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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Oct 1965, p. 5

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Scholarships Presented To Top Grade 10 Students -- seholarships of $50 each to the three top Grade 10 students. These were won by Paula Kaiser, Mary Anne Hamilton and Neal Maher. Ea Finan, Sep arate School Inspector, ad- dressed the students of Grade il. Mrs. R. T. Hughes spoke on behalf of the Whitby Separate School Board, afd Ccongratu- WHITBY PERSONALS Whitby Women's Institute held) Whitby Baptist Church a euchre night at the home of|Women's Society Christian Serv- Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Drewery,|ice is holding its fall thank- iene st. Despite ns ee eegeoe offering Oct. 26. The guest weather a large number of peo-|speaker will be Rev. Tom Mori- ont 0 A _Inle attended. Proceeds of this|}kawa from the Indian reserve at a, os hee ae Jevening will" go towards the; Ohsweken-Slides-will he shown aieeting-cf-thefell term Oct. 20 Whitby General Hospital Fund.jon the building of the newlin the gymnatorium. "Approxi- The winners were: Mrs. Wil-jchurch at the reserve. This iS| mately 45 parents attended liam Pellow, Mrs. Harold Wick-jan open meeting, all welcome. | The meeting opened by prayer ett, Mrs. Tom Kelley and Mrs. led by iy ay J. Austin. Ed Huntley. The next euchre will Dochuk, President presided. The be held at the home of Mrs. minutes of the last meeting THE OSHAWA reas, idindon, October 25, 1965 5 Car Hits Crowd | , *@% DNDenvaren 1 Dead, 13 Hurt lev tacrmasts t wtica oy BEAUCEVILLE, Que. (CP)--|tical glass can be used by One person was killed and 13\short-sighted skin-divers. injured Saturday when a car i plowed into a crowd which had : 4 gathered al tie scene wr another) -- savings ae fatal accident. TT Gaetan Poulin, 19, died in hos- A ou NTS 'pital following the mass traffic called it "'a real carnage." | WHITBY -- The Parents' Aux- A. S. McLean has just return- ed after visiting his mother, Mrs. M. A. Mclean and his aceident. A doctor at the scene Ir wean, id st., r Pie rp "ge hoon by[brother and sister-in-law and|were read by Mrs, Patrickjlated the students for success-| 'phe other persons struck by the hostess, Mrs. Nettie|family, Mr. and Mrs, C. A. Me- Walsh. ____ |fully completing Grade 10. the. car--10 men and three WILL ARN } Fletcher, Mrs. Mildred Seaborn|Lean of Grandview, Manitoba. Sister Anna Clare, Principal,| Certificates of standing werelyomen, most of them between d Mrs. Earl Ward. 3 : introduced the staff: Sister presented to: Susan Allicock, 20 and 25 years of age--were : i an 5. E St. Mark's United Church|Mary Judith, Sister Mary Diane,|Anna Marie Bardoel, Pat taken to hospital. Nine of them { Mrs. Yvon Monpetit, of Bea-|Women, Unit No. 4, instead of|Sean Kelly and Peter Dales. |Brown, Laurie Bryant, Mary|jere said to be severely in- : q its regular meeting will attend) Mr, Kelly gave a report on)Anne Hamilton, Paula Kaiser, 7 (a) i confield, Que., is a visitor at the i home of her sister and brother-|the presbyterial meeting to be in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Mc-|held at Orono Oct, 26. Lean, 800 Henry st. Neal Maher, Michael O'Connor, Jeff Palmer, Rita Pennings, Linda Skakie, Gregory Steffler and Margaret Storey. the recent field day held at Midland. Outstanding girl ath- t : Recent guests at the home go oe _ red. The crowd had gathered at the scene of an earlier accident | in which pedestrian Paul-Elol FROM NOVEMBER Ts? Veilleux had been struck and i St. John's Anglican Church|Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Smith, 999\nonald upheld the boys' honor. Ruth WA is meeting Oct. 25 at parvinn aves a se Mrs. Carl Parise presented a} killed by a car. J the home of Mrs. Gordon Kyle, are rept Niners oe iis cheque for $400 to Father 'Austin | Ratepayers Lay SHUN MODERN PROBLEMS 408 Dovedale dr. yey . ' " |to go toward furnishing a class- The Maldive Islands, newest | Miss Muriel Stevens, mission: | ; [ream i the new private school. Teen Dance Plans member of the