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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Oct 1965, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, October 25, 1965 3 Photographs Give Boost ea To Hunt For 3 Victims \oraezesat STE, ANNE DE BEAUPRE, Que. (CP)--Quebec's participa- identified by hikers and shep- herds who know the moors, who tion in Canadian life is indis- pensable to the survival of the responded to a weekend appeal for help.. rest of the country, Conserva- tive candidate George Hees said Other photographs still have| to be identified. But of the three I splice Making a strong appeal for already "fixed," a senior offi- cer said; national unity at an election "This vital information has rally in this community near Québec City, Mr. Hees called given us a tremendous step for- ward." on English and French-speak- ing Canadians to work for @ Four mobile police stations operated on the moors at the strong and vigarous country. weekend sifting reports from "My friends, let us cease our struggles," he said in French. persons who had noticed sus- picious agtivities during the "Let us unite our efforts so that the centenary of Confederation last few years. But at mid-day Sunday police * WATCH PAPERS MONDAY - TUESDAY: THOMPSON More Scandals Due Socred Chief Says The Conservatives' amnaion « mnaign Dupuis In 3-Way Battle Outcome Stumps Experts votes from the predicament of the Liberals. Mr. Dupuis, a former minis- ter without portfolio, faces in- fiuence-neddling charges which won't be heard in court iititit ey after the election, Meantime, maintaining his in- nocence and insisting Mr. Pear- son was wrong to im politically, he argues that Mr. Desmarais doesn't have ® chance and that party org nize ers in the constituency are pro- Dupuis together with the mass of the voters, Desmarais supporters argue to the contrary and put forward the -extra contention that they have the support of men who worked in the successful cam- By CY FOX st, JOHNS, Que, (CP) = Plump, pugnacious Yvon Du- puis, whose years of breez- ily tanitin O8 Eotiaths son Blew federal cabinet seat for a ime, is waging the electoral fight of his life and the possible outcome leaves the local ex- perts stumped. The voters in this constituency of St. Jean-Iberville-Napierviile, a Liberal stronghold since Con- federation, find themselves with Mr. Dupuis, member of the last House, contending he is the Lib- eral candidate, and a second candidate boasting the status of official party standard-bearer. The second entry, Jean Des- MANCHESTER, England (AP)--The hunt for Britain's Moorland murder victims won a_vowerful boost today with ification of three photo- graphs showing children on hillside picnics. Police said the photographs provided "vital in- formation." Police were due to begin dig- ging at the three picnic places in the expectation of finding bodies. In two weeks of inten- sive search on the desolate pen- nine hills they have turned ap two bodies, one a girl aged 10 and one a boy of 12. They are. certain that two In various ways, the sticky is- national Sue Oi' Crinie KREpr<t YP before the voters during the weekend, as the federal election campaign began to intensify into its final two weeks. Scandals, said Social Credit ment, who talked with the RCMP. about alleged veriury!, and bribery which, he said, he SRN ORE had evidence to support. When Goodman, told reporters told the matter 'came under|4ay that the party has been Quebec provincial jurisdiction, |"quite reserved" on the Issue : ut gor hag Moy: his em of crime. "Any suggestion that / \Leader ompson, are not an to Quebec City to see Justice issue in this campaign, How- Minister Claude Wagner of Que- what Mr. Diefenbaker is doing ever, he said, more are com-|bec. in this campaign is McCarthy- ing. | Meanwhile, in Peterborough|ism. is just not factual." He told a rally of 400 persons Saturday night, Conservative) With two hectic weeks ahead, in Winkler, Man., Saturday Leader Diefenbaker referred to|prime Minister Pearson was in) night to 'watch your newspa- the Lucien Rivard case by ask-|Ottawa during the weekend pre- pers Monday and Tuesday --\ing some 3,000 people: "'What|paring for a series of big-city _|there's more to come." would you do if there was @jrallies to be held between Mont- PEREEGEO PERG GES ET ELSE ES marks the apogee of our Cana- dian life." Mr. Hees, onetime trade min- YVON DUPUIS a , 41, has the blessings of Primes Minister Pearson and the headqnarters of the party's Quebec wings Mr. Desmarais, a former mayor of St. Johns, says the constituency's tradi- tional loyalty is to the party's paigns waged here recently by the provincial Liberal party, though the provincial organiza- tion as such is not participating in the current race, SOCIAL CREDIT SECOND Nominations ed be oe Into Ottawa Sunday came Dr. Guy Marcoux, Social Credit party whip in the last Parlia- thug in your town trying stroy the souls of your more children lie buried amid the bogs and rocky outcrops of the western and southern slopes chil-\the week today by going to his Elliot Lake constituency, then Martin Has Won its on to London and Wallace- |burg, before speaking in the mall of Toronto's huge Yorkdale shopping plaza Wednesday. He'll be at Vancouver's Queen) of the Pennines, And they be- lieve at least four others may soon be discovered dead, All have vanished without trace 9In Row ister in the Diefenbaker cabinet, is running in the Ontario riding of Northumberland in the Nov, 8 election. Now Many Weer called off search operations be- cause they were hampered by ghoulish sightseers. Many of the Sunday sight- seers arrived by coach. Some took young children to gape at a grave where the body of a End Today By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Mr. Dupuis, 39, polled 14,656 votes in 1963 against 7,081 for the second-place Social Credit, now. superseded in Quebec by le Ralliement des Creditistes,| Today is nomination day for| In Essex East Riding oh te 1963 hele the Nov. 8 federal election, coe co. | and the New Democratic) : ; (CP) -- Some old makes a Commons speech, is a) ps y had 1,559. : Psd b> eel ee don't even fade|candidate in Algoma West. peseoges al -- Tuesday Jean-|acros » © 5) away. * ones night im Saskatoon, jegislative assembly and 16 ced gy Me agg: time,|for the 265 House of Commons)" "Thirty years ago in-a federal incase wiv wMPs e ears aS trade and commerce| Some local observers say he|seats me a papers election Oct. 14, 1935, Canadian|survivors of the 95 newcomers| minister in the former Union Na-\may get additional votes, from with a deposit o and the) voters sent 141 new members to bepcaad | to the 245-seat Commons in the| yealed by>Acting Justice Minis- taal fionale government of the late| younger citizens particularly. [signatures of 25 supporters: -- the 245-seat House of Commotis. ven eh whe ja batch of 20 seized by police premier Maurice Duplessis. | Mr. Dupuis, ee owns a mu-| Fewer than 1,000 are expected| Only one of them can claim|the central leadership and that this will pay off with victory for him in the Nov. 8 election. Meanwhile, Conservative can- didate Paul Beaulieu, 63> is) chuckling over the Liberal split.| The He is basing his appeal on al-/4,461 most two decades of service as| Part the St. Johns member in the| The from their homes in the Man- chester district. One of the picnic spots to be 12-year-old John Kilbride was found Thursday. 'FALSE TEETH | The body of 10-year-old Les- With More Comfort searched today is in Yorkshire\ley Ann Downey was found , ® pleasant alkaline and two are in Derbyshire, AlljOct. 16. The child had been ) powder, Reade felts more are along roads leading to the missing wg last Christmas -A)| comfort, just aprinkle @ little oa Manchester suburbs which are/man and a 23-year-old __ girl 4 : __ the headquarters of the hunt for have been charged with her gooey, pasty taste oF feemng Get Some btails on Dr. Marcoux's| bodies. |murder, | Pee eer at any drug counter, sit to Ottawa Sunday were re-| phe photographs were among eicieeasiieanetioinit \Elizabeth Theatre Friday. New Democratic Leader T. C.| .|Douglas spent the weekend in| ihis Burnaby-Coquitlam riding, prior to a rally tonight in Ed- F. (non-acid more firm! P PES EASED ES OD ON OOUET PREETI FUEL OIL Phone 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa -- Whitby & Ajox Districts anger of being | eres a Sintle for YOu... Creditiste Chief Caouett Draws 3,500 At 3 Meetings June 11, 1945, election, are injter Pe who said the Social ; : | roster of candidates for the |Crediter told the RCMP 'he had|sq yong luggage office at a) Wihy Pay More... : "Unless one of the Liberalsjsic shop here, won his seat injto be in the field, A Canadian|continuous 30-year membership|coming vote. They represent|evidence of perjury and ribery | apenester Kersten oa drops out of the fight," says)1958, despite the Conservative) Press survey showed 981 as ofjin: the Commons--Paul Martin, |Liberals, Conservatives an din connection with the actions in| fE Aaientiad neh Dasma Assasin 'DIEF A DISADVANTAGE? eS imacd the rir pled ett Sunday night as either having|external affairs minister, now |NDP. 1963 of ceriain members of Par-| < oa \ am But the Creditistes, massedjin February, 1964, and wasipolitical parties or of having|secutive election victories for|Harkness, 62, whose resignation|Social Credit party." ly- gh i} ON PREMIUM LIT als behind candidate Louis Poirier,|asked to resign by Mr. Pear-\declared their intention to run.|the Liberals in Essex East injas defence minister in 196 ee e sou t | QUALITY a 1,023, |the Windsor area of Ontario and | Conservatives in this largely|peddling charge arose in con-|ppeared in no d \Diefenbaker government. He is) Dr. Marcoux, who represented | 4 ars Found | French - speaking constitutency nection with an unsuccessful ap-| broken, Next in line in point of Com-|Conservative candidate in Cal-|the riding of Quebec-Montmor-| | are laboring under a fatal dis-|plication for a provincial race-| ane Liberal and Progressive|mons service is Howard Green, |84ry North which he has rep-jency and now is an independent} _ of) ' sy have|former Conservative external|/Tes : } their national chief, John Dief-| Mr. Dupuis has been hitting | fui slates of 265 etdate | His 1945 and 1949 wins|lished a pamphlet about repre- oo hy Radeon | - sng tre? enbaker. se jout at Mr. Desmarais as @ CAN-|rHe New Democratic Party ig{comeback in Vancouver Quadra) Were in Calgary East. sentations alleged to have been|malted m! k powder, the object| : bp lg Aang ee sere Mock didate Jere toe = to Lim (next vith 252--20 more than in|where he was defeated In 1963,| The van Jean T.\made to six Social Credit mem-/0f, # Six-clty search across Can-| is "Dani tel tooeneae Pp sle fit] 963. Social Credit, which nom-| Mr. Green, who will be «1 atin Bade | ; up, and each group predicts itjof a Jocally-held party conven-|.oieq th ee candidates this|Nov. 5, entered the Commons{¢igith time in Ottawa East. |Liberal parly following the 1963|Borden Co. Ltd. in Windsor. | will reap @ winning flood of tion. weekend--in Brantford, | + Phe NDP candidate is H. W. \election. - | David Wilson, general mana-| itm ee es|was re-elected in 1940 and 1945, | (Bert) : i --has 78. believed that all the jars, of @) .° . like ,|seat of Vancouver Quadra and Quebec's Creditistes, which held it until 1963. 5 ts--74 i ,.| The third active member Of| necagain grees ie hg ue' line class of 1935 is also seeking| Mr. Beaulieu, "I'm in." \sweep across Canada that year. ) been nominated by the various)63, He has achieved nine con-; The Conservative is Douglas |liament_ then belonging to the! Wid 3 a contractor, argue that the|son last January. The influence-|The 1963 record total of helped trigger the fall of the PUBLISHED PAMPHLET now is aiming at his 10th. | advantage -- the leadership of|track franchise. Conservative parties each f ented since its creation injcandidate there, recently pub-| WINDSOR, Ont, (CP)--Four {affairs minister, trying for a) 1953 running for the|pers for their support of the|2da, have been returned to the|" isgar|in Vancouver South in 1935 and] aN P | and Provencher constituenci Herridge, sometimes] yr, Thompson would not elab-|BC of the plant here, said he) In 1949 he shifted to the new) broke away from the party, are) lelection in B.C. -- 61-year-old! called the baron of the Kooten- j icti ¥ ees # Po orate on his prediction that Ca- ray bole peg vod enliven jnadians would be hearing about| was elected in Kootenay West\inie, scandals. He said vey in B.C, in 19455 as ind 4. |0a)5» which are not an issue,| gonf S$ an independ-|are due to nt CCF, was a straight CCF|.vctem in which parties rely on| Canada's archaic found in pri shipment of 24 to this area, now) y were accounted for. The four recovered jars were) vate homes, the re- mainder of the shipment was in The children in kindergarten clays were busy drawing pictures. . . end the teacher stopped by one little bey end ones him whot his picture wes eolng to be. 'm drawing God," said Tommy. "But, Tommy, nobody knows whet looks like," said the teacher, "Well, they. will when | get through with this," he answered paiitate tepe, 1008 Ot a | oan, Soe Oe oe One NDP candidate 57-year- machine ma re | old Stanley Knowles in Winnt | ronaee fap, funds: 10k: the purchasers had opened |\peg North Centre, preceded the| He criticized Mr. Diefenbaker |® ar, but no one had er |90-year veterans from 1945 into/for using the scandals as an jg-(any, Ul effects, a8 & Frese be the Commons. He was first) sue when he had had an pI os the powder. jelected in a byelection Nov. 30,} die limi th t | was for ich he also captured|##2 for the CCF, taking the (ny te elminete Oe et eee WERE IN RED in 1940. In 1944 he resigned seat left vacant by the death of age system during his years in} About 57,000 of 135,000 Cana- Queens in Prince Edward Is-\from the Commons to lead the J. S. Woodsworth, father of the office. \dian business companies oper- Canadian socialist party. | ___ tated at a loss in 1962. SHUFFLE ROSTER stores in the area. pa-| Mr. Wilson said at least one | garry - Prescott -- and the|-"., : Communists 12, the same num-|.) C,_ Douglas, leader of the) ber as in 1963, There are 34 in- New Democratic Party, up for dependents. re-election in Burnaby - Coquit- i lam where he was first elected Nominations will be madelin a 196 byelection and was re- only in 242 constituencies. Nom-|elected in 1963. inations were held Oct. 12 in 21) Mr, Douglas's. victory in 1935 northern ridings where extra)was for the CCF in Weyburn, time was needed to distribute election supplies. Two ridings, John Diefenbaker was in power. He said that this was one of the reasons why Mr. Pearson had called the election. SEES SQUEEZE He said this credit squeeze by the chartered banks would cut the purchasing power of Cana- dians by as cent. CHICOUTIMI, Que. (CP) -- Creditiste Leader Real Caou- ette left the Saguenay-Lake St. John region Sunday after a three-day sweep that brought him a total of 3,500 listeners. Speaking to four packed meet- ings, he reiterated his main | STORES: AGENTS: @ United Texi, 143 King St. fost @ Roxy Variety, Rosslyn Plexe Aare ClEMUIT SERVICES 725-3555 TROUD' cous Tues. and Wed. Specials ; Club Steaks Steaks 99} | | Good Nemes To Remember When Buying or Selling juyii REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker--President iit MeFeeters--Vice Pres. hofield-Aker Ltd. 723-2265 | OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! COAL & SUPPLIES LEAN, TENDER themes of Liberal party scan- = a a