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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Oct 1965, p. 15

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Fe eae ee LE SA LAST RTN hip ih ins me Bi ara Reishi athe THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 28, 1963 15 Satay By cad »), HAWES FLOOR GLOSS Y Soemaiignn | Brings Future Dividends regen hard! handy! absolutely clear! out a required reading period By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD {he rarely' learns much that's|last summer with his son, 13. : self-polishing liquid floor waxes Do you recall how some chil-|worthwhile. He required two hours a day ' |dren you know well, from eight} No doubt you have read ar-jftor a period of three : f " to 14 spent their spare time lastiticles by some educationists he ne ae ei ks as he by summer? You may rememberitelling how much a _ young seeing them sit for hours and|child's vocabulary may be en--ment suggested inevitability, hours watching TV. Perhapsiriched by TV viewing. These|there was no resistance. He pre- ' you never saw them once open-|articles imply that such enrich-\sented the lad with a wide ar- ' Hawes liquid floor aia : + ling a book to read for pleasure.jment might be greater than | Ask yourself about your own|from reading the same amount ray of books from which to they'll give your floors that status you've dreamed of. And ; i hoose. The lad soon began ask- E does he|of time. I know of no education-|° ; that hard gloss shine stays...and stays...and stays... i mv aay vel raged arcior ist who has tested this matter.|ing avhat certain words mean ¢ ; ss - ° x school work? It is wonderful if} Common sense should helpjand volunteered recital of some os GET AND USE HAWES TODAY he reads one or more books ajanybody see that, as a rule,/items which fascinated. him, week, reading for an hour could con- : ».| The father informed me he ¢ Boot : tribute far more to a child's A Peas soe ye pl og vocabulary and forecefulness of/meant to resume this program, -- ere, for Chart oka reacers an expression than an hour couldjone hour a day during the joyment from books, that they " cy an amazing number of|°! Viewing TV. school year, I hope he does. books not required in their|RETARDATION GROWS school work. They may have a} Most children from eight to teacher, or know a librarian, or|fourteen would greatly enhance some friend who has inspired|their reading skill, enrich their) . ° . ° ] them to read. 'knowledge and vocabulary if Little Witches, Goblins, Ghoulies ! Come to Zeller's for But if yours is an average 'hey read daily even half as| child he reads almost nothing,|!ong as they watched TV. Usu-| even if he needs but little time|ally the child who voluntarily) 5 : sr'homeore He" spen: many rads tn or nothing e best for naiowe en run times as long qith his two eyes |Poor reader. He continues to be glued on the TV set, from which|@ Poor reader for want of suf-| _. |ficient practice at reading. Usu- NDP leadership and Jost a fed-/*¥ his retardation in He sag For the night of tricks or treats, the little people love to get all dolled up jin these eral election in Regina before' "Often in this column I have| 'grad a pecheeton hete, S| entreated parents to encourage, | ie Deen BR Sie presenta-| oven require, their child to read tive ever since. He was premier daily from. half an hour to an| of Saskatchewan from 1944 to hour, from the time he has : Be : ; " ei : ' learned to read a little. Par. e 6 ae! ict e Douglases ave twolents who read a great deal) t WHILE Tommy Douglas edge is as good, if not bet- jdaughters and Mrs. Douglas|themselves and provide each 0 u ar a rac ers, rien s rom tours the country as national ter, than most candidates, jadmits that bringing up chil-\child with interesting rading| leader of the New Demo- _ she prefers to stay in the jdren is the most difficult of all/material easy enough for him cratic Party, his wife Irma background. She admits she |things for a family in politics.|t9 read with success, may be! < ' (above) works in his con- is fascinated by politics and |The father is away much of the/able to inspire their child to| gg @ great new "masquarades! Masks, wigs, costumes -- all in big selections at Zeller's, even é. candy treats for a really fun-filled Hallowe'en! stituency of Burnaby-Coquit- was among the first mem- (time, schooling is a problem'read a great deal and to choose lam. Although party work- bers of the CCF, forerunner [when part of a year is spent/tg read more and more. ers say her political knowl- of the NDP. (CP Photo) jin a capital city, and the chil-) But the average parent won't dren sometimes suffer from be-sycceed in requiring their child| j ing in the public eye. to read, She or he will need to| 5 ' ae ¥ fe rn Spectator Role Suits Mrs. Douglas "Sometimes you wonder if Ganire the child to read for al ' at * f 7% - Fock it's too great a price to pay.