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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Oct 1965, p. 13

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PID i ASIF WELL, ANNIE IM BUT IM GLAP ITS OVER= HAPPY IT ACHIEVED' | T MAY HAVE WON FOR THE 176 PURPOGE=BY | PEOPLE, BUT |'VB LOST GOME- HARD WORK WE'VE ee aL MY6ELP £ DIPN'T KNOW THERE WAS > NATIONAL "{ DO*NOTHING PAY! YOU MBEAN _ \YEP, FOR YOUR INFORMATION, YOU'RE GOING TO) THI6 1S NAT/ONAL SPEND DBO-NOTHING DAY! THAT OTUPID HAMMOCK 4/ I OON'T WANTANY PET as vat NERAL, THEN, IN 1977, GTAte AND. THe TAY | el / ; iu DOBSN'T HAPTA S ANY MORB, ' ZERO HE PEELS AS BAD 'BOUT MIG WINNIE AS SHE DOES 'BOUT HIM~ GEE = GROWN-UPS CAN AWPUL. FUNNY 6OMETIMES-- AN' I PONT MEAN FUNNY "HA-HA? BUT EVERYTHING HAS TO START SOMEWHERE. SECRET AGENT X9 0 es LooKs AWAY FROM THE LONE RANGER ING OF, LONEFOME: BAKING A CAKE! WHATS THE OCCASION? DONALD DUCK A ooo} oo ? | |needs. One possibility is that ACROSS 1, Soviet news agency 5. Scrutinise 9. The eyelashes 10, Wheeler 12, Greet 13. Tenant 14, Anger 15. Legisla- ture %. : 16, 3.937 inches: ¢ tHeckled abbr, 9. Smart 11, Cure 19. Competent 18, Meamiring cord 21, Frost Wharf 22, Regretted 2. Borders (CARIES 48, Borders (coe Ma ANNES HOI T] ml EAST RINIOIeID) ILIOMN TY SAIS PIMRTAISI AlN Ea emiola| ADA Mead fC ETL IE) ly] NEN 40. Honey- maker 42, Size of 31. Stir up 32, Cant 33. Examina- tion 4--Petticoat Channe) 2---Buftale Chan a 10:08 nel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buffale Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel 1 nemo Yemeuay 00 Pm. Ni--Family Theatre 9--Five O'clock Mevie @--Superman 6--Passport To Adventure 3-Stingray Liev om Pm G-Leave i? Te Beever é--Music Hop a--Rawhide utfale 'oronte j--Hamiiters ae ete ave. oe PA 1a--News 23, Earthen- 7 'ware 7 shot Y U 26. Gusty 27, Moon ie Y n 28, Fabulous bird ZL f #9. River: Cxech. 30. Historical mountain +News, porte Chuck Heely 6:28 PLM, News ose Pm l--Family Theetre Movie No. 8 News) Weather; @--Hunticy-Brinkley 7--Maverick A 34. Author's work: abbr, 35. Dismounted 37, Metal- bearing h~--) PANTRY / 'THE LAGT TIME GHE WON A CONTEST, TO CELEGRATS GHE GAVE AWAY ALL OF THE PIBS AND CAKES IN HER 43, Railroad stops: abbr, 44, Vegetable 'YOUR HEALTH t YOURE EMER IN® 8O winks We on OUT Wr Sr Mrs, C. sends me a clipping ljabout a one-year-old child who choked to death on an aspirin tablet. And she is correct in rec- ognizing this as a danger, but |she then jumps to some conclu- sions that don't fit. She writes: | "Over 1,000 children died in 11946 from taking aspirin tab- lets, which used to be hard and were easily swallowed, More re- jcently in an. advertisement a jpicture shows how tablets now idisintegrate 'the minute they jreached the throat sd I'm afraid Mrs. C. is adding two and two and. getting 22, Just the same, she raises some! jimportant points. | Yes, hundreds of children die jfrom aspirin--but not from tak-~ jing just one tablet. In their in- nocence, they eat a whole hand- ful or a bottleful. In such rela- tively huge quantities aspirin Overdose Dangerous Of Many Medicines By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD small children than any other single. poison, Why? Several reasons. Almost everybody keeps aspirin in the house. Used properly, it is one of the safest medicines known. It doesn't burn like acid, or smell or taste offensive like many common poisons found in the home. DUPLICATE ADULTS Perhaps some badies think the tablets are candy. Or they have seen adults take aspirin, and what babies see done, they try to do. But dosage is based on size. One tablet, for a 15-pound baby, is as powerful as 10 tablets for a 150-pound adult. A handful of tablets is the equivalent of 10 handfuls for an adult, a massive: and too often a lethal dose. To save lives of children we jhave to keep aspirin and every Peyton PI [e3-Dick ven Boxe Show 6:0 m a ve, Ve=Sehnitzel jon Captain %--The Littles? Mobe @--Blography é--News, Weather, 4Car i Where Are You? 3-Gilligan's tslend 2--Huntley- Brinkley Report he Om, 9:08 I}--Topper oe td 10 Allen iH Weat Meta %--Musical Showcase 0 3--My Mother The Car ?--Combat The Seana 4--Rawhide Hogan's Heroes a0 Pm Vi--Special Mevie je #2--Please Don'? Bet The Daisies é3--Red Skelton on Om o--F-Troop &-2--Dr. coeere T--McHele's Newp 4--Red Skelton te OM 8h Dodie GI ree Ni--Nurses Playtime Bobb we 7--Doni 63--Friendly 4YThe thts Bonnie P Mr. And t-2--Morning 1 The Merv Griffin Shew %--1 Spy 3-2--Mole Morle 63--News Magazine ?