoba pendence, The fate of Rhodesia, and per- Prox se ' jsaid Saturday ; ; wig then belonging i? water now wasted in the Arctic|ish leadership a year ago. The rica, depends on what may be SAINT JOHN "The fed-|coux that the proper course was tural and intellectual life, the break with Britain is near. eral political pf/ties re chal-|to take the evidence to the Que committee reported al to ; i Proc) ii aieaciin F 7 up. tight security precautions at for the colony to preserve mi : increased pressure of world . policy that takes account of the} '"'At the same time, [ immedi-| rival of Wilson and Common- United Nations pressure, insists Georges Gouin, president ofjbec, in which' province the al-|change in the Soviet policy of) '~ towish at Cyprus Wilson: has indicated he ip- Jews the Maritime Motor give the matter his w at tion of Y te i and hope said he sent t The committee's survey is its Police patrols also were|Joshua Nkomo and Ndabangingi way subsidies have hurt the in-|following telegram to Mr ment. He says it's needed toli,,. ROMP that Dr. Marcoux Mr Diefenbaker outlined airival today in' Rhodesia on his|sunday on his late-hour effort Soviet Union has eased restric- : xine . 9 ehh ' estrie-! ment policy and said northward. Soverning African colony's)ister lan Smith from declaring planning. them that he had evidence of ibreakthrough appears far off, " . " 1 would be diverted southward in| He faces possibly the biggest haps other neighboring coun- > . to the Social; hava tak} : Transport Policy gh ge | There has been a gradual re-|avaiiable to future generations overriding belief among Many ithe jast round of talks between Police expected_a rash of Ne- Smith has demanded immedi lenged Saturday n to pro-|bec police, with whom jurisdic Sut it ascribes the reviv 'ee Salisbury airport, where thou-/"ority white rule. Wilson, under trucking industry as an impor- ately informed the minister of OPinion and said it does not wealth Secretary Arthur Bot-/0n safeguards to ensure Negro the Canadian Trucking Associa-|leged offences took place, in Of|attrition and destruction of the There were reports some po-jtends to have interviews also Transport Association that the tention Wag-/fifth on Jewish problems in the) § beefed up in the city's Negro|Sithais, and other spokesmen dustry. 'ner preserve unity, keep the e¢on-ipaq 'today (Sunday) | tions on its 3,500,000 Jews the J ' > te ; : ee 2s : . in the flowing rivers in Northern Que- white rulers from seizing inde-| ynilateral independence perjury and bribery in connec | ; ] ition. with the actions in 1963 of si N | i " the Jewish labor committee | ationa sertain members of Parliament! a 20-to-40-year project to make|test since he assumed the Brit- tries in southern and central Af- "The RCMP advised Dr. Mar vival of Jewish religious, cul of Canadians Rhedesians here is that a final Tha' two' landers gro demonstrations, They threw ate independence from Britain duce a national transportation on in such a casé would lie sands were expected for the ar- heavy Commonwealth and tant service. justice of the province of Que-jnecessarily indicate any "real tomley after an overnight stop) Majority rule eventually tions, told the annual conven der that he might be ready to lice units had dogs and tear gas.jwith African nationalist leaders Canada Labor Code and rail-| Mr, Pennell ¥U.S.8.R. since 1947. (ieee EE | tOWnSHIps. Four Negroes werelfor various groups. Both Nkomo Jararced in i tar ew | Ask Legislation UNICEF was founded by un- To Aid Asians Later, at a press conference,|the Cambodian border, The|/@mous decision of the United UNICEF ras) formed to help child victims Ofltain licences to practise in On- lthe second World.War in Eur-jtario, wants legislation to bring! 1950, the| public decided UNICEF] 'h€ Ontario human rights code. RE 943 lo siding ogice Employees tnteratonal| Diefenbaker TV Show Cancelled lchildren in underdevelope dtnion UNICEF becamelrights to the Ontario Federation inent United Nations or-jof Labor for debate at the OFL estimated | ganization. At the same time, |convention to be held in Wind- Children's|sor Noy, 9-11. | simply said thejcern "about the possibility' of to'racial discrimination." ----------------nnnennnennreennnnmnenee | along their troubled 1,700 - mile border. There was no. British PM Guarded mical engineer and inventor Of! joned from the ministry. 'dynamite. jhe must remain in hospital for At the outset of today's hear-janother week to make certain ing Chief Justice Porter ruled/of a full recovery from an at- that the press was not to carry |tack of pneumonia, - the names of the teen-agers in-| Mr, Hays, only Liberal mem- volved in the case, a similari/per from Alberta in the last procedure to that followed by|parliament, entered University \Judge W. H. Fox at the original|Hospital in Edmonton Oct. 14 TORONTO (CP)--A Torontojtrial in juvenile court. lafter a week of hard campaign- jlabor union, concerned over) Charles L. Dubin of Toronto,'ing. what it calls the inability of Asian medical graduates to ob- i iC) IGHTS sapien NN NEWS HIGH licensing bodies within (CLC), has forwarded! 'resolutions dealing with human; _ TORONTO (CP) -- The CBC today announced can- cellation of a special scheduled television program "Men and the Issues', featuring John Diefenbaker, leader of the Conservative party. A CBC spokesman said the question-and-answer program was cancelled because Mr. The local says the inability of Diefenbaker had not agreed to appear. Asian medical graduates to se- firepower and bombing! mittee never explains its choice|cure licences to practise in On-} Pakistan Ready For Talks tario. has aroused public con- : RAWALPINDI (AP) -- Pakistan says it is ready to begin discussing withdrawl of Indian and Pakistani troops } response from India, Troops, Tanks Enter Rebel Area SANTO DOMINGO (AP) -- Troops and tanks of the Inter-American Peace Force moved into the rebel sector of Santo Domingo today to help restore peace to the tense city ¢ jand Sithole are confined in gov ernment restriction camps Sithole Sunday predicted vio-} lence and bloodshed if Smith), ldeclares independence. | "It will be the end of hope, lfor Africans and after that they will cease all restraint," he de- lolared | 'The British leader also was}! lreported interested in talking to|? \former Rhodesian prime min-| ister Garfield Todd, who has) been restricted to his ranch be-| jcause he supports the Negro majority Prime Minister Smith, under jpressure from right-wing mem- lbers of his ruling Rhodesian} |Front has issued a statement declaring he will not even dis- cuss 'the long-threatened unilat-) jeral declaration of independ- fence with Wilson | He said the main theme his talks should be his. proposed] = ltreaty to guarantee political ad-)§ |vancement ' with Wilson, 'hb In THE TIMES 10 City homes raided on weekend -- P11 Minor hockey under woy -- P. 5 Generals in first plece -- P. 8. Ann Landers -- 13 City News -- 11 Classified -- 18, 19 Comics --- 17 Editorial ---- 4 Financial --- 21 Obits -- 21 Sports -- 8,9,10 Theatre -- 16 Now in its tenth day, the Whitby News -- 5 Greater Oshawa Community ot] § Women's 12, 13, 14 Chest campaign has reached 2 the $101,387 - mark of the $306, Neother -- , 'ieaaelblaal 300 target. Rosiensin AN Lt OR MOORS GRE Masi 0 tl IE EE St ot em ea oa i =

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