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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Oct 1965, p. 18

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J riiene pp Bnn 4 hotly purty oh tered with placards t6 this ef-, planes and rented helicopters to' fect--to get about Medicine Hat! get around. riding Another Newfoundlander, . Lib- In Niagara Falls, Conserva-|jeral C. W. Carter, spends. half tive Jean Douglas has a mobile|his time on the water, transfer- committee room -- a double-|ring from coastal steamers to decker bus imported from Brit-|fishing boats to reach more re-/ ain by a local firm, It has not|mote outports. |ton jet fighter roared down only placards but flags and ban-|#eELPS§ OPPONENTS |runway at nearby RCAF Namao ners | Conservative William Mac-jand came to what Fit. Lt. Larry From Bonavista to Vancouverjadam, who has a major interest|Nelson calied a "kind of jerky' cog a i plane is a rell-lin Trans-Mountain Airways, rg halt from about 135 m.p.h. able standby. solved the transportation prob-) + velit, the pilot added, "jerk HAVE TROUBLE lem for opponents in Comox-|yut genile'--like a panic siop in AKLBERNI, ON THE COAST Even..these flexible aircraft; The NDP's Tom Barnett and teipertant eats "eer thet 1Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, October 28, 1968 ROUND THE GLOBE IN A GLANCE $1 Billion-Plus Resources Lost Yearly By Pollution START PRISON PLAN ATLANTA, Ga. | (AP) -- U.S, penitentiary officials unveiled Wednesday a rehabilitation pro- gram designed to equip prison- ers to work in a push-button age. The officials and repre- sentatives of General Electric told of a class now under way that is training 23 selected in- mates in the Atlanta federal penitentiary in computer pro- gramming, STILL NEEDS MEN UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) Secretary-General U Thant said |Wednesday the UN Emergency Hook-&-Cable Brake Device EDMONTON (CP) -- A 10 i ceaptatiaettaenenaticet tee ee of the "non-operating" railway unions. Mr. Hall has said that he will carry on as associate chairman of the committees for a period of time, "by request." DETECTIVE HUNTS DOLIS MONTREAL (CP) Det. Lieut. Leo Plouffe of the Mont- real police bomb disposal squad appealed Wednesday for all gift dolls received from U.S. serv- icemen in Viet Nam to be brought to him for x-ray exam- ination. This followed reports primarily concerned with itsifrom the U.S. that some dolls own problems. But in terms of|sent home by servicemen in environmental pollution they alllyiet Nam had exploded. 'Force in the Middle East can have one thing in common, Col- 3 lectively, they are squandering STRIKE HITS EARNINGS continue to discharge its function vast fortunes, NEW YORK (AP)---The New only if its existing strength of Mr. de Laet said experts in|York Times reported Wednes-|4 600 officers and men is main- his secretariat have recently/day the 24-day New York News-|tained, In a report on the fi- compiled statistics about Can-|paper Guild strike this fall cost|nancing of the force, which in- ada's loss through pollution. [it $1,700,000, or $4.14 a share,|ciydes a number of Canadians Bg aig ay = _-- in lost earnings lhe noted that. a recommended and cents, the annual losses , ' ireduction in strength by 500 offi- BURIAL'S UNUSUAL cers and men had been effected Saaicamianaiatameened ip OTTAWA (CP) -- Canadians squander an estimated $1,163,- 000,000 worth of natural re- sources yearly by allowing them to become polluted, the Canadian Institute on Pollution Control was told Wednesday. "Christian de Laet of Montreal, secretary-general of the Cana- dian Council of Resource Min- isters, said at the closing ses- sion of the institute's three-day conference: ; "Each cluster of Canadians is occupy Thompson, When campaigning Bear The Vote-Hunters built-in piaiform which is Port. Arthur constituency by|party leaders but the travel is munities, stirring up voter at- the transport used by the more| Prime Minister Pearson's party leader arrives by car, thel where ice is too thick for pon- offer of free transportation on} method is one of the more un-|he works his way to and from)" : It has the same effect A8Jin the roadiess Northwest Terri-leach flight, says an airline|@" to the arrester cables which? when they can. Mr. Smith, ajget a look at the Manitoba A Social Credit worker and(didate Gene Rheaume are mak-(9" equal terms then {t's not tember, has four rail cars -- private, 2 and logging boots when flying In Newfoundland, Trailers. also are used by his only hope for the really Te! 5ulied by their own diesel. Atlin the Toronto area constituency | haute coiffure ... boats, riding horseback nd),aker piled nine reporters into|wood hauls a 12-foot trailer with HUSTLING IN THE HUSTINGS © [prez fine, sity down tn plane seat,"' says an assistant. | The leader employing the es Tansport [ot svt ee ters Social Credit's Robert in Alberta, he