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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Oct 1965, p. 17

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ANN LANDERS She Should Apologize For Mean Behavior Dear Ann Landers: I am a wretched, miserable woman who let my imagination run wild, 1 accused my husband of things) that were not true, put him through hell and insisted that he fire his secretary. I shamed him before his friends, his fam- ily and the people he works with, 1 have always had trouble with my nerves, This past year was my worst, I felt myself los- ing control. Whenever my hus- band came home from work a half hour late I accused him of having an affair with his sec- retary. Finally I gave him a choice--either fire his secretary or face a nasty divorce, He dis- missed her that very week and and hinder my chances for get- ting into a first-class college, I am very unhappy about their decision, I'm sure I could han- die the job and still do well in school, Will you please give me ag ideas on this?--Metuchen- le Dear M.: Some kids ca nhan- die both school and a part-time job. Others can't, I recommend a trial period. If your grades slip, the job must be given up. You sound like a winner to me, Dear Ann Landers: My wife's mother is a very sweep person By ROBERTA ROESCH "Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you' is trite and repetitious advice! Yet every day employees get so in- volved in creating trouble that the pleasure they must derive from it is the wiability that holds them back, That is the opinion of employ- ers with whom I've recently discussed the major personality flaws that cause people to lose their jobs. "In one of my departments J have a troublemaker who never lets a day go by without start- ing some kind of flare-up over the way the equipment works or Trouble-Making Employees Don't Hold Jobs Very Long jother employees---who'd always | some of the employees act," said one employer. | "The first day she came to} work," he went on, "'she took it upon herself to do so much fuming and fussing about her machine that she made my been satisfied before--discon- tented with their equipment, too, "We're buying several new machines," this employer con- tinued, "but that doesn't really help because her fussing point right now is inciting friction and jealousy about who gets the new machines and who doesn't, gate as soon as I get a replace-la big to-do of the day's agenda ment," jand goes into such a dramatic "The girl who's the trouble in|contagious act about how she'll our place," another supervisor|never get it done that the other said, "is one who specializes injemployees begin crying the pointing out innocent oversights|same sort of blues, that other employees would) "We're so inured to her overlook if the oversights were|worrying and the problems she not exaggerated. ldreams up that these days we "She can develop the smallest\never believe her when her disagr t into a r-|'wolf' cry is real," ing crisis; then she keeps that a ei "Rhee tal a ers ws ven eo ag bese oiigge wet employees from getting nhond. : . ; If you can do 80 objectively, erg Bid ae &, when I'M study the personality traits you : take to your office each day CRIES WOLF and if you see yourself as a "Our office troublemaker," a\troublemaker, change this per- third employer said, 'is one|sonal quality just as rapidly as who forever cries 'wolf' about 1A, NEWS BRIEFS TOOK OFF TOO S00N TEHRAN (AP) -- Gholam Jehanshi, 19 - year - old janitor, took off from Tehran airport in a small plane, Once airborne, according to the newspaper THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, October 28, 1965 17 RESEARCH GOOD LIFE Northern Studies at the Univer. SASKATOON (CP)~--A better sity of pert pty Ppa Re , up five years ago, ree and economic life for the hopes to attract and train spe- nhabitants of northern Canada| cjalists to deal with the peculiar is the object of the Institute of|problems of the north, jEtelast, Jehansht rem ed |that he had never flown before, |He came down unhurt with in- \structions from the control tower, WOOD FINDS A PLACE JOHANNESBURG (AP) Ironwood, shunned by lumber- men in the past as a wrecker of axe edges and saw teeth, |may have found its niche. Local {businessman David Osborne you can. the amount of work that is as- signed to her, She's a conscien- tious worker, and she has some "T plan to give her the office talent, too, But she makes such The pleasure you may derive|says the wood, common in from it is far too likely the|South Afriea, makes floors problem that may be holding which can't be damaged by you back! 