ome At. Jonquiere Satu land and Halifax, return two/CCF to victory in Saskatche- ig Hogg of Quebec's place governments had recently con-|SEVEN CONTEST SEAT |Saskatchewan ae when But Mr. Knowles, acknow-|] yww YORK (AP) -- New : cluded a "secret agreement" to! Quebec, with 75 seats in the he resigned after his election|ledged expe rt on Commons He said that the present strug-jsend Canadian troops to Viet Conmmong, has the most candi- as NDP leader. He made anjrules, was defeated in the 1958|),,nded pitcher, Horace Wo- gle in Quebec is between the)/Nam where "the Americans|qates, 314, Five-man contests agg he gr ag ar es Conservative sweep and WAS! mack, 26, to the roster Monday Liber: i were finding themselves power- sts!seat in Regina City in 1962. |out of the Commons from then als and the Creditistes.| rhe late, in sight in many constitu-| me electi | March %,|until he returned in 1962 and sent Bill Burbach outright The Progressive Conservative less to dictate the course 0 the|@hcies while in Sherbrooke, six| o49\" election of ia i ' : |to Toledo in baseball's Interna- f "~ |war, vandidates are in the field 1940, produced a crap of 94 Two others who got their}tional League. and New Democratic Parties) wr Caouette said that it was eine men will contest Beau- newcomers, again in a 245-seat| Commons start in 1945, but lack| were of negligible importance|in order to honor this agree-|harnois . Salaberry -- Liberal| House. And three of those, all|continuous. service, are also in in Quebec. ment that Mr. Pearson wanted!/Gerald Laniel who held the| with. gh eve continuous Ee De a. " a Mr. Caouette predicted aja majority government. : lseat'in the last Parliament, alice in e "neni are back) 'i vie Fu ton, » ge : tightening of credit veny He predicted a Creditiste|p ro gressive Conservative, a\'" Bae 7" go _ ; a eh Mer cease, ih as FUE take advantage of it! 24 hour ser- shortly, and compared this to ajsweep of 50 seats in the Nov. 8!Creditiste, an NDP candidate, Most widely known is Con- nservative haw ate in Kam- similar situation in 1958, when federal election. lan independent Liberal; an in jservative Leader John Diefen- | loops. Former holder of the jus- ways on the ready to serve you. IESE a SIT IST Seer aera aga - --|dependent and a supporter of Daker. now 70, The former tice and public works portfolios, oIL Fuel Oil Budget Plon evoileble. - '" . the Rhinoceros Party which| Prime minister is making his he left the federal scene in 1963 NOW IS THE TIME Christine Keeler Married runs candidates for fun jsixth run. in Prince Albert,|to lead the B.C. Conservative TO CONVERT AND CALL ; ait - |Sask., which he has held since) party. |, Candidates lose their deposits) 1953, He was elected in Lake The other is J .Watson Mac- "F h Lif mu lit they don't poll at least half|Centre, Sask., in 1940, 1945 and Naught, 61, Liberal minister of cLAUGHLI ants 0 tart res 1e the votes polled by the winner.) 1949, mines who ts running in Prince, READING, England (Reut-) Miss Keeler, 23, married the once popular Quebec elec: in pank nth con.|1945 and held until defeated in 723-3481 110 ers)--Christine Keeler, key fig-\James Levermore, & seyear.|tion practice of running candi-|1940 iro -- oe Lanerate, (108? He returned with a vic-| KING ST. W. ure in a sex-and-security scan-\old engineer, at @ registry of, dates of the same name in &) (00.96 Meliraith, 57 - year _ old tory in the 1963 election. | government in 1963, is married|ceremony Friday. tallen into disuse, For te eee Ining in Ottawa West. Aftable {ister Pearson, 68, who became} and wants to start a "fresh) She was sisoclited with Wari Ore there|-eorge Nixon, 67, who rarely |MP for Algoma East in a 1948 | life," she told reporters Satur-|Minister John Profumo at the| Were no duplicate names in the » Sh wie *~--|byelection and has held it ever | LEAN, dals, the danger of socialism claimed the Canadian and U.S. members each to the Commons.