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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Oct 1965, p. 6

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ite with @ victory ever Aldsworth Clean- ers. Stan Hodgson had the pins falling, but good, with a 590 (214); Harold wWoods 568 (226); Harry Hutcheon 568 (223); John Gatto 561 (202); Wayne Layton 559 (205)7 Len Rose 554 (228); Harold Babcock 553; job ~Fogal 547 (206); Ray George 542; Bill Grant 541; John Waldinsperger 540 (215); jAanny Hutcheon 539 (202) and Fred Snow 535 (206). Standings -- €Erinii 21, Les Eveniss Sales 16, Mackies' Van and Storage 15, Wilson's Men's Wear 15, Peppi's Pizza Palace 13, Scugog Cleaners 12, Ontario Motor Sales 12, Goch Supertest 12, Ideal Annual ABC Tourney Close To Home In 66 #23 Sp Gillands 5 to 2. Yomacs took Oshawali Enterprises 10, Clinf's Texaco 8, LA an Cleaners on @ like score, B Discount 7 and Homes by Harrison 7. joe ore (542) with the top score of n for the ladies, made the dif- TUE 0 ference be North Oshawe 'Driving Range sie UESRRY. . MeN : h nipped Meades' Sunoco 4 to 3. 'orvettes 'stretched their league i rey Mavis Taylor 530 was the runner-up for|lead to four Points, as hiey blanked the| aay morning, wit wes pi the girls, Doris Vann 492, Marion Peake/Police "B's'" 7-to-0. The seven markers\and Starr Furniture settling for 474, Soy Walker 452, Mary Mothersiti| overshadowed ae He win Poet Sune ie 4-4 stalemate in the opener. 451, Fairley Bouckley 443, Eileen Wors-/Shoes over Keelers a e 4-to-3 verdict) a . ley 440, Jean Lawrence 438. Mary Cole| bY House of Chow over Thompson Plumb-|Tony's Refreshments _ battled strongly to down last season's 437, Ada Floody 435 and Vi McCormack |'ng. 517, George Pettit 515, Harold Babcock! 43) City Hall. moved into a tie tor thirdichamps, Versafood, by the tune of 4-2, tite wickenek| ye Fred Snow 908 end), For the men, George Reid was sorond | pie with General Aggregates by whomp- | : high with 579 (207), Bob Worsley 569 (214,|Ing Cadillacs 7-0, while the "Aggies") 3 : Porat Say ds bane 204), Bob Peake 551 (214), Doug Cole saq\went all out for a 5-2 win over Slow Mo-| Due to the impossibility of ob- Kirkham 456, Shirley Bowers 456, Jean Se Nore sh. Cavrant its decree tur| ses OKI Ned "0. sos card tern \taining practice time, each ofthe failure of Oshawa TV clear- Hiab gerne hag Bode py mg aot Cd 510 and Harry Blohm 508. MacDermaid ($39), however, a bye on the|the four clubs were using theling the puck from their goal, to al, Novia' Magee 414, Mare Sernes rtd Standings - Maligs 38 Vanco's 32 night assured the 'A's" of seven points.igames as training camps, tojhit for two quick goals in the le {| Standings -- Majigs 38, Vanco's 32,| Good scores on the night had G. Fer-| i y fi Dot Tyson 408, Dio Zarowny 407 and). Sawing ie Ving 31, Orphans Sr | cee poores, on: the gt hi cit (soe), | 00k over the cuantity of new final two minutes of play. Twila Wilson 407, peed 9 9 . h heir Meade's Sunoco Service 24, Central Auto| Doug Keeler 540, R. Wright 520, T. Clark players who have shown their Oshawa TV were tagged for dependents 32, Big Five 28, Try Agains rieg fi at ge sia eens. Dewi ae Renae 517, B. Tkaczuk 516 and Ken Gunn 507.\desire to play in the league. four minor penalties to Starr 28, Gillard Cleaners 27, Triumphs 24,|2!, Nu-Way. bain My Ut iss 20/| Standings -- Corvettes 34, House of) Bach club boasts twenty-odd\Furniture's one. ter is just pleasure drive dis- oat tance on a weck-ened, so why/|Presto 24, Scugog Cleaners Astra-|Gillands' 19, Pickwick Cleaners 16, YO) chow 30, Burns Shoes 30, General Agare j j Nuts 22, A and W Drive-in 21, Should-|™macs 16, Bonds Clothes 15, Morings Gar-lantes 26, city Hall 26, Thompson Plumb-\Players that they will reduce to) pihWa era carne ae roma rape First Period | 1, Oshawa TV: Westfall (Tran) ... not plan to attend, No telling) i pine ty, mit Fitz 9, Moonbeams 7, Or-| #9 14, Oshawa Cleaners 12, and Essos 11.