'women's stiletto heels, neg id PEEL PLP LL OO, & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING | tf; In Your Home... or Our Plant @ Ly NV; A oe te a wl STREET Li EANERS THE STARS SAY | who never gets in anybody's way. She is getting on in years,| however, and I'm afraid she} has a few bats flying around in| By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORRO W Friday's planetary influences in we urge caution dealing with Granny tells our children others. ead ory = un- y \(aged 10 and eight) that they|der control! and don't try to opecee be cone'? bear to lose have "upper-class" blood iniforce issues or press unwanted ; their veins and they should be/opinions or advice upon others, | Three months have passed very proud, She has told them|In general, stick to routine, and) godt , repeal Baglin they are descendents of Chris- emphasize tact. | j 4 P i he y re apologize and ask her to comeliorgt, Columbus. We are {) (POR THE BIRTHDAY back, My husband says I'velGranny doesn't know Columbus| 2f tomorrow is your birthday, done enough and to leave things! was italian, She has shown|YoUr horoscope indicates that, alone, lthem an opal ring which she|#% of next Monday, you can My conscience is killing me.|says Columbys got from Queen|besin to put postponed plans, Can you help? -- So Sorry Isabella, The eight - year - old cat Aa peep eg an Dear Sorry: It would be an|wants to take the ring to school atters, pperation, se act of charity if your husbandjand show it to her class, jmust be on a sound basis, how: would allow you to go to his| My. wife insists these lila) eyet. Don't raged risks you can former secretary and apologize|stories are harmless--that kids|!l! afford, If using good: judg- and ask her to return to the of-\love to use their imagination|ment, you should note good pro- fice, Even if she refused to re-land that I should keep out of it, /8Tes8 along these lines, almost turn it would help clear the air| Well, I happen to think it's more| continuously, until the end of and you would feel better. Ijserious than that, I don't want | March, Next good periods for hope he will reconsider, our kids to go around belleving|monetary matters: Karly July, a lot of poppycock, What do| the entire month of September Dear Ann Landers: I am 17/you advise?--A Commoner jand late October, Best cycles for and a high school senior (male).| Dear Commoner: 'Tell the|Job advancement: Late Decem- My parents and I do not see|,ids that Granny enjoys telling|er, January, late April and eye to eye on a very important!stories but the stories are not/next October, matter, lactually true, Ask them to} Your personal life will be gov- I had a wonderful job all sum-|listen to a fairy tale--just forjerned by generous influences, mer which I enjoyed thor-|the fun of it, And keep that opal|too, with romance favored in oughly, Now that I'm back in'ring out of school January, May, late June and school, my boss wants me to| Confidential to Used andilate July; travel and social in- work from 4 to 8 p.m, and on/Abused: Of course he won't getiterests during the next two Saturdays. I'd love to, Ann, but/out of your life--why should he?|months, in July and early Sep- my parents said no, They are|He's never had it so good. So tember. One admonition, how- afraid it might ruin my grades|why don't you get out of his? | Don't put too much stock Washable Plastic Skirt (eer as In Clothes-Saving Role mid-September and late Octo- lber. They could prove disap- By ELEANOR ROSS The house dress isn't a house |pointing, Life should run dress anymore. Some stores smoothly on the domestic seas during the next 12 months and, have entirely discontinued this tag and now place the house even though there may be some change on the scene in July, do Splashes of paint, polishes,/not be dismayed, It should waxes, and ordinary dirt are|prove beneficial, as you will dress in the "casual" or "gen- eral daytime' wear category, And high time, too. For the dress to wear around the house, easy to suds away after each/later learn, wearing, Just immerse the) 4 child born on this day will plastic skrt in warm suds,|be idealistic and extremely con- squish it up and down in the/scientious, but inclined toward water, rinse it well and hanglunnecessary secretiveness and it to drip-dry, undue suspicion of others. for running