30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 28, 1965 BRIDGE» By 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Individual Championship Play) North dealer. North-South vulnerable, TLL BE SO GLAD N THE Pe thee . ' (© Kg Femme peti ime, Web Wed nga remerved Arthur Meighen THAT YEAR W.L.MACKENZIE KING'S IBERAL PARTY OUSTS MEIGHEN FROM OFFICE, WITH A MAJORITY OF ONE seat f Wop pk CHARLATAN, KING, CAN ISN'T IT SWEET TO SEE THOSE SOCIALLY DEPRIVED LI'L MUGGERS (WHOM SOCIETY HAS FAILED~) RELIEVING THEIR FRUSTRATIONS ON KIGMIES?? ako AOkERT BORDEN RESIGNS AS hee INIBTER , NAMING ARTHUR EN, HG,» HIG "SUCCESSOR .THE CONSERVATIVE CABINET DISAPPROVES MICKEY MOUSE DON'T CLEAN IT "TILL Cee = NEIGHBORS // 0 Fee ee i Y 'DONALD DUCK [ANE FRO il i ay kil ta iS! GOOF SENSITIVE ABOUT HIS AGE} mM 1 WW9T GOT WORD ¢ 18 THAT HEADQUARTERS \NEWS 1 CAN PRINT? Distrfoctad by Wing Peatatea Oredienta. TLL HAVE "To 90 SOMETHING oe T 'Wah nos Productions World Rights Reserved a 'F028 MAYBE LITTLE LEROY IS KINDA YOUNG TO FIND OUT \ IF HEHAG TALENT AS AN ARTIST / BUT ALL HE DID WAS TRY TO GAT 'EM/ Kuun- (0°28 MEIGHEN MAY BE A GREAT. SPEAKER BUT HE'S TOO YOUNG, HE'S HATED IN QUEBEC FOR CONSCRIPTION AND UNPOPULAR. Bee. OF HIS INTELLECTUAL ARROGANCE Y THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 Y IN POWER ONLY Suppon FROM GRESS/VE THE FARNIERS? PARTY. The bidding: North Enst Pass Pass West Pass Pass Wed Die Pred 1h Di World Rights Reserved ACROSS 1, Suitable 4. Kettle 7. Heap 2 8, Regretted 3 10, Cup-like spoon 11, Musical instrument 13. Williams or Gump 14, Dependent or inde- pendent, grammat- ically 15. Friend: colloq. 16. Exclama- tion 17. Pronoun OTA 18, ---- salts Y, 21, Fitted a with sensory organs 22, Sudden blasts of wind 26. Truant, for one 28, Female sheep 31. Help 32, Cuckoo 33. "Praying insect 35, Jacket 36. Up to the time of 37. Dried plum $8, Withered 39, River _ islands 40, Man's name 41, Tiny. DOWN 1, Violinist . Badly . Cone of earth 4, Drawn out 5. Emanation 6. Ethiopian title 7, Latin American republic 9, Punctua- tion mark 10. Let slide 12, Formerly 14, Greek letter 16, London lock. up: 2 wds, 19, Meadow 20. Fire- Y arm eal 23. Legis- lative enact. ment 24, Mortise members 25, French river 27. Family member 28, Ostrich- like bird 1O iM: Vel Yesterday's Answer 29. Pales 30. Come in 34, Amateur 35. N.Y, canal 37, Handle roughly 'YOUR HEALTH YEP! THEY WERE ALL RIGHT BUT YOURE GETTING REAL SHARP AT | Could Prevent 2~Buttalo 4--Danny Kaye Show 7--Amos Burke Secret Agent 10:98 PLM. %--Sports Hot Seat T--ABC Scope 5-3--Festival 11:00 PLM, 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News Weather, Sports Wns PLM, 9--Metro Final 6~--Viewpoint 11:20 PLM, /+--Late Show | @ Night Metro 1.2 PLM, 'l--The Saint 6--Sports 3--Movie 11:40 PLM, 9--Plerre Berton 46--The Long Hot Summer 12:30 AM, Vi--News; Weather; Sports 6--Newscap Channet Channel Channel Channel Channel 7--Buffalo Channel 8--Rochester Channel 9%---Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton cement gi om WRONESOAY HVE. 6:00 PLM, li--Family Theatre « 9--Five O'clock Show &--Superman 6--Passport To Adventure! 3--Secret_ Squirrel 3--Lioyd Thaxton 2 Pom, | O--Leave it Te Beever 6--Music Hop 3--Hudson Bay 4:00 PLM, 7-2---News 6--Journal Of Hope Ti Family Theatre 9-43---News; Weather end Sports 6--Huntiey-Brinkley News 7--Cheyenne Across Canade | | THURSDAY | £100 ALM. N--Schnitzel House +--Captein Kangaree 9:00 AM, 1--Topper 7:00 PLM, 9--Playtime With Uncle 1--Gilligans island Bobby 9--Camp Runamuck 7--Dialing Fer Deliers | @irl Talk | Mikes Carnival 9:08 Am \--Ed Allen 2--Huntley-Brinkley 4--Gyosy Rose Lee Report 2--Dobie Gillis 3 PLM, Green Acres 9--Gidget 6-2--Virginian 7--Oxrie and Harriet 6--Political Telecasts 4--Lost in Space £00 PM, | %Bingo 1--Soecial Movie |3-2--Concentration %--My Favorite Martien | 7--Donna Reed }--Patty Duke Show '6-3---Friendly Giant 6-3--Okay Crackerberry McCoys hing eee Thee AM, 9--N.H. lockey York at Monttreal ae, ANd APS 2--Gidget |8-2--Morning Star | 7--The Young Set 3---Bob Hope Theatre 6-3--Butternut Square 4--Beverly Hillbillies =| 4-Andy of Mayberry 08 PM 7--The Big Valley $-2--Bob Hope 4--Green Acres 10:00 A.M, \1--Nurses 8-2--Fractured Phrases 63---Canadian Schools 4--! Love Lucy 10:8 AM, | 4--The New) 9 18 AM, %--Summer Fun 14:20 Many Suicides? By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD eS first--when it came time to sign the hand story of a patient wholadmittance papers he refused came back from a mental hos-|He said the doctors at the hos-/- Yesterday we had a pital, able to appreciate the'!pital could do anything to him, sometimes unpleasant aspectsjand that even if they ordered), of returning to reality him to cut off his legs, he}, Today's letter is not so happy:|would have to obey : 63--Across Canada Ve AM, 'l--Albert J. Steed %--Abracadabra |8-2--Paradise Bay | 6--Musical interlude 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 1:28 PAM, | 63--Festival 4--Dick Van Dyke 10:00 PLM. \1--Merv Griffin Show 2-1 Spy been involved, But that echnicality, (In physical ill-|pression, nesses, more than one type caniyond = sav AM, | | | TELEVISION LOG 12:0 NOON 9--Toronto Today #-2---Call My Blut 7--Money Movie 6--Luncheon Date 4--Noon News 3--Popeye and Pale 12:18 PLM. 4---Speaker of The House 12:08 PLM. 1--News 9--1 Love Lucy 8-2-Let's Play 6-4-~Search For Tomorrow 3--Noondey Report 1:46 PLM 1--News 6-4---Guiding L ight ee PLM, Theatre 9--James Beard Show 6--Matines | 7--Ben Casey 6--Luncheon Date | 4--Meet the Millers Summer Carousel Mike Dougles shew 10 PM | 9%--Sergeant Bilko | $4--As The World Turns | 2:00 PLM. | %-Kids Is People 7--Nurses 64--Password ent of Truth 2:15 PLM, 9--Dear Charlotte 2:38 Pm. %~--Peoplie in Conflict @-3--The Doctors 7--A Time For Us 6--Love That Bob 4--Linkletter's Party Movie 3:00 PLM, Donna Reed 9--Fractured Phrases | 1--Bonnle Predden | oa Another World | 7--General Hospital |+43--To Tell The Truth | an Pm l1\--Funny Company | e--It's Your Move | &You Don't Say | T=The Young Merriede |$3--Take 30 | 4---Edge of Night | 2--Kartoon Karnival | 2:00 Pm. | 0--~Mickey Mouse Club & The Match Game 7--Rocketahip 7 63--Moment of Truth t Storm Rocky end His Friends on Pa V--Atom Ant 9--Sea Hunt type of mental illness may have)may also have had more emo-|, is ajtional troubles than just his de- Perhaps he was be- ying. But sheriffs Pass Opening lead -- king of dia- monds, Let's say you're declarer at six hearts and West leads a dia- mond which you win with the ace, On the surface, your losers consist of a spade and either one of two clubs, assuming that the clubs are divided normally. Thus, if you draw trumps at once and then play the A-K and another club, you go down one or two tricks with a normal division of the opponents' clubs. However, this method of play is not altogether hopeless, since there is a distinct possibility that West was dealt either the singleton or doubleton queen of clubs, in which case you would make the slam. This possibility, though it exists, is not a good one to count on, and it is therefore better to look for another way of playing the hand that is more promising. If you look hard enough, you do find a: dif- ferent line of play which makes you a strong favorite to bring home the contract. The solution lies in the meth- od of play known as dummy re- versal, Instead of ruffing your losers in dummy, which is com- mon in many hands, you ruff dummy's losers in your own hand, At trick two you ruff a dia- mond with the ten, cash the ace of hearts, play a low heart to the nine, ruff a diamond with the king, play a club to the king, and ruff dummy's last dia- mond with the jack. Now you play a club to the ace, cash the queen of hearts-- on which you discard a spade-- and then continue with the six of clubs. As the cards lie, you make the. slam, losing only a club trick, ~~ The critical trick materializes in-an unusual way. As a result of the dummy reversal, you score six trump tricks insteaé of the five visible to the naked eye. The extra trick blossomg out of nowhere. Education Fund Helps Students ALLIANCE, Ohio (AP)~ Three Alliance high school graduates go on to higher edu- |cation each year because Oliver M. Coxen was hired 71 years as a teacher, Coxen, a native of nearby Marlboro, taught three years in the Alliance school system, be- ginning in 1880, and served one year as school superintendent. Then he quit education for business, He was successful, but he never lost his interest in ed- ucation. When he died Noy, 2, 1926, in Canton, he left a $50,000 trust fund to be used each year to aid three Alliance high school graduates in furthering their ed- ucation, Forty five students--31 girls and 14 boys. -- have received cash awards to help them at- tend colleges, universities, nurs- ing schools and other educa- tional institutions. Only interest has been used for these grants. Coxen's $50,- 000 is still intact and earning funds for more scholarships. SALLY'S SALLIES "Yes, but. keep it under your hat, mv dear," ee ee acre ais Dear Dr, Molner: 1 think! It Was a Saturday, and I was}. involved, too.) judges, friends and all, of us more information should be putjtold that I could not get a court not excepting past gene? jout to help the mentally ill and/order then to keep him in cal fearful thine which have built up the custo: their families. I. believe many|hospital. We brought him homejbe & ee es t all have this not doing husiness on Satur suicides could. be prevented if And it ended in' suicide. ee ae siete U om day: will have to toattee jtha the families of the sick knew! I'm only writing this. to help nianhed and Bunelnics takes|this is a problem that isn't/eas: what to do for them. someone else, I certainly wish}i'** 8 } nag seal Ni the easiest way out of his trou-/to solve I was faced with the situa-! or Saige pet "ome > = bles--suicide, He usually talks] - tion, The doctor would only)! ~ fey avled nim.--A. &-labout it, or hints at it, or even|" At least we are/fecognizin eg my husband ee Lge rant a didn't fail oi ue all er tries it would succeeding, be-jthe need, and tha/'s half of th did no good. Finally phoned/Not because we didn't care, butlrore he finally ends everything battle. Now let's% » ; au) . ) iS ie, Now let's/get at the othe the sheriff and told him I}because none of us knew quite jbatt N Use needed help. |how urgent the problem had be- I wonder if your husband! naif, { ; ome made such threats? He y} nciee ge my k Grane types of mental have. Maybe 9 bb ge cin Dear--thr. Molner: What ct ai Sa sehen gt byt A ypes entainat taken seriously. But a threat} sea ss nents with the hospital andiillness real, and of suicide never should be ig- best for a cold. to drink tol our husband can be taken careidangerou and quite widé-),o.od It may be very real. {Warm or hot liquids?--P. V : pread threat. In the of case ¢ The doctor got my husband tol/your husband, I have a strong} Your husband had distorted are ail agree to go voluntarily, butisuspicion that more than one'ideas ofa mental hospital. Helthey are fluids. Psychological depression can There are BUT I'M NOTA MODEL. I=] TMIUSTA NOT ONE OF THOSE SLINKY BABES LOOKS NATURAL. IN A SIMPLE FROCK---AND SUDDENLY I REMEMBERED You! GOT THE 0.K, FROM YOUR BOSS, STOP DRAGGING YOUR FEET, CHILD! THATS HER-- THE LITTLE City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 'Simcoe N. 723-34318 Open Evenings Till 9 P.M certain Suicide is a They good becau