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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Oct 1965, p. 8

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; | Q@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 25, tock "dis aa RIS ROBERTS (4), of Oshawa Generals, gets into the thick of a game-ending free-for-all Saturday night when Generals hosted Lon- a hiaithcbs don Nationals. Don Buddo (2), of London Nationals, is at the left, and Moe. St. Jacques (8) of London is held back by an unidenti- GENERALS IN FIRST PLACE Beat Nats, Tie Marlies By FRANK RATCLIFFE Oshawa Generals stretched) their undefeated streak to six! games on the weekend, defeat- ing London Nationals 5-2 in) Oshawa Saturday and tying} Toronto Marlboros 4-4 in Maple Leaf Gardens Sunday. Despite their success, Generals have a mild problem, They can't de- cide whether penalties should be abolished from the game. Four power plays paved the way to undisputed possession of first place for the Oshawans Saturday, but it was a differ- ent story in the Gardens. Mar- lies netted a power play of their ogvn with less than five minutes remaining for the tie. | SATURDAY NIGHT | A barrage of misconduct pen alties in the London game hit hard at Oshawa's pocket book,| making the problem even more| complex. Generals were assess- ed six misconducts and a game|Cadieux, Barry Wilkins, Jim|fans, Marlies jumped to a misconduct, to Bobby Orr, alll in the third period. London was| also handed a pair of miscon- ducts in the final period The 10-minute penalties rep resent a total fine of $70 to the Oshawans. The whole thing started mid way through on the London net was called and when referee mdestrand. the Dave Del Papa, Walt McKen-|seconds left in the period. Frank Slota skated past Oshawa bench he got the Flyers Win 4th, One Point Back Niagara Falls Flyers scored their fourth straight victory Sun day night, to move to within one point of first-place Oshawa Generals, Flyers downed St Catharines Black Hawks 5-3 In other Sunday games; Mon treal Canadiens defeated Peter. borough Petes 3-1 while Hamil ton Red Wings battered Kitchen er Rangers 6-2 Ted Snel! paced Niagara Falls with two goals while single gnals went to John Arbour, Bud De- Brody and Don Marcotte. But Doug Shelton stole the show, scoring all three Black Hawk goals. In Montreal, Jacques Lemaire scored twice and Serge Savard once for Canadiens while Gord Tucker scored for Peterborough Rookie Ron Leclerc and Don Giesbrecht scored twice each for Hamilton with single goals going to Sandy Gibbons and Gary Marsh. Ken Gratton and Jack McCreary scored for Rangers. YOUR SATISFACTION iS OUR AIM All Cars Cerry Our GUARANTEE Kelly Disney Used Cars Ltd. 1200 Dundes E. Whitby 668-3891 BUDGET TERMS DROP IN George Cashman. Danny O'Shea assist- ed on three and Bill Heindl on the period when, Orr was tripped as he moved in} No penaltyinen Bazay, "choke-up" sign from Oshawa coach 'Bep' Guidolin, Slota call- ed a bench minor against Oshawa, Two more "choke-up" signs, this time by Orr, led to the misconduct and game miscon- duct. From that point on the game got. completely out of hand, and at least half of the 2,733 fans were on their way home by the 15.00 minute mark. Before Orr was banished he picked up one goal and added three assists. Billy Little led Generals with a pair of tal- lies, others 'coming from Babcock and Wayne itwo. London's goals were| scored by Neil Clairmont and Neil Clark. OSHAWA GENERALS: goal lan Young. Defencemen: Bob- by Orr, Nick Beverley, Paul Whittaker. Forwards: Chris Roberts, Danny O'Shea, Brian Morenz, Bill Heindl, Hayes, Bill Little, George Bab- cock, Jim Booth, Bob--Black, bos ty Cashman, Danny Sand ord. LONDON. NATIONALS: Rocky Farr (goal), Larry Davenport, Jim Dorey, Bob Cook, Darryl Moe -St. Jacques, zie, Dave Gorman, Stan Allan, Barry Boughner, Neil Clair- mont, Jim Higgs, Neil Clark, Claude Goulet. FIRST PERIOD 1, Oshawa: Babeock (O'Shea, Orr) 7.03 2, Oshawa: Cashman (Heind!, O'Shea) 12.23 Pens: Little (holding) 1.43, Bazey (interference) 6.07, Hayes (elbowing) 7.55 Higgs (hooking) 12.08, Whittaker (cross: Oshawa General Manager Wren|Pion checking) 12.40, Orr (charging and high sticking), Davenport (high sticking) 14.41, Bazay (tripping) 15.47 SECOND PERIOD 3, London: Clark (Cook) 4. Oshawa: Little (Heind!, Orr) 5.35 5. Oshawa: Little (O'Shea, Orr) 6.58 Pens Morenz (holding) 2.44, Allan high sticking) 4.08, Buddo (high stick fg) 634, Bazey (charging) 7.30, Rob. erts (interference) 10.13, Del Papa (trip. 10.4) ping) 10.34, Dorey (interference) Sandford (interference) 13.45. ferference) 15.40, Allan ( triey (elbowing) 1845, Booth 19.45 Chris| Rv WRANK RATCLIFFE Oshawa Hawkeyes wereélopens in Hamilion agains: tam crushed by a red and whitelilton Hurricanes \steamroller pith precision tun-|with a return engagement in ing. Weston on Saturday. The steamroller, which goes under the name of Weston In-game, as Weston scored the sec- lvictus Redmen, swamped Osh-|jond time they touched the foot- awa 40-0 to advance to theball. Joe Forberg barged over finals of the Ontario Junior/from three yards after Stuart Football Conference. The two-|Winnick set up the major with) Vikings Win In Toronto, Oshawa Vikings defeated To-| Williams, ronto Accountants 17-3 on Sat- urday afternoon, at the Ontario Aiken prominent. toria Square north of Torontolexcejient leader of the scrum, and in doing so maintained/ably backed up by Tom Chas- 7 |8-5. Leading the Eastern Division of the Ontario Intermediate) ( E League, Vikings will mee t|Chasczewski and Gerry Tymo- Peterborough in the final game|shik returned to the Vikings of the League schedule at|Saturday, after being out for a |Peterborough, on November {3icouple of weeks, and after the! and a win for either side at.game they said they felt fine.| that time could decide the divi- Bill Lockwood, Tom) sion winners. Vikings dominated the play|declared unfit to play, against the Accountants,.wholof injuries, just before are the doormats of the League.jgame, by dappe Oshawa took a three-point lead)manager of the Vikings, on a try by Len Bobbie, who|wears a different natty apparel made a good run after taking ajeach week as the Oshawa team hand off from Reg Waslyk. extends its unbeaten streak. . . Later in the game Ron Aiken|Chris |made a fine run, beating off/be at Ithree defenders to score a try|when it for the Vikings. prominent. full plays strength Ajax at lcame from a convert and three|finale with Peterborough. .. . penalty kicks from the foot of|Interested spectators at the Terry Kelly. jgame Saturday were. Dave) Again, the opposition did not/Goldman and Bill Watson, who fied Oshawa player, Oshawa players in the background are Paul Cadieux (left) and Nick Beverley. Referee | THIRD PERIOD Canton: Catron 8lresented his first points on the), The Oshawa Minor Hockey) 9 Kijten, D. Allman, T. Newell, peat Wiking "{ kino) $38 aes him alAssociation will operate a 10-jciothier, J. Reid, D. Cutler, ens. Wilkins (cross-checking) | 5.1 'road this year, and gave him a} hedule in their 1965-66|'0"- 0. Grant, K. Young, J. Exdebski,| Hayes (high sticking) 9.15, Orr (inter-\iotai of four goals and 11 as-\eam schedule In : 9-99 |W.' Blanchard, D. Heard, P. Pultz, HOrence):9.90, CAGIOUR: NON: see ta. 4 |\Midget activities, with nine|crawford, D. Flint and R. Davies. 