down to the corner store gets prettier with each new season. Fashioned as it is likely.to be, of drip-dry fabrics, it is easy to always look nice and tidy. Actu- ally, the modern housewife can look downright pretty even while getting the household chores doen. Those messy or splashy household jobs--like polishing silver, washing windows, suds- ing out hand-washables, and ecrubbing floors -- can play havoc with a dress unless it is given some kind of protection that is protective yet not all- concealing, A washable plastic skirt worn over a house dress keeps it clean and also helps to keep the wearer dry, It is so easy to stitch up one of these "clothes- savers' by machine, using a length of inexpensive plastic and any simple, full-skirt pat- tern, Plain seams are adequate be eause plastic, thank goodness, does not ravel or fray. Sew on strips of ready-made fasteners for a button - down - the - front skirt. Use a double-fold strip of the plastic as a waistband; the raw edge serves as quite a satisfactory "hem," Just make sure to cut the skirt several) inches longer than the dress| length for adequate protection) even while seated, With this type of plastic cover- all, the wearer can sit down to polish silver or brass right in her lap. This is important be- cause it makes it possible to) get a good grip on the pieces} without smearing or staining} clothes, The coverall slipped on over a party dress} when there are last minute} kitchen duties to be performed! before guests arrive | ANTIQUE LOOT FOUND MAGHERA, Northern Ireland (CP)--A font stolen centuries ago from the church of St. Lu rach in this Londonderry town has been dug up on a nearby farm, The font is being re- placed in the ruins of the sixth- century church, now a public! monument 5% Discount If You: Bring This Ad, has not mentioned a word about|"er belfry. it since, I know now he did it) EXACTLY AS SHOWN DELUXE CRIB OUTFIT Everything you will need for the baby! 30" x 54" dropside crib with 5-posle tion posture board, shelf for boby needs, Spring- filled mattress, matching bumper pad . . . even baby powder and eil, CHROME ROCKER Here's @ wonderful way to pass the time and keep the youngster out from under foot! Foam padded seat end back, Choice colours, 8.88 SHOWN, EXACTLY AS SHOP LATE FRIDAY OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. USE YOUR CREDIT BUDGET TERMS QUICKLY, EASILY ARRANGED. MR. JOHN OWENS: Shipper 18 years yith Cherney's. Enjoys bowling. Is an ardent baseball fon. Likes all sports, Enjoys family life, MISS BRENDA KONKLE; Office Clerk Interested in cooking, end family life, MISS NORMA SUDDARD;: Office Clerk 2 months with Cherney's, Collects books on British and American His tory, Interested in hockey, and enjoys home life MR, ANDY FRAPPIER;: Shipper's Helper MR, JOSEPH NOILES; Assistant Shipper Is from New Brunswick, 11 months with Cherney's, Enjoys hunting end fishing, Enjoys working on ears, what goes with candinavian Single, formerly of Sudbury, wer Likes bowling and hockey, RRR occa "lamps like these"' Clean, uncluttered shapes and the sensitive use of materials wood, ceramics, glass and brass--dist- inguish the exciting collection of Scandinavian style lamps at Lighting Unlimited, Ask our lighting decor- ator to help you choose the right ones for your home. can also be COMPLETE 7-PCE. COLONIAL LIVING ROOM GROUPING '2239 Here's a room that captures the 'Welcome Home" feeling, Come in, look it over! Foam cughioned wing-back sofa, match- ing chair with box pleated valance; 2 colonial style end tables, matching coffee toble, 2 lovely lamps, Buy now! Get the com- plete room grouping ot one low price! Pek hi 9 ome Se bie WTR = Dramatic woed bracketed wall lamp, textured shace Hong: @: eoily oF preture. SPECIAL $19.95 Sophisticated, subtle Intriguing tri-level fixture, evrves in thie tri-lite teble eh For All Your Bridal Shoes TINTED FREE CHOOSE DANCEY'S ti DOWNTOWN OSHAWA LAY-AWAY NOW FOR LATER DELIVERY For the do-it-yourself man! Sturdy blonde hardwood. Size 11" x 64%" x 11". Foot plate for shoe on top, storage chest inside for all accessories n Group ¢ 7-Pce. trim ely der ~w! | Th 4 beoutfully to to young moderns, The zippered cushions, solid finished end tables, v wtemporary style will appea ng ion sofa,. motehing chair with polyfoam fabr st extra walnut nre ored in a moder The wolnut matching coffee toble, 2 lovely lamps ore nv They Are Included at this low price

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