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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Oct 1965, p. 12

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( 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, October 28, 1968 ESI Court Reserves Decision Developed North delegation that the cabinet plans to visit northeastern On- merit and is being studied by 'his department, ing outlets at closing time in daylight time zones to drive to still indard tario in a group. However, he| The falls, on Highway 129|outlets open in sta was not specific on the date,/ahout 70 miles north of Thes-|time zones. indicating only that it could belsaion, was referred to in the| Mr. Yaremko, whose depart ELE CTION TALK n uence- e ase Pleases Robarts early in the new year. chambers' brief as "one of the|ment ks for the Li- In the fall of 1964 the cabinet|north's finest natural beauty|cence Board, said under held meetings in Fort William, |spots."" existing standard five judges--Mr. Justice Gerald! -- time prev: in a community decide Lape! sg OTTAWA (CP) -- The Su- 'ahaha t Willia Socreds Short Of Financials preme Court of Cannde re- pe gh siege ge gfe ciaretiea ple sstighasient bhi iy thinbee have to eg sedans. the Nortbenstors Wicca icin eae unless its voters to OTTAWA (CP)--Social Cred-\the party platform printed on mers ee oeeit' Matte Mertcat waa dota' " Nitekie Quiario chmmbers ot commerte ob ' chanel. shows nine Chambers a Commeres asked| whether anything can be dogaliwiteh to darlishe -- 'during , ba er. } "/made their annual submissionjfeet deep to allow the passagelit to hold similar meetings in summer months. ab tgrnogg ote gers aan a Ti ewa we Wredk en iat, Te ere asec" Aiived tater vont o to Premier Roberts and his cab-\of _ pleasure craft and ore|Timmins, Kirkland Lake and|@bout ® Py Ha ago io ro by the chambers write the word "financial" 30,-/Jones said in an interview Wed-\Quebec Appeal Court decision|place paint orders with Sico. lyr Sir Soc swentniiens ee and Forests' Minister a ad boring municipalities on et-lstudy of the "relation of trans- 000 times altogether, or an av-|nesday the error cannot be cor-| ordering him to stand trial for|Mr. Hardy had testified that he|.+. directly in line with govern-|Kelso Roberts said this proposal|IDEA HAS MERIT ent time schedules, portation costs to industrial de- erage of 48 times each. [rected in time by the printers, second time on 11 influence-|did everything possible to ¢8ITY' ment thinking, is under study on a continuing| 'Tourism Minister James Auld| 'The chamber asked the gov-\velopment in northeastern On- The candidates are not being eh Me sa cog =i We pe every peddling charges inyolving $35,-\out such recommendations. The group stressed the need|basis, but it was indicated to said a suggestion for the devel-|ernment to consider a policy of|tario was not discussed because punished but being asked BY\ooy of the candidates or thelr sy Martineau was acquitted meio at Et So dat paid onlf2t exbloiters of northern, re:|the 'chamber representatives| epimers of Aubrey Falls on the|standardizing closing times, ar-ot the absence of 'Economics 5.000 oan a grig Bee Rige ow campaign workers. of the charges last Nov, 28 byjeach gallon of paint Sico sold gen ecg ere hs = ee ye poten Take Nipls: fraction" has ¥ pep "aise caueé er ue te "gmnyrt ens omy ™ _ enclowing . recorded campaign AN ELECTION FIRST? pg rr giles a mel 4 Bag gga Me Nia pe oe north. They called for a positive|sing from the Great Lakes. -- speech by Social Credit Leader} The records, believed a? je b ; A bales ve d : a" **" government statement of policy s s reported to Thompson. "first" in federal elections, con-\However, the Quebec Appeal ciodieally, cheants Cor vared. to i" this regard. hive' said' a. jearine, railway THE BOWMANVILLE & OSHAWA The paper-thin plastic records |stitute the ""'big gun' in Social Court last May 31 q' . Age) J. R. Meakes, publisher of the rob: ; iY dit' i lacquittal .and ordered a new Mr. Martineau's office for dis- sudb " : may be the answer to the p | cost $6,000 to publish and nearly|Credit's printed campaign ma- 1°01 leribuiion' te UN: hackers, Sudbury Star and president