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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Oct 1965, p. 26

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26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thorsdey, October 28, 1965 "Low Cost Times Action Want Ads Solve Many Of Your Problems' Call The Di rect Classified Number 8--Articles For Sale BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY Accountonts Barristers CTOR, Notaries, |Senk of bel erin. Barristers, Solicitors, ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered 'Account- oer IGHTON, DRYNAN, 'MURDOCH, and and a int, 47 Prince Street, Ontario. Telephone 723- YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. Qc; Chartered Accountants, Licensed Tru: leh QC, 728-8584; on in Lets? "iad Simcoe Street!Qc, 723-4768; J. €. Victor, orth, Oshawa, 7: Mortgages arranged. , Suite 4, Oshawa, 1221. Oshawa, 723-3446; or residences: G. Commerce Building, 5 ard K, G. L. Murdoch, 985-7115, [Surveyors H, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, | Ontario Len Lend Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone 725-6881, TV--Radio Repairs Instruction Oshawa Driving School 10 yeors teaching driving automatic and ;standard cars. Professional instructors, oe Ch Ter i, jad gpa BEADLE AND CO., Char- Building Trades TV TOWERS 728-0091 Accountants, Financial Trade Build- SPECIAL iio, ass ST, Hooking, CAH. Ac 10% Discount On All Orders adie, CA; E. Lukow, CA RKIN, MecMILLAN AND CO., Remodelling, carpentry, til- ing, painting, plumbing, elec- WALL, Chartered Accountants, rod By Beart St. 7 ' 725-6539, Will David 'c Perkin, ren, trical work, roofing, eaves- troughing, plastering, cement J. Graham work of all kinds, Aluminum doors and windows, siding. 20 skilled men ready to serve you. NELLIS' HOME IMPROVEMENTS Oshawa -- 728-2061 Peterborough ~~ 745-2184 OCTOBER SPECIAL Save up to 15% during October on Rec. Rooms, Cup- boards, Tiles and all general Home Remodelling. All Work Guaranteed hone for my prices McKoy 729-8576 THE R. H. CABINET CO. 1614 CHARLES $T., WHITBY 668-6911 Kitchen cabinets, Vanities, Cutom built -cobinets, 2 ied General Accountant, Suite SOs. Oshawa Shop- ping Centre, 725-9953. BOB CLANCY'S Accounting service, Complete bookkeeping service. 299 Simcoe South, 725-0397, Res. 723-7605. JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Account ant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street East. Telephone 723-4833. Barristers McGIBBON AND STEDO, Barristers,| Solicitors. Mortgag arrange National Trust Building, EH Simcoe Street South, 728-7336; Charles C. MecGibbon, QC Edgar F. Bastedo, QC; Grant H. Arm: strong. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC Solicitor Money to loan. Bice § 14% King Street East, Oshawa. JAMES wacbONALD, BA, LLB, Bar- rister and Solicitor and Notary Public, the Comimercia! Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. pt parking avail able, 723-4716 or 725-4717. ANTHONY EDWA Re D LASKOWSKY, H, BCL, Barrister and Solicitor, 73)--------- Centre Street. Office hours: 9 a.m.-§.30 p.m. Evening appointments. Dial 723-166), HUMPHREYS, | BOYCHYN, and HILL- MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 362 King Street East, Oshawa; R. D, Humphreys, QC; G. S. Boychyn QC; W. A. Hillman LLB; J. D. Herenreys bn LLB. Office: 725-1177; Residence: -4604; Whitby, 668-2761; 728-4326; 725- Fae NHA other first mortgage funds available is GREER AND Ki 7 Barristers, Solici:|ROOFING, concrere toors, fiat roofing, East. Diai/oUr speciality. New work and repairs s: J. M. Greer, Large and small jobs. L. and ul Roofing QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL,/4nd Construction, RR 3, 725-69 Jere! Themes. dermyn, BA, LLB: con ROOFING, chimneys: sidewalk il types of cement work. Frank McCa: jRR xu Oshawa. Br Brooklin 6s 655- 3061, Classified Rates WORD ADS Cash--1 insertion of 24 seune and roofing repairs new and re repairs. [ALL TYPES building, and remodeiling; chimneys, |paired; sidewalk and concrete Whitby 668-2774, Gord May. EXPERT PAVING, 2 cents square foot includes grading and fill, two-year guaran al word: tee, Terrano Paving, 723-5841 secutive insertions of 24 words $4.32, | 4.) CARPENTRY, block and cement! additional words, \8¢ each. work. New or remodelling. Special fall Charge 1 per cent: additionar Prices: Call Tony 725-4953, charge If not paid within & days. YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim Method of counting -- Less than 24 neys built and repaired; gas linings) words counts as 24 words; each word, | installed; initial, figure er ebbreviation counts | 723-2997 ES a ae oe ee Crane. Ee. CA | ROORING, ALL, SIDINGS, chimneys | two words. jbuilt, repaired. Block, cement_ work | Work, hi teed. E. R, French, | BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- orkmanship guarante | 723-6991 SOCIAL NOTICES CARPENTRY, $2.00 per insertion with 28 cents ad- |renairs, etc ditional days. "remodelling, rec. Telephone 725-3406 or rooms, th 942 charges not pald within 8) 4595, evenings |NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, sidewalks, re-modelling, rec-rooms. Free and i ae A. Woods, 728-3420 line of aad nes Dentistry |GAREFOOT, OR. JOHN M. jurgeon, 172 King Street East, rf appointment, 728-5171 | BIALEK, . Dental Surgeon,| 112 Simcoe Stree North, Oshawa. For appointment, 728-5843 or Res. 728-8441, 1.50 for Nag * ch'iherester, | Dressmaking PERSONAL STYLING -- for fashion wise women! Dressmaking, alterations. Fitting a specialty. 728-1823 for appoint- ment. LADIES -- Have your dressed for Christmas. |specialty! 725-8592 EXPERIENCED dressmaker, sewing and alterations, in own home. Mrs. Alice Van Der Heide, Roselawn Ave., 725-5948 DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, alterations, slip covers, drapes. specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby IN MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the first 38 words each. thereafter, plus 2c wi verse 25¢ additional charge if within @ days. CARDS OF THANKS 2. the first 38 words and Sc ie each thereafter, with 25¢ additional | charge if not paid within & days. COMING EVENTS $2.10 per inch ee. first 20 words (Word Ads.) AUCTION SALES $2.10 PER INCH INSERTION DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS LOST AYO FOUND 9-a.m. day of publication BIRTHS AND DEATHS 9 a.m, day of publication CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column. -- 4 p.m. day previous 2 eo! umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous Oshawa. "children's dolls Teen-age dolls a dresses Fitting a 668: aloha Gardening and Supplies DUTCH "BULB TIME' TOP SIZE CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 AM. DAY OF PUBLICATION BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- Sc While every endeaver will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we. accept, no 'iability in respect of loss or damage ai'eged to arise through either failure or delay in for- warding such replies, however caused whether by negligence or otherwise. The Times will not be responsible for replies uncalled for in 20 days. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not sponsible for errors in ments submitted otherwise writing not for more than one inser- tion of any advertisement nor be- yond the price charge for a single insertion in which error occurs. } TULIPS HYACINTHS DAFFODILS NARCISSUS CROCUS SNOWDROPS IRIS GRAPE HYACINTHS e BIRD FEEDERS WILD BIRD MIX SUNFLOWER SEED ° STRAW be re advertise than in The Oshawa Times reserves the right | to classify advertising according she | ts proper classification. = Cooper-Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. 723-1139 723-2312 NURSERY og liver and free 123-9710, evenings TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim. them down. Free estimates, 728-0610 MANURE, well rotted soil, $2.25 per yard two-yard orders of toy DANGEROUS ei moved by reliable party Service, 725-4171 TOP SOIL, with or without manure; manure for sale. Wm. Kuzik, Whitby Telephone 668-3906 or. 669-3961 ivertisements | held respon | In the cases of dispia' The Times will not sible for more space in that vhich the actual error occupies The pub- lishers endeavor to reproduce aii I. vertising matter correctly, but assume no jiability of advertisement if any inaccuracies in any form are contained therein. and fieid Prompt de 725-5118 Any advertisement cancelled betore publication will be charged one day's insertion. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS }--Wormen's Celumn 2--Personal 3--Sportsman's Column 5--Trailers 6--Marine Equipment 7--Swap and Barter @--Articies for Sale 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column lj--Pets and Livestock 12--Articies Wanted 13--Articies for Ren? 14--Business Opportunities 15--Employment Wanted 1b--Agents Wanted \7---Female Help aha 1t--Male Help Wan' 19--Male or Female Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale 20a--Summer Properties Zi---Farms for Sale 22--Lots for Sal 23--Real Estate Wanted 24--Stores, ae Storege $4. per yard; sol trimmed or Instruction ELECTRONICS TRAINING A Radio College Home Study Course can e you for bigger income in TV, Auto- mation, Radar, Communica- tions. Easy-to-f theory essons, practical work kits. Fully accredited diploma on groduation Low budget Write for 40- "Careers Elec- pre low terms free page tronics RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA 461 King St..W., Toronto 2B, Ontario. hook for R %--Apariments for Rew 277---Rooms for Rent R--Room and Board 2--Wanted to Rent %--Automobiles for Sele 3i--Compact Cars tor Sale 32--Trucks tor! Sale 33~Automopiles U4--Automobile ® 35--Los! and Found Canada Driving School @ Fully insured dual control cors @ Licensed by Ontario Department Cars Tests vic of Transp supplied for Go @ Home pic 728-4811 kup Coming Events 1--Notices roofs repaired. Free estimates. -| M. F. SWARTZ Dental! Or Vil rds top | - by ae sparoe on Allied" Tree also ANYWHERE -- ANYTIME GLISSANDO Organ Guild 24 hour practice service. Free trial period, Try before you buy, 725-6617 Jonitor Service [ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done by modern machine. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 728-7736. ECONOMY, AND DELUXE Priced to suit your budget, TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY. LIMITED TAUNTON RD, E. Just East Of Ritson 128-8180 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED * LIGHT AnD SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK te CHANGE COLOR IK A CHAMELEON % BROUGHT ABOUT AHROUGK TEMPERATURE, ANGER, FEAR, PEOPLE IN THEULS, ARE OVER 45 YEARS AGE 2 MORE THAN 40,000, 000. SLELP, SS es 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 13--Articles ) for Rent ONE 30-06 REMINGTON pump gun, one ey double-barrel 12 luge shotgun, $65; one 7" skill saw, i all articles brand new, Call 725- By R. J. SCOTT MOVING "TO AP APARTMENT - retrigera for, stove, bedroom suite, electric ket. tle and blender; international library of music for plano; for home or . studio. 728- 3689. jers, duplicators, chequewriters, files, desks, chairs, We buy, sell, rent, service and trade, with budget terms. New and used. Low, low prices. Bill Hamilton, Raglan ACETYLENE outfit, complete, Also '51 Chev. hardtop partly customized. T phone Hampton 263-2762. WEDDING DRESS size 10, bridesmaid's dresses, three, blue, pink and white, matching hats, size 10, muskrat jacket, size 12.°Men's coat size 38, Best offer. Call 725-6780, SOLIMAN SABA, A TaRK, WHO DIED TH MADDATHA AT THE AGE OF 182, MARRIED 05 77K WIFE AT THE AGE oF 98 AND SHE BORE HOM THREE DAUGHTERS, 3 cu. ft, arborite top. Excellent condition. Apply 694 Emerson Avenue between 5.30 - 7.30 'p.m. able sides, teething bar both ends, stain- ed wood with monograms. Telephone 723-1613, STOCK and fixtures for variety sto cluding $2,000 in stock; two showcases; one 15 inch shelf complete with shelves; two 6 Inch wall cases with shelves; one magazine rack. Will accept $1,700 for all.| Telephone 725-4217 after 6 p.m. 30-INCH FINDLAY space heater, very good condition, with thermostat and blow: included. Telephone 728-1306. Bove tweed coat and hat set, quilted Money To Loan 1 WILL LOAN you up to "$5,000 at are sonable rate of interest to consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile Purpose providing you are steadily em- ployed and have good credit. Telephone 723-4631. TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST ! WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! Tes. TELEVISION Bond and Division 728-5143 TELEVISION - RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES ELECTRONICS for prompt service Call _Whitby -- 668-5679_ FALL SEASON SOON TY CHECK-UP NOW 7 qualified servicemen, Thea. TELEVISION 728-5143 TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS _ FAST T.V. SERVICE Service Call only $2.50 [Mortgages _ MORTGAGE > INVESTORS Units of participation avail- able in first and second mort- goge funds Diversification manage- ment -- High yield -- cap- ital appreciation. | CENTRAL | ONTARIO TRUST and SAVINGS CORPORATION OSHAWA 723-522) BOWMANVILLE '623-2527 MORTGAGE LOANS Money for first mortgoges Open Mortgages | Interest ot 7% No Bonus | No Charges for Valuations | Mortgages and Agreements purchased Money for Second Mortgages Fast Service Corner 2614 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario, | 723-4697 8--Articles For Sale REGENT STAMP & COIN SHOP 23 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA CLEARANCE OF OVER 1000 COINS BELOW 1936--AT REDUCED PRICES. EXCELLENT SELECTION OF CANADIAN AND FOREIGN STAMPS, ALBUMS AND ACCESSORIES, Stomp collections prior to PRICES WANTED. and accumulations 1940 GHEST PAID, MAIL ORDERS OVER $2.00 ACCEPTED. We are Agents. for RINKERS DRY CLEANERS ~ SUMMERL AND SECURITIES 112 Simeoe St, North Oshawa, Ontario 725-3568 DOMINION TELEVISION | 728-5154 9a.m. to9 p.m. Mortgage Money All work guaranteed. Available 1. AERIALS / io RON'S TV lw 12 Years' Experience | All Work Guaranteed IE PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for R 723-7521 all mortgages. Mortgages snd agree-| RON BRIGHTLING 9 AM. --9 P.M. of sale purchased Creighton, Murdoch and Victor (See 'Bar ) |CITY TV TOWER, antennas, All work guaranteed, 511 Telephone 725-0500. Low Interest Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association ments Drynan, risters" Se wito. repairs FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale Dean: Avenue, agreements purchased and sold. Hennick and Henn ck, Barristers, 31 King Street East, 723-7232 Well Drilling--Digging WELL DIGGING by machine specializing g Recear Services Jin 30-inch file, W. Ward, 204 Chestnut jStreet West, Whi toy. 668-2563 or 668-3809. VERSATILE four-piece combo available) weddings, dances, banquets, etc }1-- 'omen's 'Column for Telephone 728-9719. Sem |PERMANENTS | Pol Page ~Hair- of | peace "Special corner ie Optometrist IF. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe! --- Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa Telephone |2----Personal 723-419 [ Westmount, Telephone Tae-s0ca Painting and Decorating | PAINTING AND DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Broadiloom, Custom. Draperies } FREE ESTIMATES | Remove! of superfluous 'hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa Nov, 8th, 9th, and 10th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dotes for appoint- ment ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 DODD & SOUTER i 668- 5862 |AUTOS DELIVERED anywhere, Canada, [Florida, Cal:;c:nla, Bonded drivers. To- mto Drive-Awa Service, BARON and O'TOOLE, expert painting, \Street, Drive-Away Service, S385 Yonge decorating, paperhanging, Estimates free. Telephone 725-7734. if no answer phone| TRAVELLING ALONE? Join one of our after 6 p.m. |groups or escorted tours. Howard Travel * Ajax 942-6690. PAINTING AND DECORATING. Exterior icine and interior, Paper hanging. Bowmanville 623-2583, | Bureau Ltd., /3-- Sportsman' s Column |DEER HUNTING licences. New and| used guns, ammunition Best prices.| - Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West. Plumbing and "Heating ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup 25 Harold H. Stark and Engineer ing,| Ltd, Plumbingy Wasting 6--Marine Equipment 225 Simcoe Street South ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling. new and used materials. Reasonabie ates. Estimates free, 723-119], J. Foley WINTER STORAGE BOATS & OUTBOARD MOTORS til fener trailers, etc WILDE RENTAL SALES & SERVICE 1415 Dundas St. E. 668-3226 BOAT 'new 16. foot. aluminum, sieeper Seats, regular $995. Special $795; also one demonstrator, 15 foot lapstroke with con vertible top, 60 HP Mercruiser, regular $3195. Special $2195, 100 MP Mercury | motor ong shaft, controls, used one Season, Special $89. Free Storage. Bur S-lroughs Marine, Rosedale. Highway 35, |Burnt River, 2823) OUTBOARD MOTOR, 5!2 HP oe t condition. Best offer chaavennincex "re-upholstered and re-| 728-4934 styled, Free estimate, See our material CABIN CRUISER: 16, 40 HP Evin for recovering Dalton Upholstering, 75) rude, electric start, with heavy duty trail- Charles Street, 723-7212 er. spply "52 Jackman Road, Bowman CHESTERPIELDS and old chairs, re-\Vil'e covered like new. Get the best for less|isi-FT. at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street HP |South, Call 728-6451. Free e: ates. Rug- Upholstery Service : OSHAWA CLEANERS and Upholstery Clean ing. At our plant or in your home CALL 725-9961 94 BRUCE STREET RE-UPHOLSTERY py experts. Establish ed 17 years. Complete range of uteriats Workmanship guaranteed five year Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses Furniture refinished. Oshawa Up a Company, 287 Dean Avenue lawn trailers, We also mowers, cabin Rug Johnson Telephone 50 Alax cabin cruiser, Telephone Weymouth Johnston motor, 942-5056 " |BOAT TRAILER, with spare wheel, |Boat, $50. Telephone . 723-1409 . 90. Sales and Service wile GUARANTEED washer 742 CANVAS Complete Jelinek, repairs " and ranges to all Free estimates wringer Call 7--Swap and Barter COLORED BATH sets, three-piece, $75.; canopies.'bar kitchen sinks; medicine, shower, and estimates. Mel.ikitchen cabinets; pressure systems; lean pumps; laundry tubs, $15.95; pip. --------= ting, . fittings automatic washers and ldryers; boilers, radiators. H. Chinn, Hill- .|side and Park South, 723-7088. Prompt serv-| a4 Chestnu'|8--"Articles for Sale (USED FURNITURE, Surveyors machine, ette mower, DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario Isdy's and ommercial hive prints,|girl's re 1 Ontarle Street, 725-8632, 'dresses, awn ngs, curtains, service. Free 728-1993, anytime. Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS "cleaned. ¢ cal Walter Ward. Street Wes +, Whitby 668-2543, -- dishes, hot plate, garden coat washing! lawn Ny 6 fire i 1%, 14, Telephone 725-1904, REFRIGERATOR, $50.; 9 « 12' wool rug, $40, 728-3546 DEEP FREEZER for sale, $120 o est reasonable offer, 303 RIFLE Known for its accuracy and reliability, this rugged gun will deliver years of satis- factory shooting. $24.95 SKATES Big savings on Skating Out- fits for the whole family dur- our Big Fall Sale. from $7.25 pr. SNOW TIRES All nylon construction, full depth traction tread, A brand new winter tire priced almost os low as o retread om $17.56 up DOMINION TIRE STORE 145 King St. W. Telephone 725-6511 Annual Fern SALE $2.43 at both our stores. eed's Florists 728-7386 JANSSEN'S POWER EQUIPMENT CENTRE Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- Ferguson Riding Tractors, Service on all power equip- ment. Licensed mechanic on duty. 843 King West PARTS Washers, Stoves and 728-9429 For Dryers. ELECTRIC MOTOR Repair and Exchange OSHAWA APPLIANCE 186 Simcoe S 728-7535 HONDA SHOP "Oshawa's largest motorcycle dealer". Buy - sell - trade, Re- pair makes. Free ésti- mates Access: helmets, windshields, carriers, jackets, tires, etc. Winter storage. New Hondas only $295. No down payment, 199 King W all 728-4242 WHITBY'S ONLY. LOCAL TEXACO DEALER @ FUEL and STOVE OIL e WOOD e COAL @ BUILDING SUPPLIES CALL 668-3524 SAWDONS' Whitby) Limited 244 Brock St. South stove, $25 matched lamps. wash $20 machine, 8465; ar Telephone 728. 7224 - 0" ng, size 6, Baby's pink all fur snow vit, size one year. Both in good condi 0 Telephone 728-5083 $12; BED, spring, mattress; night table; wooden chairs; smoker stand-ash tray; | ; new crib mattresses, $9.95; stoves, teen's figure skates (514); man's over- televisions, $49.95; space savers,|°O#!, sizé 38, Call Be $54.95; dressers, chrome sets, radios and|FUR machine and interliner machine, guns, new and used, Valley Creek, 16/good condition, reasonably priced. Tele Bond Street West phone Scarborough 691-5305. TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ft. ONE SET of maple bunk beds, complete structure, hot dipped galvanized |" tower) with mattress, in good conditon, $35, one included, single all-channel antenna com-|metal bed, single, spring, $5, Telephone plete, installed, tax included, guaranteed | 793-4557 jone year, $50. See all towers at TRIO Television, corner Bond and Division, @LENDALE house trailer, 35 foot, fully | furnished, $1995. Telephone | 728-5143-4 o6) ago URNITURE -- three , new qual-|-~. ~ - iy ee ely OMe ine Caen GREY kidskin |acket, size 12-14, very good condition, Reasonable, 723-7384, bedroom, living room, kitchen ensembles Pay only $3. wkly, Unbeatable vaive!| CRIB -- full sizer also wooden high chair, Barons' Home Furnisnings, 424 Simcoe and toy rocker, One used culvert. Tele- South. phone 725 0878, | TYPEWRITERS, adding machines and| ELECTRIC GUITAR, Kent, in excellent |time clocks, new and rebuilt. One year|condition, $50. or best offer. Telephone | quarantee. Outstanding good buys. Jen-!723-5487 after 4 p.m. ki s h % ins AEE SAA Spe e ins Business Machine Sales and Ser. GIRLS BROWN COAT, dress, rt, vice, 728-7783. Open evenings. e senpenmuieas vies -- | jumper, All size 8-10. Boy's winter jack- OIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits, at, size 8. Sport coat, size 12, All good figure work, custom picture framing.! condition, 725-5758. lark Studi s kend - Clar' Studio, evenings and weekends, 1968 HONDA 300, In 668-4497, 325 Brock North, Whitb: ak 'd Best. offer. Telephone 728-9768. new quali FURN RE 3 " esti Fain, haw a tly | REFRIGERATOR, Frigidaire. $50. Tele-| lfurniture, only $299, inc room, living room, kitchen ensembles, /Phone 725-1456 after 5 p.m. Pay only $3. wkly. Unbeatable value! | GUITAR -- Fender Telecaster deluxe, re- Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S.' verb amplifier, six months old, like HIGH CHAIR, child's wardrobe, com-(Mew. Best offer! Telephone 728-1522 mercall Coke cooler, four-burner stove and grill, two fish and chip out-!son fits; sundae dishes and glasses. 728-8237./ern styling, foam cushions, From $99 HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appli-/Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street, ances. Big discounts without sacrificing Oshawa. quality. 424 King Street West, Oshawa 798-9191 FOR SALE anteed, Pups, 168 Wayne Street, NORGE refrigerator, in good | condition, $35. Telephone 728-9610 ! |FOR SALE -- Hendy engine lathe, 17-\VACUUM repairs, ail jinch swing, 8-foot bed, quick change|Drushes, etc. Pick-up, gear, auto-drive, inciuding one 8-inch,|Eleming Vacuum Service. a-law chick, one 10-inch, 4law chuck. | Pickering Land L Tools, Simpson Avenue South, 9--Market Basket | Bowmanville FRIGIDAIRE automatic washer and/sPANISH ONIONS, field run, 82 per| Norge gas dryer, Telephone 728-3624. bushel. Bring containers. W. Eymann,| |COLDSPOT -- combination freezer-refrig-|balf-mile east (past Roy Nichols garage) | erator, 12 cubic foot, four years old, auto-| Courtice, go north to Ist corner. matic defrost, $150. Telephone 728-9686 Cookin BABY CARRIAGE, stroller, high chair|onions. Wm. Sack, Thornton Rd. S, First and crib, in excellent condition. Tele-|farm south, Hydro Sub- Station (west side.) phone 728-9774 after 6 pm. : ROASTING chickens, orders taken for REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER, and stove,|freezer, 4 Ibs $1.35; 3 Ibs. kitchen table and chairs, lounge chair|dellvery on 10 or more, 728-529. and three beds. Telephone 728-6397. _|NO. 1 WINTER POTATO; ELECTRIC CHORD organ, just like new.|!ntosh apples, $2.75 bushel. Cost $195. Asking $100, Telephone 725-8471 |(ellvery. Call evenings 655- NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. Re. | SPANISH onions, field run $ pairs to all makes, New hoses. Phone S8rine containers. W. Eymann, Ya Jack Lees, 728-6956 east past Roy Nichols Garage, Courtice: | : th to first BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture) cote rere and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215/APPLES FOR SALE -- Macs, Court- Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481 lands, Snows, Spys, Secors, $2 per bushel - _ Socata -j|and up. MayBelle Orchards, 1% miles TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower|north of Whitby on No. 12 Highway. structure all-channel antennae installed, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited APPLES: Mcintosh, Delicious, Court-| lands. . East on No, 2 highway, half-mile BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture past Bad Boys', turn left at Oshawa and appliances. One locatinn only. Pretty! Motel, '4 mile north Bring containers. Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271 PPLES: ~ Macintosh, Spy, FREE! Frunaces cleaned, adjusted free 5 bushel and up, Bring own =e Guaranteed trouble free all winter if ied Algoma. Orchards, THickson Road North, purchase from Western oil Co; . 725-12 . | Whitby ne ¢ ANTIQUE chairs, hand carved wainut,, CARROTS $1 per bushel: Walter Hur matching set of four straight, one arm.|on's farm, half-mile west of Oshawa on Telephone 723.3078 40) (North Service Road) GUNS -- Bought at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, 10----Farmer's Column n$ ae _ RE 19), ed, i SCRAP HARDWOOD -- one-foot lengihs|rimes atrodg re recistered, with $7.75 single cord, Phone 723-2281 before|saie Barns, Saturday {9.30 a.rh. or. evenings p.m. For information, 723-4096. TYPEWRITER, standard, $35; portable, DEAD and crippled farm stock picked| Wren aoe eee S28? electric tyPe-| up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone.| eee ian er ric cash register, ltem-\Telephone Collect. Hampton, 263-272). " 4434 Licence 389-C-65. WE BUY, sel) and exchange used furni-| pinto MARE, $100; good hereford bull, it lure or anything *you have. The y e ; a i Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street FP hea fPiah itl Se ok ete South, 723-1671 heifers, 942-3317, MODERN living room suite, and 7 pc. 39 GRADE cath ; 7 je, Holstein, some charole, dinette set, just like new! Telephone 728-|ceese, ducks, police pups. 668- 2067, 7 - 5812 between 5:30--6:30. sti ieeihensapnantnnninitadieailenitaetseite BOX TRAILER, « x 8 x 16', two-wheel, 1]---Pets and Livestock COZY-5 RANCH KENNELS. German| also 10 HP Evinrude motor, runs good Shepherds, trained grown stock; pups. Telephone 942-2226 [BEST QUALITY aluminum windows, | Boarding) Palominos, Pintos, foals, les. Ashburn, 655-4662 evenings. doors, awnings, railings etc. Low, low Prices! Call 728-5385 th & i | BELGIAN Shepherd pups and grown | SKATE EXCHANGE -- New and Used/ doce) pure white, tan end black, $20: $30; skates. Sold, exchanged. Expert sharper ing. Cycle Centre, 20 Bond East, Yon esaa, Part-Spaniels, $10, Selling out, 668-2067. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50, No training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, T. down payment, $15 Honest! proad, 114 El East. Cal's, 424 King West, ee akbar NO Nala GERMAN Shepherd male, 7% months. ure peeipete Fras peaurt ful black and beige. Telephone 725: a love seat and cha ld el Telephone 725-3769 GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, male and f RANGE, Frigidaire, electric, four-burner,,™2!e- Reasonable, Telephone 728-0427, $75. Piano, $125. Both in good condition.| HORSE'S box stall for rent, in clea: Telephone 723-4350. barn. Telephone. 728-0950. GE AUTOMATIC washer, excellent con. BOARD -- for two dogs, one German dition; walnut secretary desk and tea Shepherd; one Collie for one year on a wagon. Telephone 725-0517 after 5. farm. Telephone 668-4280. WALNUT double dresser, smali dining|SEVERAL well-trained saddle horses, table, arborite, Refrigerator, table model.'good condition. Reasonable. Registered Small kitchen dresser, mahogany. Ran-| Appaloosa stallion, six-year-old. Buckaroo} gette. Telephone 723-6073 Ranch, Oshawa 725-2737 |GAS STOVE, 'Moffat' four-burners. }months old. New condition. Take over|for Christmas |payments. Telephone. 668-8289. 668-6105. Whitby. |GAS STOVE, four-burner, grill, used BRITTANY PUPS, registered, pointer re- jone year, excellent condition, Best offer. 'trievers. Call 728-4537. Telephone 723-1613 HEAVY DUTY Firestone eleciric| 12--Articles Wanted _ machine. West. "table wit range; wringer washing inghouse with pump. Both good working ybndbud TO BUY 'oo! condition, Best offer telephone 728-6902./acCessories. Phone 725-1555 between | SKATE-X-CHANGE D tN bm afternoon a iscount! New, used. United Rent-All, _ (Householder's| YOUTH'S af x aged size bunk Pe jrental store, 352 Wilson Road South (at/Seven-piece dinette set; ¢ olive 'S'|chair; child's toidy seat and Sciddy cor j Telephone 723-1959 BABY CARRIAGE -- Thistle, hs A : Pte aca: ane |13--Articles for Rent GIRL'S WINTER Clothing, - pam and dresses, size 8, 10, new, all good condition. Tables, es, Cutlery, Glasses, 9705, Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal SKI-DOO Snowmobile Sales and Serv lice. United -Rent-Alls, 352 Wilson Road) \y/,7" Ments: Rormals. White Fox Furs. Mink Stoles. }South (at Olive). 728-5565 | BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 pliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294) ENTERTAINING -- | Fifty | To one-hundred jor 263-2695. STUDENT TYPEWRITERS, new, people! Oshawa Tennis Club for banquets, parties, weddings, anniversaries. Facili |cash registers, adding machines, $35. Year guarantee, Oshawa Business ties, bar kitchen, parking. Reasonable rates 728-63 chines, 728-3664, 725-9748 WESTINGHOUSE stove, washing ma chine, tub and stand. $50 complete, Tele CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church Quar-jaisie-: Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Street, Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2414 phone 723-5864 RE "haa Viscbi anteed. Appi WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers,| s, sizes & to 1O\reducing machines, sick room supplies. | ephone 725-5766, Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, 8--Articles For Sale REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $24.95; cribs s. Brand new two-piece suites, ondition, - Beagle hunting dogs, guar-| ® Trigg hounds. Field dog.| RANGE "General Apt, A ment size $35; two girl's coats size 12, $325, Electric' running pai makes, hoses, delivery, 942-0213. Main Street, ib, Me-| Delicious, _ sold, October 30, at monthly at 728-9191 seven-piece - 18th excellent condition r, and antique suite, sola Deposit secures. Telephone h} 5 in excellent 85. skirts, like 723 "coats, 12. Coats Telephone Dish- Coffee Chairs, Linens, used, up. Ma refrigerators, unners Anerson m1 505 Whitby 668-6661 GIRL'S coats and dre lin excellent condition, CRIB, large size, good condition, edjust-| 723-7101 | Newcastle. | good condition. | nee | 985 CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS -- at Wil- mod-} to be sold at Woodville! 3) Sell or exchange for/ 9.) pon-| ~10| POODLE pups, miniature and toya, Ready! RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES Oscillating sanders, disc sond- ers, belt sanders, floor sand- PLUMBER'S TOOLS Pipe cleaning rods, 'pipe vise tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger. PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Stepladders, aluminum ex- tension ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compres- sors, sproy guns, wallpaper steomers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches. WELDING EQUIPMENT Acetylene welding outfits, 200 amp. electric welders. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT Cement mixers, finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric virator, air compressor, jock hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generotor, ramset, power rol- lers, electric hammers, mas- onry saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saws, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, 14! band saw, 4" joiner, sand bloster, power tamper, power post hole auger. STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTALS LTD, 223 King St, West, Oshawa PHONE 723-3224 | 14--Business Opportunities ERVICE TATION i] FOR LEASE Ajax Area By major oil company. Ex- | cellent opportunity for mech. onic. Modest cash outlay ri quired, Assistance available, | PHONE 728-5617 | Or Write 392 ADELAIDE EAST OSHAWA, ONT. 17---Female Help Wanted SECRETARY To act as secretary to director of newly estab- lished regional planning office in Oshawa. Proticiency .in typing ond shorthand. Pleasorit teohinns mannér, Knowledge of book- keeping an asset. Personal initiative essential. Attractive salary and fringe benefits, Apply DIRECTOR OF PLANNING P.O. BOX 734 yan ONT, Salactiaies Full or part time. Ladies ex- clusive sportswear shop ---- experienced in selling desir- ed --~ good appearance -- pleasing personality -- and references essential, Highest Wages Paid APPLY IN PERSON SEIGNEUR'S Sportswear Ltd. ce Oshawa ---- Centre 'SOs Permanent positions avail. oble now for secretaries with shorthond. CALL 668-8181 | WOMEN To TRAIN as pe as perforator oper- ators, Must be excellent typists. General Printers Limited, 723-2233, Local 40. MATURE WOMAN fo care. for three school-age children for working mother. Shopping Centre area, After 7 p.m., tele phone 728-6639, RESTAURANT well established on "busy | BABY-SITTER re requi write Box 917 Oshawa Ti apart- BEAUTY SALON for rent. . Fixtures e equip-| Alax 229 Eulalie, Telephone 728-2822 Shopping Centre. Write Box 216 Oshawa! s. ,|ment and stock to be purchased. imi 1 5--Employment Wanted _ ed to 1965 HONDA 90, 3000 miles. In excelient|highway, Oshawa area, living quarters, | boy while mother works, uri Telephone 725-9100 after |cift counter. $15,000 down. For particulars| Court Apartments, 14, 9 Whitby. 'atten . Hel jtelephone 942-31 |GIRL to live in and care for 2'-year-old |child' while mother works, small. housee hold duties. Wilson South area. After IS o'clock, 725-0431, |FEMALE | HELP WANTED, Apply ir: jpereen to Gord's Pickin' Chicken, $22 MBYSITTING per hour, day or week. inter- |Reasonable rates, Mother's. care. jview Mrs. Luck 868-3866. | MOTHER with one preschooler wil mind one or two children, five-day week fenced In yard. King and Wilson ar 728-7872. | WOMAN will do Ironing in her home. "Spe- WINTER "cabbage; Spanish and cooking | cializing In shirts and ladies blouses. 723-/ 9819. WOMAN wants work 4 p.m. to ll or 12, restaurant, will dishwashing, baby sitting or $1.15. eh housework. Write Box 222 Oshawa Times. Ritson Road South. EXPERIENCED girl, evening shift, 5 fe a, Rowe Apply Smith's Coffee Bary 2 r telephone 725-3932, care for three works, Whitby. R cae "to children in my home while 30 to 5.15. Blair Park area, 8900. BABY SITTER WANTED full time for two pre-school age children. Telephone after 7 p.m. 728-2845. APPRENTICE hairdresser required. Must have Grade 10. Apply in erson, lyn Beauty Lounge, 81 imcoe /'7--Female | Help Wanted North, |, WHITBY PUBLIC \SCHOOL BOARD | Requires | the Following Teachers 1a Kindergarten teacher, duties to commence imme- diately in oan established kindergarten, (2) Teacher Librarian, duties to commence January 3rd., | 4966, This is @ new position, |. and will involve the opening of our first new library, the development of .a_ library program for this.school, and assistance with the develop- ment of libraries in other + schools, | Applicants will be received by | HOWARD HEMPSTEAD, Superintendent of Public Schools, ul 125 Athol St, Whitby. STENOGRAPHER | With secretarial. abilities re- quired to work as a Girl Fri- day for one man, | =| | | Must have. initiative, drive | and be capable of taking fast dictation at meetings. GIRLS If you are looking for a chal- lenging position--this is it! | Phone | MRS. McDONALD | 728-6051 DRAKE PERSONNEL 51 King East OSHAWA, ONT, WAITRESSES neat appearance ~-- reliable -- | | : Apply in person Tamblyn's Lunch Bar | Oshawa ae Centre | WAITRESSES - REQUIRED Full and Part-time 11 P.M. TO 7 A.M. SHIFT, apply MR. CAMPBELL Genosha Hotel | | EXPERIENCED - Waltresses required, Apply Town and Country, Charcoal House, | Apply fs person, 15 Bond East. | BABYSITTER to care for one child while |mother works. In my home or yours, Ap» |ply 29 Gladstone 723-8034, jon you? We may need someone in your jarea, or call for Products. 723-9349. | EXPERIENCED "shirt presser for mod> fern dry cleaning pplant in Ajax Shopping | Centre. Telephone 942-2212. WOMEN with cars, light deliveries, , hours, $40. Write Box 47, Oshawa Times, /18--Male Help Wanted COST ACCOUNTANT | We hove a challenging posi- | tion for an experienced Cost Accountant. We are a mon- ufacturing and sales orgoniz- ation with o varied product line. R.I.A, accounting degree is preferable but not essent- tial. Excellent salary level with fringe benefits fully paid by company. For Interview phone MR. J. M. BAHL Drew Chemical Ltd. AJAX 942-0150 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN Wonted Oshawa, Bow- manville Blackstock, and. Pickering areas. Prefer selling experience, Experienced help and every support. Progressive form, Contact LLOYD G, LEE, F.R.I. H. KEITH LIMITED REALTOR Eglington Avenue East, Toronto 12, Ont. or call HU : 7- 3333, MACHINIST Growing electronic company requires an experienced ma- chinist * FRINGE BENEFITS * PROFIT SHARING PLAN * STEADY EMPLOYMENT %* SALARY BASED ON | EXPERIENCE, Apply in person or phone MR. C. TAYLOR CROVEN LTD. 500 Beach St. Whitby 668-3325 [oe ee tor 181

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