DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. ST. STEPHEN'S UCW esmneensins i Mrs. Davia Duchemin opence the October meeting with a 'Vhanksgiving poem. Mrs, Charles Rundle, social convener, reported on a wed- ding reception and a dinner ca- tered for recently, The Nellie Dearborn Unit will receive at the church for the month of October. It was announced that the church anniversary was on Oc- tober 31 with services at 11.00 a.m, and 7,00 p.m, A bus trip to Toronto to see the Scott Mission and the United Church Publishing House on November 10 was discussed. Mrs, Charles Rundle will be the tea room convener for the bazaar to be held on Thursday, November 23 at 8.00 p.m. The theme for the worship ser- vice which was conducted by Mrs. Alex Ferries was "Living Our Thanks", Mrs. Alex Ferries, steward- ship convener, presented the program using the theme "Stew- ardship -- Our Christian. Re- sponsibility" and conducted a Bible Study introduced in chart form under the headings las delegates, 1967 will mark the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 29, 1965 1§ Plans were made for a Hal- \lowe"en party and also for a rummage sale to be held by the! City Council of Beta Sigma Phi in November. It was announced that the next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, George Osborne, The speaker will be Mrs, Ray Crossley who will speak on poetry. BETA SIGMA PHI (Gamma Epsilon Ch.) The bi-monthly meeting ef lGamma_ Epsilon Chapter of |Beta Sigma Phi was held re- qicently at the home of Mrs. small and one large walker an |Harold Gtltek. Mawsbars heard ane wheel chair available. sooth Hove eile ge a Votes of thanks were given to\'n on tr net saa Lian PNG Elsie McKee, Estelle Sims, een, 'hee 'traced the G i A . ENG May Woods and FING Anne English literature Sie ' jous|2rowth of "eee for ConYAnIng YaROus from the romanticism of the A substantial boost was given bards of the middle ages to the to the United Nations Fund by frank realism of present day Sunshine Rebekah Lodge recent. |e": : ly, Several projects were in pro-| Mrs. 'Thomas Corby gave an gress amongst which was cater- informative talk on the writing! ing for various banquets held by of prose, She emphasized struc- IOOF Lodges, proceeds were|ture, plot, setting, atmosphere designated into various channels|@nd suspense reading, using such as funds for the welfare of|Edgar Allen Poe to illustrate fellowmen, scholarships, char-|these qualities, Mrs. Corby end- ities, research, and others, ed her talk with the eight com-| The United Nations Pilgrim-|™#ndments for prose writing. " age, sponsored by the Odd-| Mrs. Louise McCoy thanked WIFE PRESERVER fellows and Rebekah Lodges, Cl ae me pare . held once a year. High school) The members selecled rs oti students from all over Canada|Neil MacLean to represent their! Rapley sg rn amg and the United States are sentichapter in the Valentine Queen|*"0"8 © 8 8 Beta yarn. Makes the rug that much Istronger. and activities of contest sponsored by seventeenth annual pilgrimage.|Sigma Phi International. The tour will include visits to the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council plus a Broadway musi- cal, boat trip around Manhattan Island, Radio City Music Hall and a visit to the World's Fair. The Canadian delegates are proud and interested in the maw KK KKK KKK "BEFORE YOU BUY ... GIVE STARR A TRY" WASH-DAY VALUES x @ Automatic Washers & Dryers @ Wringer Washers UNMATCHED FOR CLEAN, CLEAN WASHES! * --Sunplicihips + x x x ig AUTOMATI Learn, Love and Serve. The|seven. bronze doors, a gift from members were divided into|the Canadian Government. three separate groups to make) The object of the pilgrimage Bible references and comments.|ijs to acquaint the youth of to- The three groups came together day with the operations, aims to report their findings. Refreshments were served by Nations Organizations. Mrs, John Strank and commit- tee. 6TH SCOUT GROUP AUX, | Mrs. Cecil Chatten presided for the regular meeting of the 6th Scout Group Auxiliary The correspondence was read by Mrs, Chatten and the annual|School Association, Mrs. Ernest reports were given. and achievements of the United) It was announced that the next meeting will be held No-| vember 1, at 8.00 p.m. | CONANT H-8 | The annual Cirriculum Night was held at Conant School. The president of the Home and Hilts welcomed the parents and aaj WASHERS & DRYERS Exclusive ! 2 YEARS FREE SERVICE ON DRYERS ONLY Mrs, Frank Crawford installed| presided over a brief meeting. the new officers as follows:| It was decided to have UNI- past-president, Mrs, Cecil Chat-|CEF cans in each class room in- ten; president, Mrs. Allan|stead of the children going from Gibbs; vice-president, Mrs. D./door to door on Hallowe'en. M. Thompson; secretary, Mrs.| mrs. Frederick Britten, coun-| James Gould; treasurer, Mrs./oj] representative, announced a| Rudolph Seitl; press secretary,| coloring contest being held Hal Mrs. John Cook; telephone con-|iowe'en night at the shopping AUTOMATIC WASHER =--MODEL W92 10 Washday Programs to choose from ----- with 3 cycles --- two Speed Fully IHuminated control panel 3 ron 1,00 GIRLS' COTTON BRIEFS, Sizes 4 te 14, Reg. to 59%, ' NS veners, Mrs. William Barber, Mrs. Melvin Shiels, Mrs. Vic-| tor Salik and Mrs, Arthur Neal.