of|jem, PLACE THE FACE CONTEST $500 to rush to the candidates terial and were scheduled to be Chivent Belanger, a Montreal) Mr, Cohen said his client can- the Northeastern Chambers of; premier Robarts assured the j by air express, but a key word,|passed out to voters across Can- : / b "official" |commerce, said both Premier "financial," was omitted from'ada well before the Noy. 8 vote, a se By atyeocpey elias gyda ae a |Robarts and Mines Minister sie jm ean ime' Mar atthe Camel Cade ane |Wararoe vere moat Grit Winters Against Sales Tax ory greed be cer gpre tt eo he hg tl og dis: near rae sautatil ee | tt --_ ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED lclearly at the original trial an , ' and| : | ' geod eth oi' Fir Tage Teed Rage 20 . that he should be sentantod by officals under government mn fe agin bn a= nhl Your Quality G.M. Dealer , § Supreme Court itself. jority, | ge " fl said Weénesday night he is op-jsition abroad and serves to Hyg on Colek of Montreal, He referred to testimony by |N0t tell industry to locate in a) G00D 4) 1 Ki P ae GUARANTEED USED CARS & TRUCKS" ; posed to the federal sales tax on|vert Canadian funds from do- yj, Martineau's counsel, op-/Mr. Martineau that he was|Particular area, but favors the ' 66 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-3396 4 building materials because it is)mestic investment. \posed this request, saying that treasurer of the Union Nationale construction of mills and smelt- GOING f ' ee Mcerere a Be Poe) ae Peres lta kal judge the beat sale re the coders of ie te pee (a2 tide i pellet ay ee og iscriminatory and regressive. | y. : lof facts in evidence and of the|iowed the orders of the late pre-|aS 'nis Is ce Pally pos | | P The tax of 11 per cent on Ren tagged = oe -- credibility of witnesses. imier Maurice Duplessis, A a "thse DOWN! | PETER KOWAL Jr. '4 BEAVER PADDY'S MARKET ; ' state ja o not agree wi Basar r. Cohen argued that even ern chambers that highway con-| Piety § building materials was intro-|-ecressive measures that any-CLIENT NOT AFFECTED if Mr. Martineau is held to be |struction is delayed by the short | REAL ESTATE LUMB Specializing in~~ i duced by Finance Minister Wal-|one proposes." | Mr. Cohen appealed to the|an official, the activities he de-|summer season in the north was| | ; UMBER || USED WASHER PARTS ; ter Gordon when the Liberals) He said the Progressive Con-|Supreme Court to reinstate the) sorbed in court werenot car-janswered by Highways Minister) | | 4. Briah re | Members of Oshowa and CO. LTD & REPAIRS were returned to power in 1963.|servative platform of higher in-\acquittal by Mr. Justice Duw|ried out in his official capacity Charles MacNaughton to the ef-) Gy us @ | District Real Estate Boord ie ' : Mr. Winters is the Liberal can-|come tax deductions and ewer mec "% -- oy ee as a legislative councillor. fect that all work is on sched-| a e an! CUM! EON ee didate in York West for the|corporation taxes is reesponsi-/ent is not affected by section) wr, Belanger replied that po- ule. | a é Nov. 8 federal election. ble. 102 of the Criminal Code, under |jitica| Sarin das their nae Mr. MacNaughton also said 623-2453 Your Home Improvement o a which he was charged tW0/raisers have no legal existence, |his separtonee* tae "A i Exclusive Agents for Oshawa Hoedquerters , $ 4 years ago. The two-d 1 before the eventually widen Highway 0 i Cc td Caouette Spouts Farm Policy Mr. Martineau was char, ellduneiiae Goat wen, honed ie four lanes through to North Bay| Weed Frecdets Goris 623-3388 eg te Pig vipa | ST. ANDRE AVELLIN, Que.) Speaking before 250 persons under section 10 of the cpa ------ ions rom Toronto. | 52 King St. W., Bowmanville 96 King St. E., Bowmanville Hampton 263-2241 (CP)--Creditiste Leader Realjat an election rally for his son naire wrina Nationale MILLIONS WATCH BIRDS |CONSIDER CANAL | Caouette said Wednesday night|Gilles in this farming commu-|) o>" r The bird guides of Roger| The clegat aske r | ; friends or supporters of the 8 ger| The delegation asked the that Canada needs a national|nity 60 miles west of Montreal, sin ag ts vvernment(TOry Peterson have sold nearly|province to consider a ship BR ESLIN'S COMPLETE ape aimed