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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Oct 1965, p. 38

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& MICKEY MOUSE r MUGGS AND SKEETER EASE AL DCE AE IELE: Bw BUTT CAN'T UNDER- STAND WHY YOU DIDN'T SAVE MY FAMILY! IT WAS HORRIBLE] EARTH be VOLCANIC ON, TIDAL WAVE! : © King Fentaree Simeicate, tac, (965. World rights reeerend. DON'T GIVE*EM THE SATIGFACTION OF KICKING 'EM CAN IT DOP THE KICKER It ILL BE GLAD TO GET GOIN; ZERO- IVE SEEN THE FORT OVER'N'OVER AN' THERE'S / NOTHIN' ELSE FOR A KID TO DO A ®) 'ROUNP HERE-- THATS THE MACHINERY THAT MAKES ALL THe! LECTRICITY FoR hy LIGHTS AN' STUFF IN 4 THEY WERE ALL OUTA DIESEL OIL TO RUN IT OH, I BETCHA THIG IS IT COMIN' NOW= Z SEE YOU'RE USING YOUR FATHER'S PIPE AND YOUR MOTHER'S SOAP/ ar 4 ~ Rt wy THAT SHOWS HOW een ee YOu THE GIANTS AVA FLOWING THRU THE bay MOTHER amg MAYBE --Arthur Meighen AATHUR MBIGHEN REACHES WINNIPEG ,/9/9, TO GER WORKERS, FROM 702 UNIONS ON STRIKE SF STRIKES... THEY/RE THE WEAPONS BOLSHEV!: INCE we Vy DEPORT OF THE KS T HUNOREDS' STRIKERS RIOT JUNE 21 WHEN THEIR LEADERS ARE ARRESTED, OTTAWA ANNO! 3° we b Agen) IMMIGRANTS WITHOU' WAL» AND Man Wit BE QUILTY Owtie" baoven "INNOCE! THE STRIKE ENOS JUNE 26, BUT MBIGHEN WILL LONG BB MATEO ey UNIONISTS AG A LACKEY OF INEGD. YET, LATION Mel yd UTHORS NATIONA LIZATION SEVERAL RAILWAYS, /T'S Se wane MEN WHO CALL is N RIOTING, TWO MEN ARE KILLED,» INJURED £ (e te Wn, ae | THREE HUNPRED DOLLARS! MATER, IF YOU ARE CRAZY ENOUGH 7 PAY THREE HUNDRED, 10 pally THIS SHA ENOVG PIECES/ DOUBLE THE LONE RANGER" - NT BS GoW With win! TAKE HIM SECRET AGENT = - @ims Wah Dianey Productions World Rights Reserved B-R-R/ ITS COLD TODAY! =o | 2 Ih Fone Fomrarns Seon Ya. 08 Wh An coer MAYBE I OUGHTA WEAR MY REO FLANNELS / CHOICE ... HAVE TO MAKE A H-M/ I GUESS eA} po LS we FAMILY WILL BE OUT FOR } DANER, ARR. A GOOD DO! , BUT ITLL BE LATE... j 82 ben Sit ve! BEA DEAR GIRL, NOTA JET- SET SOPHISTICATE! CLIMB OUT OF THAT AND LET SOMEONE ELSE TRY IT!! vntpeate. tae 1905. Wad Aihts smnewel. Keg fae TWENTY DOLLAR GOLP INEVER SAW THE LIKE/ RIGHT NOW/ I/M HEADIN' a2 SAN ANTONIO/ THERES A MON GAME A GO)N' THERE iy Tt D SURE LiKE 0. EAGLE#/ | | Sw Zs Ag c -- ROA\ NS ny AP a8 s SHOP 4 : [ SALE! | | 40% OFF | ALL oes DONALD DUCK 7] Discrtated oy King Features soe : Dt RESS WONDERFUL! mi ACROSS 1, Wade across 6, Persian coin , Canterer , Applica tions for wounds , Course or way: abbr, . Man's name » Exclamae tion » Lake in Switzer. land » Remaining . Tension . Sanskrit school 3. Puts . Backward in flame a Muscular poker twitches stake 8. Perform . Best . Varying weight; India . Digit . Not firm . Music note . Large numbers : Female 7, Dull pains . Revengers . Norse god . Anglo- Saxon seit . Chinese pagoda . Epoch . Subsiding 9, Quick 2. Large artery Masters Hindu . Algonquian Indians . The Old Sod . Sheep ticks noun 29, Come pass reading 32, Weary Yesterday's Answer 34. Moslem titles 36, Armadillo 38, Caliber 40, Wurt- temberg measure 41, Clamor S/\\ |e U DOWN 1, Largest book 2. Think 3. Network YOUR HEALTH Symptoms Seen | For Menopause Hy By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Dear Dr, Molner; | am 36 and!surprised if you have them--or jhave just had a hysterectomy,jif you don't, Your letter men- including removal of both ova-|tions a medication' you are tak- lries. How does this" compareling. This Contains estrogenic, or with normal menopause? Should/female hormones, and the pur- 1 expect hot flashes or such)pose is to prevent you from hav- problems?