United Nations, ' ary on furlough from. the) Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bath, |Father Austin presented three ; - thave no police, no traffic, no WHITBY | \Congo, will be the guest speaker|SPringfield, Ill, were visitors| | WHITBY -- Blair Park Vistajtelephones and no television. lat both afternoon and evening |&t the home of his sister and| M he N d [Teen Club held its first meet- ns ; sessionsfor the Oshawa Presby- |brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, M@MDETS ame be ig phe a 4 a Bea | " be held Oct. 26 at|Gordon McLean, 217 Euclid st.,| . Ome fr. an Ts, Ma : i ; pce a ew also Mr. and Mrs. Sam Flurey| To Committees | Femigs Under the supervision BROCK -- is agg Ae ate | if a) ICKERING PAN UET | : of Vancouver, B.C., cousins of} . | : of Blair Park Vista, Ratepay- WHITBY Feature Storts ... at 7 and 9:15 a Q Sheila, daughter of Mr. and|Mrs. McLean, Other dinner WHITBY -- The Pentecostal ers Association offifers were Church Women's Missionaryjelected as follows. cele- Mrs. Joseph Corrigan, guests were: Mrs. Betty Harris, her daughter, Vivianne and son, Commission\ last week. One is seen beitig welcomed bY |b rated her sixth birthday Satur- Council held its October meet-| President, Dennjs Menard; | e HELD OVER! e i A large number of indus- pcre = hewn ere pi of the highlights of the day's P. P. Piggott, commission |gay Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. Doug-|ins_at the home of Mrs. Albert! vice-president, Shérrall Femia! velopers took part in the . chairman \----_---- rere --|ias McClean: and their son, Rob-|Midgley, 124 Lupin dr. The secretary Ginny Nichols; treas-| { Industrial Tour arranged by program was the address de | las MeCieay antler Shelia. of meeting opened with a work per-lurer hls + fang Ble jeood JAMES BOND 1S. BACK IN ACTION! i livered by G. P. Branch who --Oshat'a Times Photo Whitby iod, sorting stamps and making|tee members: Joan Doble, Barb {Christmas cards to be sent to/shaw, Barry Shaw and Jerry | The Whitby Women's Institute/the West Indies. Tenemmbers| Keyes. x is meeting at the home of Mrs.|were present | Ratepayers Association Direc- R. A. Smith, 909 Bayview ave., The president, Mrs. Midgley, tan Pridie, C. Pollock, : sas chaired the business meeting|!0's: Tuesday evening and devotional period Mem:|Mr R. Hawkin, Mrs. Mal | Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Whit-| bers were appointed to various|femia and two members from ney, 1619 Dufferin st., are cele-| committees. line exmoutive. Siva: Baal ML brating their 50th wedding anni-| In charge of stamps, Mrs. | ta ane : begets versary Oct, 27. They will be)Ted Colborne; Christmas cards, | ield and Mrs. R. Kimble. | entertaining at their residence|Mrs. John Scott; knitting and| Thirty Teens attended the) jin the afternoon and evening. (sewing, Mrs. John Leavitt; quilt-|meeting. Plans were discussed) g, Mrs. Walter Brownell. lror the first fund raising sauail in Carson Cameron and Patrick Th . af eet closed with scrip- 'i Scott, of Wawa, have returned | ne grrreny aa a P"for Blair' Park Vista Teen Club. | lhome after spending a week) time ca ill be d to be held| | visiting at the home of Mr. and\hray*t, a y| ee \Mrs. Ken Peppard, 414 Mary st,| Mrs. Victor Colbourne and Mrs.|Oct. 30 at the Femia's resi-| ee grin gong re a 'store This will be followed by | Miss Penny McCabe and her Shower" was held in honor of |? membership dance to be held mother, Mrs. R. K. McCabe, 315|Mrs. Royce Carson at the home|in the later part of November. |Palace st entertained at their|of Mrs. John Leavitt. Games| Light refreshments were jhome at a baby shower in honor| Were played. The honored guest| served. The next general meet- lof Mrs. Jim Spencer, Approxi-|teceived many lovely gifts. |i) wit be Oct. 25 at the home i s.