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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Oct 1965, p. 19

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JANE ARDEN MICKEY MOUSE Pp Cc Ri it IW Hil SeAueHT ONY fi 6 WOODLEY'S AGAIN T WANT YOU TO PUNIGH HER@ SHE KNOWG SHE'S NOT ALLOWED © King Festere: StpeBiasin, Yas. 1505. Wari sghes meerved. HE HAP US IN A BIND HE KNEW WE COULONT GENERATE OUR ELECTRICITY WITHOUT IT~ UGH "I HOPE THE FUEL INGIPE 16 A LOT WAS THE LEADER OF A GANG 0. THE | | Rs THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 THAT GRAZING WOUND WOULD (VB COME TO OFFER YOU A VOBs | HI VR. CHALMERS, 74 BEN WaAbe,| DONALD DUCK yh 1. Coffee shops _vetch 6. Roof prop 5, Observe used ina 6. Surfeits coal mine 7. Aspirant 11, Before: to naut, 12. Island off Venezuela 13, Hesitate animal 14, Doctrine 9. Adam's 15. Do wrong son 16.Condition 40. Porta} 17. Thinly 16. Back scattered 18 Game 20. NASA partners project : ime Moon neck 20, High: mus. 21, Of interest to 3 down a throne 8. Under sized Gn OAM PLT IE MER IVIEIO} eJATD IL LE] eae AN @--AwS PIAL MOTORS |le) [SIMIE Iu IA LLINIG] EIAIRIEIDMEGIUISITIS) [AIBISIEINITIEIE! Boe Ah Bn IMIAINI TI UISHME|TIOIN: INIT LMP IRIUINIE) SIE IRIE MALI ITS] spa (RIOTY MEWIETET 27. Open: Yesterday's Answer poet. 29, Ancient 31, Silly 32. Valley 33. Arabian chief. 'worm tain 40, Newsboy's 34. Brazil itinerary: Negro abbr. 36. Custom 37, Food leavings 39. Large 10 80. Peter Snell . Z and Jim 7 Z Ryun $2, Claim as & right YOUR HEALTH In the last two days I've printed letters about mental health, one case that came out well, another that ended in: di- saster, Here are some in-betgveen cases, Dear Dr. Molner: My mother had been sick from nerves for years. No pills or medicine really helped. Last year she had eight shock treatments. The improvement is: amazing. Not long after that she was aken home. She needed sofe- me with her because she felt ort of woozy at first. She had her last treatment in January and she has been fine ver since.--D.8. Shock treatments do help in many cases. (However, they are ot a cure-all for every type of nental illness, by any means.) But this is another case in hich they helped. I also sug- yest that psychiatric treatment, a long time ago, might have Shock Treatments Help Some Cases By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD javoided the need for such strin- gent treatment. When one has been "sick from nerves for years," pills and medicine won't be the answer, so let's not put off psychiatric treatment until drastic measures are needed. Dear Doctor: Last winter my husband went through a clinic. They told him he had nothing wrong with him physically but that he was in a deep depres- sion, How long will this last? \How should it be handled? He had a thyroid operation about five years ago. Could that cause! the problem?--H. W. The thyroid operation five years ago had little and perhaps nothing to do with his depres- sion, It might be that he has not had sufficient treatment sing. After all, the clinic'exam- ination revealed nothing physi- cally wrong, so I assume that his thyroid is all right. So let's forget that. Channei 2-8uftalo Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buffalo Channel 6--Toronte Channel 7--Buffalo Channel &~Rochester Channel %~Toronto Channel 1i--Hamilten carne tec PRIDAY BVEHING 6:00 Pam, 1i--#amlly: Theetre 9--Theatre 2--U.N.C.L. 7--Teenage 4--Teenage i190 b--Spotlight 6--Flipper --Shindig Liheyd un Pm @--Leeve it fo Beever é--Music Hop tet igne Chuck Hesty be 3~Shindig | sen teonid on FM. 1--News om Pe N--Family Theatre Me, 8 #43--News) Weather; Sports __ |N--Outdoors @--Huntley-Brinkley N §--Convoy jews 7--Cheyenne @-Across Canede, on 700 Pe, 1i--Sehnitzel N--Shind| Mar The Flintstones 8--Movie 0 6--News, Weather, P--Reck: ports epee Are Penep 4--Fun To le 3--Comoat 2--Huntley-Brinkley nm Pa. Ni--Man from U.N.C.L.8. 9--Smothers Brothers 7--Flintstones ¢--Addams Femi T~feseye amp Runamuckt 00 Pa. 7--Tammy 63--Get Smart 2--Hank 7 rm 'asper 8-2--Under $3--Tommy Hunter Show 4--Hogan's Heroes $100 Pa %--Movie 7--Honey Weel 6--Friday Movie 4--Tom and 4--Gomer Pyle 3--The Wild Wild West 1--Petticoat Junction 7--Peyton Place Pageant b--Triais of O'Brien 11100 Pa, 6--Superman 1-0 7-4-6-3-2_Newsy Weather Sperte Ws Pa Metro Final Viewpoint ine Pa 1-4--Lete Show é--Night Metre 11s PS Pare owe 1:40 PLM, &Premiere Theetre SATURDAY 100 Aue, T--Matines 2--Funny Co, 2--Porky Pig Lt) lThe Sonins 8--Hercvies Wie A §-2--Secret Squirrel 6--Extension 4--The Wiid Wild West! 7 mighty 'Mouse Play-| bell se 188 A li=John Bradshew Pan 7--The Beasties 1}--Twelve O'Clock Hi 6--Cousin Bill $-3--Bowl! 9A Go-Go ) ai 4--Linus The Lionhearted d--Roller Derby ns Am 9--Pet mee | toe or 6--Robin Hood Quest 8-2--Mr, . Roberts 4--Quick. Draw McGraw [¢-3--Bugs Bunny TELEVISION LOG 4---The Smothers Bros, 10.0 Pa N--The Mery Griffin shew! ®-With You Were Here e. 8-2--The First Look 12:0) ROOM Wrestling Revolution Americe pebupe Sonny &King Leonerde 4--Sky King PM 3--Popeye And Pals On 1290 PA, 9--Theatre 8-2--Exploring J--Milton The Monster é--Tennessee Tuxedo 4--Adventures of Lassie dWhipiash 1 Pa. Western Adventure 68--The Movies J--Hopplty Hopper Wrestling 4--Rural Review Wrestling 1 Pa 7--American Bandstand 4--News ne Pm Uniimited %--Farm and Home Hour | 9--Hi-Time 4--Bewery Beye 8-2--NCAA Football a 63--CFL Football House 4--Flim Feature Playhouse 20 PM 7--Stan Roberts Show a 4Zane Grey Theatre etehip 7 nee Pe oe #--Wrestling 4-Americans Al Work nm Pe 7--Buftalo Bills 4--Barn Dance 40 Pa ll--Canadian College Foot- %--Atter Four @2--NCAA Football 7--Champlonship Bowling "NFL Countdown To Kickoff am Pm li--Hawkeys %--World of Sports &~Sporte Presents 0:00 Pm. Jerry ?