|'54°93, Police "A's" 23, Slow Motions 20, / Penalties -~ Marshall on Hubbard's Pr 2. Starr Furn.: Norris (Wills) when such a chance will come|phans 7 and Knights 4. RASTWAY MEN'S THURS-NITE Doug, Keeler's 16, Cadillacs 15 and Police Second Perf t' Wins | 3. Oshawa TV: Georgetf your way again. EASTWAY MIXED TEN-PIN Erinli's 3-to-1 win over Ideal Dairy,| ---- (Gierman, Bruce) Felt Trophy Starr Furn.; Pullen dd 6. Tony's: Sutton However, if your intentions sieenianial fair Mala Gh. Geet ot i corte ans Fi Maligs, Vancos and Speedy Muffler engine ir hold on first place a: are to enter any of the various|king scored impressive 7-to-0 wins over|!heir closest rival, Wilson's, dropped Penalties -- Bryan Don Hubbard of Oshawa was ?. Stare 2 j 7 > y orris, Wood i the winner of The Neil Felt! ¢ starr Furn.: Pullen (Dick) » Tony's: Sutton a Penalties -- Hutton, Wiedmark,. Cheese- n WANTS FIGHT r : their opponents, in an effort to put more| their game to H and L Enterprises by the events, there is a deadline . . '\daylight between themselves 'and the rest 58me score. MILAN (AP)--World junior Trophy with a perfect score of| Penalties -- Westfall, Georgelf, 50 broken targets, in the last) man, Hull, Reid, Glaspell, Redshew November 1, 1965. If you are in-|of the league Les Eveniss Sales clipped Houdailles|middleweight champion Nino terested, either as solo, twosome} Mavis Taylor (530) led Majigs on the|4 to 0, giving Wagar &r., the first chance] Benvenuti said Monday he is skeet tournament of the sum:| TONY'S 4-- VERSAFOOD 2. |(™!0" 4nd misc) and Tripp. mer season at the Oshawa) Tony's Refreshments opened) SCHOOL IN CONTRACT Pandit |victory trail, The Coles and Vanns made/for the horse laugh over Wagar Jr. In| or party, you are invited to con- | ready to meet Joey Archer in or 214), was the 'mufflers' king, Goch Supertest defeated Clints' 3 to 1 George Turner, at Eastway Skeet and Gun Club. the door early for their win over Norway is teaching Ghana- tact Joh Waldi |feamwork payoff. Bob Worsley 569 (204,\four years of trying. d F sperger j al{ re sr ee The Orphans moved into the leaders cir-|Mackies' turned Pepis aside 3 to). Thea" Climination mate h to deter, Lanes, for further information Hubbard displayed fine form/Versafood, as Kemp scored at ad-/2:12 of the first period. Bothjians how. to handle 231 - foot cle with a7-0 trouncing of Nu-Way Photo. |three-to-one score was the final verdict;mine who should challenge Dick Bob Peake set th Central Auto|in all th inl teh Harri:|"Ti op , _ ow iddle Body best the Fickwicks 6 to 2. Hilt\son's cover. Dvett'ss "ecuyops topping La|rimer for the world middle and Miss with Doug Gibbs (597) tripped|and B and Ontario Motor Sales came to Weight title when one considers the verse shooting conditions which | clubs displayed a lot of hustle|trawlers as part of the contract existed last Sunday, when the| with the players trying for ajto build seven of the fishing tournament was held, High|per lvessels, winds and cross currents did\-- is Sate apt Pe ci ota not deter Hubbard from break-| Pate i fk Hoot Kevin O'Shea ing bird after bird, something] or accidentally --high-sticking|which normally will put off the| one of the St. Mike's players. |hest of shooters. JUST TALKING -- Manager| Rij1! Rudyk, also of Oshawa, Davie was happy with the win./was runner-up in the tourney He was especially pleased with|with a score of 48-out-of-50. Rick the play of Parker, on defence|sheridan came in with a 48 for the Steelers ... Manager|aiso, but Rudyk took second Davie also voiced the same opin- place, with a longer string of ion as his coach, in regard t0/consecutively broken birds. the suspension of Cheeseman| Twenty-five contestants ... The next action for the ; Steelers will be Friday night, at ior honors in =e shoot. the St. Mike's arena. | First Period 1, Whitby: Barnett (McMillan, Chaimers) 2. Whitby: Menard (O'Donaghve, Thompson) oN Penalties -- Young 2.07, Zaccato 4.40, Quintillian 9.04, Cheeseman 11.26, O'Shea (major) 