--Mrs. L. E. ing such: symptoms | Menopause symptoms at o| One advantage -of surgical caused by the natural and grad-|menopause is that the physician at Aaban knows when to start hormone ual cessation of activity of the ovaries. < When . the are. res therapy, With natural meno- aries i moved, it amounts to the same|Pause there is no certain hid thing except that hormone sup jof knowing when or how rapidly " P jthe ovaries will step: function- ply from them ceases abruptly. The result surgical meno-|i& So-you have to wait for the pause--and the only difference symptoms before giving hor- ane is what causes ity and when, {OPES This does not mean that hot! pear pr. Molwer: 1 walk fast flashes or other symptoms. will] 128 blocks to work every day, begin instantly after the opera: ae have always walked a lot tion. They appear rather'as partlquring my aduit life of your system's teadjustment} My husband says walking is to a new and different hormonal! the worst passible exercise for glandular balance a per that it does not keep So far as that goes, | don'tithe weight down, that it is caus is son TELEVISION LOG Channet 2--Buttalo 12:00 NOON Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buftalo | Me ree say ole Channel| 6-Toronto 17M | joney Movie Channel 7--Bottalo | é<Luncheon Date Channel 8--Rochester | 4<Noon News Channel! %--~Toronto { Pete Channel Vi-Hamitton Hiab sa tote | 8 PM. Ca enren ct eammnaa ae ak eva. 4--Speaker of The House 100 PLM, liefamily Theatre --- | 12:98 PLM, 9--Five O'clock Show | 1--News @--Superman 6--Passport To Adventure j Poet hove Lucy | j8-2--Let's Play 64--Search For Tomorrow 3--Neonday Rk 3-Secret_ Squirrel ne PM Danny, Kaye Show | ah pl Burke Secret Agent 10:38 PLM, %--Sports Hot Seat 7--ABC Scope 53--Festival hee PLM, 0) -643-3----News Weather, Sports 18 PLM, %--Metro Final 6--Viewpoint 11:80 PLM, h4--Late Show | @=Night Metre 2 PM, --The Saint 1l--News Sports 6-4--Guiding Light ~Movie 1:00 PLM, 11:40 PLM, J--Theatre Pierre Berton | M--James Beard Show "1 i &--Matinee The Long Hot Summer! Jaen casey 12:90 AM, é-Luneheon Date Weather; ' Meet the Millers ap mmer Carousel Ake - Dougies | 1:90 Pom, | 9--Sergeant Silko @4-As The World Turns | 2:00 PLM, %--Kids is People 7--Nurses 64--Password Moment of Truth Deltere 21S PM, | %~Dear Cnarlotte 290 Pm, %--People in Conflict | &2--The Doctors 7--A Time For Us 4 ove That Bob | 4--Linkletter's Party Movie 2:08 PLM, le-Donna Reed %--Fractured Phrases N--Bonnle Prudden | &2--Another World | T--General Hospital 43--To Tell The Truth an Pm l~Funny Company els Your Meve 8--You Don't Say Te-The Young Married S2--Take 30 4 Edge of Night %Kartoon Karnival rT La | S-Lloyd Thaxton on Pm, B--Leave it Te Seaver | 6--Music Hop 3~Hudson Bay 4:00 PLM, 7-2--News 6--Journal Of Hope +News, Sports With Chuck Healy 3--Golt 4:20 1)-News o:88 PM. + | 9- PLM, New News Sports He ial ViFamily Theatre 9-43---Newa; Weather and Sports 6--Huntley-Brinkley News 7--Cheyenne @--Across Canede 7:00 PLM, 11--Gilligans island %--Camp Runamuck 8&--Rip -Cord 6--News, Weather, THURSDAY $00 A.M, Schnitzel House Captain Kangaree 9:00 AM, Topper Playtime Bobby ?