--The Fugitive 4-CBC Reporte 10:38 PA, 9--Country Music Hell 63--The Public Bye 4--Beyond All Barriers li-News, Weather, Sports é--Newscap WEONESDAY House « 4--Mike's Carnival ixtensign 4--Gypsy Rose Lee y -2--Fractured Phrases &3--Canadian Schools 41 Love Lucy %--Bingo 8-2--Concentration ina Reed %--The Young Set 63 Junction Pm. 12:48 PAA, News 64--Guiding Light %--Sergeant Bilko 64--As The World Turns ne Pm, o-- Kids ts People 7--Nurses 6-4--Password Moment Of Trem 2:15 P.M, %Dear Chariotte ne PM, a angeres AM. With Uncte Aste 2:45 PM. 63--World Series nee Pam, Donna Reed ie 0--Fractured ago Tall the Truth with Uncle 7 8:0 Pe, NP taking the lead. This avoidance of the danger hand is especial- tracts. present deal cal of the problem involved, West leads a diamond and de- clarer allows the king to win. South also plays low on diamond continuation, but is then forced to take the next one with the ace, The purpose of holding up the ace is to exhaust East of diamonds, so that he will not have one to return if he obtains the lead later, South takes stock. He count seven sure winners, needs nine, The most promising source for additional tricks lies in his long suit, clubs. However, it is dangerous to attack clubs. Thus, if he plays a club to the king and another one back to the jack, he may lose the finesse to West, the happen, West would diamonds and thus defeat the contract, Rather than adopt this course, declarer looks for other means of garnering the two tricks he ich spades are divided 3-3, in whi case dummy's fourth spade would become a trick. Another possibility lies in @ heart finesse which is bound te produce a second heart trick, win or lose, Furthermore; even if the finesse loses, there is a chance that the ten of hearts will fall when the suit is cashed. This would give South the ninth trick he is looking for. Accordingly, declarer leads the jack of hearts. When West a low, South takes a finesse, losing the trick to East, the non- danger hand. As the cards hap. pen to lie, the ten of hearts does fall and South makes. his . The spades fail to -- 3-3, but that doesn't mat- er. Declarer avoids West by stay- ing away from clubs, ey Mae suit. That does matter. NEWS IN BRIEF TURN TO GAS FUEL The use of natural and coal gas in Britain is expected te increase by 75 per cent during the next five years. MANY LEAVE SCHOOL About 40,000. young Canadians are expected to graduate from university in 1966, TURTLES SWIM FAR The green turtle of Brazil swims across 1,400 miles of open sea every summer to lay its eggs on Ascension Island. SALLY'S SALLIES Ah Giant ys a Mra. Ster 'Andy ot me bert J. 8-2--Movie 63--Front Page Challenge 7--F Troop om Pa oa! b2--Paradise \@3--Across Canade Square Mayberry Gone am Pan I7l--Secret Squirrel Bay Sea }--ferly ew be deadly too, but they aren't found in as many households. As to strangling on a tablet, yes, it can happen, but it isn't because the tablet disintegrates) too quickly. The opposite is. the case. Any small, solid object, if a child gets it.in the windpipe, can be deadly. A baby's wind- pipe is very tiny. That is why croup, for example, is such a mean 'ailment for a baby. Only a little swelling of the tissues can shut off a large percentage of the windpipe's cross section, and the baby struggles to get any breath at all. At the age of two or three years the wind- child have anything hard, and of a size that can get into the windpipe. I've warned from time to time against letting the little ones get hold of peanuts, popcorn, or chewing gum. The same goes for anything of sim- ilar size, whether candy, peas, beans, buttons beads. Or pills, including aspirin tablets. A bit of soft food, or some- thing that dissolves or disinte- grates very quickly can be coughed up by the child. Some- thing hard can become so firmly lodged in the wind that no air can get past. pipe has grown enough so that does not obstruct as large a (as well as a lot of other things)jother medicine locked up out of{Proportion of the air passage- becomes a poison. Statistically,jreach. Such things as simple/W&Y. jaspirin kills er endangers more iron compounds for anemia can' For safety, jtablet If aspirin needs to be given the same amount of swelling |to a baby, the safer way is not in tablet form at all, Crush the (or more usually just rt of a tablet) and mix it into pa don't let = smallla spoonful of milk, onstant repeat turnover ond finitely no soliciting con provide o teliable second income persons with sound job history, Write Todey --- Oshewe Times Box 1021 me iaaiainianiiel SAVE on Fuel Oil with a Famous GOODCHEER or LINCOLN FURNACE ANDREWS HEATING 723-1660 Oshewe al

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