18.00. Second Period 3. Whitby: Lavender (Cheeseman, O'Shea) 4. St. Mike's: Cengarle (Guiliani, McCann) 5. Whitby: Chalmers (Barnett, McMillan) 7.21 Penalties -- Young 6.03, McMillan 7.25, Chalmers 11.57, Vipond 13.56, Galbraith 17.06, 19.49. UAW LEAGUE Last Year's Champs Lose Opening Game | The middle frame continued with the torrid pace as Tony's once again notched the single tally, when Chamberlin scored, assisted by Delves. Play con- tinued 'to be fairly clean as Tony's had three minors to Versafood's one, over the dis- tance of the two periods. The lack of conditioning told in the third period, with defen- sive lapses and penalties on both teams. Bob Moffatt tripped the light for Versafood only to have Doyle widen the gap for Tony's again. Gary Hull of Versafood and Bob Sutton for Tony's com- pleted the scoring, as both 16.30\teams showed definite signs of '\tiring. 2.10 1" as] 1. Tony's: Kemp " (Parliamtnt, Glaspell) 2.9 these | Penatties--Sution, Braiden and Bobbie, 4, Oshawa TV: Georgeft | ey ona Tee (Mapes, Aldred) aol 2. Tony's: Chambariin (Delves) . 19 5. Starr Furn.: Woods | eae 3. Versafood; Moffatt (Tripp) l¢ Tony's: yle (Dick, Norris) 4 Oshawa. Tv: Georgeft 13.39| , (Bobbie, Glaspelt) | §, Versafood: Hull . (Mapes, Aldred) (Redshaw, Myles) 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 26, 1968 |SPORTS MENU 10-PIN ACTION By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR Lee, our secretary, @ couple of very fine triples by Oz Sponer and Barb Kirkham went by Oz had a 239 single in a 610 triple, while Barb floored everyone with a tremendous trio, including games of 201 a 206. This week, Glen Copp celebrated his return from @ Florida holiday with @ 550 card, tops of the night for the men, while Bev Doran tallied a 496 high for the la- dies. Tal Ryan had a 540, Cyril Weeks and Dave Magee had 524's, Oz_Sponer The 63rd Annual ABC Tourna- ment will be held on March 19, 1966 at Rochester, New York. The bowlers who have never been to an ABC tournament but plan to attend this year's event, are in for a rare treat. The City selected to act as host for this outstanding bow!l- ing extravaganza goes "all out" to make every visitor more than welcome, and outdoes itself to supply a very pleasant memory of the visit. Words to describe this color- ful affair can never suffice. You must see it for yourself. Roches- fifteen in the next couple of games. Vic Georgeff, notching the 3- goal hat trick, along with Stan Westfall's single, gave Oshawa TV a 4-2 lead by the half-way mark of the third period. Wayne. Norris and Newt Woods had teamed up to notch one apiece for Starr Furniture.) Bob Pullen took advantage of The UAW Hockey League jopened their 1965-66 campaign, jin the Civic Auditorium on Sun- AS EXPECTED, the weekend action on the Canadian professional football front, cleared the air consideraby and just about pin-pointed what teams will be in the playoffs at least -- but certainly, at this stage, it's still much too early to predict with any degree of confidence, just what colors the uniforms will be in The Grey Cup game. Jim Trimble's Montreal Alouettes looked for a while on Saturday afternoon as if they might spill the dope bucket, with an upset win over Hamilton Tigers and that 2-1 score, in the final quarter, made this one look more like a tight hockey game, than a football match. But the Ti-Cats managed to claw their way out of the hole, via a field goal, to clinch first place in the Eastern Conference. Then on Sunday after- noon, another one of those field goals, in the last 15 seconds, gave Toronto Argos their pin over the Rough Riders, right in Ottawa. Some say that Ottawa wasn't really pressing in this one -- since they were 'gone' as far as catching first place was concerned -- but we got the impression that Argos were very much up for this one -- even if Ottawa wasn't. With Ti-Cats watching themselves, to avoid injuries, they might also be beaten by Argos, and by the way -- isn't that Dick