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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Oct 1965, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 28, 1965 DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. §T, GREGORY'S CPTA The first meeting of the year was opened by: Mrs. Douglas Cole, Mrs, Hazel Malloy gave the treasurer's report, and read several thank-you notes from teachers who had left St. Greg- ory's School last year, The Teachers' Count was won by Mrs, Clare MacArthur, The Reverend L, T. McGough introduced the new executive and teachers and welcomed them to the meeting. Mrs, Wilbert Kingston intro- duced Miss A. Germanis, a teacher at St. Gregory's, who played an interesting tape by Mrs. Mary Reed Nowland, on "Home Made Christians Go To School", The tape was taken at the Convention last year in To- ronto, Mrs, Newland is an au- thor and lecturer and has illus- trated many books, Mrs, George Mamelka thank- ed Miss Germanis for running the tape. The 50-50 draw was won by Mrs, Hazel Malloy, Re- freshments were served by the October convener, Mrs. Anthony Charbonneau, ST. GEORGE'S WA St. George's Afternoon Branch) of the Women's Auxiliary met for its devotional and business meeting with the president, Mrs. Charles Gibbs, 'presiding. The members brought in thei Thankoffering money whi amounted to $21.67, | The members brought in toys! and other articles to be sent to a mission for Christmas, Miss Flora Foster gave aome| helpful thoughts on the greatest} verse in the Bible, most often| used by missionaries in all parts| of the world. | SUNSET HEIGHTS H-8 Curriculum Night at Sunset Heights Public School again| proved to be a most popular eve- ning, The brief meeting was opened with Mrs. W. R, Hartley, come and School President, welcom-| ing the parents. Mr. L. Welderich, the princi-} pal, outlined and acceleration. The parents proceeded to their/shown and some fine donations children's classrooms where the| received, Among these were teachers outlined the education-'haby mitts from Miss Cather-| al program for the year. A social period followed with) the president, Mrs, Alyn Elliot, | was extended to Mrs, Florence! Rogers, a member of the South/ Porcupine Auxiliary, | the November pressed for Mrs, Lloyd Patter- meeting when an explanation |son whose father passed away will be given of the unit system recently in Scotland. and activities of Miss Vera Siblock gave a good report on the conference she attended in London, It was announced that the next meet- ing would be a Hallowe'en party. Refreshments were serv- ed by Lionette Mrs, William -- and Lion Alfred Pu- cher, ALBERT STREET UCW 5 Unit 5 of Albert Street United Church Women held its October meeting with the lead- er, Mrs. Clayton Lee, presiding. Mrs, Leo Gray and Mrs, George Ford led the devotional period with Mrs, Lee as piano accompanist for the hymns, The theme was "Thanksgiving". Mrs, Earnest Jones in the ab- sence of the treasurer, Mrs. Robert Bent gave the financial report, Mrs, Andrew Knox re- ported on hospital visit, Australian Women! Retired Teacher Raises 3 Million -- Spends It On Homeless Boys LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Her|that I'd have to be like the little spare _ and ym pe red hen and do the joh myself." were the assets Ettie use start a $3,000,000 fortune--all SAVED MONEY the profits from which she spends on homeless boys. Miss Lee, 79, a retired Los The Australians came {r0M/ angeles school teacher, and an Toronto for the day-long visit|aunt of the U.S, secretary of at the homestead, seven miles|ihe interior, Stewart L. At Founder's Home BRANTFORD (CP) -- Sev- enty-six members of the Aus- tralian Countrywomen's Associ- ation Tuesday toured the home- stead of the late Adelaide Hunter Hoodless, founder of the Worldwide Women's Institute movement, to north of here, ing the triennial conference of four years after she retired from teaching--she had enough resources for her project, She says that when she dies her estate will go to continuing the projects, Transportation Costs To Be Met For Sarnia Girl's Treatment This meant she'd need plenty of money, and she never made more than $300 a month as a} teacher, But she saved what she "Actually," she said, "I be- gan acquiring my sites for the|\came Tuesday for the family|cost him more than $5,000 in 1% homes at. the same time I waslof 15-year-old buying apartment houses, All|the first child to survive a kid- the home sites are at least five wy transplant operation in Can-|and citizens have contributed to ada, acres,"' She said it cost from $40,000 SARNIA (CP) -- Good newstimates that Diane's iliness has Diane Vautour,\years, Service clubs, trade unions a fund started for the