--World of Sports ¢3--Forest Rangers 4--Beat The Camp -- Bowling Series. on Pm 1--Johnny 4--Zane Grey Thestre But the depression? Only in the last few years have we begun to recognize its serious- ness. Also recognition of it is one thing, and treatment an- other, Either a psychiatrist, or a physician who has had some specialized training in psychia- tric problems, should take over treatment of such a case, In general, depression does last indefinitely, It can be a hard struggle for a time, but once. fully conquered, it is not likely to return. It seems, in fact, to be an ailment of middle age. Sage When a really serious '"'psy- chiatric depression" develops, there is no home remedy. You can't get anyyvhere by trying to cheer up a person who has skidded into a deep emotional' ditch. He can't cure himself by sheer will power. Yet he can be cured with spe- clalized care, Phone the clinic and say: 'Look, doctor, you said he was in deep depression What should I do? I want my husband to get well, and this re- port of 'depression' doesn't tel me how to proceed. Please ac vise me." I know about the clinic name in the letter, and it is ver good, You'll get an answer. An' your husband will improve. Dear Dr, Molner: Is there an: evidence that with identica twins (or fraternal twins), on: is often sterile?--D. D. M. To L, B. §.: Superficial vein in the legs can often be coag: lated (dried up) by injectior THE OSHAWA TIMES, 19 Fridey, October 29, 1965 E & gis it ge weapon generally opening bid when t genuine interest in = will usually be based on taking values instead of card values. overcall and to pass with less. No useful purpose can be served by bidding diamonds. 2. Pass. It is clear that the opponents have the better hands and cannot be successfully out- bid. It would be futile and dan- gerous to bid three clubs. Part- ner's spade overcall warns us of the danger of a misfit and the best thing to do is to remain silent. 3. Two spades, It is unusual to raise partner with only two trumps, but there is no better bid available. The Q-J are ade- quate support opposite an over- call, since the odds heavily favor partner's ha a six- card suit for his bid, If partner had only five spades, they would have to be headed by the A-K to meet the safety requirements for an overcall; it partner lacks the ace or king, he is extremely likely to have a six-card suit. 4, Four spades, It would be wrong to bid three spades in the hope that partner can carry on to four, Our hand figures te make at least ten tricks oppo site a spade overcall, even if the overcall was of the mini- mum class, North must have had some reason for bidding a spade, and, while we can't tell whether his overcall was based on high cards or distribution, or both, we still must bid game if only for the reason that ten tricks are likely to be made, To do less would show an utter lack of confidence in partner. A Defense For Contraceptives TORONTO (CP)--Mrs. G. W. Cadbury, executive director for Toronto Planned Parenthood, said Wednesday contraceptives can't be blamed for the prom- iscuity of the Western World. "Cars have been blamed for providing an environment for promiscuity, but we don't get rid of the cars," she said. She criticized Canada, the Pope and the World Health Or- ganization for failing to sup- port an international program of birth control. She spoke as a member'of a panel discussing: world popula. tion growth, part of the ob- servances marking the United Nations' 20th anniversary, TWO DISAGREE Two other panel members, Ali Tayyeb, and M. H. Watkins, both of the University of Tor- onto, disagreed with her. They said research and his- toric precedent indicate that in the long view the high birth rate in. underdeveloped coun- tries will level off, and that technological developments will make it possible to provide enough food to feed vast popu- lations, Moderator William Woodside replied that this was an opti- mistic, not a realistic view. He said famine is already a prob- lem in many countries. By 1970, 6,000,000,000 humans will have to be fed. DANCED ALL DAY PEMBROKE, Ont. (CP)--Joe Jones, 68, recently moved to Sudbury and left this Ottawa valley town without a cham- pion fiddler. Known throughout the valley, Joe used to fiddle and step-dance for 24 hours at county contests, "I can play Home Sweet Home so well, you can see the house," says the loquacious veteran. SALLY'S SALLIES Sv be I don't want anything too alluring. I have my owa on and I'd certainly go along wit your doctor's suggestion. peracnality you know."

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