Shatto going out with a real flourish? Team Standings -- Duracieans 36, In- | First Period and Keenan, 'eriod OUT WEST, there's some crying towels being waved by the Vancouver fans. B.C. Lions' coach Skrein says that the trouble with his team, winners of The Grey Cup last year, was that they couldn't learn to live with success. It's been said before but so also has the right-alongside remark from the guy who has never had success -- "I'd like to try to live with it'. So it's Calgary, Winnipeg and Regina to battle it out for the honors in Western Canada and prhile many are saying that Calgary Stampeders are the best foot- ball team in Canada, the fact remains that the Saskatchewan Roughriders handled B.C. Lions so handily, that right in Calgary, they're not so sure. And with "Bud" Grant and his Winnipeg Blue Bombers back in contention -- anything is apt to happen, and likely will! 6.44) TALI LANDER-STARK CLASSIC W745 An upset 2-to-1 win for the last-place | 3 =: Lasco Steelers Beat manent spot on the clubs. vied ewe | Bob Richardson 577 (202), Ray George 560 (214), D. McLauchlan 550, Frank So- Waite's laddies. Meantime, the second-place Chevellesitwo goals each. Single markers plays in Hamilton while St. Kitts travel to the Liftlock City. Generals are idle until Saturday night, when "Petes" play abled Frank Sobil's Rigers to leap into a first-place tie with the stunned 'birds' as the 'bengals' edged tthe Jets 2-and-1. A big day for Walt Scott 611 (209-205) the top score of the week, plus a 577 (202) by teammate Bob Richardson, enabled the Lons to tip the Mustangs 2? to 1 Ken Fisher's Eagles continue fo make M e k ] 'B 9 St. 1Ke S uzzers |bil 546 (201), George Lawrence $35 (214) ame igen parvo aie SU ; 12 and L 534, itby Lasco Steelers las A PAIR OF GENERALS, Bobby Orr and Danny O'Shea, |""Stanaings -- Falcons 12, Tigers 12, €% night racked up their second are currently setting the pace in the OHA Junior "A" scor- igus % Mustangs 9, Hornets 9, Jets 8, win lt «row. 8 the Méies r ing race, as one-two leaders, with Oshawa's rushing defence | pe eee rene ' phy Feagle Sh' a oonvingte star having a total of 15 points, with four goals and 11 ie ae eS win over the: St. Michael's , j ick- i | Previous! efeat i , sue ity prov gid while vga scone ' ae Aas ie lwhich had won Iz-straight games, finaity|College "Buzzers", at the Whit- and team work has pr s ss Cc ; : five goals and eight assists. Doug Shelton of St. Catharines When Wey eseoped © $3 ycison"io wee|went to Alex Barnett and Bob up_and coming Jewell's Men's Wear. (Menard. Licio Cengarle spoiled soning testers found the range) goalie Ralph Moore's bid for a . ! Prices. Rooks upset Dapper Dans 7-to-nii|shutout, at 13.56 of the middle YOUR SATISFACTION here and on Sunday, Oshawa goes to St. Catharines, Mean- he mle Union Reps 7-400. /stanza, Is OUR AIM while, general manager Wren Blair is in New Liskeard, to he odd point of a| The Steelers, looking very have a chat with Billy White. Blair hopes to persuade Billy to return to the Generals for this season. He was a valuable cog in last year's team and would be a real asset to the current edition, as he is a hustling forward, who likes to 'dig' for loose pucks, in the corners or along the side- boards. All Cors Corry Our GUARANTEE Kelly Disney Used Cars Ltd, 1200 Dundas E. Whitby 668-5891 life miserable for the frantic Hornets, as they pushed the once unbeatable leaders still further down in the standings with @ 2-40-1 Big Eight -- Walt Scott 611 (209, 205), |came a 'cropper', as an aroused Flint- , stones crew took all three games trem by Arena. . ; the 'painters' to, not only take over first; Tommy Lavender and Dave is in third spot, along with Terry Caffery of Marlies and place, but to also give the rest of the\Chalmers sparked the scoring Andre Lacroix of Peterborough, all three having 11 points. | Jeague hope for future games with George! sttaak for the Whitby team with This marks Shelton as a real scoring threat to