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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Oct 1965, p. 12

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12. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 30, 1965 NEWS FROM THE CHURCHES Trinity United Church Has 130th Birthday congregation of Trinity uated Church, Bowmanville, will observe the 130th anniver- sany of the church with special services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. this Sunday. The present minister, Rev. George K. Ward, who came to the church in September last, will be the preacher. The choir, upder the direction of Arthur Collison, MusBac., LRSM, will render special music, Trinity Church embodies the history of Methodism in Bow- manyille. One of the first meet- ing places was the chapel on the West Hill which was dedi- cated by Rev. Egerton Ryerson in. 1839. Nine years later a new church was built on the site of the present church. In 1856 a Sunday School was added and a parsonage built. In 1870 a new church was built seating 650 people, and in 1890 Trinity Church was enlarged to its present size. The congregation has a rich tradition of service to God and the community. Two brothers, Revs. W. A. Bunner and J. W. Bunner, entered the ministry of the Methodist Church out of the fellowship of Trinity Church. Under the United Church of Canada, Trinity has produced five ministers -- Rev. E. S. Col- well, of Coe Hill, Ont.; Rev. C. H. Ferguson, secretary of Boys' Work, Board of Christian Education, Toronto; Rev. F. M. Ferguson, of Toronto; Rev. Dr. S. L. Osborne, principal of the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby and Rev, H. W. Pointen, of Ottawa. Miss Marilyn Vrooman is also taking the deaconess course at Covenant College, Toronto. sons to read and write in order CHARLES DIXON The fourth in the series of talks on the theme "Building Your Marriage," sponsored by the Inner City Council of Osh- awa United Churches, will be held Nov. 2 in St. Andrew's United Church. | 'The leader of the discussion on the subject 'Probing the Psyche" will be Charles Dixon, supervisor of social work at the Ontario Hospital in Whitby. His theme will be "The Dynamics of Successful Marriage in Mod- ern Life." Mr. Dixon has a master of| social work degree from the University of Ottawa. Prior to his appointment to the Ontario Hospital, he was the assistant professor. of. Sociology .at. Lau- rentian University, Sudbury. The Choir of St. George's Memorial Anglican Church will sing specially. prepared music for the keeping of the first Evensong of All Saints' Day, which falls on Nov. 1, at the 7 p.m. service on Sunday. HEAR The Back to the Bible Broadcast DAILY Mon. to Sat. 9:30 -.10:00 a.m. 1350 There will be a special serv- ice of Holy Communion at 10 a.m. Monday to commemorate the faithful departed of the par- ish. On Sunday morning the rector will preach a sermon on the important and controver- sia) subject of "The Church and Birth Control." An open meeting of Oshawa Presbytery of the United Church of Canada was. held Wednesday evening at North- minster United Church for the purpose of discussing the prin- ciples of union between the Anglican and United Churches. Rev. P. Romeril, of Black- stock, acted as chairman, The discussion was led by Rev. R. B. Craig, of Trinity United Church, Peterborough, who is a member of the' committee on church union. The discussion gaye church members the opportunity to learn what progress had been made towards union of the two erate the program during its annual meeting this week in Toronto. Some of the member churches of the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in this area are: Calvary, Emmanuel and Gibbons Street Baptist Churches, Oshawa; Bowman- ville Baptist Church, Faith Baptist Church, Whitby; Port Perry Baptist Church and Meadowcrest Baptist Church, Brooklin. Rev. J. Watt, convention sec- retary, insisted that the Bap- tists could play a vital role in French Canada. "Our mission," he declared, "is not to Angli- cize; it is to evangelize. We re- spect the predominant French culture and language. Our mes- sage is for our fellow Canadians of French origin as well as-for the English majority." | The evangelical Baptists have a missionary force of 20 full time workers in French Canada. BROUGHAM (TC) -- Officers of Joy Rebekah Lodge, No. 355, were installed by District Dep- uty Sister Jean Ellicott, assist- ed by Deputy Marshall Sister Leala Beer and the installa- tion staff. | The officers are: junior past noble grand, Sister Louise Pil- key; noble grand, Sister Es- ther Clodd; vice grand, Sister Leala Beer; recording secre- tary, Sister Barbara Pascoe; financial secretary, Sister Mar- jorie Tweedie; treasurer, Sister Shirley Knox; Warden, Sister Florence El- licott; conductor, Sister Elinor Ellicott; chaplain, Sister Eve- lyn Surplis; musician, Sister Gertrude Willson; color bearer, Sister Verna Miller; RSNG, Sis- ter Irene Philip; LSNG, Sister Ruth. Murray; RSVG, Sister El- sie Phillips; LSVG, Sister Hilda Bowler; inside guard, Sister Rose Kelly; outside guard, Sis- ter Barbara Beelby. Committees are: Trustees -- Sisters Joyce Wan- nop, Evelyn Surplis and Flor- ence Ellicott; covenant -- Sis- ters and Manson Ellicott; nance -- Sisters Irene Philip, Willson; membership -- Sisters ters Isabel Annis, Irene Masters churches. | MRS, F. W. E. ROFFE | One of the missionaries fea-| They have established 17 French language churches and operate) a chain of nine weekly French} radio broadcasts. Rev. Murray} Heron of Noranda, a native of} the Oshawa area, conducts a monthly French language tele-| cast for the Baptists. | The United Church of Can-| Marjorie Tweedie, Carol Camp- bell, Shirley Knox, Irene Knox and Parbara Johanson; prop- erty -- Sisters Florence Ellicott Peggy Campbell and Ruth Mur. ray; benevolent -- Sisters Lou Pilkey, Alan Ellicott; visiting -- Sisters Lee Beer, Lou Pilkey, Barbara Johanson, Gertrude Brougham Rebekah Lodge Installs Its New Officers Graht Williams, co-presi- dent; Maryanne Yernon, secre- tary; Dale Beare, treasurer. Miss Louise Hart, co-ordinator! of Volunteer Services at the On- tario Hospital, Whitby, ex- plained the needs of the patients at the club's October meeting. The club plans to present a pro- gram at the hospital early in 1966. John Purdy will present a con- cert on Nov, 10 and on Dec, 1 Mrs. Ray Litt will deliver a talk. The Ontario Hydro Singers, a Toronto choral group, will also present a concert for the club. MYRTLE (TC) -- The United Church Women plan to hold their annual meeting Nov. 10 at the home of Mrs. McCulloch in the form of a pot luck supper. Assisting in the October meeting were Mrs. Rodd, Mrs.Downey and Mrs, Eyers, dent; fi-| the 14 non-operating railway un- Eight Non-Ops Bolt Committee MONTREAL (CP)--Eight of | ions which have negotiated as a group with Canadian railways since 1943 pulled out of the con-| sortium Thursday. \ The eight unions are those of; skilled trades such as plumbers, machinists; sheet metal work- ers, carmen, foundry and elec-| trical workers, boilermakers and blacksmiths. They will ne- Whitby Company Incorporated OTTAWA (Special) -- A new private company with head of- fice in Whitby, has received its letters patent from the Secre- tary of State for Canada, it is revealed in the current edition of The Canada Gazette. Seaway Motors (1965) Limited is being incorporated by Ber- nard Bruce Lockwood, John Murray Hodgson, John Roy Weir and Barbara Joan Mc- Geown. ; Authorized capital is 80,000 6 per cent cumulative first pre- ferred shares of $1 par value each, 80,000 cumulative second preferred shares of $1 par value each, 800 6 per cent non cumu- lative third preferred shares of $100 par value each and 400 common shares of $100 par value each. BOWLING NEWS WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S BOWLING LBAGUB (Thursday Nite Section Team Standing and Points -- Legion No, 2 14, County Bowl 14, Ken Smith Con- struction 13, Goold's Furniture 12, Fire Dept. "A" 12, Firemen 12, Ottenbrites 9, Lucky Strikes 9, Legionnaires 8, Red Wings 8, Post Office 8, Knights of Colum- bus 7, Jets 7, Legion Old Sweats 6, Fire Dept. "B" 4, Walden Bros, 1, Triples 650 and over -- Dick Adams 761 (343), Marty Jordan 755 (286), G Deteh 733 (277, 266), Merle Reeson (284), Des Denyer 690, Keith MacDonald 658, Elmer Archer 695 (270), John Mclivor 691 (264), Roger Reeson 669 (266), Frank Basierek 693, Bill Wright 738 (265, 286), Harvey Attwood 677 (264), Warren Wat- json 693 (260), WHITBY MONDAY MIXED LEAGUE Team Standings -- Headpins 29, Wood- peckers 29, Neighbours 28, Rockets 26, County Bow! 24, Poker Chips 21, Lucky Thirteens 20, Whitby Cleaners 19, Blow- ers 16, Crackpots 16, G-B-Jays 15, Sleep- ers 12, Ringers 12, Nit Wits 11, Wobbly Pins 7, Sabre Jets 2. ada, through its Committee on| Willson, Hilda Bowler, Ruth Overseas Relief and Inter-|Hay and Barbara Pascoe; CPT Church Aid, has granted $10,000|\-- Sisters Don Beer, Jean Elli- to aid refugees in north andjcott and Alan Pilkey; press -- south Viet Nam. Florence Ellicott and Isabel The church will send the|Annis; team chaplain, Florence money to the World Council of| Ellicott. : Churches, Geneva, for distribu-| St. John's United Church will tion by the East Asia Christian |}Observe its 75th anniversary at Conference, the regional body of|2.30 p.m, Oct. 31 with Dr. S. churches and church agencies, | Hillier of Claremont Baptist Other grants approved by the} a United Church's Committee in-|and Mrs. D. Milne will be the clude $5,000 for Korean re-|SOloists. lief, $1,000 for secondary) Members of the UCW are ask- school bursaries for African|¢d to leave good used clothing children in Rhodesia, $2,000 for|for @ bale at the home of Mrs. churches in Cuba and $10,000/K. Pascoe, for the 7,000,000 people in Paki-| Rev. Mr. Cresswell is holding stan made homeless by the|# Membership class for young flood of last may ($3,000 was|People. sent by the United Church at) that time) and India-Pakistan|Cubs will hold an Apple Day Churfh as speaker, Paul White | The First Brock Scouts and gotiate as a group, leaving the! Tripies over 600 -- Hib Mader 738 (208, other six to negotiate as a/ 297, 233), Doug Rowden 717 (249, 282, 186), |Earl Smith 710 (217, 201, 292), Merv. group. . | Bemis 693 (214, 262, 217), Marty Jordan The reason for the pull-out is} «90 (6 207), Cyril Garratt 688 (286, 223), id. 'We| Ron Childs 658 (253, 222), Chuck Gill 645 jwages, a spokesman said. "Wel (70), "Clare Holter 640 (245, 230), Mickey now find that the skilled trades| McMaster 631 (237, 238), Paul Frank 627 _, are not able to bring wages ach ag A ou Denver. $17 (230), Jenny and conditions up to a par with] (39)° cn eee men those in outside industries. |. Singles over 200 -- Harvey Roberts 241, The eight trades include 28,-|Noei Edey 239, Rite Cane 238, Keith | | | | |000 men. 233, Sam Peake 233, Chris Adair 231, | Marg. Pascoe 230, 228, Vern Brooks 226, 213, Jane Hamer 225, Jerry Hamer 225, Top Price Paid Doug Puckrin 224, Georgina Nimegeers For Sweet