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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Oct 1965, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, October 26, 1968 THE BEST BATTLES -- 11 ELECTION TALK Rule-Of-Elite Irks Mr. Douglas He quoted a book, The Ver- tical. Mosaic by Professor special corporate elite, T, C, s, New Democratic Party leader, said Monday, . The public is fed A 4 with living in an econo dic- tatorship run for and by the ene few, Mr. Douglas told about 800 people at a campaign meeting in the vo- cational high school. Once A Grit, Now Independent VICTORIAVILLE, Que. (CP) A man who once sat as Liberal member for Drummond-Artha- baska constituency is running as an independent in the Nov, 8 federal election, back where he started in 1957, Sam Boulanger will oppose * Jean-Luc Pepin; minister with- out portfolio in the Pearson cab- inet. From 1957 to 1963 Mr. Bou- langer, the president of a local coffin company, was the con- atituency's member, first as in- dependent Liberal, later as offi- cial Liberal, 'Army, Atomic Workers Intimidated' TORONTO (CP)--Donald C, MacDonald, Ontario's New Democratic Party leader, said Monday that army personnel at Camp Petawawa and employ- ees of Atomic Energy of Can- ada Ltd., both in Renfrew North riding, are being politically in- timidated in favor of the Lib- erals in the federal election campaign. In a statement issued at Queen's Park, Mr, MacDonald sald defence department reg- ulations against political cam- paigning or meetings on the Reggie: Independent Independist MONTREAL (CP) ~~ Quebec separatist Reginald (Reggie) Chartrand filed nomination pa- pers Monday in Montreal St, Jacques, labelling himself an : 'independent independentist." Mr. Chartrand, 32, operates a boxing school in east-end Mont- real and has been arrested in a number of demonstrations staged by separatists here and in Quebec City, OTTAWA (CP)---Hunters are among those who may use the advance polls Oct. 30 and Nov, 1, Chief Electoral Officer Nel- son Castonguay sald Monday. 'i Lucien Rivard Rhino Flag-Bearer | | AN Moying attack of Diarrhea," says MONTREAL (CP) - Lucien Rivard, Montreal newspaper re- porter whose name is the same as that of the notorious narcot- lea-smuggler, filed nominations papers Monday as a candidate in the federal election. Mr. Rivard, listing himself as (I am a Separatist) Polls, Then Off To The Hunt | The Nov, 8 federal election|boe defeated the Liberal candi-| date falls during prime hunting/date 9,335 to 8,543. Mr, Runkle time in many parts of the coun- : . 3 try. The deer season in some' Grandma Gives Good areas opens election day, Guy, Favreau, pr ' a Intestinal te Privy Council who ts Quebec) upsets-quickly, gently, Liberal leader ttectively, Ask tor or, Prowl John Porter of Ottawa, which he said showed 985 Canadians control all the major Cana- dian corporations, He added: "About 2,000,000 Canadians don't earn enough to pay income tax while the 25 per cent of the la then receive 45 per pond py ot national income after taxes, In 1957, when John Diefen- baker's Conservatives were sweeping the country, he de- feated the longtime Liberal member for Drummond-Atha- baska, and went to Ottawa as an independent Liberal, Between the 1957 election and the 1958 one he re-entered the party's graces and won the Lib- eral nomination the next time, He won the seat as a Liberal in 1958, but lost to Social Credit candidate David Ouellet in Real Caouette's 1962 sweep, of Que: bee, Camp Petawawa base are be ing strictly applied to NDP can- didate Lorne Catherwood, but relaxed for Liberal Leonard Hopkiss. Workers at the AEC plant in Deep River who had displayed NDP sentiments since the 1963 election had since either re- ceived warning letters or had been "spoken to," Mr. MacDon- ald said, This was an "even more effective form of intimida- tion, because it carried with it a clear suggestion that job secu- rity is being jeopardized," Mr, Chartrand, who most re: cently has headed a youthful group known as the 'Chevaliers de l'Independance" (Knights