any team or goalie -- since St. Kitts are currently down in seventh place. Hamilton visits London tonight and on Thursday, Montreal |the M-Men gaining the odd point of a be A faced ree ye ' Sa as sharp in their new uniforms, spun a@ top nofc 4- . " 200), for the big card. of the night;\Save_ the College team a real George Waite had a 580 (222), George|working over in all depart- alt get vy y HS Sponer 545 (202),, ments, It was 2-0 at the end of r) ocker , B. Raderford 530, Arno a Ajax, Whitby, Oshawe -- COMMERCIAL @ INDUSTRIAL DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING AREAS NO DOWN PAYMENT @ 20 Months te Pay @ 3 Year Guarantee Whitby: Lavender (O'Shea) BUDGET TERMS 7 22 CALL OSHAWA 728-1541 oy eager ip a Rig et a AR ing Hit lee au i MARCI PAVING COMPANY *|) Taylor 3:57, Young 4.40, Vipond looked very good on defence for Noble 15.35, R. Fullan 18.15, Mike's Knop $22 (201), Tony Lupel 521 and Glen the first period, 4-1 at the end 'opp 513. 5 Standings -- Flintstones 30, Chevelles of the second and they kept up 28, Paint Shop 28, Jewells Men's Wear|the two-goal per period aver- 24, Rooks 21, Die Room Twisters 19%/age, to finish up 6-1 F-85's 16, Daj D 14, Ti-Cat: a4 "he Mi Minute Men Tt, Union Reps } tig Ae The Chalmers-McMillan-Bar- prices 0 nett line was really flying last KING TEN-PIN MIXED night and have stamped them- Due to last week's absence of Mary Selves as one of the sharpest Third Period 4. Whitby: Chalmers (Barnett, McMillan) CAPSULE SPORTS -- Chicago Cubs have announced that Leo Durocher has been signed as their new manager. At 59, Durocher will have to adopt the "Do As I Say" tech- nique, if he is to improve the youthful image of the Cubs, but certainly, he'll add color galore te Wrigley Field, and the Chicago National League club. He's always good for a TOM PARKER 7.50 nes on the club. Tom Parker,| of | (too many men on the ice) 19.32, O'Don spicy quote, so the newspaper guys should be happy about this one .. . HOCKEY FANS at Maple Leaf Gardens, at the NHL opening game on Saturday night, saw the "Ontario" Acadian Cleaners the locals and will see plenty action. CHEESEMAN SUSPENDED Coach Cherry announced after aghve 19.43 the game that he has suspended defenceman Wayne Cheeseman \for using abusive language and 'el failing t y out the b's Bowling at the Bowlaway| The four-to-one win for Aca- aoe edueer ue ak [Lanse os Saturday, Oshawa me dians moved them into a tie|Cheeseman will get back, only "aay Aeaners came bch ale A 4lfor second place, just three|on the team's terms and that | big four-to-one victory over Ace the club will not tolerate this Sori. points behind Aimco Auto Parts, |,., e of language and is not go- The first game was very close|who hold fir Lae ae . a The first g was very ¢ st spot. jing to let one player ruin a with Acadians rolling | 1211; This week's meet will be at good team. : against Ace s 1193. Bob Gallag-| Willow Bowl, which iis thought) Referee Blair Graham called her was Acadians' strength with to be by most bowlers, as a good.a total of 22 penalties, 12 of 297, followed by Ron Jay 276\lane for competition. them to the Steelers, including CULLOUGH The second game showed aca- Ltd. Save The Queen" -- but the Canadian Maple Leaf flag was | not flying. The Gardens' telephone has been busy since, with calls from irate customers ... SANDY KOUFAX, in the National League and Sam McDowell, of Cleveland Indians, in the American League, won the 1965 major league "earned run average' championships for all pitchers. It was a record fourth time for Sandy to lead the National League. Protestant Church League Open Schedules Saturday The Protestant Church Hock-|Bob Hicks, John Brinning, Bill Sel Himes for Acadians with 328) Seveine Gun bt iv camaen wane Tent ox =e | D@teat Ace Bowl GENERAL TIRE dians with 1220 and Ace 1148.; CHECK YOUR SAVINGS FOR THESE yuck CARS TUBELESS BLACKWALL 600-33 BUY Ist GET 2nd TIRE FOR TIRE FOR 99770 | $1306 99935 | $4487 $9790 | $1 3% 19 )72., 9a" a 34408 +13" +19" $15 650-13 495-94 dent, Jim Hardie; honorary|the opener 5-1 with Armstrongisells rolled 205 for only six president, Rev. A. M. Butler;|of the Leafs setting the pacejframes, which was terrific re- vice-president, Bob Hicks; sec-|with two goals. Harmon had allief, as "'Slinky" had been retary, Gord Jarvis; treasurer|goai and an assist ywhile White|bench-warming all day. Totals (Bantam and Pee Wee), Bill) and Evelyn each scored once.