--Dialing . For | Girl Talk 4--Mikee Carnival 9:38 ALM. lEd Allen 4--Gyosy Rose Lee 2--Dobie Gillis With Uncle i | 2---Huntley-Brinkley Report | | | 1 PM, \l--Green Acres %--Gidget 8-2--Virginian 7--Orrle and Harriet $--Political Telecasts 4--Lost in Space 8:00 PM, VW--Special Movie %--My Favorite Martian 3--Patty Duke Show 63--Okay Crackerberry om PM, %-N.H.L. Hockey York at Monttreal 1--Gidget $-3--Bob Hope Theatre 4--Beverly Hilibiiles PM ~The Big Valley $-2--Bob Nope 4--Green Acres 10:08 A.M, ie Nurses 8-2--Fractured Phrases 63--Canadian Schools 4-1 Love Lucy 1) AM, Aes Bingo 3-2--Concentratic 7--Donna aed 63--Friendly Giant 4-The McCoys 11:08 AM, %--~ Mr. And Mrs 82--Morning Star The Young Set 63--Butternut Square | 4-Andy of Mayberry Ve AM, New aw | 9--Mickey Mouse Club The Match Game P--Rocketenip 7 63--Moment of Truth 4--Secret B--Rocky end He an PA %--Summer Fun | Vite AM, | j63--Across Canada 0:38 Pm. | 4 63--Festival | ma yy _ 4--Dick Van Dyke ' bert J. St %--Abracadabra Friends $-2--Paradise Bay | &--Musical. interlude =| 1---Atom Ant 4--Dick Van Dyke Show = Sea Hunt 10:00 PLM, Merv Griffin Show H2--1 Spy I disagree with him because|help control weight when you I start getting soft when 1 don't burn up energy in any form of walk for a week or two, and averciie don't have facilities or time for|"" oe That "rump + sprung look" sports or other exercises al comes from too much sitting home ant I wa not too much walking, If my husband is right, to known, If he is wrong, 1 want an answer for the next time jhe tells me to take the bus instead of walking.--Mrs, B. T. I don't know where your hus Dear. Dr, Molner; Some time ago my friend had her tubes jtied, but someone told her she band got such an idea, There could still have a baby by arti- probably is no mild exercise/ficial insemination, L think this that is better than walking--jis all mixed up.--Mrs, P. D, especially briskly. You tone up) muscles of legs, hips, back,) Yes, it is all mixed up, be- arms, shoulders, and even the'cause artificial insemination neck. You stimulate circulationjcannot possibly be effective and breathing after the tubes have been tied You don't use up as much Note to LH.: Calcium is not energy. as in some strenuous ex-/peisonous, and if you take more think you should expect suchiing my hips and thighs to be 'symptoms. Rather, don't be larger. j ercise, and hence don't lose as/than you. need, the body will ex- much weight. But you alwaysitricate any excess, Shee 17 {Playboys 2 Queen |, Pic-O-Mat | and Reynolds | Doyle 292, DB. Solomon 290, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wassosder, 6 October 27, 1965 BRIDGE 6y 6 JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play' South dealer, East-West vulnerable. South West North East Pass 39 Pass Opening lead -- king of spades, This hand comes from a team match, The same contract was reached at both tables on the bidding shown. At one table, three rounds of spades were led; South ruffing the third one, Declarer then [played the ace of hearts, West \showing out. Since a trump \trick had to be lost, everything jnow depended on the success of the diamond finesse, but when declarer attempted it, the fin- lesse lost and South went dows. lone, | It was certainly an unlucky hand for South, Not only did he run into a 3-0 trump division, but