of Independ ) was quoted re- cently as saying that if elected he would wear the group's uni- form black sweater in the House of Commons. Will Outlive PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. (CP) Whatever the outcome of the Nov, 8 federal election, the Car- iboo constituency probably will be remembered best for the Af- fair of the Reluctant Candidate, Not that other things haven't happened in the vast riding that covers northeastern British Columbia--it has hit newspages regularly since Prime Minister Pearson visited it on his pulse- taking western tour before an- nouncing the election, But Fred Atkinson's New Democratic Party nomination, his withdrawal, disappearance and eventual acceptance is the most novel, Next to it is the timely stor, of the harassed returning offi- cer, Apart from those stories the constituency provides an inter. esting exercise for those brave enough to predict elections, This boom city is the popula- tion centre of a riding into which thousands of workers are pour- ing to work on construction of everything from pulp mills to the gigantic $700,000,000 Peace River Dam near Hudson Hope, 170 miles north of here The riding extends about 500 miles south from the Yukon border and is 280 miles across at its widest point, The number of eligible voters has jumped to about 48,000 from 43,000, Most of these are in the Prince George area where three pulp mills are being constructed within 10 miles of the city, But there also is lumbering through: farming and oil and gas produc. tion in the Peace River, LEBOE VETERAN MP Social Crediter Bert WLeboe has held the seat since 1958,/ with the exception of four years | when a Conservative was car-| ried in on the Diefenbaker| sweep of 1958, | His opponents all feel they) have excellent chances to upset) him, | They. are: Mr. Atkinson, 53, ) of Prince George, business) agent for the Beverage Dispens:- | ers and Cullnary Workers Un-| jon (CLC); Peter Runkle, 39, | The sweater usually bears the for nstance | @ representative of the Rhinoc-| experience gives the same good advice. | eros party, entered in Montreal) pny, put up with Diarrhea when Or,| Papineau constituency, sented in the last Parliament by repre: Orings oe He apne relief, ormulat rom tem foots and herbs, Or, Fowler's & sweet care up Conservative, chartered ac:| inscription Je suis Separatiste"'|countant from Pouce Coupe and / jcandidate last election; Arthur'| McClellan, 53, Liberal Dawson) Creek lawyer. In the 1963 election Mr. Le-| Advice on Diarrhea | "Don't ever believe there's noth | Gan do when someone in the temily hacen tandma, Many a Grandma with years o1 Extract of Wild Strawberry | ident of the Majority To Hold Power-Line | HALIFAX (CP)--A majority federal government is needed to "partially reverse the flow of authority to the provinces," John R. Turner of Montreal, parliamentary secretary to Northern Affairs Minister Laing in the last Parliament, said Monday. i was called for Nov. 8 so the| Liberals could get a majority government and be in a stronger bargaining posi-| tion with the 10 majority-gov-| erned provinces in such mat- ters as medical care insurance, revisions of the Bank Act, tax- sharing and the Income Tax Mr. Turner told a group of Act after the Carter: report is| students that a general election Off-Shore Rights SHEET HARBOR, N.S. (CP) Premier Stanfield said. Monday if Nova Scotia loses its off-shore mineral rights it may lose its chance to achieve economic equality with Central and West- ern Canada. "These mineral rights . . are of greatest importance to this province," Mr. Stanfield told a Progressive Conservative rally. "If oil is discovered, and submitted. Must: Stanfield it belongs to Nova Scotia, our economic outlook would be drastically changed." He said the federal govern: | ment is referring the mineral| rights problem to the Supreme} -|Court of Canada because "'it in-| tends to get control of these off- | shore mineral rights and main- tain control of these mineral rights if it can," No Choice On Dupuis: Favreau ST. JOHNS, Que. (CP)--Guy Favreau, president of the Privy! Council and Quebec Liberal leader, said Monday it was "politically the only solution" for the Liberal party to choose a candidate other than Yvon Dupuis as standard - bearer in St. Jean-Iberville-Napierville. Mr. Favreau told a rally of] about. 200 persons in St. Johns, eta 1 emecaaoepenae® 8 tion >» We GIRLS! TAKE A WORLD FAMOUS WALTER THORNTON COURSE RIGHT HERE IN OSHAWA Modelling Development Courses taught B weekly Coiffures Salon, 360 King St. West For appointment call: The Oshawa School 30 miles southeast of Montreal, that the decision was solely a political one and had nothing to do with the criminal code. When Mr, Dupuis left the federal cabinet in January at! Prime Minister Pearson's re-| quest, he had révolied against the party leader and adopted a position that was incompatible with his status in the party. NO AGE LIMIT and Personal at the Creative 728-3441 is under the direc. Hoskin of Oshawa Aocte: # Mrs. Sharon ter Thornt Extract of cramps, nausea ER'S Wid Strawberry: 4 The 'Reluctant Candidate' out the riding and considerable | -- OO eae Meenas a eee Cir Creat ae eae The Election: sel ine ues had 8,304 and the NDP candi- date 4,461, Mr, Atkinson was nominated early in the campaign, He with: drew after, receiving telephone calls complaining he had been a party member for less than a year and should not accept the nomination, He disappeared-he said later he was visiting union members at construction camps -- when national leader T, C, Douglas visited Prince George, Members of Mr, Douglas's staff spent much of the day fruitlessly look: ing for him, He reappeared again some days later, sald the matter was cleared up, and the NDP had a candidate again, TIMES CONFUSE Returning officer Holger Ene- mark got more publicity for the area over his riding's confused voting times, Chief electoral of- ficer Nelson Castonguay helped straighten out the situation. Two times are used in the constituency, Mountain and Pa- cifie, To add to the confusion, the Pacific zone changed to standard from daylight time in |the middle of two days set aside for advance polls, The Mountain zone never left standard time, To make sure all persons vote within the same period Nov, 8, the Pacific zone goes to the polls between 8 a.m, and 7 p.m, while voters in the Mountain zone will vote between 9 a.m, and 8 p.m, | WARNING MOTORISTS Cold Weather Aheed ANTI- FREEZE a** (Prestone Brond alse evelloble) we justoll Anti-Freexe and de @ complete cooling system check HAVE US DO YOUR WINTER TUNE-UP +» « MAJOR er MINOR TUNE-UPS DONE GENERAL © TIRE SERVICE 534 Ritson Rd, South Ph. 728-6221 Lest Times TONIGHT & Added "QUICK BEFORE IT MELTS' --- Color Hit -- "36 HOURS" STARTS WEDNESDAY ELVIS PRESLEY Mokes the Beach A Ball in "GIRL HAPPY" in COLOR with SHELLEY FABARES GARY CROSBY HATS OFF TO THE WILDEST GUYS AND GIRLS IN THE WHOLE WILD WEST! 'THE ROUNDERS' in COLOR with HENRY: FONDA GLENN FORD CHILL WILLS DOORS om BILTMORE 5 "00° 6:30 P.M PHONE 725.3833 1:30 PLM, If you think you don't need disability insurance, you haven't seen the statistics. Of 1000 persons aged 35, 83% will be disabled by iliness or injury -- for three months or more -- before they reach age 65. That's what the stat istics show. What kind of a statistic will you be? Tt makes sense to look into a Manufacturers Life Personal Income Protector Plan. Nothing can give you such peace of mind as the sure knowledge that if you are disabled and cannot work, a guaranteed income will come your way. Our. Plan has many advantages. It offers you a wide flexibility in amount of income and the length of time it will be pai id. For example; you may be able to arrange for income benefits right through to age 65 for total disability due to sickness or for life when an accident is the cause. Accidental death and dismenberment benefits to age 65 are also offered. You can co-ordinate the plan with your other resources; tailor it to your needs and your pocketbook, Manufacturers Life cannot cancel the policy nor