|for the fourth game were Aca- Nicholson; treasurer (Novicelw, McGwigan saved Red Wingsidians 1290 to Ace 1164. and Mites), Stan Cruwys. from a shutout. | In the fifth and final game, Referee-in-chief, Len Rose;| The second game saw a pow-ithe Ace team caught fire and publicity (Bantam and. Peelerful Black Hawks team wal-|bowled a scorching 1371, to Wee), Bill Cook; publicity (Nov-jlop Canadiens 7-1. Bert Hoefs,|which the Acadians could only ice and Mites), Mrs. J. Hardie;|with four goals and an assistlanswer with 1017. John Stones chairmen (Bantam) Keithjand Jeff Rorabeck, with threejrolled a big 347, accompanied Buchanan, (Pee Wee) Doug)goals and an assist, were thejhy Art Robinson wiith 311 and Stainton, (Novice) George Ellis,|big one-two punch for the win-;/Dave Dewar an even 300, to be (Mite) Ron Bone; conveners, (ners. lthe best bowlers for Ace. $3320 | $160 8.25-14 ey League's 1965-66 Committee|Widdecombe, John Moore, Don|W*5 top man, followed by Reg) which time it was decided that 1 a pig ms The third garne went to Aca- . 30. } : Starts Schedule a their season on Oct. 30, at the), teams participating) with 309; followed by Gallagher : there were decisive decisions in INSULATE level of steady bowling for the are held by the following: Presi-/fu) for the Red Wings, winning|Jay 266, Hickey 263. Jim Cas- g 15-35 held a meeting recently at the|Gorrie and Bill Clark, Hickey 254 and Keeler 245. We| 4 Oshawa Civic Auditorium at| sais _|might add that Sel seems to} shine whenever. he is called the Mite and Novice teams NHL Atom League upon for relief, egin their reoular sched- : h me wel Aca | HMR 0. dians aiso, with 1519 +6 Ace 7 this be eee The Pee Wee and Bantam) o.paw eK __ (1273. In this Acadians LUI teams are scheduled to open shawa NHL Atom League) gained strength and bowled very : ' |swung into action last weekend,|well. Himes again led the way é with four Children's Arena, with a prac-|i, the schainla , v i i | s opening and/276 and Keeler 267. jd rs start their schedule on ' the foots damel showed 4 4 a jeach game. The 1965-66 PCHL's offices) Maple Leafs were too power-|Acadians as Keeler with 271, NOW ] 1270 SIMCOE ST. N. a7" $19" $3540 | $77 138% | $19 WHITE WALLS SLIGHTLY HIGHER NO TRADE-IN NEEDED + FREE MOUNTING Big Boick 2.85. Olds 98 0.55/ ue Chrysler | 845-15 wWEW a MATCHING - WHEELS -- me 7 GENERAL WINTER CLEATS | SIZE 7 CAR Corveir Voliont Chevy i Now you can choose from three superb varieties of Soll Both Chev Ferd OMarace Rvm.sifa Berces y durlicrad richal.cn died fa o Ford d Aartaitions Riabtan oo on are ruclaas Jo roreale Plymoutt cen eae wit fis goles Rombler vine © SPIRIT MERCHANTS p = J J the new light taste in. rum The light, smooth flavour of Maraca Rum will tell you it is one of the world's finest. Sun-mellow, distinctively dry, Maraca. is setting the fashion in rum drinks cy Marcie wiens *58.70 $63.50 66.40 OTHER SIZE RIMS AVANABLE OK CREDIT PLAN NO MONEY DOWN TAKE UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY 650-13 735-14 f 775-14 775-15 velied sAPE AND ROTTLED FOm WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS, te LIGHT, and Golden Mellow Maraca Ze paliered Ae flantalin avge Exotic net-covered bottle marks the finer iight rum Dark, with traditional rum flavour RoTnEd FOR WINE 6 SPIRIT MERCHANTS . TORONTO, CANADA GENERAL GENERAL TIRE SERVICE Ph: 728-6221 MA-RA-CA. the musical instrument Light and smooth as tropical rhythm -- at topical ryinm, 534 RITSON RD. SOUTH

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