| It was announced that the) next meeting would be held in| St. Stephen's United Church par-|), lor November 16, at 8.00 p.m. A social half hour followed. SUNSHINE REBEKAH LODGE N The regular meeting of the Sunshine Rebekah Lodge was! held recently in the IJOOF Lodge) Rooms, with Noble Grand Dor- othy Haley presiding and Vice- Grand Delma Hutchinson assist- | | gz. Lodge opened according to ritual, Visitors were welcomed. Under the direction of the Noble Grand the flag of the country was presented. The Charter was draped in loving memory of a departed member, the late Margaret Henderson. Vice-Grand Delma Hutchinson gave the report on the sick and shutins, regrets were expressed! that several members were con- fined to the hospital. The secretary, PNG Victoria Magee read the correspondence, cards, and invitations, An invitation was received from Whitby to attend a tea and bazaar at 2.30 p.m., Saturday, November 13 in the I00F Lodge Rooms, Brock street south, The annual financial report was given by Estelle Sims. It_was announced that. PNG Trene Willis was appointed Chairman of the CPT Fund, Edna Huband reporting for the CPT Committee said that there were seven hospital beds, one jweight lost during the summer NYLONS Specially Priced LADIES' GLOVES. centre. 3 pr. 1.00 The principal, Mr. Peel, announced that 4 ¢ would be no school October 29 Vinyl--Stretchies----Wool, Reg, to 1.59. ...... 17 as a teachers' institute will be LADIES BLOUSES, 1 99 eld Pees 12 We 20, Ree: B98, ic ccuciscenseses . The attendance banner was Wrens Bek. RG, 0 B98, cs is vccccacnss 1,49 Ledies' PETTI PANTS. won by Mrs, W. Brooking's morning kindergarten class. COTTON BANDEAU By 'FormFit'" A 32-36; B 32-38; C 32-38, Reg, 2,50, ...... 1,50 vos, 149 Donald The following teachers pre- sented their curriculum for the Girls' SEAMLESS LEOTARDS. Sizes 2 to 14. Reg, 2.00. coming year: Kindergarten, FASHIONS SINCE 1867 Mrs, W. Brookling; Grade 1, Mrs, E, Lamb; Grade 1 and2. Mrs. W. Brookling; Grade 2, What do you need to make your home completely Miss Marie Watson; Grade 2, 3, Mrs. G. Bunner; Grade, Mrs, G. Girard; Grade 4 and 5, Mrs. J, vande Ven; Grade 5, Mrs. B. Kern; Grade 6, Mrs, William Hall; Grade 6 and 7, Mr, Paul Macintosh; Grade 7 and 8, Mr. William Finlay, and Mr, Wil- liam Kellington and Mr. Donald) Peel. MOTORCITY STREAMLINER TO The Motorcity Streamliner Tops Club contest for the most won by Evelyn 1514-pound months was Blackthorn with @ loss A contest is on between the Wednesday night Happy Gang Tops and the Motorcity Stream- liner Tops to end November 1. The club losing the most weight will be entertained for an eve- ning by the losing club. A bazaar and rummage sale by the Motorcity Streamliner Tops is being planned It was announced that new members would be welcome warm & comfortable this winter ? A NEW FURNACE? Let Lander-Stark install a new, economical Lennox or Anthes oi! furnace in your home for your everlasting comfort. Terms to suit your budget. QUALITY FUEL OIL? You"re sure of quality with Lander-Stork fuel oil. Reliable, automatic deliveries with free Emergency Service all winter. Caoreiul, | courteous drivers, COMPETENT SERVICE? Fost, radio-controlled heating service by Suedine Car Coots in four lined . . , beige, brown, come! green ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE... LADIES' CAR COATS some with Orlon pile hoods , in finest Holland laminated REGULAR 30.00 our own staff of experienced technicians, Expert, Ask - about our Furnace Ports Replacement Plan. guoranteed workmanship Styles . . . warmly suede + «« what you de need is . sizes 8 t 19: Auth Seg tle, 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 7253581 : Large 12 |b, capacity tub Detergent Saver inlet Bleach dispenser Lint filter eeee#ees AUTOMATIC DRYER MODEL D92 Fully Iluminoted contro! panel EXCLUSIVE clean air filter Convenient Step-on door opener Interior Illumination 2-year service guarantee. Automatic dry & time cycle. Sparkling white poreelain top, AT SAVINGS YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS! Automatic Dryers FREE Model D-72 REG. NOW $1 59 ; Remember , . . you can 5 still get o@ FREE ELECTRIC now $189 199.95 BLANKET , , . @ 29.95 now 8219 TAC TERMS AVAILABLE KKK Kh KKK Automatic Washers ad ii" wow 8959 ,"* son 1299 ww £319 Model D-82 REG, 229.95 Model W-82 REG, 379.95 value when you purchase your Automatic Dryer at Model W-92 nea. STARR ! 399.95 Model D.92 REG, 259.95 WRINGER WASHERS EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEES ASSURES QUALITY PERFORMANCE % 2 Year Service Guarantee on all Wringer Washers % plus 10 Year Additional Guarantee on Main Mechanism % 2 Year Free Service Guarantee On All Simplicity Clothes Dryers EXCLUSIVE WITH Simplicity MODELS PRICED er *iZ5 COME IN AND SEE OUR QUALITY SELECTION NOW AT STARR FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 491 Ritson Road South Phone 723-3343 WHERE YOU CAN SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE KKK KK KKK KKK KKK Kae kkk KKK KK Ae ae ee cL cc LEL LLL SLELSSSLeLLeLE.: