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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Oct 1965, p. 11

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DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports. submitted by their secretaries. WESTMOUNT UCW The regular meeting of the Westmount United Church Women was held in the Sunday school auditorium, and a pot- the congregation was enjoyed. In the absence of the presi- dent, Mrs. Percy Neal, Mrs. Harry. Bennett welcomed the members and the visitors and opened the meeting. with a held ai Cowan ° Hoiise. president, Mrs. A, W. Bunker, welcomed the members. Martin Ostler and Mrs. F. D. Mothersill read poems written luck supper for the women of|by a relative of Mrs. Mother- sill, which were much enjoyed. apreinted the conveners for the group's stall at the Guild. Christmas bazaar to be held, November 20: for ne Mrs. bers. A guest was welcomed by; ithe regent. The secretary, Mrs. Edward L. Disney, read correspondence which included an_ invitation from the University Women's Club to attend the Canadian Players Production of 'The Im- portance of Being Ernest'; an invitation .from the Viscount Greenwood Chapter, IODE, to attend their bridge party and an announcement that the blood donors clinic would be held on November 4. The regent and Mrs. D. A. Brown gave a brief report on the highlights of the recent semi-annual Provincial meeting ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers; You've written some mighty good ad-| vice for teen-agers in the past and now I hope you will do one more thing. Please write a booklet on manners for teen- age boys. Good Manners Make The Man inion?--Lover of Art, Not Gar-|@nd try to get some relaxation. Thank your mother-in-law for the gift and tell her you will hang it when you and your husband agree on a "suitable place." THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, October 30, 1968] THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW your horoscope indicates that: decisions you make during the- next five months could have. far - reaching effects -- espe-. Sunday's horoscope promises Bia pleasant day. Especially {s- vored are creative interests, so- cial gatherings and family mat- ters. If possible, forget business cially from a financial standé poini. A '\FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, you should find the year ahead marked by unusual progress. As of Monday, you will enter an ex- cellent five-month cycle where finances are concerned and if 24 hours listening 2 sewing and fancy-work, Miss on your home station Dulcie Miller and Mrs. John Smith; for home bsking, Mrs. Fred Gunn and Mrs, Percy Broadbent. An antique table is to be held at the bazaar and members -were asked io take any articles into the November 1 Guild meeting. It was proposed by the Guild that the annual Christmas din- they attended in Niagara Falls. _ The educational 'secretary, Mrs. Snow, announced that the 1966 calendars had been re- ceived and were to be distribut- ed to the schools in the near future, Also mentioned was the commenc exer- cises to be held at Central Col- legiate, November 13, at which time IODE awards would be ner be held at the parish hall,/presented to the winning stu- December 6; ten members of/dents. A discussion regarding the group hope tc 2*tand. ithe Christmas parcels for the The executive of the group were returned for one nore year as follows: Mrs, A. W. Bunker, president; Mrs. Martin Ostler, vice-president; Mrs. FE. 0. Stauffer, secretary; and Miss Peggy Jackson, treasurer. Mrs. Peter Syperek is to If you cannot agree on a suit- able place you will, of course never hang it. Dear Ann Landers: Please help me figure something out, I am mystified. My brother|July. Be especially careful of married later in life than most|spending during the first two men. The woman is a pridow|weeks in April, in mid-May and about 38 years old and she is ajearly June. The entire month delightful, gracious person. But|of September will also be good Ann, She gets absolutely stoned|for monetary matters, as will on one drink. Is this possible?|late October. Best periods for Nobody can figure it out. job advancement: Late Decem- When she arrived at our home|ber, January, late April and) Sunday for dinner she wasilate October, of 1966. | charm itself -- lovely, bright-| Along personal lines: Look) eyed and bubbling over with/for interesting romantic devel- witty conversation. opments in January, May, late Then she had a cocktail--just|June and late July; toward lone--and within 10 minutes she|stimulating social activities and was drunk as a skunk. Whenjopportunities to travel during) dinner was announced. she|the next two months, in July} walked straight into the clothes|and September, of next year. This may sound like a silly request but honestly, Ann, boys need help with manners just as much as girls--maybe even more. My best friend and I de- cided to teach our boy friends a few of the everyday courtesies and it has made all the differ- ence in the world. Now they open the car doors for us, help us with our coats and stand up when an adult comes into the réom. Chapters adopted schools waslteonaze ite ete hi ee held and the secretary willis hecause they just don't know write the teachers asking forjany better. How about that suggestions. A letter from aly, (ie 4 * bursary student, thanking alee -- members for assistance in his| bewnet studies, was read. igestion under One of These In the absence of the SeIV-|Days, At the moment I'm poem "Pray Without Ceasing," by June N. Jarvis. For the devotional period Mrs. John Colley chose an article from the United Church Ob- server, 'Some Rightness in. the Dirty War." Mrs. Harry Bennett conduct- ed 'the business meeting and announced the bazaar was to be called 'Christmas Fan- tasy" and would be held Wed- nesday, November 24, at 7.30 you don't, in a spirit of optim- ism, splurge extravatantly, you should find your accounts in a very healthy state by early p.m. Mrs. Gordon Brown and Mrs. G. D. Dunne are the convenors and the members in charge of |the booths are: Christmas nov- jelties, Mrs. John Harris and |Mrs. Harry Bennett; needle- |work and crochet, Mrs. Rupert in marriage to Robert Paul Bridgman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bridgman, Toronto. Eaton's Portrait Studio IN A PRETTY Autumn wedding in St. Leonard's Anglican Church, Toronto, Margaret Edith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eder, Oshawa, was united WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Dear Love; I'll file your sug- The New Fred Reilly Show Mon. Through Set. Daily 10 «.m, to 2 p.m, | Following the lucky draw 1350 RADIO Canadian Pacific Airlines : Canada's gateway to all the world. | EAane: FE PRESERVER Place several paper towels under the rack you're cooling a Get away from that same old "down south" fe Harrison; aprons, Mrs. E. A. undertake some of Mrs. Ostler's|; : . Os ices at home and abr P0N-} « saris Small; candy, Mrs. Kenneth duties during the winter while|yener, Mrs. R. _- Heagte, swamped, Sugar. A low bow tolcloset. There's possibility of a change ich ng home 'baking, MTS./she is vacationing in the south.|was suggested by Mrs. C. J./hoy = ons were your! A similar thing happened atin your home environment in Bari bes pod pirci, sg The hostesses were Mrs.|Higgs that $60. be sent for the| day pacar . 5 of every-\my sister's house last week. WejJuly, but one which should) James § s tes , Mrs.\~ ©, Mothersill and Mrs.'Chapter's adopted Greek boy. It 8. cannot figure our how a person|make you happier for years to) K enneth MeWilliams, Mrs. \ogtier. was decided that the Chapter I hope other girls who readjcan get so loaded on one cock-|come. | |Keith Peters | and Mrs, John : ree would purchase a wreath from|this will follow your example. |tail. What do you make of it?) A child born on this day will Colley; knitting, Mrs. Irvine BETA SIGMA PHI lthe Veterans' Association for\4 Sit! who is interested enough|--Inquiring Sisters be clever, ingenious and very) drs Rupert Harrison, led in| Gay (Costumes vgresied the|Remembrance Day, November/tt 0 84 compliment --and she! whe py ros oy "a oto sos lmniaers se Mrs. ' 7a) 8 8g 11 --and she|who gets plastered "a - . mss ' ; several games to close the eve-rushees.to. Delta Sigma Chap- does him an enormous favor. |den" has had a_ head start DAY AFTER TOMORROW Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding ning. ter of ava oo ie Ot abies eer Gah Gy WA Dear Ann Landers: My|Somewhere else. However, some| Jmportant matters are des-| record is facilitated by submitting the completed form an¢é | ¢NQX AFTERNOON AUX. = of ve re Psa Walle : s won by Mrs. A. L.\mother-in-law gave us a paint-/People cannot tolerate even one|tined to move at high tempo on) a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as The regular monthly meeting cai e oe ah) a s. aor beg a new member, Mrs.|ing for our anniversary. I know/dtink without falling on their| Monday, with promise of attain-| possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the (of the Afternoon Auxiliary of Mrs' sta an © ic euests.R. F. Kelly, was installed intol good and well that piece of junkifaces--and your broshet's wife ment of cherished goals and| : : vg ; : Mrs, Stanley Wilson, Miss Lindaline chapter b |may well be one of these. | i | names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the Knox Presbyterian Church was! Fralick and Miss Janet Alchorn the ¢' acho jhas ste aoe gprs al -- BE son te eee Me! Rape | 5 : B held recently with Mrs. Donald)... nad " '| Mrs. §. A. Willson, convener|Six years. It's a monstrosity sonal desire. Do your best on social editor either before or the day after the wedding. |Polson, the 1st vice-president, an fet fay Ne on cae fo of the recently held Members|t h at look like a vacuum) this generous day. | |presiding and opening the meet- y ny Hs pants/p all, gave a report on the suc-\sweeper having its tonsils re-| If Monday is your birthday,| \F » 3 but provided the neighbors with . d B km Ed ing with a poem entitled "'The|, jittle pre-Hallowe'en enter.(cess of the dance and thanked|moved. When I opened the car-) TOC an-Lder Second Mile." satnnienk iy "'lall the members who had work-|ton our four-year-old became) i sae coe ' kirts and\, ite devotion period was.led 4 Beta sigma Phi bingo fol ed on her committee. frightened and began to cry. | 4 eonard's Anglican|shell peau de soie skirts and py the president, Mrs. J. A., * sigma Jol.) ji Bamtmee| I " tt h | Church, Toronto, was the set-|they carried bouquets of shasta Sintec luwed during which the various], Mitered : co age thing tn our base ae pope ting for the marriage of|chrysanthemums in Autumn" 'Tne nominating committee aditions and functions of the}so.'. Christmas dinner party to|says his mother will be terribly Margaret Edith, daughter of Mr.|shades. Beit ; sorority were explained. | ; dl 'fad ts : A A iiss. Chases Haak. Och. (° The beat me Mr. Bruce\W88 appointed and Mrs. Ger-| Miss' Diane Piatti and Miss|2® held in December and Mrs.| urt if we don't hang it and he ani rs. aries Eder, Osh-| e best man was Mr. Bruceitiiae Beecroft will stand forjm... t _MISS'p s. Jones offered her home/|does not want to risk offending awa, to Robert Paul Bridgman,/Godwin, Toronto, and those! joction Soiaeet boven will assist atl). the November meeting lher. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.jushering were Mr. Grant Bridg- 4 Ulsdale Manor. é Heel tints ; : Bridgman, Toronto. The deverlnse: Mr. John Maxwell and Mr. The topic for the afternoon' pizza and punch were served The regent announced she had) I think it was a dirty trick to) W end C. M. Andrews officiated. (Karl Eder, all of Toronto was given by Mrs. Jack Taylorjatter the closing ritual. It was|#ttended the Oshawa Centennial sanele (Os. With &. picture. she ig ' tell ote Someeonie : sing the theme 'Mission on APN eae x *\committee meeting recently and|didn't want to hang in her own Given in marriage by her| The reception was held at the USing + m announced that the next meet- . j i * . Our Doorste and '"Today's); lall the members were asked|home. It was also cheap of her father, the. bride wore a formal/Thornhill Golf and Country P Y Sling would be held at the home ; "'Concern for Those Who Come ' lto present ideas at the Novem-|to send us something she hadjcake on. It absorbs the steam, white satin peau de soie gown|Club, where the bride's mother of Mrs, IL s | A rere ri with a lace panel yp the|received wearing a dusty rose 4nd Go." - ae en ae meeting for a chapter pro-|sitting around, What is your op-'prevents sogginess. Fernhill boulevard. le e hi front and a matching laceldress, assisted by the bride-| A letter was read from Miss i ject to celebrate Canada's birth- train. A- large self rose heldigroom's mother, in dark green. Catherine Polson, one of the) GOLDEN JUBILEE day. N OW her shoulder-length veil of tulle/Both wore an orchid corsage. local missionaries in India. : IODE-- and she carried a bouquet of} As the couple left for a honey-, Refreshments were served. Bair ag meeting of Gold- white and pale orange roses. j|moon in the Adirondacks, the SHOP ii en Jubilee Chapter, IODE, was The maid of honor was Miss|bride was wearing a turquoise| ST. GEORGES WOMEN'S jheld recently, at the home of Janice Boyer and the brides-jand gray wool tweed suit, silk! GUILD Mrs, E. R. Snow, Clairlyn street, (Westmount Group) another maids were Miss Gwen Boydjbloise, white hat and black) |Pickering. The regent, Mrs. and Miss Moira McAnuff, alllaccessories. On their return,| The regular meeting of the|J. A. Vivash, opened the \meet- Group of Specialists in; Family Portraiture Wedding Photography of Toronto. They were dressed|Mr. and Mrs. Bridgman will) Westmount St./ing and thanked the hostess for Custom Framing alike in formal gowns | George's Women's Guild was opening her home to the mem-| INTRODUCTORY OFFER with|make their home at 1230 York green velevet bodices and egg-|Mills road, Toronto. -- 8 miniature 16 miniature portraits portraits 1.00 1/o GIVE THE PRICELESS GIFT -- A PORTRAIT From the Cameras of H.-E. STILLWELL-STUDIOS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4801 also Don Mills 444-7231 and Guelph CH. PORTRAITS @ Children " OPENING SPECIAL 8 for 1.00---16 for 1.75 H. E. Stillwell Studios Oshowe Shopping Centre 728-4801 Family Ete, |check the opinion of a good pat- ent counsel to see whether the idea is saleable and market- able. "Writing to manufacturers jshould not be ruled out com- pletely by would-be inventors," : 4 continued Shashoua, "but large \the recent exhibition, Shashoua/firms cannot always give he Patent Marketing Organization To Aid And Protect Inventors By ROBERTA ROESCH Ever since I published a col-jhas served 13,000 inventors, 40,-|; ti i ; x umn for would-be toy inventors] 00 companies and inventors in es a care "a rhe my desk has been a meeting|26 countries. A young man him-| vention place for letters from many/jself (with no one on his staff| people age nora aed new prod-|over 27), Shashoua is espe- ucts who don't know what tojcially interested in young i | do about them. people who are trying to wor! - oo i Bo _-- -- "Is there any opportunity forjout inventions for tomorrow's|write directly to the pide independent investors?" as k| world. Consequently he has set|/should write to the "dipeeton et some. "Do we write to manu-jup an annual scholarship fund new products and planning." facturers?" quary others. "How|of $10,000 to support.and fi-| As for any ace ee do we know to whom to address|nance the ideas of promising in-|ideas will not be stolen. Sh : our letters?' inquiries another) ventors. avte points out that i wy group. "And what guarantee do) His Institute does not charge|standably. there can. a al we have that our ideas won't\a-fee for assistance to invent- guarantee of' that i a Y ~ be stolen?"' question still more/ors. for marketing their-patents.itirms have - depart : Ee silat men and women? Instead the manufacturer is| cially set up ter toa orantinn of I obtained some answers to|Charged when the deal is con-inew products and for officers those questions at a recent in-/Summated whose advancement depends on ventors and new products exhi-| In answer to the questions|the contribution of new. prod- bition when I posed this list of/MY readers have been asking! ycts, . queries to a 25-year-old Egyp- Shashoua has this to say: i ce tian, Roger S. Shashoua, who Ask FOR SEARCH has formed a patent marketing) "When you have an idea for organization to aid inventors ina new product, seek out a re- marketing their ideas \liable patent law firm and ask As director of The Interna-|the firm to put on a search to tional Institute for Patented|see if your idea is _patent- Products, Ltd., and sponsor ofiable. If the answer is positive, never reaches the right person. That's why an inven- tor's best friend can be a pat- INTERIOR DECORATOR PURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 Madeira or the sunny Canary Islands. This is the year to get yourself out of that holiday rut... especially when you can enjoy sumy southern Europe for so little cost. . suis here Corea Ineir sokaaet paenanaen scenic ' parks an the island; and the lei ; of the ch: of Funehal will ba yeni -- sroing cy The Canary Islands are famous for beaches, bays and sparkling blue water. Sport fishing is a ee time; and the golfer will find magnificent conrses gently rolling countryside, Madeira--13 days--$166.50 plus air fare (includes 8 days in Lisbon). = ilaeagaad plus air fare (ite OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE WILL BE OUT oF BUSINESS THREE DAYS ONLY MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER Ist - 2nd - 3rd FOR INVENTORY TAKING THEY WILL RE-OPEN THURS. NOV. 4th Watch Wednesday's Paper For Stupendous Opening Values Canary Islands--12 cludes 2 days in Madrid). Pay just 10% of your tour and air fare now, the balance over 24 months, For details, mail the coupon, call desniaa Tadtactin esi. SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT ...and "Canadian Gacific > (CANADIAN PACIFIC~ TRAINS / TRUCKS / SHIPS / PLANES / HOTELS / TELECOMMUNICATIONS WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM OSHAWA'S NEWEST CLUB "North Oshawa Ballroom Dancing Club" For a limited number of people who have already received a basic course in Modern and Latin American dancing who wish to progress on an and basis. Tour Director, Canadian ian Pacific Airlines, -- » $281 W, Georgia, Vancouver, B.C. : : ease send me fnil details on low cost: "Madeira and the Canary Islands. -- instructional social CHA-CHA, SWING, SAMBA, WALTZ, FOXTROT, ETC. Professional Instruction CLUB MEETS EVERY MONDAY 8:30 P.M, AT THE NORTH OSHAWA NEIGHBOURHOOD ASSOCIATION COMMUNITY CENTRE For Reservation and Information Call DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY --- BROOKLIN 104 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY PHONE 668-8867 For Travel Information Call or See FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 728-6201 For information contact: Mr. A, Berry, Pres..... 723-9376 Mr. J. Wilson, Secty.. .. . .728-5071 Recreation Department........725-1111 57 KING ST, E. saaee Call Now For Complete Travel Arrangements MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 25 KING ST. E., OSHAWA Phone 723-7001 Another club affiliated with the Oshawa Recreation Department

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