| The next Nov. 1 meeting will mately 16 friends showered Mrs be held at the home of Mrs. |0f Mr. and Mrs. Mal Femia, 331 Midgley, 124 Lupin dr. Dovedale dr. the Pickering Industrial 'Minor Hockey Tecims Off To A Fast Start WHITBY (Staff) -- The ban-jRotary boys while Mark Scott,participate 'in a six-team league tam division of the Whithyjand John Reed fired singles. Le-|which plays regular scheduled Minor Hockey Association got off|gion goals were by Steve Shortigames evefry Tuesday evening) to a fast start last week with/and Mark House lat the local arena. The league is! three games on the card The third game of the evening|comprised ¢ of five bantam squads} The first game saw Abner's|was a contest between the Whit-land one p¢:e-wee all-star team, Esso squad play to a 4-4 draw/by Police Association sponsored|players ran ging between 12 and) with the Whitby Kinsmen spon-|squad and the Pee Wee All-/14 years | sored team. Esso boys were|Stars The All-Stars came up| Game tirne at the arena for| sparked by a three-goal hat-|with a 2-0 victory on goals brine bantarns begins at 5 p.m. trick fired by Jim Snow. Brian) Wayne Cormack and Earl Har-|Second game is at 6 p.m. and| Jensen potted a single Kinsmen|rison, jthe final giatch at 7.00 p.m. The goals went to Bob Robertson} Next scheduled games send|Season began on Tuesday, Oct with a pair and Earl Brosier|the following teams on to the|!9 and will continue through and John Miller singles. ice: Rotary vs All-Stars, Kins-| Mar. The second game pitted the|men ys Police team; Abener's|. Winding: up the activities in | et ' 3 at : s Rotary sponsored club against/fsso vs Branch 112 Legion. |March t'he division. will partici- pate in a round-robin series tor| 1rm ames the Branch 112 Legion team.) # The former squad won 4-2 Pete|SIX-TEAM LEAGUE the division championship... Fol- ALBERT R BROCKOL He SLT E SEAN CONNERY stn 7" DR. D. J. PRICE - Spencer with lovely useful gifts. 'The hostesses served a dainty |Junch. | Catholic Youth Association is| McCormick: scored twice for the| The young hockey playersjlowing Whe league finals the| fe holding a Hallowe'en dance Oct. 0O.H.A. METRO -- --------_--$_---- a {Pee Wee All-Stars will move} P d nt 24. Costumes must be worn.) into com petition in the Ontario resi e Prizes will be awarded to lucky JUNIOR es a WHITBY BOW NG NEWS Minor Hi dckey Association Play- winners. The dance will be held ' downs fq r an Ontario Champion-| PORT PERRY -- The boardjat Denis O'Connor High School. S: WHITBY AND DISTRICT ,Chas Davis 222, Gary Jessome 220 ship. of directors of Peel's Poultry) s ; MEN'S LEAGUE } Team 'Standings -- Whitby Hotel 15, Teams are currently sponsor- Farm Ltd., Port Perry, has| Word has been received by! inn set oe ie Vanderende|Acieew's iJ. B. McMullan' Reailed by tthe following organiza-jelected Dr. D. J. Price as presi-|Mrs. Frank Roberts, Byron st. ; ceoner 72 (285, 228); Cam Gavvin 680 (283, 226); Estate 11, Rambler's 10, A and T Motors|tions: A' bner's Esso Service Sta- dent of the. firm n., of the recent death of her} Roger Chaisson 675 (272, 238); Ron|10, Bathurst % Drew's 8, Whitby Police tion,, Whitby Kinsm Club t ice' 3 ! Bisex. ost (200); Roy Vollent 40 316); |Ausac. &.. Joe's Garver Shop 8: Maley oot Rotary Club, Whitby Po: ew filtering be and lnccano ign rai porns tis, San Doug Reynotas suis" Bon Lewis custom Tailors Servce V!'I8ticg Ag ide A magaay cea at ts decane Detroit, Mich. Also the death of WHITBY LASCO STEELERS , 224); Andy Vanderende 7 ; Ssisipiprrateigg ate a1) : , § : LENSES bay ere Moore 62. (239); Rich Royal €anadian Legion, Whitby|the No. 132A Female and Peel's|her nephew, Roy MacMillan, ST. MICHA ats ZERS rd Sandford 621 (223, 222); Bill Hender- and the Pee-Wee All-Stars spon-|"'Cornish" Male. Peel's are the|Ingersoll. The funeral was held e . \ H EL S BUZ R a son 621 (250). es 220 and ever -- Tom Ainsworth Singh of 262, Jack Towson HOSPITAL FUND sored k y Local 494, Dunlop of|largest .Canadian supplier of/Oct. 18 with the Rev. Douglas Whitby Community Arena 761, Bilt Gough 245,| * , Canada,, Rubber Workers Union.