11.12, Oshawa bench minor served by|sists in three games. .. . Dan- Midget-age limit 'teams com LIONS CLUB Beverley, Orr (misconduct and game '© ' nied i rage idget-ag - misconduct) 12.00, Bazay (tripping) 16.48, /"Y O'Shea's four assists give)' R. Morrison, D. Burnett, D, Bracken, Roberts (roughing and misconduct), Bud- do (roughing and misconduct) 17.18, Heind) (roughing), Clark (roughing), (Whittaker (misconduct) 18.20, Hayes \(boarding and misconduct) 19.50, Cash- jman (misconduct), O'Shea (misconduct), |Allan (misconduct) 20.00. | Saves | lan Young " Ff io 7 Rocky Farr 9 "ia AT THE GARDENS The Marlboro game threaten: jed to be a continuation of Sat- urday's fiasco, with Oshawa drawing a penalty at the eight- second mark of the first period. But in sharp contrast to the iGlassford never allowed game to get out of hand. Generals bounced back from) 1. Toronto a 3-0 deficit to earn the draw.| Urged on by lead in the first and scored two |more in the second, The goals came from. Mike Corrigan, Terry Caffery and Doug Dun-) ville. | Ogshawa's "kid-line" Bob |Black, Brian, Morenz and Dan-| ny Sandford -- finally put Osh-| jawa hack in the. game. \than a_ minute late in |period. Bobby Orr tied it up on a bullet drive with Sandford gave Oshawa the lead early in.the third but To-| lronto tied it | up on A powerienz (tripping) 14.30, Manager -- Walter Alexander 725-5583.) |play goal by Mike Byers. Orr) S#ves FIRE FIGHTERS | oy 8 | fe Y y both fan Young 10 11 6 7 | mM, Cnway, B. Hall, DB. Hogel, 8. jan goaue an oung 10 Duffy Lewis 6 @ 10 % |Werry, D. Ashton, C. Griffin, R. Gallant, jargued the goal was knocked in) : ae aeeeish || Stacey, 7. Flontek, &. Paradise, J Fy » Rorabeck, 'eoks, rv _ . iL) with a high stick but it was ARRANGE FIGHT fon, R. Weeks and. R. Murdock | allowed to stand. GENERALLY Blair expressed concern over|Y°Tk and Manny Gonzalez of|, Houston, Tex., may be held in|M. wali, G. Saarinen, M. Valks, P, Hre adison Square Garden Dec. 3 a Vai D, Stones the effect Sturday's officiating jmay have. Blair feels it may games . Bob Black, Brian Morenz, and Danny Sandford appear to be gaining confi dence with every game, and 'Coach Bep Guidolin is giving them -plenty of ice time, and ; now finds himself with a potent third line Bobby Orr's ART ROWDEN ~The Cliff Mills Motors Lid. 266 KING ST. WEST ee SS SS a Are Pleased to Announce the Appointment of ART ROWDEN to their New Cor Sales Staff Art brings with him an ex tensive automotive : ond will be pleased, as one of the Mills Men, to be of service to. you knowledge of th industry 723-4634 EE 53/80al and assist in Toronto rep- him five- goals and seven a Tanguay, C. ibey, D. Germond, S. Blake, sists on th season. | icipati Struve,. D. Arych, T. Adolsek, 8, game for Generals is this Sat-/Bantam All-Stars participating|smith, R. Howard and D. Butler. x ii lin the Midget schedule, to ob-| Coach -- Bbo Harman 728-9294 and urday night at Civie Auditor-| iti 4 ad.| Manager George Norton 798.7208, ium against Peterborough|tain sterner ie ion and ad-| iy CANADIAN LEGION 7 | . Davey, K. Vance, eler, C, Rout, \Petes. Game time is 7.15. p.m. {ditional experience. . Montpetit, P. Bligdon, J. Chsitenson, TORONTO MARLBOROS:|registered for the Midget. De Brian Glennie, Randy Murray,|the Midget League is practis- Jim McKenny, Doug Dunville,|ing or playing, at The Oshawa Gerry Meehan, Jim Keon, Pete gy cage ee powilinaaaermers:f ctor". Rapin Turner, Mike Corrigan, Brent e Rotary an b ine z ; ritton, Imlach, Mike Byers, Tom Mar-|teams will hold their first work-|ang Joeaph, H, Chepmen, 8. Tymetuek tin, Jot affair in Oshawa, referee Merle|Hamill, Cam Crosby, Terr yjthis week, at 5.40 p.m. and 6.20) ritin, Re. Norton, M. Driscoil, 0. Beach, the'Caffery, isa tes c Frank Slota is partially vis- ible in centre. Oshawa won the game 5-2. leross the Oshawa line for a'were performing for Toronto ltouchdown, as the Accountants|Barbarians and Balmy Beach Goldman even' |McKernan. ings game... . --Oshawa Times Photo i tackling, held the opposition at|the Oshawa team, whicly were bay, with Russ Williams, Keith! valuable in the second h If. Nine Teams Will Contest City League Midget Title ¥ LETTER CARRIERS s.