uses a large silver - colored house trailer lete with loudspeakers and By GERARD MecNEIL _ onto Spadina on a tandem bi-/ dropped at the hint of a crowd. Fisk (CP) Harveyjcycle, The car-pulled trailer pre mith gets to voters in parts of} Transport is more posh for cedes Mr. Thompson into com: hitching rides on CNR hand-|just as rigorous. They make the cars. sages ya of a world trip on -- ph ay age 0: Douay Steuae A A Canadian Press survey ofja milk train. eget ',jare having trouble in the northigocial Credit hopeful Jean M. Folge, ; If there is a crowd when the}. i) freeze-up at the pointlgagnon both have taken up his ss 0 wasn't using the CF-104's than 1,000 candidates for 265jfour-engine aircraft, leased Jatform. is lowered from. the 2 oe seats in the House of Commons|from Canadian Pacific Airlines, pm °'Or the trailer and helo and too thin for skis. |Trans-Mountain flights. The high-speed taxi stop was indicates that Mr. Smith'slis a travelling office in which] yt". speech: | Liberal R. J, (Bud) Orange Their total of four or five -- ne a test of a hook-' ; : ' may reach only half the voters|trips would have cost about $200/" 'cable braking device simi. sual, major cities. He goes by car . : ; They all travel by the con-|to smaller ones and comman- Mr ysgol whistle-st0r" tous hndniae Of Cte spokesman. halt aircraft landing on aircraft, ventional car, train and planejdeered an RCAF helicopter to a? can '. pis But he and Conservative can: 'I figure if we can't win this\carriers. Conservative candidate, als oj\crops. ing a game try, dressed fo: worth winning," says Mr. Mac-| , , dre r are. ' ys Mr. 3 | logged 1,800 miles in his own) Conservative Leader Diefen- te Mterature thelic wiaher ct equipped with @dam, in the best tradition of the| single-engine Cesna 180 in Sep-ihaker likes to whistle-stop and ratier. survival' wear rugged West. He wears hard hat' : TRAILERS POPULAR A Pre 4 him to pocessiins staff, press and diner--for the ¥ ay to mountainous coastal com- places like Hudson Bay posts! purpose. : 1.4. (Minister Pickersgill uses lightimunities UA SURGE CU, CO ee ee aanee enniiaiaaes and missions. The handcars are Much of the time they areling Conservative George Hogan| - mote areas. ? ._lothers, they hook on to a sched-'of York West and New Demo-| ot C pega wh ieee uled train, jcrat Lorne E. Catherwood in} wn freighis, catching fishing! in Saskatoon, Mr. Diefen-|Renfrew North. Mr. Cather: generally using anything thal), hired air j port limousine to/his own car ty al aca ---- Ishow ypu Creditiste Chief Real Caou stead 8) miles away ette, an auto dealer, catnaps in from water, air and soil pollu- Modella Hair Stylista tion in Canada. They came to the staggering total of $1,163,- 000,000 or approximately $494 KEY WEST, Fla. (AP)--Thej«; ashes of U.S. Admiral Hiram | Ms ger Cassedy will be buried at sea) HICKE LLL RIDES HORSE NDP candidate Frank How- TRAVELS ECONOMY ja the family nes roomy 1966 Chry New Democrat Leader Doug-jtakes him over vast sler that distances international coiffures ZELLER'S per person per year." The total estimated annual joss from environmental pollu- tion in Ontario is $437,500,000, URGE CO-OPERATION LONDON, Ont. (CP)--lInter-| church chaplaincies at Cana- dian universities have been rec- ommended to the Presbyterian Church here. A special commit- tee on university chaplains rec- ommended to the Hamilton and London synod of the Presby- terian Church in Canada that the inter - denominational con- { versations be carried on with OSHAWA the Angliean and United RADIO churches, WANT EASIER DIVORCE TORONTO (CP)--A_ resolu- tion calling for wider grounds for divorce was passed 84 to 26 Tuesday at the annual meeting of the Toronto Association of Baptist Churches. FIRE HITS SHIP CORNWALL (CP) The | Egyptian cargo ship, Star of} Suez, is docked here after a fire | Friday--shot from the torpedo) NEW YORK (AP) Rightiard has been jogging to Indian /las can't indulge in whims. Helof Quebec daily tube of a submarine. Cassedy,|wing Billy Hicke of New York settlements in British Colum-jtravels on regular airline) Getting attention is as impor- whose navy career was spent|Rangers has pneumonia and/bia's Skeena riding by horse./flights, economy class, and only|tant as getting there. aboard submarines, asked that/will be sidelined at least two| Another New Democrat, Rob-\charters small planes when he} Conservative Chuch Meagher his ashes be committed to the|weeks, the National Hockeyljert Beardsley, hasn't a car solhas to, luses a big white truck he calls waters in such a manner. League team said Monday. 'he and his wife get about Tor-' "He gets some sleep almost|the "Chuckwagon"--it is plas-ix 71 celina st. oshawa, ont 6 european stylists 725-4531 BROADCAST INDUSTRY HONORS CKLB! CKLB News Department Rates Tops In Central Canada A Broadcast News Award for enterprise and thoroughness in reporting in radio was presented to Oshawa Radio Station CKLB in St. Adele, Quebec on October 4th, 1965. A commemorative plaque was presented to CKLB News Director Ross Gibson and Mr, Len Evans representing CKLB Management by Charles Edwards, Manager of Broadcast News © service for radio and television at the 15th Annual Meeting of Central Canada Broadcasters' Association. The radio report concerned was the presentation of o half hour | J eae ee ; program in which Oshawa's Mayor Lyman Gifford and the head of ' "ns : tig the Citizens Committee at the time Dr. B. Doherty took part, : 4 4 } moderated by Ross Gibson, and a further two hour program dealing with the Oshawa Fraek Valley. The program conducted by News Director Ross Gibson presented the pros and cons of the controversial project through interviews with officials and spokesmen for the public. It was picked for the award by judges appointed by the Radio, Television News Directors Association of Canada, The judges were Hugh Bremner of CFPL, London, Ontario; Campbell MacDonald a director of information; Earl Beattie, journalism professor at the University of Western Ontario; Gordon McLeod, a London businessman and Ron Laidlaw, president of the Radio, Television News Directors Association, "In the opinion of the judges, this was the best example of a station performing a significant community service in that through persistence, enterprise and investigative reporting, CKLB Radio presented an important and serious matter to the citizenry of Oshawa. The judges were impressed by the two hour program and by the way moderator Ross Gibson summed up the remarks of panelists as the discussion continued, The entry was given an "A" for being able to bring together around one table, panelists with "such divergent opinions". The Broadcast News Central Canada Award was inaugurated in 1962 and is alternated between radio and television stations. The winners have been, 1962 CFPL - Television London; 1963 CKPC - Radio Brantford; 1964 CFTO - T.V. Toronto; 1965 CKLB - Radio Oshawa. The judges awarded the 1965 runner up position to Radio Station ; ; CFRB- in Toronto. Wednesday in her hold. The 408- foot-long, 6,000-ton vessel was bound for Hamilton with a load | of cotton when the blaze oc- curred. The ship carries 130 | crew members, 70 of them ap- | prentices. None was injured in the fire that occurred off Corn-| wall Island near here, SEARCH FOR BOY SMITHS FALLS, Ont. (CP)--| Police throughout central and) eastern Ontario are searching | for Edward James Gregory, 15, | who has been missing since leaving school last week in this community, 25 miles northwest of Brockville. The boy's school books were later found in a park, Police believe the boy may have hitchhiked to Kings-| ton or Toronto, i REPORTS HOUSING STARTS | OTTAWA (CP) Central | Mortgage and Housing Corp. reported Wednesday that con- struction started on 11,297 new | houses and apartments in urban areas during September. Hous- | ing starts in urban and rural areas in the first nine months of the year numbered 118,061 NEW TRAIN TO ROLL OTTAWA (CP) -- The CNR will introduce a new afternoon train between Ottawa and Mont real Sunday when a 32-year pool arrangement with the Ca- nadian Pacific Railway ends The new two-way train--The Bytowner---will cover the 117 miles in two hours and 10 min-| utes, leaving Montreal daily at 12:10 p.m. EST and leaving Ot- tawa at 12:20 p.m, EST MONTREAL (CP) -- R. C Smith, 38, of Montreal, was named Wednesday as successor! to Frank Hall, chairman of the joint negotiating committee and general conference committee 24 hours listening on your home station Pictured above is the News Award Plaque, received by CKLB at Ste Adele, Quebec s shown the presentation by Charlie Edwards, Monager of Broadcast News, to Ross Gibson, CKLB. News Director, with CKLB Sales Manager Len Evans looking on At the right | Look your prettiest in this |} hond washable quilt jer- |] sey duster, it's iced with | lace -- in colors blue, | pink, maise and white, 1 Sizes S-M-L. Similer te illustration CKLB V-P Chosen President Engineering Division of C.C.B.A. The Vice-President of CKLB Radio in Oshowo, William C. Marchand hes been elected os President of the Central Canada Broadcasting Associa- tion Engineering Division Mr. Marchand wos given the honor et the Engineering Convention for CCBA in Montree! the first of October The New Fred Reilly Show Men. Through Set. Daily 10 «.m. te 2 p.m FM 93.5 AM 1350 During the convention in Montreo! Mr. Marchond presented ¢ poper on Program. automation in broadcasting THE LAKELAND BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED Delegotes to the convention heard o series of subjects ronging from colored television te tower maintenonce 1350 RADIO One of Mr. Marchand's duties os president of the Engineering Division of CCBA will be to arrange the 1966 convention W. C. MARCHAND lhe ZELLER'S it

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