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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Oct 1965, p. 23

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oe : : a piooyd PO EINE a rng a Sh RE ie IO Ot aD SELES TNL yr ene Op any Rn Fee OE ET OE ast ate Bo Rate Rel i es on "All Gas" Home Gas Eliminates The Gocsvork eee . Cie Natural Gas Boosts |p "mn | dering Plow wists ore Burners with brains are add-jadditional tumbling at the right|*CCustely measure moisture in- Economy Of Canada jirz22: simran laundering. synthetics and treated cottoms.| otro 1. against power plished Homemakers, tired of play-| The ultimate in convenience by different manufacturers, the|the control system For m years protected "all aa" alae has been aj/failure by a thermo-electric unit. i= leam in the-gas industry's eye.) Other applications of gas-gen-| Dynamic! That's the word for,-- exploration, discovery, pro-|feet. This actually exceeds. theling guessing games with their i Behind the scenes, research scl-lerated thermoelectric power,|an industry which is daily doing|duction, transmission and dis- Prag oe Produced|iaundry equipment, can now pied nev ae oh aoa bere ae Association ex-jly shuts off the ee entists have worked dogged-|particularly gas-operated fur-|wonders for Canada's economy,:::cution, at least 25,000 are|during 1959 and' 1960! turn the job over to automa-\of heatiess tumb fos be Be er the same de-| Another method, modus ly. Twenty-four years ago, there|nace fans, were shown else-|--the natural gas industry. Tojalso employed in the direct ap-; From January to June of last|tion. ae aaa - s -~ the elimination ofjlation, is offered on were only four uses of gas in|where in convention exhibitions.|many outside the industry this plication and utilization of gaSlyear, other segments of Can-| Revolutionary new controls ord - pol age An and guesswork on|models of gas and the home; the industry hoped|Among incinerator exhibits was|may appear as an amazing factin home and industry. Last year/ada's gas industry showed ap-|on 1965 gas dryers and washer-\ments a , = ie ase the homemaker. gid by . similar items. dryer equipped manufacturers. that by 1975 there would be|the Desroilet, a gas-fired unit|for in years gone by the very|gas utilities serviced 1,389,900|preciable advances. Equipment|dryer combinations automatical- seven. That goal was passed|for complete disposal of human|words "gas company" seemed|Canadian gas customers, and it/manufacturers, for example,|ly select the right temperature many years ago. waste without the use of sewersito imply sOmething old-fashion-jis anticipated that this figure|sold over 31,000 gas furnaces,jand drying time to suit each Today there are gas ranges,jor plumbing. This gas toilet,/ed and unprogressive. That con- will increase to 2,100,000 by 1970./over 65,000 gas water heaters,|load, regardless of size or con- refrigerators, refrigerator-freez-/now in production, has been ap-|ception is, of course, long obso-|Gas is now employed in many/nearly 21,000 gas ranges anditent. When the proper degree ers, water heaters, clothes dry-|proved by the American Gas As-|lete and bears no resemblance|types of industry -- foods, bev-imore than 5,000 gas clotheslof dryness is reached, they ers, combination washer-dryers,|sociation Laboratories in Cleve-|to the go-ahead, modern-as-to-jerages, tobacco, rubber, yo dryers. automatically shut off the ma- } heating equipment, cooling/land, Ohio, It is useful in areas|morrow natural gas industry|tiles, printing, steel, even for) mpi, combined production and| chine. equipment, year-round air-con-|where water pollution is a prob-|which produces over 13,6 per|the generation of electricity.