Bully 221, Ruth Frank 220, Judy Brooks 218, | TORONTO (CP) Sweet) tord 200, Peake 202, Ron Adair 200, Grace Sand- Laundry 238, Allce Hewis 236, Don Grant | Assessor Says "Speculators" Avoiding Taxes An assessment "monster" has been let loose by the provincial government, says Gordon Hep- ditch, Ontario County assessor. He was referring, in an inter- view today, to government leg- islation enacted several years ago which gave tax relief to farmers by permitting their lands to be assessed at less than actual value. Mr, Hepditch said land specu- lators, posing as farmers, as well as legitimate farmers, have been able to benefit by the legislation. "In my opinion the govern- ment has opened the door to tax avoidance for these land speculators," said the county assessor. He said a recent Court of Ap- peal decision based on the leg- islation cut assessment on a 300- acre parcel of land in Pickering Township to $50 per acre. Mr. Hepditch said the land, which cost $230,000, is being lassessed at about 6.5 per cent or/of its actual value while most lpersons who own residential land in the county are being assessed at about one-third of| the land's value. The county assessor termed} \the legislation "hidden because lit involves assessment and not taxes. He said many people, not knowledgeable about assess- ment, woud sit up and take if the reductions for HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A., 8.0., Minister Mrs. Marie Taylor, A.R.C.T. (Piano and Organ), R.M.T. Organist and Choirmaster notice 9:45 A.M.--Sunday Schoo! Tiny Tots Classes 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP | SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM | A Hearty Welcome te All. mith 210, Fred Lanos 209, Verna Sand- ford 204, Marg. Treffers 204, Richard Sandford 204, Jenny Fowler uu |Kisco Kid, brought the top price| jof $4,100 Friday at the Canadian |Thoroughbred Horse Society Gene Sandison 216, 200, Carl Pascoe 215, |Bully, a half-sister to the U.S.) CENTRE STREET re Pascoe 213, Millle Peggs 212, Marg. land Canadian stakes winner) Corner King UNITED CHURCH and Centre St. 11:00 A.M.--Kindergarten ond | war refugees. Oct. 30. REV, ARTHUR W, MAGEE--MINISTER land scripture portions. tured in the Annual Missionary) phe Lesson-Sermon in Chris-| Convention being held at ait tian Science churches this Sun-| Christian and Missionary A 'lday points out some of the| oat gsetgg spo ggg in which the statement, Sy eaiageab Aiken : "\"Whom the Lord Loveth he vention opens Oct. 31 and con-| .hasteneth" (Hebrews 12:6), --_ ee oe as husband, Comes, true in the lives of peo-| had been a missionary in Wert feuuue Becneeeeet Bvery| Africa since 1929. The Roffes| . have undertaken a variety of missionary tasks during their GIVE LOOT FIGURE six terms in Africa. | SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP)--Po-| They have taught many Per-|iice said Thursday the thieves to carry on Christian evange-|Who used a .20-mm cannon in lism and, on their last term,|& daring weekend robbery at opened a Bible book store in|the Brinks, Inc., office here es-| Sikasso, Republic of Mali, yor caped with $415,998.28 in cash| commissioned a national col- and cheques. The loot included r to give full time to the revmyede Sistribution of Bible -- in coins and cur-| | Canadian Baptists are em- barking on a stepped-up pro- gram of French evangelism. The fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada this week heard reports of the de- nomination's activities in Que-| bec. The group voted to accel-| | i] | UNITED SPIRITUALIST | CHURCH OF ONTARIO Drange Temple Bruce St., Oshawa (Upstairs) A Religion for Today's World SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31st 2:30 P.M. HEALING and MESSAGES ; P.M DIVINE SERVICE Speaker: GARNET STEVES Message Beorer: Mrs. B. Ferguson New Friends Welcome In the language of our time Te the people of our time Concerning problems of our time To Unitarians, all doctrine and belief must stand the test of enlightened reason. While not discarding the tested truths of tradition, it keeps abreast of modern knowledge. Pushing aside the veils of creed and dogma, Unitarians enlist the support of education and science that man may better understand and cooperate with his fellow man. HARMONY ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 135 Harmony Rd. South Pastor Wm. J. D. Lewis 9:45 A.M. Sunday School OCTOBER 3lst 11:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M "THE MODERN CHRISTIAN AND SUNDAY MR, WENDELL BREWSTER Chairman: of the Social Council for Oshawa and Director of the Oshawa Recreations! Centre UNITARIAN Planning "Diseover tne Difference" Temporery Ploce of Worship: (Corner Rossland ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH PASTOR: REV, D. N. HABERMEHL, B.A., M.Th. FELLOWSHIP O.R.C. Building 100 Gibb St DR. S. J. PHILLIPS SCHOOL sale, Sweet Bully was bought by James Sabiston of Unionville, sumed its activities with Mr.|/Ont. She was consigned by H. and Mrs. Ellsworth Kennedy as/E. Close of Buffalo. counsellors. The group has 38| A total of 106 thoroughbreds) members. The executive in-|were sold at the auction for a) cludes: Gayle Wright, presi-'total of $109,650. | FREE METHODIST CHURCH : Erie St., off Simcoe S. Minister: Rey. C, M. Bright |) (Next after Bloor St.) Phone: 725-3872 PORT PERRY (TC) -- The| Port Perry Hi-C Group has re- | Interim Organist Mrs. Mabel Joyce "CHRISTIAN The Friendly Family Church 9:45 A.M, -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. ATTITUDES" Speaker: MR. STEPHEN SAYWELL Core provided for babies and smal! children during the service. at the Centre of the City. 10:00 A.\M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. MR, PAUL POWERS will be speaking at both services in a Youth Week-end, Mr. Powers was converted from a life of crime and now works with troubled young people. | 6:00 P.M.--F.M.Y, Wed. 6:30 P.M.--C.Y.C. Wed. 7:30 P.M.--Prayer Meeting and Official Board A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU FREE METHODIST CHURCH 1042 Rossland Rd. W., East of Garrard PASTOR----REV. R, H. JAMES, 725-1280 10;00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A:M.---MORNING WORSHIP "TEACH ME THY WAY, © LORD" 7:00 P.M.--EVENING WORSHIP "THE GREATEST OF THESE' MON,..6:30---CHILDREN'S MEETING TUES.--W.M.S. WED. 8:00---PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY THURS, 8:00--YOUNG PEOPLE'S De not miss the Light and Life Hour on Redie Station WHLB, Niegore Falis, N.Y., 1270 on dial at 4 p.m Corps Officers SUNDAY, 2:00 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL TUES. 2:30 P.M.--HOME LEAGUE THE FRIENDLY COMMUNITY CHURCH Major & Mrs. Gordon Holmes To serve con! §=---_- OCT. 3st 7:00 P.M.--"THE SECOND COMING WED. 8:00 P.mM.--PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY ROSSLAND ROAD THE SALVATION ARMY 11:00 A.M.--"COME BEFORE WINTER" OF CHRIST" "A Welcome Awaits You at the Army" Soonmaual -- and Simcoe Sts.) Nursery care provided 7:00 P.M. -- EV (Services of Chr, Ref. Churches P.M. (Back to Ged Hour, each 10:00 A. M. -- MORNING WORSHIP Tune in te CKLB et 11 A.M. on alternating Sundays Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Evongeline & Philip Murray Postor: REV. ERNEST WINTER during morning worship ENING SERVICE in the Oshewe-orea) ond at 9:15 Sundey) FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HORTOP AT GLENWOOD Rev. N. Frank Sweckhammer, B.A. Miss Judith Davison, Bac, Mus. 11:00 A.M.--REV. M Toronto 7:00 P.M.--Laymen' _ The Bible Schoo! 9:30 am Nursery ond Jr. Church ot 11:00 a.m. 9:45 AM. -- BIBLE SCHOOL 17:00 A.M "LOVE AT ITS BEST" 7:00 P.M "DIVINE ENTHUSIASM" WED. 7:45--B8iBLE STUDY and PRAYER . F, MORDEN, s Service of Witness Catvary Baptist CENTRE ond JOHN STREETS Postor---REV, ROBERT B. LYTLE 9:45 AM--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 A.M. -- 7:00 P.M. -- REV. ROBERT LYTLE 7:00 P.M.--SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO WEDNESDAY through SUNDAY 7:30 P.M. ANNUAL MISSIONARY CONFERENCE Dr, J. Allen Blair -- Rev. Peter Stam Missionaries, Films, Panels, etc. REV. King St. United Church 129 KING STREET EAST L. WESLEY HERBERT, Minister Miss Nancy Fraser, Deaconess Mr. Rhyddid Williams Choir Director and Organist | Youth Department 10:00 A Baby Creche Nursery and Church School 11:00 A.M, Romans Solo: ° "Here at Anthem: "Rejoice, the 11:00 a.m. "LONG DISTANCE CALLING" the Cress" Mrs. Harold Ballem" | 1; 8-20 (Coles) Lord is King" (Couper) ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH SIMCOE STREET The Church in the heart of the UNITED CHURCH city with the World on its heart. MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. Director of Music: Mr. R. G, Geen, L.T.C.M, 11:00 A.M. "AM Gospel Worth Proclaiming"' The minister will preach. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:48 AM--Adult Bible Study Group Young Adult Bible Class Youth Department 11:00 A.M.--Children's Department --Bab' y Core farmers and speculators were not e@ different standard for based on taxes, g a. : i i Mr. Hepditch said the 300-| He it would be more acre parcel was assessed by|sirable if the legislature permit- himself at $300 per acre. This|ted m to pass a by- was reduced to $100 per acre law annua which would te by the county judge and then to|duce taxés -- not assessment -- $50 last week by the Court of/at a certain rate for legitimate Appeai. farmers. ; At $50 an acre he said the land is assessed at $15,000, about 6.5 per cent of its actual) TEHRAN value. Taxes on the land would amount to about $700 or $800 a|o of Haneary encenenyly pom defended his bantamweight title Across the street, said Mr,| Wednesday at the world weight- Hepditch, is a two-acre parcel|lifting championships. Foldi house, at $16,000. The property|lifted a total of 793 pounds, is assessed at about 33 per cent/shiro Ichinoseki, was second of its actual value and taxes). i, 7go abde. ab amount to about $300 per year.|Sniry Chun Hoon ae , iJ MUST END ished sixth with a total lift of He said speculators must and 660 pounds, i are able to qualify as farmers WESTMOUNT | but because their revenue from UNITED CHURCH farming is so low, it is obvious they are not serious farmers. Bond Street West at Rosehill Bivd, (ust north of the Oshewe Mr. Hepditch said the Court pede gn decision sets a pre- cedent for other lands owned by speculators. In Oshawa this] minister: Ror eb it Were, BA. Organist---Cholr Director assessment reduc-| Rowland L. McCord, Mus. Boe, tion on a parcel of farm land in| the city, owned by the same) 11:00 A.M. speculators, who were able to' 9:45 A.M.--Junior, Intermediate should require assessors to) 1:00 Py view Senior Depts. apply the same assessing at] -- KR Se value standard to all lands -- RETAINS TITLE -- , Iran (AP)--Imre week, the decision prompted a} substantial Galt as tas Divine Worship mers. | SUNDAY SC Mr. Hepditch said legislation) pcre 2 eperiene ennamartny ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH (Corner of Albert St. and Olive Ave.) MINISTER: REV, HELMUTH DYCK, B.A. Organist-Choirmaster: Harold Ellis SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL M.----Junior, Intermediate and Senior Depts. .M.--Beginners, Kindergarten and Primary Depts, .M.--Morning Worship : "THE NEW REFORMATION" 7:00 P.M.--Church Membership Class for Adults 7:00 P.M.--Kairos ----- Young Adult Group Nursery for Infonts and Toddlers A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL EVANGEL Pentecostal Church Meeting in the T. R, McEwen Senior Public Schoo! Auditorium WILSON RD, SOUTH Pastor: Rey. R. D. Ellis 9:45 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for all ages, 11:00 A.M. -- MORNING WORSHIP Subject: "DIVINE HEALING" 7:00 P.M. -- EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 'Be sure your sin will find you out' Pastor Ellis preaching in both services, SUNDAY 4:45 P.M--"A Message of Life Broadcast CKLB 1350 725-9617 | | | i | | | | | TTT BYNG AVENUE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 83 BYNG AVE., WEST OF SIMCOE ST. N. PASTOR--REV, G, A, CARROLL RES. 728-2426 OFFICE 728-2931 7:00 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Message: '""WATERS THAT WILL QUENCH THE THIRST" Pastor speaking and specie! telent, 11:00 A.M.--PRAISE AND WORSHIP Speaker: MR, CARL YOUNG, Assistant Pastor 10:00---A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL DUUUAUUAAREAU NEAL EAAH EERIE THe Hitt ATTN At King Street Pentecostal Church One Block West of Oshawa Shopping Centre E. H. Kerr; Pastor -- 728-5371 9:45-A.M,--~Sunday- School 11:00 a.m. -- Inspiring Worship Service Evangelistic Service A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO YOU! cc ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS Minister: THE REV. JOHN F. G. MORRIS, B.A., S.T.M., Organist and Choirmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES A.T.C.M. 9:30 A.M.--Junior and Intermediate Departments (Children 9-13 years) Pre-Confirmation Class--Grade 9 Senior Discussion Group--Teens 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Kindergerten end Primary Depertments 11:00 A.M. -- "ARE THE GOD'S DEAD?" There are hostile forces oll eround us, Some demonries of our time. _ Can Christ overcome the dangers we face? An inquiry for All Hallows Babes and toddlers are Eve. cored for during service. NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST. AND ROSSLAND RD.) MINISTER -- REV. H. A. MELLOW, B.A., D.D. ORGANIST -- MR. RONALD KELLINGTON DEACONESS -- MISS SHIRLEY M. MeKEE CHURCH SCHOOL SESSIONS 9:15 A.M,.--Primory Grades 1, 2, and 3; Junior 4 & and 6 9:15 AM.--Intermediate Grades 7, 8 and 9; Senior Grades 10 and over 10:45 Nursery oges 3; Kindergorten ages 4 and 8; Primary Grades 1, 11:00 2, and 3 A.M. i "THE CONTINUOUS REFORMATION" 2:30 P.M.--Socrament of Baptism in Chapel 7:00 P.M.--Study Group, 707 Hotrop 7:30 P.M.--Kairos (19 years and over) SIMCOE STREET PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 245 SIMCOE ST. $ Rev. GEORGE C SUNDAY -- 7 P.M. "BOTH THE GOOD AND BAD SUFFER !" Is this fair? e@ is life really worth PASTOR GEORGE SMITH WILL DEAL WITH THIS SUBJECT PLUS THE MELODETTES -- 10 Young Ledies That Sing SIMCOE STREET CHOIR -- 25 Voices 11 A.M. WORSHIP SMITH, Pastor e living? 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTICE This Sunday two new supervised nurseries will be opened for babies ond toddlers. These facilities will be in operation during Sunday. School, the Morning Service and the Evening Service. DR, J. HARRY FAUGHT FAREWELL TO REV. A MRS. HOWARD KERR -- leaving tofminister in Argentine e@ GOSPEL MUSIC PRESEN BY "THE KUDRAS" -- All Icome -- Listen to "SONGS IN THE NIGHT Sunday 11:05 CKLB 1350

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