|pedigreed broiler stock and sup- , ; Bruce Henderson 244, 231; Ri alvin : : : Gordon of St. Paul's Presbyter- iauitin 243, Ed Hutchinson ui, Alex TOTAL BOOSTED ply hatcheries across Canada. fan Corel el peal Filler 235, Bill Shearer 231, Chas Snel- grove 231, Bill Townson 226, Keith med WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby Church Dinner Peel's breeding stock has been sold in over 30 countries gion Service was held in the TONIGHT -- Game Time 8:00 P.M. am wn eee and Oshawa business firms yl boosted the Whitby General Unionville a Breeder Wins | and organizational changes are|funeral home Sunday evening. being made to further expand|Interment was in Ingersoll rural sales abroad. A separate poul-|cemetery. : try breeding farm has recently SRE i been established in Northern Ireland called Peel's Poultry Breeders of Canada Ltd. for Admission - Adults $1.00. Students (with cards) 50 cents. Season Tickets on sale at the Arena Box Office. Plains Discussed WHISTBY -- St. Mark's Unit- ed Cha'rch Women, Unit No. 3, held ifs regular meeting in the Mrs. ¥t. A. Smith, opened the We fill olf PSI, Ocul- i ists and Optometrists its Prese: ms at tome low prices. week by the hospital cam- paign office Kelly - Disney Motors, Dun- rT 1:1 ; s i eet " 5 y PETERBOROUGH -- Roman-| pli: ade sed pledged on ing with a poem entitled) sale of pedigreed stock in the ' dale Farms of Unionville, York peste s Gotae Bagg and ian eee by Pa-|United Kingdom. County, exhibited the grand) turned in by Consumers' Gas | Mrs,. Ross Hall conducted ab Under Dr. Price's direction in- jcreased capital expenditures for 11966 are being made to expand research and production facili- champion bull and won the premier breeder award Friday imprevusive worship service on Company, of Oshawa. Simp- the tJieme "Thanksgiving" son-Sears mail-order office of at the 24th annual East-Central| ? ; | Oshawa turned a $1,000 dona- | Ura@t members were reminded! x > oe gg rycen gsc tion over to the hospital. that. "Unit No. 3 will be Tespon-|hetchery pel a grag: NS\ T 17 Bond St. E. 2 | / A ' . sibles f th ship s : : . 1 4 R. R. Dennis of Oak Ridges| ween he pote wa \the "0 Seatec aanerel nao farm has been purchased for S ORE HOU RS 2nd Floor took the premier exhibitor ban-| ; Indi é B-\research and testing purposes. HOURS: ; " : | vided on behalf of Industrial | Plans for work and supplying| ner while Glenafton Farms, Al-| Acceptance Corp; Niagara Fi- |of food forthe Nov. 9 Mtea| | mance and, the Merit- Insur- |Chumch Anniversary Dinner | ance C. in the.amount of $500. |were arranged Tiw > next general-meeting- will be tiov. 2 at 2 p.m. at the} church hall. Unit No. 3. will} meef Nov. 18 at 2.30 p.m. in the! chun ch parlor Mes. R. A. Smith continued \the study on Brazil dealing with 'anadian-Netional Exhi-- WHITBY (Staff) -- The newly |28)%™ ane Sn ReaMe tition, in Toronto this year formed Whitby Jaycee (Junior | 'T¥-a hostesses were Mrs R. R. Dennis showed the re- Chamber of Commerce) Club! serve senior and reserve grand will hold its first business meet-|"""* | champion female and also the|ing in the Spruce Villa Hotel, | SHIRE! junior champion female. Wednesday, Oct. 29. The meet-|tween the ages of 18 and 40. - Romandale Reflection Govern ing gets underway at 8 p.m.|Yoting men, who wish to join a or was the winning aged bull/sharp move towards self-improvement { - and grand champion for Roman-| During the first meeting, Osh-|an¢: development of their com- dale Farms who also had theawa Jaycees will 'outline the|mu nity, are cordially invited to| reserve grand champion bull various phases of operation of|this first business meeting. | and the reserve junior cham- the club; community activities; ~~ ~~~ sisi ion female. Dennis showed the|the Jaycees will foster, and ' \ ane champion bull benefits derived from member- We Reserve The Right York won the county herd)ship in the club. A full explana- To Limit Quantities class followed by Simcoe and tion of the objectives of this na-| Victoria Counties ition wide organization will be} 9 am. to 5 p.m. Daily Closed Wed. All Doy Phone 728-1261 One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpoper end Murals Custom Draperies Broadloom C.1.L. Paints and Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paints liston (Simcoe County) showed the grand champion female. The latter was North Leeds Citation