girl. by The Ontario government an-|the Sarnia Observer, earned the money investing in En route home after attend-|req) estate over the last 35 i, th: the Associated Countrywomen Aro Fs pleas bot if could, dall, Her district, of the World in Dublin, the Aus-|-anches for boys she maintains. $5,000," tralians visit Niagara Falls to- day, five Collegiates, for scholarships Poppy Fund, next week by Sports Officer,| was held in Preston, She lives on her teacher's pen- sion, Then larger "This is a man's world, It ' Mrs, Matthew Bell, on the re-|takes a man to develop a oy |" 1% cent Dart Tournament which|into a man. Ninety per cent of |the boys in trouble were from} . | The Wednesday morning howl-/homes where there was no pion ges bone Members were reminded No- ing at the Motor City Bowling |strong male figure in their lives, yember 25 was the fall bazaar and were asked to bring in their work at the next meeting to be! priced and that a tea towel) shower from each Unit' would) be held at the UCW general! meeting in November. Birthday greetings weré sung for Mrs, Knox, Hospital visits will be looked after by Mrs. Leo Gray and Mrs, Knox till the next meet- ing. The worship service and pfreshments at the next meet- ng will be in the charge of! Mrs, Earnest Jones: and Mrs.| Knox, | Mrs, Edward Holland gave e study book on Brazil, A number of UCW members who were quilting were invited for) refreshments served by Mrs,/ Leo Gray and Mrs, Percy Bo- ville, } LEGION AUXILIARY served, Lanes; Richmond street, -- will members interested in bowling.) -- "IT tried to find homes for/PLANS BOOM now commence at 9.00 &@.m.|these boys, but I was unsuccess:| Mrs, Bell would like to see any\fyl, 1 made up my mind then'ranches were booming. By 1950i12th. birthdays. Still, first real "T gold it two years later for|he is loved and wanted and that she recalls, she began investments, operating," jcould make a profit of $2,000 or out failures, she replied: sell it," her plans estate deal came in 1930, when she paid h $1,000 for a lot in the Wilshire|want institutions, A boy has to looking for this in an institution." | Miss Lee hires Mormon cou- i len "IT must have hought and sold|ples--her own faith---to run the ee ne Brg ve orl 5 Her explanation; _ 1/50 apartment houses since I/homes, i "An a teacher, I noticed quite) started given yearly by the Auxiliary, Ala pattern in boys having diffi- donation will also be sent to theloulties, They were boys who didn't have a good home situa- A detailed report will be given|tion, . she sald.inon - for boys days in India die before their explaining: feel he is part of a family, that | ' ihe is a person, He can't get to normal," Diane received which, however, denominational, the next five years, Asked if any of her boys turn to $50,000 to build each home,|nounced it will pay transporta- tion cost for Diane and her/nancial cripple out of us," said "LT build big houses. I don't mother, Mrs, Gerald Vautour,|Mrs, Vautour, to Montreal for the next year. "I am really happy to hear the news,"' said Mrs, Vautour, "Now our family can get back the kidney Hospital ft Bog' go 25, She returned home Oct. rr of 1 but must go to Montreal for Each time, I would use my\houses 10 to 12 boys 12 to 17 profits to put a down payment|years fan treatment every three weeks for on a larger property. When I Mr, Vautour, a carpenter, es- "One illness has made a fi- More than $1,500 was raised by the fund, PLAN PROGRAM J, Ralph Knox, Progressive Conservative member of the legislature for Lambton West, said Ontario Health Minister Dymond has siaried to map out a program that will continue to provide transportation expenses for as "long as is necessary," Mr. Knox said the fund still is necessary to pay for and other necessities Dian€ needs, But everything didn't always|,, We don't ring the bell every) PORTRAITS come up roses, 'I've pulled| time, but we ring tt quitguen" dies ane rs," she la-| © OPENING SPECIAL | DEATH TAKES MANY Half the children born got | 8 for 1,00---16 for 1,75 H, E. Stillwell Studios Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-4801 Forms for the children's Christmas tree, to be held, De- cember 18, are now available and names of children must be given in by November 12 It was announced that the Armistice dinner would -- be} held November 13, and help) for this would be appreciated; that a pot-luck supper would be| held, November 30 to which members' husbands were invit-| ed to attend; and that a shower} for the sock and novelty booth at the bazaar would be held next Tuesday, Reported sick in the hospital were Mrs, William Stubbings, Mrs. William Jeffery and Mrs, Daisy Holloway, At conclusion of meeting tea and cookies were) | The Ladies