can your premium rate be raised --ever, The plan can be adjusted to correct. the inadequacy of any short-term coverage you already have. If you are interested, call the Man from Manufacturers. When advising you on disability income he offers you the same competent counsel available one of their four 'high-priorit: ridings in the province, They imported economist Rus- sel Brink, successful provincial election campaign manager in Vancouver, to run the campaign here, Mr, Brink says most 'y""|support from the laborers who have moved into the area, Social Credit is not worried, Elmer Nelson, Mr, Leboo's campaign manager, says the Social Credjt provincial goverm| WELLAND (CP)--The lower ment is responsible for théliocks of the Welland Canal at ane tn then mel boom ta-ths- north, Blecters willis Does Waller antranca ware Welland Closed By Heavy Winds 8 4 be tuppor ¥ o~ sa~the while the Liberals| not forget that, he says, even in|closed to traffic Monday after: 'a federal election, noon due to high winds, which Wednesday: Athabaska, gusted to 60 miles an' hour. The Conservatives, Liberals and NDP say Social Credit is losing support federally, Liber- als and Conservatives discount each other and the NDP and say Social Credit is the party to beat, The NDP sees growin BAN PET AMBULANCE SPELDHURST, England (CP) Frank Moon believes sick ani- mals deserve the same treat- equip; 4 special ambulance for them with flashing lights and sirens, Kent police have told him it is ilegal to carry the ment as humans and hasiequipment on a private vehicle, COSTS TOO HIGH! HERE'S HELP TO CUT THEM! Loudspeaker Paging lots you find peor ple fast in plants, building sites, used- more locations, Any office, plant or shop can use the savings of BETTER com/ car lots, building supply yards, many Business Interphone -- combined inter+ de up your communications: savings in time- overhead- hands-free, push investment- money! free phoning: work, you phone... get a call! system sp own work... all work in your office: button intercom, group address ,,,many other features! Speakerphone saves time with hands- read or write while other people in on Exclusion Feature disconnects all other phones on the same line to ensure privacy, For managers and others who may have to make confidential calls, LET BELL HELP YOU SAVE; There are 895 Communications services that can be tailored to your needs -- to help increase your efficiency -- to help cut your overhead! Give us a call at our Business Office! You'll get knowledgeabie heipi > T. G, Dawes Representative Bus. 728-7391 Res, 728-1426 to you when you are planning your life insurance security, ~ MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Peter Sellers Peter O'Toole Feeture Times 1:35 ~ tepenaie igh = seeeeeseceeerresesees Toure wt together again (Yor the Ait Ore) © Fesud tw UNITED ARTISTS $00 Kuen/ENE Borner BONE x. renouan/bO WBnacn AL Bavo PLAZA1S PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT TOMORROW and THURSDAY WITH TWO PERFORMANCES EACH DAY AN ENTERTAINMENT EVENT OF MAJOR IMPORTANCE! For the first time, the full dimension of opera on film! The highest quality ever achieved will give you the amazing immediacy of the world-famed... LA StSeeseeeeceeceseseeeeesees Seeeee ome ee COMPANY presenting Puccini's Immortal '(LA BOHEME AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE IN TECHNICOLOM FROM WARNER BROS. MATINEES 2:00 P.M, EVENINGS 8:30 P.M, ...... $2.00 Tickets now on sale at box-office CARROLL BAKER as "HARLOW" TODAY ONLY! abuir 1 COLOR STAGE DOOR LOUNGE AND 4. Frendo-Cumbo Representative Bus, 728-7391 Res. 655-4520 DINING LOUNGE at the WHITBY HOTEL 207 Dundas St. W., Whitby WHITBY'S FINEST NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT McLINTOCK Quartet featuring . . . HOLLY CARROLL THIS WEEK ONLY ¥ FOR THE MOST EXCITING EYE-FULL AND EAR-FULL IN TOWN HEAR HOLLY BELT OUT COOL JAZZ FOR YOUNG MODERNS @ Enteriainmeni Nighily ai 9 P.M. @ JAMES MAHER -- MANAGER ~ EA ALINE PET Sipe Biel aa iis @

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