|peting for the league champion-|p, 'Peirson, K. Sherban, P. Plobb, G ~ Next|ship honors and the Oshawa Any boys wha have not yet))" jettrey, R. Craig, L. Pooler, P. Clarke, Tresise, L, Byeok, J, Badgley, W, Karas and G. Moore, Coach -- John Jenkins 725-2553, KINSMEN CLUB §. Skoblikowski, R, Engel, J. Cobble dick, P. James, D. Suppelsa, K, DeHart, iffy Lewis (goal), Brad Park,|League, may do so, any night e KIWANIS CLUB outs on Wednesday evening of| Frank outs ' 8 Wood, L. McCleod, D. Pascoe, G Jim Davidson, p.m., respectively. T, McNaughton, J. Goodwin, $, Vachon, Wednesday, |ed Hawkeyes Whomped, Invictus In Finals igame, total-point final series|a 29-yard gallop up the middle. sarterhect Marty Atkins hoot the convert wide. Two series later, three plays, Atkins romped around right end for the major, but that was called back on a clipping penalty. Invictus had to settle for a single on Atkins' wide field goal attempt. It was the first of 16 points by Atkins, on two touchdowns, verts and two singles. He also |passed for a pair of majors. Maintain One-Point -Lead 227%, sce un two con- more majors before the half Reg Wasilyk, Lenlended. John Hillmers pulled in Bobbie, Brian Hall and Ron/an 11-yard pass from Atkins for the first,.and on the last. play Rugger Union Complex, at Vic-' Pete Sheperd was again thelof the half Atkins went over the right side for 62 yards. The sec- ond was converted, making the On the previous set of plays, their one-point lead in the|czewski ,Gerry Tymoshik, Dave halftime score 20-0. standings, over, Peterborough.|/~hompson, Gary Bruce, Bob} who defeated Toronto Nomads'yoldrum and Harry Z\at High Park, by a score Of|George Sainsbury was also Boyd. Oshawa came inches from scor- ing. From a first and goal situ- jation on Weston's five-yard line, A hab ss {Ralph Laxton and Rick Switzer' VIKING NOTES Tom moved it into the one. Switzer carried on third down, but was |stopped less than a foot short. Atkins got his. second TD the A 12-yard run by Winnick, and the convert by Atkins made the hopes that his zeam will|score 33-0 late in the third. On| Saturday,|the second play of the fourth|ing) 8.10, Dussiaume (interference) 18.19. Ajax.|quarter, Invictus gambled on a) ... Then follows a game with|third and four situation. Atkins) 3, The remaining eleven points|Toronto Nomads, prior to the|tossed to Ross Marsden for an} eight-yard TD. The convert was no good. A wide field goal by nad went for a single, to round out the scoring. Winnick was the top ground- |scored on a penalty kick by Jim' respectively, prior to the Vik-| vainer, picking up 113 yards onl AP : 11 carries. Atkins carried three The Oshawa backs, with crisp|offered some coaching tips' to|times for 59 yards, including a 20-yard loss late in the game. Ron Arends gained 88 yards on| You Too Can Own q pass receptions. top ground gainer with 34 yards POSITIVE ASPECT Collins and Rick Switzer. Hawkeye coach Dunc Brodie suggested after the game that Hawkeye officials and Oshawa high school coaches arrange a meeting. with the purpose being to improve the football situation in Oshawa. He and other Hawk ing clinic would benefit all con cerned, ft B. Annaert, T. Bolvin, P. Bryant, M. Gra practice | scwski, A. Chyzak end Ke Blovin On Thursday, the HIRST PERIOD times allotted are as follows -- First Downs By Rushing 5 15 By Passing 0 6 Net Yards Rushing 2 339 Net Yards Passing 23 " Total Net Offence 4 Passes complete-tried 2-6 ws intercepted By 1 0 Fumbles-lost 44 21 Hawkeyes| fumbled away the ball on their! Hawkeyes were never in the|jown 34, Moving in to the 14 on the ground and 30 yards on two Rick Switzer was Oshawa's It was simply