he lost the diamond finesse las well However, at the second table, ideclarer succeeded in making the contract, Here also the de- fence led three rounds of spades and South ruffed, But this de- jclarer introduced a psycholog- ical factor into the play which lclearly raised his chances of 4 'making the contract. He realized that if trumps were divided 3-0, the contract |would be in danger of defeat. So, jin an effort to combat this possi- |bility, he played a club to the king and led the jack of hearts from dummy: East, holding the Q-10-8, covered with the queen. Declarer took the ace, West showing out, It was now a simple matter jto return to dummy, lead a jheart, and finesse the nine, |South later took a diamond fin- | lesse, which lost, but made four, | It may 'be argued that East jshould not have covered the jack, and no doubt a good case can be made for this contention, Had East played the eight on the jack, declarer would un- doubtedly have gone wp with the king or ace and gone down, However, it cannot be denied that the second South created Jan opportunity for error, and to lthis extent his play was @etter ithan that of his counterpart at the first table, It was a play which traded upon human frailty, which could lose nothing, and which had a chance to gain, What more can a declarer ¥ want? OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS PLAZA FAMILY DOUBLES Over 600 -- Glen Swindells 807 (321, 292, 284); Art Bryant 789 (225, 28%, 275)) Harry Fayle 7) (226, 221, 264); Ethel Tonkin 710 (242, 243, 225); Doug Pe 473 (227, 251); Bob Bryden 651 (267, 24°77 Ed Lesile 668 (256, ; 654 (224, 222, 208); (248); Dave Bowler 631 (201, raine Peebles 629 (224, 204); Eleanore La- verty 628 (220, 242); Ray Branton 627 (201, 233); Jim Huxtable 625 (259, 200); Roly Arnold 618 (225, 299), SI Barte 613 (241, 212); Peagy Branton 607 (281)4 Tom Rae 602 (214, 223) and BI Tonkin 600 (213) Over 200 Norma Norris 261, Morrison 249, Bert Wight 248, Eric Hughes Ted Sane aa ed 7 Jim Jack Melntosh if |Jack Neate 2 John Norris 217, Anne Cornish 217, Ab Burr 214, Harold Creamer 218, Al Hardsand 214, Joyce Taylor 211, Dave Peebles 210, Vera Burr 209% Olive Ime Intosh 207, Gen, Bryant 207, Thelma | Lestie 205, Bruce Laverty 205, Harold Cor- nish 204, Art Taylor 202, Peggy Fayle 202, Hilda Mooney 201, Art Korry 20! and Lila Huxtable 201 Standing Putfers 19, Hebjoys 19, Moontighters 18 Kaymar 17, Hi-Lows 15, Blimps 13, Norris' 13, Hideaways 12, Blut jfers 12, Hasbeens 12, Frultcakes 12, X- nave 12, Clippers 12 and Lucky Thirteen MOTOR CITY INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Section Winner Points -- Motor City 3, Westmount ®& Acadian 2, Imperial |, Dairy ids 0, High Triples W. Helmecke 738, D, Solomon 722, B. Gallant 700, L. Arp 699, |C, Winacott 693, J. Bell 674, DO, Williams | 662, D. O'Brien 647, D, Wotton 645, &, {Giroward 645, B, Fisher 638 R, Smith 637, BD, Doyle 630, F. Lintey 625, P. Tomp- kins 629% D. Carriere 615, R. Bertrand 412, A. Legere 609 and F. Hayward 408, High Singles D, Wiltlams 299, D. Motor City 266, L. Arp 286, 254, B. Fisher 264, W. Helmecke 264, 255, B. Gallant 242, C. Winacott 241, J, Rell 254 and is Dionne 283. SALLY' S SALLIES Ly "A bill collector? Just a minute, I'll give you dozens of them," a Your ad does so adh ey

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