|wan, He remained premier 'of/WAS DEFEATED York Yankees added a right-/ vice; and radio dispatched trucks el- Barring last - minute entries.) ye other members of the P.E.L, which he first won in dal which rocked the British/fice here in a secretly-arranged|se'e riding appears to have) \ii¢ works minister, is run-| Next in line is Prime Min-| | day night. jnominaiton list to late Sunday since. Sex Siecation Grade 9 Asked ST. CATHARINES (CP)--Sex education for Grade 9 students is being proposed for the first time by the Ontario depart- ment of education, A. R, Petrie, superintendent of sec: ondary schools in St. Cathar- ines, said Saturday, He told a conference of home and school associations the sug- gested program will deal largely with human reproduc- tion. It would be taught as part of physical. education The province's education partment has told the city board of education in the past "to save it alone," Mr. Petrie said . Later in an interview, Mr Petrie said he also expected the Jocal board of education to ap- prove an even wider course of sex education In secondary schools in the near future He said the proposed course would be styled after a sex ed ucation program underway in London, Ont., where medical doctors have been used as lec turers. Priority Status For French Asked MONTREAL (CP)--The sec ond phase of Quebec's "quiet revolution" will be to give the French language priority status in Quebec, Pierre Laporte, mu nicipal and cultural affairs minister, said Saturday He told a meeting of Quebec student Liberals that he did not feel that. French should be made Quebec' only official language But he said his cabinet col. leagues Eric Kierans, Paul. Ge rin-Lajoie, and Rene Levesque acree with him legisla tion should be passed to mote French as a language of thought, of expression and of communication." 1» de- that pro ./Track and F same time as she was seeing & Russian naval attache in 1963, | might. Sa |profumo resigned his post after it was & different Pcnne tery |denying in the House of Com-| New ee Restigouche- jmons rumors of impropriety; |with the chestnut-haired model. | Dr. Stephen Ward, a 50-year-| + old London society osteopath} Deer Hits Car who introduced Miss Keeler) s and Profumo, committed sui- Woman Killed cide after he was found guilty) en , e : NY! ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP)--A of vice charges involving Miss '4, . Oe te . Pie Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies, 37-year-old housewife, running and errand in the family car, who was then 18. _|was injured fatally Saturday Miss Keeler and her bride-| yen a |} Fy 't i the jgroom spent' the weekend to- bed a large deer charged i car, shattered Id gether at a small bungalow in Prieta East Berkshire. With them was and struck her. her stepfather, Ted Huish. a "We are very happy and 4n@ suburban whole family approves of the of three and wif wedding,' she said, "Nov litered accountant, want to put the past behind me|pital an hour after and start a fresh life." 'dent. Cartwright High Hangs On To Take Bi-School Honor RLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Cart-|Movement, Mrs wright High School scored 31114 | paid tribute to the leaders points to edge Millbrook High|Judy Mountjoy proposed the School in the annual Bi-School toast to the mothers ield Meet here. Brown Owl Turner and Capt Millbrook was a close second, Thompson reported on Guide and with 299 points Brownie activities during The winners of the individual Year and cited plans for the fu- trophies were: junior girls _ ture. Mrs, Hudson thanked the Margaret Skipp, Millbrook; 17 8°0UP for their continued sup- points; intermediate girls -- ort. Helen Swain, Cartwright, 18 Service Stars were presented points; senior girls -- Barbara to the leaders by Mrs. Fred Brackenridge, Millbrook, 30 Hamilton. points; junior boys -- Dennis| A