|definite reasonable period daily. | ees ' ¥ : . Wh Admit Sh Lik P. liti {But you can't wait until the/How foolish it is to keep saying) 0 1 5 e 1 es 0 ] ICS \children grow up to enter poli-/to ihe child "I wish you would ; 3 / ; : By STEPHEN SCOTT ' ith ___|ties. It's something you have to|read,"' or "you eae read," * : va "3. Wonderful new costumes: favourite y N SC | A petite woman with greying do," Unless you can find persua-| ew j . : Q BURNABY, B.C. (CP)--Irmajhair, twinkling eyes and a)- - Stine y P 7 f TV and cartoon characters, Vinyl Douglas turned off the world|teady laugh, Mrs. Douglas is, srigahca with: wlballsten aécNiali, eostumes have "White For Night"' series game on the television|described as "charming" and ' CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS KOA2n7 a safety feoture parents will ep- ' | set, eased back in her rocking/@ "hard worker" by party Pg Ge | 2 aoe | | ) [4 : ae ' ' preciate! Choice of Bride, Sylvester chair and talked politics. jworkers. And although she Sprinkled through her com-|prefers to stay in the back-| ts during the next hour|sround, they say her political) MONTREAL, October 28th--Did you know \ ey ' 4 i were, such statemsbats as: |knowledge is as good as, or! ' that you can build your own nest-eeg by in-|f | A: ef A The Cat, Flipper, Astronaut, Skele --'I just love politics." jbetter than, that of most can-| f ggeteoag Mhid ne Glacuas te pore ave of i . A ; me . } ton; elso Bugs Bunny, Cinderella, -'* i .|didates, mpliment she mod- e new Canada Savings Bonds today with) : q j , ' f/ 2 Spay Te <i ins testy 'tibputae gasses nor ; _ your neighbourhood Bank of Nova Scotial§ | ~.: : nt a Weird Monster, Witch, Visible Man a nf it b o terribly} Mrs. Douglas was_ inter- manager. He will arrange to transfer regular|f *: . : a it ae m\ end many others, --"Politics can be terribly viewed in the small apartment| Monthly amounts from your savings account to buy bonds from \ 2% Ns exciting. tha Douslabes wiiinthin an the .00 to a maximum of $10,000, When Canada Savings Bonds are Not very surprising remarks|'7° gia eg n te\ held to maturity (12 years), the average annual yield is over 5%, tro the ile of TC bougasong, GE main me "in| And Cade Savings Bonds may be ste, at gt national leader of >» New) . 3 *©| face value plus earn interest, see f "u " Democratic Party, a man who|foussmonk and takes pride, in| SCOTIA Cvnether oF not you are already 4 customer) about this! | SEE OUR SELECTION OF "GLOW IN THE DARK" MASKS AND COSTUMES ied has spent 30 of his 35 marr running their home to suit the) investment in your future. Of course Canada Savings Bonds may} | years at an eeted renreseta pit"Ghe ato fins into orps WONDERFUL To FAL WORMAL' aut Tue Twe'... | WITH LONG - LIFE PHOSPHORESCENT PAINT DESIGNS: MONSTERS, |slip into the Commons gallery) that's what a friend who suffered from asthma war talking as 8. spectator T=-|.oper hitg eter fhe comps] fla ge Ae sed led RAZ HAH and @ WITCHES, SKELETONS, VAMPIRE, ETC. AT AT 2.99 EACH ! ther than a participant; as Alin the parliamentary reading REYS gave her woman who prefers to remain|ro9m and pores over Hansard. in the shadow of her husband! che takes the long view of as he stands in the national! ojitics, saying: 'You keep political spotlight. | | Raz ent + | F » 7 . T | Fy She declines almost all invitsclomen le Wl beazen et Pwd Coe eee pe a yeas ssp for th nal ae avourite airy a e igures tions to speak and confesses ajwill happen. The time will op; - certain fear of saying some:|come when there will be an|"t® For young children: RAZ-MAH GREYS JUNIORS thing that would be embarrass-|NDP government. I don't know| FOR TASTEFUL CHRISTMAS OIETS 1 wissent nee look throu; For The Small Fry ing to her husband and party.|whether it will have that name| The Cherry Hill Gourmet Gift Book. You'll! During the Nov. 8 federal/put it will stand for the things| WAG, ~ ig 40 ait oe oe are 7 per-| campaign, as in countless cam- the } ; i ier \ et for your family, ends an siness| pring the past, she works sine Beas tr Pail Py CHE RRY associates. There are Redwood Planters, Chip Colourful masks and 'costumes for the young 5 9 a the constituency while Mr.|will continue to be the con-| (a : ae Ligy td poe J i beautiful Scandinavian|f ones (3 to S yeors) mode of vinyl and flame Douglas is in the hustings. science of the government in HILI rave each of these attractive gifts is a inj g 7 high-lighted by Canada's finest Cheddar,|§ retardant rayon, See Rabbit, Red Riding Hood, However, she will join her hus-! power." | -- CHERRY HILL CHEESE = band for the last major swing) Irma May Dempsey was born Hill is aged longer that you get the best ot | Blue Foiry, Jolly Roger the Pirate, also. Kitten, through the country. in Carberry, Man., in 1911, the the natural flavour. Cheese is always a gift of good taste and|§ Clown ond others, She says she believes one daughter. of a farmer. When) these charming selections will enhance your choice even more. | member of the family should|she married a young Baptist| For your free copy of The Cherry Hill Gourmet Gift Book, write, be in the riding, Burnaby-Co-|minister named Tommy Doug-|*®? Cherry Hill Dept. A, 1075 Ellesmere