|.o105 picture augurs well for the| Guesswork on the part of the ditioning, smokeless, odorless|lem or where soil conditions do|cent of Canada's energy re-|One of the major undertakings|(anadian economy. In fact, the|homemaker is completely ell- waste disposers, even a gasinot permit the use of septicjeuirements. of the industry as a igre dt and/canadian Gas Association. ex-|minated. So is all possib' ty of dishwasher. Outdoor cooking|tanks. This is a big 2 billion, 300 mil-jone which deserves to 4S|nects that industry records will|over-drying. Variables prhich equipment, swimming pool] The August, 1963 Issue of|jion dollar industry. In addition|one Of the wonders of the mod-|,-4in be broken in 1965. Basing|°Tdinarily affect drying times heaters are available and in-/House and Garden magazine|+y the more than 11,000 workers ern world, has been the con- its forecast on current trends, it|cease to be important. Even creasingly popular. features a house that creates all);, employs in all its varied areas struction of 2,340 miles of pipe predicts that the industry's cus-|mixed loads, such as heavy den- A few years ago we began tojits own power by of a line to bring natural gas tOltomers will increase in number|ims, turkish towels and light- hear about a "fuel cell' which|30-kilowatt natural gas gener- Eastern Canada. This cost $427,-|1. six ner cent to 1,530,000, and| Weight cottons can now be dried used gas to produce electricity.|ator. It is a house that re- G § Furn aces 993,000 and employed 5,000 meniii4+ Canadians will buy more|together without the lighter Then we read of office build-|quires an extraordinary amount a at peak of construction. Cur-|12n 12 per cent more natural|items becoming overdried. ings, shopping centres, huge/of energy. Major, Kitchen apell t teins ae gpg ae gp gas than in 1963. NATURAL MOISTURE apartment house projects, highjances, washers, dryer, heating, A Ada able Sales of gas - fired kitchen ai ghtweight fabrics are kept i i i ,-and swimmin re pipelines to Eastern Canada.| |° g P*| mols schools and industrial plants|air conditioning, ai g p Today, there is actually a total|Pliances and gas furnaces are ete Me Mage Mag ag where the total energy needs --/pool heater all use gas. In addi- ; electricity, heating and cooling|tion, the onsite generator pro-| New heating units must beiof 35,000 miles of natural gas also expected to increase. dtstm. Oiiy. @hitn thay westabers ta e ting in Canada.. | The question naturally arises: -- are supplied by natural gas.|vides all electricity needed forjable to do more than just heat lpipe line operating , has been evenly distrib At 'ne beast of these total lighting, ventilating fafs, twolhome! The old concept of hav-| Currently there are some 36/ Can Canada continue to satlsfy|ine jast articl "4 as ge Aye energy systems are natural gas-|automatic water heaters, thejing a furnace only to keep hee major utilities and many small|this ever-growing gag eed de-!does the machine turn itself off. fueled turbines quite similar tojmusic system, thermostatic and}warm is giving way to complete) tijities in Canada providing gas|mand in addition to a heavy €X-! Natural moisture, necessary in aircraft jet turbine engines.|garage controls, and dozens of|comfort the year round. 1 service to some 1,265,900 house-|POrt volume? : all non-synthetic fibre, is' re- They provide high - frequency|other small appliances. A,good furnace, for example,/hoids, and a total of 5,000,000) The answer is a decidedjtained in the dried items. This power for efficient lighting and] Research is in progress that|must be able to "adapt tOlusers, or about 30 per cent of|"Yes", for, even after deductingladds greatly to their appear- 60-cycle power for motors and|will add more information about/Summer air conditioning with alin. population. Ontario itself|the volume of gas consumed|ance and wearability. Over-dry- convenience outlets. Exhaust|the economics of all-gas-power-|minimum of added expense.|has 13 gas companies. each year, Canada's naturalling removes residual tolature heat from the turbines is direct-|ed developments. Engineers in/Then, too, a wide variety Of] Across Canada a total of 900 gas reserves have been increas-/leaying fibers wrinkled and | ed through a waste-heat boiler|the industry believe that on-site|other climate control features) municipalities including Ottawa|ing at a rate of 2.9 trillion cubic rough to the touch. to make steam or hot water to|fuel-cell-power generation in|may be added to do more thanij,-~- gas service, ranging from|feet annually for the past six! For those occasions when WESTERN OIL CO. For The Best FUEL OIL & SERVICE As Dependable . as the Pony Express 725-1212 i heat a building, operate an ab-|the home will eventually be|provide just temperature COM-imontreal with a population of|years. homemakers want wy sorption air Caaitionier, and|competitive with purchased cen-|trol. Electronic air cleaning,|9 999,000 to Ermine, Saskatche-| Expansion is the watchword/a particular sei aly i heat water for many uses. tral-power-station electricity in|odor-removal and humidity con-|wan with 15 inhabitants. of Canada's gas industry today./tings are provided. One dries 4 A hint that these and other/most instances. Moreover, so/trol are a few of the extra jobs|} As Canada's most highly in-/To an important degree this isiclothes ready for immediate } devices might, before too long.