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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Oct 1965, p. 2

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuosdey, October 26, 1965 991 Covet Ontario Seats: 'A Vital Prov "TORONTO (CP)--Ontario, a vital field of battle for federal] elections, will have 201 candi- dates scrambling for its 85 seats in the House of Commons Nov. 8. Late entries by independents inc e For All. nominations closed, Social Credit came up with six addi- tional candidates, independent, lfive and the New Democratic [Party one. One independent, 'nominated earlier, withdrew. before} Ontario has more seats in the and the Social Credit party swelled the total as nominations closed Monday, but the total fell short of the 331 candidates' who ran in the 1963 general election. In the dying hours BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE 265-seat Commons than any other province and the two main parties -- the Liberals and Progressive Conservatives Boy Stopped On Speeding, Loaded Rifle, Beer Found! After being stopped for speed- ing Terry Arvid Cooke, of Port Perny, was found to have a load- ed rifle and beer in the back seat of his car. Yesterday before Magistrate Harry Jermyn at Oshawa Cooke pleaded guilty to charges of speeding at 60 miles an hour in a 30 mph zone; having a load- ed firearm in his car; and to minor consuming. He was fined $50 and costs or 10 days on the firearm charge; $30 and costs or six days on the apeeding charge and $50 and costs or seven days on the minor consuming charge. A further charge of having beer in a@ place other than his residence was dropped at the request of Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck. A charge of minor consum- po gg 17-year-old Donna Ollitfe, of Oshawa, was dismiss- ed after the girl pleaded not guilty to the charge. "There seems to be some doubt," ex- plained Magistrate Jermyn, For minor consuming 19-year- --demonstrated their interest by naming a full slate of candi- dates, The New Democratic Party nominated standard-bearers in every riding except Lampton- Kent. Social Credit named 19, a far cry from its 68 in 1963, The others are made up of 12 inde- pendents, three Communists, two independent Conserva- tives and one Creditiste, the only candidate of that break- away Social Credit group out- side Quebec. The Liberals not only are con-| Driving while impaired cost Ralph Chamberlain, of Oshawa, a $100 fine and costs or 15 days in jail. A Nestleton man, Victor | Wayne Malcolm, 20, pleaded not guilty to a charge of im- paired driving, The court found him guilty and fined him $100 and costs or 15 days in jail. sending some big guns -- the} prime minister, eight cabinet) ministers and former cabinet} testing every seat but they are 7 | Says Driver Deloro Haul Quite Open, Six Suspended Over Overtime WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- Six,is being employed and is creat- employees of the Union Gasjing a situation that will cut into "Company Lid. Have vee #Us-| Valuavleegotiating~time--tiat pended for refusing to consider|should be used in an effort to working "a r ble amount lude a new collective of overtime, agreement before a strike dead- The men, employees of the|line is reached, service department, are mem-| 'Undue delay by the concilia- bers of local 9-758 of the Oil,/tion board procedure at this Chemical and Atomic Workersitime is furthering the provoca- International Union (CLC) here. |tion in @ situation that requires mah were ro to _ Com immediate attention." with negotiations leading to ®) Copies of the wire Monday new contract with the COMPANY-|night were sent to Mayor John Windsor and Sarnia employ-|wheelton of Windsor, officials ees of the company have earlier|o¢ other municipalities and to charged @ "deliberate stall" by|the company's head office in the Ontario labor department in| Chatham. en for 8 The company late Monday J. R. Duncan, Canadian di-/Deht issued a reply to the rector of the union,in a wire|")S'ses- to Labor Minister Leslie Rown-| In @ prepared statement de- livered hefe, the company said tree has stated: } it had not procrastinated in con- Members of local 9-758 are pt totally dissatisfied with the pro-|tract dealings with the union. "In fact the company has made crastinating and'frustrating tac- tics used by the Union Gas Com-|the only major bargaining con- cessions to date..." any in our current contract negotiations, which be-| The company said it had of- gan March 8, 1965. lfered the union a number of| . i ceociiaten boar, ong UP| concessions, among them aj y your department, met on 'ghi fast |Sept. 14 and adjourned Sept. 29, monetary one "which would in-| crease wages of the affected) BELLEVILLE (CP)--No at- tempt at secrecy was made in hauling 32 drums of scrap meta! alloy containing cobalt to Peter- borough from Deloro, 30 miles north of here, a preliminary hearing was told Monday. Raymond Cornell, a truck driver for the Peterborough Scrap Metal Co,, said his em- ployer had given him a key in October, 1963, to a warehouse at Deloro Smelting and Refining Co. Ltd, He was testifying at a pre- liminary hearing of two men charged in the disappearance of 15 tons of cobalt pellets valued at $600,000. The cobalt, a metal used in hardening steel, disap- peared from the Deloro ware- house between September, 1963, and March, 1965. The loss was announced last May. Charged are Irving Moldaver, 50, owner of the Peterborough scrap company, and William Regan, 70, former Deloro reeve and demolition superintendent at the Deloro company. Both pleaded not guilty Mon- ACCOUNTANT William A, Smith, son of Mrs. W. J. Found and the . late Mr. Arthur Smith, who . graduated as a chartered accountant at the convoca- tion held by the Institute of Chartered Accountants As- sociation in Toronto recent- ly. Mr. Smith is the accoun- tant at the Oshawa General Hospital, unable to assist the parties. As Charges and counter-charges brought under the Labor Re- lations Act again came up be- fore the court yesterday. The charges laid by the Osh- awa Typographical Association and Intercity Typesetting Co. minister Robert Winters--into} the fray. PEARSON HEADS LIST Prime Minister Pearson leads the Liberal list by seeking re- election in Algoma East against reany RIGORS OF SHOWBIZ | television personality Joel Al- dred, a Conservative, and NDP candidate Walter Stuart. | Then come External Affairs) Minister Martin in Essex East,| Solicitor - General Pennell in. Brant-Haldimand, Finance Min- ister Gordon in Toronto Daven- te' tes. port, Trade Minister Sharp in sgh he ak tite ridiculous," por onto Eglinton, Defence Min- ia oh ; . Fadhie apsorsag lister Hellyer in Toronto Trinity, said Magistrate Jermyn who or-/Heaith Minister LaMarsh in Ni- dered the hearing set for No-\acara falls, Works Minister vember pate j Meliraith in Ottawa West and The hearing was made per-/Reyenye Minister Benson in Ltd., were laid in April this year after a labor dispute. Since that time, explained Crown - Attorney Affleck, the charges have come up frequent- ly on court dockets. The two sides have on each appearance asked for, and won remands to Progressive Conservative leader John Diefenbaker shuts his eyes tight as Carol Davidson wipes makeup off his face, The opposition lead- er had just finished taping a television program at the CFTO-TV studios in Toronto Monday. (CP) : emptory for that date, If the) two sides are not ready to go! on that date the charges will be dismissed. Five charges appeared on yes- terday's docket. Two were brought by the Intercity Type- setting Co., and three by the old Edward Swartz, of 1515 Lakeside st., was fined $50 and eosts or seven days in jail. He pleaded guilty to the charge. A charge of having cost Wayne Beaudry, of Mill st., a $50 fine with costs or seven days in jail. He pleaded guilty Kingston, Mr, Winters, 55-year-old for- mer Liberal public works min- ister defeated in the Nova Sco- tia constituency of Queens-Lu- nenburg in 1957, is bidding for a political comeback in York West where his chief opposition is expected to come from WEATHER FORECAST day to charges of conspiring to steal cobalt owned by the fed- eral government. They also re-| quested to be tried by judge and of this date, we have not heard from your office. "It is apparent to the work- employees some 21 per cent! over the next three years--10/ per cent the first year, six per| jury, ARRESTED AUG. 14 lers here that a deliberate stall tained by Groma Metals Corp. cent the second and five per| jcent the third year, | "So far, (the union) has not} OLD WORLD TRADITION The two were arrested Aug. in the United States to test ma-| : y 14 with four Belleville men |terial being sold by Moldaver's|indicated any interest in dis- | eomanies = apne for prelim- i, se dias sigs jcussing this offer. In fact, after) nary hearing Nov. 8. | He said that in October, ; | They are Samuel Vigodda, 70,,he took samples for analysis pit agg eat of a) his son Leonard, 27, both ofjfrom several drums in Mol-/8uation, (the 'union) has not) Markel Metals and Minerals|daver's scrap yard. Among the|budged one penny from its or- Ltd., Bernard Boulter, 25, and|drums were 32 that Groma met- iginal demand for a 20 per cent LONDON CREAM Sunny With Continuing On Cool Side TORONTO (CP) -- Officia forecast issued by the weather office at 5:30 a.m, Synopsis; The trend to coole weather will persist for several) days. Lake Erie, to the charge. For failing to file sales tax re-| turns for the month of August| Charles G. Norris, of the Crystal 'ined Manufacturing Co., was $25 and costs or five days in jail: Mr. Norris denied the of- fence saying that he had posted the returns before the expiry) date. Oshawa Typgraphical Associa- tion, A 26-year-old Kingston youth, \Ronald Allan Young; appeared for sentence on a charge of in- decent exposure. He was given a two year suspended sentence and probation on the under- standing that he return to King- -- and seek help for his prob- em. HERE and THERE OSHAWA FIRE Department a two fire calls yesterday. One was to a car fire at Gibb and Simcoe streets. Second call was to a burning shed on land at 1102 Cedar st. Young children playing in the shed are be- lieved to have started the blaze which completely de- stroyed the structure. Officers elected at the an- nual meeting of the Oshawa Advisory Board of the Cana- dian National Institute for the Blind were; Mrs, A. J. Park- hill, chairman; Mr. W. R, Singleton, vice-chairman and treasurer; Mrs. H. S. Myers, secretary; Mrs. S. J. Nobbin, convener of the welfare and visiting committee; and Mrs. T. C. Worden, convener of the prevention of blindness com- mittee, Guests at the meet- img were Kenneth Loverock, president of the Oshawa Lions Club, Mrs. Loverock and Alfred Pucher, chairman of the Lions Club Sight Con- servation Committee, and Mrs. Pucher. "The annual meeting of the Oshawa District Council of Boy Scouts will be held at the Shebandowan, Camp Samac, on November 3. Business gets underway at 8 p.m, Dr. John M. M. Darte, head pf the Department of Haematology at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children, will be the guest speaker at the annual meeting of the On- tario County Unit of the Ca- nadian Cancer Society. The meeting will be held on Oc- tober 28 at Adelaide House on Simcoe st. s,. Business gets underway at 8 p.m. As well as his work at the Sick Chil- dren, Hospital, Dr. Darte is also a consultant in paedia- tries at Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto. the Easter to be held for Seal campaign next. spring were made at a | recent meeting in Toronto of the district meeting of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children. Delegates included George Charlton, chairman of | the Crippled Children's Com- mittee, and Lloyd Corson chairman of the Easter Seal eqmmittee, Oshawa Rotary Club. Service club delegates attending were drawn from the Metropolitan Toronto re- gion. Three Oshawa _ residents wére among graduates at the fal} convocation of Waterloo Lutheran University last Sat- urday. William Faweett, Arch- ibald Hubert and David Spar- ling all received general BA degrees, The "Wells for India" in- ternational service project, which was sponsored by the clubs in District 709, was ex- plained by Paul A. Fisher, charter president of the Ro- tary Club of Burlington, at the Monday meeting of the Oshawa Rotary Club. The project helped relieve the shortage of water in arid areas of India. Civic Auditorium pledges are 77 per cent in with just $275,796 to be collected, city | treasurer Frank Markson told the building fund's board of directors last week. A headline in Friday's Times gave the impression a major- ity of the pledges was still outstanding Some $915,911 has already "been collected* and all pledges are expected to be in by July of next year. Thomas L. Wilson, of Osh- awa, a member of the Board of General Purposes of the Grand Lodge of Canada, AF and AM, in the Province of Ontario, addressed 350 Peter- borough district Masons at a breakfast Sunday morning. Lake St, Clair, Southern Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake Ontario; Sunny with a few cloudy periods and a_ little cooler, Winds northwest 15 to 25. |George Hogan, a top executive in the Conservative organiza- tion, The Conservatives are not without their high-powered po- litical ammunition. George Hees, former trade minister in the Diefenbaker government, seeks election in ithe eastern Ontario riding o! |Northumberland. In Ontario riding, just west of Mr. Hees's constituency, Mi- chael Starr, former Conserva- tive labor minister, is aiming to retain his seat in the Commons. ARRAY STRONG Also battling to retain his seat is former health minister J. Waldo Monteith in Perth, Frank McGee, former Conservative minister without portfolio, is making an attempt to recapture ; Sg his seat for York-Scarborough,| P* stimulating natural proc: the largest riding in Canada, | esses so that more girls are Thirteen women are in the| turning into women at an ear- running--five New Democrats,| jjer age, oe and four Consery- Writing in the Medical Of- | Miss LaMarsh tops the list ficer, & journal ghee and will fight it out. with four| Ment health officers, Or. one | gon said the age at which other candidates, included Con-| be abnutiin | girls sexually matured has jservative Jean Douglas, whom) dropped substantially in the jshe defeated in 1963. i | Pauline Jewett, a Liberal,| last 10 years adding that the seeks to retain her seat in| Northumberland . against' Mr. |Hees and NDP candidate Ian |Reilly, while Conservative Jean |Wadds_ in Grenville-Dundas is 'matched against Liberal John Palmer and Rene Benoit of the NDP. The three Communists -- are headed by Canadian party ' leader William Kashtan a SIMCOE (CP)--Mrs. Norah ning in Toronto Davenport|Wagner, & Teterville, Ont., against