Rd., Scarborough, Ontario. | --_ quitlam, while the other. is|las in 1930 she had little inter-) WHEN YOU REACH FOR YOUR FAVOURITE CUT OF MEAT away. She attends coffee est in politics. oT ee you know beforehand that it parties and visits campaign . Seven wi e naturally tender. That's because headquarters. but emphasizes PIONEERS IN CCE Dominion's skilled mest ares tour the pack- Ly that she does not run the cam-| But the Douglases were inghouses every day, carefully selecting the S paign. among the first members of the prime young sides that Nature has blessed \CCF, forerunner of the NDP. (with an extra measure of quality. And PROVES INDISPENSABLE "It was just something that/Dominion doesn't stop there. The very best Fy) Perhaps not, but she evi-happened,"' she says of the Sees att 3 not once ba ni Ledgrenin 4 dently does enough to convincejrapid growth of their political St. J is patiently unth ume | her husband a is indispen-|consciousness. They lived in and | Nature bring out the full, rich, satisfying flavour and | 1 ; al, And r , everybody wins cash at Dominion! You | sable to his career. Weyburn, Sask., for a time dur. The role of politician's wifejing the Depression and she says $1,000. in the coating "Dominion Delian? ih or oy ie "is no picnic,' Mr. Douglasjthe "dreadful" conditions of card today. g i sf | said at a celebration in Van-|the dustbowl farmers helped | couver marking his 30 years in/fan their interest. , YOUR ON-THE-GO TEENAGERS WON'T ADMIT IT, but if they | politics. 'Her unfailing good) Mr. Douglas ran unsuccess- have an acne problem, they're upset by it | humor and quiet courage have|fully in the 1934 Saskatchewan {/ <and who can blame them? The answer? | made it possible for me to election. The next year, he was: ff : ' carry on during 30 years. . . ./elected to the House of Com-| \\ sch looking "medicated. Here's "how: Week Without her co-operation and/mons and except for a period Qy-== mj =' and dry face, then rub Stri-Dex pad briskly help it would not be possible." in 1961 when he took over the _ TT over face, discarding it after use. Stri-Dex | wipes off oil and grime and spreads an invisible film of medica- | | eget Even enon Faget CS eae ok ae an retains | lectiven: sure eenager StriDez... | right to the nearest drug ar food store! - | | GET OUT OF TOWNI If you ask me, that's the thing to do-- | mainly because of CN's Red, White & Blue batgain fares. These low, low rail travel "a "i MA k d | fares should certainly whet your appetite | ee © Re ore erry as $ an for going places. Especially since the Red, ' . send hah ue Long be agp greed com- : | meals with your sleeping or | Col rful Cost | parlor car accommodation. What's more, or sds a ou u umes there are extra savings if you share sleeping : accommodation -- good news for the entire family! The h | ; : j 'S : | parse-size "Red, White & Blue Calendar of Savings" is yours fot - a f4 e _ phone your neare: assenger Sal i : 4 , i $ Then pick a day, pack a bag -- and go CN! 4 ep: --) : ae , : ' a you can BUY THE WINES MADE FROM THE 'MILLION- DOLLAR' iust taste _ GRAPES! You can't go wrong when you si : : » 4 j 5 (Drie @Y Wives har Been, CRD : m\ 4 t : cellar: Cham: e, the e : the extra '| | PRESIDENT | Sauterne, Port snd President Extra Dry. 7 j ne quality 7 P Ps 1094 Belehts began 2 million-dollar pro --the importation of young vines of th panadian Champagne fees wine grapes _ grown in the world a rights President wines are among t : ' \ i i designe | excellent results! If you believe, as some people do, that . wine ; pop state ge saps itti must be imported to be good -- you have a pleasant surprise in Me Aull focad icy! Manic. a RGN |Store when you taste these Brights President wines... truly fine | a : pean tomaisi ap ikeapplewye -oelllintee | wines made right here in Canada! sizes, for kiddies from 4 to.14, Clown, Black ATTENTION ALL MOTHERS! At last, a simple, tactful way of Cot, Pirate. Blve Fairy and many qtters. answering your daughter's questions about menstruation has been developed. Kimberly- fo pone ag gees ee makers of ' ; EX napkins have done it for us. They've $ G00! put together a special INTRODUCTORY KIT He TREKS! Re eer tak Gee that contains everything you'll need to ac- Come and see our complete line of vinyl masks -- WELCOME THOSE "SCARY" NIGHT VISITORS! quaint her with menstrual hygiene, and Little Wit ' i hy ¢ ittle Witches and Ghosts' favorites for great Hal ceaibay icieaes 33° KERR'S BAG OF eee __ pate kit includes Ang x i F 29. 4 x Kotex regular napkins; one box 'otex Slenderline lowe'en fun at... sh le and ui AT, LB. . ' 10 BARS eg rag leg ems he g girls; one Kotex "Young | Pp B tory booklets; a | coupon on the next purchase of Kotex gular, or Slenderline napkins; and a coupon for ordering extra \Re kits. All this f ly $1.00... plus 25¢ fi naa hoe ony ris er 98 te ee eae V OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE AND 'ory Kit to Mi thy E rds, Ki i Kids eetatone Spt Bor 16 bap Mi CVE aS nec : DONT IM SE CIRAERASY Aan

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