|gas industry leaders say, it ap-|being given to the familiar fur-|qystrialized province, Ontariojoccasioned by the young and wearing or storing, another ie be miniaturized for household|pears that the economics of on-jnace. : ui _ {had over 590,600 natural gasjaggressive leadership which is|leaves them ready for immedi- use was given at the American|site fuel-cell community power} How well you "'treat" the airjoustomers in the first six|a unique characteristic of manylate ironing and a third stevides Gas Association Convention inigeneration for hundreds of|depends upon the optional] months of 1963. Here the largestof the companies concerned, |------_--__-___ FUVAGES Gh October, 1962. The entire ex-|homes will be even more favor-jequipment you add, It is be- proportion were residential cus- hibit of one major appliance|able because of the reduced cost|coming popular today to haveltomers, as might be expected. BRIDGE IS IN PERIL manufacture was operated onlof hardware per unit of power|summer cooling, electronic air/However, sizeable totals of in-| tondon Bridge, the latest on electric current generated by|in larger systems, as well as the/cleaning, electric humidifiers/qystrial and commercial cuS-|the site (and built in 1831), is 1 gas-fired thermoelectric de-|improved load - cycle factor.jand odor-removal, in addition to/tomers were also registered,|<inking one inch every. eight ; vices. In the exhibit were pre-|Total energy systems powered/heating. ' jwith Ontario contributing al-|,oars into the mud of the River ! production prototypes of four|by natural-gas-fueled turbines} Most of these accessories do} most 50,000 in this category. ifhamey. new gas appliances, including ajhave already been proved econ-|jnot take up one square foot of| For 1964, estimates indicate gas freezer, and a gas refrig-|omically feasible. indoor space. Modern furnaces|the total sales figure for the en- TRY TO KEEP STAFF f are compact. One of the indus-/tire Canadian natural gas indus-| SEDGLY, England (CP) -- } a try's newest gas-fired "'high-|try, will be at least $330 million|Hard-pressed for factory hands, es | ] boy" furnaces has a_ special|with natural gas exports rising|a Staffordshire engineering firm : as @a ers ivé upp y blower and blower supportito $85 million. is running a competition for all which will provide large| To make this possible, Can-|employees with more than three " amounts of air at extremely|ada's production of natural gas|months' service. The prize, a WITH THE PURCHASE OF A H h W. t 7 t low sound levels. This is an im-|will rise accordingly during 1965|new car for Christmas, is dis- 1g. a er emper a ures portant consideration since the|to a massive 1200 billion cubic'played on the factory roof. P modern furnace is becoming a | According to the Canadian|temperature. It merely permits berg pena Fo na! may be | Gas Association, hot water isthe washing machine to receive Th A oS er ger 6B ilies : ; i 150-160 degrees and up; thedium|water at the temperature the), He rat ins gh "ge f is 120 degrees and warm is 100|water heater delivers it. If that|.tighboys"', introduced bac ™ Look at These Features: La degrees, happens to be 160 degrees, that's|1994, was a wonder in its day -- | Cc t t Research in laundering has|the way the washer will get it,|it could keep home tempera- onsis en 4 Full Double-Bed Size Blenket 2-Year Replacement Guarentee established that the hotter thelif it's only 130 or 100 degrees|tures within about three de- water, the quicker and betterjor downright cold, that's the|Stees of the thermostat setting. H H h li the soil removal. Hot water also|way it will be in your machine. Genak