highlight of the gathering Romeril, Cartwright, 47 points; |was the reports presented by intermediate boys -- Ron Mar- Elizabeth Thompson, who. at tyn, Cartwright, 39 points; sen tended a Heritage Camp in Brit ior boys -- Allan Plincke, Mill-|ish Columbia; Judy Swain, who brook, 16 points. took part in the Adventure One hundred and thirty girls\Camp at Doe Lake; Sharon and their mothers attended the Larmer, who attended a camp annual Guide and Brownie Mo-jon Lake Huron and Nancy Dor ther and Daughter Banquet. Anjrell, who attended a Heritage efficient kitchen staff of fath-|Camp in Quebec ers and sons served the dinner All-round cords were present The guests were welcomed by ed by Capt. Thompson and Com Mrs. H. Kyte. Grey Ow! Swain missioner Kyte to Joan Horton and Lieut. Marlow led the sing-;and Judy Mountjoy. In a fly-up jaong. In her toast te the Guide'ceremony Janet Turner, Hea- the windshie rs, Madeline S. Davie of Henrietla, a mother e of a char- died in hos the accl Arnold Taylor the? ther Dorrell, and Nancy Argue became Guide recruits, | .Members of the have devided to make tion of $5 to the Port Perry Hos- nital Auxiliary for its doll draw land to offer its assistance at the auxiliary's spring fair. Roll call was answered with a gift for the Children's Aid Society. Friends and near neighbors met at the home. of Mrs. Penny Chamberlain to honor Miss Sharon Felstead with a per sonal and miscellaneous show- er. The bride to be was as- sisted by Mrs. Carol Robb. Christine Sloane made a hat for the guest of honor from the bows on the gifts, AUDLEY (TC) -- Rev. J. A. Ramiit, of Canton, who served the Presbyterian Church as & missionary in Trinidad for 31) years, was the speaker at the anniversary service on Sunday. | Mrs. P. Simonsen sang & solo} which she rewrote for the ser- ONO Club ivice. Plans were made by the UCW for the Nov. 11 open meeting when slides taken in the Holy Land by Miss Beatrice McLean, of Greenwood, will be shown Mrs. G Astley, assisted by Mrs. 1, Waltham, conducted the jworship service. Mrs. Astley spoke on Brazil Lynda Puckrin, assisted by Shirley Smith and Bill Seto, gave the worship at the Hi-C meeting. 'The program was based on the theme of "Brother- hood". j HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER SO YEARS | Sharon Williams) dona-} PRESTIGE EARN EALRA MONEY A selected number of steadily employed people are turning spore time hours into cash in- come replenishing light merch- andise accounts established lo- |] cally by prominent Cenodion monufacturer. DISTINCTION BEYOND COMPARE ia + a ae | PARKING * Constant repeat turnover and de- finitely no soliciting con provide a reliable second income to sincere persons with sound job history. Write Today -- Oshewe Times Box 1021 o Bean anchor-man } | B "up anchor" with GOLD. ANCHOR GeorRGian m 124 PARK ROAD NORTH; OSHAWA A FEW 1 AND 2 BEDROOM SuITes AVAILABLE * Only By Appointment 723-1712 o 728-2911 ansions ! Minced Bee FRESH, TASTY, SKINLESS WIENERS 3*°] ------ anneal RINDLESS SLICED BACON ALL GOOD THINGS ARE CHEAP Twenty years ago most prescriptions cost less then they do now, But, they did less. We hed none of the lier a new hor end other "miracle" drugs. which can be depended upon to produce @ positive benefit and very often a certain cure. +8 303 Present prescriptions ore "cheap" indeed, for they usually limit sick e to doys i d of weeks and save more lives. Some cost more, but you benefit more. YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need @ medicine, Pick up your prescription if shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly without extre charge. A great mony people entrust us with their preseriptions. May we compound yours? EASTVIEW PHARMACY tii 573 King Street East Oshawa PHONE 725-3594 Fast -- Free Motorized Delivery Phm.B. -- J. R. Steffen, B.Sc. Phm. -- P. B. Francis,

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