help reg income he Ca * ette cnt im 9 purchases from Sico Paint Ltd, 2,000,000 copies in the United/canal linking Lake Nipissing INSURANCE of eastern farmers to the same|farmers have an annual income ; tion | States and Canada. with Lake Huron via the French! creviC level as that of those in thelof $6,500 compared to the $1,500, The pertinent at ¢ te a wes a --- woo ae i= $ IN ee ee West. income in the East. 102," used in each of the "Where The 5 00 " charges, reads: mae en ® CASH 'All Classes Of Insurance" ' "Every one commits ts) 'ell-Dressed Contact Don M Out-Of-Canada cS Can't Vote fence who canyon Bg oe A : E ACH WEEK et Don Mountjoy at re GRTAWA, (CP)--Cil tervice|the Civil Service Association dilicssgte er otters or ageees © Women Shop DeWith & Mountjoy leaders are complaining about|/Canada, said in an interview , imself ther an anomaly in the Canada Elec- tet-aromege a was a case of sstod pat gett aavan: ' 7 King W. i @ RULES @ INSURANCE AGENCY tions Act that will prevent at/taxation without representation. : fit of » kind as : fe 623-3980 Res, 62%.361 feast 1400 government employ-| The bureau of statistics re-\(sCideration. for co-operation, Bowmanville 623-5854 | $200 "n'casn from the. porticipating 14 Frank St : ees and their wives from voting|ports that about 1,400 federal)..<j ; } businesses "on. this. advertisment, Ah ; Nov. 8 civil servants were stationed in\es'an'e: erie ot You Gre Sires te eee ae ine The act makes provision forjother countries in July. Most of vente Meng Mer ba | WHYTE BROS Sitch 'rotatan ter thee, person, in Oop servicemen stationed abroad to|them are employed by the ex-\o¢ business with or any matter i °- | Bleture one the seston sete oe GOODBRAND eh eS ned ceise daptimentc' [oe osinews relating to the gov: Furniture and Upholstery | eccret te, the Gentes tater at The ° employees posted outside Can-| In addition, an undetermined -- yes igs FOR ALL mace | acch Wedh, ine fia couse! ada, from ambassadors to em-jnumber of Canadian employees|ARGUES POINT a prize. Entries must be in no later thon 4 lf! bassy cipher clerks. or jof Crown corporations are serv- Mt, Delenger errend thet A ag YOUR 4 p.m. Tuesday of each week, Enter "These people are being de-|ing abroad. Most of them are|Martineau admitted in cour y : prived of their vote," T. F.|CNR and Air Canada employ-|that he recommended to a for- 4 > (al----t? FURNISHING e QUESTION e All Weel Flennel Gough, secretary-treasurer of ees. ana ] ----__) 54 Inch Width ts © NEIDS mone " nae ' | Sia ot business loceted in Oshewe Only 2.98 r 'Tory Promises Over $2 Billion 2 More Busts | ee | Automotive Trim | Sna'their phone number Wy'728-996% erage tiads "TORONTO (CP) -- Opposition] The prime minister said Op- . 1S In the re lar VO Bie SS 28 King W: 623-5551 promises now add up to more|position Leader Diefenbaker Given Robarts than pacar hs ag Par now is saying that the best the ister Pearson .conten ed-|Conservatives can hope for is} TORONTO (CP) -- Premier e nesday. a minority government. Robarts, whose office is hardly; JURY & LOVELL SCHWARZ "Look out for your income) ,, short on statues and. busts, S uaris 0 e sia What an admission, We|*!' tax if there is a wrong result) gained two more Wednesday as BROTHERS Nov. 8," he said at a luncheon|seem to be the only people who|Canada's Jay cees presented 3 M Get thet GO-GO meeting here. want @ majority." him with a pair to mark the| 9 feeling with grooment On University Rid faite "a ut we've given it iia DAIRY CATTLE centennial project--a nationa greemen niversity fl vox sr a building in Ot- SUPER PLENAMINS _-- MONTREAL (CP)-A formerjable to students in need." tawa. y R.R. 3, Bowmanville Conservative cabinet minister) Mr. Pelletier, Liberal candi-| yyy Robarts was given 28- 623-3361 and Montreal journalist Gerard|date in Montreal Hochelaga and pound statutes of Sir John A. t/ Bowmenville 623-2895 Pelletier both agreed Wednes-/former editor in chief of Mont-lyacdonald and Sir Georges- ey § / 2 KING E, BOWMANVILLE or 725-0815 day that the federal govern-jreal La Presse and now a cOl-lmienne Cartier, fathers of Con- (> 4y ment should increase its finan-jumnist, said 'considerable tal-lrederation, to add to the