oactieaet ell eee tcee: ig ua ity bracw oie cate j ater whiteness reten-|Dialing hot wat the wash ' i insures greater whiteness r jaling hot water on the washer on per Bottom | Mumineted Dial Control Can be Washed end Dried Automatically $29.95 Value FREE WITH THE PURCHASE OF A NEW ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER j i i , peratures within % of a degree tion and helps kill infectious|doesn't mean that you will get tures 4 of '0 iby continuously modulating the}: F j | bacteria. Commercial laundries|/hot water unless the svater heat » ee Tt will ue use water at 160 degrees andjer is capable of delivering it. higher for just these reasons.| Very high water temperatures|2Ct to temperature changes of FROM WATER HEATER are possible with today's gas|2S little as one-10th of = degree. Home laundering appliancesjheaters. And gas is capable of will also give better results|delivering enough hot water forjtime to suit each load, The when the temperature of the|several continuous washer op-|homemaker no longer has to \ water entering the machine isjerations. This means that you|guess at drying times. Overdry- 160 degrees or higher, although|can run your washing machineling is completely eliminated. a washing temperature of 150)when it suits you, not just when|She merely loads the machine degrees is considered excellent.|it suits the water heater. Equal-jand dials the way she wants Many automatic gas water heat-|ly importnt, you can wash load|the laundry dried. When the ers provide a stored water tem-|after load and still have plenty|proper degree of dryness is perature of 180 degrees to makejof hot water on tap for other|reached, the machine shuts it- certain that water delivered to|household needs. self off. the washing machine is at least) Rounding out the family of| The new models are now on 160 degrees. jmodern laundry equipment is|display at Ottawa Gas and gas The temperature of the water|the gas dryer. Gas dryers andjappliance dealers. All wear the R li bi ellapie, GENERAL @ ELECTRIC you use comes directly from|washer-dryer combinations can|CGA Laboratories Seal of Ap- your water heater. The "'hot'|now be had with special controls|proval indicating that they have dial on the washing machine|that automatically select the|met rigid standards for safety, actually does not control wateriright temperature and dryingidurability and performance. A t ti sain utomatic 2 s : | _ Deliveries ima comport "* AT YOUR ene COMMAND = WITH er General Electric Quality Dryers $149 and up. Courteous, | Expert Servicemen ee HERE IS WHAT A G.E. General Electrie DELUXE DRYER CAN DO FOR YOU! 2-SPEED Whether it's bitter cold outside, or just damp and chilly . . . set the thermostat : : ; your Gar Wood will keep home comfortably warm and healthfully humidified SAVES YOU WORK MAKES IRONING EASIER An electric dryer eliminates Electric drying brings your lifting end carrying heavy clothes to o perfect ready-te- and at a phenomenally low fnel j WASHER laundry to the clothesline. Iron state; wrinkling is min- & costs less to heat cost. KEEP: imized so less Ironing is FILTER-FLO WITH SUDS Pied ig oy bag needed. ; with Ger Wood. Actual owner-records that } ie oe le r at Make Sure WASHER RETURN flomeless and odourless; GIVES YOUR CLOTHES Extra large' 12 tb. eapecity there's no dust end soot to A SOFTER FEEL yes rr ee * less . may service--last longera : tumb aval re @ Three wosh cycles dirty r wash Automatically led in en our dealer to show you. Cc f i ohgu ; y y a cozy, Varetree © Re O88 en vee 5 1S KIND TO YOUR tan sn ion ane : @ Exclusive Fliter-Flo washing system CLOTHES fluffier every time, % * 4 @ Fits like @ built-in . The choice of dryi | inter? @ Woter saver loed selector and working -- othe new electric dye, lets EETS.YOU FORGET THE ror OIL ECONOMY ©. Spray and tap serteated (inant trade Sete a ee @ 2-speed suds return you dry even delicate gar- You con use on electric ee @ Jet swirl fabric softener dispenser--optionai ments safely, every day of the yeor, ------ CALL 725-3581 BUY NOW, SAVE, AND GET AN ELECTRIC BLANKET FREE! | SAIN || cSSs=|| WAYNE APPLIANCES & ~~ _ Re 78 SIMCOE STREET NORTH 723-1411 _ henna in ah mmm 110 KING ST. W. 723-348) |

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