Auxiliary, Royal) Canadian Legion Branch 43,| held its weekly meeting with/ Deepest sympathy was ex:| Goods for the bazaar were IDEAL Fish sin, & Chips Deep Fried SHRIMPS and SCALLOPS ] Te Take Out or fet tn, The Home ef Golden Deep Fried SAU Fish end Chips, Canada Savings Bonds are a great way to Buy yours today! » Ae i aS NRX AANATRA, SAI4 4if 2 r O§; ie LADIES' STRETCH SLIMS Better quolity stretch slime with detochoble stirrups. . . adjustobie waistbond , completely washoble ' woter repellent , , , spot re sistant... black, brown, blue, loden qrern' grey, navy, Sizes 8 to 18, | SPECIALLY PRICED 5.99 LADIES' BLOUSES Printed acetate short sleeve blouses. , , front or back but- ton closing . , . mony styles and colors to choose from . 4+ Sizes 12 to 20, REGULAR 3.98 Va PRICE SPECIAL 1.99 the association executive serv- ing the. refreshments, HUMORESQUE CLUB The Humoresque Club for the Blind held its first meeting of the season at the ORC Build- ing with the president, Mrs, Guy Forrest, presiding. The meeting opened with the singing of the club song and the verse for the Blind, Mrs. Forrest introduced a new member, Mrs. Sheridan John- gon. The roll was called, min- utes of the last meeting and the treasurer's report were read by Mrs. James McConnell. Corre- @pondence was read. The press reporter, Mrs. Cecil Oakes, resigned and Mrs. Sheri- dan Johnson will assume her duties, jine Foreman. a 7 Athol St, W. Cheques will be sent to the; eli bait . | FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the letest Shades and Fobrics.. , see... Mé DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS GKPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 5 CELINA STREET ® One Day Only °* UNESBITT'S - ANNEX (ACROSS FROM LOBLAW'S AND MARKS THEATRE) LADIES' NYLON Wear LIMITED QUANTITY 400 DENIER 1st Ouelity Seamless Mesh. Comp. Value 79% pelr QT vas LIMIT 1 PAIR TO CUSTOMER DOOR CRASHER ! Maternity Tops, Skirts, Slims Reg. up to 7.98 each 17 2. LIMITED QUANTITY DOOR CRASHER ! UNIFORMS Well Known Maker Reg. up to 10.98 FRIDAY, OCT. 29th DOORS OPEN ... 12 NOON SHARP! We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantity DOOR CRASHER ! S First Qual WOOL Reg. Value LADI DOOR CRASHER ! LADIES' Stretch SKI PANTS Compare Value 14.95 9.77 LIMITED QUANTITY DOOR CRASHER ! -- Dresses & Suits Fancy or Plain Fall and Summer Reg. up to 25.00 LIMITED QUANTITY DOOR CRASHER ! DRESSES LIMITED QUANTITY Wool - All Weather - Rain Coats. Compare Value, Up to 49.95. LIMITED QUANTITY ity, Asst. Sizes & Colors LADIES' | 29 || & FANCY. up to 35.00 12.88 ES' COATS 16.88 ROGER'S ha enjoy SECOND ANNIVERSARY < a "ee ae Ant thy atid # vem superb fashion-right designer sofa HIGH BACK CHAIRS. 148. Here's home fashion with a spirited nature . .. and a budget price, too, This charming sofa is designed. for today's young moderns .. . the comfort is lasting and delightful with luxurious foam cushioning .. . AVAILABLE WITH the comfort of this Z ne? SPECIALS! STEREOS - REFRIGERATORS - RANGES - COLOR TV - WASHERS - DRYERS - LAMPS CHESTERFIELD SUITES - CHROME SETS - SMALL APPLIANCES - HI-FI SETS - TABLES Famous Beverly Chesterfield Reg. $334 Li 9QQ 2 DAYS a Suite Hi tek 98. BY GE, ---- CUSTOM LO-BOY TELEVISION 1 HOUR ONLY -- 7 P.M, FRI, 23 inch "Daylight Blue sealed beam picture tube, Custom chassis: 27 tube functions, power transform. er, automatic preset fine tuning, Lighted channel selector, Cascode tuner, Keyed automatic goin con- trol. Lifetime cireuit board gueran- tee, Cabinet built of selected wal- nut veneer, Front mounted 6" x 4" Speaker, Hide-away monopole en- tenna Dimensions approximately 34" wide, 30" high, 134" deep, Weighs approximately 95-/bs. Reg. 339.00 229, 00 . with Trade 100% Nylon 2-Pee, CHESTERFIELD SUITE NOW ONLY LAST GHANCE! FREE Reg. 209. 19" Fleetwood Portable TV Your purchase tonight, Friday er Saturday could win you one of 15 Prizes . . . Save Here! DRAW will take plece et 5:55 sherp on Saturday -- all welcome. *159 BEDROOM SUITE Reg. $199 Value Anniversary Special $134 Regulor ' Height Bap. designed to perfection and precision crafted ... Choir BUDGET Pt Chair the large oversize chairs optional at prices shown. * TERMS ae en. AVAILABLE 2 ONLY -- CELEBRITY 23" SMART 3-PIECE HOOVER For POLISHER 27.50 FLOOR Reg. 37.00 Value Christmas Gifting OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY TO 9 P.M, THERE ARE VALUES GALORE NOW AT APPLIANCES & FURNITURE OGER'S 50: Bond Street Eoat -- Oshawe Formerly the Credit Union Bidg. Super NOW 23" TV SET sound quality, Two full-range 6" x 9" apeokers, Walnut, Swedish Wel- nut er Mahogany finishes. W-41 29", Reg. $429 FLEETWOOD in picture reception and with opp. trade

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