six he ee a/b cial ald to universities. ents are being wasted by thelnas already--two of Macdonald Lp stil Pierre Sevigny, a former min-|!ack of financial accessibility to|ang one each of Cartier, Queen A GILLARD © ANSWER @ Cadillac Billiards ister campaigning for the Con-|higher education." Victoria, General Brock and " 17 TABLES servatives although not a can-| He also favored the increased |peoumseh | Cleanit Service taihnd) uk ahah es Hes eee seenns didate in the election, said there|!oans system but rejected) gaonek Kvarda president of| ' eemeene tree should be an increase in federal|greater direct federal interven-|the Ontario Junior Chambers of| NOt Cte eegroeneemoneenet ee gt education aid although it might bag yp nad bead that it could|Commerce, said copies of the| 725-3555 NeW scoeuaste Bring, the go against the constitution. pte abl leath blow" to Quebec's) ctatutes will be sold throughout epee ees tha Poo. le caniincan "This could only lead to al «a ¢ _ .|Canada to raise funds for the DEPOTS Seah eit edch isha seine teses | and Children : A system controlled by ajpi iia; with Parents. some revision of the constl-ljarge English-speaking major: building, oy | OF Walle Se FVONG Mery | ees id Located in dena' Lays Cates" yt fue yeas Se ormatame | atte lane . > e | 4 "Means must be secured from|submerged in English i n Office & Plant at 92 Wolfe Mes. 'R. Jennings the state to make money avail- ature en eee VOLKSWAGEN R.R. No, 3 Oshawa, Ont. 360 King W. Oshewe Sales & Service No Help From Me -- Levesque | waanaes sanvice | BYAM & BARNES: _E. A. VIRTUE & SON QUEBEC (CP) -- Rene Le-| CENTRE | PLUMBING & HEATING ccisunieis vesque, - Quebec natural _re-| "eine | Highway 32 end 7, 985-7162 | "cog th g-ageds = Bi gure | DUO-HEAT. &. PRESTON 'PURNACES BA SOLAR HEAT J cam-| paign for the Liberals during| are 263-2650 or 263-2288 Tyrone 263-2431 the federal election campaign. | arene at Laval University, | r, Levesque said he is not a member of the federal Liberal| CITY Vv TOWERS WOODLYN MIDTOWN party and that he had some-| Sales end Installation BEAUTY SALON thing to do with the split be- Grace Ann Wi TEXACO tween the provincial and fed-| ye a Hye eral organizations of the party. | Operators To Serv i Ou Rapolly aaven 70! 4 Your * |] © COMPLETE REPAIRS help certain candidates who are a oe y @ Lovet Hoi |] @ QUALITY PRODUCTS not necessarily Liberals," he! | styles ond said. Dérnenents @ COURTEOUS, EFFICIENT Apuneoatannsesanan erence MM -- 2 UNSe R'S | we Poul Cieslar--Prop. wattinn 723-1143 3 Class "A" Mechanics yr Dean Ave. 725-0500 |/ 81 simcoe N. Oshewe || 117 Simcoe N. 728-0541 a em) fis | morn te COMPLETE pean --s ng * Troils WITH SFLYINGZ=SERVICE= A In Your + Midian leaeuction FRAMES * Service * Overhauls ; Home or * Hey AND * Ph LENSES beaieenal -- * Corn & Wiener Roasts y Custom Welding & Fabrication Phone C.L.L. Paint Serviee wien te NOTHING * | ADDITIONAL FOR Info re Flight Training 725-2737. 4 apeiron . , oe OSHAWA CLEANERS | port 728-6135 * Cartel, For good value in valy cea End of Rosslond Rd. &, nees ' @ Simuleted ° e = Yeni oa well-aged Canadian whisky | yo ae ose We fill eM PSI, Ocul- ° | ists end 0 9, 4 9 Precinct drink one that's older and Wiser's Meier @ Beautiful European Dishes bate "inedsnen ll gue § CLEARANCE eee : : ob we ta " iant Summer ' : ae & Wiser's Oldest, 18 years old: e $1.50 Business Men's Luncheons i Goma. - onno Wiser's De Luxe, 10 years old: OSHAWA Canada Outdoor Se } Wiser's 101, 6 years old: STEAK HOUSE Supply Company Building Contractor niennatiiieiininee ) o . 1437 King E. 728-1555 i 17 Bond St. E. creates Wiser's Old, 5 years old: |] 1626 Simcoe St. N. 725-9111 V4 Mile E, of Town Limits phn q PLAIN 2nd Floor Wiser's Special Blend, 4 years old. | or FILTER TIP HOURS: 95 LTER TIF vom MOURS: CUSTOM WOODWORK CIGARE Closed Wed. All Day Complete With WISER' one ' : | ye CABINETS y% WINDOWS +> DESKS BGULAR asd KINGS Phone 728-1261 Frames, Lenses ISER'S DISTILLERY LIMITED, BELLEVILLE, CANADA | % FILING CABINETS 4 STORE FIXTURES r REGULAR and KINGS ] R an 4 . e : Residential -- Commerical -- Institutional LJ TAUNTON RD. EAST 723-7143 OSHAWA, ONT.

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