Girl, also named best-uddered female of the show. She com bined with her first-prize two- year-old sister to win the prog- Junior Chamber = © dam award for Glen-| Plans Meeting She was also grand champion BEAVER LUMBER © DUNDAS ST. E. -- WHITBY MON. to FRI. 8 to 6 p.m. SATURDAYS 8 to 5 p.m. Ng se NOTICE OF APPLICATION | || BY THE CORPORATION OF | || THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY TO DISPENSE WITH A VOTE | || OF THE ELECTORS TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Whitby intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the works referred to in Schedule "A" hereto at an estimated cost in respect of each work as shown in such Schedule ond that the sum of $63,250.00 shall be raised by the sale of debentures payable out of the general rate over a period not * * Da-\} @ vid Fallow and Mrs. Ida Simp-|} @ ° DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. S., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 0.D.H. SPECIALS Adults Only TUES. Allowed Specials WED. There were 153 animals shogn/siven in detail. 2 oe ee by 53 exhibitors from eight! The new club is open to all| VY, a om | exceeding 20 yeors. 4 Counties iprospective young members be-| 7s OPEN DAILY 'TIL 10 --- SAT. 'TIL 6 P.M $ _ seaeaneaamn | | 2. Application will be made to the Ontario Municipal Boerd for | : ra r an order to dispense with the assent of the electors to the CLERK'S NOTICE CADBURY'S Halloween! Halloween! Senmenls os "ir, Bnet" i range s ~ gee be ape | -- may igo BOX MEN'S jays after the first publica ion © js notice sen prepaid to the Clerk of the Township of Whitby at the ed- | T d i bel tice in writing stating his objection to OF FIRST POSTING OF || CHOCOLATES COSTUMES & CANDIES : ot rtrd By) Ss Sets ar rots ea cee "Cherries" for f H ; : 1 L 3. The Onto M ipol Board may order pursuant to the | VOTERS' LIST | Renter 110 bo TRICK or TREAT oes ot Tom A] 27s Grove, Manca, Sord mer et ure t \ FOR PRICE Semeere et £7 and may approve of the said works but before doing so it moy a . : | SAKE box 77° @ See-At-Night Costumes from 66c¢ FOR PRICE 1 88 ] appoint a time and place for @ public hearing when any objec- Voters' List 1965, Township of Whitby, @ Fluorescent Masks ............--- from 23¢ SAKE ag is tions will be considered. County of Ontario poet @ Face Make-Up ......... 20¢ nse ade 7 ] Dated at the Township of Whitby, this 25th day of October eee eee eer eee J Ww ' , acre ma @ 20 Codbury's Sc Bera... .c.cccsencccaes 1965. Notice is hereby given that | have complied Cane wotererant @ 20 Boxes ergs no "KODIAK" Viscose and Wool | Wm. H. Wallace, Clerk, with Section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act and that ! ROOTS 13 Boas PI Agr preg a ay . BLANKETS { wil Township of Whitby, have posted up at my office at Brooklin on the 26th e gs Plonters Peanuts 53¢ f | Box 160, day of October, 1965 the list of all persons entitled Leather insulated for warm, dry @ 20 Bags Moirs Jelly Beans 88e peo ong Bs He sistas Reali to vote in the municipality at Municipal Elections wear. Compare et 25.95 peir @ 2-Ibs. Cocoanut Peanut Brittle ........... 77¢ wntemer: | nan and thet such list remains there for inspection. FOR PRICE 18 88 @ Candy Kisses; Jelly Beans, etc. ....... 24e Compare et 10.95 each SCHEDULE "A And | hereby coll upon all voters to take immediate pro- SAKE ® @ Filled Centre Moirs-Condies ............ 19¢ PP tas p 6 44 A | Estimated cost of constructing a i LT LNT, srcd bles ve 90 ey ot Noraoer LOWER LEVEL @ 24-5¢ Pkgs. Shirrif Chips BBc cain oa . | Municipal Building ......... +++ $65,000.00 1965 : : Cost of land for such purpose ..... . 10,000.00 { Doted this 25th day of October, 1965. for Price Soke It's OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 1038 King St. W. th | $75,000.00 Wm. H. Wallace, Clerk No Where Else At Garrard. Rd. ( ] Less forgiveness under the Municipo!l --. Township of Whitby, Works Assistance act.......... 11,750.00 ar OOK UPI ENP ae BROOKLIN, Onterie. $ < | Total: Net Geet... oes $63,250.00 a a a a

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