Mr. Gordon and two mother who lost tkree sons in other candidates. The other two| the Second World War, has been are Bruce Magnuson in Essex |chosen Canada's Remembrance East and Thomas Morris in Day mother. London. She will place a wreath for The sole Creditiste in the Canadian mothers at the Na- province is Ra y mond Berth- tional War Memorial in Nov. 11 jaume in Glengarry-Prescolt, ceremonies in Ottawa. FAST MATURITY HORMONE FAULT EDINBURGH (Reuters) -- Britain's schoolgirls are ma- turing earlier because 'they eat meat containing sex hor- mones used to fatten live- stock, a woman doctor says. Dr. Leila Watson, Edin- burgh's assistant health offi- cer, says minute traces of fe- male hormones in meat may and poultry fodder is growing. Nov. 1] Mother Lost 3 In War use of sex hormones in cattle | Some Clouds, 1, Northern Lake Huron, South- ern Georgian Bay: Variable cloudiness with occasional light r\showers and a little cooler. }|Winds northwest 15 to 25. Northern Georgian Bay, Hali- Killaloe, jburton, ami, Cochrane, Western James Algoma, Variable cloudiness and a little cooler. Bay, White River, North Bay, Sudbury: |Winds northwest 15 to 25. Forecast temperatures Low tonight, {Windsor . St. Thomas | London ' \Kitchener . .» Mount Forest Wingham . Hamilton . ee St. Catharines ..+++.3 Toronto | Peterborough Trenton Killaloe, . Muskoka North Bay |Sudbury ' \Earlton . «.. |Sault Ste. Marie |Kapuskasing « «+s. |White River .ssoeess | Moosonee 2 28 \Timmins . {Kingston 52 45 45 45 LONDON 6 ONTARIO Canaoe Herbert Maracle, 40, laborers. jals had advised him would con-|wage hike in one year." Cornell. testified he and An-|tain marbles of stellite, an al- drew Beaumhour, 31, madelloy containing cobalt. | three trips to the warehouse| Mr, Rafter said laboratory and hauled $2 drums of metal|tests showed the marbles were to Moldaver's scrap yard, \99 per cent cobalt, He could Good Nemes Te Remembe When Buying TE REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker---President Bil MecFectere=nVice Pres ul Selling Joseph Rafter, representative|not recall telling this to Mol- Timag- of Standard Testing Laboratory|daver, but said he advised the at Belleville, N.J., earlier testi-|Groma company, -- fed his company had been re-| The hearing continues. Schofield-Aker Ltd. | 723-2265 NEW WORLD PERFECTION high Wednesday when you use It does not take what the Golden Horse will be part of a giant ments, shopping plaza ization. What about traf 401, 400, and other the magnitude of traf the working man and t NEED A NEW | FURNACE? |] te Bowe Payment--First Peyment Decermber--Cell PERRY Dey or Night... 723-3443 willing to face the traffi areas and areas of qui point to paved ravines we gave it away." It cc The Conservation Need people divided and subdivided by high speed expressways, high rise apart- hamper week-ends at the cottage and/or week-end visiting, can you imagine amount of leisure time that will be available (shorter working hours ?) to will be @ vast number of people in any area who will be either unable or un- A "LET'S SAVE THE OSHAWA CREEK VALLEY too much figuring with the data available to foresee shoe will look like in twenty-to fifty years time. We horseshoe-shaped metropolis of three to four million s, and all the other material wonders of our civil- fic ?_ If we think for a minute of the Sunday evening highway congestion thet is beginning to seriously fic flow at that time ? When you add to thet the he great number of older and retired citizens, there ¢ and who will look to the community for recreational et, restful pleasure and valleys :to say nnot be reclaimed. It will be tragic if we have to "We had what you want, but You can borrow 550 to $5000 to pay all your bills ee. and reduce your monthly payments by a3 much as half! SUPERIOR FINANCE 17 Simcoe St. N., 725-6541 Don Rees, Meneger The fastest growing all-C. Loan C ai actin, is the keyword Times Classified Ads cle selling ads, rental ads, but most of all they a action, where over you are interested in. the basic facts about item-you want to sell together in a hurry, phone number is... . THE = _ Classified ads in The Oshawa Times could be described in many ways.. . they are ads job- finding eds, that find lost items, business opportunity ads, ads for swapping and ads for buying . . re ACTION ads... powerful lines of advertising that get fast action when you want results in a hurry Arranged in orderly columns in their own separate section, Times Action ads are pre- sented in easy to shop, easy to read columns 50 different enable you to find quickly, exactly the field classifications Read and use Times Classified Action Ads regularly. It's easy to place your ad, An experienced Ad Writer knows iow to take your service or the and translate these facts into an economical, hard working Action ad that brings buyer and seller Remember the tele- 723-3492 IMES action. Che Oshawa Funes

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