a matter of| Hawkeyes being soundly beaten | \by a far superior club. On the/| Si ych:|Dositive side, however, Toronto| Argonaut assistant coach, Bob) eye officials suggested a coach- Oshawa Weston 5 21 Oshawa Crushmen Rally Five players shared in- the Oshawa scoring -- Phil Solo- mon, Roger Knowles, Brian Morenz, Jim Booth and Frank Sawyer. Paul Reid replied with a pair of tallies, with singletons coming from Mike Flanigan, Syl Apps Jr. and Mike Lan- don, Crushmen scored with the game just 10 seconds old, but St. Mike's Visit Whitby Tonight Whitby Lasco Steelers Jr. B hockey team will be gunning for their second-straight win at the Whitby Arena tonight, when Kingston evened it up five min-|they play host to the St. utes later, The hometowners|Michael's College 'Buzzers', scored two more before the sec-\With game time slated for 8.00 - ond period was half over, to|P-™- ia take a 3-1 lead. Coach Cherry has the young The visitors netted one before|{ellows off on the right foot with -- the period ended and came back|# Win and is high on his team's « with three more early in the|°hances for a repeat perform: . third. Kingston earased the 5-3/4nce tonight. He has been drill- Crushmen lead, however, with|98 them hard, in a couple of a pair of markers within two|>risk practices, since their last minutes, jengagement, a week ago. Twelve penalties were handed| Ralph Moore will be between out, eighto to Crushmen, but ali|the pipes and this young fellow were minors. It was a fast,|'8 looking sharper every time cleanly-contested duel between|Ut. He appears to be gaining a two evenly matched clubs. well be the answer to the local , doe -- oe ~~ © \first time Invictus touched the| \club's big need. ball in the third quarter. A 17- | ; Gar G |yard pass to Ron Arends and ee a scanse|@ 22-yard run by Chris Vansteen the) moved the ball into Oshawa's Chris Krause,|7-Yard strip. From there, Atkins ire ir tho tolled around right end. The jconvert was blocked. Crushmen make their second appearance before their home fans Friday night when they host Peterborough "B" Petes at Civic Auditorium. Game time Up front, the three lines are starting to click now and it will be a chore for coach Cherry to Say one is better than the other 7 and call it his first or 'big is 8.00 p.m. line'. Tommy Lavender, the FIRST PERIOD scrappy little centre of the | 1. Oshawa: Solomon O'Shea - Lavender - Vipond line, (Morenz, Black) . ; | should be si a good season. ® (Nicholoon;, Beneoek) $.42\He is in his thifa.year with the Pens: Roe (charging) 3.01, Black (hook-| Whitby team and the experience a really show up this year. He packs a hard shot and is SECOND PERIOD Kingston: Landon very tricky"around the opposing | 4: Kare hie $So\goal. With a good year, he | 5. Oshawa: Knowles ishould finish in the top six, in , Bradi 1 s sane belie t. Hoz\the league's scoring race. Pens: Dussiaume ( Slashing) 2.33, jton_ (holding) 7.50, Sanderson, Sawyer) Mangger Davie announced at Ungn onenenn) Wee: ithe ast week, that the THIRD PERIOD \starting (mes for all home | 6 Oshawa: Morenz (Solomon) 2 games would be Changed to 8.00 ty re Re .as\P.M., instead of the original 8.30 \« Oshawa: Sawyer o'clock starting time. Your Own Business RED BARN -- Canada's: fostest growing chain of Franchised Drive-in Restaurants has prime locations evailable immediately for Franchising in this creo os well as other major markets throughout Canade end the United Stotes. RED BARN -- stands out in the franchise industry, First in QUALITY SERVICE SITE SELECTION, ENGINEERING, CONTROLS AND PROFITABILITY. Red Barn has the one franchise that really makes money for you. If you want to earn from $15,000.00 te $40,000.00 « yeer in your own business and can invest a minimum of $20,000.00 to make sure, then Red Born will show you how. There's ne ¥, we will ery phase of the business, You'll business procedures and. buying power, You'll notional and' local advertising, mer tions. If you want te learn all about organization, and if you want to read whet preg ond magazine hove written ebout ed Barn System -- Just write The President RED BARN (Cenede) LTD. 120 Overbrook Place, Suite 111, Downsview, Ontarle ve the dynamie Corrigan | Hi (Cattery, Crosby) 12.31| Firefighters, at 5.00 p.m.; Navy) Pens.: Hayes (elbowing) .08, Dunville : Car-| M08; Whittaker. (elbowing) Vets, at 5.40 p.m.; Letter Car 11,734 partisan) (boarding) 1-0)| 6.0%, Booth (high sticking) 7.16, Caffery (roughing), Hayes (boarding) 9.51, Martin (tripping) 13. (sh SECOND PERIOD 9.20 p.m. | 2. Toronto: Caffery (Corrigan) .., 6.39) 3. Toronto: Dunville | Following are the player lists, (Hamill; Catfery) ---viies 19.16 | 4. Qanawa! Black (Sandtord) 17.47 for each of tie. Midget teams. | , lentien, Horeet) 1a.45| . D. Sadoway, R. Monaghan, R. Morgan,| Black! 6, Cshawe Don Buddo,|scored a pair of goals in lesS:Hayes (minor, high sticking and. maior: the fighting), Crosby (minor, and maior, fighting) 4.50, O'Shea: (elbow ing) 6.40, Black just © eight ville (charging) 19.29 7 LY Pens.: SPEAKING: Weight title fight between cham- M yylkeep fans away from future or 10, the garden said Friday.'manager -- } riers, at 6.20 p.m.; Lions Club,} at 7.10 p.m.; Canadian Legion, | $3, MeKenny (hooking) 18.13, O'Shea at 7.50 p.m.; Kinsmen Club at) ashing) 19.07, Caffery (slashing) 19.33./8.30 p.m. and Kiwanis Club, at Whittaker (roughing) 8.47, Orr (O'Shea, Hayes) 1952/4: Pudlis, R. Mooney, R. Fisher, OD. Ple-| McKenny (butt-ending) 47, |2°4 , L. Lupel, M. Dawson, P. Sloggett,| J .. Shypke, J. Rush P. McVely and M. Rancoort Ross Waddell 728-9836 and ROSE BOWL } 8. Martin, 0. O'Brien, G. Noakes, 8.) Barker, B. Cousins, D. McKee, P.Pigeau, THIRD PERIOD R. Harding, D. Pultz, M. Boyle, 8 Oshawa: Sandford (Orr, O'Shea) 4.10| Skwarckuk, G. Swinson, C. Plumadores, Toronto: Byers (MecKenny) 15.44|P. Seeley, J. Cuthbert and D. MoLaughlin Meehan (interference) 1.39, Mor. Coach -- Ross Waddell 728-9836 and ans, high sticking (tripping) 13.25, Dun JEW Y F > Coach Tom Dalgleish 728-2428 and NEW YORK (AP) -- A weltet-| waneger -- Gord Glerman 725-9379. | NAVY VETS F. Jay, G. Lambert, D. Kirby, D. Beat tie, T. Macintyre, J. Krantz, P. Williams. | Holmes, M. Shepherd, D. Suppelsa, Emile Griffith of New ho -- Ron Wright 728.0396 end Gary Gordon 725-1667, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa COMMERCIAL @ INDUSTRIAL DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING AREAS NO DOWN PAYMENT | ®@ 20 Months to Pay | ® 3 Year Guarantee CALL 728-1 54] | OSHAWA PAVING MARCH cei secret. And always so much attention. A secret distilling process gives you'll really enjoy. It combines the qualities you like best, in perfect balance. Gentle, light, golden-mellow to be sure--but with the subtle difference of a great flavour \ of the same superb quality. Try Gold Crest next time. You'll see why it's attracting HIRAM WALKER & SONS LIMITED, waetcerviite, caneee DISTILLERS OF FINE WHISKIES FOR OVER 100 YEARS Waiker's secret distilling Gold Crest a fiaveur "What's the flavour secret of Gold Crest Whisky?" 99 process ovecl HIRAM WALKER'S over 20 news: rae LJ ~ o lie Frontenacs v- = poe Oshawa Junior "'B" Crush-| , {Knowles, Bradiey) 9.55 ewe men fought back from a 3-1 de-| (Flanigan, in, Kearns) 12.00 <> ficit Sunday night, to tie King-|10 poe eal Reid " sion Fron wb i; wiccetan | _ (Osborne, Roe) 13.43 Th ff left Crushm -| (interference) 6.49; Flanigan (élbowing) san Genes Sedan cele otliatecacceman ,(iioning) "307." Morton sams \victories over Trenton Apple . soma Kings. -- thats

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